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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1898)
REWER , 'Well Known for Deeds of Kindness and Philanthropy _ , * AS\S \ ARDENT ADVOCATE OF PE-RU-NA. Illi The Home of Mrs. Lizzie M. Brewer at Westerly , R. I. In a letter to Dr. Hartman , concerning the merits of J'e-rti-ua , Mrs. Brewer writes , among other things : "Westerly , R. I. "Dear Dr. Hartman I find Pe-ru-na a sure cure for all catarrhal affections so common In this nart of the country. It curi's a cold at once. There is no cough medicine that can at all equal Pe-rn-na. As for la grippe , there Is no other remedy that can at all comjmrc with Pe-ru-na. "I notice Ii medical journals , and from the testimony of my neighbors , that the doctors seem < inlte unsuccessful In treating la grippe , especially In removing the after effects of la grippe. From personal obser vation in many cases I know that Pe-ru-na is a sure specific for these cases. "I am among the sick a great deal In our city and have supplied many Invalids with IV-ru-na , simply because I am enthusiastic THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination , but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Co. only , and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing- true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Fig's is manufactured by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Co. only , a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CALI FORNIA FIG SYRUP Co. with the medi cal profession , and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figd has given to millions of families , makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives , as it acts on the kidneys , liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them , and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects , please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAX FRANCISCO. Cnt. tOUISVILLE. Kr. NEW YORK. N. T. "XotliinRbut whe.itas far as the eye could reach oil cither side what you might call iiseaof wheat * - was what a locturer. s p v a k i n p of Western Canada , said while refer ring to that country. For particulars as to routes , railway f.iri's , etc. , apply to X. Bartholo mew , yth Sircpt. Di-s Moiiics , Iowa , Agent for the Government of Canada. The Success of the Season. A $ l 2 MAGAZINE FOR 50 CENTS. A Richly Illustrated and Beautiful Peri odical , Covering the Whole Field of Popular Reading. THE LEDGER MONTHLY is the marvel of the age for beauty and low price. Wit-h its Artistic Lithosr.iphic Colored Covers. Superb Pictorial lllus.rations , Serial and Short Stories by Leading Writers of the World , and Special Departments of Dec orative Art , Embroidery , Home Employ ment for Women , and , in fact , every De partment of home improvement which adds to the economy and charm of home life , be it indoors or outdoors , THE LEDGER ' MONTHLY is beyond question , and , accord ing to toCOA1A1ENTS COA1A1ENTS OF THE PRESS OF THE WHOLE UNITED STATES , the most wonderful production for its price. Simply to see a copy of THE LEDGER MONTHLY Is to IK ? firmly convinced that no such costly periodical has ever been of fered to the public for so little money. Your eample copy will prove this to you. Your Postmaster -will show you a sample copy of THE LEDGER MONTHLY raid also take vour subscription for THE LEDGER MONTHLY for a whole year for only 50 cents. Don't fail to ask your Postmaster to let you look a't a sample copy , and you will be sure to give him your 150 cents for a year's subscription to THK LEDGER MONTHLY , the Great Family Magazine. ROBERT BONNER'S SONS , Publishers , 15G Ledger Building , New York City. _ P- . m n - . - Wo ml erf til. "There Is positively the dumbest man I ever saw. Why , that fellow doesn't know anything ! " "And yet he Is chief assistant Jn bis .wife's Intelligence office , " " * in my faith as to its results. I have never known It to fall to quickly and permanently remove that demoralized state of the human system which follows In grippe. "In all cases of extreme weakness I use Pe-ru-na with perfect confidence of a good result. In cases of weakness peculiar to my sex , I am sure that no other remedy can approach in good results the action of Pe-ru-ua. It meets all the bad symptoms to which females are subject. The Irregulari ties and nervousness , the debility and mis eries which aillict more or less the women from girlhood to change of life , are one and all met and overcome by this excellent rem edy. 1 wish every young lady In our city could read your book , 'Health and Beauty. ' "Mrs. Lizzie M. Brewer. " Ask any druggist for a free Pe-ru-na Almanac for the year 1899. 'Ihc .Laliorcr and His Hire. "Run back to the hotel and sec if I Ifft my watcb iu my room. Here's half n dollar if you're back with it before the tra-n starts. " The intelligent messenger boy waj off like a shot. He was back just as the train was pulling out. "Yes , sir , " he cried ; "you left it there. I saw it myself. Gimme my half dollar lar ! " New York Journal. How's This ! We oft'er One Hundred Dollars reward foranj case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Props. , Toledo , O We the undersigned have known F. J. Chenej for the last 15 years , and believe him perfectlj honorable in all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obligation made bj their firm. WEST & TKUAX , Wholesale Druggists , Toledo , O. WARDING , KIXNAX & MAUVIX , Wholesale Druggists , Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , actinp directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by at Druggists. Testimonials free. A Great Find. "I hare just run across a wonderful book of poems something altogether unique. " "In what way is the book so unlike other books of poetry ? " "The author doesn't sign his first and second names in full only the initials. " COMBINATION OF HEALTH AND WEALTH. New Districts in Western Canada Adapted to Ranching and Mixed Farming. Calgary , Alberta , Nov. 4,189S. To the Editor of the Duluth Evening Herald , Duluth , Minn. : Dear Sir As to many replies to the some-seeker of Minnesota , I can cheer fully say this country is better for a poor man than Minnesota if he wants to farm and raise stock. 1 have spent one winter and two summers which I find more pleasant than any winter I have sect' ' 1 Minnesota for eight years. The soy0 , * s are short , but the effects of long fJtlCs \ bright sunshine produce a very rowth of vegetation. There is ) ney in raising coarse grains and to hogs and cattle , for pork and ways bring a good price here. > e worth from $4 to $4.50 live per cwt. and beef about the i same'1 There is plenty of railroad land to be had very cheap and on long time payments. A man does not want to think he can pick up money on the ground here , but there is lots of it in the ground and labor will take it out. There is a vast scope of country north of Edmonton , Alberta , which can be settled and a large scope of country west of Edmonton adapted to ranching and mixed farming. This country is the best place I have ever seen for the cure of consumption. j I could refer you to different people 1 here who were in the last stages of con sumption , who are now in perfect health and able to do any kind of hard work and are very prosperous. Hoping this may benefit home-seekers who are willing to work for an honest living , I remain yours very truly , ( Signed ) CHARLES M. SCOTT. Any agent of the Canadian Govern ment will gladly give information as to settlement , terms and rates. Insulted. "I suffered nearly all night from in somnia , " said the drummer. "I'll bet you $2 , " roared the country landlord , "that they ain't one of 'em In my house. " Indianapolis Journal. A catalogue of 3UU prizes , suitable tc every taste and condition , mailed on in- jniry. Prizes given for saving Diamond "C" Soap wrappers. Address Cudahy Soap "Works. Smith Omaha.eb. . Good -Reason. He Why are you so cold ? She It may be because 3011 are something of a frost. Indianapolis Journal. Easily Gotten Over. - A cripple from a sprain Is one who neglects to use St. Jacobs Oil to cure It. Prompt use of it brings prompt cure , and the trouble is gottea over easily. Ail Unhampered M.ind. "How did you learn golf so quickly ? " "I never dabble in croquet or check ers. " MISTRESS AND MAID. stand in need of MISTRESSES as maids , and the time has come when house wives must realize that the relations between them and their servants can not be those of slave and his owner. Moreover , the sooner it is realized by every mistress that all the cardinal vir tues are not to be found in a single individual , the soouer will she establish the domestic peace of her household. Even were it possible to find young women so richly endowed by nature , that no fault could be found with them , they would be worth more than a few pounds per annum to any family. Di rectly we produce servants with an gelic tempers and an abnormal love for work , who never want rest or holidays , or a watchful eye over them , then may we rest assured that wages will go up by-leaps and bounds , and truly they will be worth whatever they demand. But until the millennium comes we have no hope of finding domestics of this type , and meanwhile our best chance of securing better service is to realize that , as the mistress is the pivot of the whole domestic machinery , she ought to come much nearer to perfec tion than those she governs , says the Lady's Pictorial. And the best mis tresses are those who do not look for perfection in servants , and yet strive to bring them by easy stages to that ideal state. What is more and of the utmost importance is that mistresses should not blind themselves to the fact that their maids are of like passions with themselves. They need to be consid ered in little matters sometimes. Their work is monotonous , their hours long , their duties many , and their * tempta tions often very great. All these things are frequently forgotten by those who employ them , with the result that do mestics resent being treated as ma chine's , and rebellion ensues. There is , however , a wide distinction between showing consideration to employes and pampering them. There is no need whatever to treat one's servants as if they were distinguished guests ; but , on the other hand , it is a fatal policy to show them less consideration than one's dogs , and to act towards them on ihe principle that as much value as possible is to be got out of them for the lowest possible remuneration. Influenced the Czar. The international peace movement has many prominent people as warm supporters and promoters. One of the most active is Mrs. Luttner , who before her marriage was the Countess Kliii- FJIA.U BEJITIIA VOX" I.UTTXER. sky. She is a voluminous writer on the subject. She has written articles on international disarmament for most of the large papers of Germany and Aus tria. It was after reading her book , 'Down with Arms , " that the Czar of Russia resolved to issue his universal peace manifesto. "When Tots Toe In. The little tots who are inclined to "toe ( n" when they begin to walk can have this fault quickly rectified if attended to in time , says the Philadelphia Times. The mother or nurse should rub ( at least twice a day ) t-'ie oufer side of the little legs with a firm upward stroke. Hold the little foot in your hand in the correct position. Recollect , do not rub down , and not on the inner side of the leg. The object is to nourish and strengthen the outer muscles , which are proportionately weak. Begin below the ankle , and rub to the knee , slowly and quietly , but not too lightly. This treatment faithfully persevered in will sonn correct the trouble. True Co-operation , The unselfishness which brings a wife into true co-operation , the love which makes sacrifice a joy , are essen tial to the success of the woman who means to prove that fortune is not all that makes a man rich. She has to rise above the plane of duty well done , she Jias to aspire beyond making the best of things , and become creative. She haste to produce light and courage , and give to the faded new brightness , and gild tiie worn and marred , and lend to all tliey possess the magic of her smile. Benefits of College Training. A contemporary says : "American girls go to college now by thousands and tens of thousands as unconcerned ly as they used to go to the grammar schools. It Is now expected that a girl shall go to coiiege if she wants to , quite is much as boy. ? , and some parents in moderate circumstances act upon the principle that it is rather more neces sary for girls to be well educated to meet contingencies of life than for boys , since there are more occupations wherein young men can succeed in the world than young women. Apart from possible professional or business life , the future home-and-society-makers of America go to college for love of study , and for the broader and better culture which college training gives them. II the great need of a nation is mothers , as Napoleon said , it looks as if twen tieth-century Americans are to have healthy and well-educated mothers , to give the best possible start in life. There is no more nonsense talked about the health of college girls. Most of theni improve in strength and in poise of nerves , during their years with their books. Early hours , regular tasks and all the forms of modern girls' athletics keep up the standard of good health during the years of special intellectual training of the daughters of America , in all her colleges and universities. " Woman's Watch Pocket. > The originators of late fashions have solved a problem which has puzzled women ever since women's watches were first made. They have decreed a new pocket for dresses. That pocket is a watch pocket , and it is located on the inner part of the left sleeve , mid way between the wrist and the elbow. The little pocket , from t.he outside of which a circular piece the size of the 37 KW WATCH POCKKT. watch face has been cut , is convenient ly seen and can bp readily reached by the right hand. The flap of the pocket is padded with soft material , so there is practically no danger of breaking the watch. The watch is slipped into the pocket from the side and buttons se cure it from falling out. As in the case of the wrist watches which were much worn several years ago , the face is al ways in plain sight , and the time of day may be seen by the wearer at 2 glance. Uncompanionable Wives. Wfcen you come to think of it , says Dorothy Dix , in the New Orleans Pica yune , the situation is like this : Foi the great majority of women , theii sole chance of happiness is bound up in their husbands and homes. If theii homes are unpleasant ; if , after the firs' fervor of love in the honeymoon passes , they fail to be companions and chums with their husbands , they have laic up for them a future of desolate wretchedness. Now , this being the case , one would think that any woman with a single , solitary glimmering of reason would , it only for her own selfish benefit , make every effort to render herself so agree able and so attractive that her husband j would prefer her society to that of any one else. But do thej * ? Gracious , no' There is nothing else in the world that fills me with as much amazement ai the recklessness with which womei deal with their husbands. I know plenty of women who never let theii husbands make a statement without contradicting them , who parade their husband's failings before company , and who , if there is some one topic that can always bring on a family row , never miss a chance to lug it into the conversation. And these women actu ally complain when their husbands geoff off to seek congenial company else where. Think of it ! To Break Up a Cold. It is much more difficult to break 115 a baby's cold than an older person's. Oiling the throat and chest with some penetrating oil every night and laying a warm flannel over it should be done as soon as a cold is visible. A fev ; drops of pure olive oil should be given if there are any signs of a cough. It is wise to oil the bridge of the nose and over the eyebrows to loosen a cold in the head. Always be careful to keep a baby sufficiently warm. It is safer to have a hot water bag or jug at the feet. If the cold grows more severe give a hot bath in a warm room. Oil thor oughly the entire body and wrap in f flannels and blankets. The Feminine Observer. Sickness is a great Icveler. It reduces us , one and all , to the estate of little Children. A tea cozy is a dainty gift for tin- woman who entertains her friends at afternoon tea. The church-going woman has hei monogram in raised silver on her pray er book and hymnal. The "born cook , " like/ the genuine workman , turns out a good job with the materials at hand. How popular a game is ball , be it tin pigskin , the wee white ball , that played to the rhythm of a waltz or the voice ol "the bald-headed tyrant from Xo Man's Land ! " Most Nourishing Foods. Butter and bacon are declared by a medical writer to be the most nourish ing of all foods. The Knormous Gold Product of 1898. From South Africa , the Klondike and Australia gold is being shipped in large quantities. This year's output will nearly double that of any previous twelvemonths. The sale of Hostettcr's Stomach Bitters is also increasing very fast. This famous remedy will cure dyspepsia , indigestion , constipation , nervousness and weakness. .Experienced. Lawyer Are you a married man ? Witness No , but I was run over by a trolley car once. The Shortest Way. The shortest way out of an attack of neuralgia is to use St. Jacobs Oil , which affords not only a sure relief , but a prompt cure. It soothes , subdues and ends the suffering. , The wives of Siamese noblemen cut their hair so that it sticks straight up from their heads. The average length of it is about 1 } inches. In Winter Use Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder to be shaken into the shoes. During winter your feet feel uncomfort able , nervous , and often cold and damp. If you have perspiring , smarting feet or tight shoes , try Allen's Foot-Ease. It warms and rests the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen aiul sweating feet , blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and 'bunions of all pain and is a certain cure for chilblains and frost bites. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25e. Trial package mailed FREE. Address Alle.i S. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y. All earthly delights dre sweeter In expectation than in enjoyment , but all spiritual pleasures more in fruition than in expectation. Felthara. Gates' Mexico Tours. First tour leaves Chicago Jan. 17 : second end tour leaves Chicago Feb. 11 , ISO1. ) . Price of ticket includes nil traveling ex penses for thirty days. These tours are made by special trains of palace cars , in cluding dining cars. For descriptive hooks and r-'ttos write to Chas. II.-Gates , Toledo , Ohio. _ More hearts pine away in secret an guish for unkindness from those who should be their comforters , than for any other calamity in life. Young. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All drugcists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet During the last twenty-five years the number of college students in the coun try in proportion to population has in creased over 400 per cent. There is economy in using Diamond "C" Soap in the laundry in preference to other kinds. A cannon ball fired from one of the great Krupp or Armstrong guns travels 2.S87 feet per second. rMmiiiiimwiiwimiiiimimmtiwiiM'miiiiiiiiiiimmimimm For Infants and Children. The Kind VegefeblePreparationforAs- similatlng iheToodandRegula- ling ih Stomachs andBoweJs of Bears Signat Promotes DigcsfionCkerful- ness and Rest.Contains neiUier OpiumMorphine norMnexal. KOT'NARCOTIC. Jfanpkn Setd jtbcjtnna * JtccAtUeSaHs- driitt Scti + Jhyxtrxiaf - Aperfect Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea , Worms .Convulsions Jeverish- ness sndLoss OF SLEEP- MB MMMMBM nM M K Sic Simile Signature of irty Yean NEW YORK. EXACT COPY"OF WBAPFEB. . . THE CCMTAUn COMPANY. HCVJ YORK CITY. Bear in Mind that "The Gods Help Those Who Help Themselves. " Self Help Should Teach You to Use IX SECRKT I.ANGUA < ; fc. CORRESPOND with your friends and luisi- ness acquaintances. So simple a child can learn It so complex tliat no one can read it without the key. Send lOc ( silver ) for this wonderful stcret. Can al o use for cost mark unlimited number of combinations. J. H. JONES , Lock Box 59. Sioux City , Iowa. Get Your Pension DOUBLE > y QUICK ! ffrite Oast. 0'PA22SLL , Psaaw AEentWaHzgtcn. D.C. n 1T r U Tsecurcd or = , cey all retaraed. Search free. ff K 8 fm I r r + T r * - \T * . T f i Colamer& Co. 4.FSt. Wasbington.D.C w WRITING TO ADVERTISERS . . please say you satv the advertisement In tills paper. From Ilond to Foot. For oil aches , from head to foot , Jacobs Oil has curative qualities to- reach the pains and aches of the huraao family , and to relieve and cure there promptly. There would have been no "grena diers" at Bunker Hill erccpt for Spain , since the "hand grenade" and the "grenadier" both get their names from the city of Grenada. Piso's Cure for Consumption la our only medicine for coughs and colds. MM. C. Belts , 439 8th ave. , Denver , Col. , Nov. 8 , 1895. An elephant is possessed of such delicate sense of smell that it can scent a human being at u distance of a. thou sand yards. It's just as easy to buy Diamond "C" Soap as inferior kinds. Your grocer sells it. There are said to be fewer suicides among miners than anwag any other class of workmen. These nuisances , rheumatism acJ tbo coiit. are rf ievetl by Glenn's Milplmr ioaii. Hill's Hair and WhlsKer Dye , blacS or ! > rmMu5 e. A docile disposition will , with appli cation , surmount every dfllcul : y. Man. ilius. The Old Reliable Tile Kc int ly isstill tllO favorite never falls to relieve , -l.oo by mull for one month's treatment. Ceo. ! I ! 'IASTISO , AVatertownYls. . Observe your enemies , for they first flnd out your faults. Anlisthencs. MnoTitiNu JITKOP mr ChlliJrut f tiling : sottens the turns , rocucen inflammation. Hllayn pain , cures wind colic. .Scentn alx > UK > If a man makes a fool of himself over a woman she is usually satisiled. WANTED. Caseof bad health that R-M'-A .V3 trill not benefit. Send 5 cents to Ulpnns Chemical Co. . New York , for lOgamolesnud 1.000 testimonial. The superior man is slow in his words and earnest in his conduct. Confucius. Is paused by acid in the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla neutralizes this acid and cures the aches and pains. Do not suffer any longer when a remedy is at hand Take the great medicine which has cured so many others , and you may confidentl.v expect it will give you the relief you sc much desire. Got only Sarsaparilla - parilla America's Greatest Medicine for Rheu matism. Prepared bC. . I .Hood & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Hood's Pills cure sick headache. 25reit > . A Natural Black by dngli a ni's Dye. Price 50 cents of all druggi.sti or R. P. Hall & Co. . Nashua. N II. CURE YOURSELF ! ODKES Use Big G for unnatural Inlio5d j . discharges , Inflammations , Qn r ntetd irritations or ulcerations not to itrietare. of mucous membranes. - - Painless , and not aatrin- THEEVAHSCHEHICiLCo. Bent or poisonous. Sold b or sent in plain wrapper , by ezpregg. prepaid , for Jl.OO , or 3 bottles , $2.75. Circular sent on requtit. S. C. N. U. - CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good , use In time. Sold by druggists.