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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1960)
t V f p I ' THC PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Louisville WSCS To Have Party . LOUISVILLE (Special) The WSCS held their meeting Thurs day in the Methodist church parlurs. The devotions were led by Grace McGrew. Hazel Hon, as chairman of the business meeting reported the many Christmas preparations. This concluded the study of "In to AU the World Together." A display of articles from foreign countries were shown. At the close of the meeting the hostesses served cake top ped with whipped . cream and strawberries with coffee. Hostesses were Kathryn Myer, Gladys Hennings and Daisy Mc Nealy. Next meeting will be Dec. 15. This will be a Christmas party wilh the executive committee as hostesses. All are asked to bring cookies or candy for the Christ mas boxes. There will be an ex change of 25 cent Christmas gifts. Royal Neighbors Elect Officers Royal Neighbors held election of officers Tuesday night, Dec. 0. The following members were elected: Sophia Parkening, Oracle; Gertrude Barnard, vice Oracle; Mary Nelson, Chancellor: Sadie Jones, Recorder; Freda Stibal, Receiver; Goldie Barnard, In ner Sentinel; Eleanor Marler, Outer Sentinel; Mary Feldhou scn, Manager; Helen Meisinger, Marshall and Dr. Richard Bren del, Doctor. Schreiner's Special Formula HAND CREAM JUST THINK 3-oz. Jar 50c 8-oz.Jar $1.00 16-oz.Jar $1.50 A Wonderful Quick Vanishing Fragrant Cream How Much Are You Paying for a 3-oz. Jar? Schreiner Drug ON DISPLAY "HALLMARK" CHRISTMAS CARDS Schreiner Rexaii Drug PLATTSMOUTH SHE'S DREAMING OF A WHITE CHRISTMAS &? & & I I 8. I? w 10 C1VE HER aiu MGIDAIRE WITH THE FAMOUS PULL N CLEAN OVEN DELUXE 30 INCH ELECTRIC RANCE COOK MASTER STARTS OVEN WHILE !;? YOU ARE AWAY INFINITE HEAT CANLAN 4th & Main Platrsmcuth Newlyweds To Live in Lincoln AVOCA (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Eernasek are at home now at 4541 Hillside Ave., Lincoln. The couple was married at the First Lutheran Church here, and took a wedding trip to Denver. Mrs. Bernasek Is the former Karen Hansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hansen of Elm wood. Mr. Bernasek of Lin coln is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bernasek of Ohiowa, Ne braska. Mrs. Bernasek is a graduate of Elmwood High School and Is employed in Lincoln. Mr. Bern asek attends the University of Nebraska. St. Pdul's Guild Circle 2 Meets St. Paul's Women's Guild Cir cle II of St. Paul's Evangelical and Reformed Church met at the home of Mrs. Lester Mei singer Dec. 7 at 7:30 p.m. Retreshmennt committee was Mrs. Dean Meisinnger, Mrs. Henry Kaffenberger and Mrs. Ben Speck. Mrs. Fred Kaffenberger, chairman, conducted the meet ing. At the conclusion of the busi ness session a Christmas Play wa given. Those taking part were Mrs. Dean Meisinger, Mrs. Mike Kaffenberger, Mrs. Lyle Meisinger, Mrs. Ben Speck and Mrs. Joe Stibal. - Mrs. Lyle Meisinger won the door prize. There was a gift exchange. Thirty people enjoyed the re freshments prepared by the committee. Hostesses for the January mcetir.g will be Mrs. Lester and Mrs.' Dean Meisinger. Birthday Party, At Plainview Thursday morning Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sprieck accompan-lcarois ied by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mei singer drove to Plainview, Nebr, toivicit with Mr. und Mrs. Alan Friedrich to surprise and cele brate Mrs. Friedrich's birthday. A lovely dinner was enjoyed and the large birthday cake was baked by Mrs. W. H. Mei singer. The day was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Friedrich is a sister to W. H. Meisinger and, an aunt ot ' Mrs., Sprieck.-y. A . SPECIAL CHRISTMAS , PRICES & TERMS BROTHERS Phone 245 Mrs. Nolte HoStS extension v-iuu The final 1960 meeting of Sun nyside Extension Club was held Dec. 8. Mrs. Eugene Nolte was hostess this year for the annual Christmas luncheon. Ten mem bers enjoyed visiting and singing carols following lunch. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Dennison Price and opened with the flag salute. The program for 1961 was outlined, with hostesses and leaders for each meeting tenta tively set. It was decided by par liamentary procedure, to again have Secret Pals, for birthdays and annhmaries only, and names were drawn. The formal meeting was ad journed with members repeat ing the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Victor Schwartz present ed the program, "Christmas De corating with Lights," showing colored pictures of popular dec orations from different sec tions of the nation. She stres sed home construction of the basic designs, displaying a beau tiful tree centerpiece made of embroidery hoops, spun glass miniature Christmas globes and lights. Emphasis was placed upon properly sized bulbs and equip ment, and the use of each Item for what It was originally in tended, correct use of indoor and outdoor lights was discuss ed. Following the program, mem bers shared in a special cookie grab-bag." Mrs. C. N. Maxwell, club reporter. Fairview Club Has Holiday Party The Annual Christmas party and noon luncheon of the Platts mouth Fairview Womens Club, was held at the home of Mrs. John Terryberry, Dec. 8. Nineteen members and one visitor, Mrs. Robert Kiser, at tended. After the meeting, the music leader, Mrs., A. Lentz led the gTOup m singing of Christmas . Mrs. E. B. Thomason gave1 a Christmas reading followed by exchanging of gifts. Next meeting will be hospital sewing at the home of Mrs. Al beit Ulrich, Jan. 12. Junior Woman's Club Hears Rev. Tyler NEHAWKA. (Special) Rev erend. Charjejs Tjlei spoke, to the members of the Junior Wo mans' Club. Thursday evening at the church. His subject was Segregation. - Mrs. Ivan Hansen presided. She reported the club had real ized $127 from the FHA-FFA banquet, which the club served. Members decided to give one third to each of the following from their smorgasboard: polio, cancer and heart- funds. The club voted to contribute $5 to the Retarded Childrens school at Nebraska City for its Christ mas project. Hostesses were Mmes. Howard Heesch, Richard Norris, Harvey Bailer and Bill Ross. Mrs. James Taylor was a guest. He Did "Daddy, if you give me a dime I'll tell you what the iceman said to mama." "O. K.( here's your dime." "He said: 'Any ice today, lady?' " CALENDAR Monday, Dec. 12 Plattsmouth Womens Civic Club will meet with Mrs. Louis Amato for the Christmas meet ing and party at 8 p.m. There will be a gift exchange and a program about fabrics. Tuesday, Dec. 13 Circle 3 of St. Paul's Evan gelical and Reformed Church will have a Christmas Party at the home of Mrs. L. W. Egen berger at 7:30 p.m. There will be a $1 gift exchange. Tuesday, Dec. 13 St. Mary's Guild will meet in the Undercroft at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 13 Catholic Daughters of Ameri ca will have their Christmas party at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Blue Flame Room of the Gas Company. Thursday, Dec. 15 Eagles Auxiliary will meet at 8 p.m. for their Christmas Party. There will be a $1 gift exchange. Officers meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 15 Gleaners Circle will meet in the Memorial Room at the Methodist Church at 8 p.m. There will be. a 50 cent gift ex change. Thursday, Dec. 15 Members of the Sunbonnet Garden Club and Birthday Club will hold their Christmas party and dinner at the Coffee Shop beginning at 12:30. Friday, Dec. 16 Chapter F FEO will meet with Mrs. Mathilde Pein for a dessert luncheon at 2 p.m. ' ' j ,; 'v ', ' -a. i. ' ' ' I V .-...H ... Karen Ault-Stambaugh Wedding Held at Louisville Church -LOUISVILLE (Special) Don. na Lee Ault of Lbuisville and William Stambaugh of Millard were married Dec. 3 at 4:30 p. m.', in the First Methodist church at Louisville. The Rev. William McCord officiated at the double- ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davis of Louisville. The bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Otte of Millard. . Mr6. Jay Stambaugh of -Millard, sister-in-law of-the groom, was matron of honor. Jay Stam baugh of Millard, brother of the groom, was best man. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a ballerina length gown of white lace over Ice blue satin and carried a nosegay of white carnations and red roses. The matron of honor, was at tired in a ballerina length gown of Royal, blue satin and carried a bouquet Of white carnations. Ushers were Robert " Davis, Louisville, brother of the bride and Ted White, Millard, brother of the groom. Mrs. Hazel Dolan, organist, accompanied MrsiWiUiam -Weg-ner who sang "Beca,use." Following the ceremony, a supper given by the bride.'s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davis, was held at Millard with 18 guests present. Following the supper a wedding dance was held at. the Melrose Ball Room at Millard. Mr. Stambaugh is employed at Western Electric and- Mrs. Stambaugh is employed at Mil lard. The couple will be at home at Millard. Fr. McFadden Is Speaker for Holy Trinity Guild NEHAWKA (Special) The Spirit of Advent was the topic of Father E. C. McFaddens talk Tuesday ' afternoon when the Holy Trinity Guild met with Mrs. Leo Schram. He also spoke of the pledge to the legion of decency in re gard to literature and motion pictures. He asked members to cooperate to obtain better mo tion pictures. Mrs. Merle Meyer presided in the absence of the president. A contribution was made to St. Thomas orphange at Lincoln and to the retarded children's school at Nebraska City. Sixty one dol lars was realized from the re cent bake sale. Members selected a pattern for rj,ew stainless steel silver ware for their hall. There was a food shower for Father McFad den and an echange of gifts. The annual Christmas party for the children will be held at the hall in Avoca at 2 p.m. Sun day, Dec. 18. Mmes. Tony Wirth, Jim Meyer, Richard Meyer and Oscar ' Zimmerer were appoint ed to decorate the ITall window for Christmas and Mmes. Emil Lutz and Otto Straub will place the crib at the church. The members will prepare boxes of food for elderly members of the parish. Mrs. James Meyer read an article, Magic in the Word Christmas. A message was read from President Elsenhower to the National convention of the Council of Catholic Women held at Las Vegas recently. Two-hundred and twenty-five pounds of used clothing was re cently packed and sent over seas to the Popes Clothing drive. Mrs. James Taylor and chil dren of Nehawka are new mem bers of the parish. Mrs. J. C. Dangler of Avoca is a new mem ber of the Guild. The next meeting is Jan. 3 at the home of Mrs. Jerry Thorns cf Nehawka. Call Your News And Social Items to 241 Eidenmiller r Engagement Announced WEEPING WATER (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Eid enmiller announce the engage ment of their daughter,- Karen Marie, to Alan Spangler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Spang ler of Weeping Water. Karen and Alan are both I960 graduates of the Weeping Water High . School. Karen is employed by Knights Life In surance Co. of Lincoln and Alan Is employed by Baker Construc tion Co. of Weeping Water. No date has been set for the wedding. Ladies Aid at Immanuel Installs LOUISVILLE (Special) The Immanuel Lutheran Ladies Aid held its regular meeting with election of officers in the church parlors. - Mrs. Albertina Vogler will be the LWML delegate to go to the International Convention held in Pittsburg, Pa., July 26 & 27. Mrs. T. H. Vogel will be alter nate. Mrs. Albertina Vogler was in charge of a film entitled "A Mighty Host" which is the story of LWML. ' JPastor.T. H. Vogel installed the officers for the coming year; Mrs. Lonella Koterzlna, presi dent; Mrs. Lucille McGrew, vice president; Mrs. Pearl Wendt, secretary; Mrs. LuVer ne Baack, Treasurer. Mrs. Irene Puis and Marvine Nielsen served refreshments. ' Next meeting will be Jan. 5 with Mrs. Lenora Ragoss and Mrs. Minnie. Ragoss as hostes ses. Nehawkans at Meeting: Elmer E. Krebs and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ross of Nehawka were among 5,000 attending the an nual meeting of Consumers Co operative Association at Kan sas City, Dec. 7-9. Farmers Co op Oil Co., Nehawka, is one of 1,700 co-operatives which make up the regional association. ALL DOCTORS PRESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY FILLED REGISTERED PHARMACIST ON DUTY AT ALL TIMES Schreiner Rexall Drug PLATTSMOUTH o PHONE 4114 o NEBRASKA There's Never A Parking Problem! You never have a worry about parking when you bring your garments to us. No meters. . .you just drive right into our convenient two lane drive in and you are right at our door. . .or Phone 4193 For FREE PICKUP and DELIVERY BRINC OR SEND CLOTHING IN Plattsmouth Cleaners Golden Rod Study Club Meets at Mrs. Cook's Home The Golden Rod Study Club met Dec. 8 at the home of Mrs. James Cook. Seventeen mem bers and two guests, Mrs. Karl urossnans ana Mrs. Aiarjone Cole, were present. The home' was decorated in the Christmas manner. .The potluck luncheon served buffet style was a variety of viands pleasing both to the eye and the taste. The regular hos tesses of this month, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. C. L. Wiles and Mrs. Tom Grosshans provided the coflee and the dessert, cake snowballs crowned with lighted candles. The president, Mrs. Frank Dill, presided over the business session. The club voted to send a contribution to the diabetic fund. Mrs. Emerson Wiles reported that several cases of fruit juices had been presented to the Ne braska Children's Home and the secretary read a letter of thanks for them from Mr. Biart, the di rector. Mrs. Nellie Spangler read a letter from Mrs. Harry Baker, Nee Ella Huffer, a former mem ber of the club now, living in Ohio, telling of the (ritlcal ill ness of her daughter. The members were asked to send cards to Mrs. Baker. The meeting closed with sing ing Christmas carols with Mrs. Roy Cole as pianist. Next meeting will be Jan. 12 at the Roy O. Cole home. Netoppew Camp Fire Netoppew Camp Fire group met at Mrs. Young's home Dec. 8. The girls called the meeting to order and had roll call. Min utes of the the last meeting were read. The girls made their mothers and fathers Christmas gifts. Mrs. L. L. Haney returned home'; Friday from Newkirk, Okla., where she, has been 7 months caring for her mother. Her mother passed away Nov. 19. WATCH PROMPT SERVICE, SENSIBLE PRICES Whatever ails your watch, we'll repair it with expert precision; have your watch ready when promised. GROVE'S JEWELRY Registered Jewelei American Cem Societv 505 Main Phone 228 YOUR SUMMER FOR STORACE. REPAIR give 1 her Sure to be welcome at Christmas . . . nylons for every lady on your gift list. And this season, the choice is bigger, more fashionable than ever . . . from daytime hosiery to evening sheers by Kayser Cr Munsingwear. Buy 'em by the box for generous giving, and sav ings, too! $1.15 to ssr SoedEnacfose&VS 1 i(h M . If ff 'j&fJ f ftf iff i JIVmJj 1 ' ' Inf I - vl 1 1 1 s. . ' iiiiit II t ! iii? ...,,.. ISf . . . V. ky Christmas I 1 I $1.50 Pair I to to I 8 to tf-m to to to $ to & to to' ft ft ft I it ft ft to ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft to to to ft ft ft ft ft" ft 'T to ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft V. v- .11 to to 1 to to a k to ft M to I 4 to