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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1898)
3S3SSPkv k - t J A if ft- V1 11 -ii T 1 iiiiidmnn WlWlMH nji ihij iliIMMOTJillJlMIgMaapilBieHa THE VALENTiNE DEMOCRAT BOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher Official Xaier of Cherry ty Nebraska 100 Per Yeur in Advance IUBLIbHED EVEBY THURSDAY Entered at the Posttfoffice at Valentine Cherry county Nebra ika as Second class matter oue country may she always be right but our country right or Vrojg Cuban affairs have reached a crisiB at last Congress has passed a resolu tion uecjanng the people of Cuba free and independent demanding that the Spanish evacuatoCuba authorizing tbepresidenttonseall our aimy anfl navy to enforce these resolutions and disclaiming any intention of this gov ernment to exercise any control over he islaud Thenresident has signed the resolution Spain has been notified and aTdeclaration of -war is expected hourly Congress will authorize a call for 200000 volunteers if needed The TJ S Army is being mobilized in the south Tiie state miliiia is being re cruited up to war strengrh 65 men to each company Brother Leach of the Woodlake f Oracle has declared war against the urresponueni or IDE DEMOCRAT in 1 Ms town and devotes a page of his vniuauie paper 10 a roast or the poorl news gatherer What Bro Leachs grievance is we are unable to say This paper has always had a more or less active correspondent in Wood- lake Bro Leach himself having for some time acted in that capacity so that his remark that a short time ago an enemy invaded our journalistic vineyard does not apply He says he does not care a rap about the news sent out of town but contends that the correspondent has insulted us the people of our town and our towns en terprises If Bro Leach will kindly publish the time manner and import oi these insults we will be very thank ful The Democrat has failed to jot tho maulta and hns always culled from its correspondence items whichappearedin the Oracle Bro Leach shows a lack of journalistic ability when he uses these words in telling his troubles Scribbling an cient senseless sneaking thick skull ed fourth class rattlesnake deeply in cased brain cowardly adversary etc and then remarks that this is a mild introduction to a relentless war Such language is unworthy of the author of so good a work as Orizel If a common printer like ye editor usedihem it would be different but for Kiplings rival to do so This papers adrice to the Oracle is Dont If the correspondent desorves all these epithets he is unworthy of notice If he dont deserve them your comments place you in that position Niobrara Falls Frank Reese is sporting a new team We understand Rev Johnson is in town un der the care of a doctor John Ormesher went down to the Fort Sun day to visit his sister Eda Cole Another week gone by and everyone busy as the little bee that improves each shining hour J Adamson and R Grooms received some flue blackberry cuttings which they have set Jacob Anthls came over from Rrownlee Tues day and talks ef making his home on the river in future D M Underwood is to be seen in our midst at present He Is on his road to Lord Bennetts where he wiirtake charge of 400 head of cattle for the beef contract at the agency Mrs M Adamson went over to Crookston Friday and joined the Royal Neighbors at that -place We understand the Woodmen and R N of Crookston will give an oyster supper on the 29th of April MrHoyt of Boyd county passed through this Ticinity Friday He has been collecting fruit of various kinds to plant on his farm He also purchased some early plants from R Grooms He thinks he will be on time with Boyd county sardeneru Henry Bonset called on a friend In this vicini ty Saturday Bab Boy Eli Precinct Ricketts is taking music lessons FRfYahish began on the Bovil building last week P Sullivan Is fencing the place ha recently uoinjht Henry Hecfeel went to Gordon for medical treatment The warm weather of last week made the grass hump I BNichols went to Cody last week to do a Job of plastering - Miss Delia Nichols started to school in dis trict 75 last week Mrs I B Nichols was called out nonh of Merriman last week Our assessor is making his rounds seeing what people are worth We noticed O C Goodrich exercising his Normans one day rficently A family from the eastern part of tho state arrived last Friday and took possession ot tho iSporgc KoEnte rtece i - - T t F y rfc iY 1 3tylismWimeetgsi8ebaL VoI3ttkc O A Julius 311 went Jo Valentine on Tuesday Mr Ciuisiher was seen on our iti eels Monday W Banks was tukiii j hi the bights on Satur day George Shaul and wife were in town on Sat urday ltevi Campbell and wife were city callers en Monday Mell Hanna was transacting business in town 011 Saturday Good pennies some times return Jim Wood man is home again The wind blows the lion roars and the dogs bark but we are not afraid of the poet Mr Bingham a commercial man from Omaha took supper with C A Johnson Monday night 13 L Hartiug and sister of Bassett were vis iting at the home of HE Dewey from Friday until Monday moruiug We hear that there is a certain man in town that wants a leal nice cook and housekeeper so girls look out for him llieic must be some attraction oat south of town for we hear that Miss Edwards has spvni her last three Sundays at Leachs The people of Woodlake gathered at the depot with flags Tuesday afternoon to velcme and cheer the solUers as they passed through ou the wav to their duty Oh how we hate to see our noble mun leave In that way perhaps never to return May God bless them also their families and uear ones that thev left at home Bacheloh Leachs Iconoclast or Oracle bursts forth this week ift -An article scoring for gathering the important news of our community for the Valentine papers claiming it an insult to the Oracle which has a circula tion of not over 50 paying subscribers at 50 cents ipir year which he publishes not for the income fciat it brings him but as an excuse for hib lazi Hose Company Organized Monday night a hobe company was organized for the protection -of Valen tines property L L BLvens wjis elected -captain of the team and C F Martin lieutenant G H Hornby was elected fire warden P G Reese is giving the company instructions each night this week and the boys are mak ing good progress Ye editor can screw a plug in less than ten min utes already and John Whillans can attach -a nozzle to the break quicker than that Seriously though the boys do show good stuff in them and some day we will go up the line and clean out Gordon Rushville et cetera and teach them what a hose company should be Merchants should encour age tnis organization and allow their clerks time for practice at least once a week They are the ones wIid will de sire most benefit from the team and without their aid the organization will not be a success John Haeber was in town this week from Kennedy He informs us that Haebe Grange have pnrchased the C C Thompson ranch on Hackberry Lake dndthat Chas F Cooper will take charge of the place as foreman Thistirm and Wm Erickson have al so purchased a bunch of cattle from orth Platte Dont fail to see Dr C V Crooks the eminent specialist at the Donoher House Successfully treats all diseases of women diseases of the nerves and chronic ailments Piles positively cured without the knife or detertiou from business Sakdy I Official paper of Cherry County - i l Hiss He presumes to write short stories which do not seem to be appreciated and ranks him self with the famous authors of our land He aM twitters poetry and reels it oil by the yard rod or mile as he writes b inspiration Hit st jries or poetry are all mi one hue of thought i e Some sickening love alfair or about Old Mexico or some other country in which the reader has no intei est In fact he is of so el evated a standard that his greatness is not ap preciated by the people of our community lie speaks of the thick skulls f his adversaries Tfut we think that it is better to have a Uiiek skuH to protect our brains than to have a thin skull with very little or no brains in it He delares war and proposes to intimidate anyone of the Val entine papers from publishing the important events of our community but if he wishes war he shall have plenty of it and we promise not to soar into the air with -meaningless words but we will dwell with the Jilan unvarnished facts which surrouuds onr would-be-famous author Au revoir but not good bye Mike Sheep Alley Stiver cattle look fine Spring showurs brings May flowers The grass is greening up nicely since the rain Wm Burrhss was a Gallop visitor last Sunday Wm Nichols has his house nearly completed John Curry was calling riverfriends last week Lee Sellers is slowly recovering from his ill ness FJones visited frieuds on the Flats last week Elven levine still likes honey and so does Martha 1 B Nichols is in Cody doing some plastering at present Mrs Rachel Daliigren visited brother Hunt s over Sunday Chet Goodiich had business over at the Churn ranch last week Oscar says some of the girls ride in their sad dles like cowboys Mrs Adams was calling on a friend north of Merriman last week The Swede lVter Feterson is again throw ing dirt for Nichols John Selder returned from Sioux City with a fine bunch of steers Mr Thorn of Valentine was in our burg tak ing brands 3ast wee k Miss May Crane is taking music lessons of Prof Wilkerson at Merriman EDering out prominent lawyer Is dtiing quite a lot of business at present Bro Sandy loaded his saddle bags and started out sessing We wish you luck Sandy Henry Petersen talks of going to Klondike He says maybe there will be a chance for him We see our boss cow boy Delloice Crane out riding and looking after the cattle while E K is sessing Pat Clark has finished a fine little cottage for Obe Church Mr Clark takes the lead among our carpenters Jim Ray is still a bachelor He says if -some girl dont propose soon he will get a sqwur D jnt all Tush at once girls The Gallop people seems to have quite a lot of mishaps comedown to Sheep Alley and get a dose of castor oil or Egyptian tea There are several parties in this neighbor hood letting Shelr stallions run at liberty when -they know it is strictly against the law and if thev dont look a little out there will be trouble on their hands Big Foot on the corner near Ihe HAVE Now corineetecj with our clothing department A FIRST CLASS TAILOR j When in need of anything in our line call and see us STINARD MERCHANT TAILOR A nice street lamp has ing room through the generosity G H Hornby been placP f x 1898 Club mio I Notice is hereby given 01 village nf Valentine lloberl Robinson builnn addition in the rear and a porch in front of his stre building this week thus makiug both ends neat r August Columbus and Miss Etta Wiltse were manied Monday night prior to the grooms departure for New Orleaus Tuesday MissPearl Holbrook who is -1 ciated with Miss Dahlgettain the mil linnry store wpnt to Chadron on a vis it Tuesday night Joseph Mast and Pauline Walters were married by the liev Hobclaw Monday evening and Tuesday -the groom left with the 12th Infantry The M W of A of Crookston will give an oyster supper in their hall on Friday April 22 Evervbod cordial ly invited By order of the committee Camp 4207 Work on Jackson Braytons new building is progressing -at a great late The walls are almost four feet above the floor When completed thisbtiild ing will be a tine one finer than any thing of a similar nature in the north west Dr 0 V Crooks treats by the latest methods known to medicai science including Isopathy Dr Crooks con sumption cure is the very best ovpr 100 cases have been successfully treat ed by his mpthod Consultation tree At the Donoher House until Saturday night April 28 Mlill Prices for JFe Bran bulk 50c er cwt 9 00 ton Shorts oulk 60c pter cwt 1100 ton Screenings 35c 600 Chop Peed 70c 1300 Com 50e u Oats 80c Ordinance No V7 An ordinance for the purpose of laving sidewnlKs on the south side of lots Sand 9 m bioclr2 and on the east side ot lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 in block 2 and on the east side of lots 12 3 4 5 G7 aud h in block l and on the west side ot lot 13 block 7 lie it ordained by the Chairman and BnauJ of Trustees of the Village of Kaleittinr Nehrailta Section l That the -owners of I ots eight 8 and nine 9 in block 2 in the origiuai town of Valentinealchereby Ordered to construct side walks uutheouth sideof said lots SKonroN2 That the owners of lots one i two 2 tnree 3 four 4 five 5uhc G seven 7 atid eighl 8 in block two 2 mid of lots one l two 2 three 3 four t five 5 six G seven 7 and eight S in bloik one 1 in the original town ot Valentine are hereby or dcrotl to construct sidewalks on the east side of said lots Skctiox 3 That the owner of lot thirteen 13 block seven 7 in tho original town of Val entine is hereby ordered to construct a side walk on the weht side of said lot Skctiox 4 That the said sidewalks otdered in file roregoing sections shall be of plank two inches thiuiv and ot any width above six iuclies to lie laid crosswise on four inch square string ers said stringers to be laid pAralell with the front line ot said lots aud a distance apar that the end of said ci oss plank will not projret to exceed one inch and length of s aid cross planks l n he four teet Walks to be built in a substan tial and wnrkmai like manner and to he laid one foot out trom the lot line Skctiox 5 Where the property owners shall fail to build the walks provided for in the foie going sections within tweutv 20 days after the passage and publication of this onlhiaucei it is heieoy made the duty of the Board of Village Trustees to construct said walks paying cost of same out of the general fund of said village said costs with all expenditures incurred to be assessed atjainst said lot or lots Section g This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after Us passage IS SI auks Chairman Attest T C Hornby Cleik ij notice Notice Is hereby given that I have filed with the Clerk of the Board of Village Trustees of rhe village of Valentine Nebr a petition accom panied by a bond duly tested said petitionpray nig that a license may be issued to mo to sell malt spintoiis and vinous liquors in said vil lage of Valentine Nebraska lor the year end ing May 1 1899 Hexky Stett er Kotice Notice is hereby giventhat I have filed with the Clerk of the Board of Village Trustees of the village of Vaentine Nebr a petition accom panied by a bond duly tested said petition pray ing tliat a license may be issued to me to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in said vil lage of Valentine Nebraska for the year end ing May l 1899 O H Thompson Application for Administrator In county court within and for Cherrv county Nebraska in the matter of the estate of James Halloran leceased Paul S Halloran filed m iny office a petition praying for the appointment of himself as ad nnnistiator of the estate of James HaHorui de ceased all persons interested in said estate will take notice that i have fixed Saturday May 14 1898 JitJO oclock a in as the tiiueaud my office in Valentine Cherry county Nebr as the place for the hearing of said petition at which time and place all persons interested in aid estate may appear to show cause if any there be why such administrator shal noc be appointed Witness my hand and the seal of ttietGounty Court this 20th day of -April 1898 SEAL WRTOWNE 4 13 - Comity Judge U S Land Office Valentine Nebr March 24 18S8 t Complaint having been entered at this office by Charles Tale against William Calhoun for failure to complv with law as to timber culture entry 8302 daiad June 20 1890 upon the siisei nt lisp1 section 14 townslilp 28 range 36w inCheiry county Nebraska with a view to the cancellation ot said entry contest ant alleging that William Calhoun claimant has failed to break -or cause to be broken the first five acres durhtg the first year after elitry and has failed to csce his laches up to this date The said parties are hereby summond to appear at this office on the 14th day of May 1893 at 10 oclock a in to -respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure 11 13 j C It GLOVIffi Register offce that T have iiled with 01 village irusieesoiine ebr a iiPtition accom panied by a bond duly tested said petition pray ing mar a license may ne is sueu 10 me 10 sen malt spiiitnous and vinous liquors in said vil lage of Valentine Nebraska for the year end ing Ma 1 1899 iKANK FlSCHJR Aotice Notice is horebv viven that I have filed with the Clerk of the Boartl of Village Trustees oi the Village of Valentine Nebr a petition accom panied by a bond duly tested hhkI petition pray ing that a license may be issued to me to sell null spirituous and vinous liquors in said vil lage ot Valentine Nebraska for the year end ing Way 1 1899 John J Ucth FINAL PROOF NOTICES Claimants and witnesses in final proof cases notice of which appear in Thk Dkmocicat i will receive a marked copy of the paper Should any eirors in descnpLioii u laud 01 01 names be ciiscoveied notice should be sent to the land office aud this office so correction can be made US Land Office Broken Bow Neb I April 7tn 180S I Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to to makeJitiul proof 111 support of his claim aud that said proof will be made before the County Jiidiie at Valentine Nebr on May 21 1808 Viz Lewis K Belding II E No 1 001 fur the wnw4 section 9 town ship 26n range 27w 1 e names f lie loIlowiiiK witnesses to prove hs continuous residence upou and cultivation uf sad land viz Evans K Vandergrift SamuH D Montgomery Joseph Kennedy and Julius K1W all of Brown lee ebr CHAS 11 ADAMS ltegister U S Land Office Valentine Nebr March 21 1893 t Notice is hereby given that the following named settler lias filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said prool will be made before the Hegisti ami Receiver at Valentine iSeb on April 30 18DS viz Charlie A Shaul of Wood- lako Nebraska H E 9150 for the se section 15 township 30n range 2Gv He names the following witnessee to Drove Iiis continuous residence upon and cultivation Of said land viz AndiewG Ward EbnerP Day Ely D Val entine and Albert Schlueter all of Woodlake Neb 9 4 C R GLOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine NTebr March 23 1893 i Notire is hereby given that IVter Alt of Crookston Net has tiled notice of intention to make final proof before Register and Receiver at their office in Valentine Nebraska on Fridav the 27th diy of iliy 1S98 on timber culture ap plication No 832S tor the ne of section 34 in township 35n range 29w He names as witnesses Heimich Sauerwem Henry 8 lavbaugh Frederick If Bannigartel and J i x E Viertel all of Crookston Ni br 9 14 C R GLOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine Nebr I March 28th 1898 i Notice is hereby given that lmeron B Main of Whitman NtJbr has filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Register or Re ceiver aMns office in Valentine Nebr on Sat urday the 14th day of Mav 1893 on timber cul tiure application No 8110 for the se4 section 6 township 27u range 31 w He names as witnesses Isrtac II Lomas Thomas L Lomas Herman Pittiriger and Matthew F Lomas all of Mullen Nfbraska 10 15 C R GLOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine Nebr US Land Office Vaientme Nebr I March 28 1898 Notice is hereby given that Hamilton AlcCrea of Valentine Nebr has filed notice of inten tion to make final proof before the Register or Receiver at his office in Valentine Nebr on Friday the 13th day of May 1898 on timber culture application No 7875 for ihesaJi of sec tion No 21 in town diip No 35n range No 25W He names as witnesses William D CJarksonand Aimer W Clarkion of Valentine Nebraska Henry L Browii and mollis II Smith of Sparks Nebr 10 15 C R GLOVER Register Maruh in isns f Notice is hereby given that Charles W Deaver of Cody Nebr nasmled notice of intention to make tinai proof before Register aud Receiver at their office in Valentine Nebr on Satuitiay the 7th day of May 18980U timber culture ap plication NoS290 for thene of sectiou No 7 in township No 33n range 33iv He names the following witnesses GustaveGundersoii William M Hook Will iam F McGee and Warren Cloutz all of Cody JNebr also Gustave Gunderson of Cody Nebr H E No 9G54 for the sl4sw4 section 32 and lots 3 4 section 5 township 31 n range 33w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence aud cultivation of said iuiiu vi Charles W Deaver William M Hook William 11 Carter aud Clarence Cuttc comb all of Cody Neb 9 14 C R GLOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine Neb Mar 2 1898 f Notice is hereby given that the following nam ed settler ha filed notice of his intention to make final proof in snpport of his claim and that said proof will Ue made before Register and Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on April 29 1898 viz Frederick ET Good fellow of Cody Nebraska H E 9241 for tho eiSsei liwsejfi neJiswK section 20 township 8211 range 5w He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Wallace E Nelson James C Taylor Joseph H Bemisdarfer aud Edward S Weed all of Cody Nebr also James C Taylor of Cody Nebr H E 95S0 eyzseH seMneii section 33 aud mvHsw section 34 township 32n range 35w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou and cultivation of said land viz Fredrick H Goodfellow Joseph H Bemis darfer Edward S Weed John Bishop all of Cody Nebr also Joseph II Memisdarfer Cody Nebr K E 9221 wiseh eiSswJS section 25 town ship 32n range 35vv He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Frederick H Goodfellow James C Taylor Wallace E Nelson and Johu H Storey all of Cody Nebr also Wallace E Nelson of Cody Nebr H E 919 seMnwM sneKi section 28 sw mvjtf section 27 township 32n range 35w He names the following witnesses to prove his connuuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land viz Joseph H Bemisdarfer Frederick H Good fellow Edward S Weed aud James C Taylor lllnfnnrlir Voh S 13 C R GLQVEE Register j f rtHfiSJ i tritta mflflf Jiliim ml 111 pT On Each Box MAKE icae Beauties FC WEST ELS mm and PLAIfi OQBHEOT HAPES ARTISTIC EFFE8TS All Lengths UAZGO CORSET 00 SOLE MANUFACTURERS SOLD BY DAVEKPOBT TIIACIIER Wj J jeScn fffut jZSFwX miCBwQ p Vj Left ears tagge FJ oam Hudson Simeon Neb d All Left hip on cattle Left shoulder on horses some horses Lazy S on left snnulder Range between Gordon and Snake River and Niobrara SRiver cattle dehorned RE SLANO AGENT For taking orders for enlarg ing pictures -from photo graphs or tintjpes Work guaranteed Dcadquarters at Yaleutine m ffl co 00 S Horses saeason steer left hip Also C on left shoulder ID 1183 either left side or hip F on left Horses sll0Ujder Range head of Antelope WE HAVE BUT FEW LEADERS iMiMMMiaMMnMaaai In our store when you think of a leader5 as some article which -has been cut in price only for the purpose of attracting people by its cheapness Our plan is different OUR LEADERS Are leaders in quality and style as well as in rs price For instance our present leaders are HATS CAPS AND CLOTHING Everything in these lines is stylish new up-to-date au fait fin de seicle nobby and cheap The Red Front k Siitf Premier typewriter see- m Beat Valad Writing Machine It ffrst in Improvements Honest scMg i M Construction and all Kigh grade pSBaSjhi n Typewriter Essentials T t t SaBfefc ffi ART BOOKLET FREE t CHe W Premier typewriter Co sm1 Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets US Land Office Valentine Nebr March 19 1898 S Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in suppoit of his claim and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on April 30 1893 viz Howard S Lockwood of Simeon Neb H k 9535 for lots 1 and 2 and sVne section 1 township 30n range 29w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz John WDanlels of Valentine Nebr Sam uel J Hutchinson Charles W Bennett and Charles S Retce of Simeon Nebr 9 14 CR GLOVER Register TJ Land Office Valentine Nebr March 19 189 J f Notice is liereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim aud that said proof will be made before the Kegster or Receivtr at Valentine Nebr on May 7 1898 viz Mary C Ladfly of Newton Nebr II E No 104G6 for the seHne n4seHi seM seH section 19 township 29n range 34w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud viz Levi Laypnrt f Valentine Nebr George W Kime of Kennpdv Nebr John Dy sert aud GustavusS Vroman of Newton Nebr 9 14 CR GiOVFTi Register Earl Comstock Manager Valentine Neb Cattle branded 01 left side or hip Alsi 969 TG Ja - f piLi aT Thomas Farren Rosebud S D W CF 1 1 if Now is the time to subscribe 100 John DeCory JdXD j kiiBfciac2555sa23 Rosebud S D Some branded ID 417 ou left side HorseiJD oa lafc hip uange in aieyer Co ou Antelope Craefc S H Kimmel Rosebud S D Also B4U on left side Cattle undercut on both ears Horses branded 4 on left shoulder Range on Antelope and Spang Creeks Louis J Kichards tbT T U4U1 Merrfmia Neb JMcKiifc Bros P O BrownleeNeb Right or left side Hordes same on left shoulder Earmark Swal low tail clip right or left ear Range Big Creek Roseau ri S D Horses D Cattle hole in each ear Range Biir and Little White Rivers r V - tfMMMMMMMMfV I - ft j ca3gnty Charles Richards ybcRj aierrioft Nk Paul Didier l i I Steadman Bros Pass Neb Brand on ertfeer right or left sWe Horses and som cattle brand on left side and hip E9 Ransce Bull Lab aad Waaoadoce erec - A - r k V A V i 5 i m I Y i i i si h i 4 oi i v A n t 1 - II i