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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1898)
i p i h t J ii tk s I I I 1 1 lltfll I n 1 XHI 0 W MOREY jVATOTTTtTATTRB - AND - JEWELEB Fine line of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Impairing promptly executed and done in the best manner Full line of sporting goods C M SAGBSER T0NS0R1AL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W II Moses building 1 HOT AND COLD BATHS r C A Welxs J B Wells WELLS- BROS DENTISTSI Office over Cherry Coithtfy MianJt A M MORRISSEY ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE NEB J S ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy LAVACA - NEBR THIS AND THAT Comina Events School Commencement May 20 CoIjs for siile at tlie mill Chas Ward and family have moved into the country Mrs Jos Stolzle visited her husband at Eushville Sunday T H Quigley went up to his ranch at Boiling Springs Monday Mrs Beauchamr nee Ruby Husted came up from Stuart Sunday - School district STo 23 near Wood lake has paid off its 300 bond - J J Guth is repainting the house now occupied by Dr T B Wells Dr Lewis made a professional visit to Newton during the past week Ira Ittchardson was in town Satur day Ilis little girl is much improved C S Eeece went out to his ranch Sunday returning Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs W G Comstock are in town this week from Miles City Mont Martin Christensen built a new pick et fance around his property this week Tpfa Stetter is suffering from in- w j fl amatory rheumatism of the ankle and i lingers T C Hornby and wife are very proud over a new tandem bicycle tbis week The Ludwig property at the corner of Cherry and Railroad streets was repainted this week- A letter from A R Clevenger says he is at Eed Oak Iowa and wants the news from Yalentine STow that warm weather is here the Episcopal church steps have become a popular evening resort Presiding Elder Eighmy was in town Friday visited Sparks and re turned to Lougpine Monday Born Sunday morning to Mr Mrs Wm Francse a baby girl And Bill didnt get to go on the fishing trip Wm A Winder of Rosebud is a brother-in-law of Commodore now Admiral Dewey the hero of Manila Yalentine has 35 or 40 bicyclists and the path to Ft Niobrara is kept ceaseless rid pretty warm with their ing -- jj - uwJb i 3s r jji yw i in naii ii vaI C R Glover is taking care of the Brown County I3ank at Longpine lie visited at home Sunday and Mon day Mrs Max Viertei and sister Leona JBaumgartel came down from Crooks ton Monday afternoon for a short visit J W Whillans has so far recovered from his recent illness that he is able to be onthe street though weak and pale Crabb Vincent have added a new cigar case to their store furniture and1 will henceforth carry a full line of good cigars C II Thompson is now sole pro prietor of the Owl Saloon John Bor man retiring from the management May 1 r rr The trench for new water mains in- northeast part of town is almost com pleted and pipe will be laid as soon as it arrives Harry nilsinger and W A Taylor are acting as deputies to assist Mar shall Layporte take care of the circus crowd todaj Co Supt Ernest Cuff drove over from Norden Monday after Dr Tuck er M P Meholins little daughter Mabel was quite ill Mrs John Dewoody came up from Ainsworth Saturday afternoon and visited with her daughter Minnie un til Monday afternoon 400 wagons for Rosebud Indians are being unloaded aud set up here this week Harness harrows plows etc will follow shortly Miss Woodruff of Seattle Wash 7 was in town Monday and -Tuesday went to Rosebud to visit with her sis terk Mis C E McChesney Commencement exercises of the High School will be held at the M E church on the evening of Priday May 20 one week from tomorrow Rev J C Sloan preached at the Presbyterian church Sunday- morning1 and evening After this month he will be here regularty twice a month To Citvc A Colt I Hi One If ay Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets All Druggists refund the money lfit fails to Cure 25c 46 Poit Rent Seven room house now occupied by C R Glover Call at this office or address J M Bates 15 Lougpine Nebr Indications point to the fact that Ft Niobrara will soon be occupied by troops Carloads of supplies and officers furniture are arriving here this week May I Treasurer Thackrey called in 3100 worth of county warrants aud stopped interest thereon Of this amount 1200 worth is held in the sinking fund Roland Robertson has opened a tail or shop in the room north of City Hotel recently vacated by John Bur lington He will make a specialty of cleaning and pressing Married at the residence of the brides parents on Clark street May 3 1S98 Mr T R T Geddis to Miss Grace L Church Be v W H Conley officiating Basseit Eagle Jas Whitehead has been appointed register of the Broken Bow land office to succeed Chas H Adams White head was a candidate for congress from this district four years ago Dr Reichard will be in Valentine at Valentine House May 13 14 15 and 16 prepared to do all kind of dental work Extracts teeth without pain All work warranted 15 Henderson New Ideal is the best seed potato for this climate 500 bushels raised on one acre in Cherry county last year Price 50 cents per bushel Davenport riiAciiER Al Thacher Ira Richardson Ernest Leach and ye scribe devoured a dozen fine trout cooked in Mrs narris best style Saturday afternoon It was a regular Hungry Four blowout and the boys looked like stuffed toads after it was over Dr Tucker and wife of Valentine were in Nsrden last Monday looking over the field with a- view to locating for the practice of his profession The doctor comes well recommended and we believe he will do well to settle among us Harden Bonalis AS WE SAW IT THE TRANSMISSISSiPPI EX POSITION VISITED By the Editor m Company with Other XeiVBiinjMr SJen and IZ - iiivcN n Short Description of tlte Various Ills Buildings As a guest of the F E M VI railroad the editor ot this paper last week visited Omaha and the great Transmississippi Exposition Among the othernewspaper people from the northwest who participated in this ex cursion wsre the editors of the Chad ron Journal Rushville Standard Rush ville Recorder Hay Springs Leader Gordon Journal Valentine Republi can Western News Ainsworth Star- Journal Home Rule Longpine Jour nal Stuart Ledger Atkinson Plain Dealer and ONeill Independent We will omit a description of the trip and its gaieties after we reached Omaha because a description would of necessity be full of superlatives and our stock would run low before we came to the Exposition Starting from the Paxton hotel city ticket office of the F E M V at 10 oclock the bhos about 125 of them in all boarded special cars and were whirled to the grounds of this greatest of all worlds shows m charge of the genial and obliging Major Clark son fbi nierly commander of the Nat ional G A R Entering the grounds at the Sherman avenue entrance we were guided to the east end of the Canal Court and there the beauties of the Exposition architecture unfolded themselves Profiting by experience gained at the Columbian and Cotton States Expositions the architects have been able to produce a collection of buildings that are superior to anything ever before attempted The buildings are compact yet seem to gain strength size arid beauty by reason of this com pactness To the left from our point of view at the foot of the Sherman avenne via duct is the auditorium and here musical recitals will be given and pub lic meetings held This building will seat several thousand people and its acoustic properties are perfect pro ceeding westward we came to the Liberal Arts building All space in this building was taken for exhibits so quickly that an annexhas been add ed Next is the Mines and Mining building and in this will be found the largest and most complete exhibit of ores mining methods aud products ever brought together Between this building and Fine Arts is the great Arch of States at the Twentieth street or principal entrance to the grounds Fine Arts is- an inspiring classical Greek structure ami will be filled with fine paintings and statuary from all portions ot the globe At the west end of the Canal Court stands the magnificent stiucture erect ed by the United States government complete in every detail With its great golden dome and circling colon nades like giant arms reaching from the building to Fine Arts on the south and Agriculture on the north it is a typical representation of our great nation fostering the humblest yet most necessary the highest and most cultivating of industries embracing like a tond parent the two dissimilar children Ait and Agriculture and overlooking with watchful eye her no less loved children Manufactures Machinery Electricity and Mines ranged round the court All depart ments of our government will be rep resented in the exhibit and they were being unpacked wbile we visited the building Passing around the Mirror the trefoil end of the Grand Canal we en tered the Agricultural building Huge yet symmetrical in its proportions it will be a bower of beauty aud a grand monument to the oldest of industries when filled with exhibits Leaving Agriculture we see the Administration Arch and through it catch a glimpse of the old fair grounds the Transpor tation building the Irrigated Farm the space reserved for the Indian Con gress the live stock pens and sheds and the end of the Midway Through the Arch we go and enter Manufactures Space in this mam moth struct ure400xl50 leet was all taken before the building was com pleted and au annex- of 200x75 has 5S ENTINE TT Published for Four Years as CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT been built In the galleries of the main building will b the educational exhibit A personal examination of the drawings for the detail work show that this exhibit will be one of the finest at the Exposition -East of this building is Machinery and Electricity This will contain the great iron steis wnicn nave so much contributed to the advancement of the world to gether with a multitude of ingenious electrical appliances Edison Tesla and othergreat electricians will -contribute toward making the exhibit in this building a success At the north east corner of this tract is the Girls ana uoys building built with the- contributions of school children Crossing Sherman avenue we visit ed the Bluff Tract overlooking the Missouri river and the western part of Iowa Here are the various state buildings with Nebraska Illinois and Iowa as queens the Streets of Cairo and a few other interesting features crowded off the Midway This entire tract is a beautiful park with fine lawns flowers and trees and the im mense Horticultural Hall crowns the southern end of same In this tract also is the Miibic Pavilion which will be used for open air concerts At the north Is the power house and a via duct leaditPg to the Midway and North tract The Canal Court is paved with vit rified brick and walks are of ma cadam Thousands of electric lights arc and incandescent- will illuminate the grounds wheel chairs aud gondo las cars and electric launches will pro vide means of locomotion two mam moth restaurants will feed the hungry lavatories will cleanse the travel stain ed thousands of chairs aud bench s will give rest to the weary fountains will furnish water for the thirsty guides will direct the stranger and guards protect the unwary in fact everything will be done that can be done to provide entertainment recre ation and education for the multitudes who will visit the exposition May the list of Cherry county peo ple who visit the fair be larger than any qther ISrnUc Jiis frm While playing on the teuce in the rear of his home on Cherry street Sun day evening little Roscoe Fischer fc U aud broke the radius or outsida bone of his left arm between the elbow and the wrist Drs Tucker and Lewis were called and reduced the fracture and Monday morning Roscoe was at play as usual Xoiioe An entertainment will be given in the school house at Crookston Nebr Thursday evening May 191898 begin ning at 730 p m The two sparkling plavs A Bad Job and The Two listers will be rendeied with other entertainment Price of admission 5 cunts for all Proceeds to help in crease the school- librarv P F Goudon Teacher Mortgage llecortl During the month of April 4 farm mortgages for 1175 were filed and 10 for 3145 were released Ill chattel mortgages for 18989539 were filed and 54 were released for 2079296 No city mortgages filed and none re leased 2 sheriffs deeds were issued If people who holi mortgages would release them when they are paid the record wo aid not Iook so bad Bicycle Troubles One of the most amusing things ot the week occurred Saturday when Ed Clarke and Pete Donoher tried to ride a bicycle Ed and Pete are direct opposites in point of size and while Ed kept his rotund figure swaying like a balloon Petes mosquito like form cut fantastic figures in the cir cumambient atmosphere No causu alities but there are holes in the earth now where hills were before Martin Christensen tried the wheel Sundav and he says the blamed thing is harder to control than- the pop party First the machine wants to go it alone then it would be in favor of fusion with Martins legs finally there would be a split and a general mixup but he noticed that when the wheel was let alone it generally came to a standstill and he had to pick it up fiefore tall he hopes to have everything running smoothly and expects to distance all competitors urmi j y - MOORAT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY MAY 12 1898 - NO 16 THREE - GRACES 4 49 4 43 -4 Tlte three graces about our Shoes are FIT WEAR anci APPEARANCE They fit well wear lon and look and fit -well - as long as they wear o Change J WO 0OO The three graces about our Dress Goods are STYLE QUALITY and PRICE They are ail latest designs best material and net us a very small profit AAA llAVtNftJHI AAA 9 Thacher GENERAL MERCHANTS Full line of Undertakers Supplies A rfi Ym i going to do v v v- ANY SPRING CLEANING The Largest and Finest Selected Stock of iff 1 Wr PA PER Iii Northwest KefJraska WHITE LEAD OIL COLORS mid VARNISH at - - Elliotts Drug Store VALENTINE MEAT MARKET iior j saw W D CLARKSON PROPR t3 AAAAAAA 4 And these lines are complete and will remain so We have an especially fine stock of groceries and sell them at prices which cannot be duplicated Crab AAA4 Your Underwear s WE CAEEY A COMPLETE LIKE SEE US BEFORE BUYING 4 g f S S S s 5Sf3 e Mcdonald i CfCfCf crcrcrcfcrcpccfcr 3S3ff WT1 J cr4V War after Peace RAIN AFTER SHINE A SPRING HAT AFTER A WINTER ONE We have a fine line to select from STYLISH SLIAPES - - COMPLETE SIZES SEE US ON CIRCUS DAY I L EFNER ONLY A FEW SUITS LEFT And they wont be left much longer if we keep selling them as rapidly as we have been doing during the last few weeks Remember that we are SELLING ALL CLOTHING AT COST Because we want to close out our stock We are not btvying any more and want to get rid of what we have We are not however closing out our no t i sin WilVWhlllhWl UII SHOES Vincent