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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1898)
- , c. " O D"F A R M . > - . , ' I love to dream about the .days _ . - * p < 1ut upon the farm ; v -The thumb is rich in memories - vThat never lose their charm. Though er.vly lured away by tales - Of tj-JiluVs gulden rain. How oft , how oft I've longed to turn Iti < h lo the farm again ! I've toiled for gain in busy marts And sco'i lied the paths of ease : I've wooed with fervor fortune's smiles- * Across the briny seas : ) - ' But neither fabled wealth of hid Nor fame's ambrosial wine Could e'er afford the lost delights Of tl : ,1 old home of mine. There i-vcry humble duly hnre Of rich reward its niofd. And sweet r.pproval gave a smile Fur cvi-ry kindly deed : There peaceful sleep did wait upon Each day of toil and And hope { rave strength each daivninj : day. Its burden tu bear. There peaceful scenes on every band Did o'er begnilo the eye : The woods , the hills : the winding streams Reflecting azure sky : The kino , contented , urowsing o'er The blossom broidereil weld ; The ewes and Iambs , at wane of day , Returning to the fold , All filled my little world with joy And bade brief sorrows fly. As soothes theinfant's griefs away A mother's lullaby. Nor sordid aims did mar the flow Of innocent delight. While honor's precepts were instilled With love's persuasive might. Then take me back , oh , take me back To that fair spot once more. To me more lovely than the fameii Estates of classic lore ! Oh , take me- back and let me rest There , safe from grief and harm , To spend my brief declining days Upon iho dear old farm ! Chicago Democrat. HER NEXT MOVE. EKALDINE FOWLER sorted her mail somewhat listlessly. Some of the envelopes held rejec tions ! . She could tell them by their plumpness. There seemed to be an un usual number this morning. There were one or two acceptances. She smiled as she diew the checks from their envelopes and laid them carefully away. It hud paid , after all. her coining to New York. She had gained her experience and broadened her outlook. Yet. perhaps , it had made her restless as well. She certainly had been , since Godfrey Taylor crossed her path. A troubled look came into her ryes as she took up his letter and read it. A flush spread over her face. "I thought so. " she said as she fin ished reading and dropped it on the desk. Then , with an impulsive move ment , she leaned forward and buried her head in her hands. It had all come so r.-ipidly. this new emotion. Less than three weeks ago she had forgotten the existence of God frey Taylor. To be sure , she dimly re called the gay times she had had with him one summer , and her admiration of him because he wa an editor , and could talk familiarly of book ami dra matic events. She bad even fancied she liked him. but he had 1:0110 out of her life. Suddenly she had heart ! from him. He had seen a story of hers and had written. This had been followed by other letters , and here was the culmi nation : I have not found yon to lose you. 1 want you to marry me at once. Come to Washington for the fall , enjoy all the ad vantages I can give you. You can go into society I have means you can entertain literary people and indulge your fondness for the stage , which I remember , and in January we will go abroad. I shall prob ably be appointed to sonic office there. Her eyes glistened. "It is what I have always wanted. ' ' -she murmured. "And Edward " She stopped. The faithful lover at homr had hardly entered her mind. "Well , 1 could not go back there any way and be content. " she sighed. "My life here has spoiled all that. lie must wake from his dream sooner or later. He told me to be free ; 1 will be free. " She aiuse from her chair and pushed "back the scattered papers. "I will be free to live my life in this glorious fashion that is offered me. It belongs to me. I was made for just such a life. " She smiled triumphantly. Then she seized the pen and directed an envelope to a little far-away country town. "I am tired of it all , " she wrote on a slip of paper. She paused. "The truth will come later , " she said , as she hastily added. "My next move will surprise you. " Then she wrote to the other one. "You may come if you like. " she said ; "I shall be glad to see you , and per haps " She left it here , * * * * * * * * Edward Wherritt entered the post- office with an eager step. A glad light crept into his e.ves as he saw the fa miliar handwriting , and a thrill of pleasure ran through the man as he took the letter from the postmistress. His hand trembled a bir , insomuch that some papers fell to the floor , and he laughed a happy laugh as he bent and picked them up. Then he slipped them all into his pocket and turned away. It was a long time since he had heard .from her. His hand closed tlghtl3r upon the letter in his pocket It was there now , fresh from her hand. He would not hasten to read It. It was there bis. No power on earth could take it : froiu him. The light in his eyes grew deeper , and a happy smile played about his mouth. He had several errands to do. He \ must visit the'news stand first. Ther might be something ot hers In one o the magazines. Ills quick eye caugh her name , and he slipped the publics ) lion into his pocket. Then he finished the errands am walked rapidly toward home , his ham still closed on the letter , and his mini speculating as to whnt it would say Would it tell of some new success How proudly he had watched her ca reer ! Perhaps it would say she hnd de cided to stay .another , six. months b Ne\\i York. Well , never mind. lie could stand it and the end would be so much nearer. The letter felt thin. After all. prob ably it was but a hurried note , to tel of some sudden pleasure she wanted t < share with him. His heart gave a bound. Any way it was from her that was enough. The words were so few. "My nexi move may surprise you. ' he repeated. A quick fear si'in d iii > heart. lie turned the pige ; for more , bu thai was all. Not oven a signature. "She must have left out the rest b ; mistake. " he said. : is he held the opei page in his hand. "Hut whatever tin move is. I know it must be right. " Ills eyes traveled fondly to the fan smiling down the wall. * * < * * < * * He rose early ( he next morning. I was only just growing light , but hi : sleep had been broken , and he would g < down to the early mail and see if tin rest of the letter hnd not come. Surel : Geraldine would send i. when sin found it had been left out. lie couh even fancy the little laugh she wouli give when she discovered it. and hov quickly she would enclose it iu aiiolhe envelope and add a few words as to he : carelessness. lie pictured it all in his mind , as hi swung through the village street witl an eager tread. The little olficc was not open. Tin morning train was not due yet. Slowlj he wandered toward the station , am stood gazing down ihe track fron whence his letter would come. Hi stamped his feet a bit impatiently , ant took out Ins watch. It was coming at lasi ! With a roar that wculd seem t ( waken the yet sleeping people , tin train drew in. The morning papers and the mail baj were thrown out on lo the platform. The roll of papers bounded away lute the wet grass. He sprang after them with a laugh The early morning air was exhilarat ing , lie grasped them in his hand and waved them triumphantly at the bag gage master as he leaned out of the door of his car. Then he turned. A woman stood be side him. "I have come home. " Geraldine said. For an instant he gazed at her with startled eyes. Then with a quick move ment he gathered her into his big arms and drew her close. FLr tired head fell on to his strong shoulder , and the sad , pleading eyes were hidden from view. Her hai fell unheeded fro the ground , a.s .he kissed hair and forehead again and again. This was her next move. The House wife. CHINESE LOADED WITH MONEY. Remarkable Discovery in the Clothiiij ; of Two California Celestial * . The turnkey.- the Los Angeles county jail had an interesting experi ence recently on the arrival of two Chi nese from San Uiego. pending deporta tion. Tin * uiyn had been searched by the San Diego officers , and were re ported to have no articles on their per sons , but Hie Los Angeles jail officials thought it would be just as well to ap ply their methods of investigation , and the outcome was a lot of money , jiug- tets and gold dust. The coolies hnd little packages of Ljold dust carefully packed away be tween each toe ; others were braided into the strands of their queues ; bank notes were cleverly stitched into the lining of their hats and the creases of rheir clothes. In fact , almost every l lace. mentionablc and unmentionable , where coin , bills or gold dust could be hidden , contained its quota , the total round amounting to something over $40 in bills , as much more in silver , and no me know * exactly how much in gold lu t from Lower California mines. The money of course belong * to the Chinese , but if they had been allowed : o keep it on their persons while locked ip , they would surely have been robbed jf every cent of it by the other prison- M's. San Francisco Kxaminer. IJooilly Prices for Popular Son s. Sir Arthur Sullivan is said to have eceived 10,000 in royalties for "The : jest Chord , ' ' the highest price received : or an individual number , says Au- iwers. Two thousand pounds per line vas the profit realized by the publisher > f that favorite song of Sims Reeves , 'My Pretty Jane. " The music was by Sir Henry Bishop and the words were omposed by Edward Fitzball , who was > orn at Burwell. in Cambridgeshire. LMie profit realized on the song "Iu Old Jadrid" was 13,000. The song. "Tom- ny Atkins. " during the first year of its xistence. brought the publishers , who lad purchased it for a guinea , a profit f < ,000 , or over 100 per week. Milton Veilings received ten guineas for 'Some Day" and the publishers about 10.000 , and the same composer's " ( Jold- n Love , * ' for which eight guineas was ; iven , probably brought 8,000 to the uiblishers. "Women Scarce in Egypt. Egypt is the only country in the vorld where there are more men than vojneu. The.male sex in the dominion if the Khedive exceeds the females by 60,000. When a man is sick , his wife thinks he real-trouble is something wicked oq is mind. NEED OF THE CANAL. NICARAGUA DITCH WOULD SAVE TIME AND MONEY. As n IJu incsH Venture Alone ( lie Proponed Artcry > J ( IM Claimed * V/ould He n lUu llotmir/it In Die Way of Tulln and Louie That the proposed NtciU'iigUitii canal is vital to the interests of the United SlulcH was emphatically dcmuuslrateil during the recent war with Spain when our bat tleship Oregon was compelled to make her long voyage down around the llui'u to reach the scene of naval opei'tilloiiM. The apprehension of the American people dur ing the long detour was painfully ami junt ly excited , while the Government was th" prived of several weeks' servleu of lln finest man-of-war during the tinu It re quired to sail down the west coast of South America and up ou the eastern side. Then , again , the commercial benefits to be derived by the completion of the proposed short-cut waterway are inestimable. A most comprehensive article ou I he .subject of the Nicaragua ! ! canal has been written by Henry I. Sheldon , a Chieagoan. This is said by experts to be the most complete study of the canal question yet undertak en. Mr. Sheldon visited Nicaragua three years ago and traversed the entire route of the projected waterway , examined the work done , and secured reliable data as to cost and methods of construction. Mr. Sheldon went not as the agent of any com pany or of the Government , but merely as nil individual having no interest , pe cuniary or friendly , with the present com pany constructing the canal , and was careful to incur no obligations which would prevent his taking an unbiased view. "It may be well to say at the outset. " writes Mr. Sheldon , "thai I reached the . 'onclusion that the canal in Nicaragua is practicable , and can be constructed at n cost on which fair returns can be earned. It also seems clear that , for many reasons , it is not a suitable work for private cap ita ! to undertake , and that it will be bet ter that our Government should assist the undertaking. There are strong equities on the side of national aid. inasmuch as the chief benefits will never be the tolls collected from passing vessels. The canal may so develop our trade with Eastern Asia that a single year of that trade will exceed in volume the total cost of its construction. Its opening will double in value almost every acre of agricultural land in California , Oregon and Washing ton , and the population of those Stales will be more than doubled. For many years I have occasionally visited the Pa cific coast , for either business or pleasure , and always the most striking aspect of its condition has been the absence of sat isfactory markets for its products. Not a bushel of its large wheat crop comes to the Atlantic coast by rail , as wheat can not bear the cost of so long carriage. Neither can its lumber or ores come by rail. In many places , after the farmer or the fruit grower has paid the charges of transportation companies , there is little or nothing left for him. The population continues small because the markets are so inadequate. Twenty-five years' trial has demonstrated that if railroads are to be the sole means of communication the development of the Pacific States will be very slow. The only promise of relief is iu securing for these States some shorter transportation to the Atlantic States , and also to Europe , by water. Now. every thing carried by water must pass around Cape Horn. The only shorter route , ap parently practicable , is by way of a ship canal across the isthmus , through Nicara gua. This will save 10.000 miles of the distance around Cape Horn , and will enable - able an ordinary steamer to go from San Francisco to New York in fourteen days. The exact distance , by such canal , will be 4,700 miles. The ordinary railroad freight service consumes from seventeen to twenty-one days. The canal line will be only about GO per cent longer than the rail line. ' Kecdetl in the Time of AVar. "Our country is so widely extended , 3,000 miles from east to west , that cheap and speedy water transportation like this is almost absolutely needed to bind and hold it more closely together. At present , in time of war , such parts of our growing navy as might be on either the Atlantic or the Pacific side would be for a consid erable time of no use on the other ocean. The canal , when built , will promote the development of better markets for our manufactures in foreign countries border ing on the Pacific. These are less exposed than those on the Atlantic to European competition. This nation cannot be con sidered a first-class power when our people ple are only buyers from the rest of the world. Exporting agricultural products does not make a great nation. The French and the Germans do not engage in such exportation , finding other activities to be more profitable. A glance at the principal food-exporting countries shows the truth. They are such countries as Southern Rus sia , India and , latterly , the Argentine Republic , and they are poor , and they stay joor. We need to keep our wheat , feed our operatives with it , and send abroad the products they manufacture. The change canuot come suddenly , but we should plan and work for it. Some neg lected markets are near us. The Rio Grande is quite a small stream. One can ride a horse across it from Texas into Mexico and entering the first hotel , one finds au , English cloth on the tabk in the OCEAN EQUATOR pAClF/CYOCEArt / CAPZ HORN MAP SHOWING PRESENT ROUTE AROUND THE HORN AXD THE SHORT CUT MADE BY THE PROPOSED CANAL. dining room. The cups and plates are English , the cutlery from Germany and the waiters wear a suit of German clothes. There probably will not be an article imported from the United Stales in the house except a sewing machine. The demand is there , but we have carelessly , almost good-naturedly , made no effort to sell. "In building up a foreign trade our nat ural course will be to begin with the coun tries where we shall meet least competi tion. In order to be profitable , trade re quires to move along the lines of least resistance. Our geographical situation is such that we are the natural producers for all countries bordering on the Pacific ocean. The relative distance of European manufacturers , as compared with our own , gives us a great advantage. The idea of trying to sell much of our products to China and Japan is new to our people ; but those countries are entering on a ca reer of great development , and why should not the American people have a share in supplying their wants ? The trade reports tell the story of their awakening. The purchases of their silver were : In IBS' , # 28,000,000 In 1894 113,000,000 China bought from foreign countries : In 18Sr. 8132,000,000 In 1894 243,000,000 "We have not been alive to this demand. Of Japan's purchases abroad of 8113,000- 000 in 1894. we sold her only § 11,000,000. We excelled in paying money to her , how ever , for in that year we bought of her goods amounting to 5143,000,000. Of China's purchases from other nations of as an aid in building up our trade , could bo made by the same author ity. If any European complications as lo the use of the canal arose , our Govern ment would not be hampered by the exist ence of a canal company , nor by being obliged to obtain the current action of Nicaragua and Costa Rica , but would be in .1 position to decide for itself what course to take. The possible claims of England to joint control of the canal un der the Clay ton-Bui wer treaty should be ignored. Those claims could never be al lowed , and we probably would hear little of them after we had constructed the canal with our own money and were in full possession. The Suez canal has been neutralized by an agreement between the great powers , but that waterway is close ly connected with the Eastern question , the balance of power , and other large sub jects involving the nations of Europe. There is no analogy as to neutralization between the situation at Suez and that at Nicaragua. " Estimates of Probable Revenue. Mr. Sheldon's estimates of the probable revenue to be derived from the canal are encouraging. "As the conditions are so similar , it is necessary , in taking a broad view of probable earnings , to consider the business transacted by the Suez canal. The results there shown are more helpful than mere estimates ; they are ascertained facte. That company deals with the world's commerce , just as will be done in Nicaragua. In 1895 its business amount ed to 8,440,000 tons. It had then been in operation twenty-five years. The first year , 1870 , its business was only 430,000 MAP SHOWING ROUTE OF THE PROPOSED NICARAGUA CANAL. $243,000.000 in 1S94 , we supplied only $10,000,000. We were good buyers , how ever , taking $25,000,000 of her products. Our diplomatic agents report that with more alertness and enterprise we could have furnished to Japan , and at a reason able profit , ( JO per cent of all her foreign purchases in 1S94. One reason why the people of our gulf States are so unani mous for a canal in Nicaragua , is that it will open an additional market for their cotton. The United States is the chief producer of the world's cotton , and prices for this product have been deplorably low of late years , entailing great privations in many Southern homes. It is the old story. We have been producing more cotton than we could find markets for. The new buy er of cotton is Japan. That country is going strongly into the manufacture of cotton goods , such as are used by the people ple of the warm countries , and now not only exports these goods to China , but undersells the English manufacturers .in their own dependency of India. " leavers Government Ownership. Mr. Sheldon takes strong ground in fa vor of absolute ownership and control of the Nicaragua canal by the United States Government. "Congress could prescribe the tolls to be paid by ships using the canal , making the charges sufficient to meet the expenses of operation and a suit able interest on the capital invested in the undertaking and also , if considered advis able , for an annual payment into a sink ing fund , to meet , at maturity , any Gov ernment bonds which might have been issued. "As commerce increased , the iolls could h $ lowered , and any other reduction in favor of American ships , found desirable tons ; in 1871 , 700,000 tons ; in 1S72,1,100- 000 tons , and there has been a fairly steady increase ever since , up to tlie amount in 1S95. During all this time the volume of the world's commerce has stead ily increased. Not only has trade more and more adjusted itself to the Suez route , but also the aggregate amount of trade has become much larger. Some allowance should be made for the advantages pos sessed by the Suez canal as a now well- established ro te. Taking its business eight years ago may be a fair offset for this item. The amount for 1S8S exceeded G.000,000 tons. The earlier Suez tolls were $2.77 per ton , which have been gradually - ly reduced the past twenty years , and traffic is not prepared now to stand heavv charges in any direction. A moderate tariff will be iu every way desirable. A favorable , but approximate , estimate of the possible revenues iir Nicaragua wonld be as follows : With tolls at $1.50 per ton : at the outset , and a business of at lea t 15,000,000 tons after the canal is fairly in operation , a gross income of $9,000 000 | would be obtained. Administration , main tenance and operation for 1S95 cost the Suez canal about 81,800,000. Taking into account all the dam and embankment work at Nicaragua , as well as the heavy rainfall , an allowance of $3,000,004) as an annual average for expenses may be fair , leaving a net Income of $0,000,000. An undertaking of this character is to be gone into only as a long-term investment , and the earnings for the first fe'.f years after it is completed are not to be consid ered as sufficient for a Gnal judgment. T&e greatest earnings will come later oa , "The. canal route , as at present project ed , is. io be 174 miles long from. Brito ou the PaciGc to Grey town ou the Ailantlc The first half mile from BrSto is at set level. Then in two miles the canal nsei HO feet , through three locks to the summit - mit level , 151 miles long , then in Vfc milw it descends , through three locks , to sei then continues at sei level again , and level 9y miles to Greytown. The esti mated time required for an ordmar : steamer to cross from one ocean to tlit other is twenty-eight hours. Electric lighting is to make passage by nigi > t quite feasible. The allowance for passing through locks is forty-five minutes for each lock. Only twenty-six miles of the 108 miles of canal is to be through excava tions. Some twenty-one miles is through basins , and 121 miles through the lake and the river. Provision should be made from the first for increasing the accommo dation when it shall become necessary. Widening can be carried on at the same time that vessels arc passing. So can deepening. To increase the size of the locks * however , will cause nil traffic to be suspended. The locks in the present plans appear to'be too small for permanent use. TliOiV are each to be GuO feet long. 70 feet wide , and 28 feet deep. " History of the Canal ' cliem * ; . In December , 1SS1 , Senator Miller of California introduced a bill in Congress to incorporate "The Marine Canal Company - pany of Nicaragua , " with the purpose of constructing the canal. Gen. U. S. Grant , Howard Potter , E. D. Morgan , H. J. .lew- ett and other prominent capitalists were concerned in the proposed enterprise. The bill met with bitter opposition in Congress , and was utterly defeated by the failure of the Marine Bank of New York , in which the Grants were ruined financially. The Nicaragua Canal Company was in corporated in 1SS7 , with former Senator Warner Miller as president , and for a time made good progress. Its success in duced opposition , and in 1SS9 the Mari time Canal Company of Nicaragua , which received the sanction of President Cleve land , was incorporated. Hiram Hitch cock was the first president , but he was subsequently succeeded by Thomas B. Atkins. The work o digging the canal rf was begun and continued until financial misfortune overtook the enterprise , the construction company failing in the terri ble panic of 1893. The contract for the construction was then awarded to Warner Miller Nicaragua Company , which still holds its concession. Many attempts have since been made to secure the aid of the Government , but the bills have failed to pass both houses. Congress , however , au thorized the appointment of a technical commission of civil engineers to reexamine ine the canal line , and it is the report of this commission which will be presented to Congress in December. The principal authorities on transporta tion statistics have made estimates that the Nicaragua route should divert from 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 tons of low-rate freight , such as Hour , dry goods , machin ery , coal , etc. , from the overland traffic. Suppose 2.500,000 tons were diverted to steamship lines from the Atlantic and gulf ports , going by the canal route. With the usual ocean tounage from New York to the Pacific , and other vessels which would go through the canal , a conservative cal culation places the annual freight at 7,000,000 tons. At the lowest Suez canal rate this would give an annual revenue of ? 12,810,000. The route in favor runs from Greytown ou the Atlantic coast , via the San Juan river and Lake Nicaragua to Brito , on the Pacific. The total distance is 174 miles , divided as follows : Miles. Brito to lake 17.27 Lake Lajas to San Juan river 5G.50 Slack water in the San Juan 68.54 " San Francisco Basin Ochoa to East ern divide 12.01 3ut through the Eastern divide 3.00 Canal to Greytown 10.48 The Nicaragua canal route was sur- reyed first by Col. O. M. Guilds in 1852 for the then existing Transit company tvhich had established transisthmian com munication with California by steamer from Greytown by way of the San Juan river to Virgin bay on the west shore of Lake Nicaragua , and thence by stage to 3au Juan del Sur , about eight miles south east of Brito. The route selected by Col. Dhilds , who was an eminent engineer , las not been improved upon very greatly jy subsequent surveys. The last survey , uade by Mr. Menocal for the Govern neut , lays the line along the Lajas and 3io Grande rivers on the west. Between : he headwaters of these rivers and the livide is lower and the route more practi- al than anywhere else. From there the oute leads across the lake , thence by way f the San Juan river and canal cut to jfreytown. Tolstoi's Colonies. Tolstoi colonies are increasing in Russia. The Tolstoians , of course , live together , having constructed their own iiouses and their own furniture ; there s nothing new in this , the tale has been told before. What is remarkable is the arrangement of the mutual diniug- table in the Tolstoi table d'hote. The . bowl of the community a bowl of soup is shared among six persons. - * aeh dipping into the same dish , but having the right of personal property iu the matter of a wooden spoon and ; aJr. Bread also is private to the in- lividual. Thus the six consumers get i fair start and then they are all off ogether. But one would have thought his a fatal arrangement. Age , teeth . md digestion are sadly unequal. What s there to prevent the venerable grand- nolher from being left hopelessly be- lind by Ivan the Terrible , her youth ful grandson , who treats the whole as a point-to-point and iourse race , sc : hews forth the eternal inequality of hings ? It is added that there is a leautiful simplicity and decency in hese repasts , and that there are three lapkins to each symposium. Thus wn iave six consumers to one bowl and hree napkins to six consumers. But ome will do well to avoid the- table 'note a la Tolstoi. Thunderstorms in tTamaica. At Port Royal , Jamaica , for six lonths in the year thunderstorms are f almost daily occurrence , aad guests > picnics and garden parties are usu- lly invited to assemble "after the thun- erstorm. " AH Husbands Uo. tie When we are married I will Ife t your feet She ( interrupting ) Yes , and to my ace , 1 suppose. The French may be fickle in every- hing else , but t"bey are alv ys faithful u their love of change.