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About Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1892)
V KvJ ft -7 -Or 1AM rv ft rSiL - jPM8wI J I n V I fcl - -v-- Si r - J jk If Y f kv F VOL YIL VALENTINE f f CHERHY CO INDEPENDENT PUBLISHED EVEIIY TllUKSDAY Farkis fc Hawkes Publishers Societies Hinuekaduss odge No 192 A F A in regtilnrooinnmnication Saturday on or before tlie full moon in each month members or the order in goot and regular stand ing cordially laid fraternally inviuri to aitairt W T BuliisW M C H CoitxErii Secy Valentine Lodge No 70 A O U W meets be 1st and ir Monday in each month C II Cornell M W It N Watson Itec PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS J M MlILEK J 3T J Jors MILLER JONES t Office west side main streetoppositeDonober Hotel VALENTINE NEBRASKA CITY HOTEL M S WELCH Proprietor Just opened in Thacher building east bide main street Everything new and strictly first class Sleeping accommodations convenient Tables furnished with the best in market Good livery stable in connection NEBRASKA QYRUS W KINS fiTTTTCTTKTnENT OP SCHOOLS Itegnlar examination of teachers the third Saturday of each month at his office in the Court House VALENTINE XEBKASKA J CyDWYEll JPJtvjsieian and Surgeon Office at Watson - Jacksons Drug Store Prompt attention given to all professional calls Valentine Nebraska TJJD CLARKE All kinds of legal business promptly attended to Valexti e - Nebraska TP W HARNEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office 1st door souths s Land Office Main St - Nehraska Vale tixe The onolier Hotel been rebuilt and every room furnished Has New Suits of Furniture it one of the mos complete and Making In the Northwest room and good livery Sample in connection r - - - - VALENTINE NEB GJTY BRAY CHARLES WARD PROPR ALL KNTDS OF DRAYING AND EXPRES WORK -Satisfaction guaranteed A Liberal Share of Patronage Solicited RAY HOUSE Successor to Tlie Valentirje Hotel NEAREST THE DEPOT irwrvthin New and Strictly Firstclass SblSfSSlshed with the best in the market Sleeping T accommodations most convenient Good Sample Room For livery hire inquire of the clerk Mrs A Ray Valentine Neb CARLSON HOFFMAN THE FO PUIAR TftllOR pOES ALL WORK NEATLY AND CHEAPLY A Pine Assortment of clothing Just Beecived and will be sold at oek Bottom Prices jjAIN STREET VALENTINE J uwyv wy1 j PROGRAM OpeDing Chorus U lT1T1tttt WEEKLY aZETKOROKOttlCAK KB- IORT V S Weather Bureau Valentine XelK for tlie -week ending Iec til 9 Highest tcniperture 40 Dec istli Lowest temperature 13 Dec 21th Highest velosity of wind an hour 25 miles Prevailing direction N W Total precipitation Ili CITY BREVITIES m k siisoAy school caktata Cornell Hail Monday Evening Iee 26 7 30 p m Choir Prayer Anthem -Cantata Merry Christmas or a visit from Santa Clause members of the S S A Christmas treat will be givesi at the close of the entertainment All are cordially invited By order Committee Merry Christmas to all Our Washington letter was recei ved to latefor this issue There was quite a sprinkling of Domanies at the M E Church last Sunday evening ScorGyour ticketfortheEringlpc They have crowded houses so re serve your seats Sheriff Johnson and attorney Jones Were attending to legal business out in Kennedy precinct Tuesday Our winter weather commenced in earnest Tuesday night the thermometer-registering lS below zero Remember the mimstrel troop at theGornell hall commencing this even ing and continuing three nights Go to hear the talented comedian Johnie Pringle and the beautiful ac tress JDella Pringb and you will never regret it Dont you think your turkey would digest better if you would just callon the printer and settle for your paper before Christmas Websters Jfew International Dictionary ad may be foimd in this issue If you are thinking of getting one we can save you money De not miss seeing the Comedy Ideals The press gives to them the highest recomendations as representa tives of western talent and western enterprise Miller Jones are not discour aged over as little a thing as a change of name in the party at the head of our government as long as the princi ples are the same so they are fitting up one of the finest oiKces in town Servicejn the M E church Sun day Dec 25at 11 a m and 730 p m Subject for evening discourse The Book Opened Revival Service each evening A cordial invitation extend -to all p L Ramsey Pastor JLBallard of Cody while at tending to business in town Saturday made this oce a pleasent call and im forms us that crops were good in his section of the county whe at averaging about 16 bushel and corn 35 bushels per acre Judge Walcott was attending to legal business in Dead Wood S D the fore part of this week The Judge imforms us that he visited Hot Springs while in that vicinity and spent one day in sight seeing which he enjoyed very much SuptKing received the sad intelli gence last Priday that his oldest child a daughter 8 years of age now living with her aunt at Marshalltown Iowa had fallen on the side walk while run ning home from school and broken her arm above the elbow Metcalf the ablest politicat writer in Nebraska will represent the World Herald at Lincoln during the coming session of the legislature This means that the World Heralds reports of legislative doings and legislative strug gles will be highly interesting and readable People of Nebraska are al ready familiar with the peculiar style which makes those articles in the World Herald which are signed Met so eagerly sought for Por the conven ience of our readers we will take sub scriptions for the weekly World Herald at 100 a year or to the daily World Herald during the session of the leg islature at 150 Subscriptions taken at the Independent office will receive prompt attention Oliver Moyer of Wood Lake called at this office today J M Callen came up from hif farm yesterday for a few days visit A- Segt Major Yanlvanham of Pt Niobrara was a very pleasant caller at this office Tuesday Jonnie and Delia Pringle are com y ing the best entertainers in the west Do not fail to see them Mr Lewis of Springview repre senting the Springview nursery is tak ing orders for trees in our city Ueautiful dances delightful mu sic and two hours of solid enjoyment with Jonnie and Delia Pringle The childrens Christmas Festival of St Johns Church will be held next Tuesday evening at 7 30 All are cordi ally invited We call the attention of our read ers to an essay in this issue entitled School Government as we consider it worty of the careful perusal of all WHY SOT HAVE A PICKLE JFAO TOJEY IX VALENTINE Pickle factories have been a success in other places why could not one be made so here If farmers can afford to raise pickles on land worth from 40toJ100 per acre in the east cap- not farmers compete with them here on land- worth 10 per acre If the citizens of Valentine havoi a desire to see the town grow and made prosperous it must endevar to build up or encouragae the building up of some kind of industries that will help out the farmers who so largely support the town Who will take hold of this question at once and if necessary call a meeting to assertain what a plant would cost and whether there is real enterprise enough to push the project to completion which would without doubt be to success Now is the time to do it if anvthinsr is to -be i vH done as it requires time to perfect an organization and transack the business preparatory to starting the enterprise Valentine is fast gaining a reputation as a fine young city characterized for its cleanliness healthliness fine cli mate pure water diversified scenery and all the necessary pre requisites for a thriving town Will our business men look at this in its true light and jput forth at least enough energy to properly investigate this matter The columns of the Independent are always open for anyone who has any project that would be of interest or benefit to Valentine and Cherry coun ty THE DESIOHEST SILVElt MBBAi CONTEST Last Saturday evenings entertain ment at the M E Church brought out a full house Mrs S Moon who 7has charge of the contests this being the tenth one seems tpbe the right person for the position the work of the Legion is one in which she is especial ly interested The folio wing young ladies contested for the silver medal Alma Carlson Subject The Martyr ed Mother Lottie Hubbard Sub ject A voice from the Poor House Ina Flowers Subject Young Amer icas War cry Daisy Stilwell Sub jet The cry of To day Isis Lincoln Subject Prohibition the hope of our Country Abby Razey Subject Moral suasion or Prohibition The Independent will not particu larize on the various contestants as this duty was assigned to the follow iug gentlemen judges who decided the case upon its merrits Dr Waterson T C Hornby and Dr C A Wells We would only say that it was regarded as a very even contest and had some of the participants more thorougly memorized their selections and taken more time in delivering the result might have been different Rapid delivery is not essential and should be avoided until other and more import ant points are mastered Expres sion should be the first great point sought after by the young speaker then speed and other features may be acquired We shall expect to see an improvement in this one point at least at the next contest Rev O L Ramsey favored the meeting with a solo I am- that wondering boy Mrs W L Cassady of Chadron was present and took part in the enterta in ment Mrs Kamey in a few well chosen remarks presented the silver medal to Miss Abby Razey Miss Daisy Stilwell was marked second best - -- rrtiiir T Pigs for sale fice Inlvmrnlyrt We do not ask sympathy but we demand Justice VALENTINE CHERRY C NEBRASKA THURSDAY DECEMBER 22 1892 Inquire at this of Prices to suit the country at SteinbrecherSj Georgia ISTebr Toys given away- with goods at E McDonalds Store For a No 1 5c 10c or 25c toy call at Dr Lewis Store Did you get one of those fine Pastel Pictures at the Eed Front Dolls Oh -Dolls and colored at Dr Lewis CLOSING OUT white Storei Toys Toys Toys by the thou sand at Dr Lewis Drug Store Christmas toys of every de scription at E McDonalds Crook ston Store Before buying your pretents call at Dr Lewis Drug Store and get bargains Dr Lewis has the best line of toys that was ever to Yalentine brought Give your friend a Xmas present of a fine Pastel Picture at the Hed Front Crookston people can buy their presents at E McDonalds Store at bottom prices Take advantage of the low prices on Felt boots at Steinbrech ers Georgia Nebr t The finest -scheme in the vorld given away with baking jowder at E McDonalds Everything in the line of Christmas goods at prices below competition at E McDonalds Dont buy your Christmas presents until you call and get prices at E McDonalds Crook ston Store Remember that Dr John Nichol son the dentist will be m Valentine the 20th of each month and remain four days - Beautiful Pastel Pictures given away at the Bed Front With dry goods hats and caps boots and shoes i - For the finest line of plain and fancy individual cups and saucers at rock oottom prices go to Lewis drug store Mr J C Boswell one of the best known and most respected citizens of Brownwood Texas suffered -with diar rhoea for along time and tried many different remedies without benefit until Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remeby was used that re lieved him at once For sale by Wat sou Jackson 1 S 1 7 Holiday Kates Excursion tickets will be on sale Dec 24 25 2t and 31st 1892 and Jan 1st and 2nd 1893 toj any point within 200 miles at one and one third fare Tickets good returning until Jan 3rd NOTICE The second semi annual meeting of the Cherry County Farmers Alliance will be held at Valentine Dec 31 92 Delegates are earnestly requested to be present as business of importance will come before the meeting Mrs S E A Fowler County Secretary Notice The Miunechaduza Mill will deliver all kinds of mill feed including chopped corn and oats to private parties Cash in advance on Tuesdays and Fridavs of each week Orders can be left at Watson Jackssns store fI Stray Xotice drug Taken up at my place in Sec 7 Town 34 Range 32 in Cherry county Nebraska One red cow branded I D 690 and has several old brands has no horns has a red and white spot ted bull calf with her Joseph MVISSER jjrlj B B n B BTR W f 9JA t w I U3 L U lu 8 f P v OBBLBBBH a VJ3tt2 b Bea U E iif Jr B i r Kn u C H COKNEIjJLFtesitlKttt Valentine MEAT1 eftNu YOU ARELINVT NO 47 - WHERE DO YOU BUY YOUR GOODS Iff not at the WJiJ ROtV We sell good goods to allior tlie LOW PRICE Special prices for tlie next SO days D Locatedtwo miles east of Fort Niobrara WF H L P Q same 13 V VIVISGLSOX Vaxhvtt Nebraska A General Eanlsing JBnahtess Transacted JSuys andiSells Domestic and Foreign FoccJiange Correspondents Chemical National Bank NVv Yon- First National Pank Omaha T w F el lj 41 L J A G To Call When in jNeed of the Very Tnresfc WINES LIQUOKS CIGARS ETC This Saloon is conducted in an ordhklv and systematic mancer Careful and honest men in charge of the bar day and nio ht The Finest POOL AND BILLIAPD TABLES for the amusement of patrons Chas Strickland First Door South of Bank of Valentine Proprietor ft Efl1 Hu F1 y v rt ash y mi br l - WILL FURNISH - Fisii Game lender Steaks Juicy coasts ury sail mea AXD THE m T T VfS1 m m R r87fi 5 j IdJNlfi OF SMOKED HAMS BREAKFAST BAC0M Ever Soldin Town Hfcn Oillifis bfiCil irRBPr At StettsrsOia Stand on Main Street I T VjT VTV IV I Jr3 yiM fr Proprietor of M PI BtILn DEAIKIt - ftt tl Fresh Salt and Smoked Poultry and game of every disc iplion in season SH0F 0m D00E N0ETH JDF POST OFFICE YALEHTIffE - - ITEBEAEEI THORN c TANSTEENIS u ill Hi W GENERAL MACHINISTS AND 3 Sit A fa AINTERS complete line of farmers supplies such as rees neck yokes Plows devices etc OHKISTMAS PEESEKTS At 0 W Moreys Jewelry lilillinery store Ladies and Gents gold and silver watches Kbvelties in clocks Endless varieties of jewelry -Novelties in silverware gold pens rrnlrl Rnpprnrlfs nTifl rrmRipalin V stiumbnts would call your special attention to the Auto harp also The Old Ivory fin ished Busts and Figures You can find jnst what you want if you come early CHEAT BIBLE iCDMffilUfflL Thousands of Dollars jn JErazarik Bible -Readers The Ladies Hohe MAOAzrarpraaMialtesitaRa Competition to the public of America TTniTlir M anair er to the following questions recemfiiatttfisaafee will get 1000 in cash the second aOOcasb3nLflBHS Piano 4th lLadiea 8eal Coat 5Uj v0 roissa Mtfc Ladies Gold Watch 7th Bilk jDress OHwnUowBHS decant SilTer Tea Sots to thnestlDOaeoirtaHiKTaE 1000 beautiful a oclock SAter Serrices anH 12680 -articles of making the raostianrmiirereaZ magnificent list of reward ater off eTedlbj anjjrriftHEwei QCESTIOra U HorrmanrBooki disseise tain 2 How many Chapters 3 TZotf gnoitf wuuaS I garETeryJist of answers mustberaeeompenietilljv Sll I pa for six months subscription to the atxnrxn JELati MAGAZIKX one of tho brifatgttrn3 Hup ilHrg M3g publications of tho dsr Last Pxiees In addition toiheaBOTCTwawQlsjhB J00O prizes consistms of magnificenttSilTtr Ssrrbe aim o clock Serrices kctc for Last Corraei before the close of tteComwiliiinvrtScitoRilib en December 31 1832 The object in offering ttese3TDQTalpiize3articasMSiHk the Iuldizs Homz Magazikx iin 2S7fimms iin tite XTnited States and Canada IBrusnt adiKcilfers rs jarail thcmsdiea of it br ndcajng yfHi nn iHe rjf answers and the tite Z4agazinecanbeBentforixinoiiaaairn3wfeiircHai extended beyond the time tQreaAjTpaia Qaz Siaa ta uutumcnjaiuiDtaa mejtniigQangBgjur znmrp j iieir xore arancn mrncsn cmrrsnqy cbbS wuia wiuKwuua jw SOJO 3sa VtSSiTXKS utcrs LaorcEs ias uajzias ibeojcgh Oacsda Ripans Tabulest seederfiaficiailri Eipans Tabulesiarealirysi e Jl f ft b r