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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1896)
w It j Vv s Vv y y f C THE VOL XI THIS AND THAT Comlna Events HarrinRton Oct 2 Prookston Twwhers Association Oct 3 O J Smythr 0ct3 J A Carroll Sparks Oct 3 Field Day Oct 3 County Commissioners Oct 6 vvN D Jackson Croakston I Oct 7 N D Jackson Mcrriman Oct 8 N D Jackson Wood Lake Oct 9 Teachers Association October 11 tiroeno Otb 1 Valentine Markets Onions per bushel 50c Potatoes 30e Corn 25s Wheat 39c Gats 20c Hogs per cwt 275 Steers 2253 00 Gowb 150225 Calves per lb 4c Batter 10c Eggs per doz 10c Notice Hornbys new ad Harrington- -OCTOBER ft Frank Kime spent Monday in the City Croquet sets it cost at C R Wat sons 29 P E Mugford was over from St Marys Monday E McDonald spent Sunday and Monday in Lowo John Stolnbrecher was in town from Georgia yesterday Shoes made on the 20th century last at T C Hornbys 32 Prof Ed Searby was down from Crookston Monday Roland Robertson is working in D Stinards clothing store J H Quigley spent the past week on his ranch near Cody Davenport Thacher make a change in their ad this week Dr C A Wells came down from Lead City Sunday morning M Wyman and R N Bruce drove up from Wood Lak Monday A large assortment of wall paper new styles cheap at C R Wateons Ed Satteriee the Xenel merchant was in the city on business Monday Albert Neuzel spent Monday after noon and Tuesday morning in town Wanted Baled hay For particu lars enquire of Davenport Thacher W E Haley made a business trip to the south part of the county Mon day J R Farrls spent Sunday in town returning to the Black Hills Sunday J night M V Nicholson spent Sunday with his daughter and parents at Ains worth A H Henry is on the street more after an illness of about weeks Moreysthe jeweler has one of neatest political display windows have yet seen once four the we Now that the extension of the water mains has been decided upon lets have sidewalks Miss Helen Sparks of Chicago is visiting relatives in the city She will make an extended stay The very best castor maohine oil lowest possible price at C 11 Watson Try it and be convinced 29 C H Henderson of Chadron is working in the mechanical department of Tiie Democrat this week Stella Grooms has resigned her po sition at the City Hotel and is now working at Harris restaurant Geo Hornby contemplates the erection of another dwelling house in the northeast part of town soon M V Nicholsons little daughter Estelle is visiting her father and other relatives in town this week Robert Good spent Sunday in Long- pine looking after the affairs of his cousin who died there last week The largest and best line of cloaks and capes ever shown in Valentine will be found at T C Hornbys 36 Rev J M Bates will hold services at the Episcopal church Sunday morn ing and evening at the usual hours Frank Whittecar government brick inspeccor is in town examining the brick now being hauled for the Rose bud school Six or seven of the boys were over from the brick yard yesterday taking in the sights The fire walls of the new stone building are being laid and the front and interior work will soon be com menced Nobody in Valentine who is able and willing to work need lack employ ment Both men and teams are in constant demand The case wherein Wm Fraricke re plevined a 3 dog from one Thomas Malone will be heard before Judge Walcott next Monday O W Hahn spent Sunday with his family here returning to Lead City where he iB working with the railroad fence gang Sunday night Celia Marley is now dinning room girl at The Donoher Her sister j Nora will take her former situation with the family of O W Morey A E Thacher started for Omaha this evening to attend the state con vention of the National Democrats Al is not a McKinley democrat I H Emery has been assisting County Treasurer Crabb in preparing the delinquent tax list this week A better assistant could not have been found At Portland MeT on Sept 24 the stallion John R Gentry lowered the worlds pacing record another half second making a mile in 2 minutes and I seeond New stone ends and piers are being put in at the railroad bridge over the Niobrara andT it iB said that the im provements on the structure will cost at least 33000 Chas Rule one of the standbys of this country was yesterday married to Miss Emily Smith of Scales Mound Illinois Rev S Holsclaw performing the ceremony The man who votes or works against the court house bond proposi tion works against not only his own interest but the interest of all his friends and neighbors Indian Summer isnere with all its glories and nowhere in the United States is this season of the year mo re beautiful and invigorating than in northwestern Nc braska Ex Judge N D Jackson will speak from a republican standpoint at the following times and places Crooks ton Oct 7 Merriman Oct 8 Wood Lake Oct 9 All at 730 in the even ing While driving from Rushviile to Gordon one week ago last Sunday Rev Maxwell was thrown to the ground while holding his team for a tram to pass and sustained a fracture of his left arm and two ribs Rev O T Moore preached his initial sermons at the M E Church Sunday the address in the morning being more of au outline of the work he intends doing than a sermon Our people seemed to be favorably im pressed with him and his remarks John Tucker started for Lincoln this morning where he goes to take a course in the law department of the state university John is one of our most highly respected young men and hosts of friends wish him success in his studies and expect him to soon be the leader of his class He is made of good stuff and will no doubt fulfil all the anticipations of his friends U S Receiving and Shipping Clerk Carroll is having some fine new im provements made in the office of the Indian warehouse The walls are neatly papered the wood work is painted the floor is covered with linoleum and a new stove is installed Uncle Sam rewards presistency and Mr Carroll is to be congratulated upon getting authority to make these im provements Rev O T Moore and family leave today for Valentine where the Elder f has been appointed to take charge of the church Mr and Mrs Moore leave many friends in Ainsworth where they have lived for the last three years Many regret to see them leave this place as the work of these people has left many excellent effeels We trust that they will find a pleasant and pro fitable field of labor in their new home The kind wishes of a host of friends in this plucego with them Ainsworth Star Jauraal vX CITY WATER Will Hood be Furnished to Residents of West Valentine At a special meeting of the city council held last night tor the purpose of arriving at some conclusion and de1 ciding upon a course of action in re gard to the question of furnishing thd west part of town with a water supply it was decided to tap the main at the corner of Virginia and Cherry streets and lay a pipe on the south side of Virginia street running west 1200 feet to the corner of Victoria - thence south 500 feet tq tug corner of Victoria and Catharine The tap will be made VALENTINE DEMOCRAT Pnblifrtted for For Years as i CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT VAiENTrtfE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY OCTOBER 1 1896 opposite W R Townes place and the not Arrested until September 19 Clarksons The 1200 foot line will be of 4 inch pipe and the 500 foot lateral will be 3 inch This will give an abundant supply of water to residents on the streets named and furnish ample fire protection There will be three fire hydrants on the- line The vcity already owns 500 feet of 3 inch pipe and lpOfeet of 4 inch so only 1100 feet of pipe will need to be purchased Geo Hornby offers to furnish samefor 28 cents per foot which is a very reasonable price In addition to the laying of the mains described above it was decided to put in a fire hydrant on the dead end opposite Judge Walcotts property thus giving the residents of the northeast part of town adequate fire protection The total cost of th projected improvements will be about 500 and the board hns acted wisely in having them made It it will now rouse property owners to a sense of the injustice they do the town by neglecting their sidewalks our people will rest content and call the board blessed It is almost imperative that a sidewalk be laid from Main street to the M E and Episcopal churches For Gold Standard A meeting was held last Friday evening for the purpose of organiz ing a non partisan sound money club bu tr on account of the rain it attended A temporary organiza tion was formed by the election of J A Carroll chairman aud J T Keeley secretary Mr Carroll called the meeting to order and after reading the call stated the object of the formation of the club to be as follows The object of the organization shall be the advancement of sound money policies in politics and the further en lightenment ot the voters through public speaking and other nethods including the dissemination of sound money literature with a view to im pressing upon them the importance of the financial issues involved in this campaign It shall be non partisan in its char acter dealing solely and exclusively with the paramount issues now before the people of the United States and all topics and questions of a political nature not perminent to the financial issues as outlined in the platforms of the respective organizations shall be rigorourly excluded A constitution was adopted which says the officers of the organization shall be a president vice president secretary treasurer and executive committee and officers were elected as follows President E Sparks Vice President C R Glover Secretary Treasurer GeD Elliott Executive Committee J A Fike C H Cornell and W E Haley The executive committee is given full power to arrange for meetings and adopt any measures which they may think necessary for the success of the organization which will be known as the Valentine Branch of the Ameri can Sound Money League If length of name will help the organization it ought to be a success Under the auspices of the Club J A Carroll will speak at Norden on Friday evening October 2 and at Sparks Saturday evening October 3 Tuesday night E A Bennett re ceived a telegram from York telling him that his little 18 month - old girl had fallen in a water tank while play ing and drowned before assistance could reach her Mr Bennett left for York Wednesday morning This is a sad blow to him his wife having died but a short time ago and his affections had all centered on the little one Window shades of all kinds at C R Watsons 29 Agsamlt and Battery Case Monday afternoon a jury composed of W E Efner W T Kincaid I H Emery Frank Brayton Frank Kime and Robert Good found Wm Grooms I guilty of assault and battery and Stniiel arid Frank Grooms guilty of assault upon their aunt Mrs Anna Grooms and they were fined 5 each and costs amounting to about 58 by County Judge Walcott After this case was disposed of John Grooms the husband of the lady plead guilty to a charge of assault and battery on Samuel Grooms and was fined5 and costs The assault was committed on the 19th ot last July butthe parties were at end of the line will be opposite A Wj the1 im Settlers Reunion at Sparks owing to their absence on the reserva tion until the date mentioned and is the result of a long continued family row After the three boys had abused Mrs Grooms her husband came to the house from the harvest field and got into a row with Sam Grooms hence his arrest Perhaps this punishment will bave a salutary effect on the boys and aid them in keeping their temper iti tlie future Thoy have been mixed up in several disgraceful escapades the past summer Family Reunion From the Mount Vernon 111 News we clip the following account of a family reunion which occured near there on Sept 8th in which one of our townsmen and his family participated The 9 anniversary of John Hawkins better known asHoco was celebrated in a royal manner at his old homestead two miles south east of Jlx It was a happy coincident that made it posblo tohaveMTeunion of his family some of whom who have been awav for a num ber ofiyears Quite a number of friends and relatives outside of the immediate family were presentywhwji added pleasure to the occasion Such a union ot sympathy and feeling pervaded the eutire company that it was impossible to determine who really did belong to the family The families of the following sons and dauchters weie there Joseph Teiford JCTm mufldy 111 J Allen Fike receiver TJ B Land Ofiice valentine Neb Pleasant Hawkins John Hawkins Jr Chas Hawkins Harrison Jen nings aud Elijah Hawkins all of Field and Koine townships nine families in all besides three unmarried jetai home The families of Bennett and Francis Wimberly and Eev Nes bitt were present ns was also Mrs Hancock of NashvilIeIU and Rev C r Wimberly of Missouri of whom participated in the fes tivities of the day Every phase of political social and religious subjects were pleasantly discussed however nojifs gained the ascendancy Eloquent RDefeches wereiiLLdftin favor of if tn t andi Vgold standard showing that a paradoxical coHaiuon may exist in thasamehome circle viz harmony and yet discord T ate in the afternoon Mrs Marv Frost photographer at Dix camo out and photo graphed the entire crowd assembled in the front yrd At early lamp light seats were arranged be fore the front porch to accommodate all present and many ethers irho gathered to witness a literary program arranged -for the occasion consisting of vocal and instrumental innHic comical speeches and recitations Burrel Hawkins was in a happy mood and caused up roarious Inuuhter by his inimitable impersona tions Misses Lena and Ella gave excellent music is solos and duets assisted by Mrs Emma Jennings Oscar Fields who plays various instruments took an active part in the program Many and unaffected congratulations were given to Uncle John the kind father honorable citizen loyal patriot aud brave soldier Well Known IlancIiBian Dead John Enlow who died here last Fri day September 25 of tjphoid fever was one of the best known and most prosperous stockmen iu Cherry county Coming to this country about 20 years ago vhen but a young man of 19 with out a dollar he commenced carving out his fortune and by strict attention to business lie succeeded in amassing considerable wealth He was at the head of the Enlow Cattle Company which has for years done a big busi nessin the southwest part of the county and the news of his death will be a shock to his many warm personal and busines friends Mr Enlow was first taken ill about a month ago but his illness was not thought to be of a serious nature until the 13th of Sep tember when he was brought to Val entine and placed under the care of Drs Dwyer and Bratton Two train ed nurses were brought from Omaha and they in connection with Mrs J G Stetter did all in their power to hasten his convalescense It was for a time thought that he would recover but on the 24th Dr Summers of Omaha was summoned by telegraph Mr Enlow1 having become more seriously ill Br Summers arrived on the midnight passenger but it was too late fochis service to be of any avail John Enlow died Friday morning at 3 oclock The body was embalmed and taken to North Platte Saturday morn ing for burial It is the death of such a man a Mr Enlow that causesa feel ing of sorrow in the community at large and it is safe to say that there is not a person in Cherry county who will not regret his death One of B E Johnsons near Simeon is seriously diphtheria - children ill with Davenport Where we are NO 36 OLD FASHIONED m Goods have no place on onr shelves and thej are seldom if ever found there Just at present our buyer is ordering winter goods and they will all be of the latest patterns Watch for bargain an nouncements when they arrived Anything you want at Thacher DIDNT YOU KNOW That the best plaee in town to buy fresh fruits and vegetables is at PettycrewsS DIDNT YOU KNOW That the best place in towi to buy gro ceries and confectionery is at Petty crews 2 DIDNT YOU KNOW That the best place to trade your produce to trade your produce is at Petty crews If you didnt try him and you will Qherry Qounipy Valentine Nebraska ANK Every facility extended enstomers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable rates County depository fc 0i E SPARKS President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier Who we are CITY DRUG STORE JtH QUIGLEY PROP f What we are DEALER IN DRUGS PAINTS VARNISHES TOILET SUNDRIES MAIN STREET VALENTINE - NEBRASKA flANK OF VALENf fNE C U CORNELMj JPresittent JU r NICHOLSON Cashier Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Rusineas Transacted Buys anil Sells Domestic and Foreign EaccJiangc Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York first National Bank Omana CITIZENS - MEAT - MARKET - WILL FURNISH - Fish Game Tender Steaks Jucy Roasts Dry Salt Meats and the finest line of Smoked Hams and Breaktast Bacon ever sold in town At Stetter1 s Old Stand on Main Street GEO G SGHWALM PROP THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS WINES LIQUORS and CIGARS Valentine Of the Choicest Brands i Nebraska - -- -