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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1896)
BTTCgESSQB XO OHEBEY COtftff ItfDEPENDEtfT S - i jtpBEBT B GOOD - EpiTOB Pog i f i Jl - SPAIN AGAIN EXCITED OVER AMERICAS INTEREST IN CAPTURED FILIBUSTERS Gen Weyler Threatens to Resign Unless the Death Sentence is Car ried Out Consul General Will lams Conduct Provocative Spain Again Stirred Up Thci e are evidences of growing popular excitement in Spain over the attitude of the United States Government toward the question of the filibusters captured on board the Competitor The news of the capture of the men on the Competitor was received with great satisfaction and rejoicing It was felt to be the first opportunity that had been offered to make an example of those en gaged in leeding the insurrection The popular demand for their execution is strong and is likely to become vociferous The public feeling on the subject is fostered by the tenor of the advices re ceived from Havana Dispatches from there affirm that Capt Gen Weyler is greatly irritated at the attitude of the United Slates on the question of the sen tence It is asserted that if the Spanish Government adopts a contrary view owing to the representations made by the United States Government Capt Gen Weyler will resign his post United States Consul General Williams attitude it is asserted is the subject of general censure in Havana and is said to be very provocative The story goes on to relate that the United States Consul General shows himself everywhere in public places in Havana using irritating and menacing language regarding the probable action of the United States towards the authorities in case the sen tences upon the Competior captives are executed The London Daily News says in an ed itorial regarding the cases of the Compet itor captives The serious news from Cuba places the Spanish Government between two tires It is difficult to see how either side can recede If the Spanish Government sacrifices Gen Weyler it will probably have to be prepared to sacr ifice its own life The London Chronicle says If Washington presses the question Spain is powerless War is an ugly thing at best and we should be the last to invoke it But an American ultimatum in the present case would not be the beginning of a war but would be the end of an in terminable guerilla fight Senor Conovas del Castillo has publicly stated that America has not protested against Spains right to puuish filibusters but only against their summary trial American citizens are entitled to be tried in the civil courts under the treaties ol 1795 and 1877 The Spanish Government is willing to consider the demand and has cabled Capt Gen Weyler to delay the executions pending the result of negotia tions which are actively proceeding be tween Washington and Madrid to define the interpretation of the aforesaid treat ies The rest of the Madrid press are unani mous in the opinion that America has taken an ungenerous and unjustifiable advantage of Spains difficulties Lynched a Negro One of the three negroes implicated in the cutting of City Marshal Walker at Fulton Ky was arrested by the tele graph operator at Arlington Ky a few imiles north of Pulton who in attempting rto arrest him shot him in the left lung The negro was taken to Fulton and taken in charge by the sheriff but the mob which had gathered at the depot rushed madly upon the negro and swung him up He confessed his guilt The other two negroes implicated are still at large Sight Firemen Injured Fire was discovered in the rear of the Metropolitan restaurant which occupies a three story building in St Louis at 1 oclock Monday morning Before the firemen could get to work the flames spread throughout the building and soon destroyed it The loss is estimated at 575000 Eight firemen who were injured by the front wall falling upon them were taken In an ambulance to the city hospital Adolph Hunt a fireman foreman of one of the companies had his back broken City Is Wiped Out A Panama dispatch says that Puerto iYia Jo the capital of the province of Manabi with a population of 10000 has been entirely destroyed by two earth quake shocks The shocks were suc ceeded by floods inundating the city Many lives are supposed to bava been lost Iron Works Destroyed The Vulcan Iron Works of San Fran cisco were destroyed by fire early Sunday morning The loss is estimated at 100 000 insurance 31000 The fire was communicated to the Reliance Machine Works causing 25000 damage fully in sured Fatal Saloon Row- In a saloon row at St Louis Ike burd stabbed Mike Bohan and a man named Halloran Rohan was killed and iHaloran cannot live Shelburn escaped To Probe Bond Issues The Senate on the 7th passed Senate Peffers resolution for an investigation of the Government bond sales with aft amendment to provide that the investiga tion be made by the Finance Committee by a vote of 61 to 6 Tobacco Trust Officials Indicted The erand jury has found indictments against James B Duke and nine directors j of the American Tobacco company of New York charging them with con- ducting a monopoly in the paper cigarette Wade REVIEW OF TRADE The Business World as Seen for the Past Week K G Dun Cos Weekly Review of Trade says That exports of 5850000 gold this week have produced no mone tary disturbance is at once proof of the soundness of financial conditions and of the prevailing confidence of better things to come Print cloths are cent higher but some other grades have declined so that the average of all quotations is slightly lower Woolen manufacturers find prices of wool sagging both here and abroad the decline at London having reached about 5 per cent while the average of quotations by Coates Bros of Philadelphia was nearly 1 per cent lower Mayl Mens woolens show no improvement but there is more active business in flan nels and the demand for fancy dress goods is encouraging though for plain goods it is but moderate Mens woolens show no improvement but there is more active business in flan nels and the demand for fancy dress goods is encouraging though for plain goods it is but moderate Traders in wheat have lifted prices a little Western receipts are still 40 per cent larger than last year while Atlantic exports flour included as wheat are for the week 943667 bushels against 1615 051 a year ago After a fall to 68o the price rose 2 cents Corn is lower but without definite reason Cotton specula tion has lifted the spot price to 881 cents and profits have been realized from the men who have sold cotton they did not own Failures for the week have been 238 in the United States against 227 last year and 24 in Canada against 84 last year AMERICANS ON TRIAL Court Martial of Alleged Filibusters Begins in Havana The trial of the men captured on board the alleged filibustering schooner Com petitor began before a court martial at Havanaon the morning of the 8th The statement on behalf of the proseoution did not materially differ from the accounts of the capture already published The pro ceedings are being closely followed at Washington and there is ground for the fear that unless the matter is handled with great discretion it may result in straining the present relations and ami cable friendship between the United States and Spain Strong representations have been made to the State Department on the subject and the department cer tainly will not fail to intervene in the case if it shall appear that the Americans under trial are not treated with all the privileges accorded by all the rules of civilized warfare An insistence on this point would oblige the Department to re fuse to sanction execution of the Amer icans and although it is not believed yet that there is disposition to carry the case to extremes there is some danger that the Spaniards may feel disposed to go further than prudence permits in the effort to dis courage American filibustering parties by harsh treatment of these the first to fall into their hands BUT FEW ARE LEFT OUT Civil Service to Take in 30000 More Government Employes The long expected order of the Presi dent including in the civil service most of the offices now remaining outside of the classified service has been issued The order will include within the civil service 80000 additional government employes Practically the only persons left outside the civil service will be the assistant sec retaries heads of bureaus and in a few cases private secretaries and laborers The order takes effect immediately Damage to Crops in Kansas The Kansas City Star says The grain men on change received many com plaints lately from Oklahoma and Kansas of damage to the wheat crop Some re ports say cinch bugs are doing the dam age but the great majority say no satis factory reason can be given The wheat is dying at the top so that the fields pre sent the appearance of suffering from drouth Yet there has been plenty of rain Boy Train Wreckers Watson Hildreth the boy train wrecker of Rome New York was sentenced to life imprisonment and his companions Plato and Hibbard to forty years im prisonment each these boys all under 18 and sons of well to do people wrecked the New York Central express near Rome last November for the purpose of robbing the passengers The engineer was killed and the fireman badly injured Southern Baptists Meet The Southern Baptist convention met at Chattanooga Tenn last Friday nearly 100 delegates being present Judge Jon athan Haralson of Selma Ala was re elected president The convention was opened with an address of welcome by the mayor of the city and a representative of the Chattanooga Baptists and respon ses To Shoot Filibusters Dispatches from Havana say the Amer ican newspaper man Hamilton captured on board the schooner Competitor will be released but that the others captured at the same time will be shot in spite of the protests from Washington Many Killed by an Earthquake A New York Heralds Guayquil Ecua dor dispatch says the province of Manabi suffered terribly from an earthquake in Puerto Viejo Houses were thrown down burying many persons alive in the ruins and injuring many others Girls Wore Tights Bittar factions divide the fashionable congregation of Grace Protestant Episco pal Church in Jersey City because in an operatic entertainment given recently by the young people of the church three of the girls wore tights To Adjourn the 18th In the House on the 6lh on motion of Mr Dingley chairman of the Ways and Means Committee a resolution for the final adjournment of Congress on the 18th inst was adopted without division srrisrr SHOT BIT A ROBBER Chicago Business Man Killed and Two Other People Injured While chasing a robber from his store the other night Thomas J Marshallpro prietor of the Golden Rule dry goods store Chicago was shot and ded a few minutes later on the sidewalk inrfrontof his place The robber who was a young man en tered the store and while a confederate engaged the attention of Marshall he ap proached the cashier and demanded what money she had She screamed and Mar shall came to her aid chasing the fellow out to the sidewalk Just as Marshall emerged from the door the robber turned on him and fired twice both bullets enter ing Marshalls breast causing his death before he could be carried into the store Just as the shooting occurred a cable car stopped in front of the store Many pas sengers jumped up to see what the matter was The murderer thing they were about to intercept him emptied his re volver at the crowded car One bullet hit Miss Hynes in both knees and another struck Mr Beggs who was walking along the street nearly a block away The fel low ran up a side street and escaped ar rest Later it was said that Miss Hynes was very badly -injured and her death is probable SALVATION ARMY CAVALRY Brigade Organized to Work in the Rural Districts of Pennsylvania The unique scheme of a Salvation Army cavalry brigade in which girls as well as men will ride on horseback after sinners whom they hope to convert is projected by Brig Wm Evans of Philadelphia in command of the Atlantic coast division The summer months are to be utilized by expeditions which will travel all over the country comprised within the limits of the Atlantic division The cavalry force of girls will be organ ized to travel on horseback from town to town in the country stopping for several days at those places where they may re ceive the greatest encouragement Enough musicians will be among them to form an organized band and a few of them who expect to lead in the singing have been well instructed in music The organized cavalcade which seems to bear a ctrong resemblance to an Arab caravan crossing the desert will be in charge of Staff Captain Blanche Cox who has had experience in this sort of work in every part of the world Much of her time has been spent in India and later she had charge of the Colorado division- the army BANK ROBBERS FRUSTRATED Attempt to Loot an Illinois Institu tion Proves Disastrous The little town of Washburn Woodford County Illinois was the scene of a raid of bank robbers the other night and as a re sult one of the desperadoes is lying in the county jail at Metamora severely wounded in the neck and back The craksmen entered the town and stole a team and carriage The moment they entered the private banking house of Ireland Son the burglar alarm started a gong ringing in the house of the junior member of the firm who immediately raised a posse of a dozen men and sur rounded the building The first explosion blew out the tumbler of the lock only and while the men were making ready for another blast the posse made a noise and the three men dashed out the back door to be met by a volley of shots and bullets They stood the first crowd off with a volley from their revolv ers but as they turned the corner of the bank another squad fired into them and one robber fell with nineteen large shot in his back and neck The other two men got away although the trail of blood showed that one of them was wounded Potatoes for One Cent a Bushel Potatoes are selling on the wholesale market at Plainfield Wis at as low as 1 cent a bushel for Early Rose varieties the lowest price ever known in the history of that great potato belt Prices for other varieties are as follows Kings 2 cents a bushel Hebrons 3 cents a bushel and Burbanks 5 cents a bushel Farmers an spreading their potatoes on their farms as fertilizers For a Cable to Japan The Senate Committee on Foreign Re lations has agreed to the compromise bill for a cable to Hawaii and Japan The bill authorizes the Postmaster General to enter into a contract on behalf of the United States with any company which may lay a cable and to pay subsidies not exceeding 160000 per year Three Republics United The New York Heralds correspondent in Salvador writes that Congress has ap proved of the treaty of Amalaha which unites the republics of San Salvador Nicaragua and Honduras which will hereafter be called by the name of Re publica Mayor de Centro America WTould Increase Pensions The House Committee on Pensions has ordered a favorable report on the bill in creasing pensions of veterans of the Mex ican and Indian wars and their widows from 8 to 12 a month MARKET QUOTATIONS Sioux City Cattle Stockers and feed ers 275 to 385 Hogs Prices ranging from 5315 to 325 Grain Wheat 4Sc to 50c corn 18c to 21c oats 14c to 15c rye 20c to 25c hay 450 to 550 but ter 14c to 15c eggs 7c Chicago Cattle Beef steers 345 to 450 stockers and feeders 300 to 395 Hogs Prices ranging from 815 to 375 Grain Wheat No 2 spring 62c No 3 spring 59c to 62c No 2 red 67c to 67c corn No 2 29c to 29c No 2 yellow 29c to 29c oats No 2 19c No 2 white 21c to 21Kc No 3 white 20c to 21c rye No 2 36c flax seed No 1 87c timothy seed 380 Kansas City Cattle Beef steers 300 to 420 stockers and feeders 300 to 340 Hogs Prices ranging from 250 to 340 Sheep 250 to 403 South Omaha Cattle Beef steers 325 to 400 stockers and feeders 285 to 400 Hogs Prices ranging from 325 to 345 Minneapolis Grain Wheat May 60Kc July Sc to 6l2fe No 1 hard on I track 623c o 1 Northern Ola OF A GJREAT STATE NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF NEBRASKA Tekamah Officials Vigorously Pros ecute Alleged Fish Pirates Would Like the Omaha Game Protective Society to Take a Hand Will Protect Game Fish The preliminary hearing of alleged fish pirates George and William Brown and Albert Palmer took place in the county court at Tekamah and they were bound over to await the action of the district court They endeavored to escape by claiming that their net was only used to catch chubs and shiners for bait It was shown by testimony that they have made shipments of live black bass to Dr Geo L Miller of Omaha and there is every thing to prove that their net was used in the capturing of these fish Tekamah people would like to have the Omaha Game Protective Society take a hand in helping to protect this lake which is one of the greatest fishing resorts in the state It is not likely that the prisoners can furnish bonds and if not they will have to remain in jail until fall when the dis trict court will be in session Should Not Have Paid It Ex Clerk Baker of the Lancaster County district court has just been obliged to pay the sum of 20045 under rather peculiar circumstances Some time ago John Peterson had property sold under fore closure proceedings The sale left some money on hand with Clerk Baker which belonged to Peterson A creditor of Petersons named ODonnell sued the former in a justice court and garnisheed the money in Bakers hands Baker paid it to ODonnell and now the district court says that the money should not have been paid over only upon an order from the district court and accordingly enters up judgment against Baker for the amount above stated Fifty Thousand Short Notwithstanding the vigorous kick registered by Attorney D G Courtney against the employment of the law firm of Lambertson Hall to assist County At torney Woodward in the suit to be insti tuted against the bondsmen of the late Maxey Cobb the Lancaster County treas urer the county commissioners announced that they would stand by the contract made with Lambertson Hall and that they knew of no good reason why they should not do so Examiner Fodrea has reported that the deficiency in Cobbs ac counts amounts to nearly 50000 Alfalfa Culture as an Art Alfalfa culture is getting to be one of the prominent features of Cass County farming and is receiving a great deal of attention from progressive agricultural ists County Commissioner J P Falter had on exhibition at the court house a bunch of this product of this springs growth which measured twenty two inches in length which is considered an extraordinary showing for this early in the season Mr Falter says that the secret of success in raising alfalfa is to plant enough seed to get a firm stand Nature does the rest Refused to Pay the Tax Stanton is practically a prohibition town The other night the city council met and among other matters considered the applications for license There were four applications but no licenses were granted The council placed the occupa tion tax at 250 the same as last year with the state tax of 500 makes a u of 750 This amount the saloon men in fused to pay claiming that the business does not justify so heavy a tax Then the council became obstinate and refused to accept less and every saloon was closed He Was a Populist T J Dungeon of Trumbull is a pop ulist and when he received a sample copy of a Republican newspaper he took it as ii insult He sat down and inscribed a few words more emphatic than eupho nious and fired it back to the editor The worst part of it was the paper had to pass through the postoffice again When the editor received it he turned it over to the postmaster and complaint was made against Mr Dungeon and he will be tried for the misuse of the mails Same as Personal Baggage Theodore M Koehe president of the Young Mens Democratic Union of New York has written a letter to Gov Hol comb in which he says he encloses a copy of the bicycle baggage bill recently signed by Gov Morton and trusts that the Governor will do all in his power to have i similar measure enacted by the NM Legislature The New York bui provides that railroad corporations shall carry bicycles at the same rates as charged for personal baggage Dundy County Crop Prospects The great activity and revival of all business so noticeable in Dundy County this spring can be attributed to nothing else but the abundance of rain and bright prospects for crops Corn planting is now in its zenith and thousands of acres are being planted and the acreage will be larger than in any previous year Vege tation of all kinds is quite well advanced and the broad wheat fields of from fifty to 200 acres are verdant and rank Preliminary to Damage Suits William fl Bond and A J VanBus kirk have taken out papers in the Dundy County court asking that they be ap pointed administrators for Maud Bond and Charles P YanBuskirk respectively who were killed at the railroad crossing the latter part of December This is the initiatory step for commencement of dam age suits in the district court in July against the B M road for 5000 for each life Forced Saloon Men to Quit The seven saloon keepers of the town of Howells Colfax County have quit busi ness They say that their town board board passed an occupation tax ordinance this spring and as they didnt propose to pay the tax they closed down their places of business and the town is now drv His Wife Refused to Prosecute It now looks as though the case of D II Lingle the Beatrice real estate man charged with shooting his wife with in tent to kill will not be prosecuted as Mrs Lingle says she will go upon the stand and testify that he did not shoot at Big Shipment of Live Stock The largest stock shipment Jrom Wil sonville was made a few days ago when nineteen ctrs ten of cattle and nine of liogs were pulled direct from there for Omaha on a liiroxvzh train DOUGLAS COUNTY IjOSES Poor Farm Cases Settled by the Su preme Court The supreme court handed down ar opinion in what are generally known as the Douglas County poor farm cases The one case decided which involves them all is that of Henry M Stenberg againsf the state ex rel Charles B Keller This was an application to the district court ol Douglas County for a pr raptory man damus to compel respondents the board of commissioners of Douglas County to take the necessary steps to cause a war rant to be issued upon the county treas urer in favor of relator in payment of a judgment recovered in said court by Kel ler and Geo W Doane against Douglas County for the sum of 483262 and costs The writ was ordered as prayed for upon which the commissioners appealed to the supreme court The court has affirmed the judgment of the district court of Doug las County The eases involve several hundred thousand dollars A Trowel Causes Murder Glen Santee met death at the hands ot W R Welch in a lonely cabing in the neighborhood of Ida a postoffice about twenty miies southwest of Chadron The murderer accompanied by his wile and two children drove to Chadron and gave himself up to the sheriff after stat ing that he had killed his neighbor The particulars of the tragedy gleaned from an interview with the accused are abouf as follows Santee came to Welchs home about dusk the other evening claiming that Welch had a trowel belonging to him There had been some difficulty between the men at a previous meeting and San tee becoming incensed at some words of Welchs struck at him but Mrs Welch throwing herself between the men stop ped the blow which felled her to the ground Santee then turned to Welch and the men clinched and after a terri ble struggle Welch got his revolver from his pocket and shot Santee through the breast The wounded man staggered out of doors and fell dead on the threshold Santees father is in business at Woon socket S D and Welch formerly lived in Carroll County Missouri Stole His Brothers Wife About a week ago a man giving his name as G W Spicer arrived at Shelton accompanied by a woman supposed to be his wife The man secured work on a farm near tnere and they lived together as man and wife The other evening John Spicer of Leon Iowa arrived at Shelton and caused the arrest of the man and woman claiming that they were his wife and brother and that they had run away together G W Spicer resides at Salem 111 where he has a wife and seven children He claims that the woman left her home voluntarily and followed him while husband says that his wife was en ticed away The woman also says that she did not come of her own accord Burglars Rob an Auburn Residence Burglars broke into the house of Hon Thomas J Crummel the other ninht at Auburn while the family was asleep and took about 23 in money from his pocket and his gold watch They also ransacked the dresser in the room of Miss Belle Crummel and took all of her jewelry in cluding adiamond pin but left her watch a valuable one lying on the dresser in a plush case After helping themselves to a good lunch in the pantry the party left through the front door which was locked with a night latch The loss will amoun to 250 For the Good of All On the 28th inst there will be held at Norfolk a convention of the county com missioners and supervisors of the state of Nebraska for the purpose of discussing matters of public interest and for the adoption of uniform methods for the trans action of county public business by the county boards throughout the state Much interest has been expressed by commis sioners and supervisors in the coming meeting and indications are that the at tendance will be large and much benefit will result The railroads have made a fare and one third rate for the round trip Railroad Man Hurt J C Stowell firemau on the Chester branch of the B M while loading a heavy car spring at Fairmont met with a bad accident lie lifted the spring onto the tender and supposing it was safe let go and stepped back It fell and struck Stowell in the breast crushing him to the ground and it was ten minutes before he could get a natural breath When the engineer got to him the spring was lying across his breast It weighed 150 ponnds Hardware Store Burglarized Thieves forced a window m the rear of Fullers hardware store at University Place They made a haul of pocket knives fine silverware razors revolvers and ammunition to the amount of about 300 They made a clean sweep o the show cases R E Peterson who owns a stock of jewelry and runs a watch repair stand in the same room was saved from a similar fate by having taken all his jewelry to his private room Suspicious Characters Jailed James Sullivan and Hale Perrine the two men arrested by the Omaha police as suspicious characters and turned over to Sheriff flalloway of Cass County on sus picion of having robbed the store of Ed wards Bros of Louisville were ar raigned before Justice Archer and bound over to the district court in the sum of 500 each They were unable to furnish bonds and were remanded to jail to await trial Died from Poisoning Little Edith Schrandt the 9-year-old daughter of Charles Schrandt of Gordon died from the effects of poisoning About three weeks ago the family ate of canned corn purchased of a local dealer and several of the household were taken ery sick An Omaha Suicide Minnie Gentry a colored woman of the burnt district of Omaha committed sui cide by jumping into the Missouri River at the foot of Jones Street Misused the Mails Harvey Becker of Nehawka will plead to the charge of sending a questionable proposition to a young lady by way of the postoffice Where Crops are Good Prospects for crops are the finest ever known in the vicinity of North Bend A large acreage will be put in of both corn and small grain There will be about 250 acres of beets planted and 210 acres of Chicory which makes the outlook prom ising for all concerned as this will em ploy a great many men Sneak Thieves at Beatrice The residence of D W Cook of the Beatrice National Bauk was entered by sneak thieves the other night and quite a 1 little property appropriated HOLMES IS HANGED V ARCH CRIMINAL PAYS DEATH PENALTY H H HOLMES THE The Author of Many Crimes Exe cuted in Moyamensins Prison Phila delphia On the Scaffold Protests Innocence End of a Fiend H HHolmes convicted on circumstan tial evidence of the murder of Benjamin F Pitzel wns hanged in Philadelphia Thursday The execution took place In the Moyamensing County jail The drop fell at 1012 oclock It was not untiL a half hour later that he was pronounced dead His neck was broken by the fall The marvelous nerve of the man never deserted him to the end Even on the scaffold he was probably the coolest per son in the solemn assemblage In a few well chosen words he proclaimed his in nocence of any murder including that for which he was convicted and hanged He declared that the only wrong doing in the taking of human life for which he could be held responsible consisted in the death of two women who had died as the result of criminal operations at his hands He did not name these victims Holmes spent the greater part of his last night on earth writing letters At KrrCV ijm J midnight he went to bed and slept sound ly until 6 oclock in the morning It took two calls to awaken him Promptly aris ing he received a visit from his spiritual advisers Fathers Daly and Macpeak of the Church of the Annunciation They administered the last sacrament and did not leave him until nearly 9 oclock Dur ing their absence he ate a hearty break fast of eggs dry toast and coffee At 1002 oclock the Sheriff called to gether the official jury and after each man had answered to his name and sub scribed to the certificate the solemn march to the gallows was begun As the gathering stood in intense silence before the gallows Holmes accompanied by the two priests mounted the fatal scaffold A moment of prayer elapsed and then Holmes stepped to the front of the scaf fold and resting his hands on the rail before him made his statement of inno cence It was received in absolute silence Two minutes later he had finished his valedictory Then at a silent signal from the priests he bent to his knees his eyes fixed on the crucifix clasped in his hands Until 1012 the prayer continued Imme diately afterward he arose shook hands with the priest3 and his lawyers and in a firm voice bade them good by Without an instant delay his hands were bound behind him and the black cap adjusted Sheriff Clement placed the noose about his neck and after an instant of terrible stillness the crack of the bolt rang out like a pistol shot and the man had fallen to his doom Consciousness left him instantly said the doctors although his heart continued a feeble beat for fifteen or twenty min utes After an examination had been made by several physicians Holmes waB pronounced dead and the swinging corpse was cut down WINTER WHEAT Condition of the Crop as Reported by the Farmers Review Reports have been received from the correspondents of the Farmers Review in ten States on the condition of winter wheat and on the loss to that crop from freezing and thawing In Illinois the total loss from freezing and thawing has not been large taking the State as a whole though there are counties where the loss from this cause has been great With the advent of the recent rains there was a change for the better and the plant is now rapidly push ing forward Fair will express the gen eral condition of the crop in Indiana The loss from freezing and thawing seems to be heavy at this date The late sown wheat seems to have suffered mo3t In Ohio the wheat is slowly starting up The cool weather and lack of rain in the early spring retarded development The present outlook for the crop in Ohio is poor The prospect in Michigan continues fair and the loss from freezing and thaw ing is generally about 10 per cent The loss that was reported in Missouri from freezing and thawing has been partly off set by recent good rains In Kansas and Nebraska the prospects are quite good especially in the eastern part3 of those States In Iowa the crop is fair Wis consin conditions have not improved the recent loss from freezing and thawing being considerable United States Consul Keenan at Bre men in a report to the State Depart ment on importation of American horses into Germany says that while this busi ness has attained great proportions it is generally hampered by many underhand operations inspired by the local horse dealers who have united to break down the American competition McEwan Bros Cos sawmill narow ly escaped destruction by fire at Bay City Mich Fifteen hundred cords of slabs west of the mill were destroyed The entire department was called out and the fire got under control Had there been a high wind the mill and a million feet of lumber would have been destroyed Mrs Emma Van Horn a traveling phy sician dropped dead after eating a hearty breakfast at Edinburg Tnd She was about 45 years of age She gave her resi dence as Indianapolis and relatives at that place have been notified V -