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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1898)
A KJ ivi ft- VI- to i 4 - fc 14 h j c f t - f JK If i - K ll f 1 A c s F - 5- 1 t THE VOL XIII OWMOREY -WATCHMAKER - AMD - JEWHER Fine line -of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in the best manner Full Sine of sporting goods THIS AND THAT Comino JSvnutH Jlcno Novelty Co--February 4 Liucolns Birthday February 12 St Valentine Day February 14 Washingtons Birthday February 22 Assessors Sleeting Alarch 15 Valentines from 1 cent np at Morey3 2 Nat King has been spending the -week at home George Traccwell and daughter are visiting in Iowa Katie Noble has returned from -visit to Kansas her Albert Nenzel of Nenzel was in town yesterday Al Thacher is doing iots of business up the road nowadays Cmicand sentimental valentines by the scorcat 0 W Moreys The Gherry County iBank moved in to its new quarters Monday Born To G M Lynn and wife Th ursday January 27 a girl Prof D C Nelson and daughter -of Cody was in town Tuesday - Three more girls -added to the birth clist in Valentine and no boys W II Carter was in town from Cody on business yesterday Mrs L N Layporte returned Fri day night from her visit to Iowa The question of county spat remov al is being agitated in Keya Paha George Brooks of Bazile Mills was In town Saturday night aud Sunday W M Hook one of Codys most prominent men was in town Tuesday Meetings at the Methodist church are increasing in interest every night Tv anted Jl billy goat Address 1 Mrs L W Handy Wm Franoke returned Saturday -night from his weeks visit in Somalia G M Troffer of Crookston was in townSunday and stopped at the City Rotel Receiver Fike went to Newport this morning to look after his hay business A pptition has bpen presented to the Keya Faha commissioners for a new court house F M Walcott went to Omaha and Sioux City yesterday morning ou a business trip C V Thorn was up from Thedford -Saturday and Sunday returning over laud Monday Treasurer Thackrey has put a new desk in his office tor his convenience in figuring up taxes Mrs 0 T Moore was quite ill last week but is enjoying her visual state of health at this writing Miss Annie Lane Haleys steno grapher went to JLincoln -last Thurs day ou a business trip Rev J M Bates will noid regular services at the Epissopal church Sun day morning and evening W H Morris Evan Edwards D Green and Carl Morrisof Sparks were in town over night Sunday David Steadman has been appointed postmaster at Pass this county to suc ceed R M Faddis resigned Born Saturday to Curt Cailen and wife a girl Curt is as proud as the father generally is of his first born Ex TreasnrerCrabb went to Lincoln Monday morning to make his final settlement with the siate auditor The democrats of Cherry county are talking of runri ing C R Glover for the othce of county attorney next fall Bassett Eagle Prof Egbert Bonnen of Gregory called at these democratic hadquar ters last Fiiday We are sorry that we were not in C H Thompson ha3 been laid up for the last two weeks with a Jame back and is now able to be out only with the assistance of a cane To Cure A Calt in ftc iittu -Take Laxutivt lromo tjuKijfeTab - il M e 5 ii Valentines at Mors 3 Born To Mr and Mrs Martin Christensen Friday January 28 1898 a girl baby usual weight and size W A Pettycrew is adding to the shelf room in his store preparatory to putting in a full line of dry goods Mrs J S Davisson returned home lo Longpine this morning after a ten days visit with her daughter Mrs Robert Good 2STo matter what is the trouble with the throat or lungs -Dr Daniels P pouud byiup bangumaria will relieve it At Elliotts - 50 - - i Mrs Jennie Britton returned home to Homer this side of Sioux City Tuesday morning -after an extended visit with Sol Mtirey and wife After February 1 I will be prepared to give lessons on the piano or organ Rites reasonable 1 Mrs J B Wells Great strides were made towa d the completion of the new school house last week and in two weeks more I he building should be ready to occupy Hatiie Burns of Pleasant Hill Mo was in town Saturday night on her vi ay to the Rosebud boarding school where the has a position as teacher C W llamarand Iva S Polen wne married at Sparks esterday License to wed was issued to Paul R Erler and Sarah Stai both of Ft Niobrara yes terday Mr and Mrs J C Wells N E Gardner and Ernest Cuff county superintendent ot Keya Paha were over fiom Nofden to attend the dance Friday night Mrs Ferguson Misses Dos Fergu son and Angie Rosa of Norden made this oflice a pleasant call while in town Saturday but much lo his regret the editor was not in J Wesley Tucker is prominently mentioned for the position of junior vicp commander to the Grand Army of Nebraska Thexelection occurs at Norfolk next week Prof Renos Novelty Company which is billed to play at Cornell Hall tomorrow night comps highlv recom mended Seats on sale at Qurgleys 10 20 and 25 cents Up to noon on February 11 the M W A of Crookston will receive bids for moving the Nye Schneider build ing at Crookston 20 rods norcheasc of its present location One week from Monday isSt Val entine Day and O W Morey has made arrangements to supply the de votees of the good old fellow with a choice lot of missives 2 John Burlington has htted up a room m the building just north of Pettycrews grocery store for a tailor shop and will occupy the rooms up stairs for residence purposes Two young men who are old enongh to know better indulged in a spairing match at the ssating pond Snuda afternoon much to the edification of the bystanders Nobod killed Nels Polen took charge of the City Hotel Tuesday and is rapidly falling into the wa s of the modern landlord Nels is new to the hotel business but well wager a cooky that he uiakes a success of it Will Clarkson will establish a meat market in the Emerv building next week He will not build a slaughter house at present but will ship his meat from Omaha Will Dennis will assist in the market One wek from next Saturday is Lin col i s birthday State Snperin tendent Jackson sugge ts that schools observe the anniversary on Friday and has issued -a very npat booklet containing suggestions for exercises appropriate to the occasion Ed Clark a prominent attornpy of Valentine after taking in the chase Sunday left Monday for Denver on -important legal business Mr Clark in the earb days of Chadron was mi the Dawes County Journal force Chadron Recorder The Reno Novelty Company is billed to play at Cornell Hall tomorrow Fnday night This company carries a troupe of trained dogs and Prof Reno is know as one of the greatest magician in the country The prices are very reasonable 10 30 and 25 cents While in Lincoln we had the pleas ure of visiting for a short time with Misses Mhp Davenport and Edua Mc Donald The girls are both doing very nicely in their studies at the state university We also met John and Hairy Tucker law studens The former will graduate in the spring The Union Pacific formally changed hands Monday night at midnight Changes among thp ofheials were scarce but among them we notice the n otl Imui H h havjj hren jri h t - EDITORS TRIP TO THE CAPITAL AND THE EXPOSITION CITY A Trip Whioii was EiJ03ed Through the Courtesy Others He 32et tvith the State IrewH and Enjoyed Trip to Omaha Las- week was one of the weeks when we felt especially glad of the fact that we are a newspaper man The state press association met in Lincoln and we were there The way of it was this As the guest of the F E railroad we left Valentine Tuesday morning and arrived in Lincoln the same eve ning Proceeding at onca to The Lin coln we reglsteied dug up our two silver dollars and were formally en lolled as a member of the association After supper we visited our mother for a few minutes and then joined the press gang and as a guest of the management of the Oliver Theatre saw Tim Murphy play J Green in Old Innocence The Oliver is one of the finest theatres in the west and the play is numbered among the bpst on the road About 125 ot the bojs and their better halves were present and everyone of them seemed to enjor it and fel glaa the were there After the plav the time until 1 a m was oc cupied in getting acquainted Wednesday morning th real work of the association was begun and con tinued throughout the day the session being broken only by luncheon at the Union Commercial Club During the day the following papers were reid and dicih sed Independent Jour- fnalism by Eigar Hovurd of the Pipillion Times -What I dont Know About Journalism by Adam Breed of Hastings Tribune Newspaper Gas tronomy b W iV ilrrt ill of the Od Quiz Ready Prints by Clark J Perkins of the St Paul Pioneer the annual ooenvwas read by Jeu Stone of the Miuden Gizette The Round Table was one of the most interesting features of the meeting and under the direction of W E Diytou of the York Republican brought out much discussion on the eight subjects brought up Ye -editor had the honor of re sponding to thp query Which pays the Better -Politics or the Wood Pile and advocated the latter The boys all seemed to think the same thing During the morning session the Lond Postal bill was injected into the dicussion of one of the subjects under cousiderion and then everybody talked Our views of this bill are too well known to our readers to need re petition here and we advocated them before the association Much opposi tion was encountered and finally the matter was referred to the committee on resolutions composed of Kimmel of McCook Simmons ot Seward Purcell of Broken B w Bowlby of Crete and Goou of Valentine This committee brdughtiu two reports one against the bill and a minority report signed i by us in favor of the bill The j nty leport was adopt d the hos generally declaring that they did not in dei stand th bill and hey do know what we now have The minority gracefully subsided Wednesday evening the event of the meeting occurred The State Journal tendered the boys a banquet at the Lincoln Htel This statement alone would indicate that the affair was im mense the combination of Slate Jour nal and Lincoln Hotel representing both a feast for the mind and a feast tor the stomach but we cant resist the temptation to give the menu in full New York Counts Celery n Bullion eu Tassee Olives Clret Broiled Luke White Fish MaitrdeHotel Saratoga Unps Turkey Croquettes Sauce DUcfcesse Petits Pois - Chablis Fillet of Berf Larded au champignons LdtHter Salad en Mayonnaise tco Cream Assorted Cake Fruit Coffee New York Sppcials nam of John E Berry- who wi I be j ftpr h - - icniej ertrneer m uw roan nerrv is IfrJIBt f I a i 9 The famous Hagenow orche tra fur nished music for numbeis on the the occasion the programme being sandwiched between the couises and f was Sf rven rgiB a vd pdom from the jets Ail Druggisls refund tjja money employ of the F E TOri a pmr M newspaper p j r nent SUit fails to Cu 25c 46 yejirs ago asurvpyor ierhapc be tSt oi the feiasts was j iJU xMiVe Sr TT AT TXTnPTTVTT Published for Fonp Years as CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT DEMOCRAT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY FEBRUARY 3 1898 The Club Woman and the Print shop responded to by Mrs M G Perkins though ail were good The banquet lasted uutil 1 a ra aad at its conclusion a number of the ladies and gentlemen visited thp Journals composing and press rooms aud watch ed the workmen turn out a metro politan paper We are sorry to relate that some of t lie bosdid not get to their rooms until daylight and some of them failed lo show up until the train started for Omaha Thursday morning at 8 oclock tee iinrliugtou attneued two special coaches to its Omaha train and the crowd was hurried out of Lincoln Arriving at Omaha we found five street cars in waiting and were taken at once to the Transmississippi Ex position grounds From this time on the visitors were in charge of G M Hitchcock of the World Herald and to this prince of good fellows is due the pleasure derived from the trip The Hee was conspicuous by its ab sence The exposition grounds and buildings weie show i us in detail and on every hai d nothing but exclama tions of surprise aud delight were heard as wonder after wmider wis brought to our gaze The exposition is immense aud in the future we will nave more to say ou this subject After the exposition grounds came a trip to Suth Omaha and a visit to the immense new packing houses be ing erected by the Armour people These houses will when completed tie the finest of their kind in the world will give employment direct to over 2000 men will cost 1000000 At South Omaha we were met ov Mayor Eus r and other notables of the ciry Rbuh niug to Oio ihi au in formal reception was tendered at the Paxton Hotel followed by a banquet in the cate of that institution Too much praise cannot be given Messrs Kitchen for this treat being given as i A t it was ot their own free will The ih7mr hotel in the state and the banquet there will always be remembered with jo Speech making followed or rath er was mixed with the viands Presi dent Wattles of the exposition start ing the ball and it is hard to say which was most enjoyed the meat the drink or the talks At 255 the members returnei either to Lincoln or their homes and thus closed the big gest and most enjoyable session of the Nebraska Press Association ever held We are glad we were there Murder Sunp et Arrest fid Last week Marshal La porte arrest ed a man giving his name as Thares Ma field who is supposed to be the man wanted at BrookfHd Mass for the murder of the Newton familv Jan 7 The man answers the liesciip tions of the murderer to a dot his age height walk teeth talk and scars on forehead and hand being identical with those described by the Brookfield police The man is held in jail here on a chirge of vagrancy and was pho toguij hd a turd ay If not nhe man wanted he certainly TrSembles him greatly The au thorites here are in correspondence with those at Brook field and definite instructions are ex pected from the latter place tomorrow Wood lake Sews C A Barnes visited in Amsworth a few da s of last week C M Bailey returned from Dakota Junction Tuesday His wife remain ed for a few days vTsit A K Morris a successful stockman from the south valies was a civ uor last r noay evening The last snow brightened up the hay market consequently a large amount has been hauled into town lately Rev J M Bates preached an ex ifllent sermon to a congregation of 8 last Frislay evening O A Johnson has purchased the flock of sheep belonging to Mr Van Duesen Woodldke Oracle - Paying founts s Dehts Treasurer Thackrey last week called in one of the Cierry county 1000 funding bonds and also called tor 1000 worth of general fnnd warrants The sinking fund now has about 4000 worth of warrants to its credit a d it is ixpetai that the outstand ing feflintr bonds of the conntv m THANKS S yjljil iHTrTBJf THE ELKHORN RAILROAD North Western Line is to best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD OF NORTH NEBRASKA A Wells J B Wells WELLS BEOS DENTISTS Office over T C Hornby Store team Kaundry Started Bivens Zeilian have opened their steam lauudrv in the old Cornell build ing near the depot and by nuxt week i will be running in full blast Clarence Martin an old timer in the steam laundry business is working for thej firm Tho Vwiijq Kqtto i vurv neat hml I -- TV FWJ WVV WV- er and two horse power engine wash er wringer and ironing machine in addition to the other things usually found in a first elass steam laundry and are going into bnsmess light Agencies will b established along the road east and west and we predict that the Valentine Steam Laundry will soon make a good reputation Miss Bradley the young lady who is to christen the new battleship Ken tucky has decid d to brak a bottle of water on h bov of the noble m o 4000 win be takou up sel a she slides from the stays instead this year of using the time honored ulyampagae 2 NO 2 3 Are due to any person who cbes another a kindness and we really feel that any one of oar patrons will be doing his or her friends a kindness by telling them how they have saved money by buying of us when they need any thing in our line and we will owo thanks to you too Dry Goods Groceries Clothing Footwear Hats Caps and Notions port Thacher GENERAL MEECHANTS Shoes Shoes An entirely new line of footwear just received Boys shoes misses shoes ladies shoes and childrens shoes All the latest styles of last and prices to suit everybody It will pay you to examine thi3 line of goods acrifice sale of blankets and winter goods is still on wonJt last long K McDonald WHEN IN TOWN Come to WE V AUOTE JJoUSE X X v JAHOOTON PROPRIETOR I HAVE JUST FINISHED Putting in my boilers and steam cleaning tanks and am prepared to clean all your clothing and make them resemble new goods at prices that will astonish you Have now on hand 800 pieces mens fine suitings and will make them up in all latest styles Good suit for 1300 a better one for 1800 still better for 2500 All suits turned out in the next two months will be kept in repair cleaned and pressed for six months TWO DOORS NORTH OF PCSTUFFICE JNO RURUNGTON F J fiEISLAND AGENT For taking orders for enlarg ing pictures from photo graphs or tintypes Work guaranteed Headquarters at Valentine House All orders left there will receive prompt attention 51 SStwSSStr LONGPINE CHAUTAUQUA Opens July 22 Closes Aug 2 0 M SAGESEB TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W H Moses building HOT AND GOLD BATHS v Oi