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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1899)
DEMOCRATIC POLICY. A student of present political condi tions cannot but reach the conclusion that it is more than likely that the Democratic party can secure a major ity of the electoral votes next year , and , also , return a majority to the House of Representatives. It is true that AVO are having much industrial activity , but long before the campaign of 1900 it Avill be apparent to the common people that the profits from all this activity have not come to them , but to those who engineer and manage the trusts and corporations which now so largely control all busi ness enterprises. It is true the present Republican administration has con ducted a successful campaign against the Spaniards , but it has produced along with the glory a number of in tricate problems. Whether it can saAre national honor in their solution is a matter of speculation nnd conjecture. Very clearly this nation's strength cannot be used to Aviden trade at the sacrifice of any people's desire for in dependence. These problems are yet those of the Republican party. If they "be solved by it , then that party Avill be entitled to the credit ; if not , then it must suffer the criticism for failure. But , in any case , no substantial ad vantages will accrue to the body of the the people. Evidently the Democratic party in 1900 will find its greatest strength along the lines of its traditional policy. It came into existence through its as sertion of indiA'idualism , and its logical mission UOAV is to rescue the people in President McKinley's course to < Iay His work has in many respects com mended itself to the people , but they have had more than enough of the cif- fort to gloss over and hide the iniqui ties of army administration tinder Alger , Eagan and the beef contractors and they do not relish the present at tempt to change the issue from beef to 5Iiles. Rochester Herald. Twenty Trusts a Day. In one day tAventy trusts Avere incor porated at Trenton , N. J. , ranging in capitalization from $32,000,000 to $30,000. Among these trusts were those in tended to control whisky , milk , but ter , cheese , gas and electric light pOAver and heat Never before in the history of this nation were so many trusts given legal existence in a single day. The situa tion is indeed alarming AA'heu tAventy combines , all intent on "reducing the cost of production" and consequently resolved to cut doAA-n. the Avages of labor , enter upon the field of their en deavors ait the same moment. That the United States laAV against trusts is a dead letter needs no argu ment. Facts speak louder than words , and the attitude of Attorney Genera ] Griggs is a confirmatory commentary on the facts. This officer , sv.'orn to en force the laAV , has notified the trust managers that his office is not "hunt ing business. " But the trusts are hurting business , and as long as Griggs of XCAV Jersey , Griggs , the greatest trust attorney in the nation ; Griggs , the friend of com- JU5T A TRIFLE WORRIED. ' . . I- i- _ J , - . , = I "iVrhaps President McKinley is not afraid of the currency question , and thwi , on the other hand , perhaps he is afraid of it. " Chicago Democrat. from the threatened serfdom to cor porate control of industrial activities. Within the last tAvo years corpora tions aggregating a capital of $4,000- 000.000 have been organized for the purpose of controlling the manufactur ing industries of this countryIn com petition Avith these , individual enter prise is paralyzed. Avhen not brutally beaten doAA-u. The employer becomes the employe , and if not by wise I.IAVS obA'iated in the near future all the people Avill be mere "hands" in the em ploy of these monstrous corporations. What Avould be the character of citi zenship under such a social regime ? The Democratic party must formulate and advocate measures to check this demoralization. The Republican party is powerless to do so. Its organization is controlled by the managers of these market forestallers these bloodless and soulless combinations. The single gold standard is a weapon in the hands of those Avho support these combinations. Wise statesmanship by the Democrats will lead to the broadest organization of those AA'ho are opposed to having the entire credit of this coun try resting on gold alone. Xo man should be barred from participating in this Avar against the single gold stand ard by any ban-en declaration. In 1S9G the Republicans Avere still claiming to be bimetallists. They make no such professions noAV , but openly declare in favor of measures designed to fasten on us foreA'er the sii le gold standard. The Democrats stand HOAV for the joint standard. Silver and gold at any ratio is infinitely better than gold alone. The fight must be made in that way , and in that way can be Avon. The Democratic party Avill always remain - * main opposed to the protective tariff robbery , and cannot consistently wage war against monopolies and trusts without AA'aging war against a system of taxation which is ahvays unjust to the mass of the people , and is often instrumental in seating and strength ening monopolies. If the Democratic party should rise above the level of mere legendary tra ditions and frame a platform consist ent with the existing A'ital problems to be solved , it will be triumphant in the next national election. Then Avill come conditions Avhen the humblest may compete AA'ith the high- * st for wealth and distinction Avhen * the results of prosperity Avill not bo , confined to corporations and the lorldly b- . " few , but Avill extend to the many- handed form of toil in factory and V lield. Chicago Democrat. Rocks in McKinley's Path. Administrations have been wrecked this on smaller rr-1- * than those bines , remains a thie head of the at torney general's department trusts will go right on defying the law and rob bing tne people. The Kxpccted Happens. The opening of actual hostilities be tween the American army in the Phil ippines and the native insurgent forces , however deplorable it may be , comes in the category of those events that are expected and happen in accordance Avith the expectation. The leading men of brains , independence and character in both the Democratic and Republican parties Im-e repeatedly warned the government of the impending danger , Avhile the civilized world Avondered at the inconsistency of a policy that ac corded the promise of independence to the Cubans , Avithin fiA'e hours of out shores , and denied that promise to the Filipinos ten thousand miles away. But Avarnings , entreaties and the oft-ex pressed sentiment of enlightened hu manity on both sides of the ocean everywhere except in England have been persistently ignored. If the country is to be thus plunged into an unAvelconie conflict it will be come the duty of citizenship to support the administration in all actiAre and conscientious measures looking to a speedy termination of hostilities. But the administration will bo held respon sible for the war for the desolation of the Philippines , the sacrifice of Ameri can lives and the depletion of the Uni ted States treasury Avhich Avill result during the next fifty years. Columbus Post. Sundry Silly Bill. It is nearly time for some genius ic. Congress to invent a now way of raid ing the Treasury. The river and har bor bill as a method of legislative bur glary is overworked. Included froir year to year in the ridiculous items that make up the bulk of the measure are ahvays projects of genuine merit and importance. But the time Avill come AA'licn the larceny Avill cease to be a joke , and then projects Avhich have merit Avill suffer the fate of those Avhich have not. St. Paul Globe. May He ? .Iore than a Joke. An Eastern paper suggests in a semi- jocose A'ehi that a manufacturers' trust should be organized to control the en tire business of the country witli one corporation. There is in such a sug gestion something more than cause for a laugh. The idea may seem absurd , but was not the scheme of the first and greatest combination of all regarded as utterly impracticable before its present almost universal scope AA'as even dreamed of ? Cleveland Plain Dealer. MARK TWAIN'S DAUGHTER. Pretty Miss ClemenaInherits Her Father's Witty Genius. j The family of a famous man is always - | ways interesting to the world's admirj j crs of the man's books or paintings or whatever else he has accomplished foi good. Clara Clemens , the pretty daugh ter of Samuel L. Clemens ( "Mark TAvaiu" ; , is a deserved favorite in Vien nese society , where the family of Mi- Clemens are spending their second winter. Miss Clemens is a beautiful girl , and inherits her father's ready Avit and his love of pleasant company. In Florence when she was still a slender young MISS CLARA CLEMENS. miss in short dresses , she was knowi along the Arne quays as "La Bella Sig norina , " and was one of the celebrities of the town almost equally with hei distinguished-looking papa , who AAas as great a lion in Italy as he is UOAV in Austria. When Miss Clemens Aveut to Vienna she began taking singing lessons undei the best masters , as so many girls in society do , simply as an added accom plishment. This year , however , she is devoting herself seriously to the studv of music , having learned that she is the possessor of a A'oice of singular sweet ness and pOAver. It is expected that she AA'ill devote her talent to the con cert stage. Mark Twain himself is supposed to be writing a book about Vienna. Die likes the Vienna people , and spends much time studying their life and manners. WEST VIRGINIA'S NEW SENATOR. Nathan B. Scott , Once a Grocery Clerk , and Now a Millionaire. Nathan Bay Scott , recently elected United States Senator from West Vir ginia , is a native of Ohio. He AA'as born on a Guernsey County farm. At the age of 11 he Avas a helper in a country store , receiA'iug besides his board and clothing the munificent sum of $23 per year. At 10 he started out to see the world. His course lay westAvard and he got as far as Denver , but found nothing to induce him to remain there. Coming back east he enlisted in an Ohio regiment and fought through the NATHAN B. SCOTT. civil war. After the Avar he opened .a country store at Bellaire , Ohio. Later he Avent into glass manufacturing and he removed to Wheeling. In this he made a fortune and is now a multi-mil lionaire. For years he has been in poli tics. He has been Republican National Committeemau for twelve years , was a State Senator once and has held the post of internal revenue commissioner under President McKinley. CURE FOR APPENDICITIS. Prominent Physicians Say It Ts Amen able to Proper Medical Treatment. This paper is a protest against the current surgical theory and practice that all cases of appendicitis must be split open. This protest is based on twenty-seven years' experience as phy sician and surgeon , including service in three hospitals , one Avestern fort , five years in mining surgery , five years in railroad surgery , tAvelve years in gen eral practice on the central Avestern plateau of Minnesota and four years in this great city , which unique in the speed of its rise , unique in the snap of its people , unique in vast tributary ter ritory and population is decreed by the fates to be the hub of the earth in the near-by future. My experience is that appendicitis and other abdominal aches for Avhich men now operate are promptly amen able to proper medical treatment. I can recall 100 cases treated Avith symp toms of this malady or of typhlitis or perityphlitis , as it Avas formerly called but I have never yet met a case of it in Avhich I felt it Avas my duty to cut or which terminated fatally. Influenced by the prevailing craze to cut , time and again in coming to new cases of this kind I have thought : "Now , sir , your time has come ; in this case you must cut. " But , presto ! simple medical : reatmeut again prevailed. Later on I shall cite other unimpeachable prac titioners who share my vieAvs that nied- cal treatment avails in this malady , one showing forty-nine ot > t of fifty-one cases successfully treated being more than 90 per cent. My treatment for appendicitis is free calomel-aud-soda purgation , supple mented by hot applications , to be fol- loAvetl by a saline if action is too SOAAT. Medical Record. PADEREWSKI'S LESSONS. Six Months of Hard Study Devoted to Undoing : Faults. "When PadereAVski came to Lesche tizky , in Vienna , some ten years ago , it Avas as a concert performer Avho had already achieved success in Russia and mastered aii extensive repertoire , " writes Cleveland Moffet. "Leschetizky heard his play for a Avhile , and tben said : " ' - bad faults but 'You haA-e same very , you have talent. You have played too many things , and nothing AA'ell enough. Your wrist is hard and stiff. If you come to me you must forget for six months that you have a repertoire. You must play nothing but exercises for technique , six hours a day of exercises , and nothing else. ' "Paderewski thought the matter oAer and decided that he had the strength of Avill for this severe test , and put him self entively in Leschetizky's hands. All day long for six mouths this finish ed concert performer worked away at the mechanics of piano playing , at ex ercises specially devised for him by Leschetizky , and some devised by him self with reference to peculiarities of his OAvn hands. Every evening he took a lesson at the professor's house , this being a mark of special favor , for Avith ordinary pupils all lessons end at 3 in the afternoon , and one lesson in two Aveeks is the best that even the most proficient may attain. One hour , tAvo hours , three hours these nightly lessons lasted , for Leschetizky gives no heed to time once his serious interest is arous ed. These tAvo men Avere together con stantly. They took long AA'alks ; they played hard-fought games of billiards , both being adepts at the game ; they talked incessantly , for Leschetizky has a fluent tongue , and AA'hat the older man knew of sounding art he gave freely to the younger man , and that the disciple has giA'cu to the Avorld. " La dies' Home Journal. FORTUNE IN HER PETTICOATS. Over $4OOOOO Found Sewn Up in the "Countess of Balach's" Old Cloihss. Quite a sensation has been caused at Jassy , in Roumania , by the death of a Mine. Balsch , who has by her ecentri- cities for years past attracted much at tention in that toAvn. Some years ago she AA'as the Avife of a Herr Veldiinaii , by whom she had a daughter. After a year or tAvo of mar ried life she divorced him and married a Herr Balsch , by Avhom she had a son. Soon after the hitter's birth she left her second husband. She then Avent to Paris , where she called herself Countess von Balsch. Toward her children she never seemed to feel anything but the greatest hatred , and when her son died she sent the body to her father for burial. She turned her daughter out of her house , and the unfortunate girl was only kept from starvation by the kindness of rel atives. After the death of her second husband she returned to Itouinanin , Avherc she lived in complete retirement. In spite of the fact that she Avas ex tremely Avealthy , she lived in the most Avretchcd manner and Avas generally reputed to be a miser. A feAV days ago she died. When her daughter came to examine her belong ings no trace of money could be found. In going through her mother's clothin. hOAVOA'cr , she noticed that one of the petticoats seemed somewhat stiff , as if heavily lined. She ripped it open and found over 200,000 notes seAved under the lining. This put her on the track , and all her mother's petticoats , of Avhich she had an enormous number , were examined. In nearly every one large sums of mon ey were found , amounting altogether to betAA-een 2,000,000 and 3,000,000 francs. Fremdeublatt. Just How It Is Done. Suiit'a and Jones Avere talking one day about their business interests. Smith AAas a hotel man and Jones AA as a manufacturer's agent. "I say , " said Jones , "IIOAV ever do you use such an enormous quantity of pears and peaches ? " "Well , " replied Smith , "AVC eat Avhat can , and Avhat Ave can't eat AVC can. " "Indeed ! " said the other , "AVC tlo about the same in our business. " "HoAV is that ? " "We sell an order when we can sell it , and AA'heu we can't sell it AAC cancel it. " San Francisco Argonaut. Distantly Related to "Wealth. At the wedding anniversary of a railway magnate , one of the guests , noticing a somcAvhat lonely looking ind rather shabbily attired man in one Corner of the parlor , Avalked over and sat doAVii near him. "i was introduced to you , " he said , 'but I did not catch your name. " "My name , " replied the other , "is SAvaddleford. " "Oh , then you are a relative of our lost ! " "Yes , " replied the "poor relation. " .vith . a grin. "I am his cousin § 300.000 emoA'ed. " Youth's Companion. Poker. "There is something burglarious ibout four aces , " said the man Avho sometimes plays poker. . "They are almost like robbery , " said lie man who sometimes tries to play. "Yes , and they are safe openers. " [ ndianpolis Journal. Of Historical importance. The Heard family , of Washington , 3a. , preserved unchanged in their old louse the room in which the Confeder- ite cabinet held its last meeting. HOW PIANISTS A E MADE. Padere\V8ki Had to Unlearn Faults He Acquired Early. "Six is the age at which would-be pianists should begin serious work , " says the great teacher Leschetizky , the Viennese master of music , from whom PadereAv&ki learned to perfect his art. When Paderewski went to Leschetizky , some ten years ago , it was as a concert performer who had already achieved success in Russia and mastered an ex tensive repertory. Leschetizky heard him play for awhile and then said : "You have some very bad faults , but you have talent. You have played too many things and nothing well enough. Your wrist is hard and stiff. If you come to me you must forget for six mouths that you have a repertory ; you must play nothing but exercises for technique , six hours a day for exer cises , and nothing else. " The verdict was a serious one and Paderewski gave it a serious consider ation , ending by determining to be come the renowned Leschetizky's pu pil. All day loug for six months this finished concert performer worked away at the mechanics of piano play ing , at exercises specially devised for him by Leschetizky , and some devised by himself with reference to peculiari ties of his own hands. Every evening he was given a lesson at the professor's house as a mark of special favor , for with ordinary pupils all lessons ended at 5 in the afternoon , and one lesson in two weeks was the best that even the most proficient might attain. One hour , two hours , three hours , these nightly sessions lasted , for Les chetizky gives no heed to time , once his serious interest is aroused. These two men were together constantly ; they took long walks ; they played hard- fought games of billiards , both being adepts at the game ; they talked inces santly , for Leschetizky has a fluent tongue , and what the older man knew of the art of making music he gave freely to the younger man. It is worthy of record that this store of musical knowledge , transmitted thus from man to man , was a sort of sacred heritage handed down from the great Beethoven , for Leschetizky's master AA'as Czeruj- , and Czerny often declared that all he knew about music lie got from Beethoven in a few weeks of priceless intercourse with that great est of all musicians. Leschetizky accorded this extreme favor to Paderewski because it pleased him to do so and for no other reason. The young Pole had no special inilu- euce and very little money , but he had conspicuous talent and an untiring resolution elution to do the work put before him. "He would have succeeded in any thing. " remarked Leschetizky , "in painting , in literature , in business , had he made up his mind to undertake it. " London Mail. CRAFTS AND TRADES In the Thirteenth Centiiry-The Man iifactnre of I/eather. The manufacture of leather seems to have been important , showing that leather jerkins and breeches Avere com monly worn , says Notes and Queries. We have nineteen skynners , forty bark- ars , six saddlers , three cordeweuers , 107 souters ( shoemakers ) and eight glovers. The surname feuster is a trade name denoting a maker of pack saddles The commonest trades are tylour and smyth , since one lived in almost every village. The taylours number 407 , of whom 140 are called by the Latin name of cissor. In addition to 201 smyths , several are specialized. There are two arusmyths , three lokesmyths , three goldsmyths , five ffcrours ( shoeing smiths ) and six mr.rshalls ( farriers ) . The wryght wrought both in wood and metal. The number catalogued is ISO , of whom eighty-one are called by the Latin name faber ( French favre ) ; one of the few cases in which the Latin translation of a trade name has be come a common surname. The wryghts' trade , like that of the smyths , was spe cialized. The arkwryght made the great arks or chests in which the clothes or meal were stored , and we find a ploughwryght , a wheelwryght , two shippewryghts , eleven cartwryghts and two glasenwryghts ( glaziers ) , who were probably concerned with the windows dews of churches. Glass windows in houses were rare , as is still the case in Sicily or Egypt. The bakesters are few ( fifteen ) , sug gesting that families baked their own bread. There are twenty-six butchers ( fleshewer , bocher or caruifex ) , whence Labouchere , while the surname potter shows that this trade was in existence. The fysshers ( forty-three ) were opu lent , being taxed twelve times as much as laborers. Scientific Forecasting. The first attempt at scientific fore casting of the weather was the result of a storm which during the Crimean war , Nov. 14 , 1S34 , almost destroyed the fleets of France and England. As a storm had raged several days earlier in France , investigations were made , which showed that the tAvo were in reality one storm , and that its path could have been ascertained and the fleet forewarned in ample time to reach safety. Marriage in Melbourne. A man can be married in Melbourne : -heaper than in any other part of the ivorld. Ministers advertise in the pi- ; u'is against each other. One offers , to bind together loving couples for 10s jd. another for 7s Gd , and so on down : o 2s Gd. In some cases wedding break- "asts and rings are thrown in. Tit- Sits. After a inau has done wrong he bo- ; ins to talk of the narrowness of those sA'ho have been good , or who have not been found out. It is sometimes more difficult to win : he father's ear than the daughter's liand. Under Free Coinage. It has been estimated that there arer between $20,000,000,000 and § 30,000- indebtedness , consisting 000,000 of long-time sisting of national , State , county , city- and corporation bonds and individual promissory notes , owed in this nation. Over one-half of this is payable in law ful money of the United States. Under free coinage , silver dollars be come legal tender for the payment o all that ten or fifteen billions of debt. in all political It is a principle recognized cal economies that if one dollar is- cheaper than another , that all the obli gations payable in lawful money Avill be paid in the cheaper dollar , and thus if silver should ever go to a discount compared to gold , there would be that enormous demand created for silver by the debtors , Avho owe the $10,000,000- 000 or $13,000,000,000. With such an enormous demand upon the limited quantity of silver available for coinage , is it possible that any one would part with silver at an appreci able discount ? You must remember that this silver dollar is not only a legal i tender for the payment of privatcjr debts , but it is also a legal tender for the discharge of State , county and city taxes , Avhich aggregate about $300- 000,000 a year. It is a legal tender for the payment of all import duties , internal revenue duties , and postage dues of the national governmeV" , and you must remember that the national government raises by those duties the enormous sum ot"al * most $300,000,000 a year. Parity of the Metals. The products of manufactories in the United States , according to Mr. Mul- hall , are one-half as much as those of the balance of the world , being annu ally $7,213,000,000 , while those of ilu. entire world are $22,370,000,000. Mr. Reed , HOAV Speaker of the Iou \ in a speech before that body on Feb. 1 , iSl)4 ) , referring to the manufacturing interests of this country , said : "I do not vouch , nor can any one vouch , lor these figures , but the proportion ot"one - third to two-thirds nobody can fon-SMy dispute. We produce one-third and the rest of the world , England included , two-thirds. The population of the world is 1,300,000,000 , of which AVC have 70,000,000 , which leaves 1,430,0-ID- 000 for the rest of mankind. We u o all our manufactories or the equivalent of them. Hence we are equal to oiio- Lalf the Avhole globe outside of our selves , England included , and compared as a market with the rest of the v.-orld our population is equal to 700,00 < V > o , > . " With such an array of facts and tig- tires Avho can doubt that this nation in commerce , mining , manufactures and agriculture is equal to at least one- fourth if not one-third of all the na tions of the world ? With such a power and such a force , is it possible that wo are too weak to establish a financial policy of our own ? John F. Shafroth. Arc r ot Consistent. Except England , not one great Datum professedly upon the gold standard consistently applied it , and her success has been possible only because the oth ers have failed , and because a large portion tion of the world has not CA'en made the attempt. France uses more than $400,000.000 of full legal tender silver , besides rot- ing her $700,000,000 of paper money upon both gold and silver support. The establishment of the gold standard in all its glory in France , as contemplated for the United States by pending pro posals in Congress , would shake the foundations of that republic. Germany has a buffer of some $100- 000,000 worth of the old silver thalers between herself and the pure gold standard. Italy made a great ado a few years since , as did also Austria- Hungary , and both borowed vast mill ions of gold as a support for their mou sy system. The former has noAV a circulation of ? 2SG,000,000 of paper not in fact re deemable. Austria , by borroAving , has iccumulated about $200.000,000 in gold , but it is locked up by the government , Iocs not circulate , and is to-day at a rremium. Similarly Russia has put ibout $630,000,000 into her war chest , tvhile her actual circulation comprises ibout $900,000,000 in siher and paper redeemable in gold. Demonetization. The great stubborn fact is the fall of iverage prices , the ruinous rise of the ) urchasing power of gold , with the con sequent wreckage of enterprise and jractical confiscation of property ihrough inability to sustain the inagui- 'ying burdens upon it. There is a point of A-iew not suffi- : ientiy attended to : That this fall of > rices or rise of gold is equally calami- ous , hoAAever it has occurred. Our gold itandard friends try hard to persuade hemselves that the fall of prices has > een due to various non-monetary auses ; an impossible task , we believe , int totally unsatisfying , even If accom- tlished. The fall of general prices is he rise of sold. Charles A. TOWKO. Any Old Thiii . A subscriber to a rural Pennsylvania , aper recently Avrote to the editor of hat journal to ask whether he would ake his pay in chickens. The editor eplied : "Yes and Avood and meal , leat and corn , and potatoes and eachcs , and billy goats , and pigs , and orses , and hay , and land , and mules , nd cows , and calves , and rabbits , and' , 'heat , and turnips , and any old thing : ou've got. We have on rare occasions ven taken in money on subscriptions. " >