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About Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1896)
W ttvUiwL aim tt tofa CHERRY GO INDEPENDENT fUBUbHED EVERY THURSDAY J R Farris Publisher Official Paper of Cherry Coun ty Nebraska r 8UBS0BIPTI0N BATES Ovie Dollar Per Yeur advertising bates Om Oaiuma per month Card E BREUKLAB BLACKSMITH akd WACONMAKER Repairing a Specialty Prices Strickly Cash and Low er than ever SHOP on Cherry St opposite Langs old stand THE ELKHORN RAILROAD North Western Line ib to best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS or WORTH NEBRASKA 222srrrsr 8800 100 Entered at t bo Pobt offlce at Valentine Cherry tftustf Nebraska as Second class matter SooietleB MENS SOCIAL CLUB Meets YOUNG Wednesday evening at the resi enee ol Mrs Helen Hornby Chakies B Cook Presldent CkablesH Wkl lkord Secretary BULL TRIBE No 22 iMI KOVHD OBDKH OF RkDMEN Meets every second and fourth Saturday of ach month Members of the order In good standing are cordfallj and fraternally invited to attend C It THOMPSON Sachem J D WIGGINS C of Records Mlnnekadusa Lodge No 12 A F A M xneets in regular communication Saturday even ing on or befor the full moon in each month mojobera of the order in good and regular stand is cordially and fraternally invited to attend F M Walcott W M WW THoafpsox Secy Talentine Lodge No 70 A O U TV meets 1 si and 3rd Monday in each month MChfiBinsen M W L L 3toner Rec Vafetftine Lodfte No 205 I O O F meets every Thursday evening Visiting brothers cord ially arited toattend our meetings J H yeast N G Wbblev Hoisclaw Secy CelWood PestNo 208 Department of Ne braska regular meetingsd and 4th Saturdays of each month at2D m sharp Comrads from other Posts are cordially invited to attend W W Thompson Commander Johk Dukk adjt Ool WoodWR C No 179 regular meeting M and 4th Saturdays of each month Amanda Ludwio Prea Hblkk Hornby 3ce Arrival and Departure of Ittnils Mail east and west closes at 8 p m Rosebud leaves at 8K a m dally except Sun ifty and arrives at 500 p m 8lmeon Kennedy and Oasis leaves at 700 a m Mondays Wednesdays and Fri Aayt and arrives at 700 p ra Tuesdays and Saturdays Ft Niobrara leaves dilyat700a m and B eop m arrives at 9S0a majid 730 p in TtTnimirKva nnrt Snwrlfa arrlvps Mniirinvs Wednesdays and Fridays at 5u9 pm arid naves xuesaays xuursaays ina saiuraays ai Tt a m General delivery open from7W a m to 700 m General delivery open on Sundays from to 10 a bi Lock boxes opendaily form Ga to 830 pm W EHALEY Postmaster V Official Directory of Cherry G6 Treasurer G P Crabb jjerlt i Geo Elliott Sheriff x u C larker Judge - F M Walcott Oeunty Attorney Ed Clarke County Superintendent Lillian Stouer 8urveyor Hugh Boyer Seroner F H Ingersoll E W Starr 6eeoBftift5fcraers M Dutham I P Sullivan PHOT ESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS J C DWHER Physician and Surgeon fliee at C R Watsons DrtorStore Prompt aNntion given to all professional calls fAMsxTiXR - Nebraska Teachers Examination Th regular monthly Teachers Examination will be held the third Saturday of each month at my office in the Court House LILLIAN STONER Supt of Schools wi TTjD CLARKE Attorney-at-Law Allktntf s of legal business promptly attended to TAuarriKE - Nebraska JjAWSOK TAYLOR Tonsorial Parlor Hair cutting ani Shaving up to date la all the latest styles Hot and Cold Baths Sfctp on Main Street Valentine Nebraska The White Honse Has been rebuilt and every room furnished N ew Suits of Furniture Tktfakinr it one of the most complete and tJLeoRttortable hotels- In the Northwest ile room and good llverr table in connection ALIKTIKE NEB 4 y CITY BREVITIES This is old time March weather Get your sale bills printed at this office W G Carson of Simeon was in town Mondaj Charles Bets of Simeon spent Sunday in town Fred Brayton was down from Crookston Monday W A Wilson and wife visited in town this week John Sedlacek of Kennedy was on our streets Monday David Hanna of Wood Lake tarried in town Tuesday John Bush came in from Kennedy Monday and returned Tuesday Sam Hudson was in from Simeon after provisions for his stock ranch C R Glover returned5 Saturday from a business trip tb Long Piine Revival meetings are in progress at the M E Church with fair success Will Leach of Simeon was a business visitor at our office Monday - Ayers Sarsaprilla creates an ap petite and gives tone to the digestive organs Thomas Williams was examined by the Pension Board at their meeting yesterday J A Hitt received the sad news- Friday of the death of his brother in New York State John Foster called Monday and ordered his paper sent to Fort Nio brara in tlie future M R Farris returned form Lonoke Ark last Friday He is well pleased with that country EST Any one in need of wind mills or pump3 will save money by seeing me before buying G E L Davisof Kewanee was in town Monday and ordered- the Omaha WorldsHerald in -connection with this paper J Mogleof Cody together with some of his neighbors were making proof on their land at the Land Office Mondav The mill has good hard fife seed wheat already vitrioled that they will exchange bushell for bushel for any other Wheat Any one troubled at night with a persistent cough can procure much needed rest by taking a dose ot Ayers Cherry Pectoral Geogre Adamson of Sparks was in town Tuesday preparing tocom mence carrying the mail between here and Fort Niobrara Foe sale A good stock ranch- well situated 11 miles from Valentine For further particulars inquire at this office 8tf Bartlett White of Crookston call ed at our office Monday and ordered the Independent for one year with cash in advance Mr White has just returned from Inze Wyo where he worked m the mines this winter D H Thurston came down from Crookston Thursday being compelled to give up his school on account of being sick Jack Strong was employ ed by the school board to complete the term and commenced Monday morn ing J George Wright has- been ap pointed Indian Inspector which is a well merited promotion from the position of Indian Agent and Charles E McChesney has been appointed to fill the vacancy as agent at Rosebud The bill granting the petition of Valentine citizens to cede to the Village of Valentine 610 acres of land from the Military reservation of Fort Niobrara was introduced in the senate a few days ago by Senator Thurston The Society of Christian Endeavor at the Presbyterian Church next Sun day at 645 p m Everybody cordially invited Subject for next Sunday Keeping our pledge in spirit and i lttter Matt 26 31 41 The President -Teeth filled with wood Teetk filled with hay For the next sixty days good wood and hay will be taken at the highest market price in exchange fon dental work BR C A WELLS Office over1 T C Hornbys store Services in the M E Church neTt Sunday at 11 a mand 730 p rn Subject of morning discourse Prayer For evening Why Man Loves God Ep worth League at 630 p m Re vival services each evening of the week All are cordially invited to all servbes O L Ramset Paster f k L y mm - City Election Geese are flying north Prepare for the coming city election Harry Hillsmger is numbered among the sick This is a good soaking snow and comes in just the right season A B CrouBe the Post Jeweler called at our office Wednesday and left an order for job work Farmers in every part of the county are prepairing to put in small grain A- fbw more such snows as this willinsttre a good crop A tbiletset to be givsn away at the Bowling Alley Every one rolling on the alley before April 1st will re ceive chance for each game played Ripans Tabules see advertisement W Keltar of Purdam had business in Valeritine Wednesday U remembered this office with a businessman in making his rounds He says there will be a good many acres of irrigated land in his country the coming season SCHOOL COLUMN EDITORS Charles Wkllfobd Charles Cook- high SCHOOL Prof Anderson has very kindly con sented to give the scholars- lessons in the Indian Club drill An interesting debate will take place in this department next Friday afternoon upon the following ques tion Resolved That humanity will do more in hope of reward than in fear of punishment The attendance has been very good consideringthe inclement weather The report card giving rating of the pupils was sent home to the parents this Meek for their signature Volcanoes are becoming frequent grammar dept This department holds the banner for best attendance A censer supposed to have been re moved from a Turkish tumb in Joppa was an object of interest brought by Mabel Hahu Attendance has been very good SECOND INTERMEDIATE DEPt Attendance fair Director J C Pettijohn was a pleas ant visitor Wednesday afternoon This department has several fine production mapes made by the pupils Prof Anderson gave us- a voltfano experiment Friday and this week- the Geography class is making volcanoes a special study General information and- quotations- from authors are used in our opening exercises FIRST INTERMEDIATE DEPT Mrs Davenport Mrs White and Mrs Haley were visitors Monday We had an instructive talk on Chinese cureos Tuesday We were also treated po a miniature volcano Monday PRIMARY DEPT The pupils are taking the wand drill for exercise Mrs G H Hornby was a pleasant visitor this- week There are 67 pupils In attendance Teachers Association The Valentine Teachers Association will hold its last meeting of the year in the High School building March 14 1896 Program Child Study Mrs Lizzie Crawford How to avoid seat questions duiing recitations Miss Cora Boyer Whites School Management pages 130 to 217 Miss Belle Callen Reading Intermediate and Ad vanced Miss Cilia Vaughn Discussion Miss Girtrude Lincoln Debate Question Resolved That classifying or grading the public schools is detrimental to the education of the individual Affirmative W F Morgareidge and C S Reece Negative D H Thurs ton and H O Tucker Program Committee ELenyons Surecureto Stop Drinking Transforms the poverty stricken and miserable home into a home of plenty and happiness Guaranteed to cure the habit of drinking ardent spirits or money refunded It is the greatest tompearnce worker the world has ever known It creates a desiref for food instead of drink It snpplids and sat- t -- JutM i i iiiiVTifaMaiiBfeBBgliaiaiiMWahW j IMMCMlMgSPSaMaaBMraMiMm A warded Highest Honors Worlds Faif CREAM IfAIilliU P0WMR MOST PERFECT MADE I pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder Frea Ammonia Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD isfies the desire for liquor without so doing no man could be cured It acts promptly and can be given in tea coffee milk etc without thir knowl edge of taKing it and gradually the medicinal qualities of Kknyons cure will have cured the terrible craving for drink and they will have a horror at even the thoughts ot that which they so lately had an unquenchable desire Kenyons cure does for the drinker What the will of man is power less to do It nan do no more Sent bv mail no marks to indicate its cou tents Fiice100 If your druggist does not keep it we will send it on receipt of price Address SURECURE REMEDY CO 358 Dearborn Street Chicago III Hicks Grunt Works Kev Irl K Hicks the celebrated storm prophet of St Louis is now a household name in neurly every home in America His wonderful Alaraanac predicts the weather for a year ahead more correctly and accurately than any other publication or any other system The testimony of a large number of careful observers is that 99 percent of Hicks predictions are ful filled to the letter His series of an nual AUmaaacs are now well and fav orably known in all parts of this coun try and in foreign lands The new Alomanac for 1896 iSHhe most practi cal and instructive as well as the pret tiest of this splendid series It con tains 100 pages printed on fine book paper with covers elegantly printed in colors The matter although scienti fic is written in popular style there being nothing difficult to understand about it It is also finely illustrated Dont confound this with some patent medicine pamphlet It is nothing of the kind but is a fine book- which sells at news seands for 25c This fine Alamanac is given as a premium to every yearly subscriber to the Rev Irl It Hicks well known and deserved ly popular papar Wokd and1 Works This unique journal is a peerless edu cator of the masses and is fast becom ing a household guardian andnecesity in the homes of America Those who want to keep up with the advance thought of the age in science- religion and all social commercial intellectual and domestic subjects should sub scribe for Word and- Works Sub scription price only 1 00 a yeur You can send for both direct to Word and Works Publishing Co St Louis Mo Hngle copies of Word and Work s 10 cents Esthay Notice Taken up by the undersigned Dee 30 1895 near llrcwnlee one light ba mare weight about 800Ibs no brands or marks about 2- wars old ItUBKN KlSSELL I Htray Sotice Taken up by the undersigned Nov ember 20 1895 at Cody JSebr one bay jinny mule age about 10 yrs weight about1 9001bs shod in front no brads to be found W M Hook Reduced Hates Home Seekers Excursion March 10 April 7 and 21 and May 5 1896 One fare for the round trip plus 2 Tickets good returning 21 days after date of sale to all points in Nebraska on F E M V R R 100 miles or more west of the Missouri river SMYSER VINCENT -PROPRIETORS of- LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE Good Rigs and Careful Drivers Teams Stabled At Geo Latfgs old stand VALENTINE - - NEBRASKA KJDars Tabules cure dyspepsia Rinans Tabule3 one gives relief Dr Prices Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Alada Rioans Tabules are always rosdrj ZiWW t r j JWWHILLAN iHh r aklHKmS s K EUHMT iG0 Xto37 Surrey HarrifesB No 7186 TopBtiggy 4300 izzmmWm s mfmmmsmA No 3 Farm Wagon mum Have sold to conantnern for SI yearn saving them the dealers profit Wo are the Oldest and Iaroefttmnnufacttirersin Amer ica selling Veblclesand Harness this way ship with privilege to examine before any money is paid We pay freight both vrayalf not satisfac tory Warrant for 2 years Why pay an neentSIO tb 50 to order for you Write your own order Boxing free We take all rial of damage In shipping wholesale prices Spring Vagor9S3l to S50 Guaranteed Blmoassellfori50to6S5 Surreys S65 toSlOO same as sell for 100 to 813 Top Buggies S3750 as fine a3 sold for 865 Photons S66 to SIOO Farm Wagons Wagonettes Milk Wagons Delivery Wagonsand Road BICYCLES FOB 3IEA W0JIE3 C1ULDRES Our Harness are od at Manufac ture I- Prices m - p m Hay and Grain At Lowest Market Prices FENCE Horse high bull strong plz and chicken tight a man and boy can make from 40to 60 rods a day Over 50 styles Illustrated Catalogue Freai KITSELMAN BROTHERS RidgeviHef V THE HARNESS MAKER Carries a fine assortment of Harness- and Saddles Harness and Saddles made to order on short notice All kinds of Repairing Why pay 60 to SOc arod for fance vhon you can mokethel best mmm mm fessoe m tmi FOR 13 TO 20 EBSTS A ROD 35C r viJr i i -T m Bndtana - tje inchester atins Shot Guns HJ and Ammunition Best in the World sHBKStQf w r sstxm iKnEk i tummr II IMT XT Wbv I MTW VK Li 7 TM - S5rC rfpew vUf otTy ssz F - Single 6 C to 5CO Doable Bnccr Farm 816 to 023 50 No 1 Farm Harness- s iT ff If 0 WINCHESTER REPEftTING ARRS CO Winchester AveNw Hmk Coxai lEss ir go vn a- 41U 0J OUCf CP c J 2P7 Ho 727 Road Wagon 58 HIDING SADDLES and FLV SETS Elkhart Blc7cle 261nwheal 8 ner eon t off for onjh with order Send 4 la pneumatic tlrQB tamps to puy postage en llS puco catalogue steel tubing drop forging Address V B PRATT Secy ELKHART IND i he Imports Disaft Horse Go LINCOLN NEBRASKA - H IlirOBTEBS OF Pure bred French Draft Percheron or Iorman f AND ENGLISH SHIRE HORSES ft Mexican T Z 3i 5 Mustang Liniment A Cure for the Ailments ot Man- and Beast A loag tested pain reliever Tts use is almost universal by the Housewife the Farmertrie Stock Raiser and by every one requiring an effective liniment No other application compares with it in efficacy this well known remedy has stood the test of years- almost generations tfo medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Sustax Liniment Xasions ansa fc f its use almost every day Jfi druggists and dealers have- it i - W j a