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About Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1895)
Vj M 1 fevs ELECTRIC FLASHES NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD JUMPED TEE TRACK THREE KILLED JURED IN AND TWO A WRECK IN- fearry Hayward the Murderer of Catherine Gingf to Be Hung De cember 11 Condemned Mans Ter rible Execrations Against His Pa rents and Brother Bad Wreck in New York New York Three men were killed und two more were injured in a railroad wreck on the New fork and New Haven Railway in Harlem QThe killed are Thomas Fitzgerald engineer 38 years old Frederick Maples 40 years old Drake man Thomas C McNally 40 years old Drake man The injured are Thomas Bannon conductor cut and scalded Thomas McEeon fireman cut and scalded All of the killed and injured were resi dents of this city The accident occurred between One Hundred and Thirty second and One Hundred and Thirty third streets The engine with a switching crew was bound east to Tannest station -when without any warning it left the track and went bumping along over the ties Bannon the conductor and Mc Keon the fireman leaped for their lives the moment the engine toppled over across the westbound track before the others of the crew -were able to save themselves from being crushed beneath the weight of the boiler All the bodies were crushed and scalded death evidently having been instan taneous Fitzgeralds head protruded through the window of the engine cab -and he was sitting on his seat at his duty when the accident happened No cause for the accident could be learned every thing being in proper shape Society New Tokk Girl in Disgrace A young woman who has figured prominently in society m Uhme beck N T is occupying the attention of the Society for the Prevention of Vice be cause a young man named Dodd formerly one of her admirers has charged that she gave him to read a poem and a bit of prose of alleged shocking tendencies He showed the Tnanuscript to a friend and in time the matter was turned over to a printer who is said to have written to a 15-year-old boy in Rhinebeck offering him the agency of a proposed publication which was to include the writings of the Rhinebeck belle The mother of this boy found the letter and sent it to the Society for the Preven tion of Yice When tl case comes up in court the young womans name will be given She was educated in one of the best known colleges for women in the state While correct in grammar and rhetoric the manuscripts coutain depraved sentiments Hayward Hangs Wednesday MrxxEAPOris Gov Ciough Saturday afternoon sentenced Harry Hayward the murderer of Catherine G ing to be hanged December 11 Harry heard the news of his doom from Sheriff Holmbergs lips when the latter read to him the death warrant The pris oner evinced no signs of bieaking down but on the other hand repeated the awful execrations against his brother Adry which of late have been the only indica tion that he appreciated the seriousness of his position I know that I have little time- said Hayward There are a few things Id like to straighten out and a few folks Id like to get even with Im not quite so madatBlixtas folks think but if my father mother and brother Dr Hayward were dead I would be the happiest man in the -world National Live Stoolc Convention Chicago At the meeting of the Na tional Live Stock Convention in this city the following officers were elected Pres ident Wm H Thompson Chicago treas urer L B Doud Chicago secretary Chas W Baker Chicago vice presidents D N Palmer St Louis TV B Stickney East St Louis J G Martin Omaha J H Nason Sioux City L B Doud Chi cago John Payne Kansas City W E Skinner Fort Worth Tex The next annual convention will be held at Fort Worth May Bar Our Sbeep Washington It is reported from London that Great Britain intends to pro hibit after January the importation of American sheep It is quite probable there will be vigorous protest from this Government The Agricultural Depart ment has not as yet received official noti fication of the proposed prohibition but the subject has been informally discussed by the officials The reason given for the proposed prohibition is the prevalence of scab disease in the sheep Concession froin China Pokt Towxscxd Wash A conces sion from the Chinese Government to build a line of railroad from tidewater to Pekin has been obtained by a syndicate of American capitalists The road will be about 209 miles long and will tap a valu able coal mining district Among the men of prominence said to be in the deal are Senator Calvin S Briee of Ohio Whitelaw Reid editor of the New York Tribune ex Secretary of State John Fos ter and others Cardinal Persico Dead Rome Cardinal Ignacio Persico pre fect of the Congregation of ludulgence and Sacred Relics is dead 1 Wishes to Be a State Oklahoma O T A large convention adopted resolutions earn estly urging on Congress to admit the ter ritory to statehood A committeo will bo ent to Washington to push the claims of Ihe territory Durront Denied a New Trial San Francisco The court has denied Theodore Durrant a new trial He will appeal to the Supreme Court Guilty olMtmy Murders Fort Wayae Ind Wm Stone ior Wr Y II liM NW tiMlmuvMtm mmmtmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm xler sentence of ten years hero for shoot ing Deputy Sheriff Harold has confessed to committing murders in Chicago Cleve land Kansas City and several other places His story is one of a life of murder bur glary train and stage robbery and is a startling confession Stone says he and his partner William Walrath killed a man at Kansas City in 1883 and robbed him but later gave the money to Henry Donnelly a policeman for protection He confesses to the mur der of Mrs Stewart and her son Clarence in Cleveland The bodies were cut to pieces and thrown into Lake Erie He says the following day he killed a boy in the Big Four yards in Linndale Ohio In Buffalo he and Walrath and a man named Burns a saloonkeeper killed a wealthy western farmer who was look ing for a good time The money was di vided and Stone and Walrath returned to Chicago and with their share started a restaurant Here Walrath married Stones sister Mrs Walrath died and Stone and Walrath left Chicago Later Stone re turned and was implicated in the murder of a father and son named Prunty Three men are now said to be serving life sen tences at Joliet for the crime but Stone was not arrested He then tells of a murder at Dunkirk N J where his side partner Duffy stab bed a pal named Buffalo Jack four times fatally and buried him in the woods Another murder was committed at Un ion City Pa the victim being an old man named Horton or Norton Another mur der was committed by the trio near SToungstown 0 the victim being a res Went of Ashtabula The last murder committed by Stone and Walrath was on April 12 1895 on a Pennsylvania fi eight train Cripple Creeks Wealth Colorado Sfrixgs J R McKinney one of the first practical miners to enter Cripple Creek and one who has made a good fortune said in speaking of the re cent boom in the Cripple Creek mines I am positive that Cripple Creek will next year produce 18000000 The values will bo more from the low grade ores though the extent of the rich ores already discovered is astonishing No one not as familiar as I am with the camp can under stand the enormous yield in sight of gold Dres running under two ounces to the ton ihat will pay a handsome profit to the mine owners All stocks in companies formed two or three years ago have a per manent value because they were honestly srganized and are honestly managed but Df the swarms of new companies I hav6 nothing to say The district may enlarge In area and these companies may develop good mines I am urging a still more close watch by the listing committees o all new companies Many companies will lot sell their shares here but will go east o unload upon the ignorant Bradstrcets Weekly Review New York Bradstreets report says Seneral trade continues the ieatures ot preceding weeks smaller volume quiet in most lines business being conducted jonservatively actively only among deal ers in woolens clothing shoes and hard ware and new orders generally of a filling n character The season has evidently oeen a late oneprolonged mild weather laving delayed orders until the Christmas lemand and the belated autumn request ame together Notwithstanding almost miform reports of quiet and unchanged onditions it should be noted that Jack tonville Augusta and Birmingham at the louth and Milwaukee Kansas iy and 5t Louis at the west prove exceptions to he rule by reporting gains in demand for vholesale staple goods compaied with the oreceding week Exports of wheat tlour included as vheat from both coasts of the United States none from Montreal amount to S13600U bushels as compared with ViGO000 bushels lust week and 301 L0UC Vushels in the week a vear ago Not a Paradise ior Miners Iroxwood Mich Letters just re ceived from Capt William Knight who eft here last September with a paityof juners for the gold fields of South Africa iidicale that the dark continent is not the jnineis paradise it has been painted The Iron wood men were promised desirable situations at salaries from 5 per day to 55000 per year Many of them have been mable to secure any work and are in Jo hannesburg which they describe as a human bee hive composed principally Df sharpers of both sexes and the miners ire principally native Kaffirs who work or about 80 cents a day and it is difficult or a white man to get employment at liv ing wages The letter states they will re turn to Michigan as soon as they noney enough to pay their passage get Gough Given Eight Years Chicago After two hours delibera ndi the jury which tried Geo Gough foi Jie murder of Geoige Pucik found Gough guilty of manslaughter and fixed lite pun ishment at eight years in the penitentiaiy file verdict was a surprise to all in the jourt room Roughs face brightened as he clerk announced the verdict and he vas greatly pleased Gough was an at iendant in the Dunning insane asylum md kicked a patient n armed Geo Pucik to 3eath The crime was at the time con sidered one of the worst affairs of its kind hat ever happened in Chicago A Triple Hanging Columbus S C Prince Graham Jason Blake and Wm Frazier were aanged at Hampton for the murder of F R Mears committed for the purpose of obbery On the gallows they persisted u saying that Win Blake sr had noth ng to do with the crime lie was con victed along with the others but received i life sentence He was taken from the sheriff and lynched as he was leaving court by a mob All of the men con fessed their guilt Two Counterfeiters Caught Washington The secret service has received word that Mike Ford and Wm Senter were arrested at Atlanta Ga with a large quantity of counterfeit 10 silvei certificates on their persons Ford fine Senter have been passing counterfeit bills hroughout the West and considerable piantities are known to have been dis posed of in Omaha Kansas City and Dal las Texas Bean Guessing a Lottery Springfield 111 In reply to the query Is it contrary to law to give pur chasers of 50 cents worth of merchandise me guess at the number of beansina jar Assistant Attorney General Newell says that it is and clearly conies withir he law regarding lotteries as all suck contests or guessing arrangements aa e been held to be lotteries Diamond Merchant Killed Peoria 111 Antone Hodenply oj tfew York a diamond merchant fell from a truck wagon at the railroad station herc and received iu juries from which lie dieO soon afterward Pie had 70000 worth o MUSSUyJJ1ZDSQSiiDl PRESIDENTS MESS AGE GROVEF SUBMITS HIS ANNUAL REPORT TO CONGRESS General Synopsis of the Views and Recommendations of the Head of the Nation Financial Problem Dis cussed at Length The Message The following is the text of the message in part of President Cleveland delivered to the Senate and House of Representa tives Tuesday To the Congress of the United States The present assemblage of the legislative branch of our government occurs at a time when the Interests of our people and the needs of the country give especial prominence to the condition of our foreign relations and the exigencies of our nation al finances The reports of the government officials fully and plainly exhibit -what has been accomplished within the scope of their respective dutes and present such recommendations for the betterment of our countrys condition as patriotic and intelligent labor and observation suggest I therefore deem my executive duty ade quately performed at this time by pre senting to congress the Important phases of our situation as related to our inter course with foreign nations and a state ment of the financial problems wlzlch con front us omitting except as they are re lated to these topics any reference to de partmental operations I earnestly in vite however not only the careful con sideration but the severely critical scru tiny of congress and my fellow country men to the reports concerning these de partmental operations If justly and fair lv examined they will furnish proof of as siduous and painstaking care for the pub lic welfare I press the recommenda tions they contain upon the respectful attention of those charged with the duty of legislation because I believe their adoption would promote the peoples good The Oriental Struggle The close of the momentous struggle between China and Japan while relieving the diplomatic agents of this government from the delicate duty they undertook at the request of both countries of render ing such service as the subjects of either belligerent within the territorial limits of the other as our neutral position per mitted developed a domestic condition in the Chinese empire which has caused much anxiety and called for prompt and careful attention Either as a result of a weak control by the central government over the provincial administration iohow Ing a diminution of traditional govern mental authority under the stress of an overwhelming national disaster or as a manifestation upon good opportunity of the aversion of the Chinese population to all foreign ways and undertakings there have occurred in widely separated prov inces of China serious outbreaks of the old fanatical spirit against igoreigners which if unchecked by the local authori ties if not actually connived at by thm have oulminated in mob attacks on for eign missionary stations causing much destruction of property and attended with personal injuries as well as loss of life Although but one American citizen was reported to have been actually wounded and although the destruction of property may have fallen more heavily upon the missionaries of other nationalities than our own it plainly behooves this govern ment to take the most prompt and decided action to guard against similar or per haps more dreadful calamities befalling the hundreds of American mission sta tions which have grown up throughout the interior of China under the temperate rule of toleration custom and imperial edict The demands of the United States and other powers for the degradation and pun ishment of the responsible officers of the respective cities and provinces who by neglect or otherwise had permitted up risings and for the adoption of stern measures by the Imperial government for the protection of the life androperty of foreigners wore followed by the disgrace and dismissal of certain provincial of ficials found derelict In duty and the pun ishment by death of a number of the of ficials Adjudged guilty of participation in the outrages This government Insisted that a special American commission should visit the province where the first disturbance oc curred for the purpose of investigation This latter commission formed after much opposition has gone overland from Tien Tsin accompanied bv a suitable Chi nese escort and by its demonstration of the readiness and ability of our govern ment to protect its citizens is believed to be a most influential deterrent of any similar outbreaks The energetic step we have thus taken are all the more likeh to result in future safety to our citizens in China becauce the imperial government is I am persuaded entirely convinced that we desire onlv the liberty and protection of our own citizens and redress for any wrongs they may have suffered and that wo have no ulterior designs or objects po litical or otherwise China will not forget either our kindly service to her citizens during her late war nor the further fact that while furnishing all the facilities at our command to further the negotiation of a peace treaty between her and Japan we sought no advantages and interposed no counsel The governments of both China and Ja pan have in special dispatches transmit ted thiough their respective diplomatic representatives expressed in a most pleas--- their jr ateful appreciation of our assistance to their citizens during the unhappy struggle and of the value of our aid in paving the way to their re sumption of peaceful relations Uncle Sam and Great Britain Our relations with Great Britain al wavs intimate and important have de manded during the past year even a greater share of consideration than is usual Several vexatious questions were left undetermined by the decision of the Behring sea ai bitration tribunal The ap plication of the principles laid down by that august body has not been followed by the results they were intended to accom plish either because the principles them selves lacked In breadth and dehmteness or because their execution had been more or less Imperfect Much correspondence has been exchanged between the two gov ernments on the subject of preventing the exterminating slaughter of seals The insuiTiciencv of the British patrol oi Behr ing sea under the regulations agreed on by the two governments has been pointed out and yet only two British ships have been on police duty during this season in these waters The need of a more effective enforce ment of existing regulations as well as the adoption of such additional regula tions as experience has shown to be ab solutely necessary to carry out the intent of the awards have been earnestly urged upon the British government but thus far without effective results In the meantime the depletion of the seal herds by means of pelagic hunting has so alarmingly progressed that unless their slaughter is at once effectively checked their extinction within a few years seems o be a matter of absolute certainty Should Pay tho Behrlnp Claim The understanding by which the United States was to pay and Great Britain to receive a lump sum of 425000 in full settlement of all British claims for dam ages arising from our seizure of a British sealing vessel authorized under the award of the Paris tribunal of arbitra tion was not confirmed by the last con gress which declined to make the neces sary appropriation I am still of the opin ion that this arrangement was a judicious and advantageous one for the govern ment and I earnestly recommend that it be again considered and sanctioned If however this does not meet with the favor of congress it certainly jyill hardly dissent from the proposition that the gov ernment Is bound by every consideration if honor and good faith to provide for tln sdhistment of these claim Dy arbitration as the only other alterna tive A treaty of arbitration has there fore been agreed upon and will be imme diately laid before the senate so that in one of the modes suggested a final set tlementmay be reached International Sea Rules Notwithstanding that Great Britain originated the proposal to enforce inter national rules for the prevention of col lisions at soa based on the recommenda tions of the maritime conference of Wash ington suggesting March 1 1S95 as the date to be sot by proclamation for carry ing these rules Into general effect her majestys government having en countered opposition on the part of Brit- T I mi I O l JU J I I Il i ii i -- Ji J ability to accept that date which Tra consequently cancelled The matte U now in abeyance without prospect of i better condition in the near future The commissioners appointed to marl the international boundary In Passamai quody bay according to the description oi the treaty of Ghent nave not fully agreed Alnaka Boundary Surveys The completion of the preliminary sur vey of that Alaskan boundary which fol lows the contour of the coast from the southernmost point of Prince of Wales Island until it strikes the 141st meridian at or near the summit of Mount St EHas makes necessary a further appropriation which is urgently recommended This survey was undertaken under the provi sions of the convention entered into by this country and Great Britain July 22 1892 and the supplementary convention of February 3 1894 As to the remaining section of the Alaskan boundary which follows the 141st meridian northwardly from Mount St Ellas to the frozen ocean no conventional agreement has yet been made Tho ascertainment of a given meridian at a particular point Is a work requiring much time and careful observations and surveys Such observations and surveys were undertaken by the United States coast and geodetic survey In 1890 and 1891 while similar work in the same quarters under British auspices are believed to give nearly coincident results but these surveys have been Independently conduct ed and no international agreement td mark those or any other parts of the 141st meridian by permanent monuments has yet been made In the mean time the valley of the Yukon Is becoming a highway through the unexplored wilds of Alaska and abundant mineral wealth has been dis covered in that region especially at or near the Junction of the boundary meridi an with the Yukon and its tributaries In these circumstances it is expedient In deed imperative that the jurisdictional limits of the respective governments in this new region bo speedily determined Her Brittanic majestys government has proposed a Joint delimitation of the 141st meridian by an international commission of experts which if congress will author ize it and make due provision therefor can be accomplished with no unreasona ble delay It is impossible to overlook the vital Importance of continuing the work already entered upon and supplementing It by further effective measures taking to the exact location of this entire bound ary line Vexatious Disputes with Canndn I call attention to the unsatisfactory dd limitation of respective Jurisdictions oi the United States and the Dominion ol Canada In the great lakes at the ap proaches to the narrow waters that com nect them The waters In question arq frequented by fishermen of both nation- alitles and there nets are there used Ow ing to the uncertainty and ignorance as to the true boundary vexatious disputes and injurious seizures of boats and nets bj Canadian cruisers often occur while any positive settlement thereof by an accept ea standard is not easily to be reached A joint commission to determine the linq In these quarters on a practical basis by measured courses following range marka on shore is a necessity for which imme diate provision should be made The Date Hawaiian Uprising Early in January last an uprising against the government of Hawaii was promptly suppressed Martial law waa forthwith proclaimed and numerous ar rests were made of persons suspected of being in sympathy with the royalist party Among them were several citizens of the United States who were convicted by a military court and sentenced to death imprisonment or fine or were deported without trial The United States while denying protection to such as had taken the Hawaiian oath of allegiance insisted that martial law though altering the forms of justice could not supersede jus tice itself and demanded a stay of execu tion until the proceedings had been sub mitted to this government and knowl edge obtained therefrom that our citizens had received a fair trial The death sen tences were subsequently commuted or were remitted on condition of leaving the Islands The cases of certain Americana arrested and expelled by arbitrary order without formal charge or trial have had attention and in some instances have been found to justify remonstrance and a claim for indemnity which Hawaii has not thus far conceded Mr Thurston the Hawaiian minister having furnished this government abun dant reason for asking that he be recalled that course was pursued and his suc cessor has lately been received Cordial Relations with Japan Japan has furnished abundant evidence of her vast gain in every trait and char acteristic that constitutes a nations greatness We have rqason for congratu lation in the fact that tne government of the United States bv the exchange of lib eral treaty stipulations with the new Ja pan was the first to recognize her won derful advance and to extend the consid eration and confidence due to her enlight enment and progressive character Tho Cuban War Cuba is again gravely disturbed by an insurrection in one respect more active than the last preceding revolt which con tinued from IbGS to 1878 in a large part o the eastern interior of the island em bracing even some populations on thq coast Besides deranging the commercial exchanges of the island of which oui country takes the predominant share this flagrant condition of hostilities by arousing sentimental sympathy and in citing adventurous support among our people has entailed earnest effort on the part of this governmnt to enforce obedi ence to our neutrality laws and to pre vent the territory of the United States from being used as a vantage ground from which to aid those m arms against Spanish sovereignty Whatever may be the traditional sympathy of our countrymen as individuals with a people who seem to be struggling for larger autonomy and greater freedom deepened as such sym pathy naturally must be in behalf of our neighbors yet the plain duty of their gov i ernment is to observe in good faith thq recognized obligations of international re j lationship The performance of this duty should not be made more difficult by a disregard on the part of our citizens of the obligations growing out of their alle giance to their country which should re strain them from violating as individuals the neutrality which the nation of which they are members is bound to observe in its regards to friendly sovereign states Though neither the warmth of our peo ples sympathy with the Cuban insurgents nor our loss and material damage conse quent upon the futile endeavors thus far made to restore peace and order any shock our humane sensibilities may havo received from the cruelties which appear to especially chaiacterize this sanguinarv and fiercely conducted war have in the least shaken the determination of the gov ernment to honestly fulfill every interna tional obligation yet it is to be earnestly hoped on every ground that the devasta tion of armed conflict may speedily be stayed and order and quiet restored to the distracted island bringing in their train tho activity and tnrift of peaceful pursuits One notable Instance of interference by Spain with passing American ships has occurred On March S last the Allianca while bound from Colon to New York and following the customary track for vessels near the Cuban shores but outside the three mile limit was fired upon by a Spanish gunboat Protest was promptly made by the United States against this act as not being justified by a state of war nor permissible In respect of vessels on the usual paths of com merce nor tolerable in view of the wan ton peril occasioned to innocent life and property The act was disavowed with full expression of regret and assurance of non recurrence of such acts The offend ing officer was relieved of his command Military arrests of citizens of the United States in Cuba have occasioned frequent investigation Where held on criminal charges their delivery to the ordinary civil jurisdiction for trial has been de manded and obtained in conformity with treaty provisions and where merely det tained by way of military precaution un der a proclaimed state of siege without formulated accusation their release or trial has been insisted upon The right of American consular officers In the island to prefer protests and demands In such cases having been questioned by the in sular authorities their enjoyment of the privilege stipulated by treaty for the con suls of Germany was claimed under tho most favored nation provision of our own convention and was promptly recognized Massacres in Turkey Occurrences in Turkey have continued to excite concern The reported massa cres of Christians in Armenia and the de velopment there in other districts of fa natic hostility to Christian influences nat urally excited apprehension for the safety of the devoted men and women who as dependents of the foreign missionary societies in the United States reside in of Their educational and religious mis sions No efforts have been spared in their behalf and their protection in per son and property has been earnestly and vigorously enforced by every means with in our power I regret however that on attempt on our part to obtain better In formation concerning the true condition of affairs in the disturbed quarters of the Ottoman empire by sending thither the United States consul at Slvas to make investigation and report was thwarted by the objections of the Turkish government This movement on our part was In no sense meant as a gratuitous entangle ment of the United States in the so called eastern question nor as an officious In terference with the right and duty which belong by treaty to certain great Euro pean powers calling for their interven tion in political matters affecting the good government and religious freedom of the non Mussulman subjects of the sultan but it arose solely from our desire to have an accurate knowledge of the conditions in our efforts to care for those entitled to our protection The presence of our naval vessels which are now In the vicinity of the dis turbed localities affords opportunities to acquire a measure of familiarity with the condition of affairs and will enable us to take suitable steps for the protection of an interest of our countrymen within reach of our ships that might be found imperiled The Ottoman government has lately Issued an imperial tirade exempting for ever from taxation an American college for girls at Scutari Repeated assurances have also been obtained by our envoy at Constantinople that similar institutions maintained and administered by our countrymen 6hall be secured In the en joyment of all rights and that our citi zens throughout the empire shall be pro tected The government however in view of existing facts is far from relying upon such assurances as the limit of its duty Our minister has been vigilant and alert In affording all possible protection in In dividual cases where danger threatened or the safety of our missionaries was im periled We have sent ships as far toward the points of actual disturbance as it is possible for them to go where they offer refuge to those obliged to flee and we have the promise of other powers which have ships in the neighborhood that our citizens as well as theirs will be received and protected on board their ships On the demand of our minister orders have been Issued by the sultan that Turkish soldiers shall guard and escort to the boast American refugees These orders have been carried out and our latest Intelligence gives assurance of the present personal safety of our citizens and missionaries Though thus far no jives of American citizens have been sac rificed there can be no doubt but that Berious loss and destruction of mission property have resulted from riotous con flicts and outrageous attacks The Fnancial Proolem As we turn from a review of our foreign relations to the contemplation of our na tional financial situation we aro immedi ately aware that we approach a subject of domestic concern more Important than any other that can engage our attention and one at present in such a perplexing and delicate predicament as to require prompt and wise treatment We may well be encouraged to earliest effort in this direction when we recall the Steps already taken toward improving our economic and financial situation and when we appreciate how well the way has been prepared for further progress by an aroused and intelligent interest in these subjects By command of the people a customs revenue system designed for the protec tion and benefit of favored classes at the expense of the great mass of our country men and which while inefficient for the purpose of revenue curtailed our trade re Jations and impeded our entrance to the markets of the world has been superseded by a tariff policy which In principle is based upon a denial of the right of the government to obstruct the revenues to our peoples cheap living or lessen their comfort and contentment for the sake of according especial advantages to favor ites and which while encouraging our in tercourse and trade with other nations recognizes the fact that American self re liance thrift and Ingenuity can build up our countrys industries and develop its resources more surely than enervating pa ternalism The compulsory purchase and coinage of silver by the government unchecked and unregulated by business conditions and heedless of our currency needs which for more than fifteen years diluted our circu lating medium undermined confidence abroad in our financial ability and at last oulminated in distress and panic at home has been recently stopped by the repeal of the laws which forced this reckless scheme upon the country The things thus j cemphshed notwithstanding their ex treme importance and beneficent effects fail far short of curing the monetary evils from which we suffer as a result of long indulgence in ill advised financial ex pedients The currency denominated United States notes and commonly known as green backs was issued in large volumes during the late civil war and was intended origin ally to meet the exigencies of that period It will bo seen by a reference I to tho debates in congress at the time the laws were passed author izing the issue of these notes that their advocates declared they were intended for only temporary use and to meet the emergency of war In almost if not all the laws relating to them some provision was made contemplating their voluntary or compulsory retirement A large quantity of them however were kept on foot and mingled with the cur rency of the counti y so that at the close of the year 1871 they amounted to 3S1 PS9073 Immediately after that date and In Jaunary 1S75 a law was passed provid ing for the resumption of specie pay ments by which the secretary of the treasury was required whenever addi tional circulation was Issued to national banks to retire United States notes equal Jn amount to SO per cent of such addi tional national bank circulation until such notes were redured to 5200000000 This low further provided that on and after the 1st day of January 1S79 the United States notes then outstanding should be redeemed in coin and in order to provide and prepare for such redemp tion the secretary ot tne treasury was authorized not only to use any surplus revenues of the government but to is sue bonds of the United States and dis pose of them for coin and to use the pro ceeds for the purposes contemplated by tho statute In May 1S73 and before the date thus appointed for the redemption and retire ment of these notes another statute was passed forbidding their further cancella tion and retirement Some of them had however been previously redeemed and cancelled upon the Issue of additional na tional bank circulation as permitted by the law of 1S75 so that the amount out standing at the time of the passage or the act forbidding their further retire ment was 241651016 The law of 1S7S did not stop at distinct prohibition but con tained in addition the following enpress provision Ana when any of said notes may be redeemed or be received into the treasury under any law from any source natever and shall belong to the United TFtates they shall not be retired can celled or destroyed but they shall be is sued and paid out again and kept in cir culation This was the condition of af ta n the 1st day of January 1S79 which had been fixed upon four years be fore as the date for entering upon th re demption and retirement of all these SS hJch uch abundant unent mu uc proviaea r The govern waa nnf i c P rTkv iF LUB sluauon or owing hoId1er3 of it3 notea delts pavable retired hPl whIch couId nefther be retired by receiving such notes in SorrnoibVSKaUon3 du th WerSnSl ItWasffl Vy aciual Payment in gold tl0TaST1id to rfdeem without redemp tion and to pay without acquittance The Gold Reserve cr ha been lssued and sold 95500000 orto bonds authorized by the resumption u3 the proceeds of which together I j r 6iu in tne treasury created a gold fund deemed sufficient to mot the de mands which misht be made upon it for thft redemption of the outstanding United States notes This fund together with such other gold as might be from time to ttime in the treasury available for the same purpose has been since called our gold re ifcrve and 5100000000 has been regarded as an adequate amount to accomplish its ooject This fund amounted on the 1st day of January 1879 to 114193260 and though thereafter constantly fluctuating nodldno f1 beJow that sum until July 1892 In April 1893 for the first time sinco its establishment thi3 revenue amounted to less than 100000000 containing at that uuio uniy IJlVUMU t In the meantime In July 1S20 an act Jnad been passed directing iarger govern- Turunasr BllVef treasury notes of GTeTTEItooTState should bo Issued payable on demand ir gold or silver coin at tho discretion of the secretary of the treasury It was however declared In the act to be the established policy of th United States to maintain the two metals on a fiarity with each other upon the present egal ratio or such ratio as may be pro vided by law In view of this declaration it was not deemed permissible for the secretary ot the treasury to exercise the discretion in terni3 conferred on him by refusing to pay gold on theso notes when demanded be cause by such discrimination In favor of the gold dollar the so called parity of the two metals would be destroyed and grave and dangerous consequences would be precipitated by affirming or accentuating the constantly widening disparity between their actual values under the existing ra tio It thus resulted that treasury notes Is sued in payment of 3ilver purchases under the law of 1S90 were necessarily treated as gold obligations at the option of the hold er Theso notes on the 1st day of Novem ber 1S93 when the law compelling the monthly purchase of sliver was repealed amounted to moro than 155000000 Thfe notes of this description now outstanding added to the United States notes still un diminished by redemption or cancellation constitute a volume of gold obligations amounting to nearly 500000000 These obli gations are the Instruments which ever since we have had a gold reserve have been used to deplete it This reserve as has been stated had fallen in April 1893 to 97011320 It has from that time to the present with very few and unimportant upward movements steadily decreased except as it has been temporarily replenished byi the sale ot bonds Among the the causes for this constant and uniform shrinkage in this fund may be mentioned the great falling off of ex ports under the operation of the tariff law until recently in force which crip pled our exchange of commodities with foreign nations and necessitated to somei i extent the payment of our balances Ja gold the unnatural infusion of silver into our currency and the increasing agita tion for its free and unlimited coinage which have created apprehension as to our disposition or ability to continue gold payments the consequent hoarding of gold at home and the stoppage of invest ments of foreign capital as well as th return of our securities already sold abroad and the high rato of foreigr ex change which Induced the shlpmer ot our gold to be drawn against as a mat ter of speculation The Throe Bond Issues In consequence of theso conditions the gold reserve on the 1st day of February 1894 was reduced to 65438377 having lost more than 31000000 during the preced ing nine months or since April 1893 Its replenishment being necessary and no other manner of accomplishing it belnff possible resort was had to the issue ana calo of bonds provided for by the act of 1375 Fifty millions of theso bonds wer sold realizing foS 03325571 which was added to the reserve fund of gold then on hand As a result of this operation this reserve which had suffered constant and large withdrawals in the meantime stood on the 6th day of March 1894 at the sura of 107446802 Its depletion was how ever immediately thereafter so acceler ated that on the 30th of June 1S94 it had fallen to 64873025 thus losing by with drawals more than 542050000 in five months and dropping slightly below its situation when the sale of 50000OCC ha bonds was effected for It3 replenishmeit This depressed condition grew worse tncj on the 24th day of November 1S94 our gold reserve being reduced to 557659701 it became necessary to again strengthen It Thi3 was done by another sale of bonds amountng to o0000CC0 from which there was realized 58538500 with which the fund was increased to 111 142021 on the 4th day of December 1S94 Again disappointment awaited the anx ious hope for relief There was not even a lull In the exasperating withdrawals of gold On the contrary they grew lar ger and moro persistent than ever Be tween the 4th day of December 1894 and early in February 1SS5 a period of scarce ly more than two months after tho ee ond re enforcement of our gold reservt bv the sale of bonds it had lost by such with drawals more than G9CC0C00 and had fallen to 41340181 Nearly 43009000 had been withdrawn within the month imme diately preceding this situation In an ticipation of impending trouble I had on the 2Sth day of January 1895 addressed a communication to the congress fully setting forth our difficulties and danger ous position and earnestly recommend ing that authority be given the secretary of the treasury to issue bonds bearing a low ate of interest payable by their terms in gold for the purpose of main taining a sufficient gold reserve and also for tho redemption and cancellation of outstanding United States notes and the treasury notes issued for the purchase of silver under the law of 1S50 This recom mendation did not however meet with legislative approval Bargain with the Syndicate In February 1S95 therefore the situation was exceedingly critical With a reserve perilously low and a refusal of congres sional ad everything indicated that the end of gold payments by the government was imminent The results of prior bond Issues had been exceedingly unsatisfactory and the large withdrawals of gold Im mediately succeeding their public sale in open market gave rise to a reasonable suspicion that a large part of tho gold paid into tho treasury upon such sales was promptly dravn out again by the presentation of United States notes or treasury notes and found it3 way to the hand3 of those who had only temporarily parted with it in the purchase of bonds In this emergency and in view of its sur rounding perplexities it became entirely apparent to those upon whom the strug gle for safety was devolved not onlv that our gold reserve must for a third time in less than thirteen months be restored by another issue and sale of bonds bearing a high rate of interest and badly suited to the purpose but that a plan must be adopted for their disposition promising better results than those real ized on previous sales An agreement waa therefore made with a number of finan ciers and bankers whereby it wa3 stipu lated that bonds described in the resump tion of 1875 payable in coin thirty yeara after their date bearing interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum and amount ing to about 62000000 should be ex changed for gold receivable by weght amounting to a nttie more man 65cooOCO This gold was to be delivered in such in stallments as would complete its deliverv within about six months from the date of tho contract and at least one half of the amount was to be furnished from abroad Tt was also agreed by those supplying this gold that during the continuance of the contract they would by every means in their power protect the government against gold withdrawals The contract also provided that If con gress would authorize their issue bonds payable by their terms In gold and bear ing Interest at the rate of 3 per cent per annum might within ten days be substi tuted at par for the 4 per cent bonds de screed In the agreement On the day Jia contract was made its terms were ewn municated to congress by a special execu tive message in which it was stated that more than 16000000 would be saved to the government if gold bonds bearing- 3 per cent interest were authorized to bo substituted for those mentioned in the contract The congress having declined to grant tho necessary authority to secure this saving the contract unmodified was car ried out resulting in a gold reservd amounting to 107671220 on the 8th day of July 1825 The performance of this contract not only restored the reserve but checked for a time the withdrawal of gold and brought on a period of re stored confidence and such peace and quiet in business circles as were- of the greatest possible value in every interest that affects our people I havo never had the slightest misgiv ing concerning the wisdom or propriety of this srrangement and am quite will ing to answer for my full share of re sponsibility for its promotion I believe it averted a disaster the imminence of which was fortunately not at the time generally understood by our people Though the contract mentioned stayed for a time the tide of gold withdrawals its kuuu iuiis uuum not oe permanent Appeals to Congress In conclusion I especially entrea the peoples representatives in the con Tess who are charged with the respoiSity of Inaugurating measures for the safety and prosperity of our common countrv to promptly and effectually ills of our critical flnanciailig0hntsdi hive suggested a remedy which tiress JT Serate ftlf them In 5gf eKgKSASr withrthlm to SvepitrtotfeftS tebr further the InterSt8PSSSS3flgri fare of our countrymen TE hZ i e -- - - u