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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1898)
WILLIAM A. ALLMAN. Postcfllce address ' Pine Ridge. S. 1) . On side and liln TTorsee on right shoulder Range-Wolf Creek ALJJERT LAMB. PostofTice nddrES Allen , S. D. Cnitle same as on cut ; hoiM3 on left hip Eamu as entile on left shoulder Raugc Hear Creek WILLIAM PROVOST. S tjfi - fco if514 yrP Postoffice address v5 Albany , Keb. On right side ; hors es lelt shoulder Range I'e id of Sf inhit.y Water FRAVK SALWAY , Jli. Postofflce address Allen , S. As on cut ; also S S left hip ; half _ _ top circle Fs5 S-ffrfS on left side ; Bs H : ilno on left side CHARLES KICHAUD , SB. Postofflce address Porcupine , S. D. On left sidehorses same without bar , on left shoulder. Range Porcupine Di&tiicr. CHARLES CUNY. ftlce address Manderson 5 ? . 1 . On left side Also clrar avound both hips like a breeching liar , r.ess. TiotS's as cut on left thigh-.counter brand cfi right o\er the T HENRY JONES Postollice address Mandcraon , S. D. On left side Horses same on left shoulder Rnngo Wounded Knee Creek. CIIAS. TWISS. fostofflce address Mandersoa , S On lefr side Horses . left shoulder ' Range White niver 'JOHN ' GRAHAM. Postoflice address Pine Ridge , S. D. On left side Horses same on hip Range Pass Creek ELNORE LITTLE CHIEF. Postoffice address Pine Ridge. S. D. On leftside ; horses name left shoulder Rango-White river WILLIAM WALKS ON THE GROUND. Postoffice address Porcupine , S. D. Left shoulder or sloe Horses same on shoulder Range Wounded Knc < ) PRETTY HIP. Jli. Postofflce addre.-s Porcupine , S. D. Left side and hip Horses came on -thoulder Range Porcupine Creek. GEORGE WHITE FACE. ( , _ , , , , S > Postofficcaddress | l lPHP233i& Allen , S. D K 'ft W On Icffc side' also B w ou lcft sid m fl - U SM n ° cs same on left Range Cora Creek 6JIOIIT HOUN. PostoTice s > Pusu Rid-e. S. D. On lelt Side ; horses Fame on shoulder Vi'ounded JUDGE THUNDER BEAR. Postoffice address Manderson , S. D. On Left sldehorscs ; same on left hip Knee GEORGE F1HETI1UNOE3. PoslofficeaddrcLa Pine Ridce , S. I ) _ On leftside ; horses same lelt shoulder. Rjinge Near Pine Ridge Agency. JAM US GRASS. _ ? > Postoffice address Porcupine , S. D. - On left shoulder and hip ; horses same on I 1 i - auzsia Range Porcupine Creek. JOSEPH FAST HORSE. Postomccndlr3ss : Pine Ridge , S. D. Cat tic same as cut ; horses same on left hip. Range-Spring Creel ; JOHN LEE. PostofHcR'addrcss Pine Ridge , S.D. On left side Horses left thteli Creek. PETE RICHARD. Postoffice address Merriman , Neb. On left side ; horses P n on left thigh Range-Lake Creek , South Dakota. JOHN FARNHAM. Postoffice address Interior , S. D. Left bide or hip or both Horses same on left thigh Range-Jackson Co. JOHX POURIER. Postoflice addr t Manderscn , S. P. On left side ; fi * also on jaw Horses on left shoulder. Range .Mouth Wounded Knee and White river. JAMES TWISS. Postofficc address Porcupine. S. D. On left side ; horses same on left hip Range Porcupine ( 're-civ THOMAS TYON. Postofllce address Pine Ridge , S. D Anywhere on left side Horses same left hip CHARLES H. GTROUX. Postoffice address Pine Ridge , S. D. On loft side Horses same on left shoulder. Ranse-Wolf Creek ROMERO. Postoflice address Pine Rid-o , 5. D. On left side Horses left shoulder Range-Spring Creek and Wounded Knee. SAMUEL SMITH. Poslofilce address Allen , S. D. On left side Horses same on left hip. Range Corn Creek gK&Sss&sssMgi JOSEPH BROWN , JR. Postoffice address Manderson. S. D Left side or hip Horses "o co left shoulder Range-White river and Mouth Wounded - ed Kuee. JOHN 3rESTETII. Postoffiee address Porcupine , S. D. { On left side AI-50 in left side lan e I'crcupino "reek. GEORGE HARVCY , 'Postoffice address Porcupine , B. D. On leftside Horses same on Jef.1 shoulder Eange-Wliite river and Mouth of Spring f Creelc. | ANTOINE HERMAN. Postoffice ad-dress Kyle , S. On left oiiouHer On left side Also horses on left Range Po-atoc Creek R. C. STIRK. IVs'offlce address Pine Ridge. S.I ) I irt and 55 on left tideHorses Horses 115 on left ' - - - ' ' ' " " a'so 5' n loft 11 uh itangu- White nlvtr WILLIAM VLANDRY. Postoffice address AUen.S. D. On both sidea On sidfe and hip Range Little White River. NICHOLAS JANIS. Postoffice address Kyle. S. D. On left side Horses same on left ho Ider Range Big White BENJAMIN ROWLAND. Postoffice address Kyle. S. D. On leftside and hip Horses , jf K left thigh. Range-Big Wblte River. CHARLES CLIFFORD. Postoflice address Kyle , S. D.I ) n le'tsldior hip. Horses same on left thigh ; also J MS ft iide. Ear-mark , tip vul under.b'.t Range-Wl I e River CHARLES JONES. Postoffice address Porcupine. S. D. On left hip and jaw Horses same oren < > on left shoulder Range White River JOHN P. BISONETTE. fostofflce addro3s Mnmlerson , S. D. ) n right side llorses P B on left ' P r , liange-Rock Sprlnj ; | i If I JULIA DAVIDSON. 3Postoffice address Kyle.S. D On ric"t shoul der find hip Horses J on left hip Kance White River and Month of Mediciuo Root ELICK \LWAY. . 1'ostofflce address Allen. S. D. ? n snoulder side and 'ip. : llorses S 3 on left boulder. Range Corn Creek E. G. BETTELYOUN. J'ostofllcc address Pine Ridge. S. D. Anywhere ; horses same. Range Little White River C. W. ALLEN , MANAGER. PostofTce address Mcrriman , Keo. Stock branded as on cntalso ; A left shoul der , B leftside , C left hip. Range Little White river , S. D. [ will pay $100 for sufficient evidence to convict anvone of .stealing cattle bear ing theae brands. WILLIAM SHANGRAN. Postoflice address Cody , Neb- On left side Horses , same Range Lake Creefc South Dakota. ROBERT RAXDALL. Postoflice address Allen. S. DOn - On left side Horses sa : tie on left shoulder Range B ar Creek BANDY WILLIAMS. Postofflce address Merriman , N Mostly on left side , some on right Bide Horses same left Shoulder Eange-LakeCr ' ek , j ] Dokotft. BENJAMIN JANIS. Po. ' > tofllcc address Kyle , S. D. On left side ; horses -"K. on hip. nange Medicine IJoot Creek. EDGAR FIRE THUNDER. Postoflice address Allen , S. D On left side "JCSTfei Also on left .SgliiS Ear mark { EW § ear split and hang ing i.ange-Bear Creett ROBERT WHITE RABBIT. Postofllce address Merriman , Neb. On lelt side aud hip. llorses same on left thigh. Range Lake Creek South Dakota. PETER LADEAUX. Postoflice address Allen , S. D Left side aud hip both Horses same on left thigh Range Bear Creek A. W. MEANS. Postofflce address Pine Ridge , S. D. On both sides Horses same minus half circle on top.on left thigh Range-Little Wnite river , WILLIAM TWISS. Postoflice address Manderson , S. D. On lelt side Horses S3 onleftthisrh Range-Big White river ELE3 ADAMS Postofflce address Manderson , S , Dj Left side or hip on liorses and cattle : also 2 on shoulder , O on side nd O on left side of cattle. Arrow reversed on all cattle sold. Rancte Mouth Wounded Knee. ARTHUR ROFF. Postoffice address - Merriman , ix'eb On side ; also R on jaw Horses R O on thigh Range-Lake Creek and Little White : river. SETH GARY. Postoffice address Mernman , Neb. On both side and hip Herd-mark , dew-lap Horses same on left shoulder Ranpe-Lalf e Creek mid Little 'tthite river. JOSEPH KOCER. Postoffice address Gordon , Neb. Left side and hip Horses , left shoul der. Range-Little White river , Soutla Dakota. E. COFFEY AND SONS. L'ostoffice address Gordon , Neb.5 3n left side and E > n ja w ; some J Con -ight hip aud J on aw dorses PE and jc > n shoulder. Hnnge. Little White river , 5auth Dakota. JOHN T. GREEN. Postoffice address Merriman , Neb On left side Horses same on left shoulder ; waddle un der neck of young stock . Rnnue--Lake Creek land Little White river J. J. PECK. ? ostoffice address Cody , Neb. 3nboth sides lorses CC on left high Elange neadPass Jreek , South Dak. C. H. LITTLE. address Merriman , Neb. On either side Horses same onhp. Als either -tiie Range Lake Creek South Dakota. JOHN GRESH. 'osfoffica address Merriraan , Neo in both Bides ; semen n right side and ! p : orsessame wlth- it bar , left thigh ange-LakeCreek Little GARNER BROTnEIia , Postofflce address lkdy , Neb An'whcrr onca'U'- ; 1'orss , on leit shoul der. Range north of Ell G. O. FA1RHEAD. Pcstofficp address Merrlnnui. N'e ! Cattle on left id : trrt liln ; eotue lef side only. Horses , c 01 Icf shoulder Itango. between Cot'oiuvood La' c Leandcr und Reai Creek W. R. WHITE. Po3tofllcea'clress Merriman , Neb On either side ; some SU Eon Ipftsido Range Southeast of Merriman FRANK LIVERMORE. Postotfice addrcsiNob Neb On both si-lesl 35r - ? ? animalalso ; Lnii hipor sliouu-i KM nee Little White River ant Mouth of Cou.j Creek , S. D. j. O'ROURKE. Posto.llceaddresa Kyle , S. D. On left side and hip. Ilors a. J on left shoulder Range-Big White B. F. BOYLES. Postoflice address .Merriman , > < As on cut. left si-l Range between Njii i- Ci v cl ° > Reservation VETAL VLANDRY. Postoflice address Cody , Neb. Cattle branded any where ; some with underneath the brand Horses on left shoulder , _ Range Little White Kiver and Mouth of Cedar Creek. S. D. GEORGE COLHOFF. Postoflice address Pine Ridge , S. D Left side of cattk- left shoulder of horse se ? Range White Cl : 3 Greek. GEORGE GIROUX. Postoffice address Allen , S. D. On left side and thigh. m Horses on left Hank Range Head of Pass Creek. GUS CRAVEN. Postoffice address Manderson , S. ! Ouleftsidd Hoi es , on MI hir wi'i o .r 11. r under neath. Rlfee-B ! g W. 1 c river. BAPTISTE FOURIER. Postoffice address Mandersor.S. D On left side. Horses same on left shoulder ; counter , brand , horse head on rteht shoulder. Range-White river and Wounded Knee CHARLES C. MAURIVALL. 35 * rostoffic ? a.l 'less Albany , Neb. < > n right side Horses same left lilp If f5,3 Range-Lime Kiln WILLIAM L. PATTON. Postoffice address Manderson. S. 1) On either side Horses same left shoulderlow Range Wounde : Kiiee and While river GEO. R. BROWN. P * tofKee addiess Manderson , a. L On left side : a 6c aroti : : ; i.'r--'n ! Vlt side , llorsts same on left S'.O J.dT Ra gi--Little White river and Brown Lake. LEWIS SHAXGRAX. Postoffice address Kyle , 6. D. On left shoulder and side Also on left side Horses , ZS onleft Racge Big White river. JOHN PALMISTC ] Po > tofflco address Kyle. S. D. On left side of cattle ; loft shoulder on Itors. fs ; also 121 or 112 on left side of cattle. Range on Big White River. ANTOINE JANIS. Pcslofflcc address Pine RIdee. S.D. Left aide on cattle ; lelt thigh on horses. limp ; Wcunde.l Kueo Creek JOE RICHARD. Postoffice address .Allen , S. D. On right sidp left Range -Eagle Nest Creek. CLICK RICHARD. ; rt 'rvss Ai'en , S. D , On left side otcattU He o a S left hlS& Range Eagle Xe \ Creek JOHN SWALLOW. 1 fostoffice address Left side on catt.'o. Horses , underlined II on left shoulder Range Little White niver LEWIS VEON. FoatofUce address Pine Ridge. 8. Di As on out Rane on Lak } Creek. JENNIE SEARS. Postoflcp address Madcr.on : ; , S. D In left side and jaw Range on White inver J. O. ROOK. Postofficc nddress A.-n. : 55. On Seft t ' ' HorseU or. riz thlch Vhito : .i Pass C : - - ' . j. R. PUGH AND sos. : > ostoffice address Pine Ridge , S. D i attle branded as on at Horses' on left tiouMer Range Flint Btitte v Little White River DAVID COTTIER. Postoffice address Alien , S D On left side , ng oar split nange-LlttleWhiu Hiver n. BENJAMIN CLAYMOKE. Postofflee address Allen , S.D. ( 'n left side ; also C > : . shou'dor. B side , en h : ; > . HorECS. C on shoul- iT and underlined f-on hip. nango ttle White Klver LEWIS COTTIER. Postoffico address Allen , 5. D , On left side ; also aa underlined DH en left side of sojnei right ear split - liorsea , 4 on right hip range-Little Whla ulver L. FISHER. "K , Postoffice address Interior , S. D. > tock branded as on tit. left side and Jaw- Range Potatoo Creek I. . B. LESSERT. Postofflce address Merrlm r , Ne _ On left side ; aiao on same side. SM ur > tlcrllncd Horses , underline ! ! M on left thi h Kangs-LIttle Whltf alrer JOSEPH KNIGHT. Postofflce address Pine Ridge , S. D. On left hip ; wattle an neck Horses same onleft shoulder Bange Knee Creak. ,