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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1963)
nE5,jetArSMOtTTH JOURNAL" ji PAOB FIVE- i Thursday, January 24, 1963 i n! Disabled Vets: ; Jan. 31 Is Important Date Nebraska dLsablpri veterans, a. This Coupon Entitles Bearer to You can save on your Wonders Free Picture Album and Picture Packet No. 1 rS of toe Animal Kingdom collection f '". 't.?s1wx('A--& '. V.tiL ...i..-it- mrr . ... long with their dependents, now on the nonservtce - connected pension rolls, will have thei', pension checks discontinued im- :: o: t UIUI VolU.Uie MXC COUOOIU BMIM tl . Valid Only at Hinky Dinky thru Wed., Jan. 30th (N-30) ' ,' week. START WITH THESE NOW! OOOOdOflUOOOOO' jess they return the Income' A. .1 ..' t. ." "il A l. . .OftW.v;'. J" i..' .:r'i.uv .v.v, .-.'.-.'....'. V isms' jsf-ftefe 4 w ' 21 packets of pictures MU ire collection There are in the entire and each brilliantly colored pictures. ft Etlrv Tunrj Sfarkiitg or Golden, Tcp Tteib, . Season's Finest, Lb 4 PecJuring Top Frost The Aristocrat of Froxen Foods Top frost Sliced Peaches it?... ....2i49c Top Frost Whole Asparagus teVkg,. ..39c Top Frost Ford Hook or Baby Green Lima Beans SS? 2 ? 39c "7 If i - I'M, m - v 'SW iAjV 'iU. So Crisp and Pull o? Cnappy Flavs; Fancy Fresh, Full Red ' Florida, Per Bag ....... . . ; . ..... ". From the Famous Florida Indian River Section White Maish Seedless or Ruby Red Grapefruits 6549c Florida Marsh Seedless or Ruby Red Grapefruit10;.9- 2529c U.S. No. 1 Louisiana Kiln Dried Yams 2 th' 29c Fancy Fresh Calif. Large Size Avocados Each 19c J7 ; tf f , vVy'V -;V." :W.C;C STARTER 0 liL&Ein SET , ; Packets No. 2 & 3 of 20 Pictures Each Are Now on Sale at 4W - 1 IJ 15c Each 'A C"K f J, ,W F 'ST-..- Delicious Hardwood Smoked Picnics for Nutritious and Economical Main Dish, Swift's Premiua or Wilson's Certified Sugar Cured Short Shank, Whole or He!?, 6-8 Lb. Avg., Lb.. . . . Sliced and Tied, Lb. Fresh fruit, vegetable and mzot prices effective Wed., Jan. 33th. We reterve Large Pkg. . . 34c For Automatic Washers Cascade 2o-o,. P!ig 49c Clccner wi:h Ammonia ly Andy ...Alc M TopEVa!ueFStomP3 With the Purchase of i Pk;s. o? JirFY CAKE FROSTING $f OR EROWN1E MiX 'alld only lit HInliy Kindy thru Vd., 2 Jhu. 3D1 h. (null Value I1U of lu mffiw. Extra Fre a. a sm Top Value Stan: With the Purchase of 2 Lbs. of Premium Quality FOOD CLUB MARGARINE: Valid nnlv at Hinky Dinky thru Vlrd., dan. Sltth. lanli taiun liu ul lc wmm i 2 S35- I - Bring this coupon to Hinlcy Dinky on this week's shopping trip. You'll receive the Album and Packet No. 1 of 20 pictures absolutely free. There are 21 packets of pictures in the entire collection each contains 20 beau tifully colored pictures. Hinky Dinky will . offer 3 NEW PACKETS EACH WEEK. A valuable coupon in our weekly ads will make ONE of these packets FREE. The other two will costs 15 cents each. U.S.D.A. Choice Lamb Scale U.S. D A. Cheie Small Loin Chops lb 99c U S D A. Choice Lamb Rib Chops ib 79c U.S.D.A. Choice Shoulder Chuck Wagon delusive at Hinky Dinky Skinless Franks ib 49c j?4 .' j Sliced Beef Liver Lb 49c Young, Tender Beef Hearts ib. ...39c American, Brick. Pimento or Swu American Cheese Lb 59c Armour's Star Roll Sausage .. 3s$l J ' If' -J S-Jf thru Sst., Jan. 26th. All others effective thru tlie right to limit quantities. lux Colors, Reg. Bars . . . 2 23c lm BArr.f.ed. 2 s 33c lm STSSi. 39c 171 7juuuuou'juaiiuuououuuuoo(iwo')ii 1 ift m Extra Free reiL? Top Value Stamps TJUJ J Yj With the Purchase of SiMONIZ 2 VJSTA SPRAY DE-ICER Valid only at Hinky IHnUy thru Wd., Jitn. .lth. t uh VulUA llll uf 1C t U0G3L x Extra Free Top Value Stamps nniiav7. With the Purchase of a Large 22-oi. Plastic Bottle of TOPCO LIQUID DISHWASHING DETERGENT Valid anly at Hinky Dinky thru d.. Jan. 311th. lam value Jiu ul 10 H 7 A, MB -23 feA by Jan. 31, 1963. A. H. Duxbury, VA Regionaf Office Manager in Lincoln, is-, sued this warning to the nearly 3000 pension recipients in Ne-, braska who have not yet returnT" ed their completed cards. , He pointed out the cards wefe.', sent with the November checks, with a printed warning that' failure to return the cards by. January 31, 1963, would result ui uisconunuance oi tne pep,-, sion payments. Since these benefit's are paid, only to those disabled veterans or their dependent widows ' of .' children whose incomes are be low cretain limits, the VA is re quired by law to receive an in-' come report each year to sup'-v! port the pension payments. Duxbury emphasized that the, law and regulations permit no leeway 'either the beneficiary renorts his income nr thR vi 1 must stop payment as of Feb ruary i. Eagle News Mrs. John Fischer Phona 584-61 4 J Mrs. Charles Somerhiser had ' surgery on her legs at St. Eliza- oeui nospuai, j,incoin. me lam ilv in the former Tria Ohprlp property. Mrs. Somerhiser has suffered from diabetes several months. Evan Root re-entererl Brvan Hospital and had surgery a ad skin grafts Wednesday. He was : piacea in usoiauon as a guard,, against infection. - - - Edward Gerhard who had surgery a few weeks ago has re turned home and is recovering.. sausiacioruy. Mrs. Eldon Moore anrf inn.. Gene of Weeping Water visited, k nei sisier-m-mw, Mrs. 1 v U" Baker, visiting from Rock Is7ll land, 111., Sunday. Tjig iajUerj . - tt train. Mr anrt Wra A rf nqn.fn Napa, Calif., left Sunday morn-' ing for home after several weeks at the home of his brother, Ralph, during the latter' sura- ery, hospitalization and subse-n quent critical illness and death.. The Art Ransfords were to stop over with her sister and hus-!, band, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stoner in Lawrence, Kan., and at the Ronald Lutz home in, Holton, Kan. Two Eagle men were married,, Saturday evening Gary Truism kenbolz, son of Mr. and Mrs,- Kenneth Trunkenbolz, to Carp-" lyn Vincent of Alvo, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vincent, . at. Alvo: and Glenn Paxwatprs" son of Mrs. Glenn Paswaters of,' near Eagle, to Kayla Miller of Wahoo, at Havelock. .... Out-of-town relative attprui. ing the Ralph Ransford funeral'. were jvir. ana Mrs. Arthur Rans ford. NaDa. Calif - Mr nnH Mr!1' Louis Stodgell, Morning Sir? Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Baker,, Rock Island, 111.; Mr. and Mrs.' Ardell Weeks, Lawrence, Kan.;! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ktnmbn Tonekal Kan.: Mr. anrl iifj" Eldon Moore and sons Jamds Rick and Gene, Weeping Water1;" Mrs. E. E. Moore, Weeping Wa ter Mr nnrt Mrs Tl ards, Lincoln; Myrna Richards;' Grand Island, and Mrs. Ruth' Guerthwohl, Beatrice. - ' Mr. and Mrs. Garv Earl mnvprt into their new home in the northeast part of town last weekend from the DX property? The annual men's supper was served by the WSCS Wednesday evening at Eagle Methodist Church. Planning and the pro gram was by a men's commit tee. ,., The Irvin Sawtelle family moved into the DX property Monday from the farm known as the Dodrill place northwest, of Eagle. Mr. Sawtelle has been hospitalized some time with a" stomach ailment. Out-of-town callers at the John Fischer home were tfTy? Orill Aliens and Delbert Smiths'" of Lincoln, Fred Rudolphs of Wilcolm, Ray Hanseas of Elm wood and Mrs. Dick Fischer1 of Alvo. Mr. Fischer remains a bout the same, able to be irr a' wheelchair anrl armchair nni. of each dny and enjoys vlsils. irom relatives and friends. Erica Starck. Elizabeth Mev-' ers and Mrs. Martv Price, all nf Lincoln and teachers at Ch'irTes Culler Junior High School, arid Mrs. Evelyn Ran.sford of Eagle' were at me latter s home Sun day afternoon. Monday evening callers at the Ransford home" Included' Mrs. Doyle G u m ptJ (Jrmertyof Eagle, Mrs.' Mevers' nd mii. Lorene Slmms, all of Lincoln. ' : ; ' . -