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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1896)
V r uv V r iss c jags to V l L X A H t H Si THE 0L S3 THIS AND TOATi jCmminsvent Merchants Carnival Nay 8 Trot Beatty May 9 Teachers Institute July 3 Race June 2d to Sth Nice little sbowerilifc tracing S G JaYisof KUgere was in tow Tuesday l N BusEellvwaaiPfrom t Pullman Mndy Decoration iDay jfour wetJcs ifro iturday yjohn iBullard of Albion X X is 1n town T Chenoweth starts fortthePacific coast next Monday D W Parmalee came oyer ffrom Kosebud yesterday Small grain neYrtookedtetterand rfyrmers are nappy The Porter murder trial will come ff in Keya JPaha next Tuesday Nobody thought Enough of us to hangaM3yibat on our door Henry Stetter has mored his ffasiily -into the R N Watson property MrsXy Anderson and children have returned from Hokafc Minn iTo dayiSthe anniyersary of the riot in the Illinois Steel Works at Chicago The Bemocrat and the Thrice-a-week New York World one year 175 Mr fechon isibuildinga blacksmith 8h9p onwMain street oppositethe Court House CH Cornell made a trip up the -the week returning thisr munting Commissioner jBunham was up -from Kennedy andr made pcoof onibishome stead Tuesday Henry Oppenheimer ofj Springview transacted business at the i land Office Andrew Bray deputy fTJ S marshal of Lead City S -D vwent over to Rosebud Tuesday Next Sunday May iOthis ftbserved ras Memorial day and is a legal holi day in iNorthCarolina Mrs Rose of Nenzel isworkig at the White House aadining rrowaaugiri tvice Mrs Biamond resigned Housecleaning timeis here and the housewife willineed old papers jfor all kinds of purposes We sell them Ed Clarkeaad Walter Hare imade a trip to the south part of the county -Saturday returning Monday evening The Cherry County Teachers Insti tute will be held at Valentin Acom mencing July 20fch gnd lasting two vweeks J A Carroll is making arrangements tto iriove into one of Miss Mills houses -on Catherine-street-about the middle -of the month According to weather bureau reports 427 inches of rainfell at Valentine in the month of April That istcertainly encouraging CtE Bowring ihas located perma nently in Valentine and is assistant -dining reom girlsttthe White House during the rush Mr8GeofHornbyand children are visiting Mrs iHornbys paxenrts in Davenport la -She will be -gone a -month or six weeks Onebattahon of bhe soldiers now -stationed at Fort Niobrara will camp on the Schlagle tomorrow and xeturn to the Host Sunday night After preaching here last Sunday jRcv flatee intended going to Cody but waa o ill on Monday be- went ihome to Longpine instead W A Metzgar was up from Pull man Tuesday to make final proof on his homestead Cbas Adamson and Win Puilmau were bis witnesses Henry Stetter is now permanently located in Valentino he having sold hismeat market at Chadron and will thu the Palace Saloon in partnership with his brother J Stutter r TtaTiE o Kilgore an honored and TesrjeelecT citizen of Cherry county for many vars has decided to visit pastilles new in search of a location We are sorry to ee him go but hope fch jjaca may full m pleasant places V VALENTINE 0 WMorey is suffering from the effects of Ivy poisoning on his left foot Tuesday was the day ot the kycar thermometers registered 90 degrees Ed Satterlee of Nenzel was in the eityon business Monday and gave us a short call iLe Roy Leach our Wood Lake editor spent Monday and part of Tuesday in the city AGHolt ofJhnstDwnwas elect ed alternate to Chicago by -the esaticstate convention A fire at the mill Tuesday -afternoon destroyed ahen andpig pen How it originated isa mystery Benj RtCowdery state bank exam iner was in town last Saturday and enjoyed a days fishing with the boys EJ BeBeli has returned from St Joseph Missouri with a lot of -horses aodiSffiules for Rosebud Indian agency - Mias Belle Callen spent Saturday evening and Sunday at ftVood Lake the guest of the family of David Leach AiK Earley has sold his rplace south of Thaohcr to CA Lovejoy and contemplates moving to Arkansas soon JH Quigley went up to his ranch at Cody Monday with a bunch of fifty cattle iwhich he had been winter ing near Valentine The citizens of Thedford went out on a snake hunt the -other day -and massacred sixty of the reptiles in a dog town near the village WP Alsip purchased the Ains worth brick making outfit of Frank Whittecar and the same is being mov ed to the reservation this week Tha auroraborealis made a magnifi cent display Saturday night and fur nished a number of people with an ex cellent excuse forJeanipg on the front gate The t Omaha World Herald Year Boos and jQuarterly Review is before us and isa veritable cyclopaedia of staiisticsand history AbookOf this sort is an almostuudespensibleadjunct toeverybusinessimans offlce and is icheap asdairt at25 cents per copy Buring the month of April seven teen homestead entries for2554 acres of land were made at the laud office here Final proof was made on six teen timber culture entries for 2559 acres of land and on ten homestead entries for 1531 acres In addition to this 200 acres of government land was sidforvcash We are told that F Fischer Valen tineSgenial capitalist and public spir ited citizen contemplates the erection qf aifine brick and stone building on MainrStreet on the present site of his -saloon This will add greatly to the appearance of Main street and we hope the project vwill be carried to a successful completion Last Saturday bids for making the 2000000 brick needed at Pine Ridge were opened and found to range from 800 per thousand the bid of A B iGny to 687 per thousand by W P A lsip the gentleman who has the Rosebud contract jfor 2500000 brick The -bids were all lower than those or the Rosebud contract owing to the cheapness of fuelat Pine Ridge The postmistress t Whitman appli ed to -the state board of health asking that body to order a discontinuance of the mail until May 5 betweeu Pull man and Whitman on account of scarlet fever in the family of the post master at Pullman The board advis ed her that they were short in the mat ter of authority to blockade the mails however urgent the case may be JByannis Tribune Valentine is strictly in it in state politics this year E J Bavenport was elected alternate to the Republi can national convention Martin Chris tensen was elected alternate to Chicago by the free silver Democrats M Klein was wade a member of the state cen tral committee by the same people aucL now our own genial Al Thacher is a member of the state central com mittee of the straight Democratic party Levi Sparks should be recog nized by the populists audthen we wouldshavc a representation in all parses v OUR TEACHERS M HELDXHEIR ANNUAL MEET INGJ AST SATURDAY Some interesting Papers Jteacl and jDiseogse and much Intel eat Manifested A Itejort ut the Jleetlns Those Present Cherry county teachers were out in force to attend the meeting cf the General Teachers Association here last Saturday The attendance was not quite so good as it should have beenbut great enthusiasm was mani fested in all that came before the meeting and those present felt well repaid fov the trouble they took to be present Following is the program as rendered Miss Van Buskirk who was Lto have read a paper on Reviews and How to Conduct Them and J C Ballard whose subject was sTo What Extent is it Practicable to Substitute the Teacher for the Text book being absent FORENOON Music High School -Con elation of Lower Grade Studies Miss EtUiUrown Cube Root Mr J W Strong Discussion Miss isina Lonycor Objects and Methods of Punishment Mr U G Stevenson t Discussion Mrs Xate Norman AFTERNOON Old and New Education Mr C II Doty Comparison of the Theories of Froebel and Herbart Mr C VftThorn History Aside From the Text hooic Mrs Florence Austin ilThe Practicability of Child Study airs Lizzie Crawford -The Influence of the School -Board Upon the -School Mr J li Fee Discussion Mrs Kittle Crowe What Should the Public School ulish Prof U O Anderson Music High School Miss Etta Brown handled her sub ject on lower grade studies in a mast erly manner and Cube Root by J W Strong provoked much discussion and excited admiration for the teacher by the manner in which he illustrated his talk This was perhaps the most interesting discussion of the day In the afternoon C H Boty read bis most excellent paper on education old and new and C V Thorn made some interesting comparisons between the methods of those twogreat teach ers Herbart and Froebel Mrs Lizzie Crawfords paper on child study was remarkable for its clearness and doubtless gave many of the teachers new ideas on the subject J R Fee talked rather sarcastically of school boaids in general and some of his remarks were excepted to by Mrs Kittie Crowe and a general discussion was participated in Prof U O Anderson read a splendid paper on the public school and advanced some sug gestious as to what it should accom plish that were heartily endorsed by every teacher present We hope to see his words bear good fruit State Supt Corbett failed to keep his appointment here owing to a meet ing of a reading circle committee at Lincoln of which he is an honorarv member but he did not send word of his inability to attend until twas too late to secure another lecturer for the eyening The teachers were much disappointed at his defection The following teachers were present Lottie Hubbard Katie Noble Lizzie Crawford Etta Brown Belle Callen C V Thorn IJ O Anderson Celia Vaughn Nina Longcor C H Boty H O Tucker Abigail Razey Goldie Beed Edith Stark Tacy Collett Florence Austin Tillie Ashburn F F Gordon Gertrude Lincoln and J W Strong of Valentine U G Steven sen Johnstown J R Fee Crookston W F Morgareidge Simeon Isis Lin coln Cody Kittie Crowe Merriman Vivian Lowrie and Kate Norman Gor don Belle Hornback and Mr Medders Foit Niobrara S E A Fowler Ke wanee The Bemocrat has made arrange ments to publish the papers read at this meeting of the Association for the beneft of the teacher who were unable to be present The first one will appear next week 1000 Seicartl Will be paid for return of my horse and saddle stolen from Valentine April 14 Brown horse weight about 900Ibs 4 or 5 jears old heavy mane and tail white stripe half way don forehead Had on a new saddle Visalia tree hand stitched stamped seat 2h inch stirrup strap No SI made by Marks Bros Omaha Cuas R Anderson Valentine j w Published for Fctir Xcars ts CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT sMaMTDsnExGaaEERT co nebeAska Thursday may 7 1896 Xi4 rCure m Prof J O Beauy conductor of musical conventions institutes and festivals of Lincoln Xebr i in town and will give a lecture and outline of his method of work at the Presbyter ian church Saturday evening May 9 Prof Beatty pursues a course entirely different from other instructors and should he succeed in organizing a chorus here will remain ten days giv ing two hours instructions each even ihgIIe only asks one dollar for the entire course v JTjoan Association Oiiicci At the meeting of the Valentine Building and -Loan Association held Tuesday nigiit J H Yeast W E Haley FFischer B S Ludwig C Cornell Geo II Korpby J W Spirk Geo Elliott and Fred Miller ware elected directors W S Barker J C Xorthrup and Frank 1 ray ton audi tors J II Yeast president J AV Spirk vice president W E Haley secretary and Geo Elliott treasurer Series C was ordered closed and series B opened 4 E S ESanquct The banquet given by the ladies of tne Order of the Eastern Star to the Masons of Valentine last Saturday night was a delightful affair and about sixty persons partook of the re past prepared by the ladies Masonic lodge was in session Saturday night and a candidate Mr Anderson of Fort Niobrara vas being given the third degree but as all Masons are knpwn to be lovers of good things especially eatables a recess was taken at 9 oclock and the lodge marched to the court house in a body Ye editor was kindly invited co be present and we will wager that no person enjoyed himself more than we did unless it was Judge Walcott or Receiver Fike each of whom has a wonderful appe tite and an abundance of good humor The tables were prettily decorated and thefjse cream well it was scrumptious x tious mortgage lleeord Through the courtesy of the county clerk we are enabled to give our read ers the following record of mortgages filed and satisfied in Cherry county last month Six farm mortgages for a total of 1258940 were filed and sev enteen for 577890 were satisfied One village mortgage for 1440 was satisfied and none filed Fifty three chattel mortgages for 13928 25 were filed and twentynine for 1404696 were satisfied Three sheriffs deeds fur farm property and two for city property were given The total amount of mortgages filed was 2651765 and of those satisfied was 2126586 giving a balance of 5251 89 in favor of the former The balance would be on the other side but for the fact that one of the farm mort gages filed was lor 10000 and that too on but 960 acres of land This fact shows that eastern capitalists are firm believers in Cherry county and know a good investment when they see it One of the chattel mortgages was for 6000 and a herd of 500 cat tle is the security That investment is a safe one City Wads At a meeting of the Board of Vil lage Trustees held recently E Sparks was elected chairman C H Cornell treasurer and T C Hornby secretary of the Board and village clerk for the ensuing year The first regular meet ing of the new Board was held at C H Cornells office Friday May 1 che full Board being present and Mr Sparks learned some of the beauties of presiding over the city legislature He filled the position of Mayor very acceptably however and will undoubt edly give good satisfaction in his po sition as chief officer of the village At this meeting permits were grant ed to all applicants for the privilege of selling liquor as a beverage without any active opposition either from with out or within the Board The ques tion of granting permits to druggists was fully discussed and on motion it was unanimously agreed to not issue permits this year The occupation tax of 200 on saloons was allowed to stand in connection with the 500 li cense fee The bond of C H Cornell as treas urer was presented and approved W R Towne was elected Village Marshal and Water Commissioner no is l HERRY i OUNTY ANK Valentine Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative bacSarg Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security -solicited at reascofiia rates County depository E SPARKS President -CHARLES SPARKS Cashier O j 11 I fjjVI WITH THE DECKI Newest Finest and Most Com plete line of GROCERIES CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT- In this City Also Provisions and Vegetables in season W A PETTYCREW Prop r This space reserved for e Mcdonald -General Merchandise THE RED FRONT CARRIES A COMPLETE LINE OF GENERAL M ERCHANDISE JACKSON BRAYTON Props Valentine Nebrasfeau ANK OF VALENTIN W C JH COllNEJOL President OI V NICHOLSON Valentine Nebraska A General Sanliing Business Transacted Hiiys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York tflrst National Bank Omaos At Stetter s Old Stand on Main Strest VALENTINE MEAT MARE 1 m - WILL furnish - Fish Game Tender Steaks Jncy Roasts Dry Salt Meag andltke finest line of SmokasI Hams and Breakiast Bacom I ever sold in town J W ST ETTER PROP THE PALACE SALOO N HEADQUARTERS WINES LIQUORS and CIGARS Ot tlie Choicest Brands Nebraska MOCRAT 1 t K