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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1897)
t Gfc i n l ft fe jo j v V j i 6- N I U TOO THE V AL YOL xn SOCIETIES Masonic AF A M Minuccladinsrladge No 192 Ancient Free and Accented Masons meet In regular cointnumcatifm Saturday eveuintrtm or before the full moon Odd Fellows Valentine Jode No JO in each mouth Members or Hie order In jjod and reg nlar standing are cor dally and fraternally in ited to attend V T Ki jscai d V JM W V TjioMivoy Sccy Eastern Star OES Northern Star Chapter Io G 0deroI the Eastern -Star nwets on the second md fourth Twsday evenings or each month at Hornbys null W W Tnonifox Bisia J Ykast bocreUiy Worthy Matron l ncuaent oraer or Odd lelous meets even- rnnmo nno rr fiaca Uamn n tin ofi Ihursday evening Visiting brothers uuo c ouul Jy invited to attend our mevtimrs T T JvKKLKV E DAVKXPOKT Secretary Xofoie Grand llnt and 1ll Mondays of each month J C txrriHTHX O W Kahx xtetoider Master Workman Degree of Honor T oH Valentine Lodge No Degree of A J Hosier holds regtiUr meetings lirt and third Wednesday evemrgs ol each m th J C PKTlijOHJf Liuuav U SroNKit Recorder Chief of lienor Protection S D of P Valentine Lodge No o Sons and Daughters of Protection meets first and third Friday evenings of e ich month in Horn bys halL Mary Glovku Treiideilt Lovii Vachox Secretary E FJORKRTS Chancellor Commander TWSAND THAT Ioininsf Events Pror Schubert Sept IS publican Convention Oct 1 Populist Consent ion Oct 2 Democratic Com entiwi Oct Teneliers Associitoi Oct 1 3istrict Court Oct is Election Day November J Remember tle democratic conven tion E 2dwards of Gordon was in the city yesterday Mrs E T Davenport returned from her trip to -Lincoln Monday Capt Howell and wife and Mrs A Taylor are in Omaha this week C K Watson returned from his trip to the J31ack Hills Saturday morning Chas S Dates the Chadron con tractor was in town Monday on busi ness AW E Waite wife and son Arthur have been in town a few days this week J W Tucker returned home front the G A 1 reunion at Lincoln Fri day right Dr J D Wells and vrife of Sturgis S D visited friends in town Sunday and Monday 7 C Pettijohn went to Omaha Sun day morning and came up to Longpine Tuesday night Mrs W A Jettyerew is clerking in the store this week during her hus bands absence Attorney Ed Clarke made a busi ness trip to Gordon Saturday return ing Tuesday evening H II Davis of Xorth Platte was in town on busiuess connected witk the John Enlow estate B 13 Davis came down from Chad ron Friday and has accepted a position iu Quigleys drug store D Steele is seriously ill this week recovery ii our next issue Haying U almost completed and Tanchmen are bfginnitg to prepare winter quarters for their stock J A Sparks came up froa Leonstid ville Kansas oa a combinwi business and 7lf iMT tv S i unlay 1 wght Er - ii- rf iii X x Tr A Bad Klaze About 315 this morning flames were seeu coming from the second story of T 0 Hornbys brick block and the fire alarm was at once given and numer ous -citizens responded immediately A stream of water was soon playing on the lire and a force of men began removing goods from the building Hv 5 oclock the lire was out and goods were all piled in the streets The origin of the lire is shrouded in mystery The building is L shaped and the upper floor is divided into live side of the building without windows and was used as a store room Across ir v - 11 LUC UUllll CIG 11IR UCUCI A OU W Valentine Lodire No 70 Annfonf I Parlors of Dr- Wells and Ed Clarkes Order of United Workmen meets on tlio l law i fllrv lnof of iha otnw mom io - ww w wv Jwiw iwwiu iw Ued Men Imp O It M Sitting Bull Tribs No 22 im proved Order ot lied Men meet every second and fourth Friday evening ot each month -HI Davenports Hall Visiting brethren are fraternally invited to be present at trie council ot the tribe A SlIAKS A 11 FKIUUSOX Chief of Kecords Sachem Grand Army A J Col Wood Jost NoW23 Department T or Nebraska regular meeting second and fourt h Saturday of each month at 2 p m sharp Comrades from other posts arc cordially invited jo attend Jon- lu v Commander J WTpokk Adjutant V Woodmen T W A Valentine Camp No 1751 Modern Woodman of America meet second and fourth Wednesday evenings or each month at Davenports Hall Visiting neighbors cordially invited to atteu1 AY i Jauicsov W E Hairy Jlerk Venerable Counsel Knights of Pythias Kof 1 Cherry Lodge No 1G0 Knights of Jythias meets every Tuesday evennnr at Davenports Hall M ClUUTENHKN K of J ami S the U S Land Office The fire start ed apparently in the store room and here it did most of its damage work ing finally into the offices named The roof of the building was almost com pletely destroyed as were the par titions Hornbys loss on his mer chandise stock arises principally from the action of smoke and water and his once beautiful store now presents a sorry appearance His loss is partially covered with insurance Dr Wdls will lose about 250 on material and instruments JSTo insurance Attor ney Clarkes loss is small All the land office records were saved but some were damaged by water Total loss by the fire about 150J Mr Hornby is in Omaha but is ex pected home tonight His goods have been moved into the building at the corner of Main and railroad streets The land oflice is doing business at its old stand in the court house and Dr Wells is in Davenport Thachers building The generally accepted theory in re gard to the origin of the fire is that thieves were plundering the store room and carelessly dropped a lighted match among the inflammable material con tained therein W IM A Metzgar of Pullman attended the State Fair at Omaha the -first of the week and spent Wednesday in the city John Xeis3 Y A Donser and Alex Charbonneau went to South Omaha with six cars of cattle the first of the week Dr Beattie and M P Meholin of Xorden were in town Monday and left the next morning for Omaha to take in the fair County Treasurer Crabb is now at work on the delinquent tax list and ail ye people whose taxes are not paid should get in before Oct 1 The Misses Marshall daughters of the chief quartermaster Department of the Platie are visiting with Mrs C H Earth at Fort Xiobrara G F Martin of Grand Junction Colorado is visiting his brother Bert and his cousin ye editor this week He is a firstclass laundrymau F C Metzgar of Cedar Creek was in town yesterday and last night left for Pullman where he will visit with relatives for a week or ten days Waisted At once a good girl for general housework Must be a good cook Good wages to right party 3 Mrs J G Dwyer m Cave of Lincoln a nephew of E L Harris was in town during the last week on his way to Oasis where he will teach school in District No SO L W nandy went up to South Da kota Monday for the purpose of bring ing home a bunch of about sixty fine horses which have been ore the rane in that state this summer Pettycrews residence on Cherry street has been recently improved by the additjou of several new doors and windows A new barn has also been built on the rear of the residence lots July 15 a dapple griy but we hops to chronicle his complete lwe back uls brand on left j shoulder scars on back and right side fosr years old weight about 900 Liberal reward for information lead ing to recover Eery paper alono the line from hsie j to Kevvport gnve Maj Humphrey md the second baLJalinn tit the Twelfth U iwv oi us ENTINE Pnbli1icl for JFonr Years as CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT John Carter was arrested Mondays morning on a charge of burglarizing ueo Hornby s hardware store Satur day September II A levolver stolen at that time was found in his poses si on His trial will be held tomorrow Hon Cyrus Lmdell the famous col ored free silver orator of Lincoln will address the people of Cherry3 county in Valentine on the evening of Saturday October 2 Fitst speech of the cam paign A colored orator Free silver A good crowd should greet him Mae OSullivan has tendered her re signation as deputy postmaster to taKe effect Oct 1 and Minnie De Woody will take -her position The latter is being initiated into the mys teries of the office this week and will no doubt prove a very efficient deputy Chas IT AVellford left Saturday af ternoon for his school in District 40 where he has contracted to tench for the next five months This is Char lies first school but we predict that if learning stamina and native good sense count for anything ha will make his school a good one Louis Pago a private in Co G Twelfth Infantry was arrested last night on a drunk and disorder con duct charge and this morning drew a prize package in the shape ot a 10 fine in Judge Townts court Louis can thank his lucky stars that he got no more and should thank our citizens for not pressing more serious charges against him Mrs E McDonald and daughter Ed nah left Sunday morning for Lincoln where Ednah will attend the state uni versity this winter Miss EdnaliMs one of the four graduates from the high school last spring and enters the university with not only a good educa tion but much judgment and excellent bearing and we expect to hear of her rapid advancement av the university aIIoi Mrs Gallop returned from Chadron F Beck and neice of Harlan spent Sunday at Center Mrs Anna Hunt is visiting her par ents Mr and Mrs 1 li Sones of this vicinity A D Gallop went to Gordon Mora day last returning the latter part of the week Mrs Leeper and family have recent ly moved from the Jarre t to the Stu art house Gene and Alva Massman are work ing for Shadbolt and Fleischman of Churn Ranch Messrs Sones Gallop and families ware the guests of Mr Sanborns peo ple Saturday last E L Murphy and F Eaton started last Wednesday on an overland trip to Litchfield this state Mr Cass and fauily are enjoying a visit from their daughter Mrs Mamie Sherman from the southern part of the county Mr and Mrs Massman contem plate visiting friends and relatives at their former home near Chadron in the near future Mr L Mann wears a broad smile of late and can be heard singing al most every evening since he has taken up his abode on the Niobrara Kellys Pa mi A light frost fell the night of the 15th Mrs Nunn Richardson went down the river last Saturday to visit rela tives Commissioner Sullivan will com mence the erection of a 20x150 feet cattle shed this week Little Jimmie Sleele ran down and killed a coyote To say that Jim is proud of the feat is putting it mildly Mrs F R Vanish accompanied Jessie Bowring to her home last Sat urday Jessie is teaching in District 55 Chas Wt llford of Valentine com menced a five months tefm of school in district 49 Monday We had the pleasure of meeting Mr W Sunday and found him a very pleasant and agreeable gentleman Isis Lincoln is again weilding the hirch at the Garner school This is p ftnitn a nice s ndoff last week 1 pr rnitfl fprni tat district ihe i itUketts school is runnim aloncr as DEMOCRAT VALENTINE CHEERY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY SETPEMBER 23 1897 Democratic Convention The democrats of Cherry county are requested to send delegates from their several precincts to meet In convention in Valentine on Tuesday Oct - 1S07 at 2 oclock n m for the purpose of placing iu nomination eandidafp for the following county offices Clerk treasurer sheriff judge superintendent surveyor and coroner Precincts are entitled to representa tion as follows One delegate at largo and one delegare for each ten votes or major fraction thereof cast for 0 J Smvth candidate for attorney general in 1890 This entitles precincs to del egates as below Duffalo Lake Lavaca 0 foiling Spgs 1 Merriman 5 Cleveland 3 Minnechaduza I Dewey Lake Mother Lake 2 follow 2 Xenel f Eli 2 Pleasant Hill Gillaspie 4 Sparks 4 Herman 2 Steen 2 Georgia Schlegel 1 Irwin -I Sharps Janeh Kewanee Table Kennedy Valentine 10 Loup 4 Woortlake 7 Delegates from the 1st commissioner district- will place in nomination can didate for commissioner It is recommended that primaries be held Saturday Oct 2 Members of county central committee should be elected at primaries and candidates for precinct offices nominated Xo proxies will be admitted to the Convention IiOdeit Good M Chairman Secretary looih as el kvork under the man- Crow Grek and other points y x f - i i 1 fin j -V yy Hose foreI W A Light was up from Little White River Saturday Bivens and Cyphers finished their work at Cut Moat Saturday Joe Valandray was in from the Big Crossing Saturday and Sunday Sunday was the biggest day at the convocation in point of numbers Jas Owen of Pine Ridge has been transacting business here for several days 1 T Dessert and family were over from Pine Ridge in attendance at the convocation J B Tripp Jno Riefel and M E Bradford and fariiUes visited at Cut Anderson Shempp secured some excellent views of the convocation and contingencies Jennie Gokey and Mary Tavlik were guests of Sadie Thosat at the Boarding School Sunday Chas Reiter was in from the allot ting agents camp on Black Pipe the first of the week Amos Randall is again a resident ol Cut Meat station A destructive prairie fire swept the western border of the reserve Sunday night and Monday Agent McChesney went out to Antelope Saturday to hold a council with the head men Chas Ben arc ha rented his house to Dominique Bray and is preparing to move onty his ranch Captain Sword of Pine Ridge was one of the most prominent spokesmen of the gathering at Antelope Jas Claymore of Cheyenne River made a rousing speech at the council council of the cheifs Saturday even ing Much needless stress was laid by some speakers upon the inefficiency and immorality of non sectarian gov ernment schools A council is called for Thursday for the purpose of preparing a petition to the department protesting against the proposed cattle trail The chief architect of the depart ment arrived from Washington Tues day to look over the work in progress on the employes quarters Miss Carlisle has been relieved from her additional school duties by the ar rival of Mr Binkum of Erookings S D to take charge of Ring Thunder school Among the South Dakota celebrites in attendance at the convocation were Rev John Robinson of Sissetor Agen cy Fred Ashly of Cheyenne Paver and Dr Richards of Dell Rapids The Rosebuds arose to the emergen 1 cy and contributed over forty head of i beeves to feed the multitude Who says poor Lo is starved and impover ished by a faithless government Rev Johnson of Pine Ridge came over Fridv and joined Rev Gross in the trij overland to Chamberlain to attend the ministerial meeting of this synod From that point they go to on the Missouri Kakpa NO 85 5 This space is reserved for Davenport Thacher See their big ad next -week f The Fruit Season With all its glories is here and as in the past the bes of and wild fruit plums jcaehes pears bananas or nnoes lemons etc will he found for sale by NORTH OF POSTOFFICE W A PETTYCREW Highest pi iocs for Hutter -Eggs and Farm Produce Our Fall Goods Are now arriving and to make room for tliem all goods which have been in Stock this summer must go To hurry them along we have put prices down to bedrock Everything for the home Call and see our Dry G oods E McDonald Indian goods trinkets and curios a specialty Store at Crookston also FALL MILLINERY New Goods constantly arriving Also LADIES READY MADE CLOTHING FLEECE LIXED UNDERWEAR HOSIERY RIBBONS ET Call and see tis Oposite The Donoher I EFMElX Successor to MRS O W MOREY LL NEW COODS Everything in our store is new and of the best quality so you cannot make a mistake by trading with us Weve just put in a line of Shoes and Cloth ing which you should examine ARPENTER VINCEN O W MOREY WATCHMAKER - AND - JEWELER Fine line of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in the best manner Eull line of sporting goods Wanted fin Idea Who can think of some simple thinztonatent Protect vour Ideaa they may bring you wealth Write J6HN WEDDEKBtJBN CO Patent Attor neys Washington D C Tor their 1800 prize offer and new list of one thousand Inventions wanted C A WELLS DENTIST Office over T C Momhtfa Store THE ELKHORK RAILROAD ccKorrh Western Line is to h to and from the SUGAR BEET FIE1R OF - NORTH NEBRASKA Pacific Short Lup TIME TABLE AT OXEILL XEBRASKA PASSEXGER LEAVES IOrO A AKRIVE3 30 P DILY EXCErrSUXDAV Thron connections both ways wUi Bit Hills trains bv taking this line you can vt Sioux Cirvamf return the same dav conaec ic made with all trains for the East antt Soi Dakota Buy local tickets to ONeW