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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1898)
ft i H 15 i H T I 1 X r ir pFfRg OK 3BTJOY Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys Liver and Bowels cleanses the sys tem effectually dispels colds head aches and fevers and cures hahitual constipation Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP 0 SAN FRANCISCO CAL IDUISV1LLE KY NEW YORK NY 83eSS9S33SS9SS3a392 1P0TA 150 Vj aBbl 3 ft LurceM heed POTATO ernwers in America l 3 EARLIEST yield UI4W buhcl per acre y I Prices dirt cluup OurgrcatStkU HOOK 11 rrm y ScrdSamples north COo grtn narl or lOr and Dili y yy notice 0HNASlSKSKtDtOLaCrosicUiCi rt His Early Training Diggs Solder the plumber is one of the survivors of the famous Light Brigade Biggs Is that so No wonder his bills are exorbitant Diggs Why hows that Biggs He hasnt forgotten how to charge PRES JUKINLEYVS FREE SILVER A battle of giants is going to take place this summer on 30000 farms in America not in talk or votes but in yields Salzers two new potato mar vels are named -as above and he of fers a price for the biggest potato yield also 400 in gold for suitable names foi ls corn 17 inches long and oat pro digies Only seedsmen in America growing grasses clovers and farm seeds and selling potatoes at 150 a barrel The editor urges you to try Salzers Northern Grown Seeds and to Send This Notice with lOCts in Stamps to John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wis for 11 new farm seed samples worth 10 to get a start and their big catalogue cn Remarkable Find of Oil Boys boring in the earth at Arlington Ky found kerosene oil of such purity as to be marketable without refining and nioivovcT at so favorable a point for commercial purposes that with thei mere laying of a siding from a trunk line railroad the oil niaj be loaded di rectly for shipment It Keeps the Feet Warm and Dry And is the only cure for CLwlblums Frost Bites Damp Sweating Feet Corns and Bunions Ask for Allens Foot Ease a powder to be shaken into the shoes At all druggists and shos stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y In ancient Egypt the arts of surgery medicine were confined to tl 3 p iest uood and every priest adopted a spe cialty High proficiency was attained In the dental art BEWAEE OF M0KPKLNE Is It Weird I know a small bo aged clglitccn months whose grandfather was once a union soldier The old man a good many months ago carried the boy about the house on his shbulder singing Marching l Through Georgia and waving an American ilag The young ster soon learned to associate the Hag with the floorah hoorah and when he was taken out for a drive he cheered Rah rah at every flag he saw lie even cheered the black picture of a flag in a newspaper The family were proud and amused but could see noth ing specially forward in that Other babies had learned to say Rah rah at sight of the stars and stripes The other day however the infant snatched his fathers hat and spying in the lining a black and white picture of a continental soldier with a gun lie promptly shouted his Rah rah Now there was something that had not been taught to him The child had never been left alone a simple waking moment and it was definitely known he lad never seen a soldier lie knew nothing that could connect a contin ental soldier with the stars and stripes Then how did lie make the connection There is something for Mrs Annie Besant and the other believers in the astral body to fit into their philosophy it isnt wonderful it is weird Boston Advertiser Alcohol and Heat Many of the more careful barkeepers in Yuma and Phoenix Ari refuse to sell whisky or brandy to hard-drinkers when the mercury is ranging from 110 to 11 degrees in the shade Last summer half a dozen miners went on a spree when the temperature was at about US degrees three of them died as they lay asleep in the broiling sun and one of the others has been demented-ever since Never Content Some people are never content with anything They will not find exactly what they want even in heaven if they know some one is there ahead of them For instance some are great sufferer from neuralgia Friends have told them what is best and certain to cure them Not content with wuat is said they suffer ou Pain ravages and de vastates the sysiem and leaves it a barren waste St Jacobs Oil has cure J thousands Just try it Words Which Denote Numbers The ingenuity of the sportsman is perhaps no better illustrated than by the use he puts the English language to in designating particular groups of animals The following is a list of the terms which have been applied to the various classes A covey of partridges a nide of pheasants a wisp of snipe a flight of doves or swallows a muster of peacocks a siege of herons a build ing of rocks a brood of grouse a plump of wild fowl a stand of plovers a watch of nightingales a clattering of choughs a herd or bunch of cattle a flock of geese a bevy of quails a cast of hawks a trip of dottrell a swarm of bees a school of whales a shoal of her rings a herd of swine a skulk of foxes a pack of wolves a drove of oxen a sounder of hogs a troop of monkeys a pride of lions a sleuth of bears a gany of elk New York Herald State of Ohio Cur of Toledo 1 Lucas County f53 Fbaxk J Cheney makes oath that ho Is the senior partner of the fiim of F J Cheney Co doing business in the City of Toledo Cbunty and Statu aloresaidaud that said firm -will pay Iho sum of ONE HUNDHED DOLLARS loi each and every case or CATAium that caunot be cured by the use of Halls Oatauiiu Cuhe FltANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this Gth day of December A D 388G Mtb Pinkham Asks Women to Seek Permanent Cures and Not Mere Temporary Relief From Pain Special forms of suffering lead many a woman to acquire the morphine habit One of these forms of suffering- is a dull persistent pain in the side accompanied by heat and throbbing1 There is disinclina tion to work because work only increases the pain This is only one symptom of a chain of troubles she has others she cannot bear to confide to her physician for fear of an examination the terror of all sensitive modest women The physician meantime knows her condition but cannot combat her shrinking terror He yields to her supplication for something to relieve the pain lie gives her a few morphine tablets with very A W ULttASUM Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally and nets directly on the blood and mucous surf acea of the system Send for testimonials free F J CHENEY CO Toledo O CSrSold by druggists 7jc He Knew the Business What did that man want asked the druggist A pint of whisky said the new clerk who was on trial for a week Did he have a prescription No Well what did you do I wrote one for him Consider yourself permanently en erased Cleveland Leader grave caution as to their use Foolish woman She thinks morphine will help her right along she he comes its slave A wise and a generous physician had such a case he told his patient he could do nothing for her as imiwYj x fgSS SSfW CxTTf IwiivA mim K j WWMJ i v 1 she was too nervous to undergo an examination In despair she went to visit a friend She said to her Dont give yourself up just go to the nearest druggists and buy a bottle of Mrs Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound It will build you up You will begin to feel better with the first bottle She did so and after the fifth bottle her health was re established Here is her own mmx Viiiiir PKr v JJ x 4 WsJt m -vs cs MruirTTmjr 4 SeSs letter about it I was very miserable was so weak that I could hardly get around the house could not do any work without feel ing tired out My monthly periods had stopped and I was so tired and nervous all of the time I was troubled very much with falling of the womb and hearing down pains A friend advised me to take Lydia E Pinkhams Vege table Compound I have taken five bottles and think it is the best medicine I ever used How I can work and feel like myself I used to be troubled greatly with my head hut I have had no had headaches or palpi tation of the heart womb trouble or bearing down -pains since I commenced to take Mrs Pinkhams medicine I gladlv recommend the Vegetable Com A pound to every suffering woman The use of one JbotVwill prove what it can do Mbs Lucy Peaslet Derby Center Vt S iPilwi nri I vJ tilHWS srzu Homemade Low Wagon The accompanying illustrations sup plied by J L Newcomer to the Orange Judd Farmer represents a farmers wagon which can be made at home The wheels are from a binder truck In the first picture a a are beams 12 feet long and 2xy inches bb 4 feet long and 2x0 inches the axles are 2 feet from each end The middle crosspiece UNDER PART OF WAGON d is 2 feet back of the front bolster The front axle is 4x 4 inches and is 2V feet long measured inside the wheels The height of the frame resting on the bolsters is 15 inches The king bolt is 20 inches long and goes through ihe bolster and axle at e and is kept in place by means of a key The short piece of iron h is bolted to the cross piece d and attached to the iron g The side boards can be taken off at will which leaves the top perfectly Hat These are 10 feet 7 inches long on he side and 12 inches high The end boards are 4 feet 4 inches long with 2 inch slats nailed on to keep them up right In Fig 2 e is the sideboard f the end board g the side beam d the cross beam h the back axle and c the tongue This wagon cost me 3 be sides my own work and I did all of it except the blacksmithing Every man who has a fair set of tools can build SIDE VIEW OF WAGON this It is very useful in hauling corn fodder manure stone or almost any thing on the farm The front axle Is J niade short so that there is less diffi culty in turning A Farm Signboard As a means by which the farmer may make known his wants to his neigh bors and those who pass his place the editor of the Michigan Farmer recom mends a farm signboard of planed and matched lumber surrounded by a mold ing with the name of the farm and its owner painted in large white letters on black background at the top and with its lower part painted with black paint and liquid slating for using crayons in advertising what you want to buy pro cure or dispose of The accompany- I0R CDALE CriRMflrt No 3 PoTftToS Second Htio Toooen CuTTn Wanted river yew Milch Cows 100 IBu qR cohd HftiJ7HFiaSHBTiBejr Goop Hkbp Girl SSHSSSS FARM SIGXKOAKD ing sample signboard illustrates the idea better than columns of verbal de scription Wintering Plants in Cellars Plants are placed in the cellar to rest not to grow Nothing is more harmful to them when thus stored away than water and it should never be given unless to keep the soil from becoming dust dry In early spring if the buds on the plants are seen to be starting a little do not give water which would only favor their growth but keep as dry and cool as possible until time to take them out of the cel lar Ticks Magazine Cnre for a Horses Cold - When a horse has contracted a slight cold simply producing a hacking cough due to a tickling in the throat a tablespoonful of the following pow der will generally give relief Powder ed chlorate of potash one half pound powdered squills and licorice root of each two ounces and granulated sugar one pound mix well all together Horses will generally lick this if thrown into the feed box If they do not put a little dry wheat bran or chopped feed uporn it three times per 7 day If this does not relieve appy a stimulating liniment along the wind pipe and upon the glands of the throat One composed of aqua ammonia one ounce olive oil four ounces is a good one Stockman and Farmer Mistakes in Strawberry Growing Not subsoiling Planting too closely Growing small berries Planting too many varieties Using dirty second hand boxes Not cutting strawberry runners each week Placing too high an estimate on prob able profits Not keeping close watch on the leaf roller insect Using newly turned sod for strawber ry planting Allowing the small berries to go to market Not finely pulverizing the soil before planting Not studying and watching the needs of the market Not taking two or three good horti cultural journals Not cultivating at least once per week during drought Employing pickers who do too much talking while at work Not being strictly honest in the meas uring and grading of berries Allowing too many runners to grow when it is intended to grow the fruit For the Ice Harvest Farmers are more and more coming around to the plan of putting in a sum mers supply of ice during the winter season The cut shows a very conve nient way of loading the ice from the water directly upon the sled The lever picks up a cake and swings it around upon the sled platform Such a rig can be fitted up in half an hour and will FOK UAXPLIXG ICE be found a very easy and expeditious method of gathering ice New Eng land Homestead Driving The first requisites of a good driver are a cool head a watchful and a ready finger with a quick understanding of the needs and requirements of his horse says Our Animal Friends He must also be ready to detect any ob ject by the roadside that would be like ly to annoy the horse and to compre hend in a glance the character of the road that lies ahead of him No quick tempered loud voiced man can expect to have a quiet obedient horse and the undue haste of the impatient driver to correct what seems to him misbehavior is one of time reasons why so many horses are dangerous to drive Much of the abuse however to which the horse is subjected arises more from ig norance and carelessness than from wanton cruelty Few persons give proper attention to the details of driv ing forgetting that it is attention to de tail which makes the difference be tween the expert driver and the un skilled The Cost of an Egg The cost of an egg in the Eastern States is estimated at one cent but this depends on the prices of grain If meat milk cut bone chopped clover and cooked potatoes are given the cost will be less not because the meat can be purchased at less than the grain but because the feeding of a variety and a balanced ration will induce the hens to lay more eggs The greater the num ber of eggs laid the lower the cost pro protionately and it is possible to pro duce eggs at a cost of only half a cent each P H Jacobs in Farm and Fire side Large Fruit Trees If the tree agent has a lot of large trees that will bear fruit sooner and he asks only a little more for them than for nice three year trees six or eight feet high dont buy them Such trees are slower to begin growth and slower to grow and rarely prove sat isfactory Evolution of the Peach The peach was originally a poisoned almond Its fruity parts were used to poison arrows and for tliat purpose were introduced into Persia Trans plantation and cultivation have not only removed its poisonous qualities but turned it into the delicious fruit we now enjoy Farm Notes Purchase bran and oil meal to feed with the straw A good dairy cow is always a hearty eater and drinker It is a safe plan to apply all manure on a plowed surface Fences on the farm are like a tax they must be kept up The old time grasses hold their own against all newcomers The successful farmer now must be a -wide-awake business man Plan to grow as far as possible all of the grain grown on the farm The advantage in grinding feed de pends largely upon how it is fed Do the most of the farm work with good brood mares or growing colts When the hogs begin to bed close to gether is the time to look for lice During the winter comfort is an im portant item in securing a good gain Buying stock and then buying feed to feed them rarely proves profitable A calf will never get over the effects Gf being stunted during its first win ter SAW JACKSON INAUGURATED And Kept Away from Inaugurations for Sixty eight Ycara John Quincy Adams was President nntil March 1S20 and Henry Clay was his Secretary of State I frequently saw them both and have shaken hands tvith Adams at his levees as all well behaved persons were allowed to do I saw Gen Jackson inaugurated on his first term in March 1S29 and went to some of li is levees I wi l never forget the first levee Jackson held He came in as a Democrat and the doors were thrown open to all the people Adams the preceding President had been aris tocratic in his instincts and drew the line as to the people who were allowed to enter but Jackson threw down the bars I remember noticing the differ ence in the appearance of the crowd and noticed that Jacksons was rough er in appearance than Adams The great East Room was crowded and a servant was attempting to pass through with a big waiter piled up with cakes and delicacies which he held high over his head He had not gotten twenty feet in the room before his waiter and everything on it fell to the floor The crowd then seized the edibles and made away with them I was at several more of Jacksons levees after that but I noticed that he never tried again to have refreshments served at any of them I did not see another inauguration after Jacksons until last March when I went to see McKiuley inaugurated I had a seat right opposite McKinley and saw the whole proceedings I also went to lie inaugural ball and not be ing able to get a chair walked about for three hours which made me pretty tired Jicksons inauguration and Mc Kinleys inauguration were just years apart Dr P Jewett in St Louis Globe Democrat Then the Quarrel Was Renewed Harry I always believe in speaking right out when I have anything on my mind Fannie Oh well thats all right in your case You can do it without inter rupting people very often A Natural Deduction Diggs Old Father Time is drunk again Biggs Why what do you mean Diggs Time is money isnt it Biggs Yes so they say Diggs Well isnt money tight FITS Permanently Cored No Jits or nervonsness dter first day uo or lr Klines Great Nene Ro 1 orer Send for FKEE 8200 trial bottle an 1 treatse Dr 11 HKline Ltd 931 Arch M Philadelphia Pa m RHEUM Ctrade markJ Demand for Iorc Dattlcaliips Tlic STtjry of the Xay lias flenmndcd more Iiit tk slilp and there enu he no doiihl that Conferees will consider Ids recommen datlons Protection Is what our sea ports re quire nml fort I Ilea thins will n it adeiinatcly supply this Defense afjniunt all disorders ol a malarial type is however adequately afforded by Ilohtetters Stomach Hitlers au efficient remedy also for constipation bil iousness dyspepsia rheumatism and ner vousness Penkctlheads Logic Upon what does Peakedliead base his belief in the theory of reincarna tion On the promise that we shall all pass away as a tale that is told You see the tales that are told do not pass away at all they keep coming back to be told over again That is the way Peakedhead reasons it out Puck Mother Grays Sweet Powderfl for Children Successfullvused by Mother Gray nurse in the Childrens Home in New York cure Feverishness Bad Stomach Teeth ing Disorders move and regulate the Bowels and destroy Worms Over 10000 testimonials They never fail At all drutrirists25c Samnle FREE Address Allen S Olmsted Le Boy X Y The Bible was written by degrees during a period of 1G00 years It was anciently called The Book but for the past 700 years the Bible Given Away Ladies beautiful gold plated watch price 15 with the sale of 150 cakes of best toilet soap on earth at only 10 cents a cake Most any young lady can sill this in a few days Send 20 cents in stamps for two sam ple cakes F P Dean Sioux City Iowa There is often room for much cour age in speech courage not so much to maintain opinions as to confess ignor ance TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take laxative Bromo Qui nl no Tablets AU Urugglstt ret tnd tho money if It falls to cure 25c The moment anything assumes the shape of duty some persons feel them selves incapable of discharging it My doctor 6aic I would die but Pisoa Cure for Consumption curd me Ainoa Kelner Cherry Valley 111 Nov 23 95 If you give the slightest countenance to evil you become guilty of it and responsible yourself Thorough purity of tho cuticle Is attained by tho use of Glenns Sulphur Soap Hills Hair and rt hisker Uyc black or brown COc He must be a thorough fool who can learn nothing from his own folly MRS WINSLOWS Soothix foi Children teething softens the gums reduces in Humiliation alLtys pain cures wind colic 23 cents a bottle HAS CURED MORE THAN 1000000 PEOPLE mm ff9 FOR 30 DAYS YOU CAN TRY B ITF0R25CTS GIVEN UP BY 14 DIFFERENT DOCTORS TYRAH SIRS T thoncht T vronld write n Rtntemont of mr case and how I waa hen I commenced using your 5 DROPS as I feel truly grateful to think that our Henvenly Father has en lowed you with the knowledge to bring out such n wonderful medicine as jour WKOIS I was a great sufferer for about four years I was takon sick with vomiting and cramps and dizziness so t ronld not sit up a minute so they had to carry me in whero I fell Then I employed 030 of our city doctors ho 3oid I was all broken down and that I would never be ablo to work aguin then I kept getting worse and I ploy another and another till I had emplojod 14 different doctors und had used every kind of patent medicine 1 could hear of My teeth are nil gono from the effect of tho stronK medicine Some of the doctors said it was my kidneys some said it was my liver and kidnojs nnd some called it Kheomntic Gout My friends would say that 1 couiu not iivt n weun jwo joun ins j - yv j - o - j J ront away that t one 100 at me rootHi nrrr niitm lottoii 1 rrfT f nil When I was takon sick I weighed about i0 pounds I rnn down to about V poundu and I could not feed myself nnd had own horse and rjna Tnnrln IVif mo ATv mm 1 n rtrRflf it and I can got testimonials from prominent men nero mat Know just now was - ALLEN M SAGE Ionic Mich As a positive cure for Khcumutlmn Sciatica Ncurnlcln KyspepMn Backache Anthmc Hay Fever Catarrh Sleeplessness Xer ousiicsh Ncrvous nnd Ncuralijlc Headache Heart Weakness Toothache Earache Croup Swclllnc La Grippe Malaria Creeping N utubnc etc etc 6 FIVE DEtOPS has never been equaled HV nPflDC taken but once a day is a dose of this grit remedy and to enable all sufferers to make a trial J UnUrO of it3 wonderful curative properties w will -id ot t during the nextthirty dajs lOOCGO sam ple bottles 25c each prepaid by mail Even a wimple bottle will convince sou of its merit Best and cheapest medicine on earth Large bottles 300 doses 1U for SO fluy3inttcs for2 50 Not sold by druggibts only by us and our agents Agents wanted In new territory Write u to J ay SWANSON KIIEUMATIO CCEE CO 107 10 Dearborn St CHICAGO ILL 4fr Vr S 1 YSs CS M2z V IW A sood idea is to keep some Pearline in a sifter ready to use for floor washing etc etc You sprinkle a little over the floor for instance and then just vash it over with a wet cloth See how much more convenient to use than soap to say nothing of the easier work If youre buying and using Pearline simply for washing clothes and not for all kinds of washing and cleaning youre cheating yourself out of a great deal of comfort and economy Si sTsTm B I I fll MIOBFNowr ftkBIIlliJBIWIOfeJSEJI r fcyfia 8U 1 mm eu WHEN YOU WANT TO LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF THINGS USE SAPOLIO OH i SINHy 1 5MRWE 3 B HSSSlSb S JOHS A 96OM FOR 14 CENTS We wish to gain 10000 new tomers and hence offer 1 Pfce 13Dav Radish 7fc Pkg Early Spring Turnip 10c Earliest Red Beet 10c I Bismarck Cucumber 10c I Queen Victoria Lettuce 15c Klondyke Melon 15c M Jnmbo Giant Onion 15c Brilliant Kloner Seeds 15c TTortfl 100 for 14 cents- Above 10 pigs worth 81 CO wo will j mail yoa free together with our 1 great Plant and Seed Catalogue upon receipt of this notice and Mc J postage We invite your trade and know when you once try Salrera seeds you will never get along with- I ouLtnem potatoes at K15Q 1 aBblCatlogloneSc NoN 81XZKE SEED CO LI CSOS5B WIS y 0UBE8 I In 1 to 5 dyi I Jfrflf Qunntced l LisTf not to ttritar lffPreTenA amufin icy l tiinumniiu 1 V X Sa I CURE YOURSELF Use Big G for unnatural discharges inflammations irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes I -- x aimeBs ana not astrm THEEYANSChEMICALCo gent or poisonous or sent in plain wrapper by express prepaid for 100 or 3 bottles 275 Circular sent on request OLJJO 4 j2rrjBi wt f jvjwa iSJfWff tSitCAiBtm mmsigm Ktmfg I ar v 2jzb2z3ea r i tiiS u Cheapest ever srowra BEST in the world none fcother as GOOD war- ranted to lie bv Jar the CHEAPEST Ajr ii s 1 all the world R SEEDS lc and TJDforlarceDackets Send yours and neighbors names foi my Beautiful Illustrated Catalogue R HSHUMWAY Rockford I FREIGHT TAIDtlTSLi m and Ceiling Manilla Write for samples and prices The Ifay JHanilla Booting Co Camden X J S C X u m2MMMmiEi CUKES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good in time Sold by drurzists 7 98