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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1898)
I - f r ft l few l Jb f r I 3ggsj Sobs for sale at tlie mill W A Kiester is in town from Bor den R M Faddis of Pass is in town to5ay Some of Main streets sidewalks need repairing a A ttrooks of Bazile Mills was in town Sunday Sam Hudson and wife of Simeon were in towa aesd GlSTehce Walcott is in town this week seeing the sights A new sidewalk has been built in front of Stetters saloon Clean up your yards and alleys and get in shape for the Fourth C A Johnson of Woodlake wa irH town on business yesterday- D E Sherman and wife Tisited friends in Woodlake Sunday The commissionerFare still in ses sion as aboffrd of equalization Wanted A girl to begin work on July 5 Enquire at Tiie Donoher Remember the school meeting next Monday evening at the school house Leoua Baumgartel visited in town the first of this week from Crookston Geo Dew and Ely D Valentine were Woodlake visitors in town Tuesday V W Keller of Compton is in town today on business at the court house Tmi s a t k or Trade Set of inets in good condition Enquire at this office J P Reed of Fairfax S D is- in town today on a contest case at the office- A ropdTuesflayi i - y -- -- - t r jr F arand Parade Eloquent Orations Good Music both on street and at the Bowery Horse Pony Foot Sack Potato Bicycle and other Race Jumping Matches etc etc A splendid ball game S being arrangei for Indians and Soldiers A FREEDANCE Will be given in the BOWERT and5 a magnificent display of FIREWORKS Will be given afternoon and night i g i JT i b STJRVEXOIl AU work- executed with promptness and accuracy JIAVAG NEBR THIS AND THAT Comina School greeting Jnne 27 Cmmty Commissioners June 27 Celebration Committees Meeting J aneS Iiulependence Day Juiy 4 Populist Convention July 9 Teachers Institute Aupust 15- the- Fannie- Clark- returned1 Home to AInsworth Tuesday morning Minnie 26u6uy visiietrherTpareirtsi in AlBSWorth several days thts weelfc C H Bullis will commence driving the Ft Niobrara stage route July 1 Mrs Philips of Neligh is visiting her sister Mrs J G Gibson here this week Jim McClain and Yank OBrien are over from the reservation seeing the boys Waktbej To trade for bicycle Eftherladies or gents frame Enquire at this office James C Dahlman was in town Sunday night on his way from Rose bud to Lincoln Mrs Et CooK went to Fairbury Monday morning to make an extended visit with relatives S F Gilman of Davenport la ar rived in town Monday night to look after business interests Mrs W E Haley returned from Olfeill last night where she has been visiting with relatives- Morris McKee of Fremont- is in town doing stenographers work for Ed Clarke and J W Tucker Mrs John Yeast went to Omaha Tuesday morning as a delegate to the grand lodge Order of the Eastern Stat Mrs G P Crabb has been visiting old friends on the Table since Sunday and G P is batching it He looks lonesome too Mrs A M Sherman and-father-Mr Boyer left for Lead City Tuesday Arthur will join his wife the latter part of the week Sadie Dewey and sister Mrs 0 0 Buck of Clinton Ills are in town from Woodlake visiting with the fam ily of J W Daniels While in town yesterday C A John son sold 440 acres of land in the Wood mansie valley between Woodlake and Arabia to Jack Kief of the latter place George Eeftiert returned from BrownleeSaturUay night Dont ask George what became of his horse He may not like to tell the story do many times r Program Outlined The Fourth of July committees held a meeting ai Haleys office Tuesday evening and reported the progress they had made and outlined the pro gram of the day It was decided to have the parade at 10 oclock sharp to consist of floats business displays etc One portion of the parade will be devoted to bicyclists and prize will be given as follows For best decor ated wheel 3 second 2 third 1 i or most ludicrous decoration on wheel also be given for best business float Immediately after parade will follow the program at the bowery according to following committee repox Music Band Prayer Rev O T Moore Reading of Declaration of Inde pendence Mabel Towne Song America Audience Led by band Oration J S Davisson Song Glee Cluh or Male Quartet Addresa Ben Brave Music Band The committee has selected F M Walcott to preside and respectfully re quest that all games amusements loud noises and vending of ref reshr ments in or about the bowerjv be strictly prohibited during- the time the program is being rendered The patriotic address by Ben Brave a full blooded Sioux Indian will be decidedly interesting and highly en tertaining Bicycle races will be held at 1 oclock sharp followed by horse racing small sports and base ball Small sports and prizes will be as follows Bicycle Races Ladies free for all mile- to first 1 to second Mens free for all 1 mile 3 2 and 1 Slow race free for all mile f 125 and 75 cents Foot racing etc Boys under 12 race 50 yards L50 100 and 50 cents Boys 8 years race 50 yards 1100 50 and 2 cents HoDsteaand ipmpMl 50centsA Botato raoelB years J u ana 4 ntp i lOOyardfoottraoe 3 2nd 1 Standing broad jump 1 5T cents Three legged race 1 50 cents Sack race 150 cents Noveltyv race 250 yards 2 l Fat mana race 5Q yards li5 Hi Racing backward 50 yards 1 50 cents The base ball game between un iformed Indians and U S soldiers will commence at 3 oclock and small sports will probably continue during the game or the first part of it Day fireworks will be shot ofTdurihg tHe afternoon and the grand night display will begin at the proper time Word is received that hundreds of Sioux Indians will be present and they will have a1 feast and Omaha dance Altogether we will have a fine time andnotbing indecent or vulgar will be allowed on the grounds while amuse ment will be provided for all ONeill Wanted Help When we were in ONeill at the ed itorial meeting Capt Cross--of Co M 3d Neb Vols told us he could not use any more recruits Xn conse quence ten or twelve Cherry county boys joined the regulars and the rest of us concluded we would stay at home Ttiesday Capt Cross telegraphed for recruits here Eleven men said they would go and we wired for particulars The Captain wrote back yesterday asking for 15 men this morning to be selected under certain- regulations but failed to statex what1 they were Result no recruits ONeill gott the place Valentine- was- after and the boys cannot be blamed for not helping tKem out especially when they are given no encouragement Otas to Johnstown On July 1 Mr J H Seats present driver of the Sparks mail route living near that place will move to Johns town and commence driving the stage We are sorry to see Mr Sears leave this county as he is one of our most highly respected and industrious citizens To the patrons of the Norden stage we can recom mend him highly as a man who is strictly sober honest and conscien tious in the discharge of his duties and bespeak for him a large patronage in the express and passenger line He will make his trips on time too and that is a big item in favor Vale4ser wHjL clcbjeafcv 4 Jr THE VALENTINE VOL XIII VALENTINE Will Celebrate Id u Published for Four YeAr as CHERRY COtmiY INDEPENDENT The War With Spain 15000 American soldiers have ar rived off Santiago and cable commu nication with Guba is once more es tablished A great la nd battle is ex pected hourly The third expedition to- the Philip pines will start from ban FraucisGO Wednesday and withit Gen Merritt It is- officially announced that Bryans regiment will be sent to Cuba with Fitzhugh Lees brigade George HiggiQsone of Cherry coun tys most popular ranchmen has soldi his extensive ranch afe the head ofCal creek to a Montana cattle company Wehope that we are not to lose George by Chip deal Theriford JBlid Bepuhlic Stockman Street Commissioner Layporte has hit upon a to- dispose of the surplus wateri which usually stands opiour streets after a rain At the corner of Cherry and Elmore he dug ahole 10 feet deep under the sidewalk and draws the water therein It is surprising how rapidly the water dis appears Mr and Mrs Mel Hanna were in the cky the first of the week the guests of Mrs S G Barnes returning to Woodleke Wednesday Mr Hanna has completed arrangements for build ing his new residence in west Ams worth and in the near future they will become citizens of the city They are among the most pleasant people we have met AinsiuorJtTu The board of health recommends chat all parties who have slops to dis pose of sink a barrel with both ends knocked out in the ground until the top is flush with the surface of the earth and use it for a cess pool This will nofc ftn ge the alleys of the citylook much but will add greatly to the health of -Our citizens cara eannot be given to cTeanliness during the hffff summer months - Bn Bwyer says lung ooDSiimptionare Stlll chronic coughers continue to spit around on the sidewalks public build ings and floors which seem to be the favorite places The bacillus in its dry state is much more active than in the moist A lady may brush the edge of a skirt that has trailed through a coU ony or two of these invaders- and be come infected very easily In one way and another this is how people become infected some being more susceptible than others Fojtalisr Convention The populist county convention is called to meet in Valentine on Satur day July 9 at 2 p m for the purpose of electing delegates to the congress ional and state conventions Precincts are entitled to representation as fol lows Buffalo Lake 1 Lavaca 4 Boiling Springs 1 Merriman 2 Cleveland 3 Mmneduza 3 Dewey Lake 2 Mother Lake 1 Enlow 2 Nenzel 1 Eli 1 Pleasant Hill 2 Georgia t 1 Stsen 1 Sparks 5 German 2 Gillaspie 1 Schlagle 4 Irwin 2 Sharps Rch 2 Kennedy 3 Table 3 Kewanee 3 Valentine- 10 Loup- 3 Woodlake 6 Patronize IjocsI Merchants Several traveling fakirs have been running over the country during the past fburweeks taking orders from our-farmers- and ranchmen for gro ceries to be delivered in the near fu ture This paper in the past has pub lished several articles in regard to theBe traveling fakirs warning the people that 99 times out of a hundred money could be saved by buying of our home merchants We publish this week an ad showing that one man alone could have saved 1429 if he bought of home merchantp and1 there is no doubt but what he would ha ve received a better grade- of goods at least they could have seen what they were payings Kw Taking this order as an average one and estimating that they have sold orders to 100 persons in this county they have taken from the people of this county 1429 more than they would have paid had they bought of our home merchants AinnoortTi Home Rule J yr - DEMOCRAT VALENTINE OHEBRT CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY J CJNE 23 1898 WHY NOT KEEP COOL -v X NO 22 During the hot days that are cojnaing by wearing SHIRT WAIST SUMMER HATS and SHOES Purchased of the old reliable firm of Davenport Thacher G ENEBAL MERCHANTS Are You goengiss 4 4 49 4 4 4 49 49 4 4fc 49 49 k Mcdonald Full line of sporting goods A M MORRISSET ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE NEB Mill JPrlces for Feed Bran bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton Shorts bulk 60c per cwt 1100 ton Screenings 35c 600 Chop Feed 70c 1300 Corn 50c iQats 80c j ANYSPRINGCLEANING The Largest and Finest Selected Stock of WALL PAPER In Northwest Nebraska- TCHDZEE LEAD OIL COLORS and VARMSH at - - - Elliotts Drug Store feiooft4o2fe JoiftJoioo jft4S38K Intervention No indeed We have carrisdi oil the war against ffingjIEghilrdcasctoOilbrigto think oi giving ur noK Great slaughter among summer goods this weeK Prices aiewky down 4 4r tt - - - - -- A 1 I 1 POP FIZZ BANG Will th fire crackers on tli FOURTH OF JULY m 30 0Q40 W S 1 OUR -MILLINERY f Will go about as quick on that day It pleases the eye and sells on first sight BE SURE TO SEE OUR DIS PLAY ON THE FOURTH C M SAGESER TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W H Mioses building HOT AND GOLD BATHS O W MOSEY WATCHMAKER - AND - JEWELER Fine line of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in the best manner I L EFNER C A Wells J B Well WELLS DENTISTS Office over Cherry County Jianli 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac A vivrvnA aanlnry n oVoli OTtfl TlT4ryf fnTI VTIKT quickly ascertain our opinion free whether so invention ia probably patentable Commnnlc tiona strictly confidential- Handbook on Patent sent free Oldest agency for securing yaleata Patents taken tnrotMrh Mann Co recetre special notice without charge In the Scientific American A handsomely illustrated weekly Iarxest dr culatlon of any scientific JonrnaL Terms 3 a year four months t Sold by all newsdealers MUNN Co3SBroadwHewYorfc Branch Offlco 25 F St Washington I C THE ELKHORN RAILROAD North Western Line 13 to be to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD HORTH NEBRASKA