Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, February 02, 1899, Image 6
BARGAINS IN fcfr UNDERWEAR ifr ftfr 4 ? AND 4 ? LANKETS 4 $ 49 43 To make room for Spring Goods 4 ? 4 ? 40 Dozen Ladies' Fleeced Cotton Ribbed -30ci Veats and Pants that sold at 30c now at . . - ? * C7 30 Dozen Wool Fleeced Ribbed Vests and 570 o * 4 ? Pants that sold at 75 cents now . & * 50 Dozen Gents Cotton Merino Shirts and 30ol Drawers that sold for 40 cents now < f 4 * Also a number of those 4 ? 49 ft 4 ? 4 ? 49 49 4 ? At way down figures 49 49 0 * 49 49 49 49 49 49 ftfr VALENTINE NEBRASKA fftfeft , yn i n r B'LmB ' I H * B i"V' L\ I i/T * PilP ® Dealers in cw I Main Street , First Door Korth of S tetter's E.O.R JACKSON DENTIST Office over T. C. Hornby's store Stairway on * vest side Operations as nearly painless as possible. J. S. ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy © ffiseat Estabrook Ilonsn on Cherry St. VALENTINE , NEB- O.W.MOREY THE VALENTINE WATCH / MAKER AND JEWELER Carries a full line of ster ling silver novelties fy i < 1s FOR SALE AT ALL SALOONS IN THE 01TY Stationery , We have just rece ifed a fine assortment of box payers White , Tinted , ruled and itttntletl , Prices , lOcl e , 2Oc , 35c , Tablets. Ruled or unruledNote t and letter sixes. Quigley * s Drug Store We rireIfenf * for Pasteur lilackley Vaccine A. M. MORRISSE1 ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE , NEI 0. A. WELLS J. B. WELL WELLS BROS. ENTISTS Office over Cherry Conttfy ftanh A. N. COMPTOK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigley's Drug Store Front Nights-Upstairs-Ked Straj/eb or Stolon. Several head of horses and cat tle , branded Amos Strong , Valentine , Neb. ANC ! ' " * WISH PRNCH . pPtN J Strunicit Toiue > it ( tie . " mnrUct. in pcrfoctlafc Ft and a cffc.trsl ti.irrj r jTjl rcniif > t all foi m of > lu .k. i nf .Male ' < N h t .i.i s./cd .t : c ! nirc Cross Hires reui i > e Wile ( < . -.tt- Mcol till- . - - i---r Ok * WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRA1 EGBERT GOOD , Editor and Publishe ; $1.OO Per Year in Advance PUBLIbllED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at t b e Post-office at Valentine. Cherr : eounlTt Nebraska , as Second-class matter. This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite ordei to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full. f'omtnff Events. St. Valentine's Ony February 14 Fanr.rr's Instltuie February 16 and 17. K. P. MaS'-im-iale cirni\al ; , M.mh IT. Cou tj rmnmis-tioners X'a di il Assessor's Meeting Mauh.it Fine new line of Shoes at T. C Hornby'a. A full line of feed always ? on ham at Pettycrevr'jj. Elegant line of new dress goo3s a T. C. Hornby's. Comic and sentimental valentine at O. W. Morey'rf. The Red Front quotes some goo prices in this week's paper. Charley Bullis has been tending ba for F. Fischer this week. David Hanna , of Woodlake , was Valentine visitor last Friday. Dick Zelian is laid up with th grip , and can't run the laundry. Dr. R. K. Lanjjson has moved hi hospital from Gordon to Chadron. D. Stinard is closing out all hi heavy goods suits , overcoats , etc. Ed T. Ross , of western Cherr'cour ty , was in town this week on business Thompson & Wilson have an intei esting advertisement in anothe column , Wanted 1,000 bushels of shelle corn and 500 bushels of oats at W. Pettycrew's. 48 Daniel Reinert and wife , of Ains worth , are here on a visit with thei son , George. Enoch Flowers went out to ' 'Yank O'Bryan's Tuesday to do some cai penter work. The K. of P's. will give anothe carnival on the eve of St. Patrick' day , March 17. John Grooms , of near Sparks , has new wagon , purchased of D. S. Luc wig this week. Fred Miller has a new dray wage and is proud as a boy with his firs pair of boots. E. R. Vandegrift was in town froi Brownlee the first of. the week eland land business. Gus Carlson's youngest child , a li' tie boy , has been very ill of pnex monia this week. The next meeting of the nations live stock association will be held a Fort Worth , Texas. Remember the Farmer's Institut to be held in Cornell's hall.Valentint February 16 and 17. Davenport & Thacher present ou readers with a few prices this wee which are hard to beat. D. S. Ludwig has been confined t his room for the past two weeks wit a severe attack of the grip. E. McDonald has been quite ill thi week but we are pleased to note tha at this writing he is improving. To Cure n Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. A drusKists refund money if it iails to cure. Voi The genuine baa L. B. Q. on eacb tablet. P. O. Parsons , photographer , wil take a few pupils in photography a the low rate of $15.00 per month. J. M. Carpenter was confined to hi home several days this week with ; sore throat and kindred ailments. Dr. Dwyer reports the arrival of ; girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ma : E. Viertel , Crookston , on the 26th. Jacob Lapointe and Louise Rich ards , of Rosebud , were married b ; his honor , Judge Towne , last Friday David Hanna and Washington Hon ey are going to Hot Springs , Arkan aas , to spend the balance of th < winter. Carlson & Anderson carry a nic < line of picture frames , light hard ware , etc. , which they advertise ii this paper. Luella Ledgett , aged 45 years , dice last night of pneumonia. Funera will take place this afternoon at 2:30 : from the Methodist church. Frank C. Good , brother of the pro prietor , came up from Lincoli Sunday night and contemplates mak ing this his home in the future. I Born , Sunday morning , January 30 1899 , to J. H. Quigley and wife , a fim boy baby. All parties concerned are doing nicely , but Jim was laid up f01 a few days. Hay. Correspondence solicited with par ties prepared to cut and stack 500 t ( 1,000 tons of hay during the season oJ 1899. EARL COMSTOCK , Man'gr , 2t Brownlee , Nebraska New Styles in Mackintoshes at T C. Hornby's. New Goodrich Sewing Machines al T. C. Hornby's. There are over two and a hall million acres of government land ii this county , but it is rapidly growing less in quantity. License to marry was granted Alvr G. Skinner and Viola M. Estabrook both of Lavacayesterday. The cere mony will take place Sunday. F. M. Whittecar , of Ainsworth , wai in town Monday renewing his ac quaintance with our citizens am looking up the court house question Geo. Reinert was sick abed yester day with a bilious attack and consequently quently we've had to get a 8rea hustle on ourselves to get the papei out on time. Nina Longcor , one of our wel known teachers , left for Harlan Iowa , yesterday morning. She wil attend the Shenandoah normal schoo the coming season. Bob Dorr , who has lived in the wes part of the county so long that m one knows when he first located there is in town this week for the first tinn in about eight years. Five homestead entries were madi at the local land-otiice Monday , fo land near Brownlee , and one contest This doesn't indicate that people ar afi aid of Cherry county. B. F. Carter , of Gordon , and T. B Irwin of this county , attended thi national live stock association a Denver last week and report a ver profitable and pleasant meeting. Lieut. Wm. Yates , of the 1st cav airy , came down from Fort Mead yesterday morning and stopped a the Donoher while on his way to Rose bud to attend the issuance of supplie There will be a masquerade ball ii Woodman Hall , Merriinan , Februar ; 14 , 1899. Large hall , good floor , bes music. Everybody cordially invited Managers : A. Bowring. John Selder and H. Godfrey. Jule Ecoffey and John Fourier , o Pine Ridge , were in town a couple o days during the past week on thei way to and from Rosebud reservatioi where we are told the } ' contemplat starting a store. We were in error last week whe we said Fred Folks had accepted ; situation with Pettycrew. He wa employed for one day only and is no ) clerking for McDonald. Will Clark sou is working for Pettycrew. J. A. Fike returned Saturday eve ning from Illinois where he had bee for several days attending a sic ! brother. He left his brother muc improved and hopes are entertaine for his recovery. Newport Republi can. Coyotes are playing havoc wit sheep in Sheridan county. The } ' ar so numerous that they travel in band of six to fifteen. The sheepmen ar becoming disturbed over the losse sustained and several big hunts at talken of. T. H. Stanton , paymaster genera of the U. S. Arm } ' , retired on accoun of age , Monday , with the rank of ma jor general , and will make his horn in Omaha. Gen. Stanton has man ; friends in Valentine and northwes Nebraska who are interested in hi welfare and would be pleased to shak < hands with him once more. Sandy Griswold and other cit ; sports are urging the legislature ti so amend the game law of the stati that the open season for chicken am grouse will begin August 1 , one montl earlier than at present , and closi December 1. And this they an urging upon the ground that it wil be a protection to the game. Th < trouble with sports of this class i : that they cannot shoot a full growi chicken while on the wing , and the ] want an opportunity to come up hen and kill them with clubs. If th ( game law is amended , the open seasoi should be made October to January rather than earlier. Judge Kinkaid held a special tern of court here Tuesday and did consid erable routine business in the fore closure line. In order to expedite matters at the regular term he took this occasion to appoint Clarke & Tucker as counsel for Andrew Chris tiansen , now in jail. Lena George applied for a divorce from Edmond George , who has been in the peniten tiary for some time for stealing cat tle. About the most important case decided was that of Reinert va Cherry Countan appeal case growing out of the law.passed two years ago re quiring road overseers to fill old wells in their districts. The court gave the plaintiff judgment for $57.20. It is the first case of the kind that has been decided and was submitted to the court last fall. , otTo To get room for our Spring stock. Get our prices before purchasing We also give a few prices on ES FOR CASH Oregon Salmon , 3 cans for B B Oysters , 2 cans for - Ginger Snaps , 3 Ibs for - Baking Powder , 3 Ibs for Heinz' Pickles , per gallon California Hams , per lb. , - 7c G K X El IA L MERC LI A N TS Doesn't care for large sales. lie wants large profits METHODS CHANGE Small profits and lots of 'em. That's what counts. SEE THE POINT ? If so , for further particulars call on Kanch orders a specialty FamhaiXl & Dl All our Heavy Weight Suits , Our prices on Boots and Shoes Overcoats and Fur Coits ? , in men's are lower than anybody's , quality boys' and children's , go at a sacri and fir considered3 and we have all fice. btyles and sixes. fice.Our Our spring stock will soon been Practical Tailoring in all its on hand and \ve must have room. branches. D. Stinard , Clothier. Wide Tire Wagons Are acknowledged to he the best and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAVE JUST EECEIVED A CAR LOAD In addition to this L have just received a car of "WIND MOTOE" WIND MILLS "Which I am selling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere Valentine Nebraska D. S. Ludwig With a big line of Jacket ? , ( "ape ? , Collarettes , Dress Goods , Caps , Clothing and everything you need to knep you warm We will have another t-hipment of goods in a few days. We will sell these goods at a great bargain or Tr li ! Horses At your earliest opportunity call and see us located in Morev's old stand on Alain sireet. Thompson & Wilson > !