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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1899)
WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT. VOLUME xiv. VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , MARCH 9. 1899. NUMBER 7. ' } THIS WIDEIOED _ _ INTELLIGENCE FROM ALL PARTS. 'TENNESSEE CYCLONE THREE PERSONS KILLED AND TWELVE INJURED. O'\velvc or Fifteen Houses Were Completely Destroyed Many Sol diers of a French Garrison Killed. by Explosion of Powder Magazine. Death in the Wind. A terrific cyclone passed over a portion of Madisom'illeand Monroe County , Tenn. , Saturday night , Avith disastrous results. Early in the evening a strong Avind arose and several hours later a cyclone about senty yards Avide struck a portion of Madisonvillc , killing three persons , Avound- Jmir ten or twelve others , and completely destroying twelve or fifteen houses. Besides loss of life and destruction of residence properly barns \\cre swept aAvay and stock was killed. L'pporls from upper East Tennessee points are to the effect that a heavy Avind storm prevailed hat unlay , accompanied by territic rains. The rain did untold damage to crops in that section and it was conserA'- athviy estimated that this torrent , coupled TviJb the recent 1'iveze and bad Aveather , ; wilt mean a loss of $ 1,000.000 to farmers in that section. The most frightful feature of the tornado Avas the manner in Avhich Jack Moser met his death , lie was hurled by the wind's force lnjm his hoti.-e a distance of 700 yards , unti ! his progress was impeded by a Aviri i'r.ce. . which completely severed his head from his bndThe remains were founl in thiit condition. BIG MAGAZINE EXPLOSION. M-tny SoluMs of a Garrison in Southern France Are Killed. The naval powder magazine of La Goub- nui. betucen La Seine and Toulon , in the < of France , ex- plod d . mi'lay morning. All the soldiers on duty at the magazine were killed and a number of inhabitant.- the surrounding district in the buildings which were razed were also victims. Fifty thousand kilo grams of black po\\der exploded. It looks as though a uilcunic eruption had occurred , the count r\ being SAvept -almost bareithin a radius of i wo miles , houses destnn ed. trees over turned and distorted , fields devastated and covered with stones and impalpable black dust. Later report- show that of the seven sentries , four were killed outright and the others severely injured , the corporal being life-rally scalped and the scalp overhanging his face like a veil. IT is impossible to as certain accurviA .he- number killed , but it is believed t iat no fewer than lOOAvere injured. Altlnuuh it was a clear night , the explosion AMIS so terrific as to produce ii slight rainfall. Fortunately the neigh boring magazines escaped. It is now be- lie\ed that Hie explosion originated in chemical decomposition in smokeless POAV- < ler. There is no suirge.-tion of foul plaj * . Four of the injured succumbed t' > their in juries. It is believed that liftecn are still buried in the dcbri.- . PHILIPPINE COMMISSIONERS. Gen. Otis , Accompanied by Aides , Makes a Forma ] Call. . ( len. Otis , accompanied by his aides , Capt. Murray and Lieut. Sladc. on Sunday morning paid a formal \isit to the ciA'il members < f the t'nited stases Philippine Commission , who arrived at Manila Sat urday from Hong Kong on board the cnr'ser Uallimore. A house on the Ermite water front has been prepared for the resi dence of the Commission. CONGRESS ADJOURNS "Work of Roth Houses Finished Shortly After 12OO Saturday. Vice President Hobart declare ; ! the Sen t ate of the Fifty-fifth Congress adjourned ' Avithotst day at eight minutes after 12 o'clock Saturday. It was after a contin uous session beginning at 11 o'clock on Friday , Avilh the exception of one hour re cess < luring the forenoon. speaker Heed declare' ! the Mouse ad journed at 12:10 o'clock. MRS. STEVENSON DEAD. jUothcr of K.\-Vice President Kxpiretl EarSy Monday Morning. Mrs. Sarah Ste\en.M > ii. mother of the former Vice President. Adhii Stevenson , Klied early Monda\ morning at Blooming- ton. 111. , after an ! ! < v.s of H-u-ral veeks. A * , as DO year.of a ; e. Dynamiter Kcl Burton , the last of the dynamite con spirators. has just been release ; ! from an English jail , lie Avasi'iiicnced in 168 , " for complicity in the expio.-iiin i.i tin- under ground railroad at Pared Street. London , an 1SS3 , Avhereby numbers of pas.-cngers were injured , and the explosion al Tower in London , in 188.1 through which several visitors Avere injured. Divorce lor I.o Breton. F. M. Le Breton , husband of Lilly Lang- f try. obtained a divorce in the divorce court 511 London , owing to his Avifc's misconduct fI Avith Lord Grantley. who was mulcted in I- costs. The parties Avere married in 1877. It Lord Grantley , had been an intimate friend t of the family for .years .past. The suit Avas not defended. CHICAGO BUTCHER CONFESSES Quarreled With His Wile and ThreAV Her Into the J ake. Albert Becker , the Chicago butcher Avho has been in custody on suspicion of having murdered his first Avife , Teresa Becker , broke dOAvn Thursday under the long con tinued cross-questioning of the police and made a complete confession. "I killed her on Jan. 27 , " said Becker defiantly. "We Avere walking on the Randolph Street viaduct and began quar reling. I became angry and threw her into the lake. Then 1 Avenl hojiie. " Becker has inquired continually for his 17-year-old AvSfe. lie Avas always given an evasive ansAver and apparently receiv ing the impression that Eda Avould in some way be connected Avilh the disappearance of Avife Xo. 1 he made the confession , in the theory of the police , to absolve her from any blame. The body of the murdered Avoman has not yet been found. NO BEER FOR SOLDIERS. Authorities in Cuba Attempting- Make the Men Teetotlars. The American military authorities in Cuba are attempting to make the Ameri can soldiers teetotlars b > stopping the sale of beer at post exchanges and closing the bars in Havana and Mariano for selling beer or Avine to privates or noncommissioned sioned officers. The proprietors of such places are lined $500. but are allowed to reopen afier three days on giving bonds. The private soldiers , especially the vol unteers , think it a hardship that they may not buy beer when the onieers of their reg iments are unrestricted , especially as the volunteer officers feel comradeship for Uieir men and often buy llasks for them. \s matters stand now the American sol- aiers cannot get a drink , not even beer. \vithout breaking the law or forcing some one else to break it. BLOCKED BY UNCLE SAM. Central American Filibusters Are Headed Oft' at XCAV Orleans. The Kansas City filibusters Avere sent j 'aonie from XCAV Orleans , Evans , the leader , giving the men choice betAveen tickets uomeor.18. The ( iovernmcnt authorities clocked any attempt at transportation to Minefields and the expedition Avas aban doned. Evans adhered to his story that .he men were simply laborers for Guate- mala. ( Jray is Ilewarded. Senator ( Jeorge ( I ray of PchiAvare , do Id Democrat , one of the members of the Paris peace commission , has been tendered , intl has accepted , the United Slates circuit judgeship of the Third Circuit , comprising jho States of XCAV JerseDehiAvare and Pennsylvania. The nomination , however , ( vill not be made till after the adjourn ment of Congress. I Anti-Usury Bill Passed. | Senator Wilson's bill prohibiting the i jale , transfer , or assignment of usurious j 'jotes. contracts , etc. , in the State of Mis1 jouri , Avithout giving the purchaser or as signee notice of the usurious character of the same , has passed. This bill grew out jf the agitation among telegraphers in St. Louis against the usurers. Mercedes is liaised. The former Spanish cruiser Keina Mer- 'cdes. which Avas sunk in the channel of Santiago Harbor during the bombardment Uy Admiral Sampson's licet on June 0. has jcen raised and pumped out. Such re pairs as can be readily eft'ected Avill be aiade. after Avhich she will probably be towed to lu\ana. Stovemakers Advance Prices. , The Southern Stove Manufacturers" As sociation held a session at Chattanooga. Ten ! ! . The most important feature of the meeting was a decision reached to mate- ially advance prices on all kinds of stoves. The reason for this is the recent advance in the price of iron and oilier material used. Prize Ship in Japanese Xavy. j l The cruiser Chito/ . built by the Union i j ( ron \Vorkal San Francisco for the Japa- \ IK\M > Ciovernment. has been formally delivered - , j livered l < > Capt. Sakurai. who will be its ' future coniniandei. The vessel now ( lies j 1 i the Japanese liair and is considered the flues ? ship in .he Mikado's navy. i Will Put an Knd to Assi iinicnt > > . t judge Dakei of the Unite 1 States Court j at Indianapolis , hid. , decided that the assignment - : signment law of Indiana is interior to the ' . Federal bankrupt art. The effect of Ihede- ' cision It fa i reaching and will practically , ; put an ei'i t < < : > 11 assignment.- under ( lie J i .stats law. _ ' ' Hohson Promoted The President ha.- , nominated Ax-i anl Xaval Con.-trwtor h'ichmond J' . IIolisou i u > hn \anced ten number.- from Xo. 1 of' ' the list o : is.sis'anl ' mnal constrnc'ors to , of na\al construvi , > : - . ; for' ' f.triordinjrheroism. ! . Cutters Strike. , The granite cutters of Qnincy and West Qumcy. Mas- . . . are on a strike because of : the refusal of manufisctuivrs to sign 1 the neu pritv list. Xinety-one firms em- , ploj ing 1.20 ! ! cutlers are in\ol\vd. j ' , Treaty with 3Iexiro ftatici. < ( The I'liitod States Senate has ratified the ; extradition treaty Avith .Mexicoith a ; < retroactive clause to co\er cases that otherj j : Avise might not be punishable because of ; the lapse of the old treat } . Supreme Court. Honors HerschHI I The United States Supreme Court ad-i | < journed upon learning of the death of Lord j t llerschell of the joint high commission | i who died in Washington. Big Failure at Sandusky , Ohio. II. C. Test , an extensive lish dealer of Sandusky , Ohio , lias gone into bankruptcy. The liabilities are $300,000 ; assets , small. THE WEEK IN TRADE BUSINESS WORLD AS SEEN BY BRADSTREET'S. Congressman Bailey Announces that He AVill Xot Be a Candidate for Democratic leadership Before the Next , Congress States His Keasons Bradstreet's Weekly Review. Bradstreet's Weekly Review says : An enlarged volume of spring trade , particu larly in dry goods , due to spring weather , special strength in the demand and price for cotton fabrics , an immense and urgent call , Avith soaring prices , for iron and steel and all its products , and substantial ad vances in wages , chieily affectingtheabove mentioned industries , and benefit ing by conservative calculation J 10.000 operative.- , , j are among the features of the week going . to t show that the producing class of the country population are .sharing in thepics- ent favorable conditions. From many cities east and west come reports of an active demand from jobbers for spring dry goods. In the lumber trade the producer stvms lilly to reap a long delayed reward , as buyers become familiar with the fact that available supplies of hard wood , of white or yellow pine or of spruce and hem lock , are well controlled , while the out look for building trade actiity is favorable. Our export trade in cereals is recover ing from the check administered by recent frigid and stormy weather , but reports of damage to the winter wheat crop on the one hand and estimates of .superabundant supplies of ! he old crop in fanners' hands have about balanced each other , with a slight advantage as regards prices secured by the bears. Corn exports for the week aggregate 5,7l)4.8iiP ) bushels , against n.OJiJ- ( V.U bushels in the week a A ear ago. OTIS ANSWERS AN INQUIRY. Filipinos Have Not Captured a Sin gle Prisoner of War. The following has been received from Otis in answer to an inquiry from Alger respecting the number of American prison ers held by the insurgents : The insurgents have not taken , nor do they hold , a'single prisoner of Avar. They have three soldiers in Malolos , picked up i in i January , \\lio , without permission. Avent j among them near Cavito and Caloocan. L j am looking after tlu-m and providing them Avith money. Have captured over 1.500 in surgents since Feb. 4. Detrimental re ports Avhic'h reach the United States are manufactured mostly- Ifoug Kong. The troops here are in splendid condition. CANAL PLOT BEHIND IT. New York Financiers Seek to C : cc- throAv Nicaraguan Government. The Kansas City Journal has printed a lengthy 1 story to tlic effect that X'CAV York financiers. 1 Avhosc contract to build the Xie- araguau Canal expires October next , are believed to be back of a scheme to over throw the Xicaraguan Government in or der to secure a new government conces sion Avhich Avill enable them to perma nently control the building of the canal. John Drummond of Virginia. Avho recently visited Kansas City , the story alleges , en deavored to interest Kansas Cityans in the scheme. BAILEY NOT TO LEAD. Announces He Will Xot Be a Candi date Before Xext Congress. Congressman Bailey of Texas announced in j the Lower House of Congress last Aveek that he Avould not be a candidate for the Democratic leadership of the. next Con gress. He said the decision Avas irrevoca ! ble. The refusal of the Democrats to fol low his lead in his demand for the consideration - eration of the resolution to declare Wheeler and other members who accepted army j commissions thereby forfeited membership i induced i him to make the announcement. i , JOHN WILSON DRURY DEAD. , t % Was a Close Friend of Samuel .1. j ' Tilden and Stephen A. Douglas. i John Wilson Drnry is dead al Jfhine- | 1 beck. X. Y. . aged Si > A ears. lie was a j close personal friend of Stephen A. Douglas - i \ ! las j and Samuel J. Tildcn. In IH10 he ' moved , to Illinois , where he became emi- j' ! lieu , ! as a jurist and \\as elevated to a [ judgeship. ; lie Avas one of the original I ' directors \ of the Chicago ami Uock Island j | Railroad j and for fifteen years atlorncx . for | the conipanA. 1 Huston to right the Sparrow. , In compliance with a petition presented ! by prominent Uosto'i citizens. Mayor Quincy - has . ' directions to tin1 ' cy giv.'ii superintend- cnts of ] > ublc : grounds to heuin the work of exlerniinatinu the Kntrlish sparrow. , What will be done jusl now. howeer.vill j > c in the list ire of an e-p < ' South Africun < * o5d Output. A c < m > ular report from Capetown. Af- rica. | says that reckoning on the basis of ' , September reports of outputs South Africa will produce in the current year $7i. ( H7.-57r : of gold , whicli will place South Africa . ahead of all ( he goltl producing c : > : intrk's of the world. Chicago Stock Yards Case. i The Interstate Commerce Conimihsion has j { 1 filed a bill in the Federal Court for an in- ' junction j restraining the leading railroads ; ' entering from the Avest from imposing $2 terminal charge at Ihc Chicago stock \ ards. Portland Sails for Manila. ' j ! i i The United States transport Portland I sailed from San Francisco Saturday last for Manila. It carries a number of recruits and a great cargo of supplies for the Army and Xavy departments in the Philippines. NOT BY ACT OF THE HOUSE "Will Gen. Wheeler et al. Vacate Their Seats in Congress. An attempt Avas made in the lower House of Congress Thursday to consider the res- olulians reported by the Judiciary Com mittee declaring that ( Jen. Wheeler , Col. Colson of Kentucky , Col. Campbell of Illinois and Maj. Eobbins of Pennsylvania , Avho accepted commissions in the army , had thereby vacated their seats , but the House by an overwhelming vote refused to consider them. The political division upon this vote Aas significant. The vote stood 77 ayes , cast by 21 Republicans , 48 Dem ocrats and 1o Populists , and 140 nays , cast by 101 Republicans. 41 Democracs and one Populist. EIGHT-HOUR DAY IN COLORADO Senators Offered Money If they Would Defeat the Bill. The Colorado Senate has passed the bill providing for an eight-hour day in all mines in the State by a vote of 2 ( > to G. The bill Avas passed by the House some time ago. During the debate Senator Buckley caused a sensation by the announcement that he and other senators had been offered laiye sums of money if they Avould A-ote against the bill. The bill as passed is identical with the law now in force in Ttzih. SOLDIERS IN A WRECK. Six Coaches Filled with Troops Overturned. Xews has been received of a disastrous wreck near Tupelo , Miss. , on the Mobile and Ohio road. Six coaches loaded with soldiers were overturned and two Avere killed and six seriously hurt. The t rain Avrecked had on board several hundred members of the Missouri Volun teers who had been mustered out and wen returning home. Schnrz's 7Oth Birthday. The seventieth anniversary of the birth of Carl Schuiv. Avas celebrated at his home in JN'CW York March 2. Congratulatory telegram.- and letters Avere received in great numbers. Through the day close friends called to offer their congratulations in per son. A cablegram of greeting came from Prince Herbert P.ismarck and from forty of Ihe leading meinbers of the German Reich stag , and similar dispatches Avere received from various parts of ( Jen-many and from important cities in the I'nited States. Say the Story Is Absurd. The War Department officials pronounce absurd the characteristic Filipino junta story to the effect that Aguinaldo had taken several hundred American soldiers prisoners and removed them to the inte rior. As a matter of fact Gen. Otis' bulle tins have accounted for every man in the American army at Manila , and there is no > on record a single case of missing. Witness Held for Perjury. James E. Xello , Avho made a sensational affidavit for the defense in the hearing ol the motion for a neAv trial in the Collins murder case at Topeka , Kan. , Avas shoAvn to have SAvorn falsely Avhen- placed on the Avitness stand and Avas committed to jail. County Attorney Jetmore secured reliable information that the man's real name Avas Harris Bradbury. Farmer Builds a Mansion. The erection of Avhat is by far the best farm house in Xorthwest Missouri and probably the best in the State has just been completed near Burlington Junction in the Avestern part of X'odaway County. It is the property of Charles D. Caldwell and is valued at $30,000. The grounds have beei ? laid out in a very attractive AVIIV. Thrown Into Prison- Cen. Toral , who commanded the troops at Santiago de Cuba , has been arrested and imprisoned in Spain , previous to being courlmartialed for surrendering to Shafter. MARKET QUOTATIONS. Chicago Cattle , common to prime , # { .00 to $0.25 ; hogs , shipping grades. : $ : { .0 ( ) to $4.00 : sheep , fair to choice , $3.00 to , $4.7f > : Avhoat , Xo. 2 red , 73c to 74c : corn < , Xo. 2 , 3Je ( to 3Sc ; oats , Xo. 2 , 2Sc to 1 2c ! ) : rye. Xo. 2. " > Ge to 5Sc ; butter , choice < creamery. 20c to 21c ; eggs , fresh. to 21c ; potatoes , choice. 50c to GOc per ] bushel. Indianapolis Cattle , shipping. $3.00 to S..7rj , : hogs , choice li 'lit , $2.7 ; " * to $4.00 ; sheep , common to choice , $2. . > 0 to $4.2. ) : wheat. Xo. 2 reil. 71c to 72c : corn , Xo. 2 white , 33c to 3.V ; oats , Xo. 2 white , "tk to i 32c. St. Louis Cattle. $3. . " > 0 to $0.00 ; hogs. $3.00 ! to $4.00 ; sheep. § 3.00 to $4. ; " > 0- wheat. Xo. 2. 74c to 7sie ; corn , Xo. 2 yellow. 34c to 3Gc : oats. Xo. 2 , 20c to 30c ; 1 rye. Xo. 2 , "iOe to Glc. Cincinnati Cattlefi $2. . 0 to ? .r .75 : hogs , $ . " . .00 to $4.00 ; sheep. $2. : > 0 to $4. . " > 0. wheat. Xo. 2. 74c to 7Gc : corn. Xo. 2 mixed. ] 34c to 3Gc : oats , Xo. 2 mixed , 20t to ' : > 0c : rye. Xo. 2. G2c to G4c. Detroit Cattle. $2. "H ) to $ r .7. > ; hogs , . * : : . ( ! ( ! to $4.00 : sheep. $2.r.O to $4.50 ; wheat , Xo. 2. 7."c to 7."c ; corn. Xo. - yellow. "He to "Gc : oats , Xo. 2 Avhite. o2c to ' :5"e ; rye. Glc to ( " 5c. Toledo Wheat. Xo. 2 mixed. 74c tc 7Gc ; corn , Xo. 2 mixed , . " ! 4c to . ' .Gc : oats , Xo. 2 white. 2Kt' ! :50c : ; rye. Xo. 2. HGc to ; . Sc : clover seed. new. $ : i.SO to $8.1)0. ) Milwaukee Wheat. Xo. 2 spriujr , 71c to , 72c ; corn. Xo. . " . . ,2c to . " 4c : oats. Xo. 2 white , 2Sc to 'Jlc : rye , Xo. 1 , . 7c to . " ) Sc ; barley J , Xo. 2 , 4He to " > lc : pork , mess , $1).2. ) > to $ i.7."i. ) Buffalo Cattle , j oed shippini : steers. $ , . ' 5.00 to $ G.OO ; ho s. connnon to choice , $ . " .2o to $4.2 " ) ; sheep , fair to choice weth ers. , $ o.i)0 to $4.7. ) : lambs , common to extra.$4..r,0 ( to $ r.2r > . Xew York Cattle , $ .f.2r to $0.00 ; hoj's. , $ : ] .GO to $4.r > 0 : sheep. $3100 to $4.75 ; Avheat , Xo. 2 red. SGc to SSc : corn , Xo. 2 , 44c to 4Gc ; oats , Xo. 2 Avhite , 37c to SSc ; butter , creamery , IGc to 24c ; eggs , Western. 23c to 2-ic ; STATE OF NEBRASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM. Marshall Mooney of Crawford Re ceives a Bullet in His Brain He- suit of Collecting a Bar Bill from a Trooper Filled Avith Liiquor. Crawford's Marshal Shot. A shooting affray took place at Crawford i few days since. Louis Grossman , to gether Avith several other soldiers , Avere discharged from the army at the Fort Robinson military post and Avere en route Tor the east. Grossman AV ? bound for Chicago to visit relatives. He boarded the train at Fort Robinson. When Cnuvford Avas reached a number of other soldiers entered the car. They Avere all feeling hilarious and had been drinking to excess. Marshall Frank IX Mooney and J. I ) . Ilagleword , a Crawford saloonkeeper , cn- rered the car at Crawford in search of Grossman. Ilagleword had a bill against the man and upon his presenting it Gross man promptly paid it. They then debarked from the train just as it started to leave. Mooney no sooner reached the depot platform than he was shot down , the but- let tearing through his eye and completely penetrating his head , and chances are against his recover- . Grossman is charged with firing the shot. This he denies and . hums that after paying the bill to Mr. Ilagleword he remained in his seat. As soon as the train left Crawford a deputy sheriff in that city telegraphed the circum stances of the shooting to officers at Chad ron Avho made the arrest. One important witness , a soldier , Avas held. He stated to the sheriff , Avithout knowing his identity , that Grossman had fired a shot before the train left Crawford. Grossman Avas arraigned andnoevidcnce ueing produced to show that he fired the shot , he Avas released and at once left Chadron for the east. The victim of the shooting has passed the danger point and is rapidly recovering. OF COLE Tragic Fate of Friends Made Ene mies by Jealousy. At the inquest OA-er the body of Clyde Cole , Avho Avas shot at Endicott , the evi dence showed that Cole escorted Miss Ger trude Rickey to her home and while they were talking at the gate Bert Grandy came up and after chatting pleasantly a.few minutes asked the girl Avhich she preferred going Avith , Cole or himself. She expressed a preference for Cole and Grandy drew a revolver. Miss Rickey stepped between the tAvo. but Graudy. reaching over her shoulder , ylischrrged Us pistol , the ball piercing ( ble -heart. . Col < - staggered to the house and as the girl's father opened the door after hearing the shot Cole fell on the step and said : "lie got un- this and expired. Grandy snapped the pistol at tluv n- , couple of times , but no loads Avere leu in'it. Then he Avent to his own home and taking , all the cartridges he could find left hur riedly and Avas not seen again until his dead body Avas found a quarter of a mile aAvay. The night trains Avere Avatched to prevent his escape and an attempt made to locate him Avith bloodhounds , but the dogs got onto the Avrong trail and Avent south into Kansas. When Grandy "s body was found it Avas lying on its back , his revolver close to his hand and a bullet hole in the center of his forehead. Grandy Avas about 21 years and Cole 19 years of age. The parents of both boys live in Endicott and i ' the vicinity and they had ahvays been good friends until each became jealous of the ther's attentions to Miss Rickey. "Whittaker Heirs Are Expectant. In York County are a number of heirs of the Whittaker estate Avho have learned through Associated Press reports that the Captain Whittaker estate Avill soon be paid out ( to the heirs. Rev. William Whittaker , formerly a resident of York County , has made t\vo trips to England for the purpose of furnishing proofs of ownership. lie has just returned from a trip made last sum mer and inlWins the heirs that everything is satisfactory and that the money Avill be paid out soon. The estate is estimated at S9D.OOO.COO and there are 187heir. > . Thrifty Immigrants. Thirty-one car loads in three special trains is Bloomfield's invoice of emigrants from lewa. They are a thrifty , forehanded people , Avith good looking live stock and money in their pockets. TheA have all bought land in eastern Knox County , and will help to build up this section of the State. Ex-Senator Saunders , banker of r.loomfield , met them at the State line and accorr.panied their trains to Bloomfield where a large crowd Avith the brass band > net them at the depot. Swindlers Collect "War Tax. " The latest scheme to swindle farmers iround Wymore is the collection of a "war , a\ " ' from the most ignorant class of agri culturists. Well dressed and smooth talk ing swindlers have been traveling through 'hi ? .v-c-uon Avorking this scheme and from eeiit reports they seem to have been quite -uccessful. having held up a large number > f farmers for amounts ranging from $1 to 10 each. Thieves Pay the Penalty. In the case of the State of Xebraska against Lewis and Williams , after an all .light session at Trenton the jury found ootli guilty of grand larceny , and Judge N'orris sentenced each to six years and six i months at hard labor in the penitentiary and to pay the. cost of the prosecution. Ponca's New School House. Eric Xylan of Yermillion. S. D. . AVHS awarded the contract for building the -chool house at Ponca. The contract price is $11.900. The Avork of excavating Avill be begun at once , and the building is to be finished for the fall session. Bring Home Soldiers' .Remains. A letter received by General Harry shows that the Goverment is preparing to send the bodies of the Nebraska soldiers home and is using due diligence in this respect without having Availed for the action of the legislature. . Good Program for Educators. The annual normal institute of Cass County Avill be held in Weeping Water March 27 to 251. George L. Farley , county superintendent , Avill be the conductor. Dr. Byron W. King , president of King's School of Oratory , Pittsburg , Pa. , and Dr. X. C. Schoeffer , State Superintendent , Harrisburg - burg Pa. , haA'e been secured as instructors. The former Avill-work in reading , language , grammar , literature and physical culture ; the latter , arithmetic , grammar and geog raphy. Both educators are able lecturer.- } and Avill occupy two evenings each. Mrs. J. K. Keithley has charge of the music. Want Fire Insurance. Lumbermen from a dozen towns iu Northeast Nebraska assembled at Xor- folk recently for the purpose of taking tin ! preliminary steps toward the organization of a mutual lire insurance company. It it claimed that the rates charged by insur ance companies on lumber risks in Ne braska are exorbitant more than lumber men are really able to pay. Various plan : ? Avere discussed by the representatives present , but no de'-nite ' plan of organ iza * tion Avas adonted. Severely Burned. Thomas Hannon. an employe of the Col umbus Brewery , was severely burned about the face and head a few days ago- Jle Avent into one of the large tanks with a light and had scarcely passed the manhole Avhen something caught lire. The tanl had been recently newly pitched and it i ? believed that a gas generated Avhich caught from the lamp , lie Avill be laid up for some time. Tried Three Times for Murder. Judge Letton , in the District Court a Auburn , overruled the motion for change o ! venue in the Argebright murder case hence Argebright will be tried the third time in Nemaha County for taking the liftf of his father-in-law , VVilliam Smeiser. irt February , JS9i. The Avork of securing 3 jury Avill be somewhat tedioiu- . The tiiw lixed for the trial is March 27. Smallpox at Omahn. The health oflicials of Omaha now be lieve that the epidemic of .smallpox hag been stumped out in that city. There aw only four cases there at present , and it li confidently believed that these are the last Stringent.nieaspvcs have been taken by the authorities'there to prevent the spread of smallpox , Avhich at one time was increas ing at an alarming rate. Shot His TJrother-iu-Law. Frank Eble. Avhilt ; intoxicated Avalkcd into the paint shop of II. C. Truman al Norfolk and took a shot at the proprietor inflicting a slight Avonnd. Eble Avas ar rested shortly afterward and two largo revolvers Avere found upon him. He is u brother-in-law of Truman. Family bus iness troubles \\as the mothc. Nebraska Soldiers lrul. Otis roport.- > t\\ol 'o dL-.Uu.-T at ilurila during the past week -of disease , of Aiflch four were of smallpox and live of Avoundf received in action , of whom three Avert members of the First Nebraska , as follows : Sergeant W. II. Cook , Privates Edward Day , Companx A. and John Alley , Com- , "pany D. Sheep Yards Double Capacity. II. A. Knollin k Co. of Kansas City liavo secured a three-year lease of eighty acrcy of land south of Norfolk , to where their sheep yards Avill be removed. The present yards have facilities to handle 20,000 Jiead of sheep , but the new quarters Avill be so arranged as to double the capacity. Judgment Against Koyal Neighbors Francis II. Wallace of Fremont has re covered a judgment for $1,000 and interest from the Royal Neighbors of America on v beneficiary ' certificate issued to his dead wife. The case was stubbornly contested by both sides , lln difference being false statements in the application. Postmaster Assaulted. W. L. Jacobs , mail carrier between Pine Ridge and Uushville. a few days ago , as saulted , and severely injured Postmaster Brooks . at Chadron. It A\as feared for a. time that his injuries Avould prove fatalT but he is now recovering. Jacobs was fined ? J50 and costs. Yotes for Refunding ; . The refunding water bond proposition , was carried at Norfolk with but two votes against. The new bonds .ire for $38,000 at 4 per cent , and are under contract to be sold ut S ( > 27 premium. The old bonds bore 15 per cent , interest. Christinas Boxes are .Received. Brad P. Cook of Lincoln has received a cablegram from Company D , enrolled in that city , acknowledging the receipt of the Christmas boxes sent on Nov. 30 : " MANILA. March 1 : 1'oxes here : com pany well. " Woman Accidentally Shot. By the accidental discharge of a shotgun , in the hands of her husband. Mrs. James Blake recehed such a severe wound iii the leg that amputation Avas necessary. Tie Blakes live live miles north of Beaver Citv. i Hector Changes Locations. Tov. Thomas I lines , rector of the Epis copal Church in Wymore. has resigned his pastorate and will go la Cedar Rapids. Avhere Mr. Ilines Avill assume the duties of rector of the Episcopal Church. 3Iad Dog Scare. Thenis a mad dog scare up in Chas County. Several head of cattle have been killed on account of rabies and two per sons have been bitten. All the dogs with out muzzles are killed on sight. Scarcity of Feed. Feed , especially hay. in and around Monroe , is scarce on account of the feeders coming in and buying it all for feed ing purposes. There is a large amount of feeders in this section of the state. Norfolk is Well Pleased. There is great rejoicing in Norfolk over the passage of the bill by the Senate mak ing an appropriation to purchase a site for a government building there. Nebraska Short Notes. The B. & M. has promised to build anew depot at Friend. There were shipped from Furnas County during the year 1893.1,017 cars of stock and , 11,547 cars of grain. . _ _