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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1899)
srtfi > 2 * ut and Slash Prices ft * * * ftft * * On All Summer Goods 2 * ' fc 2 * i > i&fr PIECE GOODS SHIRT WAISTS &fr J > &frft CRASH GOODS ft ftft ' - SILKMITT3 LADIES UNDERWEAR ftft ft ftft ft ftft 49 ft 49 ftft ftft W < ? A Fine lot of Ladies hand turned high grade shoes at ftft ftft < ? ft 49 49 away down prices. Don't fail to look at them ftft 49 ft ftft 49 49 49 49 RED FRONT ftft ftft ftft 49 ft 49 ftft 49 VALENTINE NEBRASKA ft 49 ftft 49 ft That's what we want you to do get posted on our stock before buying elsewhere. If you do Ave'll be glad of it , because we can save you some money. We don't mean that we will sell you a very poor article at a very low price. We don't do business that way. We mean that the prices on the best goods are the lowest that you can get. Come and see. v Agent for | E. VIERTEL Pasteur Blackleg Vaccine. iyAx . We have some good horses for sate Crookston , Nebraska V S- " " ' SSuccessor - Successor to vV ALOOTT & STEVENSON LIVERY BARN WE HAVE RECENTLY DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR BARN A. N. COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigley's Drug Store. Front Nights-TJpstairs-Red O.W.MOREY THE VALENTINE WATCH / MAKER AND JEWELER Carries a full line of ster- . line : silver novelties C. A. WELLS J" . B. WELLS WELLS BROS. DENTISTS ! Office over Cherry Comity JSanh Feed in Transit at Fremont Capacity : - Sheep , covered sheds , 24 cars ; open pens , 15,000. Caitle 28 cars. The place to rest and feed for the Omaha market. Easy run to feeding points out side Chicago. Long distance telephone. Write or wire when you will ar rive , tj Fremont Stock Yards Co J. C.DWYER. E.H. DWTER. DWYBR BEOS. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Superintendents of A Private Hospital. For the Treatment of Diseases- All Kinds of Surgical Oper ations Successfully Purformod. i * ' * & : ' A. M. MOKRISSET ATTORNEY AT LAW o - 'Io VALENTINE , NEB F M. WALCOTT , ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTED Valentine , Nebraska Practices in District Court and U. S. Land Office. Heal Estate and lianeh Property boueht and sold. Bonded Abstractor Valentine House J. A. HOOTON , Prop. Eecently opened and newly furnished. Not a restaurant , but a hotel. $1.00 PER DAY The bestof , viands and treatment given to our patrons. First Door South of Bank of Valentine J. S. ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness und accuracy Office at Estabrook Honse on Cherry St. VALENTINE , NEB- JUill 1'rlcea forjfeetl. Bran , bulk 55c per cwt $10.00 ton Shorts bulk 65c per cwt $12 00 ton Screenings 40c " $7.00 " Chop Feed 55c " $16.00" Corn 70c $1300" Oats 85c " $1600 " Strayetl or Stolen. Several head of horses and cat tle , . j&jded Amos Strong , Valentine , Neb. A diseased liver declares itself by morosencss , mental depression , lack of energy , restlessness , melancholy and constipation. HEKBTNE will restore the liver to a health } ' condi tion. Price 5Q ceuts. J. H. yvflijf _ - . rrr : .f Sfft r WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT BOBEET GOOD , Editor and Publisher 1.00 Per Fear in Advance PUBLIHHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at t b e Post-office at Valentine , Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full. Go to Stinard's for bargains. . 29 Races , second week in October. Brick cheese at T. C. Hornby's. 31 Cut prices on everything at D. Stinard's. 19 Mrs. R. H. Watson returned home last night. Cap Archer has recovered from his recent illness. Hard wood fence posts. ; See Farn ham & Dikeman. ' 33 See the new line of outing flannels at T. C. Hornby's. ' . " 31 A second hand base burner for sale CHEAP. C. J. Farnham. 33 T. C. Hornby sells glass fruit jars cheaper than anybody. 31 Headquarters for school tablets and pencils at Pettycrew's. Insist on having good spices such as are sold at T. C. Hornby's. 31 Frank Gillette and Mel Hanna of Ainsworth are in town today. W. Metzger was in town a f e\v hours Tuesday morning , from Newton. All kinds of feed delivered. W. A. Pettycrew. Gene Hutchinson went to Colorado this morning for an extended visit. See those small hams , just the thing lor haying , at Farnham & Dikeman's. Goods at half price at Stinard's. 29 Frank T. Prawitz is working for G. Hornby , vice Elmer Bristol , who re signed. L. W. Handy of Valentine has all kinds of horses and mares for sale Broken and unbroken. 27 Frank Higgins sold 40 head of cows and steers this week at $3.15 and $4.15 to parties from Kennard. The treasurer is making out the de linquent tax list , which will be pub lished the first of October. The mill dam is rapidly being re paired , and it is expected that the job will be completed next week. Just received , a fresh line of the famous Haarmann pickles. W. A. Pettycrew. G. H. Q. SMITH House and carriage painter. Shop corner of Hall and Catherine streets , Valentine , Nebr. Buy your jelly glasses for 35 cents a dozen from T. C. Hornby , the same kind that other stores ask 50 cents for. 31 &The voters in Town 31 Range 31 want their township cut off of Sharps Ranch and attached to Kennedy pre cinct. On September 26 and 27 the fare to Omaha and return will be only $6 , and on September 28 the fare will lie $7 40 ticket good for five days. The F. E. will run a special excur sion to Hot Springs , on Tuesdays Oct 3 and 17 , good for 30 days , at one fare plus $2 for the rcund trip. Bro. Lyon of tke Gordon Journal was in town Saturday afternoon , on his way home from Iowa , where he had been on an extended visit. grs. Dahlgren and son came down from Merriman , yesterday , to consult a surgeon in regard to the young man's limb , which was broken some time ago. ' "Cyclone" Davis and H. B. Fle- hart3r spe"ek at Cornell hall this af ternoon , and Judge Neville will talk in the evening. Colonel Eager is un able to be present. As an external liniment of most wonderful penetrative and curative power , BALLARD'S SNOW , LINI MENT is not equaled by any other in the world. Price 25 and 50 cents. J. H. Quigley. Until the last Saturday in October 1899 tickets will be on sale at Valen tine every Saturday and Sunday to Hot Springs , S. D. and return at $7.50. Tickets good returning 7 days from date of sale. Sar , boys , did you ever pi a double galley , about noon on press day , and that when oou were all alone in the office ? If you did you know how to sympathize with us , and will know why "there is nothing in the paper. " The most delicate constitution can safely use BALLARD'S HORE- HOTJND SYRUP. It is a sure and pleasant remedy for coughs , loss of voice , and all throat and lung trou bles. Price -5 and 5U cents. J. H. Quigley. Slaves under the jurisdiction of the United States are now permited to bny their freedom for $20.00. Some blund ering copperheads hove been asking how the slave is to get $20.00 when his hands , his head and his feet all belong to his master. But the asking of any such questions as that , only shows that the man has treason in his heart. The populists of Valentine met last Saturday evening and elected Joe Bnrleigh , Wes Harden , John Whil- lans , Josh Hitt , Grant Dunn , G. P. Crabb , Walter Meltendorff , Jim Gal loway and W. A. Pettycrew delegates to the county convention. A com mittee consisting of John Whillans , Jim Ray and Walter Meltendorff was appointed to nominate a precinct ticket. Twenty-two votes were cast at the caucus. At the democratic caucus last Sat urday , P. J. Donoher was allowed to name tne delegates to the county convention , and later presented the following list , which was approved George Schwalm , C. H . Thompson Fred Miller , James Irwin , Robert Robinson , Dr. Compton , Henry Stet- ter , E. Breuklande-i rnd Ed Parry , Fred Miller , Ed Pariy and Robert Good were appointed to confer with the populists and empowered to nom inate a precinct ticket. The populist and democrat commit tees met Tuesday evening and put up the following precinct ticket : Assessor Robert Robinson. Justices of the Peace J. M. Car- pentei and Geo. Q. Smith. Constables W. H. McCloud and U. G. Dunn. Road Overseers Chris Elling anc J. W. Ward. This is a ticket which we believe will give satisfaction to the voters of the precinct , and we hope to see it elected. F. Franks , a prominent stockman o Merriman was in the city this week In a little interview , the Journal re porter learned that Mr. Franks expects to close out his interest at Merriman as soon as he can make satisfactory deal lie has a large ranch with about 300 head of cattle and facilities for feeding 100 ton of hay. Mr. Franks is holding this rauch and stock at a very low fig ure and will prove a good investment for some one with fair amount of capit al and brains. Frank will return to England for the purpose of securing control of unlinked capital witl which he will run a much larger rancl than the one he now owns and will al so handle a greater number of cattle He believes northwest Nebraska the only place for a successfull stock grow er , and he will lose no time in settling down near his old haunts , immediately on his return from England Chadron Journal. Eli Precinct. Everyone is about through haying. W , C. Shattuck and wife from north of Merriman were down on the river , Saturday. Mr. Jack Frost called last Saturday night , for the first time this fall. Three of our schools are in full blast and the fourth should be. The democrats nominated W. D. Ricketts for assessor , Clint Jones and J. W. Garner for road overseers , Fred Robinson and P. Sullivan for justices of the peace. Andrew Steele , F. R. Yanish aud E. E. Crane were elected delegates to the county convention. Mrs. O. C. Goodrich attended confer ence in Valentine. Garner Bros , are vaccinating their calves. F. II. Robinson bought Henry Heck- el's yearling steers last week. F. B. Yanish turned over the steers he has been holding for Mills Bros , last Monday. SANDY. The Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings will offer about 4,200 acres of school land , for lease at public auction at Thedford at the office of the county treasurer , beginning at 9 a. m. Sept. 25,1899 , under the following pro vision of the new school land law : If after using due diligence to tease said land , at an annual rental of six ser cent upon the ap praised valuation , the Commissioner is unable to do so , he may offer the same for lease at less than the appraised valuation and leose it to the person or persons who will pay six per cent on the highest offered valuation , as annual rental , if in his judgment it is to the best interest of the state to accept such bid. Persons desiring to examine lands to be leased may secure lists of the same , showing present appraisement thereof , as well as any other information , upon application to the county treasurer or by addressing the commissioner at Lin coln. At the beginning of the auction the Commissioner ; vill gladly answer all inquiries in regard to the school land Dusiness or the workings of the new law The list of lands referred to will be found on page fiva of this paper The Commissioner will hold a similar auction in Sheridan county , at Rusli- ville , Sept. 5 , Cherry Sept. 7th. Sioux Sept. 18 , Box Butte Sept. 20 , Grant Sept. 21 , Hooker Sept. 22 , Blaine Sept. 23 , Logan Sept. 26 , Loup and Garfield Sept. 28. . > . v. ' THE-UNION Formerly Valentine House H. K. BROWN , PROP VALENTINE , NEBR. Good cooks , good beds , good rooms , good service and good provisions Try us once and you will come again $1.00 per day Opp. Court House W Are acknowledged to be the best and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAVE JUST EECEIVED A CAE LOAD In addition to this I have just received a car of "WIND MOTOR" WIND MILLS "Which I am selling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere 4 D. S. Yalentiuej Nebraska . . THE STOCK EXCHANGE LIQUORS , WINES AND CIGARS SPECIALTY JUG AND BOTTLE CUSTOM Milwaukee , St. Louis and Fremont Beer. We solicit the trade of those who ap preciate good wines and liquors WALTER F ; A. MELTENDORFF. PROPRIETOR OUR MOTTO Honest Goods ; Honest Prices ; Courteous Treatment. T ! AT - MARKET GEO. G. SCHWALM , PROP. This market always keepa a supply of fl IV ' * f ; , In addition to a first-class line of Steaks , Roasts , Dry Suit Smoked Hams , Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables At Stetter's Old Stand on Main Street. VALENTINE , NEBRAS THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS FOR LIQUORS AND Of the Choicest Brands I ? VALENTINE NEBRA iCA When Visiting Valentine Stop at. THEjOTY HOTEL J. A , HORNBACK , Proprietor , $1,00 per day. Good Service. THE - CABINET . .GRAND. . STYLE 0-PRIGE , $250.00 , TERMS $25.00 Cash and 810.00 per Month. UPEKIOll Quality of Tone , being brilliant , inlodious , and of splendid volume- Perfect touch } & nVory/.eMp0nslve/ , , fuli , metal 1)Iate ; on s le of seven and ouiliirt [ octoves three-stringed with , , overstrung , boss ; repeating action very finely regulated- Ivory Kev - hree pedals hardwood . * case double veneered ; improved lull-swlns duel music desk witbsDeoIal designed oval panel ; continuous nickel plated hinges ; Carved and THIS PIAJST0 HAS THE SUPERIOR HARP ATTACHMENT DIMENSIONS : Height-Four leet nine inches , widthFive . - feet four inches. Depth - T\vo feet three inches. WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS- AH08PE : . : OMA A , . * >