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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1899)
Metzger Bros. , Pullman Neb Clierry Co. Brand on left side and thigh I Earmark , sq.iare I crop right ear ' Southern branded i cattle have but one ! "liilMIuiioiid ; K" or ilrft side 3 Native < : attle have _ throat wattle Jtanee on Gordon and Snake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thigh A Iteicartl of $2bO will be paid to anj person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle with above brand ED \VAKD UAD IfAIH. rostofllce address Allen S D On left shoulder and baron side ; hordes same on thigh flange-Bear Giuek T J ASHBURN Post office addres Valentino , Neb Branded on right side ; horses same Kange-lOmlleseast of Valeotine on the Niobrara Joseph "W. Bowuet P. O. address Merriman , Nebr. Right ear cropped Hole iu center of left ear Range Lake creek S. D. Joe Vlondrav Cody , Nebraska Left hide. Lefc ear V on left shoulder of horses. I Charles JBenard Rosebud S. D. RangejiBig White and Bad Hlvers Charles C. Tackett Rosebud , 5. D. Range head of An telope near St , Marys mission Horses branded on left thigh Peter Ylondray Rosebud , S. D. Left side. Left car cropped. CfRi Horses branded VB. an VB.Range Range Little White River , at mouth of Cedar Creek. Louis J. liichards Merriman. Neb Gorsuch Bros. Newton , Nebraka Cattle branded as on cut cutSome Some of ft side or hip' ' Range on Gordon Creek Louis F. Eichards Merriman Neb G Oi Henry Pratt asC Rosebud 8. D. C Left side sh Horses same on 'left shoulder so Deerhorn clip on be some cattle an John DeCory Rosebud. S. D. Some branded ID 417 on left side Horses JD on left hip Range in meyer Co on Antelope Crrpk Thomas Farren Al Rosebud , S. D. ID 1183 either left' ' left tide or hip Horses i no , Range head of Ahtelope Marquardt & Row ] us OrroSTKUBK. Manager. Merriman. Neb Cattle brand OM on left shoulder. Some of cattle haVe various older brands. OSoti left hip. Horse bra'd A on 'eft shouldei. RancK Formerly Gee WMonnier rancb.5-uilleseast of , from F.E. ' & M. V. B. n. south to Leander Creek. War- . "anardt & Bowlus. ScHbner.NpbniRka. A V. W. ANDRRSOK. -J. C. ROUNDS Anderson & Rounds. Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as on cut ; also 1C on left side with on left hip of some cattle ; also S4 on right side Hoie brand , rake and 1C on left shoulder or hip THeme Home ranch-on Dewev Lake. Range on Niobrarn River , east efFort Fort Niobrara ; jilso between Sr.ake Hlver and Simeon , known as the Pelch range , all in Cherry County , Nebraska. Marshall & Wolfcndcn Kennedy , Neb. Some K on the left hip Horses 5 on left shoulder lirand is small Earmark : Quarter clip behind , half cir cle forward on left ear Range Lone Tree Lake I. T. Richardson. Kennedy , Nebr Some on left Horses on left shoulder William M. D unbar Lessee from Heine & Kroeger Cody. Neb DUn Either side [ | Left iar ot cattle Split Hangf head of Hay Creek Amelia Young. Cody , Nebraska On right side. Right ear split Range , Little White river Peder Thorsen. Cordon. Nebraska On right sideT on right nip. o horse > rand and T on. right shoulder Also cattle branded , Li on leftfside Range , fowl mile * south of Irwin Henry Young , T Cody , Nebraska Horse brand I on left shoulder Cattle right ar , ear split AVi Range , Little White river. S. D dn ofi tura Stotts & rae Stetter. raw o Cody. Nebraska vc Branded on leftside Range. Tin Can Lake ca and .Morgan Flats trU D. C. JNelson. inbr br Codv. Nebraska. ju On right hi P. juE. Range , Medicine I ake to the in Snake river wl us je JJutt Brothels. in itat Gordon , Nebraska pi. Kange,14 miles north cano Gordon. no pr no F. C. Duerfellt , Manager. su Gordon , Nebraska ex Cattle also branded 00 on right hip ev Horses and mules uranded same as cut no on left shoulder ini no ne wi > J. C. Jordan . . on Gordon , Nebraska a One bunch branded , on cut on left side ne One i bunch branded ! ' on left hip Horses .1 on left shoulder Range. ] 10 miles thi ; southwest of Gallop , between Niobrara i and Snake rivers ex George F Damon ante Albany. Neb to Cattle branded Fl onleft ribs or tic right shoulder ; S > ha on right hip and left ribs : 6 on left hip thi ; Horses FD or SD on right shoulder the Range 7 nn north east ot Albany Neb iias Agent for Pasteur nil Black Leg Vaccine an Joseph Fiekel Ei Gordon Neb ke ho Also fei Horse brand F on lal shoulder su Jiange 10 miles northeast of Gordon afl roi Wheeler Bros. ca Cody Neb CO the Also B on right side ho im Ranee Chamberlain Flats and Snake but River by ant Strayed or Stolan. Several head of horses and cat tle , . Amos Strong , Valentine , Neb. McKinley and Bryan will be the op-1 posing candidates in 1000 as in ' ' ) . , and the result will be that Bryan comes out victorious. He received the popular vote at the last election , although a yery new man , now with his popularity as a statesman , can win hands down. Wm. Jennings Bryan , president in lb'00 , is a sure thing. The fusionist members of state institutions - tutions believe in improving on their republican predecessors in the matter of appointments and adopted the fol lowing resolution : Resolved , That it is the sense of this board that no member of the family of the superintendent of either of the in stitutions under our control should been on the payroll of the institution. Boyd county republicans are mad because their board of county commis" sioners had the affrontery to file a com plaint ferniust County Treasurer Seiler just because he admitted having stolen $5,270 of the county's money. They claim that as he was simply following Ca a precedent t > et ; by other republican j state and county treasurers there is no j ! cause for action 0' > eill Independent The following resolution was passed by the Elkhorn Valley Editorial Asso ciation , of which we are a member : RESOLVED , That no candidate , either for the nomination or election for the legislature , be given.the support of any newspaper published by members of his A'ssociation unless said candidate first ] pledges himself to vote agains1 any bill looking toward the reduction aiOJ OJ legal rates for printing. Motion OJci carried unanimously. Samuel Kinga cousin of the Wheeler Bros. , of this county , and a member of Battery B , Utah Artillery , now in the 1 Philippines , recently wrote a letter home , front which we extract the fol lowing paragraph : There are lots of soldiers killed , we ca ' find out how many as it is kept a se some way or another. I don't seki know what the object is. I would send you the papers from here but they seT ' publish the tacts as they exist. They : are making lots of de.nocrats of , the soldiers by the wav they are doing and treating us out here. When the , articles of peace were signed we thought ai we could not be kept here over sixty th daj's , but it looks different now. The ec officers have been around with a peti tion asking the boys to re-enlist for six to months longer , but not one of the boys would < sign it. We have been fooled , once and we thought that enough. The th volunteers are giving it to the republi cans for bringing on this uncalled for > trouble < which is a disgrace to the United : States. mi ai The editor of the Chadron News must be afflicted with corns on his brainwe are certain it is not water judging from his attitude toward the 3f . V. E. A. Not content with insulting - ing , all members of tle association when he was invited to attend and give the beneht of his advice on the subject - , . ject of editorials , he first located the meeting i in O'Neill and last week called " Editorial Associ the "Platte Valley in ation" : and calls the members liars for pledging . themselves to not support any candidate for the legislature who will , lai not agree to leave the rates for legal printing alone. He says ' 'they would th not dare refuse their party nominee the in support of the paper , " and so saying he 10' [ jxhibits his own venality. Kerns is ho of those who have svidently one people an mind of their o\vn when he will ad- be aiit in this brazen fashion that he dares hii lot refuse support to his party norni- D\ Dre aee even when he knows that nominee re rewe vill work against his own interest in we jrder to gain a little cheap notoriety as of " " the champion "economy" at M lewspapers expense. CO tri Some of the writers on conditions of we he cattle industry are inclined to take yc gloomy j view of the decrease of cattle is isde exports since the middle of last year ier ind are disposed to attribute it entirely th : Argentine and Australian competi til ; tion. This competition has , of course , iiad its effect , but there are other facts wi wiN hat have exerted an influence upon N foreign market. One is that there . not been a sufficient supply of ani mals suitable for the export trade , ami then mother is that weather conditions in on England for some time caused the inar- in iets of that country to have a heavier nil tiome supply than would have been offered ch fered under normal conditions. The an latter fact tends to reduce the native pi supply upon the English market here- PI ifter and give just that much more at room ior American or other imported Battle. The Australian and Argentine competition may grow even stronger as wi large purchases of Hereford , Short- iiorn and Angus bulls will very much improve the herds of those countries , the advantage in distance possessed. the United States is a very import one. Texas Journal * J. H. Fiitz was in to\vri the past iveek in the intarest of the New York Life , for whom he wrote several pol j icies whlie here. a Additional Locals , The Cherry county teachers' insti tute will be held this year August 14 to 26 , inclusive. Instructors will be Prof. Waterhouse , of Lincoln , Prof. R. H. Watson and Mrs. Lizzie Craw ford. The town council met in special ses sion Tuesday night to act on business brought before them by petition , but adjourned to Wednesday night. The most important business brought up was the matter of water supply J'or the city , which we are glad to note. School report of district number (31 ( for term beginning January 2 , 1899 , anJ ending Juno 16 , 1899 : Number of months taught , 5 ; number of days taught , 10U ; number of pupils enrolled , 11 ; average daily attendance , 7number ; of visitors , 20. EVA L. PEYTON , Teacher. Ed Ja\r , the man arrested at the in stance of the Bell Cattle Company for the theft of horses in Brown count } ' , had his preliminary hearing before Judge Ely and was bound over to the district court in the sum of $2,500. E. SI. Davisson was prosecut ing attorney. The Board of Health made an official tour of inspection Tuesday af ternoon , and Wednesday served no tice on a score of propetty owners to remove nuisances discovered on their premises. The board will make another visit next week and if the notices have not been heeded it is said arrests will follow. We must keep the town clean. Word comes from near Sparks that a certain farmer persists in penning his hogs on a spring branch which runs by a widow's house much to that lady's inconvenience and annoyance as she has no other place from which to procure water. He ought to be compelled to move either his hog pen or himself. This is a word whicn the * wise will not overlook. Cattle rustling is becoming quite common once more in western Holt , Rock , Brown and Cherry counties , as no less than three hundred head have . disappeared from ranches during the past two weeks in ounches of from"r a. ten to seventy-five head. The people are up in arms about it and say that the thieves must be caught and pros ecuted. Atkinson Plain Dealer. tlW Max Viertel was down from Crooks- se ton yesterdav and requested us to an nounce , , as did several others , that they would have a grand celebration BI there July 4th. Committees .have been appointed * " and all report that revious efforts will be far surpassed rj n racing , jumping , lifting , amuse ments and a general good time. All are cordially invited. PC Married , at Gordon , June 21 , 1899 , VV. F. Morgareidge § and Miss Maud VanBuskirk. We failed to get any re the particulars , as W. F. Morgar- 2idge is a very pious poung man , but : hasten to congratulate the young G couple on the advent of life worth so living. Both are exemplary young ; people and we wish them much happiness - piness , as also do their hosts of friends Of Cherry and Sheridan counties. Su A son of W. H. Hooper , living on the table , was thrown from ' a horse tin : last week and sustained a fracture of re his right arm. John Adamson had th ; bhe misfortune last Thursday morn th : ing ; to have his right leg broken be- ow the knee. He was breaking a lit o aorse to ride when the animal fell jj ind caused the accident. Anse New- bu 3errv sustained a Potts fracture of right ankle last ThursdaDr. . bem wyer reduced all the fractures and m reports that his patients are doing veil. T ' " "Word was sent to County Attorney W Morrissey ( yesterday that the supreme fo rourt reversed the decision of the discoi rict court and that no court house | J" vould be built in Cherry county this If rear. The grounds for this decision ' SHI Of that the county clerk had the or- int > for publication on the 5th day of ! Ju he month but delayed the same un-1 coi : the 13th , first day of publication , j _ was insufficient in accordance vith the provision of the statutes of Nebraska. The notice requires four Bo .veeks publication. tit ; ad The Epworth League will celebrate eal Bo glorious Fourth b } ' giving" a picnic da an the Minnechaduza to which all are br invited. Transportation will be fur- at in aished as many as possible , free of tin : ap harge. Bring a well filled basket ind enjoy the cool shade alongtne placid ; Minnechaduza. The following program will be given , commencing 10 a. m. : FtW Song"Star Spang-led Banner. " -3 ' Address By a speaker whose name will be announced later. Song. Oration. " > Oi Quartette. on s < ReadinrFrank Thorn. Recitation Eva Harden. j Quartette. j Recitation Gertrude Moon. ! gl ( Song "America. " ! br JBasket Dinner. old J old ] ! Egg race , sack race , foot races , w on jumping , swings. Refreshments obj j ained any time in the day. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Everything fresh and clean , and prices i Lat are right. Special attention given to pumps , tanks , and ra.ich supplies , J. - STEADMAN & CO- Kennedy , Nebraska , Ordinance No. 80. Entitled Annual Appropriation Bill , being an ordinance levying a tax for the purpose of paying the current ex penses of the Village of Valentine , Nebraska , for the year 1899. Be it ordained by the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of Valentine , Nebraska. Sec 1. That for the purpose of rais ing revenue to pay the expenses of said village government for the fiscal year , 1899 , a lev } ' of 2 mills be and the same is hereby levied on each dollar of assessable - sessable property , both personal and real estate , within the corporate limits of the Village of Valentine. Nebraska. Sec. 2. That for the purpose of rais- j ing revenue to pay the interest on the I village bonds and foi the raaintainance i of the village water works a levy of 7 mills be and the same is hereby levied on each dollar of assessable property , both personal and real estate , within the corpoiate limits of the Village of Valentine , Nebraska , the same to be I collected as required by law. j This levy is made in pursuance of an estimate heretofore made of the current - \ rent expenses of said village. P. F. SIMONS. Chairman. Attest : A. M. MOKKISSKYClerk. Dated June 21 , 1899. Approved June 21 , 1899 Julius Schrowm , of Nenzel , cut his throat with a knife. Tuesday.and was brought to the Valentine hospital for treatment , but died from the effects the next day. No reason is known for his rash act. Xiolirara Falls. A little son of Dan Adamsin's was buried in Valent'iie last Wednesday. D. M. Troffer and Chas. Bracicet were callers iit the falls Tuesday. John A damson had the misfortune to get one "r his legs broken last Thursday while breaking , . fractious bronco. Bertha Iteese returhed from the Agency one Jay this week. Dr. Dwyer came oat Tuesday to visit his pa tient. The doctor got lost and started back to ward ! town ; never heard whether.he found him self or not. Lon Mosher has his new house almost com pleted. Mrs. McLaughlin and her son , George Van Buren , visited friends in this locality Sunday. Oscar and lirnest Mark-visited with their sis ter Edith Sunday. I'rank Lansing called on friends along the river Sunday. Everybody is invited to spend the Fourth of July with the- people ot this vicinity. Picnic grounds one miJ < ; west of Falls In J. Adamson's pasture. BAD Bov. JEli i'reciiict. Oscar Smalley went swimming on horseback recently. Lincoln Trogdon made final proof on his tree laim at Merriman Monday. Arthur Holtz and father came down from Gordon last Friday and Nick escorted them south on a fishing tour. Born to Otto Strube and wife , on the 8th of his month , a bright baby boy. Bert j Nichols came home last week from south llusliville where he has been working. J. E. Selder went over to the Churn Hunch Sunday to strike the VZ roundup. There is going to be a hot time in Merriman he4thof July. Anyone wishing to enjoy a regular ; old time celebration shoulu be theie. Mr. ] Shattuck and wife , of , Merriman , and heir daughter Irom Omaha'were visiting on he river Sunday. Ueo. l Jaquins , c-f Merrimau , is working for Henry Heckel. Uncle John Bishop was over from his ranch ast week and bought a pedigreed Short Hern jull of Hugh Bovil. Mrs. 3 E. E. Crane has been confined to her jed the laat few days with sickness. Clinton Jones and wife Jiavc left on it two- npnth ( trip south and west. SAion' . Xoticc to Creditor. * . In county cmirt.within and for Cherry county S'ebraska , in the matter of the estate of John , Uens , deceased , > the cre/lltord of said estate. You are hereby notified , that I will sit at the otinty court room in Valentine in said county , le the 8th d.iy of July , 1899 , to receive and ex- imine all claims against said estate , with a vitw their adjustment and allowance. The time imited for the presentation of claims auainst laid estate is thirteen mouths irom the 7th day June A. l > . 18D3 , and the time limited for pay- neiit of debit is one year from said 1st daj of Fiily ieyj \vitiiess , my hand and the seal of said county ourt , this 2 lit day of June , 1 ! )9. ) * w. K.TOWA-I. . , Cojnty Judge For Atlininistrntor In County Court , Cherry County. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of .James W De- 3orde , deceased. Tillie DeBorde having ; filed in my office a pe- ition praying for the aptiolntmeut of herself as idministrator of the estate of .Fames W. De- Borde , deceased. All uereous interested in said state will take notice that f have fixed Satnr- Jay , Suly 1.1899. at i o'clock a. in. as the time ind my office in Valentine. Cherry county. Ne braska , a- the place for hearing of said petition which time aiM place all persons interested said estate may appear and show canse if any here be why such administrator should not fie appointed. Witness my hand and beal of the county xmn this 14th day of June , 1S99. 6-5 ! W. R. TOWNE , County Judge Taken up , at my place about 4 miles east of V Port Niobrara , May 26. one sorrel baUUami B gelding , 5 years old , and one bay mars si years olu , both branded on left shoulder KuifiMT SKARS siT Estrnj/s Taken Up. Taken up by the undersicned at his place in Witod Lake precinct , one sorrel horse brandpdA Onu dun , 10 yrs old. weight 1,000pounds : One rrei mare branded X. 6 vears old , weight ? 00 ; is brown -luiinal , .L branded 8 , 5 vears old , weight , 750 pounds. E. L. DA"V Irt , 0.15 Arabia , Nehr. lakell up by the undersgned on the north ! side of the Niobrara , at the mouth of snake , one j brown mare wita black mane and tail. 3-years j , branded > on right arm , one claybank 2-yr i gilding brandrd One strawberry r an J with white face , one year old branded leu shoulder J.-\V. IUUKKK. flcnritiy Probate of Will. State of Nebraska i ss Cherrv County f In tin-matter of the estate ofV. . U. Carson deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Clarence F. Corson. praying that the Instrument , filed on the 8th day of June 1S9U , and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased , may be proved , nprovcd. probated , allowed , and recorded as the last will and testament ot th said W. ( i. Canon deceased , and that the PXCCU- llon of said instrument may be committed and the administration of said estate may be grant ed to .Mary A. Carson and Alfred Lewis as exe- cuters. Ordered that June'-4. A. I ) . 1899 , at 10 o'clock a. m. . Is assigned for hearing said petition , when all persons lntereste.1 in said matter may * \ appear at a county court to be held In end for wild county , and show cause why the pra > er of petit ' oner should notbegrnnted ; and that notice of the pendency of satd petition anil the bear ing I thereof , be given to all persons interested In said matter by publishing a copy , of this order in j the WKSTKUN NKWS-DKMOCUAT , a weekly J newspaper printed in said county , for three successive wteks , prior to satd day of hearing W. H. TOWNK , County Judge J. A. Adamson. Valentine. Neli On leftside or hip A4 left side or hip , On left side Itangpon Niohraia Newman Bros. & Nations. Cody , Nebraska On point left shoul der. Also O on point left shoulder Also jj * on left shoulder Same on left hip Left side CHAMBERLAIN & CO rostofflcc address Brownlee , Neb Branded on either side same as on cut also both jaws J. C. Trowbridge Merriman , Neb Range between Irwin - win and Merrima'i , south , of railroad If ngh Bovill , Manager Merriman Neb Ale All on left side or hip Range north of El Charlotte E. JJovill Merriman Xeb Left side or hip Range north of Eli Parker & Son P O Address L. W. Parker Reige. Neb Brand same as cut , Also ZP Ranee on Niobrara south of Crookston Prideaux San ford Kenned- . Stock branded on left side Alex Marrivall Pine .Ridge , SD Cattle branded as on cut and below on either side. Eermk swallow fork on left and crop right Horse trands as below on left thigh or hip Eorses K. A. MeQuade. Valentine , Nell Branded on either side Range between Thacberand Swan Lake B. B. Teeters Brou , tfewtofl , Horse * same OB left shoulder Eanee between the Gordon and Snake