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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1899)
B. MC&AA. Creston , S. D. Left or either side ' * ( of cuttle ; also V left , r side f nci-k. Swal low fork right car , uTiderbit left : right ear nubbed off : un- rtcrhit lef enr Some on left jaw and some wattle IsZt jaw Other brands left side or * ny part of animal , 3r anv part of animal , branded the following , leit Also some cattle bearing the follow V- ing brands : - H left side or Miou.dcr ; W norse Lrands at lows -J li Kit I. . thigh thigh thigh , ortnigh , hip. Anyon e selling horses or rattle bearing the above brands will be prosecuted. Information regarding theft liberally icwarded. Kange at Barney bprings and Cottonwood. HERBERT O. BISONETTE. MANAGER. 4jT ? * Postoffice address K&M&5 > I'liie Ridge , S. I ) Cattlf branded as on 9 VJ cut , El OB on left DMllfsido ; & eithersidc : $ ' r Some & & & on left si ! el ; | } some older stuck. .any whereon animal. Horses K li on leftliip re- Seven miles .u . on east of i'ine u.dge . , in Shannon Co .70H GHOST BEAU. MANAGER Posiofflce address t ? * Pine Ri * > , S. 1 Cattl1 branued B C on left hip of cat1 leas on cut- some branded on l < ftsd.-ilso. ; ; : > u on lett side ; hordes nine i. leit shoulder * e Wounded Knee rnd Wakpain- nl LikeShantionCo. : L. C. Peyton. Lavaca Nebraska. . . , . ytf A. yiftfl * * 'riiwj s On lefi side , uange P.JleCreok. SHOUT HORN HULLS for sale Gco. H. Hill. P.W. . Pruden. Merrlman. N Some nc. titled same as cut on both K uge Northetst of aMorrnnau Geo. L. Coleman. CoSy , Nebraska On left side : hors > s O eft jihoulde' ' iiaiiKe Ton miles f n-eMof Snake uiver Falls Alex Burr. Pullman , Ncbr. On right side ; ? 3 ? h-riP5 same left bhoulder. m m nerd marl-Dew lap Ilange Brush t& South Geo. W. Monnier. .Jlcrrlman , eb. Left j-houlcJer and left tbiclusoni onlcfthplior- , aes sauie Icfi tliich jaiige East and Bouthcast Tiieiruiiau Grant Bixler. , - _ - Merriman. Neb. Some on left side ; some on leit hip : horses same lef1 thigh. uauge Six miles Northern of Merrl IT. E. Sears. ( tody. Ncbrnska tfostly on right hip i me on both hips * ' Range-Modiclne S. J. Goodin. i * P- * Cody , Nebraska Cattle biended as on cci. horhejd same. Range North of the Snake C. Evenson. , v-Ne bra' ! > & left side and Jhlgh ; horses vn left side / % Rungs B- - \ (3B MARTIN RED BEAR. Posloffloe address Pine Ridge , 8.D. On left 2 > id3 : horses same left thiff'i. Range Wolf Creek. A THOMPSON Postofflce Addres ; Simeon Neb Stock branded same &fl cut be hind leftshoulder Range on the Sculagle T7 Q CARSOH PoBtofflce Addres Simoon Neb Stock branded 5ii left hip same is cut cutRange Range , head- vnrter ? of tuc tX-lilngle D II 6EARS PostofEo' address . . - . , Kennedy Neb --j--- . - lm mm } Cattle nded ; , lcftsidesomt ; bip norsej same on left snoul der Lag , Squar B1GRGAREIDGE and SON /os'offlce addrnss Simeon Iseb Cattle branded as on cut ; or I.T or V D on left hip with hole m rght ear when nu- icr'-yrs old ; horse same as cut and IJ Kange Gordon Creek and Niobraru. laver ALBERT WHIPPLE Postofflce address Rosebud. ! . i andod o some SOS Horses cither si 3SJ derSomu Somu Jin branded' , on either shonl lerthus FRANK ROTHLEUTNER Postofflce address Kilgore. Neb. Cattle branded on either side as on cut. same on hip Some on left side VA ROBERT BAD WOUND. Postoflice address Allen. R Left sldealsc ; on lolt viii norae iffr liii- . Ilange Corn Creek T. F. FRANKS. Postofflre address Merrinmn. Neb Onleftsidceur-mark mdcr sloje Horses J S on lett shoulder Range ten miles mrthciist of aierrl- nan. S. H. KIMMEL. Ros.e'nid. S. D. Also B U n left side Ca tie un ! rout on both ours ; horses branded en left go On A nte- and Sprui Joseph Fairbead. Lavacn. Neb. & ) iKinge-Retwci'ii Fair head Lake and Snake river Clarence Cutcorab. Cody , Nebraska. Left side on lurgi * uange-Southeast o " 7 iH Gutcomb Lake ? -s Sbadbolt and Fleishman. Cody , Nebraska Left side ; S F left shoulder ; hcrdmark- dew laj. . iiangb Ranges 38 and 37 , between Nlo- ) -a.ra tnd the Snake. James Goodfellovv and Son. Cody. Nebraska On left Bide ; hor. res JG rignt bint and mostly on Jaw. nanse Between tti Viol r'ra and i Medicine Ltlre. W. H. Carter. postomce adddr ss TTfi Uv CoJy , Nebraska. SriSSS > On left side ; some X T left side , hor.sea T Irft shoulder HIIOHT iior.x .stock , itaisgei Between Nl < " 'bniri aud the Snatft. HORACE WALLHTGFORD PostoOJce nddreaa Chesterfield Ke Cattle branled or left jlde and nln : left ear crop e square ; hem onlefUlde & left chou horses brand ed cross an chor on left shoulder. 8 B and A B 3ICALVEY Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same on left shoulder nnnge on Square Lake K13IS rostofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattlo.branded as an cut or on hip ; horses "aino. Some " Iff1 * " * ! ° ' 1 'e1' s ° f t-f/tffi nndar * OQ - / * .ono Tree Valley FLOYD KI3IE Pcsitofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle brandjd on left hip or aide 01 both norsro with H en left shoulder , nang * rtusb Lake , Goidcn and xorlh jooup N 0 ROTVLEY 'JosofHce nddress Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on eft side and hln.-lior- 03 on left l J * * Ji VI > ! - < * ' on either blp _ the inter on 'ghtIdriKEgQcn Also Fg fgttgn on on cither SC/JiSJ Ranue , Bnrdman between t f Big cend and the Sprluga rostofllre address Vfllentine , Neb Cattle branded same as on cut : some on left side aud hip ; horBCB same on leit shoulder. Cattle range , Gor don and Bordman ; Horse range , Steer Creelt , between the Mobnua and Snake D L UcLANK Postoffice Address Rosebud , S 1" ) Caulo branded s cut on either s'de ; ttso ! F L R und F R Horses branded I on left sbouliler iS * t QSS2Ss ! Range mouth of Cottonuood , RED SHIRT i'ostofflce Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded on left side same a out.Horses brand ed on left slior'di'r with a K. Ranch in Little White PKERY PARKER ? ostofilcc nddresa Kennedy Neb Cattle branded me as cut. Horses. P on left : ; oulder Ilanjre.rilouth ol 'ortlmun \V HIRLIND ! ' ' f DIE ' * ' PostofflceAddross Rosebud , S I ) Cattle brer.d oa left hip like cut Horses branded same on left shoul der. Range , on Big White River THEODORE DOYL23 KonncdvNeb Patclo brnndrd on irsifle and hlri i orst-s same on left oulrter K"iue vf ? on Iet ! slde " 4J1 ' rta'ig < Mtush .oup J D Postofflce nddress Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side with bo'tii tier * nas Whir's cut- tie , also.UBI F ? ? 5i ri itange.Gordon Creek G LADELY natofflce afldreBs Newton Neb Cattle branded mo as cut or on blp UorseJ L on left 'ank Range , between "orrion ere ok and lie Loup D B STONES Postoffloa uddreea No.vion Ib Cattle branded as on cut Also U on * , shoulder , c ; on side , 1-nn. hip leftside Also C on loft Jftv. In addition to U B fen f on side Range o Qt.rdon ere ok tad south RAYMOND [ oatofflco A dares * Roiebnd , 8. D Cattle branded loft houldcr and hip Horses branded n-uh only OB 3 en " GEORGK PETE D Home ABE left side and left hip Horses Mon left hip aud some same v on loft shoulder r No horses sold un- less'brand la invert- 'ed making K Range head of Whe Postofflce Address Simeon Neb Cattle branded or. riehtsido : horses same on lef tshoul. der. Range , snns mer. on n.-.K'nrlv * * : er , 4 miles from m to mouthy \\intpr , i of Sim e feils 3MS > C \7 BENNETT Postoffloe Addrejs Simeon Neb Stock branded jjjg S&m creeks and on tbo Niobrara river BURLEIGH " "ostofTIce Address Simeon , Neb. Cattle aud horses " branded same cut on leftside Range between Gordon and J-mk' creeks and on the Niobrara river N B LOUD Postofflco Addres Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut back of right shoulder and on right hip Range , on the Niobrara REUBEN QUICK BEAR. Postofflce Address Rosebud B I Cattle orandtd sam as cutoronhJp , R&ncli on Blue ! 3 Pipe Creek TODD STrllTH. Postofflce Address Rosebud SD Cattle branded .ame as cue a Dla- uond T Horass branded .he same. Ranch n Vvui 10 Thunder ROBERT TTNT.AYSON PostofScs addres- Newton Neb Stock brande' game as cut Kange on Gorro GEORGK DEPORY. Poatofnce Address Rosebud , S D C2 Cattle branded on left Bide same as cutHorses Horses branded G D on left hip Ranch on Lone 'nd Antelope ; creek BEN BEAUOVIS Postofflce ArtSrcsa ,7. Brand FI 22 vrs , Iliuiuh oi ) Creek D. BSAY 5'ostolce ! Address Rcsebud. S D Cattle branded enl l ft thigh or hip same as cut Horses branded s meon leit shoul der BEN TUKGKON Pjstofi'.ce Bone.stee-1. S JI Cattle brandotl m left suio same aa c r : and right cai crcj > Horses branded T on j leit shoulder Also witb cir I. F , SCHMIDT. Postofflce Address Rosebud. 8 , D,1 1 raaded same as on -.u : or with unatr the S ; rignt ear slip And dulaped. Horses branded ; ? .me un left blp ALEX BORDEAUX. Postofflce Address Rosebud , S I Horses ere brand c on left thlgb ; cattl on left side with li ; ; ' crop on left car , tl SIR with on ear Gustave Gunderson. Cody , Nebraska On left side ; hones j , on left shoulder. Range-Between Snak and th Niobrara frcstoffleo address Brownlee Neb Siunoason cut Aiao end AS be Horses on leit shoulder Gno-o Creek and North Loup L K BELDING address Brown ! Neb On right side or Range , Calf Creek j B and E T SMITH Postofflre aadrcas Brownlee Neb Cattle n.nd horses on left side ; tilso horses ses on right side Ranjje.G oose Crc k E. R. VANDEGRIFT. Postoffice address Enronicr. Neb. Same as on csv- Goose Creek atd v M vj Nortu Loup lW'T g /ggJ J. M. HANNA. TosSofRce address , JT > J ? > boneca. Kcb Cj&'t&fi Branded as WiSl 'v i S l on cut ; some / SSsCS Jfcscc _ . P on right \ . $ hip gr and some fi on right hip jlfp col/ ! 1100 / < gsj&aayg a ga E. E. ORR. Postofflce address Newton , Neb. Cattle branded any where on left side ; horses on left shoul der Range , between nortli prong and North Lr Gordon' ' JOSEPH KENNEDY. : & * ? $ = Postomce address SP igS ; _ V.vSS S * vJfixklS Brownlee. Neb. _ , Cattle and Horses BWge& ; 3w8sE randed on left side or nip afi"121 orKange. . North Loup R. M. FADDIS. nddrcas Pass Neb Ran e. WortJi Lour River L L. MERCURE. 1'o rofflce address Seneca. Neb v w P. GRIER. Pesto lce address AVP W322Ei ; tf ' r5 > . ' li5 * < Jrf5SS5'1Jlil Sij ? g.ii ii < J > riK J tween fccnecu a ul Vf § Norway on J-Iiildl- fe- ' - - 6M Loup B W PEARSON tr ' PostoSlPe address Bro rnleo Neb Same as on cut Horses same on oftshouldor Range , Goose Creek JOHN H SALZ3IANN PostoSice addres Erownlee Neb On left hip. The herd mark is a deu. lapRan Ran o on Goose Creek. FRANK T LE3 Tostofflre address 7rownlee Neb CaUle on left side : her s .iime on left sl'onlder. Range 4 "iis.-j northeast ot orownlee A GERMAN PcstfRce address Newton Neb Cattle branded fit'- ersidehorss samp onlcftsboulder.abo have care i 3t < i. branded SP under lined. Kange-Nortii DICK HCNAI.Ii Pestofflce Brownlca Neb On left aidcand htp also 8 oa left hip U.-in a , Korth Lou ? CHARLES H Postofflco iddresi Brownlee , Nebr Either right or left side on cattle * Horses same on I leit shoulder Left ear cut off ol cuttle Range , Loup riv er HENRY FAULHABER. Postoflice adiSrcM Brownlco. Neb Cattle on left ftd ! Horses sama o left shoulder DAVID STEADMAN Postofflce address Pass. Neb Cattle un leftsicje' Hascharjri-of cattle branded ' Rg richtside- Horses rle. . on left shoul der JOHN CHALOUD V Postoffoe nddre t Brownlee , i > re& Cattle and horse * on right side Range. BcCre tt 2 > E PERKINS Postofflce address On left hip } snge , ioup Rive ? TALBOT A GALIXP branded on leftshou'derfg Range beti , . twren Middle toiji and Diamal GEORGE GRAY j- i : t Postoffice address .be .o.d.Nebr On left hip feilp OrA6 on right hip v & or side Y Kange. Loup and CKONIN BROS. PostofHce addrea Thedford.Nebr On right side Range , betweea Loup tnd iSa ! > WALT HARDY. Postofflce ( uldrees Seneca. Neb. Left side on cattle ; horses ; , left shoulder .als oi left side on vighc hip jj Kiiiige.soiitb Middle Loup. JULIUS HECKMAN. < = W " " ' " " " r , 8'me ao on cut rsrh M. DUNHAM. Postoflice eadress Kenneov. N Stock branded on left side as on cut. Range Gordon Creek. . K GRA2IT PostoSlco addrea * Brownlee N > On lef tilde s. Loup Slvca rostoir.ce addreat Brovmlee Neb Branded on lef tsldo Sanqe , Call Creek and Swan Lake Val ley Poitodicn Brnu-nloe On leit side Range , R WALLTNGFORD PostoDoe address Kennedy Neb Stock branded lime as cut on loft side Roma branded with barundarneaai w s oa