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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1897)
It- L A i y VOL zn THIS AND THAT Coutina Events Tror Sehubert Scpt 18 Republican Convention Oct 1 iTomilisl Convention Oct Z Democratic Convention Oct 5 Teachers Association Oct 9 District Court Oct 18 Election Day November 2 Hello Bob Bennett Irwin was in town Sunday W L Enlow was in town Saturday on business H F Holliday was down from Cody on business yesterday A Lewis it having the kitchen of his house weather boarded Thos Yearnshaw was in town from Cody Monday and Tuesday D Stinard has a very nice line of fall clothing and furnishings J A Fike has been in Newport this week looking after his hay crop D Hanna was up from Woodake on business Sunday nd Monday Deputy TJ S Marshal Robinson of Pine llidge fltsas in town Monday Mart Kern of Ft Pierre S D gave this office a pleasant call yesterday Maj Moore is at Port Niobrara this week inspecting the troops and post C It Watson went to Hermosa S D Tuesday night on a husiness trip 6 E Grundy an Omaha stockman has been in town on business this week V A Taylor is building a commod ious addition on the rear of his restau rant Prank Pischer is building a new house on Cherry street opposite Petty crews J W Stetter has bought and sold over 2000 head of cattle - so far this season Joe Yeasts fcouse is veTy near com pleted and will be ready for the furni ture oon The editor and family intend taking in the sights at Lincoln and Omaha next week Mrs Amanda Ludwig went to Ken nedy -Monday morning to visit friends a few clays Judge Tucker is taking in the state encampment of the G A R at Lin coln this -week J II Yeast has been quite ill dur ing the last week but is gradually re gaining his health Every precinct in the county should be represented at the democratic county convention Win Hook was in town from Cody Monday looking up a location for his -family this fall and winter L A Rodwell of Ainsworth was in town Saturday soliciting orders for a Philadelphia clothing house Ed Satterlee was down from Neuzel yesterday shaking hands with friends and attending to business matters For Sale 3 inch thimble skein lumber wagon nearly new Inquire of J A Hocxrotf at Valentine House Rev Jno Hobinson an Episcopal minister from Sisseton Agency S D was in town Tuesday on his way to Rosebud Erhardt Opp of Perch Rock county receiver of the Stuart Bank was in town Tuesday on business before the land office At their last meeting the Sheridan county commissioners cut the number of precinctsm that county from thirty six to twenty The Bank of Valentine has been thoroughly repaired and papered since its move and the interior now presents -a very inviting appearance The F E depot has been treated to a new coat of paint inside and out nd the boys say that now everything shines like a niggers heel B B Davis of Chadron was in town Sunday Mr Davis recently dis posed of his drug business in Chadron and is looking for a new location The conventions are now called and the war will soon be on in earnest It Is to be hoped that the candidates will all be clean men and that the cam paign will btfree from mud sjging r SK Read the supplement with this issue of The Dieviocuat 11 z ii smaii cnuu ol P H Mugford and wife died at St Marys Mission yester day afternoon Z V Vachon intends moving a house from the country onto the lot north of Carpenters this week E Breuklander is working on what when completed will be the first com plete wagon ever built in Valentine Frank Thorn has contracted to teach the rock school in district 38 two miles north of Crookston beginning Nov 1 J A Hornback and family have moved into town from Sparks and the children are attending school They are living in Pauls house A trial subscription to the Semi Weekly State Journal from now until January 1 1898 only costs twenty five cents You can send stamps Wanted At once a good girl for general housework Must be a good cook Good wages to right party 33 Mrs J C Dtcyeb Wes Holsclaw was at home Sunday and Monday returned to the reserva tion where he is building a house and doing -other work for Alex Charbon neau W E Waite was in town yesterday making arrangements for material with which to rebuild his barns and sheds which were recently destroyed by fire Mabel Marsden came up from Ains worth last week and Monday morning went to Chesterfield where sheas ac cepted a position as governess to W E Waites children Efners millinery store front was given its final decoration the first of the week and is now one of the pret tiest in town Cream terra cotta and silver are the colors Strayed July lo a dapple gray horse black tips old brand on left shoulder scars on back and rightside four years old weight about 900 Liberal reward for information lead ing to recovery Patronize your home merchant pat ronize your home professional men patronize your home printer Though their prices may seem higher than else where you will lose nothing by follow ing this advice A E Thacher went to Omaha last week to attend a meeting of the na tional democratic state central com mittee The committee fixed the date for holding their state convention on Sept 22 at Omaha Twenty five cents will pay for the Twice-a-week State Journal from now until January 1 1898 The State Jour nal is Nebraskars greatest paper and gives more state capital news than all other papers combined Ranchmen who are putting up shel ter for their stock this winter will be more than repaid for their trouble in the spring Stock will require less feed and will be in better shape after the cold weather is over Martin Christensen received word Monday that he had been awarded the contract for painting ten school houses on the Pine Ridge Indian reservation This is a large contract and Martin deserves to be congratulated on his good fortune Miss Lizzie Morgareidge of Simeon Neb and a former schoolmate of the writer was a pleasant visitor at The Press office Thursday in company with S L Ellis Miss Morgareidge is visiting relatives in Warbonnet pre cinct Harrison Press You ouhgt to get the Semi Weekly State Journal during the campaign Doings of all political parties fully re ported Lincoln is the political centre of the State and the Journal gives that class of news ahead of other stte papers Twenty five cents will pay for thiG splendid paper from now until January 1 1898 Mrs E J Davenport and daughter Mae left yesterday morning for coin where the latter will remain to attend the state university and con servatory of music Miss Mae has splendid musical talent graduated with honor from the High School last spring and will no doubt ranK high in her class fttjjthe university Teachers Association The Valentine Teachers Association at the schoolhouse Saturday afternoon was very well attended and an enjoy able and instructive time was hadthe program being carried out as printed last week Several interesting dis cussions followed the reading of the various papers that on the Nebraska course of study being Especially good It was decided that the Association take up the work of the Nebraska Reading Circle and the local circle is composed of fourteen teachers The subject pursued at the present time is Literature and at each regular meet ing of the association hereafter Prof Watson will conduct a class In that subject Officers for the next three months were elected as follows President R H Watson Secretary Belle Callen Treasurer Frank Thome - Program Committee Lizzie Craw ford Etta Brown and Lucy Bruner The association will meet on the sec ond Saturday afternoonin each month Cliearry County at the Fair Through the efforts of C R Gloycr and other citizens Cherry county will have a collective exhibit of farm products at the state fair next week A car was loaded here yesterday with products and at Woodlake more were put on Among the stuff sent outfor exhibitions we noticed corn husked and also on the stalk pumpkins beets squashes cabbages turnips and rutabagas tomatoes peppers celery cauliflower potatoes barley sweet corn flour and a fine collection of grasses brought in by Messrs Kv School House Mews Work on the school house founda tion is progressing rapidly stone being laid at the rate of twenty loads a day The foundation walls will use about 300 perch of stone and about 200000 brick will be used in the construction of the building Work on the win dow and door frames will begin soon Contractor Fletcher having decided that he can manufacture the frames more cheaply than he can buy them A large workshop is being built on the ground and a gasoline engine for Tun ing machinery will be installed there in Four or five carpenters will be put at work as soon as the lumber arrives The rock being put in the founda tion is of a splendid quality in fact it is said to be the best ever used in Valentine Frank Tait Discharged Monday morning Frank Tait was brought before Judge Towne on the burglary charge brought against him last week by Mrs R J Cook Frank entered a plea of not guilty but before the first witness Mrs Peterson had completed her testimony County At torney Walcott asked to have the case dismissed which was done It seems that the witness experienced a uiost decided change of heart during the time the case was waiting trial and concluded that she could not identify Tait as the burglar In dismissing the case Prosecutor Walcott roundly scored the refractory witness 1 -- THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT Published for Fonr Years a CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY SETPEMBER 1 C 1897 Geo Sliney and family visited with E J Davenport and family Saturday and Sunday while on the way home to the Big Horn basin Wyoming from Omaha Mr Sliney is an oldtime friend of Mr Davenport but thev had Grooms and J A Adamson The f not met for abont twenty years He newspapers also sent an exhibit ihus trating the importance of the stock in dustry of the county A subscription paper was circulated in town and enough funds were donated to pay the expenses of J E Pettycrew R J Grooms and O W Hahn who will ac company the exhibit Keep off the Path 11 The bicyclists of Fort Niobrara and Valentine went to considerable ex pense and trouble last spring and sum mer to grade a bicycle path between the two points The path was built far away from the usual line of travel and the light travel of the wheels com pressed rather than loosened the sand over which they ran Wheelmen have taken great delight in this path but it bids fair to be completely ruined ere the season closes and cyclists are hot about it Some venal souled people persist in using the path for a wagon road and the tires of their vehicles and hoofs of their horses are rapidly reducing the once smooth and hard track to the consistency of a rough but soft sand pile Common decency alone should keep people from using the path for purposes other than bi- rvcnlincr TTppn nfF thp nath Democratic Convention The democrats of Cherry county are requested to send delegates from their several precincts to meet in convention in Valentine on Tuesday Oct 5 1897 at 2 oclock p m for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the following county offices Clerk treasurer sheriff judge superintendent surveyor and coroner Precincts are entitled to representa tion as follows One delegate at large and one delegate for each ten votes or major fraction thereof cast for C J Smyth candidate for attorney general in 1896 This entitles precincts to del egates as below Buffalo Lake 3 Lavaca fi Boiling Spgs 5 Merriman 3 Cleveland 3 Minnechaduza4 DeweyLake 3 Mother Lake 2 Enlow 2 Nenzel 3 Eli 2 Pleasant Hill 3 Gillaspie 4 Sparks 4 German 2 Steen 2 Georgia 3 Schlegel 3 Irwin 4 Sharps Ranch 3 Kewanee 3 Table 3 Kennedy 3 Valentine 10 Loup 4 Woodlake 7 Delegates from the 1st commissioner district will place in nomination can didate for commissioner It is recommended that primaries be held Saturday Oct 2 Members of county central committee should be elected at primaries and candidates for precinct offices nominated No proxies will be admitted to the Convention Robert Good M Christensen Chairman Secretary is one of the big cattlemen of the Big Horn country and marketed ten cars of stock in Omaha last week D S Ludwig is doing a lot of build ing these days Week before last he built a 6 bin coal shed Last week he put up a 20x60 foot wagon and imple ment shed This week he is putting up a buggy house and next week he will build a fine two story lumber shed After that his office and wagon scales will be remodeled and altogether his lumber yard will present quite a metropolitan appearance Robert G Easly wife and three little children of New Albany Indi ana arrived in Valentine last week and expect to make this their perma nent home Mr Easley is an attorney and will engage in his profession here succeeding to the business of J Wes ley Tucker Mr Easley has rented the Lawson property on Hall street for his home and has already settled down to business in Judge Tuckers old office The F E M V will V sell special excursion tickets to Hot Springs Sept 28 at one tare for the round trip Tickets goodreturning until Oct 28 Sept 29 to Oct 2 tickets will be sold to Ainswortlt for one and one third fare for the round trip on account of Brown County Agricultural Society State Fair tickets will be sold from Sept 19 to 25 for 970 On Sept 21 and 22 the fare will be 650 for the round trip Good until Sept 25 Warning to Fishermen I hav been advised that Tuesday while water was partially drawn from mill pond to make necessary repairs ondam certain parties took fish from the pond with other than hook and line thereby causing a wanton and unnecessary sacrifice of fish Notice is hereby given that any par ty detected taking fish from the pond with other than hook and line or by any means cause any unnecessary destruction of fish will be vigorously prosecuted S F Gilman By C S Gould Manager Par for Warrants The legislature of last winter passed a law authorizing and directing the county treasurers of the state to invest the sinking funds in their hands in registered county warrants paying par therefor and Treasurer Crabb is com plying with the law Warrants so bought cease drawing interest at the time of their purchase and thus by selling your warrants to the treasurer you save the county 7 per cent interest and get face value for the warrants in addition This cotinty has about 2500 available for the purchase of warrants NO 34 SHOE SALE TO MAKE ROOM For our now goods all of onr odds and endsoiL LADIES- MISSES CHILDRENS SHOES AND SLIPPERS Will he closed out REGARDLESS OF COST Look at the prices 25C 50C 85C AND 100 PER PAIR These shoes have been selling at from 100 to 400 Gome first and get the most desirable bargriiis Davenport Thacher The Fruit Season With all its glories is here and as in the past the bes of tame and wild fruits plums peaches pears bananas or- anges lemons etc will be found for sale by NORTH OF POSTOFFICE W A PETTYCREW Highest prices for Butter Eggs and Farm Produce Our Fall Goods Are now arriving and to make room for them all goods which have been in Stock this summer must go To hurry them along we have put prices down to bedrock Everything for the home v Full line of sporting goods Wanted fin Idea Who can think of some simple thing to eaten t Protect your Ideas they may bring you wealth Write JOHN WEDDERBURN CO Patent Attor ney Washington D C for their 1800 prize offer sad new list of one thousand Inventions wanted O A WELLS DENTIST Office over T llomibys Store NORTH NEBRASKA fk Call and see our Dry Goods E McDonald Indian goods trinkets and curios a specialty Store at Crookston also FALL MILLINERY Kow Goods constantly arriving Also LADIES READY MADE CLOTHING - FLEECE LINED UNDERWEAR HOSIERY RIBBONS ETC Call and see us Opposite The Donohcr I EFHER Successor to MRS O W MOREY ALL NEW GOODS Everything in our store is new and of the best quality so you cannot make a mistake by trading with us Weve just put in a line of Shoes and Cloth ing which you should examine CARPENTER VINCENT OW MOREY WAT0HMAKEE - AND - JEWELEE Fine line of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in the best manner THE ELKHORN RAILROAD orth Western Line is to best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD OF Pacific Short Lrcf TIME TABLE AT OXEILL XEBRASKA PASSENGER LE AY ES 10 30 A M ARRIVES 9 SO V M D AILY EXCEP SUNDAY Through connections both ways with Black Hills trains by taking this line you can go to Sioux City and return thesame day connection made with all trains for the East and Soutfi Dakota Buy local tickets to OeiH