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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1899)
Dizzy ? Then your liver isn't acting well. You suffer from bilious ness , constipation. Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. 25c. . All druggists. Want your muustuclio or bo.ird a beautiful r. ° . 'lLn or rlch ' 'lack ? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE . P H IL A CO. N HO . N. H. Put salt on the clinkers in your stove or range while they are hot , after raking down the lire , and it will remove them. QUALITY AND NEWS. FAME AND EXCELLENCE ARE DE TERMINING FACTORS IN SUCCESSFUL - CESSFUL DEVELOPMENT. One of the Important Functions of Iliili Clnsa Tn presenting interesting phases of sci entific and economic problems , high-class newspapers frequently give information of as great value in their advertising columns - umns as in those devoted to the publica tion of the principal events of the day ; and wheu the fame of a product is ex tended beyond its natural limits into for eign lauds , and a large demaud created throughout Great Britain and her colonies nies and the principal seaports and cities of Europe , Asia and Africa , it becomes a pleasant duty to note the fact and to tell of the points of excellence on which eo great a success is based. We refer to the now world-famed laxative remedy. Syrup of Figs , the product of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Company. The merits of this well-known excellent laxative were first made known to the world through the medical journals and news | papers of the"1 United States ; and is one ' of the distinct achievements of the pres * . 1 It is now well known that Syrup of Figs Is an ethical proprietary remedy , approv ed by the most eminent physicians every where , because it is simple and effective , yet pleasant to the taste and acceptable to the system , and not only prompt in its beneficial effects , but also wholly free from any unpleasant after-effects. It is frequently referred to as the remedy of the healthy , because it is used by people who enjoy good health and who live well and feel Well and are well informed on nil subjects generally , including laxatives. In order to get its beneficial effects , it is necessary to get the genuine Syrup of Pigs , which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. ouly. We seldom nhd people ungrateful as long as we are in a condition to render 'horn services. Rochefoucauld. IHE ills of women overshadow their whole lives. Some women are constantly getting medical treat ment and are never well. ' A woman best understands women'siills , " and the women who consult Mrs. Pinkham find in her counsel practical assistance. Mrs. Pinkham's address is Lynn , AL Mass. MRS. MABEL GOOD , Correctionville , la. , tells how Mrs. Pinkham saved her life. She says : " I cannot thank you enough for what your medicine has done for me. I can recommend it as one of the best medicines on earth for all women's ills. I suffered for two years with female weakness and at last became bedfast. Three of our best doctors did me no good so I concluded to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. After taking a few bottles of your medicine , I was able to do all my house work. I know that your medicine raised me from a bed of sickness and perhaps death , and am very thankful for what it has done for me. I hope that every suffering woman may be per suaded to try your medicine. " Get Mrs. Pinkham's advice as soon as you begin to be puzzled. The sick headaches and dragging sensation come from a curable cause. "Write for help as soon as they ap- | pear.MRS. MRS. DOLE STANLEY , j C a m p b e llsburg , Ind. , a writes : " DEAR MRS. j PINKHAM I was troubled I with sick headache and i was so weak and nervous , I1 could hardly go. A friend called upon me one evening and recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , saying that she knew that it would ccrce inc. Lthen sent for your medicine and after taking five bottles of it , I was entirely cured. I cannot praise it enouofh- " Makes millions think TO SKLL -Our Nortfccra drown ' Stock. UcstWage * . Pty Weekly. THE EWELL MJKbEUY CO. . LaUc Cltr. Minn. Should write for our now PRIfiTER&f o ! STATIONERY Fsaraples. The complctest ever issued. Sioux City Newspaper Union * Sioux City. Jotra. i Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use Kj in time. Sold by druyglsta. p r Highest RuilrtinKs In tlio TVorUI. The tcu highest structures In the world afo ill order as follows : Eiffel tower , Purls , OS4 feet ; the Wash ington monument , Washington , D. C. , Oo5 feet : the city building , Philadel phia , D.5 { feet ; the Cathedral of Co logne , Germans * , 511 feet ; the Cathe dral at Strassburg , Germany , 400 feet ; the chimney of St. llollox , chemical works , Glasgow , 4531/ ! feet ; St. Mar tin's Church , Landnhut , Germany , 454 feet ; St. Stephen's Church , Vienna , 458 feet ; the great pyramid of Egypt , 450 feet : and St. Peter's Church , Rome , 448 feet. Where His Heart Ta. "Have you heard from your son in the Philippines , Mrs. Parkins ? " "Oh , yes , indeed , Mrs. Jones ; e writes regularly. " "And is his heart In this war ? " "I don't exactly know. I jud e from what he says that it is in his boots most of the time. " Harper's Bazar. CANNON BALL PILLS. Big Balls of Poison Given as Medicine. Thousands Are Suffering from Mercurial P11I- Polson Taken in Youth Days of the Pills Are Past. Do yon want health ? Then keep your bowels clean and your liver lively ! It has always heon known that constipa tion Is the cause of nearly all disease , but the way of treating It has changed. The old way was to make up a sickening "black draught" or , still worse , an explo sive 'shot-gun" 'cartridge of calomel , aloes. jalap , gamboge , croton oil. blue mass , colocynth the larger the bullet the better and after the pat.ent had swallowed the dose , thrown the bowels Into spasms and turned the liver Inside out , he was settled for a few days feijueutly forever. The most dangerous medicine" of all was the mercurial pill-poison which lodged in the blood and joints , producing life-long aches. l-'orce is folly , if you have any regard for your well being. When it becomes neces sary to stir up your liver and have a gen eral Internal cleaning up. take Cascarets Candy Cjthartic , and produce natural ac tion In a nice , gentle , quiet , positive way. Cascarets are up to date , antiseptic , taste good , never grip or gripe , mild but effect ive. ' liny and try Cascarets to-day. You'll find that it's what they do , not what we say they'll do that proves their merit. All druggists 10r , 'JSc , "Oc , or by mail for price. Send for booklet and free sample. Address the Sterling Remedv Co. , Chicago ; Mon- treal , Can. , or New York. This is the CASCARET tablet Every tablet of the only genuine Cascaret bears the magic letters "CCC. " Look at the tablet before you buy , and beware of frauds , imitations and substitutes. ses of Time. "Even the hairs of our heads are numbered , ' ' said the good old deacon. "Well , my uncle , " rejoined his irrev erent nephew , "in your casa the count doesn't take up much of the enumera ting angel's time. " Sold A a in. New Arrivals Your booklet stated that a full baud of redskins was your chief attraction this summer. Where can I see them ? Hotelkeeper If you wish to see the redskins watch the bathers in the sun. $3&S3B5@ SHOES Worth $4 to $6 compared with other makes. Indorsed by oTgr 1OOOOOO74rurers. . ALL LEATHERS. ALL STYLES THE GE.M'IXK have IT. t. Dowlas' name end price ftampwl on bottom. Tnke no substitute claimed to be as good. Largest makers of $3 and C3.50 shoes In tlic world. Your dealer should keep them If not , tro trill send you a pair on receipt of price. State kind or leather. 6lze and width , plain or cap toe. Catalogue D Prce. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO. , Brockton. Mass. Ey's ! Orociii Bani ! I QUICKLY CURES Druggists , GO Cts. Apply Balm into each nostril. ELYBROS. , 66 TVarrea St. , K. V. STATE OF NEBRASKA NEWC Cr THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM. * , The Supreme Court Decides Against the Sluto in Ihc Abbott Case Kx-Siiperintcndciit Given Verdict Ibr $1OOO Other Items. The supreme court has decided in favor of ex-Superintendent L..I. Abbott of the state asylum iir bis suit .igainst the state for $1,030 , which amount he claimed was due under an appropriation by the legisla ture. Thesalary bill as passed by the leg islature of 1897 providu'l for a salary of ? 2,000 per year for the superintendent of the asylum , but the bill signed by tiie gov ernor provided for a salary of $2,500. Sev- aral other claims similar to the one of Dr. Abbott's have been file : ! with the auditor , and according to the decision of the su preme court in the case decided they will probably be paid. All of tiiese claimants , as well as l > r. Abbott , asked for only ibeir original salary , but after their terms of office expired claims for the excess amounts were at once filed. . . I. O. O. F. Ollieers. The following officers were elected by thel.O. 0. F. irrand lodge at Hastings : Grandmaster , O. O. Suyder of O'Neill ; deputy grand master , P. C. .Johnson of Holmesville ; grand warden , C. A. Randall , Newman Grove ; secretary , 1. P. Gage , Fremont ; treasurer. J3. F. Bryant of Omaha ; i op resent alive , G. W. Norn's of Beaver City ; home trustees , Arthur Gibson of Fremont , .1. S. Johnson of .Superior , D. C. Gifiert of West Point. The Rebekiihs newly elected officers are as follows : President , Mrs. Anna Johnson of Lincoln ; vice president , Mrs. Emma Talbotof Omaha ; warden , Mrs. Mary Caldwell of Aurora ; secretary. Mrs. Barger of Hebron ; home trustees , Mrs. lleaton of Lincoln , Mrs. iluller of Blair. New Coadjutor Bishop. Trinity Cathedral in Omaha was crowded Oct. 18 with a notable audience , assembled to witness the consecration of Rev. Arthur Llewellyn Williams , bishop coadjutor of the diocese of Nebraska. Right Rev. Geo. Worthing , S. T. D. , LL. D. , bishop of Ne braska , was the presiding bishop and con- secrator. The co-consecrators were Right Rev. John Francis Spauldiug. D.D. , bishop of Colorado , and Right Rev. Theodore X. Morrison served as a substitute for Right Ruv. William McLauren , D. D. , D. U. L. , bishop of Chicago , who was unable to at tend on account of illness , and delivered the sermon. Norfolk College Burned. Fire on the night of Oct. 17 totally de stroyed the college building belonging to the Norfolk College association. The loss is about $4,000 , insured for $2,000 in the North American and Connecticut Fire In surance Companies. The building was originally built and used , for a hotel and was known as the Tilleuburg and later as the Reno. Four years ago it was partially burned and was purchased by the college people and moved out a mile and repaired. A year ago the college closed its doors , and since then the building has been occupied by families. The origin of the fire is un known. George Ray Is Caught in Iowa. Sheriff Cole of Auburn received a tele gram the other day from a town in north western Iowa notifying him of the arrest of George Ray , vvho last December killed Frank Cheesmau of Browuville. Ray ad mit ud his identity , and offered to return without a requisition. The sherriff went after his man. Cheesman surprised bis wife and Ray together at his home one evening and in an encounter between the two men Ray shot Cheesmau fatally and escaped. Several hundred dollars m re wards have been offered for his capture. Crude Oil Lays the Dust. The Burlington railroad has been ex perimenting with crude oil between. Strat- tou and Trenton to see whether or not it would successfully lay the dust , which , on account of the dry weather , is very bad iu that vicinity. A strip sixty miles in length has been tried in all , and so far the experi ment has been a complete success. Farm Hand Meets Unknown Fate The body of the man found in a corn field near Lortou has been identified as that of Henry Neimaun , a German farm hand. He had been employed by farmers in the vicinity until July 10 , when all trace of him was lost. An inquest was held , the jury deciding he came to his death by unknown means. Children Burned to Death. Three children of Jacob Hofferber of Geneva , a boy of 11 and girls of S and 12 years , tried to light a lire while their parents were absent , using coal oil. An explosion occurred , throwing burning oil over them. The eldest girl died soon after being rescued. The other two will die. New Opera House at Norfolk. Work 1ms commenced on the new opera house to be built by Mr. Warrant , at Nor folk , in accordance with the agreement anterecl into by him with the Business Men's Association. The building is to be JOxlOO feet and have a seating capacity of 350. Attempt to Hob Depot Safe. An attempt was made , probably by local ! aleut , to blow the safe in the.Elkhorn depot at Geneva. The safe is considerably damaged , but nothing was taken. The tools found in the office had been taken from a blacksmith shop near the depot. Broken at Play. Earl Mott. son of Charles Molt of Kear ney hud a leg broken the other afternoon , lie and another boy were playing "circus" with the family horse when it slipped and Tell , the boy being thro\\ underneath the animal and his leg crushed. Girl Seeks Ker Death. Miss Daisy Perkins attempted to leave I he world at Edgar by the overdose of opium route. She swallowed half an ounce , but medical aid was called and she is out of danger. Terrible Plunge in the Dark. Mis. D. T. Martyn , who had been visit ing her sister at Monroe , went to 1he depot to take the train for home and in the dark ness fell fiom the platform , sustaining in juries which rendered tier unconscious nearly five hours. She is suffering chiefly fiom shock , and just how hef injuries may terminate cannot be determined. " " Thomas Bottorfl" Dies in Jail. Thomas Bottorff , who was coimctcxl last , wfek of assault on the 10-year-old child of 3Iitt A lion at Blair , died iu the county jail. There is strong suspicion of suicide. A MAGNIFICENT WOMAN ! Holds Up Feruna as the 'deal Remedy for Female Catarrh. MRS. CLARA MAKKMER. Mrs. Clara Makemcr , housekeeper for the Florence Crittenden Anchorage Mis sion of Chicago , writes the following let ter from 30- Chestnut street , Chicago : "Peruua is the best tonic I have ever known for general debility , a sure cure for liver complaint , and a never failing adjuster in cases of dyspepsia. "I have used it in ca es of female ir regularities and weak nerves common to the sex , and have found it most satisfac tory. " From early girlhood to the end of the child-bearing period few women are en tirely free from some degree of catarrh of the pelvic organs. With Peruua the thousand and one ail ments dependent upon catarrh of the pelvic organs can be wholly averted. "Health and Beauty" sent free to wom en only , by The Peruua Medicine Co. , Columbus , Ohio. The microbes that cause chills and fever and malaria cuter the system through mucous membranes made porous by catarrh. Pe-ru-na heals the mucous membranes and prevents the entrance of malarial germs , thus pre venting and curing these affections. The Empress and Her Stable. The Empress of Germany takes a keen interest in her private stables and in the riding lessons of her sons. Her majesty makes a point of having a daily ride , and when the weather is bad she takes it in the riding school. The empress always likes to be there when her younger sous are having their rid ing lesson , and often she will herself show them how to do what is being taught'them. At reviews the empress rides a very tall horse ; on ordinary oc casions her mount is a black horse , and for hunting she prefers a handsome chestnut , which is very quiet and a good jumper. Generally she is accom panied in her drives by the emperor'for she rarely drives out alone. Her special carriage is painted blue and black , but all the others belonging to the court are red and black. SWANSON'S " 5 DROPS" is the sua of the sick room. It has saved the pub lic , in less than five years , more money than the national debt of this country , when you measure the value of health re stored , suffering humanity relieved of its ngouies and diseases. Money which oth erwise would have been expended in fun- eralb , doctors and drug bills , loss of labor , etc. etc.SWANSON'S SWANSON'S " 5 DROPS" never fails to cure. It has cured and is curing mill ions of people afliicted with ACUTE and CIIROXIC RHEUMATISM. SCIAT ICA , NEURALGIA , ASTHMA , LA GRIPPE and CATARRH of all kinds. " 5 DROPS" has never failed to cure these diseases , when used as directed. It will cure you. Try it. Price of large sized bottle $1.00 , sent on receipt of"price , charges prepaid ; 25-cent sample bottle pent free , on receipt of 10 cents to pay for mailing. Agents wanted. SWAN- SON'S RHEUMATIC CURE COM PANY , No. 164 Lake street , Chicago , 111. Fatal Krror. "N. Peck's wife leads him a rather merry gait , I fane } ' . " "Oh , yes. When he was courting her , he told her one day she looked pretty when she was angry. And now it has got to be a habit. " Indianapolis Journal. 5OOO Guitars at $2.65. For those who are accustomed to send ing away from home for their goods it is of the greatest importance to know the character and reliability of the establish ment selling goods to families from cat alogues. The great emporium of the John M. Smyth Co. , located at 150 to 100 AVest Madison street , Chicago , has been established for a third of a century , and has furnished over half a million homes in Chicago and vicinity alone. This firm enjoys the confidence of the public by its many years of fair dealing. It issues an immense illustrated catalogue that should be in every family , as it describes and gives the price of every article required for household use. A sample of the ex traordinary values offered by this firm is \ shown in the illustration of the guitar at | $2.05 in another column of this paper. \ These instruments are indeed wonderful ' values , and yet they are but a sample of ! tht > thousand and one useful articles il- j lustrated and described in the beautiful ' catalogue of the John M. Smyth Com pany. On tlio Links. , "The idioms of the game have their J limitations. " "Yes ; when a man misses a stroke he ' talks just the same as if he bad bit' ' bis thumb with a hammer. " Puck. Idleness is only the refuge of weak j minds and the holiday of fools. Ches terfield. AN AFFLICTED PRINCE. Grandson of Queen Victoria the Vic tim of > pHcppy. To the great sorrow of ueen Victoria and of all the royal family of England , the young Duke of Albany has Inher ited the pronounced tendency of epi lepsy from his father , whose entire life , so prematurely ended , it ' served to blight. / It had been hoped thst the young prince , who has recently been a school mate at Eton of young Astor and of other American lads being educated at the 000-year-old college , had escaped the affliction. But during the past few mouths he has developed unmistakable signs of the malady , and recently had his first fit , which was of such an alarming character that he was at once removed by orders of the doctors to his mother's home at Claremont a full week before the end of the term. Nor is it likely that he will return to Eton. The affair is all the more sad as the boy is bright , merry and popular , with a very keen sense of humor. In fact , mentally he bids fair to resemble his father , who , in spite of his phenomenal ly delicate health , was the most intel lectually brilliant and far and away the most accomplished of all the sons of Queen Victoria. It may be remembered that the late Duke of Albany met with his death in a particularly sliocking fashion , having first lacerated himself with a pair of sharp-pointed scissors and then rolled downstairs while in the throes of a most violent fit. It is to be hoped that his son , the young duke , may be pre served from an analogous fate. But unfortunately , epilepsy is one of those ailments for which there is little or no cure , and all the hopes which had been entertained with regard to the military career of the royul lad will necessarily have to be abandoned. \n Optical Delusion. Stubb AVilUins married a girl with velvet eyes. Penn Yes , but after they were mar ried he fouud she bad eyes only for silks and satins. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. E. AY. Grove's signature is on each box. iSot in the Set. "Come away from those persons at i once , " cried Mrs. Tortoise to her young est. "Don't you know it is reported their shells are only imitation ? " In dianapolis Journal. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally. Price 75 cents. Trade with Argentina. Argentina buys most of her goods from Britain. Italy is second , Ger- manj- third and the 'United States a close fourth , with the prospect of soon being second. We will forfeit § 1,000 if any of our pub lished testimonials are proven to be not genuine. THE PISO CO. , Warren. Pa. Suieiiles Amonj ; Miners. There is said to be fewer suicides among miners than among any other class of workmen. Mrs. TVInsIow'H HOOTHINO STIIUP ror Children teething : softens the Riims , reduces inflammation , allajs pam. cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle. A good face is a letter of recom mendation , as a good heart is a letter of credit. Bulwer. "It is an III Wind ' r That Blows Nobody Good , " That small ache or pain or weakness if the "ill wind" that directs your attention to the neccsstty of purifying your blood by taking Hood's Sarsapanlla. Then your whole body receives good , for the purified blood goes tingling to every organ. It is the remedy for all ages and both sexes. - - ACTS GENTLY ON THE KIDNEYS , LIVER AND BOWELS CLEANSES THE SYSTEM " _ r f f" f < J * < A f % 9 THE GENUINEMAHTD BX roa SAU BY AU owjcGisrji ract soe. FIRBCTHL WILL KEEP YOU DRY. Don't be fooled with a mackintosh or rubber coat. If you want a coat that will keep you dry in the hard est storm buy the Rsh Brand Slicker. If not fur sale in your town , write for catalogue to A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass. S. C. N. U. - Get Your Pension DOUBLE < 2y QUiCKZ Writs Cast. O'FABBSLI * . Pension Agent.Washitgtcs. D. & "Thoughtless F'olks Have the Hardest Work , but Quick Witted People Use .TO 166 'MAILORDER ? W ST MADISON ST } CHJCACSO HOUSE : THIS ELEGANT GUITAR This Guitar is mads of the finest imita FOR $2.65 tion manogany with No more , no less , than 5,000 of them , either solid rosewood probably the largest contract in guitars or walnut fingerboard evsr made an instrument that posi tively sells from S3.50 to $7.00. When this board inlaid , pearl lot 13 exhausted we cannot duplicate position dots and this offer. Quantity talks. Only by oper German silver raised ating : on such a big scale , together with our well-known small profit policy , could frets ; it nas fancy in such an offering bp possible. Another lay around sound reason for dispensing such a bargain fcole and best quality broadcast is the confidence wo feel that every guitar sold will win for us a permanent American patent manent patron and a friend wboo heads ; the top of recommendation wo can count upon. "Wo Guitar is beautifully will forward the guitar to any address C. O. D. , Abject to examination , upon bound with , celluloid ; receipt of J > 0c. Wo , however , advise that it is strung with a cash in full bo sent , as that saves return full set of best quality charges for money and wo stand per fectly ready to refund money if the steel and is springs guitar is not all and more than we claim ready to play upon. for it. Remember our & { & , { rfcF * 31 special price on 5,000 of < k a uft them only is S ? ieaB y [ ? n which Is listed al fewest wholesale prices [ everything to eat wear and useis furnish : ed on receipt of only 109 to partly ; pay - .postage or expressage and as evidence W good faith the 109 is allowed on first /purchase / amounting to 6199 orabove. 4 "OUR MONTHLY GROCERY PRICE. LIST RcE-lQ THE GRANDEST OFFERS EVER ffflA E. the beautiful premiums -which are being given a\vay. This offer is only made for a short time to farther introduce the famous "HED CROSS" Starch , and the celebrated "HUBIXGER'S BEST" colci trater Starch. As ! : your grocer for this starch. V