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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1963)
I' TEX PLATTSMOUTH JOVRNAlt PAGE FOUR I Thursday, January 24, 1963 I Union Items Mn. L C Todd Sunday evening visitor at the home of Mrs. Sarah Rich and daughters were Mis Barbara Chapin of Nebraska City and Robert Rled of Webb City, Mis souri and Mrs. Grace Zorn and Stevle Morton. Mrs. R. A. Cundall of Murray honored Mrs. Margery Ridgway with a Bridal Shower at her home on Friday, Jan. 18th. As sisting hostesses were: Mrs. William Splitt, Mrs. Alvin Mei singer and Mrs. Grant Deter ding. Mr. and Mrs. John McQuia and family of Bellevue were supper guests of Mis. Nettie Mougey last Monday evening. Later in the evening as they returned to their home they called on Mrs. Rich and daugh ters. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Zorn of Omaha were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Zorn. Mrs. Harry Gobelman, Mrs. -John Xverett and Mrs. Roy Becker attended the Womans Department of the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints meeting last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Clifford Allen at Nebraska City. ' Mrs. Lydia Midklff and Mrs. Margaret Everett are two of our older ladies who are patients at St. Mary's Hospital at Nebraska City. Mrs. Lydia Croy of Pasadena, California and brother, Delbert Todd, spent the afternoon with Mrs. Todd last Thursday. Mrs. Croy expects to retura to her home next week. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Borne meier of Elmwood visited at the home of her uncle, Edward Ger hard. Sunday afternoon and evening. Mrs. Dale Oberle and son Roger ef Lincoln also called In the afternoon. Mrs. George McPall of Brans wick spent a few weeks at the home of her sister, Mrs. Sadie TrumWe, returning home with her son Maurice who arrived by plane from California and drove his mother to Brunswick. Steve Wiles Named Production Manager S. G. (Steve) Wiles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wiles of Platts mouth, has been named by Shell Oil Company to dlylsion pro duction manager, coastal divi sion in Ventura, Calif. Wile worked for Shell la Ven tura in 1960 as division mechan ical engineer before beine as- sigmed to Los Angeles as chief ineciianjcai engineer lor the Pacific Coast area. He plans to move back to Ven tura with his wife, Theda Rae, and their four children, sons Stephen, 13, and Randall, 11 and twin daughters, Becky and Robin. 8. next month Wiles started with Shell in 1947 as mechanical engineer trainee in Tulsa, Okla. He prog ressed to DOsit.lnni nt mnra re sponsibility holding the title of division mechanical engineer in New Orleans In 1956, In Bakers- field, 1958, and ki Vnetura, 1960. He was on special assignment In New York and In Tha t-Tq Holland, the international head quarters of the oil firm in 1957. He Is a graduate of the Uni versity of Nebraska and served In the United States Armv Corns of Engineers during World War xi ana trie &orean contact. He was born In Murray. His new assignment is effec tive Teb. 1, and he is expected to assume his duties later in the month. Trouble Shooters The Trouble Shooters Tractor Club held their meeting to reor ganize at the home of Leland Meisinger. Officers elected were Bob Lochmaa, President; Delbert Puis, vice-president; Gene Wehrbein, secretary-treasurer; Ronald Puis, reporter. Leland Meisinger is the leader and Glen Kraeger, assistant leader. The club will use Series A book for its lessons. Members decided to have a film on machinery for the next meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs. Meisinger. Ronald Puis, reporter. Juvenal, a Roman, lawyer and satirist who lived from about A. D. 60 to 140, -once wrote these cutting words concerning the Empire' lax attitude toward corruption in trade: "Think not that any distinction can be drawn between perfumery wd leather: The smell of gain Js good from any source." ' Exclusive cat llasilw. Wonders . of . the 24Jj. Can MAcrirnciNT, colorful ALB (J WITH TEJCT BY A FRCFZSSICNAL ZCCLOGIGT AN D OVER 400 FULL-COLOR, EASY-TO-APPLY PICTURES Vcnc'ers cf Iho Anfmal Kingdom informs, entortain3 and broadens the interest of your child in all the fascinating forms of life on our earth. Sections feature: PRE-HISTORIC ANIMALS MAMMALS BIRDS FISHES REPTILES CRUSTACEANS INSECTS. With the pasting of each picture, Cltention is focused on tho accurate, brilliantly-colored illustrations and accompanying, easy-to-understand discussion. Created by 4 outstanding artists and a leading zoologist, here is a work of authority, valuable to many adults as a reference or teaching aid and lots of fun for children. The Washday Circe's S?zs VX J eh 0J A PENNY IS BIG MONEY HERE! eedy Peas Sy Oreen Beans ,JT l...,vi -M W Li " 9 W Peanut Butter Food Club, Creamy or CryHchy, 18-or. Refrigerator Jar . . , , Sherbet Fancy Cut Stokers Beets ...4 549c Stokely'l lavariaa Kraut N.. 303 Cam 2 529c Una Prunes 2 & 49c Fairmont's Assorted Flavors, - Va-Gal. Carton . , Raisins v.u. u, 39c Withbaaa Italia I Scfad Dressing ... 2 559c WUMmhw Mmrac htk or Delan Franca Salad Dressing 2 5 59c Top Values Plus Top Value Stamps IBDos u M 111 '11 WfWI, ! W Tmfill'90m m n r r Cream Style or Whole Kernel Golden No. 303 Can 1c Chili Con Carne u:u. a. nViLCmu fcT R Tamales, I5Vi.ot Cant .. Short Ribs of Beef, 15'j-oi. Cans. . . .41c Old-Fashioned Beef Stew, 15'2-ox. Cans ',39c Corned Beef Hash, 15'2-ox. Can. . . ,45c Noodles & Beef, 15V2-OX. Can 33c Lima Beans & Ham, 15'2-oz. Can 37c Spanish Rice, ISVi-ox. Can 21c Baby Lima Beans, 1 5Va-oz. Cans 2 for 25c Spaghetti & Meat Balls. 15Vj-ox. Can 2?c Food Club Pears Bartlett Halves In Heavy Syrup No. 303 Cans Poria Piles Oicnt S:i9 12Vj"x9"x10". Complete With Index Folder and Lock A Key 2.49 B.ut Pak Rcfeerls Milk 41c Dskery Feof tires Minify Dinky Honey Wheat or Rye Creed ,ouaf... 19c Hinky t.'aity TJiir. Sliced Sandwich read 20.ox. Loai 25c Flour Robin Hood 2. Caa;,225 Flour GoEd Medd i54b: 225 Liquid Cleaner Ajax LorfeffsS'": 36c For Autsmatic Washers A Jj 15c Off Sale. iU Gic M 'ian Pkg. 64c Toilet Soap , Camay Reg. Bars 2523c For Lovely Woihabiet Ivory Snow ST.. 85c Washday Magic Dref f R,a Pk, 35c Liquid Detergent Thrill HXSSl'- 24c 'lattic Bofrla 1 '.tM.,..,