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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1899)
OCCURRENCES THEREIN FOR A WEEK. BOLD TEAIN ROBBERY SOUTHERN PACIFIC PASSENGER HELD UP. Pour Masked Man Blow Up the Ex press Car with Dynamite and Take Everything at Cochise , Arizona- Bandits Escape. Arizona Train Robbery. Cochise , A. T. : Express train No. 10 on the Southern Pacific was fobbed here Sun day night by four masked men , who blew the safe open and took everything in sight. The amount of their booty -is said to be small. The train was stopped , the engine , mail and express cars were cutoff from the rest of the train and run a mile farther up the road , where the bandits stopped to complete their work. The express messen ger was forced to open his car and the rob bers attacked the safe with dynamite. The strong box was soon blown open and the contents taken by the thieves , who hastily departed. They were last seen go ing north on foot and a posse started on their trail immediately. The dynamite used on the safe blew out the side of the express car and tore up the floor. There is no clue to the identity of the robbers. HAS REACHED NEW YORK. Steamer from Key West Brings Fever Among Passengers. New York : The Mallory line steamer Lampasas , which lias arrived from Galveston - ton and Key West , brought ninety-five passengers , of whom sixty-six embarked at Key West. Four of tlicir number are now patients at the Swineburne Island Hospital. J.M. Burley has developed yel low fever and three others are sick , all showing S3rmpU > ins of the dread disease. When the steamer arrived the passengers and crew were inspected. The twenty-nine Galveston passengers and one immune from Key West were sent to the city , and the remainder were left on board the steamer at quarantine. Sunday all of the Key West passengers with the exception of Burley and the three others were re leased. Burley has been treated with the yellow fever scrum and others will be similarly treated should their' ailment prove to be yellow fever. UNREST IN SAMOA. Bishop Willis Says State of Affairs There Is Unsatisfactory. Honolulu : The Rev. Fred Willis , Angli can bishop of Honolulu , returned on the Warimoo from a visit to Samoa and the Fije Islands , where he went as the repre sentative of the bishop of London to hold confirmation at several churches. "It is impossible to express an opinion as to what is likely to happen next in Sa moa , " said the bishop. "The tripartite agreement , was still in force when I leflfc , but it is , of course , not satisfactory , and as long as there are three powers trying to get ahead of one another the island cannot go ahead , but no one can say how any of the powers are to be induced to withdraw. The British warships Torch and Tauranga where at Apia when I arrived , and one dc German ship. The Tauranga was relieved frA by the Pylades. There were no American A war vessels there. " of ST. LOUIS POLITICIAN KILLED H Shot by Henry Pry , a Huckster , who er Commits Suicide. erw St. Louis : Win. E. Pape , general super Or intend of parks and a factor in politics , Orm was shot and instantly killed Sunday night tr at his home by Henry Fry , a huckster , who lit shortly afterward committed suicide. Ac cording to statements made by Fry , Mr. Pape had promised him a peddler's license for some political service rendered , but Ni had/withheld it. Fry drove up to Mr. da Pape's residence and called him to the gate. beth A wordy war ensued between the men , which ended in Fry drawing a revolver Clwl wl and fa.tally shooting Mr. Pape. The mur ' derer jumped into his wagon and drove rapidly away. Mr. Pape's son and a police officer gave chase and gradually overhauled the fleeing man. Fr- , seeing that capture sa was certain.jplaced the revolver to his coi mouth and lired , the ball lodging in his ch brain. coi Bo TRAIN FALLS FIFTY FEET. tei Pour Men Killed by Accident iu South Carolina. Columbia , S. C. : Sunday night 200 feet las of trestle on the Columbia , Newberry and ski Lourens road over Broad River , near this Co < Jiry , gave way under a train load of gran un ite. Sev.eral cars and an engine fell fifty al feet into the water * The following were killed : I ENGINEER DICK WEATIIERBY. Ed SILAS KENNICK , fireman. STEWARD MARTIN . prc , a negro. las Unidentified man with head severedfrom , sis bodj" . SOI Fatal Head-On Collision. Erie , Pa. : A head-on collision on the I Philadelphia and Erie railroad , seventy fro miles east of this city at Tiona , resulted in srho the death of II. J. Gerlach , engineer , and bar iar. the injury of three other trainmen. Engineer tur gineer Gerlach failed to see a .set target tO 3 ( and clashed into another freight that was about to take a siding to allow him to pass. E Eight Persons Injured. chii Loraiu. Ohio : Eigut prisons .were more latt or le.5S injured Monday as the result He of ahead-on collision between two motorcars for ) r cars o.n the Lortm and Elyria electric lilie during a dense fog. Both cars were crowded and weiv running at full speed. . SI piei ft'pgrocs Jailed. wo i Milan , Mo. : Clint Hay and Mary Rooch , hea negroes of this city , were jailed here idle Thursday night on a warrant charging I ; them with infanticide. The evidence 'I. against themjs said to be conclusive. StOA * " , yrr CATTLE MEN SWINDLED. Kansas City Commission Firms Said to Have Lost Heavily. Kansas City : The Journal states that within a few weeks past upwards of $90- 000 has been taken from live stock "com mission firms of Kansas City by a band of swindlers , seven men and two women , who have operated from various points in Iowa , Nebraska , Kansas and Missouri. The swindlers secured their first money when a man appeared here from Io\ya , stating that he had a herd of 1,800 feeders in Iowa , but had not money enough to get the cattle in shape for the market. The conynission firm to which he appealed for financial assistance sent a man to Iowa to inspect the herd and loaned the man $5,000 , taking a first mortgage. A few days later a woman in widow's weeds appeared at the offices of another commission firm and secured a similar amount on similar representations. The herd of feeders was rapidly moved through several counties in Kansas and finally into Missouri , and re peatedly mortgaged , and it is stated that one commission firm was caught twice on the same bunch of cattle. The Journal withholds the names of the commission firms. There have been no arrests. WEEKLY REVIEW OFTRADE. R. G. Dun & Co. Reports No Dis quieting Changes. / New York : R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade saj's : The sky is still cloudless and no disquieting change has come during the week. In spite of more warlike news about South Africa the Bank of England behaves as if the worst possi ble had been fully provided for , and this country has no reason to fear trouble from that source unless English markets have become so overloaded as to need help. The marketing of domestic products , both farm and manufactured , continues surprisingly large for the season. Failures are few , strikes scarce and readily settled , and the passage of Sept. 1 without pressure means reasonable safety for months ahead. Failures for the first week of September have been $715,500 , against $1,111,593 last year ; manufacturing $212,258 , against § 224G02 last year , and trading $ ititi,3lJ : , against $703,991 last year. Failures for the week have been 132 in the United States , against 164 last year , and 30 in Canada , against 16 last year. WILL BE NO WAR. South African Situation Assumes a More Pacific Appearance. London : The Anglo-Transvaal situation wears a more peaceful aspect. The press reports of the decision taken at the cabinet council Friday are confirmed from the best sources of information. In addition to the troops from India a brigade of four bat talions of infantry is under orders to start for South Africa immediately , one from home and three from Mediterranean sta tions. The sailing of the Castle liner Harleeh Castle has been canceled , and the steamer will probably be employed to transport these troops. A semi-official statement comes from Pretoria through Cape Town to the effect that the Transvaal government has ex plained to the British diplomatic agenr , Mr. Conyngham Green , that its last dis patch was meant as an acceptance of the : proposed joint inquirj" . en > REAR ADMIRAL PICKING DEAD enm Commandant of Navy Yard at Bos ra ton Suddenly Expires. Washington : A telegram to the navy th department announces the sudden death of from heart disease Friday morning of Rear CO Admiral Henry F. Picking , commandant of the Boston navy yard. ; Cloudburst at Hoxie. te Kansas City : A special to the Star from en Hoxie , Kan. , says a cloudburst in the west no ern part of that county covered the prairie with : water twelve inches deep , doing more : less damage. During the storm two Ill men named Clrappell and Davis , who were re traveling ; in a wagon , were struck by lightning and killed. Miss Barton Addresses Nurses. A PhiladelphiaPa. : The National Army Nurses' Association convened here Thurs- Se dajr. There was an unusually large num ber of delegates present. The feature of Oc > th session was the appearance of Miss Clara Barton of the lied Cross Society , who made an address to the members of e association. Ja Agufualdo Picks Conservatives. Manila : A Filipino arrival from Tarlac Ju ; an extra session of the lesolutionary JuMi 3ongress was held Aug. 24. Aguinaldc 3hose Mabini as piesident of the supreme MiNe 3ourt , and Gnnzaga as attorney general. Both represent the most conservative and temperate element. No Heavy Cargo of Sealskins. San Francisco : The steamer Del None arrived from Alaska with 16,812 seal- ikins , consigned to the North American Commercial Company. They were taken mder license and will net the government Jai heavy : royalty. Amnesty to Revolutionists. Lima , Peru : It is reported that Senor Sduardo Romana , whose term of office as Fe resident of the republic begun Friday , will offer amnesty to ( he revolution- Jui and discharge from custody ah .An ons ! now in prison for special ofl'enFos. Drunken Ulan Murdered. Kansas City : Tim Keefe , a laborer , died rom : wounds inflicted by George P. Crehoe , Jui struck him on the head with an iron Juif . Keefe was drunk and raised a dis- Jui urbance near Crehoe's house and refused desist. Jui Au Kills His Sonjand Suicides. Hannibal , Mo. : M. II. Roberts , a mu- Bei hinist , killed his son Sidney , while the itler was asleep , and then shot himself , was evidently insane. He left a note the coroner , saj nig he did the deed. Fire 3ialces SCO IVtcu Idle. Shelby , Ohjo : The rolling mill and " iercing machine room of the Shelby tube orks burned the other day. The loss is C eavy. Eight hundred men are made cofl . 1 lecl Jouisvillc Stove Foundry Burns. Louisville , Ky. : Bridgewood & Co.'s - ali foundry burned. Loss. $200.000. ioni - > ' 'Vf ' I * , - t' * This Is the Verdict of the Rennes Court = MartiaL FAMOUS TEIAL ENDS. Judges Uphold the French Army at the Expense of Justice. Closing Scents in ttoe World's Moat Famous Military Trial M. Demancq Pleads Eloquently for the PrlsoncB Accused Dramatically Declares Hiq Innocence "Verdict "Was Not Unex * peeted Precautions Taken to Pre vent an Outbreak. The court martial in the case of Capt Alfred Dreyfus having deliberated for three hours came into court at 8 o'clock Saturday afternoon , and after the usual impressive formalities pronounced the prisoner guilty of the charge of treason. A wild scene followed , but the presence of a strong force of gendarmes prevented serious results. Dreyfus dramatically proclaimed his innocence. , The morning of the day which was to decide the fate of Capt. Dreyfus broke , dull and cheerless at Rennes , and the court room was filled with a cold , unsym pathetic light , which lent sadness to thq CAPT. DKEYFUS. proceedings. This was enhanced by the jrave aspect of the audience. The faces ol ) the judges also reflected the solemnity oi the occasion. The last session of the court martial oifli pened at 7:30 a. m. The prisoner looked lushed and in -health , apparently suf- tering from the great strain. M. De- nange resumed his speech for the de- ense , which was "interrupted Friday by he adjournment of the court. The audi- nce listened to his remarks with the nest serious attention and he was aJso Josely followed by the judges. The pero- atlon of M. Deuiange was a splendid ilece of oratory. His voice thundered hrough the com t and echoed outside. The a ifflcers and troupers stationed in the ourt yard crowded around the entrance f the hall , standing 011 tiptoe to catch a llmpse of the' speaker , while inside the lall many of the audience were moved to ears. After M.-iitie Demange had spok- n Maitre L.iiori ; arose and formally re- .ounced his iltr'it to plead. The court thv-n adjourned its session Ji ntil 3 p. in. , the judges retiring to de- iberate on the verdict , which was an- tlm ounced in ojrn court at the hour of its tlm econvening. m Cliroiioloit" of the Dreyfns Caao. so . 1894. re ] 1 Estp-haxy writes the bordereau and sends it to Schwartzkoppen. te leptember Bordereau brought to Colonel re Sandherr. ct. 15 Dreyfus arrested on charge of treason. bs Dec. ] 19 Dreyfus court martial begins. de 1S95. dew an. 5 Dreyfu publicly degraded. w eb. 9 Law ; \issed tending Dreyfus to hei Devil's Is nd. une 1 Pico t-.ui placed at head of In de telligence bue'ti. : ed ay 1 Picqu.i't discovers the petit bleu. ept. 14 Eclair exposes the fact that ba Dreyfus was convicted "by secret evi fo dence. thI rov. 1 Henry's forgeries used to con vince Chamber of Dreyfus' guilt. de deWf 3S07. Wf , rov. 15 Mathieu Dreyfus denounces"Ete- ou terhazy as the real author of the bor a dereau. 3S9S. he in. 11 Esterhazy acquitted of charge of joi writing the bordereau. thi an. 12 Colonel Picquart arrested. in. 13 Zola writes the "I accuse" let ye ter. eb. 24 Picquart expelled from $ he on > army. ily IS Zola Hers from France. shi tig. 31 Henry confesses to forgery and be commits suicide. he ept. 20 Dreyfus verdict referred to Se Court of Cassation. wl 1S09. me 3 Court of Cassation decides Drey fus shall have a new trial.- me 7 Dreyfus ordered home on cruiser Cn Sfax. sal me 30 Dreyfus lands in France. bai ug. 7 Trial opens at Rennes. be > pt. 9 Dreyfus is found guilty. in a i glo ate intS fro prc OU hat "Ooni" Paul's salary is $35,000 a year. ere Queen Victoria seldom drinks tea op er ffee. * The Duke of York has an imposing col- lan ction of. cigaret holders. nd The Sultan of Morocco will not -allo-vy- f lightning rod agent to enter his dommV& as. ' CHAPTER VI. { Continued. ) " 1 have just left the scene of the tra gedy , madam ; but knowing the torture your minds must be under , I could not go to my home until I had seen you. Your Son stands not in the slightest danger. True , he may remain in custody for some weeks. The coroner's jury will to-morrow doubtless hold him for trial , on certain circumstantial evidence that to the inex perienced juror will seem conclusive. Your son may even come to trial in crim inal court , bnt , believe me , not a hair of his'head shall be injured , and he shall re turn to yon , his entire innocence of the crime charged against him fully estab lished , the honored name he bears untar nished , and more , he shall one day present to you as his loving wife the fair girl who , even though she saw his bent form stand ing over the lifeless body of her father with the reeking weapon in his hand that bereft him of life , yet has full conGdence in his innocence , his honor and integrity , the daughter of the murdered man. " "Poor Hattie ! " exclaimed the widow. "You must go to her , Jennie , with the dawn of day. This is terrible for the poor ' girl. Why , Mr. Sellars , my son had two objects in visiting Mr. DeRosettc's home to-night. One , as you doubtless know , was to take up his note. The other waste to ask his sanction to the union of which you have referred. " "He had obtained that sanction , " said Sellars. "He and also taken up his note and had it in his possession. " "I know , " the widow said. "He had informed me. And then , the bag of gold. It seems incredible ! " "Did your son return to the house , mad am , after he had received the bag of coin , and before going to the banker's ? " "He did not. He left us at half after nine , and when he returned lie was in the custody of Sheriff Cobb. You know he expected to leave for Baltimore on the four o'clock train to attend to some busi ness matters he has there with a commis sion house. " "He so informed me , " said Sellars. "Mr. Sellars , I suppose we may visit my brother in the county jail ? " "Certainly , Miss Jennie , and I will try and induce Sheriff Cobb to place him in the debtor's room , which is more corumo- modions than an ordinary cell , if he is held for trial. Yon had best visit him between eight and nine o'clock this morn ing. Tell him , of course , that when the right time comes Lang Sellars will estab lish his innocence and unlock big prison doors. But first , I have much to do , to fasten < this crime where it belongs. There ie double mystery here , at least. I have ietl the key to one. I shall solve them all , only it will take time. And now , all that 01si have said was for your ears alone. A single word that my suspicion rests on1 sio1 other ihan Robert Campbell might doubly increase the difficulties of the work I have inbi before me might , in fact , cause guilty biPI parties to take to flight ere I have the various , links in a chain of evidence that will bring them to the gallows forged well together , and send me scouring clear tca across < the continent ; therefore " "Our lips shall remain sealed , Mr. Sel lars , but our gratitude to you " laN "Wait , madam , until I have deserved it. y Now you , Roger ? " b , 'Ts lak the grave , Mars Lang jes' lak the grave. " d "Right , Roger. And your maid here ? " Oh , I will answer for Chloe , " said ennie. 'I dunne a ting , and never did , " said C the sable Chloe. "All I want is my young master back , so the bressed mistress and tch my Miss Jennie kin dry dar eyes. " h "Why , don't you see , Chloe , mother is smiling now , and I I am another girl al b ready. " tcw "Well , good-night , ladies , " said the de w tective. "I am glad to have been able to ai relieve your minds of much anxiety. " "Good-night , Mr. Sellars , and may God fe febe aid you in your endeavors to bring to the be bar of justice the guilty wretch who mur dered my husband's old friend. Oh , if or Duncan was alive , what a shock this is would < be to him. And his son his boy , ishi held for the crime- ! " hi "Herbert i Russell was held for the mur der of Dr. Taylor , madam. " a "True , " said the widow , as Sellars pass sv from the room. st stke Jennie accompanied him to the door , ke 3ade him good-night , and watched his form as it disappeared in the darkness cl at so often precedes the dawn of day. "What a reputation that man has as a letecter of crime , " she thought , as she on valked back through the hall. "Through- a mt the South , at least , he stands without w peer. Well , he deserves to. " When she joined her mother she found off icr preparing to retire in a chamber ad- gr oining the sitting room , tears coursing ad heir way down her cheeks in profusion. "Why , mother , dear , you are weeping "b ret. " off "But now , my child , the tears are happy ' nes compared to those of but a half-hour 'th igo. Come , join me in my room for a eel hort repose. At eight o'clock you must tear ; the glad tidings to your brother that of is under the watchful care of Lang sellars , the great Southern detective , led fho has promised to restore him to us. " t Fi CHAPTER VII. Sheriff Cobb , when he had taken Robert la- Campbell into custody , was thoroughly anne atisfied that the young man was the no- anker's murderer. Of that there can vei no doubt , but it is also certain that ac his haste to do so he was actuated by fear that Sellars would rob him of the bei lory , as he considered it , by taking him pai custody himself. on Since the rescue of Herbert Russell on rom the very trap of the gallows a year Ck revious , Sheriff Cobb had been very jeal- log of. Carolina's great detective , and he " no desire that he should have the a gii redit of having apprehended the murder- ii of Banker DeRosette. 1 Not a suspicion of Herman Craven , the cen whOi in slippered feet , bareheaded floe in his shirt sleeves , had aroused him Th ' rom his slumbers at the dead nour of not ight by the ringing of his door bell and ing bouts of murder , had crossed his mind , i sidi Herman Craven had denounced the man whom he found bent over his uncle's life less clay with the bloody knife in his hand , as his murderer. Herman Craven was the dead man's nephew ; the cashier of his bank'the ; pros * pective husband of his daughter. At least , Herman had told him fhat it was his un- de's wish that they be united. Herman had cashed thousands of checks for him , which checks he Imd accepted in payment of taxes. It was plain to Sher iff Cobb that Robert Campbell had sought that night to gain the banker's consent to his marriage to his daughter. The banker had utterly refused his sanc tion , and forbidden him to pay his ad dresses to the girl. The girl loved , or fan cied she loved , him , but wonld not be come his wife without her father's con sent. Perhaps he had ordered Robert from the house. Anyway , the banker re moved , the young man hoped to make Hattie his wife and obtain the fortune she would inherit. "Nothing could be plainer , " thought Sheriff Cobb. "He was prepared for such an emergency. He had the sheath knife with him. It may have been in an unguarded moment and in a fit of passion that he thrust its blade to the banker's heart , * or the deed may have been coolly and deliberately executed. One thing sure , the blow fell quick and sudden , butMn his anxiety to make certain that his victim was dead the young man tarried too long. The cries of the banker reached the ears of his nephew and those of his daughter , who sped down the stairs and confronted him with the evidence of his damnable crime clutched in his hand. "A moment more and he would have been gone , the sheath knife with him. In the morning the banker's body would have been found stiff and cold. Who murdered him ? Robert Campbell would have un dertaken to fasten suspicion on the young cashier , as he does now , and perhaps with a greater prospect of success. But the bag of coin ? Ho did not have it with him when he entered the house. But how did he obtain that note ? He may have had it and secreted it somewhere after he struck the blow , and before he withdrew the knife blade from the banker's breast. It may be discovered in the house. Again , he may have had an accessory , who fled with the coin. At all events , I have the start of Lang Sellars on this case. I have the man who struck the fatal blow. He belongs to one of the first families in the State , but there is no 'wrong man' this time. All I will require will be a little time to find the gold. Robert Campbell is a candidate for the gallows ! " Thus thought Sheriff Cobb as he made his way home after seeing his prisoner in carcerated in jail. The cries of the widowed mother and sister of the prisoner yet rang in his ears ; but there was only one path for him to foll&w the path of duty. - At eight o'clock on the morning of the nineteenth Jennie Campbell entered the office of the county jail and made known 01h her desire to see her brother. "Follow me , MiT Campbell , " said Jailer Filyaw , an unde. .zed , corpulent little man. "There are no oruers not to admit you < , and if there were you should see your brother ; , even if he is in jail on the charge OJd murder. I ja sorry for you , miss , in deed ( I am. Who would have believed itPi "Don't speak of it , Mr. Filyaw , if you please , " said Jennie. "We hare every confidence that my brother will be able tc establish his innocence. " "I hope he may , " said the jailer. "I hope he may. But what have you there ? " "Merely my brother's breakfast in this basket , " said Jennie. 'Me is not used tc prison fare. My mothe being some what prostrated , did not Accompany me , and I did not bring my maid to-day. " "Bless you , " said Filyaw , "I should not feed Robert Campbell on prison fare. The best my own table affords should be his. " "Oh , thank you , sir , but either my maid I will come every day .while my brother here in jail. " a They passed from the office through the hall into the corridor of the prison. Fil yaw blew a sharp note on his whistle and sirr turnkey came forward and unlocked and rr swung , open the heavy iron door of the isf structure , handing the jailer a bunch of f keys as he did so. IE They passed within and tke heavy door tl closed with a clang that gratea on poor Jennie's nerves. . Two rows of cells confronted them to the right , the other opposite with passage ] between them and an iron stair stP way : at the further end of the passage. P "Hey , you jailer ! Does my case came at September court ? " was the first T greeting that reached their ears as they oi advanced. "I think not , Wortell , " way the reply ; tia ' tiPi 'but don't worry about it. It will come soon enough. " Pi "Got any 'baccer , Mars Jailer ? " were gl ( words that greeted them from another ell. nc "Here , PompyJ" and Filyaw passed half tb " a plug through the iron bars of his cell , co "Tank you , Massa , " and the negro grin15 as though he was happy. "Why do you keep negroes here , Mr. Filyaw ? " "All , Miss Campbell , who violate the cl ? , free born or slave , white or black , br liable to imprisonment in jail. Pompy ut low is a free negro. His offense is not fir ery grave. He merely stole a hog , if his the iccusers tell the truth. " "Da lies. Mars Jailer ; da lies. I neb- In llr stold dat hog. He corned to ray tater iatch , aa' was rootin' dem up. You reck- I gwine let someone else's hog waller br my taters , an' den 'low him to go freeV efi Jides dat , I only got sebcn dollars fer de ni , an1 I offer de owner half of it. " be "Don't worry , Pompy ; I have engaged it good lawyer to defend you. " "Tank you , Mars Jailer. " roPe They passed on to the stairway and as- Pe ended it. It was much lighter on this oor , and the air seemed more wholesome. ' ] 'here were two rows of cells as below , but In extending the full length of'the build- an . Two debtors' rooms occupied con- Ire iderable space at the rear. trs "Tour brother is in the male debtor- room , " said Jailer Filyaw. "I did not like ; the idea of confining him in a cell. IS * * debtor's room is bad enough. " "Oh , thank you. " . In a moment more the jailer bad singled * out a key from his bunch and unloosed : and opened the door. A recumbent figure , lying on a low iron ? bedstead , sprang to its feet , and Jennia- was clasped in her brother's arms. "I will return in fifteen minutes , " said the jailer , as he hurriedly withdrew anil , locked the door behind him. Filyaw had been Wilmington's jailer for twenty years ; but tears stood in hi - eyes as he trudged back to his office. "Something wrong.somewhere , " he mat tered. "Lang Sellara should be called in to this case. I can't believe a son of Dun can Campbell guilty of murder. " Little did Filyaw know'how deeply thef- great detective was already interested in the case. "I was in sad despair all night , dear sis ter , " said Robert , perhaps five minutea * after Filyaw had taken his departure. "My reliance was on Sellars , and I thought ho had abandoned me. Youfl good news reassures me. I am content to lie in jail until such time as he is able to place here in my stead the murderer of my dear old friend. It will take time , but he will do it , and with a network around him from which he cannot escape. Now let us talk no more about this mat ter. You know the inquest takes plac at ten o'clock. I do not wish mother to be there. If necessary , promise me that you yourself will remain home and keep her from attending. It would be too much for one of her years and sensitive nature. I shall surely be held to court , and I would spare her the pain of seeing me conveyed to jail again. " "She thought you would feel so , Robert * and will remain at home. Several ladierf will be with her. I shall be nt the inquest , my brother , and though you arc returned to jail , knowing what the future will bring forth , I am content , and -thon I must be with Hattie , your future wife. " "Bless you , my sister ! " The brother and sister sat side by s.dc on the iron cot when Filyaw again opened the door , and the basket of edibles Lad been very much depleted. "Ready , Miss Campbell ? " he asked. "Yes , Mr. Filyaw , and very thankful to you. " "Entirely welcome. I just received q message from Attorney Dobbs , and ani expecting him at the jail every moment. He may try to worm a confession from you , Robert. I would not see him. " "Thank you , Filyaw , but I am guilty of no crime. Please admit him. " "I don't believe j'ou are , but these lawyers - * yers are dangerous sometimes. Would you not like to see Lang Sellars ? You remember how he saved the life of Her bert Russell at the last moment. POOB Herbert , he occupied this very room for some time. " "I have no message for Sellars , " said' Robert. "Of course , if he calls volun tarily and wishes to see me , admit hirai but he stated last night that he thought Sheriff Cobb had apprehended the right man. " He did ! He did ! " exclaimed Filyaw , . moving nervously toward the door. "Then I would not give much for your life. God help you , sir ! " Robert and his sister exchanged glances , He kissed her good-by and she followed the jailer back to his ollice. Neither the brother nor sister seercfJT' heartbroken , " thought Filyaw , as hi watched her lithe form pass from view , "but if Lang Sellars made that statemen the son of Duncan Campbell will die o felon's death on the gallows. " ( To be continued. ) RAILWAYS OF ONE ENGINE. In England There Are Ten Railroads with No More locomotives. Most people would be inclined to re gard it as an impossibility for a railway - way to be worked with : i single loco * motive , but there are in Great Britaig no fewer than ten railway companies that manage to get through their worlc somehow with one iron steed. \ fewer than fourteen own only two loco motives. One of the most interesting of these ? small lines is what is known as the Ravenglass & Eskdale Railway , situ ated near Whitehaven , in Cumberland which runs from Ravens-lass to Boot a distance oT rather inoi-e than seven miles. The whole of the railway staff consists only of live persons two pla e- layers , engine-driver , fireman and cno- guard-of-all-work , if we may use sucla term. Between stations the engine occa sionally manages to gain a speed of six : miles an hour , but the obliging driven always willing to stop the engine for the convenience of my one wlio may wish to enter or alight from the train between stopping places. . Perhaps the Easingwold Railway $ & / the smallest in England. It is tweN miles long , and the ex-twit of its rolling stock is one small locomotive "and two passenger vehicles. The Hundred of Manhood and Selsey ; Tramway : is one of the most recently ; opened light railways , and connects- the city of Chichester witfc Selsey Bill , small promontory to the east oi ? Portsmouth , jutting out into the En * glish channel. This funny little railway boasts ot signaling apparatus whatever , and the few switches on the railway are- controlled by hand levers alongside the * V line , which have to be worked by the firemen or driver when necessary. ! At one place the tine crosses the Chi Chester canal by m . : us ot a frail draw bridge , which Is .ifrt-d to let boats underneath. It isUr ! that for the- first few weeks aft ft- the opening off line a barge w s k'ft underneath order to catch the train in case th& bridge gave way ! On I another occasion this troublesome bridge got stuck , anci in spite of all il 2fforts could not be lov/crcd. As it wa& most < important that tie c-ngine should taken to the other si ! e of the canjl , was lifted off the llae and draws round by road with a traction engine. Pearson's. Lev ! Z. Leitcr made his first money ; mining , nearly * , Q 0,000. by making investment of $50,000 in tfie famous- Ton SilTer Mine , which , lie long mis xsated. '