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About Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1896)
ir fer r S ft K l P Spring Medicine Tour blocd in Spring is almost certain to be full of impurities the accumulaton of the winter months Bad ventilation of sleeping rcoms impure air in dwell ings factories and shops over eating heavy improper foods failure of the kidneys and liver properly to do extra work Ihus thrust upon them are the prime causes of this condition It is of the utmost importance that you Purify Your Blood Now as when warmer weather comes and the tonic effect of cold bracing air is gone your weak thin impure blood will not furnish necessary strength That tired feeling loss of appetite will open the way for serious disease rained health or breaking out of humors and impurities To make pure rich red blood Hoods Sarsaparilla stands une qualled Thousands testify to its mer its Millions take it as their Spring Medicine Get Hoods because Hoods Sarsaparilla is the One True Blood Purifier All druggists 1 Prepared only by C I Hood Co Lowell Mass Hnnric Dillc are the only pills to take wltli ia i Hoods Sarsaparilla The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age KENNEDYS MEDICAL DISCOVERY DONALD KENNEDY OF ROXBURY MASS Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple He has tried it In over eleven hundred cases and never failed except in two cases both thunder humor He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its value all within twenty miles of Boston Send postal card for book A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle and aperfect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains like needles passing through them the same with the Liver or Bowels This is caused by the ducts being stopped and always disappears in a weefe after taking it Read the label If the stomach is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings at first No change of diet ever necessary Eat the best you can get and enough of it Dose one iablespoonfuljn water ct btd time Sold by all Druggists A gentleman of a methodical habit who bad adopted the practice of retaining a copy of every pre scription issued by his family physician became interested as time went on to note that the same ingredients were pretty certain to be prescribed at some point of the treatment of every case For a poor appetite or a sore throat for restlessness which disturbed the babys sleep and for troubles which beset the aged grandparents the favorite remedjT was always burning up although slightly modified from time to time and used often in conjunction with others One day our friend hap pened to observe that the formula of a certain advertised remedy was identical with the latest prescrip tion he had received from his own physician and in some surprise he stated the case to him The family doctor after listening to what he had to say replied The case is about this way Whenever there is a disturbance of the functions of the body no matter of what nature it is pretty certain to be accompanied by a derangement f the digestive organs When they are all right the patient gets well That particular formula that you have observed me to write more and more f requently is the result of an age of careful experiment and is pretty generally agreed upon now by all educated physicians who keep up with the times The dis covery of the past few years of the means of reducing every drug to a powder and compressing the powders into little lozenges or tablets or tabules if you prefer which will not break or spoil or lose their good qualities from age if protected from air and light is the explanation of how it has come about that this prescription is now for sale as an advertised remedy It is the medicine that nine people out of ten need every time they need any and I have no doubt that making it so easy to obtain so carefully prepared and withal so cheap will tend to actually prolong the average of human life during the present generation Klpans Tabules are sold by druggists or by mall It the price 50 cents a box is Bent to The Brpaus Chemi cal Company o 10 Spruce Street New York Sample vial 10 centf KUSfS WHERE All FLSE FAILS Best Cough 8jrup Tastes Good Ute in tuna boia cy arugguis iJJlHHTJfJlMn CHESS PLAYERS Not Over Fifty Skilled Professionals in the Whole World Professional chess players consider ing the laborious nature of their work the character of mind and the long preparatory study required are proba bly as ill paid as any kind of intellec tual workers The professional chess player who earns by his play more than a decent modest living is a highly suc cessful man An expert may be hired to run a chess automaton and play with all comers at a salary less than some typewriters earn There are in all the world probably less than half a hun dred highly skilled professional chess players A few professional chess players are men of means but for the most part the passion for the game leads the pro fessional player to put aside material considerations in order to follow his bent Some of the best known players dress shabbily and live plainly The ablest and most successful usually eke out their incomes made directly from the game by writing on chess discuss ing problems and the like Books on chess succeed one another rap idly but none has a large sale They are costly to produce and the stereo type plates are of small value The aggregate of considerable prizes of fered in chess contests throughout the world amounts in any one year to only a few thousand dollars and a stake of a thousand is a large one Amateurs who far outnumber the professionals provide the purses and meet the ex penses of the match games St Peters burg is an important chess center and there the traveling expenses of the pro fessionals are made up by the local clubs Professional chess players are rarely men of liberal education and usually men of one idea Chess has been the diversion of great and broad minded men but it is commonly the business of men devoted to one idea The profes sional chess player seems tireless in the pursuit of the game One whose duty it was to play six hours a day with all comers at a place of amusement was accustomed to follow his days work with two hours of laborious study of special chess problems Only a Stone Wall Stops Them By far the most remarkable pilgrim age ever observed among the lower an imals was that witnessed in Norway not once but several times within this century A party of fishermen upon one occa sion were encamped on the borders of a small ford and were mending their nets when they observed a number of lemmings a little animal allied to the beavers coming out of the wood that skirted the shore At first seeing the men they ran back then others ap peared and more until hundreds were upon the beach As the day passed the numbers con tinually increased until before night the camp of the men was alive with the little creatures that now began to take to the water Thousands came pouring from the woods in the ensuing days followed by hawks and other pre datory animals that feed upon them They passed on into the water swim ming over it scores being drowned dur ing the passage the rest reaching the opposite shore and moving on into the woods impelled by the strange instinct It is said that nothing deters these pilgrims but a stone wall which they cannot scale Piles of grain and fodder they have been known to tunnel through their instinct being to move ahead in a given line The fishes make remarkable pilgrim ages from one shore to another and in such vast bodies as to defy description The Modern Way Commends itself to the well formed to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest manner and disagreeably as well To cleanse the sys tem and break up colds headaches and fevers without unpleasant after effects use the delightful liquid laxative remedy Syrup of Figs The Emperor William Is allowed a sal ary of 3000000 a year Dobbins rioatlug Borax Soap is not an imitation I Is original The only soap that floats contalus Sorav and Is 100 per cent pure It Is worthy a trial Every lady who tries It continues ltd use Itec wrapper Ex President Harrison is said to have made 170000 in fees since resuming his law practice Mrs Wlnslows Soothing Srujp for Children teething BOttcns the sums reduces inflammation allays pain curet wind colic 25 centB a bottle The Duke of Marlborough denies tha he wears red neckties ASK YOUR DEALER FOR W L Douglas 3 SHOE BESvUTHE If you pay 84 to 80 for shoes ex- gg a amine the W L Douglas Shoe and 25 Jc see what a good shoe you can buy for OVER IOO STYLES AND WIDTHS CONGRESS BUTTON and LACE mado In all kinds of the beBt selected leather by skilled work men We make and sell more 3 Shoes than any other manufacturer in the -world None genuine unless name and price is stamped on the bottom Ask your dealer for our 85 84 8350 8250 8225 Shoes 8250 82 and 8175 for boys TAKE HO SUBSTITUTE If your dealer cannot supply you send to fac tory enclosing price and 36 cents to pay carriage State kind style of toe cap or plain size and width Our Custom Dept will fill your order Send for new Illus trated Catalogue to Box It W L DOUGLAS Brockton Mass THE AEKMOTOK CO docs half the worlds windmill business because It has reduced the cost 01 Wind power to 16 what it was a I has many branch nouses ana supplies its foods and repairs i your aoor it can ana does iurmsh a TyJKmTand better article for less money than others It makes Pumping and Geared Steel Windmills TllUnc Fixed Steel Towers Steel Buzz Saw Frames Steel Feed Cutters and Feed Grinders On application It will name one of these articles that It will furnish until January 1st at 13 the usual price It also makes Tanks and Pumps of all kinds Sena for catalogue Factory 12tb Rockwell and FUIaore Streets CUcuo A GREAT MANS SILENCE Preserved His Dignity Under Great est of Provocation A great man whose wife was de eded to liiin but was subject to in sane attacks of jealousy and resent ment was once visited at bis country bouse by two old time friends He wel comed them with marked cordiality and setting himself between them on the piazza was soon deep in confiden tial conversation While he was listen ing to what they had to say and occa sionally replying to an argument which seemed to him more plausible than logical the door behind him was sud denly opened and from it emerged his wife with an angiy face and a pail of water Without a word she deliberately up set the pail and drenched him from bead to foot The two friends sprang to their feet in astonishment and caught sight of the resentful Avoma11 retreating into the house with a tri umphant air The man who had been subjected to this shower bath arose without a word went into the house and in ten min utes returned to the piazza having made a complete change of dress His friends were still in the 3ard and were wishing that they could be trans ported by balloon or by magic carpet to their own homes where they would not be witnesses of strange and embar rassing domestic scenes Their host called to them and placed the chairs again on the piazza When they were all seated he resumed the conversation with the simple remark As I was sajing my friends and then went on with the discussion pick ing up the thread where it had been dropped and making no reference to what had happened He was quiet and dignified and did not betray in bis manner a trace of the mortification and annoyance which his wifes exasperating attack must have caused A weaker man would either have ap pealed to his friends for sympathy or striven to apologize for the strange and irrational conduct of the woman He had neither accusations to make nor excuses to offer He strove to put his friends at ease by diverting their attention from the painful exhibition of his wifes infirmity by engaging them in animated conversation So successful was he that the three were soon laughing chatting and argu ing together as though nothing unpleas ant had happened When the time came for the two vis itors to drive to the station to take a train their host said good by to them at the gate with the remark that they had had a delightful afternoon to gether The great man loved his wife and knew4that she was not responsible at all times for her caprices and resent ments Unwilling to talk about ber in firmities even with old and trusted friends he acted with rare self-possession and good taste in maintaining rigid silence and leaving them to infer for themselves the reasons for his reserve Stopping a Great Ship The motion of a steamship on the At lantic when the sea is calm is so smooth and steady that the passenger hardly realizes the tremendous momen tum of the vessel under his feet A col lision even after the engines have been slowed down gives a startling revela tion of the energy of motion This ener gy can also be accurately calculated with the aid of mathematical formulas and the time and distance within which the motion can be totally arrested and the ship be brought to a stand may be ascertained in a similar manner This calculation has recently been made for several well known ships To stop the Etruria whose displacement is 9GS0 tons horse power 14321 and speed 2018 knots an hour two minutes and forty seven seconds are required and during the process of stopping the ship will forge ahead 24G4 feet which is only 17G feet less than half a mile The Uni ted States cruiser Columbia with a displacement of 7350 tons 17991 horse power and a speed of 22S knots can be stopped in two minutes and fifteen seconds and within a space of 2147 feet The little flyer Gushing also of the United States navy whose displace ment is only 105 tons and horse power 1754 while its speed is 224S knots can be stopped within a distance of 301 feet in 184 seconds In each case the vessel is supposed to be going at full speed and the stoppage is produced by re versing the action of the propelling ma chinery Painless Execution In Germany the view obtains that tne execution of criminals should be by some means more certain even than the electric chair Dr E Cuhmann a cele brated chemist suggests the use of car bolic acid According to his plan the criminal would be carried to a cell which can be filled noiselessly with car bolic acid in gaseous form from floor to ceiling When the gas reaches the delinquents mouth and nose it causes instant paralysis of the lungs and un consciousness and life departs with out previous pain Trouble in the Household And to think shrilly vociferated Mrs Absalom Joyce when the family quarrel had reached its acute stage that my wrealth once would have brought to my feet many a man worth a dozen of you But I thought I wanted you and I bought you I simply bought you You are right my dear retorted Absalom pale with wrath You paid your money and you took your Joyce Chicago Tribune She gazing at the dying embers- Tbat fire reminds me of a mans loveM It burns brightly at first then gradual ly subsides and nothing remains but ashes He And yet it will be all right if you feed it regularly New Yorfc HcraR ys i n WTL mwy y SCIATIC RHEUMATISM AND ITS CURE From the Gazette Burlington Iowa The story of Mr Tabors nearly fatal tttack of sciatic rheumatism is familiar 0 his large circle of acquaintances but for the benefit of others and those siini arly afflicted The Gazette has investigat ed the matter for publication Mr Tabor s secretary and treasurer for the Coiu nercial Printing Company with offices in die Hedge Block and resides at 417 Bas set street Burlington la A Gazette man sought an interview with Mr Tabor at his since of business to day and aitnougu lie was busily emraged with imperative duties he talked Treelv and feelingly on the subject of his recent severe sickness tnd subsequent wonderful cure Yes said Mr Tabor I can safely say that I am a well rami that is my old trouble with rheumatism has entirely dis appeared but I am still taking Pink Pills and will keep on taking them as long as 1 continue to grow stronger and healthier as I have been every day since 1 began to ise them You will not wonder at my profound faith in the merits of Dr Wil ianis Pink Pills for Pale People after you nave heard what I have to tell you About me year ago I was stricken suddenly with iciatic rheumatism and was confined to ny bed It grew worse and rapidly as iumed the form of inflammatory rheu aiatism I suffered constant and acute pains and all the tortures which that hor rible disease is capable of inflicting At length under the constant care of a local physician I was enabled to return to my work but only at intervals Severe at tacks would appear regularly in my back and descend into my leg and foot and threatened to make me a permanent crip ple I tried various remedies for rheuma tism but without any e eficial results I grew pale weak and haggard and my family and friends grew alarmed at my condition About eight week- ugo my mother in duced me to try Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People and you know the result Before I had used one box I felt greatly relieved and much stroijv r I continued their use and rapidly I have now taken eight boxes and feel like a new man and completely cured all of which is due to the elficacy of Pink Pills They are invigorating anl thoroughly whole some and have helped me in every way In reply to inquiries Mr Henry the Jlruggist stated that Dr Williams Pink Pills were having a large sale that it was particularly gratifying to him to know that the customers themselves were high ly pleased with the benefits they had de rived from their use that many of them stated that the pills were the only medium that had done them any good that they not onlv gave quick relief but permanent benefit That the pills do sell and that the pills do cure is a certainty Dr Williams Pink Pills contain in a condensed form all the elements neces sary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females such as suppressions irregu larities and all forms of weakness Pink Pills are sold only in boxes at 50 c a box or six boxes for 250 and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr Wil liams Medicine Co Schenectady N Y GREAT POLITICAL LEAGUES The Cadeian League was a name giv en to one of the leagues of Gods House in the Grisons Canton The Holy Alliance of 1G99 was form ed by the Catholic party in opposition to the Evangelical Alliance which con sisted of most of the princes of the German Protestant States The League of Public Evil 1465 was a name applied to the League of Pub lic Good because the people for whose benefit that organization was supposed to be formed were almost entirely ig nored by those in control The League of Armed Neutrality was a convention originally formed in 1780 between Russia Denmark and Sweden The States general subsequently en tered this league and it was also joined by the King of Prussia on May 8 1781 and by the Kaiser Oct 9 of the same year The League of Argos formed B C 421 was a combination of Argos Co rinth Elea Mantinea and Chalcidice against Athens It was designed to curb the power of the Athenians but its purpose was frustrated shortly after by the unexpected incident of Athens ioinimr the league Forests Influence on Water Supply The influence of forests in protecting the water supply is well illustrated in the case of Greece In ancient days she possessed 7500000 acres of forests To day she has hardly 2000000 acres and the scarcity of water and other in jurious climatic effects are traceable to the destruction of the trees SlOO Reward S100 The readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that thero is at least one dreaded disease that science has heen ablo to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure ia the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a con stitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying tho foundation of the disease and giving tho patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors hav 0 much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for list of testimonials Address F J CHENEY CO Toledo O J3S Sold by Druggists 75c One of the best paid governesses in Eu rope is the young English women who pas charge of the little King of Spain She receives 4500 a year Four Homeseekers Excursions To points in Nebraska on the line of the IT E M V Railroad Dates rates itc on application to H C Ciieyxey Security Bank Bldg Sioux City Iowa Ilaving no faith in banks Calvin Thomp son of Columbia X Y hid 10000 in his house and three masked men broke in and ot it Beautiful birds and fragrant flowers are natures charm hut a divinely lovely com plexion comes from the use of Glenns Sulphur Soap Of druggists The oldest known apple tree in this country is in Cheshire Conn The seed was planted 140 years aco and the tree still bears a few apples Tisos Cure for Consumption has saved me large doctor bills C L Baker 4228 Uegent Sq Philadelphia Pa Dec 8 95 The heaviest metal is platinum the tightest potassium The latter will float on the surface of water like a piece of cork Browns Bronchial Troches are a sim ple yet most effectual remedy for coughs hoarseness and bronchial troubles Avoid imitations 1 The smallest republic is Moresnet Its territory comprises two and one third llnnnvA tMilno nrwl if lino A AOO - 1 n - 4io miico ii iv una jJUj iuiawuu Stop Thief Stop a small malady which Is stealing your strength before It outruns youj power to arrest It and recover what It took from you The safest and promptest recuperator of waning vitality Is Ilostetters Htomncli Bitters which renews vigor IIchIi mid nerve quietude liocanse It restores activity to those functions whose interruption Interferes with general health Use the Hitters for dyspep sia malarial rheumatic and kidney com plaints and biliousness Ebenezer Thayer died in North Adams Mass recently at the reputed age o 102 years A brother who survives him is said to b3 within a few months of 103 years of age Homeseekers Excursions To Nebraska Kansas Missouri Arkan sas Indian Territory Oklahoma and Texas on March 10th April 7th and 21st mil May 5th at one fare jvlso to Virginia North and South Car olina Georgia Florida Alabama Ten nessee Mississippi and Louisana II C Chevxey General Alien t Security Bank Building Sioux City Iowa P S Hot Springs Ark same date Down to the year of 1S00 Krupp had de livered to European nations over 10000 cannon FITS All Fits stopped tree by Dr Klines Grant Nerro Jtastoi er No Fits after first dayH use Mar velous cures Treatibu and 00 trial bottlo free to FitcaBes Send to Dr Kline Arch StPlnIaPa 4- you - the mending Not the Merchant lie wants to make as much as ho can bjr selling you inferior bindings which he claims are 4just as good as S II M But you do thi wending Insist on having w when tf31 would cure it In the ASiwiJJSU r Bia3 Velveteen Fkirt Binding and you save tho mending If your dealer will not supply you wo will Send for samples showing labels and materials to tho S H M Co P O Box 699 New York City S C N U FARMS Hosts of roeoole ro to work in J the wrong way to cure a jjpiATTr 1J -- 11 08 wanted in exchange for other clear realty Send full description to Box 5 Franklin Grove Lee Co 111 wzrtsm JV V v 3 syL mqwg Wm UNIVERSALLY USED AND RECOMMENDED FOR CUTS BURNS BRUISES COLDS CATARRH SORE THROAT ALL PAIN PILES AND INFLAMMATIONS USE PONDS EXTRACT OINTMENT FOR PILES GENUINE IN OUR BOTTLES ONLY BUFF WRAPPERS SEE OUR NAME PONDS EXTRACT CO NEW YORK AND LONDON S3 TRACT mmmm0 9 m UB 1 I BATTLE ml jMJL L iSBlP flMBP 0 J1J 1 Off for a Six Months Trip frfld imiffii jflEjiBfll fjH Ifiyl t9 m KH L Ecv U PLU When you spend a dime for Battle Ax Plug you get 5 3 ounces When you spend the same amount for any ocher good tobac co you get 3 s ounces or for 5 cents you get almost as much Battle Ax as you do of other high grade brands for 10 cents I 8 SsS f B t 5 I 3SffcS5iF WHEN YOU WANT TO LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF THINGS USE SAPOLIO xSvN U A e aA Water nothing but water Thats all you need with Pearlme Don t use any soap with it If what we claim is true that Pearline is better than soap the soap doesnt have a chance to do any work Its only in the way- Besides some soaps might cause trouble and youd Jay it to Pearline Youll never get Pearl- ines very best work till you use it just as directed on the package lhen youll have the easiest quickest most economical way of washing and cleaning 477 mm nrfrtf07 Tn no J w ijTsrT iv mimyii r 1 1 icj II WiLLlilMRS