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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1898)
KOBURT I Htt'KS addre&i Cody. Nebraska Uraadcd on left side ; horcoa same loftshoul dor Esnge on Snalto soutli of Godr. ALONZO HEATH Postoffice address Cody , X n lef ' ' ' horses ISftSliUuiui. BBM Range north of Cutcomb Lake S A TTIXSLOW Pestoffica address Cody , Nebraska Rrnndcd on either id ; hoi ses same on left shoulder Range-3-mi. north. east of Kli and south ef Niobrara river , 13- mi southwestof Cody A C RIKMJ3NSCIINEIDER Postofflce address Cody. Nebraska On left side ; also X on right .shoulder and 2 on jaw. 3 JJ on left hii also 3 o jaw Range-Old Poor Raucnoii Nlobraia A D COLE Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska Sumo as on cut. left sldtt and shoulder. Bance east and south- and west of Codv CHAS. E ROBERTS Postofllce address Cody , Nebrask- On either side : some II K TC ; sonic K K 11 Kan e worthwvst ni Cody FRANK J. JONES Postofllce address Cody.Nebrasku On rifilit.side ; horses ses same on left shoulder Raiigo. eight miles west of Cody CHARLES GARTSIDE Postofflce address Cody , Neb Cattle branded on ffr side ; also C1 G . left hip of cattle and left shoulder on hordes Rrtnire on Niobrara 10 mi south west Cod\ JOHN SHANGBAN Postefiice address Cody , Nebraska On left side Also on left side Horses J S on left shoulder Range between Cody and Lake Creek J P GARDINER Postoffico address Cody , Nebraska On 'eft side of cat tle : horses O right armRange Range , north and south of Niobrara Riverl2-miles , south west of Cody T-RED AND WILLIASIMAYBEE. Postofflce address Cody Nel I On left side ; horses same left shoulder Earmark notch on underside of right ear Range east and 'south of Eli J H STEELE Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side ; also LO or W L on left side oion on left hip ; , and horses on vSr-gs. left shoulder Raiisre-Month of ; Bear Creek G H SKAGER Postofllce address Cedv , Neoraska Cattle branded as on cut on left side , hip nd shoulder ; horses lame Range , Snake Creek FRANK JIOGLE Postofflce address Cody. Nebraska On either de cattle herdmark left car clipped and right ear split ; horst-.s brande- ' same on left ghoulder Range on Niobrara sand Medicine Canyon EARL COMSTOCK , MANAGER. Pcitofflce address Valentine , Nebj Like put on ; * fde or TG Horses like cut ou left hip and C Icftsboulder $ 50.00 RKWARDforsufficicnt evi n dence lo convict any person of stealing cattle of ni fbft'abate brands. CHA3 S NICHOLS P istofflce address Merriman , Neb " i 'up of cattle ; t srs.aiiie left i-ailde r iange between Bear 'reck and Niobrara River , 9-mI southeast of Meiriman SELDER BROTHERS Poslofflce address Mcrrimnn , Neb On left side of < f tlejalsofa horse on left BrtJsbo'ldr fan Range , norih and south of iMobraiM River,9-mi southeast of Merrimau 6 H FOLSOM ( 'ostoffiee address Merriman , Neb Branded on left side Range north of Merriman E F DEVINE Postofflce address Merriman , Neb Branded on left side ; horses same on left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and the \inbrara river,9-mi S.E. of Merrimau GEORGE STOVER i'ostoffice nd'lrcss Merriman. N'eb On left side ; horses same left shoulder ! nge Little White River South Dakota GEORGE JESSEN Postoffice address Merriman , Neb On ither left side or hip ; horses same n left shoulder R nge-Kast of Cot tonuood Luke 'GEN u , ABBOTT & MONAHAIV fllce address Hyannis. Nel Both on lefsi'e n * ome stocks. _ branded * ' leftshoul < Ier A left hip ; also N N N anywhere on left side ; also . A left side Range head Middle Loup C S WILLIAMS Postoffice address Gallop , Nebraska On left side ; also W I left side ; also Jleft hipjalso W on side and S on hip ; horses S on left jaw Range-Eight miles south of Gallop ALBERT NENZEL Postofllce address Nenzel. Nebraska On either side of cat tle : horses .same auce northeast of I/AN ADAMSON Postoffice address Chesterfield , Neb. Br nded as ou cut ; . some 5 on left hip : &j some just one brand " like on cut on left thigh Range between Bordman and Snake W G SAWYER Postofllce address Oasis , Nebraska Butler & Quisenbery have charge of these attle : horses D on left shoulder ; some stock branded X nnywhcreou animal Range , Snake river RICHARDS Jt CAIRNES CO. Cattle branded on any part of nnmal ; also the following brands : rorses bruiuleu tne same Range between IfflH-ff'.Vt'A .t 3 Gordon oi , the F.K. &M. V.R. R.and Hyannison B , &M. R. R. in Northwestern Nebraska. Address , BAKTLKTT RICHAUOS. Cbadron , Nebraska J W OSTRANOER address Rushville , Neb On Icftthi her hip ; horses J left thigh Range-Headwaters of Gordon Creek MOREY Jt IIEWETT Postofllce address Gordon , Neb On left side of cattle or-es samnleft slum der ; also -v and left sid on left bide of some Range south > f.Snake 35-mi eouth- cattoi ER1CKSON & AUSTIN Postoffice address Kennedy , Neb left si le and hip ; horses O or A on ) eitjaw Range two mileg northwest of Ken nedy DAWSON & BALL Postofflread'lress Chesterfield. Neb Cattle bianded on left Kid - as on cut : also V left neck andZ left hip ; some V left neck. V lelt shoulder an'd Z left hiujhorses VZ left hip. Range Snake River,31,32.33. GEORGE G BOTHVTELL Postoflice address Pullman , Neb Branded as on cut ; a n ) i lefthip I Range south and east of Pullman P PULLMAN Postottice address Pullman. Nel Branded as on cut ; Also p on shoulder on side J' on hip , also w side hip also J" on snouldcr , \V on side 1' on hip Range north prong of North Loup C1IAS S IIOYT Postofllce address Pullman , Neb Branded on 1 jft side al o 00 on left side ; ; i1so " between eyes and n se Raiige ir-mileswest of Piillman .1 L ROSEBERRY Postoffice ddress Pullman.'eb Branded on left , hip ; horses same d- mark-double dew-lap Range south and east of Brush Ilili DYE PosJofficf address Pull an. Neb Branded ou left side A reward of ? IIH > will begpaid for in formation leading to the arrest and lluul oiiYictiou of any person for killing , riving oil orconieil intranvol mv cattle II A BUCK Postofllee nddre s Hy.Miuis , Neb Branded on lelt side Range eighteen miles north of Hvannis L L'MORIilLL Postoffice address Hvannie , Nb ) n loft side ; also S in loft hip ; horses 5 left shoulder Range 125-iniles north of Hyaunis H C MASON Postoflicc address Ilyannis. Neb : Cn left side ; some same on left side : > ml hip Some on left hip TTnvqpq 31 . .ihoulicr Range-Mother Lake summer ranare-Bing- him , ShcrutuiijCo. A SAULTS Postoffice address Gregory , Neb On left side or hip ; horses same on left shoulder Range-Arkansa Valley aodSnakr JOE CULBERTSON Po3toilice address Pullman , Neb Bnuuled on left side ; horses T T on right shoulder : a crop and slit in leftearof cattle Raujre Forks of North Loup River C JENSE.V JENSE.Vosfoffice osfoffice a dress Gallop , Nebraska Lett .side on private Ktork , u-d right side on caltle hcldfojjjhsi on left side of cattle hold , ori left side ] Home * C J on left shoulder. Hange-Eiuht miles south of ( iallop JULIUS PICTEItSOK Po-tofflce adilress G regory. Neb Branded ns on cut Range two miles north of C regory I ) N G HURLEY Postoffice address Rushville , Neb On left hip ; also 5OO on left side ; horses left shoulder Haugti-CedarlLake QBE CHURCH Postofflce addres Merriman , P < n left side ; also cou right side lorses 3 left shoulder tange no. tli and outh of Merriman CHARLES J ONE WOLF Postoffice : td''ress Allen SD On right side and shoulder , horses same on right thich .Range-Boar Creek MORRIS JANIES Poetolfice address Rosebud , S.I ) . ( attle brand - i on left siue as on cut Horses , on left , thigh Rrngeon Rock Creek JOHN A LOGAN Postoffice address Allen , S. D , On left shoulder and hip ; some 1 on ff S lelt shouldrand g J ou left side. liar- mark-left ear crop'd Range-Bear Creek FRANK A GALLIGO Postoffice address Mauderson , S. D. Left side and on young stock. Olu stock br.incVr1 lelt side Horses leit thigh Range-Rock Springs 15asm JAMES BUSH PostoHlce ad dre s All en S On leit sid onl"fi sale Horses on left hip itange Cear Creek R M FADDIS Postoffice address Pass , Neb Range , Nor.h Lou River CHARLESLONG MAN Postoffice address Allen S D On left side of cattle Range Bear Creek GEORGE N DAVIS Postoffice address Simeon , Nel Branded on right side or hip , t ) Also g" on left hip Hordes on righl .shoulder as on cul Jtange-Gordon ami Snake CHARGING BEAR Postoffice address Allen S D On left aiuu and thigh horses on thigh Range Bear Creek STJBAD3IAN BROS C F COOPER Postoffice address Kenned- ; , Neb Cattle bninded on left side same : : s cut Stock over one year olden on right side : horses same on left shoulder Range south & west oi Hackberry Lake and Curlew Also some brando on eft let JACOBSON BROTHERS Postoffice address Gregory , Neb ; 12 On left side ; s une same with I on U ft shoulder horses left shoiilderj Range G-i don and Goose Lake DAN WEBSTER Postoffice address P < Harhui , Nebraska On left side or hip ; horses branded same leftsh uiHer Range between Nio brara and SimPe riv" ers , south of Merri on man I n O J KELLAR 'f pf * Ponton . e ao'dresi Brounebr On eft side Range , 'betweer noose Creek and Loup A T BRACKET ! ' Postoffice address Riege Xeb Jranded on left side ' tauge-Three miles ioutheastof Georsria ey WILLIAM WILSON Postofflce a-ldress Kiloro Xebi Branded on 1'jft side Range-Southeast of Georgia II SCHULTZ Postotlice address McCann Neb stock branded as on cut Range North and south of Georgia WILHELM ANDERSON Postoffice address McCann Neb Branded on left side horses same on leit hip Range between the Niobrara and Snake JOHN DUBRAY Po tofilce address Merriman , Neb On left side , jaw or hip Range Lake Creek , South Dakota. A. B. CAP WELL Postoflice address Pullman Nel On left side of cattle Range North' Loup HARNAN BROS , PostoJRce.ddress Newton Neb Stock branded sanu as cut on leftside Range , in Badgei valley JOE ROOKS JR , Postoffice address Allen S l ) On left side ; horses same on teigh Sange Bear Creek S S BEEKLEY * * v Postofflce a Kcniin * > Scb Cattle brcndrd 7 t Ranue on 'n ' t aud I'.or. mcti ; H V DOWNING Postofflce addreas Gregory. Neb On left side ; also C 0 L E on side Range Stevenson Lake J W PIKE & SONS Postoffice address Crookston , Neb Branded on eithe sideofanimalj Semen n right hip Range Between Snake andBordman near Chesterfield E E AND H E WOODRUFF Poslolfice address Hvannis , N On left hit ) and left side. Also stock branded on left ide and reversed ' 4ft S on right shoulder : also risjht hip and left side Range-Mother Lake 31 RICHARDSON Postoffice address aicCann Neb Branded on left side Ranie--McCann A T DAVIS 'ostoffice address Hyannis , Neb On right side SH bore SHH on left H shoulde ] Ai also cattle o O rteht si't Range 1C miles north of Elxannii : R A WESTOVER Postoffice address Lakeland. Neb Branded on left hip and shoulder ; Some on right side Range in Brown and Cherry counties ; at headwatern of the Calamus river. . HANSON. n ostoffice address ; \ alentlnc. Neb ) Cattle branded on I'ftlup ; horses the ame Range en Drv Val- EDWARD BAD HAIR. Postofflce address Allen S D On left shoulder and baron side ; horses .same on thigh Range-Bear T J Postofflce addres Valentine , Neb Branded on right side ; horses name Range-10 mile * east ol Valentin * on the Niobrara Joseph "W. Bownet P. O. address Merriman , Nebr. Right ear cropped Hole iu center of left ear IJar-se Lake creek S. D. Joe Vlondrav Cody , .Nebraska Left side. Lefc ear cropped. "V"on loft shoulder of horses. Charles J3enard Koscbud S. D. Range-kBig White' ' and liiid Hivors Charles C. Tackett Rosebud , S. D. Range head of An telope near St. Marys mission Horses branded on left thigh Peter Vlondray Rosebud. S. D. Left side. Left car cropped. Horses branded VB. Range Little White River , at mouth of Cedar ( 'reek. Louis J. Kicharcls Merriman. Neb. Paul Didier Rosebud , S. D Horses _ Cattle , hole in each ear Range Big and Little White Rivers Louis F. Richards Meiriman Neb LTenry Pratt Rosebud S. D. Left side Horses same on left shoulder Deerhorn clip on some cattle John DeCory Rosebud , S. D. Some branded ID U7 on leftside Horses JD oa left nip tSangeinMeyarCe on Antelope Crock Thomas Farren Rosebud , S , D. ID 1183 either left ide or hip InrP F on teft Iorses-shoulder Range head of Lntclope Charles Eichards iierriman , Ntfc Newman Bros. & Xationa. 3dy , Nebraska point left shoul r. Also O O on" int left slnulder Also J5 on left shoulder ime on left hip On left side