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About Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1895)
J il f if v L M J V- f fj M I WWW Ff f v - - - VOL X V The Republican of last week in an editorial upon the District Judgeship contest case between Wejstover and Oartow afier reviewing the case makes some very stronir assertions which reflect upon the populist party audits members the Ikdi pkndent feels palled upon to refute Vnse false Recusation It says the populist leaders are si tempting to steal a lis iiiet judgeship This statement is in keeping with most statements made by thci i sheet The only place uhrte Judge Bartow claims fraua is in Dawse county and with the canvassing board and we ate pleased to imfonm the Republican editor that the county clerk in that county who is by law authorized t appoint two men -to as sist him make the otlicial canvass is a republican and the men selected by him are a democrat and populist If their was any stealing done the re publican clerk certainly had a hand in it In regard to the six Bartow votes is near home and is truh the most flimsy arguement we ever heard pre sented This nut a populist precinct and the republicans were represented on the election board did the republi can judge allow Bartow to be defraud ed out of votes that rightfully belong ed to him this is a likely story and must be a last resort And the Re publican attempts to misleat its read ers b saying that the populists are attempting to steat a judgeship As to the disgraceful words in regard to Judge Westover we have only to call the attention of our readers to the low down dishonorable work which this contemptable sheet resorted to two years ago when the present county superintendent was elected and before she went into office and was given a chance she has since proven to be the best official ever elected to that position in our county and her work was approved by the voters in the re election by a large majority We pre dict that the same will be the ease with Judge Westover It is characteristic of this man Barker to insult through through his paper every populist of ficial elected TJe refers to the record of the populist party being such that it drives honest conscientious men from our ranks Talk is cheap 1 ever before And had not over oie hundred popuhat voters moved out of this county the republican party would have been snowed under by a good majority which that party cer tainly merited upon its record for the cold black crime of dishonesty in or fice Latter The Supreme Court has granted the writ of mandamus applied for by Judge Bartow and the returns of Dawse county recanvassed with ihe same result as before which elects Westover by 11 votes -over Bartow and he now holds the certificate of election During the camnaign in Ohio this we will rind plenty of work at good wages which is all the American peo ple ask for Corn wheat oats and labor should raise instantly if the re publican confidence plea is correct The fact is this talk of confidence in the republican part is made to de ceive voters and they accomplished the purpose to their hearts content Can men be hood winked in this mat ter for ever Will they never learn to do their own thinking It is very encouraging fact to know that the populist party has shown a large increase of votes in every stale aud territory of the union especially in the eqstern states where the party has had no effective organization for over a year or two In many states the vote has more than doubled while in some states the multiplied by five six and eveu ten on i our former vote If this looks like Ga - dying the populist party is a veryiive ly and vigorous corpse If the party declines in the next year as it has done in the past we will knock both old parties crazy in 1896 Falls City Popuiist On Friday of last week Eugene V m Debs the great railroad labor leader have made the cimrge now point outi whl has beeu coniIied in jail the past a tew instances in the rpcord of the I alx months was released The im popunst party tht is not becoming of i pnsnnmeut of this man is a crime a part of honest intelligent tha will cast a black shadow upon the When we reter to republican Uuited Slates aud its people down to tion we onlv have to point to the court tne end of M ilm he constitution house steals in this and other counties uf tlls renublic irrants to even man I ----- k u t Populists area party of reform aud c1irgei Wltu crime a fair trial by a the party record will sustain this in jury ooaipostd f citizens Tni gru d every instance iiore populist vjtes m UUj tj10 noblest friend American - ij t 4 u - were yoneci ac tne late dieutiuu iu jabor ever had was denied this ilege and was sentenced to jail by a corrupt corporation Judge At this i office can be bad a few copies of the Coming Nation a great national paper containing the opinions of some of Americas greatest men upon this un just imprisonment Turn the Mascals Out Did anybody times to be good when niouey was scarce or times to be bad when money was plenty If that be so what right have the people to let a few rascally gold gamblers make money scarce when the govern ment which belongs to the people has year Gov McKinley said in his I the power to make it pleuty and it is speeches throughout the state that the prosperity that would flow t all people by an endorsement of the re publican ticket iu Ohio would be felt from one end of the country to the other How abouc it Did this great man lie The very next day after election the men employed in the npnhflr TTamndon Watch Co estab lishment of Canton Ohio were notifi ed that their wages would be cut 25 per cent and employment given only three days in a week This is a sam ple of the prosperity brought by re publican success The victory of no political party can bring prosperity to the people of this land until through legislation the national crimes accom plished through bribery aud corruption have been righted When this ia done vit matters not what political party is in power a general wave of prosperity is sure to follow and this nation will be populated by a happy and content ed people This plea of confidencc in the republican party is thin bosh the coustitutianal duty of the govern ment ot the United States to issue money enough to keep times goods If it ithe duty of the government to issue enough money to keep general prices stable and times good and the worse than political wrong dtfers to office because they are less criminal than their ad versaries is a libel on the people of the United States because it assumes that the people are so wicked that none bur wrong doers caii be found to ad minister the fiovernment when the tact is the great unorganized masrof the people are holiest it is rasc ility winch is organized It is the duty jef the people to raise in their might and put down organized rascality It can be easilj found because it is conenn t rated in an army of gold gamblers which own the republican and demo cratic parties This is a great advan tage in the fight for the rights of the ACllKSSTMAS JFT TO 8JI2SCEIKKK The Farm Record of Indianapolis Ind is a bright hustling wide awake sixteen page monthly journal publish ed at 50 cents a year by C Vincent formerly with the Noucomformist in Kansas and it is thoroughly alive to the needs of the farmers and full of sensible and business like suggestions as to how the most can be made from farm life Most farm papers from the East have little in common with our western and southern people and knowing but little of our surroundings they do not reach the point of making I tIiamculrac 1 rr iistioncn a fr fliA vote nasr100 u er This is not the case with tna west and spent last summer here and is fully acquainted with the peculiar position of the western and southern farmer He is also familiar in a general way with the needs of this class in all parts of the country having personally visited every agri cultural state in the union But he is now engaged in making a fight for the farmer that should endear him to every farm home The grain ring has had iu operation a system of weighing which has docked a very large portion oi your grain for years past Mr Vin cent has probed that ulcer and found a cure for it lie has arranged with a Chicngo firm to handle the farmers grain without any dockage and all grain will be weighed understate sup ervision US Knipe of Arlington gee your unrismiiis gut party in power wout let the govern- Awarded ment do its duty why do the people Highest Honors Worlds Fair vote to keep tnat party in power or put another party in power which has been legislating in favor of hard times If a farmer has a superintendent on his farm that destroyed his crops he would discharge him and wouldnt employ him again but the people have tried the democratic and republi can superintendents- of governmental affairs alternately for a good rauny years and each time the superintend nt makes times harder than his pre decessor and each time the superinten dent that was kicked out for his mal practice in the last election goes be DR K sAtish Iwfi 8Sr 111 Ki Sfii wltft MOST PERFECT MADE fore til people and asks them tc try pUre Grape Cream of Tartar Powder Free him again because the superintendent from Ammonia Alum or any otner adulterant they have is worse than he was Will I 4 YEARS THE STANDARD t r V V J 0 m WE DO NOT ASK SYMPATrjV BUT WE DEMAND JUSTICE FINAL PROOF NOTICES Parties having final proof notices In these columns will receive a marked copy of the Independent containing first insertion of same It is the duty of each claimant to examine their notice carefully and should there be any error the fact should be reported to the land office and to this office at once for correction Land Oflice at Valentine Neb Oct 25th 1S93 Notico is hereby given that the following named settler has lih d notice of his intention to make linal proof in support of his claim and said proof will he made before Register and Re ceiver at Valentine Nebraska on Dec 6th 1815 viz Franklin T Brackett of Crookston Neb HE No S505 for the se4 Sec 7 Tp 33 K 30 He names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud viz William Watson Herman Wfilsflocrr William A Wilson aiui James G Wilson all if ton Net C H GLOVER Register Land Ottice at Valentine Nebr I October Otli 1895 f Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of jwni mi inuu nubiuu wi his Intention to nu i i i t i piupie me L umniiu nnssu uc make final proof in support of his claim and covered before he can be caught and punished The two old parties have twenty years and all the boodle which remains on this side of the Atlantic is in sight and the boodlers are known They must be captured and brought to justice Silver Knight ETEEY be that said proof will made before Register and Receiver at Valentine Nebi on Dec VAh iRir TCatriHn W Cnrtfvnr been caught in the criminal business of Cody Neb who made TC Ealry No 7439 for 2 and s fc neh secsTp 31 R 33 of making hard times for the last p He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence on and cultivation of said andk John Bishop Edward S Weed Wallace E Nehon Edwin It oat ail of Cody Neb also Edward S Weed of Cody Neb who made TC luitrvXo74G3 far lots 3 4 and SE 4 KV jt Sec 30 Tp 32 it 35 He names tlw following witnesses to provo his Itiiiiiiiuuuh resilience upon ana cultivation ot said land viz Nathan W Conover John Bishop Wallace E Nelson Edwin R West all of Cody Neb also John Bishou of Cody Neb who made TC Em ry No 74t for iota i aim sk j4 a w a w h SK a Hec 3t Tp 32 R 3o W He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Natnan W Conover Edward S Weed Wallace K kelson Edwin It West oil of Codv Neb C R GLOVKH Register Land Oflice at v alentine Nebr I November Gth 1895 f Kotice is hereby given tlnttthe following nam od settler lias filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Jiegister and Kejeiver at Valentine Nebr on Dec lGth lSflriviz Frederick Silberhorn of Kilgore Neb HE No 0300 for the hoi swH sec is neU nwi and nwfci ne4 Sec 10 Tp 3 i 1131 He names the following witnesses to prove his SSiii SI3 resdence uponand cultivation of suu land viz Frank Hoffman of KilROxgNeb Henrv J Kiltrore of Johnstown ttuTitZZIiSLJt i i Cvl rv rt t r rilvV aWa m rtecprdor ggtt S U acting under me uirecuoua oi the Farm Liecord sent a carload of w heat to that market and saved a bushel This is only one of hundreds You can save money too on any grain you may have to sell this winter and if you have not a carload several can club together Hfru need the Farm Record to give you full directions and we will send that paper one year frftp to everv subscriber that sends or pays us a dollar on subscription either old or new during the next few weeks This is the most valuable gift that we can give you for it will put you in the way to save on your crop money that has been going to the grain ring Yon cannot afford to miss a single copy and you should act quickly and avail yourselves of this unparalleled offer before it is withdrawn It is too 5ter U S Land Office at Valentine eb November 12th 1805 Notice is hereby given that the following named bottler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support ot his claim and that said proof will he made before the Itejrstor and Receiver at Valentine Neb on JJeciiOth 1895 viz Marion O Metzger of Pullman Neb HE No 0034 for the seM sr Sec 20 and swjj swi Sec 21 and nek nel t Sec 29 nvrh mvk Sec Sse 23 Tp 20 R 35 He names the following witnesses to prove his cviitiimos residence upon aud cultivation of uiiiion pninilin piiristinn Nelson John Car penter and linos Doty all of Pullman Neb Also Enos Doty of Pullman Neb HE No 9033 for lots 2 and 3 scM nwk and sw U nei Sec 7 Tp 20 11 35 W He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz William Pullman Christian Nelson John Car penter and Marion Metger all of Pullman Neb C It GLOVER Register U S Land office Valentine elraslca t November 14th 1803 5 Complaint having been made at this office by James N Steadman against John Pardson for failure to complj with law as to Timber Culture entry No M3 dated June 3 1890 upon the Sy2 SIi4 and vSi SWM Hec 13 Twp 29 11 32 in Sherry county Nebraska with a view to the cancella tion of said entry contestant aliening that John iardson lias failed to break or cause to be broken ten acres of said tract and lias failed to nianinr cause to be nlanted ten acres in trees seeds or cuttings and has failed to cultivate or cause to he cultivated any part of said tract in the last four year of entry and that the land now broken on said tract is grown up in grass and weeds and thers are now no living trees on s id tract at this date aud claimant ha3 wholly abandoned said tract and has failed to euro his Iaahes to this date the said parties aro hereby summoned to appear at this oflice on the L3rd day of December 1S93 at 10 oclock a m to re spond and furnish testimony concerning said illPLd failure CE GLOVER Keglster LEGAL NOTICES Wlieriir Suie BY VIRTUE of an order of sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Cherry county Nebraska on a decree of foreclosure wherein Alfreda E Walker Is plaintiir and against Eleen A ArliH Clarjf J2 Nebraska Mortgage and Investment Compauy and C C Collins Receiver I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cabh at tne front door of the court hoube in the village of Valentine in Cherry county Nebraska that being the build ing wnerein rne last term os uie uisinct uoun in and for said oounty was held on the frond to last inns Gome aloner and thirtieth f30l dav of December 1893 at ten oclock a in the following describe lands and tenements to satisty the and costs in said action judgement for the sura of foiu hundred fifty eight dollars and fifty cents S45830 and costs taxed at twenty nine dollars and fifty cents 2950 and accruing costs to wit the north hall of the north west quarter NWJi section twenty five 25 aud the north half of the north east quarter N2 NE session twenty six 26 township 30 range 2G in Cherry county Nebraska Dated this 27th day of Nov 1895 C C PARKER Sheriff Kick and Tucker Plft Att s FARROWS MILITARY ENCYCLOPEDIA This is the Standard Military Encyclopedia of tho wurld and the oalyvork ot its kind in the English lanrnase It has tho endorsement of the War TJepurtmentand the leading military commanders of America and Europe It is Issued in three large octavo volumes ot about 10CO prges each printed on flno paper from new electiotype plates pro fusely illustrated and handsomely bound It is a complete library of military information both for military nnd non military people Every library should have it Circulars sent on application Good agents wanted MILITARY AND NAVAL BOOKS All the leading up-to-date military and naval books Price list rornished on application MILITARY NAVAL PUBLISHING CO 11 621 Broadway New York City VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY NOVEMBER 28 1895 Oxe populist state senator was elected in Ohic and the populist vote more than doubled This is very good considering that it is right in the re publican battle ground Do you welcome your tax collector When ou SHe him you tmile dont you Why not Cant you pay your taxes You would b better pleased if vour taxes were less wouldnt vou Wll thn just vote with the popu lists anq save taxes by cutting down to rPiSorable ind just sums all public oiljeial The big salaried fel lows think thev have got you bv the leg They can afford to drink line whiskies and smoke Havana cigars but you cannot Cut their salaries down They will be better men and vou will have tuckv Pooulist more monev Ken- WiaJJu m iimArrmrmKzimi If the republican promises made is Boiling Springs precinct which he j oeTore eiectIOU are to oe mimied we charges were thrown out and contends cm exPect great waves of prosperity that the noDiiiists are at fault This j to delSe this country and in short tiie time ever come when some politi cal party will have some other reason for asking the people to give it power than the fact thaits opponent has done it did To elect JUST OPE NED NO 41 GROCERY FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY STORE EverythingIjewFreshand First class A Complete Line of Groceries and Con- fectionery always on hand Fruits in season Headquarters for Farmers W A PETTYCREW Props OPE NED AGAIN And prepared to welcome ail old and new customers with t GREATEST BARGAINS ever offered in Valentine Just price our goods to be convinced DRY GOODS CLOTHING GEO CERE ALL FRESH GOODS JUST RECEIVED A large and carefully selected stock of Plain and Fancy G rocedes Sugar Canned Goods Dried Fruit Tea and Ooifee E MCDONALD WS TTAVK TTTSm oi i iii i ijr sa 86 OW MfJ KETS and OASES THE T RED FRONT CARRIES A COMPLETE LINE OE GENERAI MERCHANDIS Ha JACKSON BRAYTON Props Valentine Nebraska B ANK O L W A B LM SS8 I 9 19 0 1 1 a 1L acmwjum ili ruiaKJUMauaMi C H COICELIj President HI V JVIVIIOLSOX CaMts Valentine Nebraska A General Emitting Business Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Correspondents Chemical National Bank New YorK uirst National Bank Omaa CITIZENS - WILL FURNISH - Fish G ame Tender Steafes Jucy Roasts Dry Salt Msas and the fin est line of SmGsfi Hams and Breaklast Bsodb 1 ever sold in town At StettersOia Stand on Hain Street THE PALACE J W STETTER W O A OH rsn HEADQUARTERS WINES IIQTJORS and CI Jr Sl Oi tlxi Chokes Brnjs