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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1898)
m I- iv i T cv r JL X vol m Tie 41 of In The fusion state convention will be lield in Lincoln on Tuesday Aug 2 at 2 pm Sixteen recruits have arrived this week for service with the 2siobrara troops V A Taylor is driving the Kosebud stage during Driver Bullis absence in Omaha The Donoher sports a brand new register and a neat -the clerks desk ii- rw 12E Sv oilcloth cover on Jas Bay is in Omaha this week to attend a meeting of the populist state central committee Geo Keinert made a trip to Brown lee and the southern part of the county starting this morning Pete DeCory was over from the re servation this week transacting busi ness wjith onr merchants Indian families by the score have been in town this week after their new wagons harnesses plos ec -4 t m GraDd Parade Eloquent Orations Good Music both on street and at the Bowery Horse Pony Foot Sack Potato Bicycle and other Race Jumping Matches etc etc A splendid ball game is being arranged for Indians and Soldiers A FREELANCE Will be given in the BOWERY and a magnificent display of FIREWORKS Will be given afternoon and night J S ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR AH work executed with and accuracy promptness LAVACA - NEBR THIS AND THAT Coinina Events fCounty Commissioners June 50 Celebration Committees Meeting June 21 School Meeting June 27 Independence Day Juiy 4 Treachers Institute August 22 Carrie Hunter is riding a new wheel Ye editor is still keeping bachelors hall G A Chapman has purchased a bi cycle Ira Johnson Lavacas assessor was in town Tuesday 7 C Pettijohn went to Omaha on business Sunday morning John Skirving of Erownlee was in town on business yesterday J A Sparks returned home to Leonard ville Kansas this morning Capt Laufer of Cooper was in town this week with his assessors books Wanted A girl to begin work on -July 5 inquire at Tiie Donoher A S Sheldon of Cedar Rapids is m town today W E Waite was in town this week circulating among friends F H Goodfellow of Cody was seen shaking hands in town Monday JJiram Davis of Kennedy took in the sights in Valentine Monday Jim Hulls new residence east of Carpenters is nearing completion Street Commissioner Layporte is tearing up the earth in great shape this week C E Shermans livery stable re ceived a coat of nice red paint this week W M Cooper the Crawford horse man registered at the Valentine House Monday Henry and Joseph Emmick of Big Creek were in town Monday on land business Myrtle Pettijohn went to Edgar this state Sunday morning for a visit with relatives C B Glover is now located in the city of Omaha and has an office in the Karbach block Mrs Jas Wagner returned from her visit to Chicago and other eastern points Saturday morning Wes Holsclaw plastered Bristols new house this week Elmer will have a fine residence when it is completed W D Clarkson has closed -his Val entine Meat Market selling the1 fix tures and good will to Geo Schwalm DeWitt Huffman foreman of the Democrat mechanical department has been quite ill the last three days and unable to work David MuConaba aged 58 years died at his home east of Bruces mill Saturday of abscess of the brain aris ing from ear trouble Born last Thursday afternoon to Bill Steele and wife a bouncing baby BOY Bill is so proud now that he has quit talking politics on the coraei It is reported that County Surveyor Estabrook of Lavaca will move to Valentine and is now on the way with his household goods coming overland Miss Anna Lane has returned from Lincoln where she was called by the illness of her sister and has resumed her position in TV E Haleys abstract office Fourth of July Committees At the meeting of the Fourth of July committees Tuesday evening the committee on speaker reported that theHon J S Davisson of Longpine would furnish the oration of the day Finance committee reported 275 pledged with a number of parties yet to see Musie committee reported progress made and assure visitors good music both string and wind The following appointments were made W E Haley Marshal of the day 0 T Moore Lillian Stoner and F M Walcott Literary and musical program W S Barker and Robert Good Bi cycle races and small sports J G Stetter Horse and pony races J W Tucker and C A Wells Base ball O TV Morey and E Breuklander Fireworks C H Cornell andE Breuklander Bowery and grounds O TV Morey G H Hornby Wm Ward and P F Simons Parade These committees are in addition to those published last week and each of tnem is working hard on its special line TVe are unable at this time to give a complete program of the days enter tainment but an outline of what is to occur may be interesting First will be the street parade most gorgeous and interesting next will come the lit erary program at the bowery and the oration of the day by a speaker who is said to be witty wise and eloquent At the proper time will occur the day light fireworks something decidedly new and novel to this locality there will be a ball game between the In dians of the industrial school and G troop 8th U S cavalry both good teams which will be worth coming a hundred miles to see There will be horse and pony race5 long short fast and slow bicycle races foot sack and other races jumping hopping and oth er matches all for good purses and prizes will be paid as soon as judges decide the contests The whole cele bration to wind up with a grand dis play of fireworks and a dance Besides this arrangements will prob ably be made for an Indian feast and dauces All told we intend to have the best celebration ever seen in the northwest A cordial invitation is ex tended to all neighboring towns com munities and settlements to come and help us whoop er up for the American eagle roast Spain and have a royally good time News from jVorden M P Meholin and family started Tuesday for Omaha where ther in tend spending the summer They have rented a house and will see the exposition at leisure Mrs Ferguson and daughter Dosse accompanied them but will proceed to Arborville to visit her parents Mr and Mrs N E Gardner before attending the ex position A number xf jordenites carried wheat to Valentine lately and met Clarence Bruce who was circulating a second petition to the commission ers of Cherry county to build a bridge across the Niobrara near Brewers ford The river is only about one hundred feet wide where it is proposed to locate the new bridge and a right of way has been secured of the property owners for a new road to the river so that it is confidently expected that the petition will be granted and a good substantial bridge put in There are none that look forward to the completion of this bridge with more satisfaction than the farmers of western Keya Paha county Nordeii Borealis A Chapter of Accidents Willie Gibson has been having a hard time of it recently About a month ago he fell in the mill pond and had to be fished out half drowaed Three weeks ago he broke an arm while playing Last Saturday the bandages were removed from his- arm and Monday a cave which the boys had made caved in on him and he had to be dug out To complete the chap ter he fell again yesterday and broke his arm again about one inch from the point of the old fracture All these misfortunes ought to insure- him from aceideuts on the Fourth of July ob for sale at tile mill m ymmmmmmmmmmm Mmmmmm - THE VALENTIN i TV was in stand Published for 3Fonr Years as CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT JT DEMOCRAT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRAOKA THURSDAY JUNE Jfi 1898 VALENTINE Will Celebrate iShannon of Grant Citv Iowa wn last week and we under- a bunch of cattle to local stockn A5E Ferguson went to Omaha on Sunday mornings passenger to see the Exposition ne will visit in Indiana also while gone Lieut Williamson of G troop 8th cavalry left this morning for Chicka mauga Lieut Barth returned from Omaha last night and will be in charge of the post A K Dew was struck by lightning at Harrison last week and instantly killed He was at one time sheriff of Sioux county and was well known in northwest Nebraska The foundation of Bro Barkers new- building will be completed this week He had considerable trouble on account of walls caving or the build ing would have progressed more raD idly Frank Mogle of Cody sent a peti tion to the commissioners yesterday praying that they grant him a- license to run a saloon in Boiling Springs pre cinct Cody is becoming quite metro politan Mrs Maude Fritz nee Towne re turned last Friday night from Van couver Barracks Wash her husband Otto Fritz of the 14th IJ S Infantry band having been ordered to- the Phil lippines The clerk and commissioaers con template making out tax books this year by township and range instead of by precincts This will result in a great saving of time and labor to county officials Daniel Miller and Alice Acklev wer married at Massingales hotel Friday evening Judge Towne performing the ceremony The boys gave the couple a red hot charivari after the ceremony was performed John Oens a well known old farmer living northeast of town died suddenly Tuesday of last week June 7 while at work in one of his outbuildings He had been ill all winter and spring but his death was entirely unlooked for The annual meeting of the voters of Valentine school district will be held at the school house on the evening of Monday June 27 at ocIock At this meeting two members of the school board will be elected to serve three years Bartlett Eichards droppsd into the Journal office yesterday with a beauti ful specimen of some of his gardening He had a 17 inch cucumber which he had just cut This is excellent gar dening considering the time of the year Chadren Journal Mose Howard one of Valentines pioneer business men but at present stock inspector at the South Omaha yards arrived in town Tuesday night and renewed acquaintance with our people From here he goes to Kose bud Pine Kidge and tho Hills Jas Hudson and others from Sparks precinct were in town Tuesday with a petition to the commissioners for a bridge over the Niobrara at Brewers ford They say there is not a bridge of any description in their precinct and they want this one pretty badly Mae Davenport and Ednah McDon ald returned Saturday night from Lin coln where they had been attending the State UniveFsity Both girls made splendid progress in their studies at school and while glad to get home for vacation intend returning in the au tumn TV G Ballard was in town from his uanch in Dewey Lake precinct the first of the week closing up a deal he had made for the Ed Harris place This gives Mr Ballard 200 acres more of deeded land and makes a considerable addition to his range He reports ev erything flourishing in his neighbor hood and says stock is looking espec ially fine Miss Belle Callen resigned her posi tion as teacher in the public schools Friday This leaves one position va cant and this paper hopes- it may be filled by some local teacher There are a number in the county who are well qualified for the place and it is not only right but proper to give one of them the place No- use importing W K HYNOT EEP COOL 0 W MOREY WATCHMAKER - AND - JEWELER Fine line of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in the best manner Full line of sporting goods A M MORRISSET o o ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE NEB Mill Prices for JFeed Bran bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton Shorts bulk 60c per cwt 1100 ton Screenings 35c 600 Cho p Feed 70c 11300 Corn 50c I teachers when we kave them at home Oats 80c V v it T - l i hAm NO 21 K 1 During the hot days that are gpnring by wearing SHIRT WAISTS SUMMER HATS and SHOES Purchased of the old reliable firm of Davenport HAOHER G ENERAL MERCHANTS Are You GomGig SPRING CLEANING The Largest and Finest Selected Stock of WALL PAPER In Northwest Nebraska WHITE LEAD OIL COLOKS and VARNISH at - - - Elliotts Drug Store w Change to to to to s Your Underwear s 1 WE CAEEY A COMPLETE LINE SEE US BEFORE BUYING- to to to to to to 51 -3 Tfc T I V y l T A T T V t th MCJJU1N ALU S to to You will want a New Hat for the FOURTH OF JULY We have an Elegant Line K RED WHITE -BLUE Ribbon trimming just as you wish Shirt Waists anil Dress Skirts A line ol liehtweight Wrappers on band just the thins far house work SEE OUR HOSIERY BARGAINS C M SAGESER TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the TV II Moses building HOT AND GOLD BATHS C A Wells I 1 EFNER J B Wells WELLS BROS DENTISTS Office over tilierry County Satilz 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE iTSBiSS Trade Marks Designs Copyrights c Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable Communica tions strictly confidential- Handbook on Patents sent free Oldest aeency for secnrinjrpatenta Patents taken through Munn Co receive sptcial notice without charge in the Scientific American A handsomely illustrated weekly Largest clr culatlon of any scientific Journal Terma 3 a year four months L Sold by all newsdealers MUNN Co36BMdM Hew York Branch Office 623 F St Washington D C THE ELKHORN RAILROAD orth Western Line is to be to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD -OF 3 lla I r