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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1898)
IV r k t -a V- f ft If rf - i Bt4S J i x i r b i m i It Y - Tit- S- S V T - IV3 H j - - V v EjpT l frin J 2- Jf K rr 3T t sv r j TT T I VOL XIII OWMOEEY WATCHMAKER- - AND- - JEWELEB Fine line of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on liand Repairing promptly executed and done in the beat manner Full line of sporting goods 0 MSAGESER - Ti 2 hM Hvi w v na h a H B F HB w - LF lunmjii ARTIST - Hair cutting and shaving Shop in thG W n Moses building HOT AND GOLD BATHS G As Wells- T B Wells WELLS BROS DENTISTS Office over Cherry County JBanli A M MORRISSEY o ATTORNEY AT LAW o b o VALENTINE NEB J S ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accntecy y LAVACA - NEBR THIS AND THAT Con liner JEwct School Commencement May 20 Decoration Day 5Iay so P S lloueche of Brownlee was in town Satury W G Sawyer of Elgia Ills was m town this week J A Sparks of Leonardville Kas is in town this week Prof Geo Fitzgerald was in town from Arabia yesterday Jacob Emmick of Woodlake was at the City Hotel Monday W A Taylor had the interior of his restaurant calsomined this week Do not fail to see Dr Crooks In Valentine June 5 6 and 7 17 C Cornell has almost caught the bicycle feyer Watch for a new wheel now H E Dewey came up from Wood lake yesterday in the interests of Our JKavy Born to Mr and Mrs Homer Smith Sunday night a girl Dr W G Tuck er attending V Northrop has a new bicycle Val Nicholson has ordered5 a wheel of the same make A recruiting office has been opened - at Ft Niobrara for the regular army with Lieut Barth in charge -- fc Mrs Martin Christensen has been J quite ill of pneumoniathis week but is improving at this writing Do your eyes trouble you Consult DrStuckey In Valentine June 56 and 7 17 We this week sent out several copies of Butter Making on the Farm with compliments of Congressman Greene W T Kincaid has been suffering from the effects of a surgical operation performed on his left eyej this weefe Ed Hackler was in town afew days the past week He is working on the reservation for Johnson the well man H Eazey was called to Omaha Fri day to appear before the federal grand jury and returned home Tuesday morning All those who wish to join thtf local military company shoulii - cate at once with the captain Kobert V- Goodat Valentino - - JS Lt -4 -V Cobs for sale at the mill Mrs J S Davisson returned home to Longpine Monday after a two weeks visit with her daughter Mrs Uobert Good 11 E Jones merchant Earnest Cuff Co Supt M P Meholin banker and MissDosse Ferguson of Norden were in town Sunday G W Fritz editor of the Keya Paha Call is actively engaged in recruiting a squad for the militia at Springview Let the good work go on sa f F Visll Titiu interior of his store newly calsomined and cleaned during the past week Mac is doing a good business these days Efforts are beings made to secure a new trial for Edmond George who was sent to the penitentiary for cattle stealing at the last term of court Maj McChesney and a platoon of mounted Indian police were in town Saturday and took about 15000 of Indian money toKosebud Sunday For Bent Seven room house now occupied by C R Glover Call at this office or address J M Bates 15 Longpine Nebr To Cure A CoM in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets All Druggists refund the money if it fails to Cure 25c 46 Lost Sunday morning a ladies belt Square gilt sections round green jewels in center surrounded by four leaved clover design Suitable regard for return to J A Fike Ed Ross who has been running a livery stable at Ft Niobrara since lie was discharged from the Twelfth has again donned the blue and will soon go to the front to fight the Spaniards D 5L Utter of Sioux City sold a bunch of 43 young cattle to W Wallingford of Kennedy last week Utter has sold about 30 cars of cattle to stockmen in this county since last winter Valentine needs a drainage system Two or three local engineers are work ing on plans and specifications and as soon as they are completed we will give the public the benefit of their re searches - Privates Bess and Dressier of the Twelfth and three recruits left Ft Niobrara yesterday for the south The first two go to Tampaf Florida and the recruits to Ffi Mc pherson Ga The employees of the F E ML V railroad at this place have raised a tall flagstaff at the depot and will keep Old Glory flying therefrom each day The Indian warehouse is still without a staff or flag Egbert Bbnnen has purchased the East side livery barn entire building lot and horses He will have charge 61 the barn himself and with no rents to pay will doubtless make the busi ness win Gordon Journal In company with Dr Crooks will be Dr Stuckey thewell known and suc cessful eye specialist If you have pain blurring or any difficulty in see ing do not fail to consult this eminent eye expert Consultation free 17 W R Smith came over from Ger ing this week with a load of alfalfa seed tor Marsteller Bros He took back a load ofc lumber We are glad to know that the health of both Mr ana Mrs Smith is quite good in their new home Mr Smith is farming an irrigated farm Press this- year Harrison DrCV Crooks- the well known specialist of the East now located at Fremont Nebr will be in Valentine June 5 6 and 7 Dr Crooks success fully treats all nervous diseases of women and chronic ailments Piles positively cured without the knife or detention from business Consulta tion free - 17 ANuckolls county hen lay ed an egg on which can plainly be read the let ters G S H All are agreed that these symbols are prophetic On minister says that it means Give Sinners Help another suggests that it means God Saves Heathens and and another that God Sends Har mony It remained for a country editor to give the true interpretation Cant anyone see that it means -Give Spain- Hell- Eca A Welcome Rain Theircus lust week did one good thing for the country it brought us a welcome rain Tbe precipitation began Thursday evening about six oclock and by six on next morning 90 inches of water bad fallen Friday a little moistucQ tell and the same night more came down Saturday the rain continued and when it stopped the weather bureau figured a total amount of water at 130 Inches Sun day and Monday were partly clear but Monday night the rain descended in torrents and the morning report show ed 130 inches of precipitation All day Tuesday the rain continued and most all o Tuesday night was wet Yesterday morning the records for this rain showed 238 inches in the gauge The following is the record at the weather bureau 6 am 12 Thursday 13 Friday 90 14 Saturday 08 - 15 Sunday n 16 Monday 17 Tuesday 130 fe 6 p m T 02 30 42 18 Wednesday 66 This gives a total precipitation for the week of 368 inches and is a great relief to farmers who wece afraid of another drouth season Water stands in the streets in Likes and there is no immediate danger of the dust devils taking possession of the town Case Dismissed Last Thursday May 12 Charles Bazey made complaint and Friday a warrant was issued for the arrest of Jacob Hower living about 20 miles northeast of here on a charge of at tempted rape on the person of Maud Filraore the eight year old step daugh ter of Kazey Hower was brought to town and kept in jail until his prelim inary hearing Tuesday morning at which time theprosecuting attorney dismissed the case Hower had many friends in town who wished to keep him from jail but he said he would never sign a mans bond and he would not ask anyone to sign his The story in a nutshell is as follows On Saturday the 7th the little girl visited Ilowers for the purpose of get ting Bazey V mail and it was then that the crime was claimed to have been committed Six days later the warrant was issued- No examination was made for ten days and the phy sicians could find no evidence of as sault The little girl was questioned before the court and it was found she did not understand the nature of an oath or appreciate the weight of the charge made against Hewer henee the dismissal of the case The entire community believes Jake innocent Commencement The following is taken from the com mencement program of the High School Motto Here We Launch Where Shall We Anchor Graduates Earl M Pettycrew Ed ith R Pettycrew Walter E Flowers Mabel J Alma A Carlson Tacy A Collett Class Colors Bed White and Blue pkogram Piano Solo Selected Miss Lucy Bruner Invocation Rev 0 1 Mooro Vocal Music Quavret Italia Beloved Miss Bruner Miss Mf J B Wells and Mr O a Wells Oration Looking Backward Stepping for ward Walter K Flowers Oration -The Work Remains Though the Workman Dies Tacy A Collett Piano Solo Selected Mrs J B Wells Oration Neglect Not the Little Things Earl M Pettycrew Oration Our Heirship Alma A Canson Vocal Music Duet Inez Pettycrew Jessie Oration Womans Influence in Promoting Americas Greatness Mabe U To wne Oration A Plea for the Birds Edith F Pettycrew Presenting of Diplomas - F M Walcott Pres of Board Vocal Music Quartet Good Night Gentle Folks Miss Bruner Mattel Uabn Mr J B WelIs MrG A Wells Exercises will take place at the M E church tomorrow evening at 8 o cIock The Military Company The Valentine Volunteers have been drilling every night this week and are making fine progress while the company is growing healthily The captain has made the following appointments Sergeants Ed Clarke H Zeiiian and C M Sageser Mas iciansC F Martin and C A Wells A letter- received from the Governor this morning gives the boys encour agement and they expect to- receive orders for muster in within the next l week f t v VALENTINE Published for Four Years as CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT The War With Spain W X Bryan is authorized by thp governor to recruit a regiment of National Guards Sampson and Schley have not yet fonnd tbe Spaniards fleet in Southern waters 15000 troops are starting for the Phillipines Dispatches say Japan has sent fleet to assist Dewey The 1st Beg Neb Vols is nearing San Francisco- Even those who love natures musie have certainly had enough of the gi gantic Toad chorus which rehearses every night since the rain Card of Thanks Wo desira to- thank -the friends who so kindly assisted us during the sick ness and burial of our husband and fatherespecially Mr and Mrs Mun shauer Gyntha Ann Johnson 17 Susie Baker Wait for the Sequel The following tender missive was found by the editor Out of sympathy for the parties directly interested we suppress names When twilight draws the curtain 4nd pins it with a star Remember the name of Although she wanders far May lie who clothes the lilies And marks the sparrows fall Protect and save you And guide you safe through all Decoration Day Memorial services will be held by the G A B at M E church on Sun day May 29 Rev Moore preaching the sermon Program for Decoration Day May 30 is as follows Meet ut court house at 930 a m Leave to decorate graves at cem etery at 1 Meet at court house at 2 p m Prayer by Bev Holsclaw Singing by choir Address by J W Tucker F Walcott and others 4 BHfeMeWIMfOgitfcr M nHCLT4tiAaftgp flrtf DEMOCRAT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY MAY 19 1898 M Jo lius town Robbers Canchr The Johnstown robbers have been caught Of this there can be little doubt At present one of them Arthur Johnston is in the county jail in this city and his partner in the affair John Duncan is in the hands ot otlicers and has turned states evi dence At Glen Bock Wyo where Agent Allspaugh removed after the robbery Mrs Allspaugh emphat ically identified Johnston as one of the robbers by his voice and by his peculiar nosoj and that with the con fession of Duncan makes a pretty tight place to squeeze out of Ains worth Star Journal Preserve Yonr Sight Dr F L Riser the Lincoln oculist is now in Valentine at The Donoher until May 2 1 The Doctor visited the towns west of here several times and demonstrated the fact that he is a master of his profdssion and those whom he treated will heartily recom mend him to all those whose eyes need attention If your eyes are getting weak from advancing age or any other cause dont use makeshift store glasses which may only aggravate your trouble but instead go to a specialist in that line who knows what you real ly need and who- wili supply it at reasonable rates 16 Abrnm Johnnon Dead Diedr at tbe residence of F Mun schauer rn this city Tuesday evening Abram Johnson aged 72 years 8 months and 3 days Deceased was a well known charac ter here having been a residence of Cherry county for several years and was known as Preacher Johnson His farm is about 10 miles southwest of town aud his wife survives him The funeral was held from the M E church yesterday afternoon under the auspices of the G A E the Bev O T Moore preaching the sermon- Abram Johnson was born in Ohio Oct 14 1825 but was brought up in Barren county Mich Moved to Floyd county Iowarin 1846 and theie mar ried Ann Beelor In October 1863 he enlisted as a private in the 4th Inwa Cavalry and served during the war being with Sherman on his famous march He became a mem ber of the M E church in 1872 and joined the G A B in Lexington Mo A NO 17 THREE - GRACES w 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 The three graces about our Shoes are FIT WEAR and APPEARANCE They fit well wear long and look and fit well as long as they wear The three graces about our Dress Goods are STYLE QUALITY and PRICE They are all latest designs best material and net us a very small profit Davenport a E3 X H 31 Bll H s ZiXf Ba lHACHER GENERAL MERCHANTS Full line of Undertakers Supplies - i ii ii i i A pp V01 1 GOING TO DO m y vJU ANYSPRING CLEANING The Largest and Finest Selected Stock of APER In Northwest Nebraska WHITE LEAD OIL COLOES and VAENISH at Elliotts Drug Store VALENTINE MEATMARKET Mavin j Ki S rai e i m ft a A mm ftJULT M mm WE CAEEY A COMPLETE LIKE SEE US BEFOKE BUYING i D CLARKSON w PROPR K A jbdc AfSiiZtAAA A mOoJOW3V3000 s3V3OW30 49 Change 1 Your Underwear I 55wooo3ooS 2 h h e Mcdonald e aCf cOorcCO crcecrcxcCfictc lycycwypOaCfcwy YVPYWWW V TT TF T TT IT TT V O 0 9 f War after Peace RAIN AFTER SHINE A SPRING HAT AFTER A WINTER ONE We have a fine line to select from STYLISH SHAPES COMPLETE SIZES CALL AND INSPECT OUR MILLINERY ANYTIME I L EFNER ONLY A FEW SUITS LEFT And they wont be left much longer if we keep selling them as rapidly a3 we have been doing during the last few weeks Bemember that we are SELLING ALL CLOTHING AT COST Because we want to close out our stock We are not buying any more and want to get rid of what we have We are not however closing out our DRY GOODS GROCERIES OR SHOES And these lines are complete and will remain so We have an especially fine stock of groceries and sell them at prices which cannot be duplicated Crabb VINCENT V il f - 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