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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1898)
X X r s yf -ft fc f lTHE VOL XIII 0 W MOREY WiT OHLIAXER - AND -JEWELER line of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and -done in the best manner Full line of sporting goods O H SAGBSEB TONSflR i LV AL - ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shqp in the W H Moses building Ml AND GOLD BATHS C A Wells J B Wells WELLS BROS DEN TISTS Office over Cherry Couuty JSank A m moreissey J2 O o ATTORNEY AT LAW o tr o VALENTINE NEB THIS AND THAT Contintj Events General Teachers Association April SO Lemen Bros Circus May 12 School Commencement Mas 20 IDecoration Day Mav 30 oIs for sale at the -mill Te editor was married neear ago t today Bert Martin went to Merriraan on a business trip Tuesday C R Wolfenden of Kennedy tran sacted business in town Saturday The Pine Ridge roundup will begin on May 25 aud last until June 20 The mighty Bovalapus a monster of the deep with Lemen Bros Shows C E Shell and family of Rosebud registered at the City Hotel Saturday C S Reece made a trip south Tues day on legal business tor Judge COtl The Ft Niobrara mail is now car ried on horse back evenings Xo pas sengers Wm Bateman and Benj Roberts of Gordon were in town Tuesday on jund office business County Surveyor Estabrook was down from Lavaca as a witness in a contest case Tuesday Maggie Herring spent several days of this week in the country Her school begin s Monday Lemen Bros have 14 men here bill ing tbecouniy for cheir shows which appear here on May 12 Dr A Lewis was called to Cody Sunday night to attend a sick child of Ira Richardson and wife H E Dewey of Woodlake was in town on business Monday and made these headquarters a pleasant call Senator ORourke came down from Gordon Tuesday and conducted a contest case before the local land otlice Prof Watson will deliver the ad dress ot the evening at the teachers meeting iu the Methodist church Sat urday The Valentine House has added Another table to its dining room and ti quantity of plants and flowers adorn each window Bulletins from the seat of war are being received at Elliotts every day this we 2k wid they serve to keep up the excitement Messrs Lord Bennett of Simeon were in town Tuesday and bought a new runge Not for cattle but for coking purposes To Cure A Cold tit One Day Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tab Jets All Druggists refund the monev if it fails to Cure 25c 46 A new recruit has been added to the ranks of the Valentine Volunteers A baby boy was born to EBreuk Jander and wile last night A YALEN Lemen Bros Shows May 12 Judge Tucker and his incubator will soon -occupy a place in the public mind to the exclusion of Spain aud the Klondike Miss Downing sister of Mrs Tom Seals left for Valentine last Saturday having finished a pleasant visit here Ainsworth Star Journal Wm Caton is going into the stock business north of White River and bought a lot of wire for fencing while in town the ttrst of the week A letter to L C Sparks from Sen ator Allen says it is very improbable that the government will allow the use of Indian regiments iu the war with Spain Tuesday was the 79th anniversary of the establishment of the Odd Fel lows lodge an America and the flag ilew from their hull all day in honor thereof Ye editor smoked half a dollars worth of Earl Comstocks cigar this week on the war with Spain Corn stock bet there would be no war about three weeks ago The Owl Saloon has undergone many changes during the last week Painters and carpenters have effected a complete metamorphosis in the front part of the saloon Henderson New Ideal is the best seed potato for this climate 500 bushels raised on one acre in Cherry county last year Price 50 cents per bushel Davenport riiACHEn J A Fike came up from Newport Saturday night ana though sutrering from lumbago and rheumatism and other things went down again Tues day to look after business interests D Stinard and family who have been boarding at the Valentine House for the past year are moving into the Holsclaw property on Cherry street and will commence housekeeping again Drs Elmore and Langson perform ed a -very delicate operation n Todd Randalls eye Moday The effect of the ojeration will change the Todds face very much don Journal Hon C R Glovet conducted his first case in the land office Tuesday appearing for the claimant in acontest case The redcTubtable Senator P H ORourke of Gordon conducted the case of the contestant The Rev J M Bates has accepted an invitation to hold the annual mem orial service for the A O TJ W in Grace church Chadron next Sunday May 1 therefore will not be in Valen tine until Sunday May 8 Born to Mr and Mrs E Sparks Sunday afternoon a bouncing baby girl usual lung capacity Elden seemed to be considerably under the weather Monday but Mrs Sparks and the baby are in first rate health Bill Steele says he wont to go to war Queer isnt it He says he would be willing to fight a lot of ihe people in this country but the Spanish never The only way he can be per suaded to go is to try and compel him to stay at home The General Teachers Association ot Cherry county will be held at the school house Saturday An open session will be held at the M E church in the evening to which all are invited A good musical program has been pre pared for the occasion Bert Clevenger leaves the barber shop and goes to Lacona Iowa short ly We are sorry to lose Bert as a member of Valentines social circles and trust that some day he will return We do not allow any of our girls to marry away from home Geo G Schwalm sold his ranch at Deweys Lake this week to W W Anderson of Interior S D for 2500 The Major was at one time Indian agent at Lotvrr Brule and in com pany with his foreman J C Rounds was in town several days this week The Donoher keeps up improve ments New paper new wainscoting rresn paint and varnish nve the hotel a fresh appearance In addi tion to this a hennery is being estab lished and the hotel will raise at least a portion of the eggs it needs in the future About 200 people turned out Sun day night to see one troop of the Eighth cavalry on its way from Ft Meade S D to Fort Sill Okla Three freight three stock and two passenger cars were required for the troop and its equipage Valentine can beat the band when it comes to hurrahing for the soldiers Hon J A Fike arrived the fore i part of last week and in about a jnpnth will with his family take up his abode on his farm southwest of town Mr Fike has not fully made up his mind as to whetherhe will make his residence here permanent but he probably will The Republi can takes pleasure in welcoming Mr Fike and his estimable family- New port Republican jKii Topic Party A topic social was given by the so cial department of the Epworth Lea gue at Hornbys hall Monday evening The spacious hall was brilliantly illu minated both by lamps and the bright faces of our young folk there being in attendance some fifty Leaguers and visitors The topics were enthusias tically discussed and brought to view numerous and varied ideas relative to the especial features under considera tion Following is a synopsis of topics of conversation 1 2 3 4 5i C 7 8 The Weather T2io War The Wcsleyan Quartet What I First Itbmember Grand Promenade by nil present Experiences iuIioneer Life womans Sphere and Mans ditto 9 Valentine Past Present and Future 10 The Funniest Storv I ever Heard 11 Our Country in 1950 12 Transinississippi 13 Promenade Home Sweet Home These socials are especially conduc ive lo the moral development and mental education of our young peo ple and are anticipated with eagerness comprehending as they do the delight ful enjoyment of the evening Trouble UrcTVinjr - Recently some one with moxef devil ishness than sense in his makeup wilfully ran a knife through the tire of 01 de Davenports bicycle while it was standing at the school house Some time during the week the con stitution by laws and records of the 1898 Club werestolen Monday night the hats of four young men who at tended the Epworth League social were cut aud broken in bad shape These are but a few of the many depredations recently committed in town and they all appear to bu the work of a more or less well organized gang of kids The au horities are on the track of the boys and we may hear something drop before many days If parents would make it a point to see that their boys and girls are at home on the ringing of the curfew bell many heartaches would be spared them in the future Tlie Sunday Journal Free During this great war excitement people cannot get enough papers to read on the all absorbing topic The State Journal as a special offer will send free the great Sunday State Jour nal three months to any person send ing in 1 00 for a years subscription to the Semi Weekly State -Journal During these exciting times Mie semi weekly Journal beats the old weekly all to pieces and with a big sixteen page paper thrown in is the greatest bargain ever offered for 100 Just think You get two big weekly pa pers each week for a whole year and a big sixteen page Sunday paper three months all for 100 In order to be entitled to this special premium you must send your dollar direct to the State Journal Lincoln Neb 5000 Kewarrt When John JSteiubrecher came up from Norfolk to Kilgore on Mouday nights passenger tr in he found his house on fire The fire was started by som person who wore Indian mocca sins size STo 9 and Mr Steinbrecher authorizes us to offer a reward of 50 for the arrest and conviction of the party who did the nefarious deed The pejple of Kilgore are much exor cised over the infamous work of the incendiary and threaten to hang him if he is caught The party was track ed for half a mile north of Georgia and a well defined suspicion rests over the head of a man whose name we are not at liberty to give This man had better keep shady for a time at least A Musical Treat The Wesleyan Quartet entertained a good audience at the Methodist church last night Every number on the program was rendered in an ex cellent manner the whistling by Mr Ireland being the feature of the even ing Each number was applauded to the echo and encores were numerous The quartet showed evidence of fine instruction and but few aggregatioiis can present a more harmonious set of voices By special request the quartet rendered The Mar Spangled Banner as a closing selection Should these people ever visit our city again we be lieve they would have standing room only sign out before the first selection was lendered Xews of the Twelfth A card to tne editor from Lieut Wm Geo Elliott of the Twelfth In fantry says that Uncle Sams regulars are in it He says Chickamauga has a fine climate and pretty scenery Sund iv the Andrews ball team play ed Chattanooga for the gate receipts and beat them Then they had to scrap to get the money The Twelfth was one otlhe first regiments to reach Chickamauga the regiment being switched from the 2sev Orleaus road at Nashville A Correction This paper wishes to correct an item which appeared in tie last issue which said Joseph Mast manied Pauline Walters The brides name was Marie Gottle instead This was Judge Tqwnes mistake and our treat 1 TINE DEMOCRAT Published for Fonr Years as CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY APRIL 28 1898 The War with Spain WaVwas declared against Spain by congress Tuesday Up io date the United States has captured 15 Spanish merchantmen and crippled one Spanish gunboat The only loss sustained by us was the crip pling of a torpedo boat The state militia aremobilized at Lincoln After being mustered into U S service they will be taken to Ft Crook Omaha V Portugal is siding with Spain and dispatches this morning saywar will be declared against that country also England and Germany will ne with - iV - us t ranee Austria and Italy with Spain Sherman has resigned as Secretary of State and Day has been appointed in his place We stop the press at 3 oclock for the following Special Dispatches Key West Blockading squadron at Matanzas has caused much damage Four batteries destroyed One projec tile dismounted live big guns exploded magazine and killed 20 Snaniards JNot one of our ships was hurt This is first blood spilled and is a victory for Uncle Sam London -Portugal refuses to act concerning Spain and war will be de clared PAitis All Europe excited and it is conceded that leading nations will be involved shortly Key West -Spanish treasure ship VGuido laden with treasure just brought in here as a prize A Stecommeiiaatlon One of Sagesers bald headed pa tients was in the barber chair Mon day and Bert Clevenger was giving him a treatment To prove that hair was growing on the bald spot he turned to the crowd and remarked See here boys you can see omy a portion of the scalp now and when he commenced taking this treatment you couldnt see the scalp at all Then he wondered why the crowd laughed School Beportt School report of district No 31 Kennedy 0 A Gee teacher for the 5th month beginning March 21 and ending April 14 Number of days taught 19 number of pupils now attending 14 total num ber of days all pupils attended 241 average daily attendance 13 Those pupils who were neither tardy nor absent during the month are Leonard Piercy Mari n Gee Liunie Archie Frank and Myrtle Ayers The enrollment of the school will be cut down the next month on account of spring won As ITsual Senator ORourke was in town from Gordon Tuesday as usual This means that he had a tussle with John Barleycorn and lohn got the better of him We are informed that the Sen ator never gets oreide unless he is fiway from home but its hard for us to believe it because it is the condition we always see bin in It seems that the charges which were preferred against him in court here a year ago would have tahght hima lesson but he was as insulting this trip as ever How the land office people put up with his talk Tuesday is a mystery Oraeie Lays Down We thank the editors of the Val entine Democrat and Republican for the assurance that they have an authorized correspondent iu Woodlake In reply to the request of the editor of the Democrat for explanations re garding the time manner and import of insult to us We can make no ex planations until the true name of your correspondent be published by you for the benefit of your leaders TT we reruse to wage a newspaper war against two papers and an unknown force of ambushed correspondents Meanwhile for the malicious person al libel thrown at us through your col umns we hold the editors of the Dem ocrat and Republican personally re sponsible Woodlake Oracle Bro Leach refuses to wage a war against an unknown force of am bushed correspondents yet he is the person who made so grand an attack on this ambushed force and said he intended to keep it up Nobody wants to force Mr Leach into a nght but he treads near the danger line when he says he will hold the editor personally responsible for the malicious person al libel thrown at him Once again we ask is this libel Come now Le Roy dont act the baby If you have a grievance state it like a man and if it is a just one you will have the sympathy of the community in wluchyou live and the assistance of this paper in clearing your name Als it is you are making yourself the laughing sjock of people As for the names of our correspondents that is our business We know the parties to be reliable and so do not Know that they have insulted you V WHATIS GORDETTE CORDETTE is a new stiffening fabric for ladies7 dresses It is light and el egant and being absolutely waterproof NO 14 Rain Has No Effect Upon It A dress saturated with water will still retain its form and freshness Paris the great centre of fashion has enthu siastically endorsed ORDETTE and has been quick to appreciate its great intrinsic merit as a shape giving fabric V85 rf 9 -- f WE ARE SOLE AGENT s Thacher GENERAL MERCHANTS Are You GoiNGiSvDt SPRING CLEANING The Largest and Finest Selected Stock of WALL PAPER In Northwest Nebraska WHITE LEAD OIL COLOKS and TARNISH at - Elliotts Drug Store VALENTINE MEAT MAKKET OMAR mm mm wmmwi W a CLAEKSON PROPR S9 - 0 H We -Have a Number ox pairs of Shoes jj w 9 f 49 S9 Look over our Dry Goods Gents Furnishing Goods Trunks and i Valises and get- our prices before purchasing elsewhere E McDonald Valentine Neb c cr cr o c o cf o Cf tf v Ladies and Gents also a limited amonnt of Winter Goods IVSiicIi we will Close nt at Cost to make Boom For our Xew Spring Goods which will arrive this week Our Sew Goods -will ail lie in Style as well as prices Fresh Groceries and Flour just recelTed and will be sold Cheaper than by any Competitor Come and see our bargains before you send your money out of the country WPWW Cf crrCrQrCrco Cfcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcftzf a it 0 W MILLINERY ANYTHING YOU WANT Come and See Our Line of Shift Waists Neckwear Dress Skirts Wrappers Underwear IL EFNER ONLY A FEW SUITS LEFT And they wont be left much longer if we keep selling them as rapidly as we have been doing during the last few weeks Remember that we are SELLING ALL CLOTHING AT GQST Because we want to close out our stock We are not buying any more and want to get rid of what we have We are not however closing out our - DRY GOODS GROCERIES OR SHOES And these lines are complete and will remain so We have an especially fine stock of groceries and sell them at prices which cannot be duplicated Crabb Vincent y