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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1956)
Anniversary Party Is Held For Zessions Hunts Celebrate 40th Anniversary At Weeping Water Mrs. B. A, Olive Is Kept Busy On Weekend WEEPING WATER (Special) Mr and Mrs "Prank Hunt By Mrs. Lewis Baker j were pleasantly surprised re-i, , WEEPING WATER (Special) Tel 18 j cently when about 40 friends Mr. and Mrs. George Olive WEEPING WATER (Special) I and relatives arrived to help and two sons, George. Jr., and une evening last week, Mr. them celebrate their 40th wed and Mrs. LeRay Zession were j ding anniversary, surprised by several couples, j The hostesses, Mrs. Ivan Arm to help them celebrate their ; strong, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hunt; Mrs. Herbert Roh danz, Mrs. William Hubner, and Mrs. Pearl Bates served de licious refreshments. News Summary Of Weeping Water WEEPING WATER (Special) Several lady friends and re latives of Mrs. Homer Jameson dropped in on her Wednesday afternoon to help her celebrate her birthday. Glendale News Notes Summarized By Mrs. Tom Tennant Tel. 4251 Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Verner Kauf fenbereer, Mrs. Mable Engel kemeier, Mrs. Luella Meisinger, Mr. and Mrs. Gearld Keil and Rodney, Mr. and Mrs. Davis and daughters. Mr HE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Thursday, June 14, 1956 Section C PAGE FTVE Leave For Coast Mrs. Esther Schnieder, Mrs ElviniAlmeda Meisinger and Miss isoia iNoyes ieiv iviunuujr ui ii , . 1nnn 3r,,n, Hw u-ill AXie j 1 SELL YOUR CAR? The best place to sell it is through the Plattsmouth Jour nal's Tant Ad columns. Near- ! Mrs. Victor Stoehr and Dorothy, j week for the west coast. gathered at the George andjstopped in Colorado and Mrs. Elmer ?PtVt Tiro A A t r rr nnli-A.r-nTT Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ander son, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mut ter, Mr. and Mrs. John Reikie, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lindsey, S gifts Club to help birthday his mother, Mrs. B. A. here in Weeping Water. have spent the past week with neia us annual juue Olive, j "UXiuiiy in Lilt: -i.iy j- a.... ' j members and their families : Trrt-n rrftccnt frv oni rV fill t"T"lP On Saturday night her young- j est son, Ben, returned home for; 4. . . ,,r the summer from college r.t The Christian Church Sunday Ann Arbor, Mich. On Sunday ; School picnic was neia aunaa of Lincoln i n00-1 UL 1X16 AJaviu c-! Stoehr home GLENDALE (Special) The ' Elmer celebrate his I Glendale Ladies Club joined the Tuesday evening. Country and Dutch Academy j Mr. and Mrs. John Chapell Clubs on their trip to Shenan-1 of Plattsmouth visited ' Sunday tv, u,,Tit. -nnireA miriT! ; rnnthpr snn David. , 1 ilC iilUilO IClUICU i-liHAJ i i . flnnnnn Ragss'i beautiful cards, flowers and j and his fiance Miss Lois Hows-1 BLSnJ 3". remember den, of Huntley, and her son- "X10" " CfL icuicuiuci j j j . , n H Ty.0 lriris while Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mayfield and! the happy occasion. The guests I m-fw and ughwr ia , women visited. About 3 p. grandson Bobbie, and Mr. and j ue" teu afc a le"c AiUUi T . . ling them many happy returns Mrs. DeForrest Philpot were j 0j the day those who surprised the Zession J They brought with them home i all the trimmings, A pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. ter Emilv of Lincoln, were m. they enjoyea home for" a visit. This being cake and pie. the first time in two and a half ice cream, at the Lestor Wagoner home. Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wasoner and children. Bill Preston joined them. , . i j S2e your aavenisemeni auu iw costs you as little as 35 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stoehr attended the Wooster family re union at Elmwood Park in Omaha Sunday. doah, Iowa, They visited the seed house, planting ground and auditorium gardens. They also visited the Driftmier home. There were 30 ladies audi ;. c, i, LJ 10 children on tKS tour. They! VlSlt ipflCCK MomC t 4. 3 i rm n ! ATt- onH Mrs TCprinpth Rnt SJiriVlP nh ' ; "r m "! ton and son of Omaha and ! R5ESE52S2HS2 August Stohlman, Jr., Mrs!lMrs- Garwig of Denver called; Jack Weeener. Paulene Stand-! at the Elmer Sprieck home Cass County's Greatest Newspaper The Plattsmouth Journal f" a K. P. PENCE Bankers Life Man 222 So. fith Fhone S269 Clcnn Taylor Feted At Birthday Party years they were all home to-j I ..tLpmn Church gether for a visit. Other callers ; " 1 HciUII V-IIUln during the afternoon were: DILI. CrLnn OnPn Miss Evelvn WTolDh. Mr. and!fc',,w w f er, Hazelle Ingram, Blanche and Mrs. Grayce Ahl. Mr. and Airs. Carl Parks and j Linda spent the weekend at the Hestor Tennant home. Sunday visitors were Mr. and Mrs : i f F! I F IN 10 DAYS OR MONEY BACK Now you can stop wishing nd actual ly lose pounds of xcess weight, 'see inches of ugly fat melt away from hipa. waist, arms and legs without danger ous dniRS, diet or exercise. Be as slim and trim as you like. For these are the reports of sensational success in loss of excess weight followinfr the use of taia wonderful new product, called BEXA TE0L. And best of all with EENATKOL. you eat all you want yet lose weight naturally, fast. For EENATROL jnhibita your appetites curbs your craving: for fat tening foods . . . supplies essential vita mins and minerals to sustain your energy. Trial's the secret of its amazing success . . . that's why so many users are simply amazed with results. No rr.ntter what you have tr.ed before, let BENATROL. prove how many pounds of ugly fat it can h-:lp you get rid of. You have nothing to lose bat excess weight for the 13 pack age of BENATROL is sold with strict money-back guarantee by Schremer Drug Store 521 Main St. Plattsmouth Mail Orders Filled Mrs. M. N. Tucker of Nehawka, Mrs. Paul Wolph, Bill Wolph, WEEPING WATER (Special) ! ,frs Arthlir 'Wnlnh 'ri MJ nnri r nuay eueuuig ivir. aiiu iuis. Harlon Stock, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lee and girls, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wiles and boys, 3 1 -1, 4.U. prepareu a iuuuu iiuu tueu aui- James V;olph and children Of prised Mr. and Mrs. Glenn . Sioux Citv Iowa Mrs Ernest Taylor at their home. 1 Giles of Plattsmouth, Mrs. Rich- This was done in honor ofard Schade and children of Omaha, Mrs. Owen Hack of Peoria, HI., nee Jane Lorensen of Weeping Water, Mr. and Mrs. William Kruger of Belle vue. WEEPING WATER (Special) The St. Paul Lutheran church began its Vacation Bible School Mr. and Mrs. John Wolph and) on June 4, with 41 students en children cf Avoca, Mr. and Mrs. j rolling the first day. Sunday evening after bringing Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sutton and son home from visiting at their home. ' Mrs. Kenneth Sutton and son are leaving June 25 to visit re- Carl Lang and Mr. and Mrs. ! latives and friends in Germany. Glenn's birthday. The evening' was spent by playing canasta and watching the lunch evening. television with served later in the Mr. and Mrs. Rick Gibson are the parents of a baby daugh ter born June 6 at St. Elizabeths Hospital in Lincoln. The new The school will run for two weeks from 1:30 until 4 each afternoon. The teachers are Mrs. Arthur Muske, Mrs. Virgil Dunkle, Mrs. Carlton Spatzek, Mrs. Kenneth Dokter, Leola Harter, Mrs. Kreklow, Mrs. Don Hoffman. Mrs. Walter Saxton, Mr. and Mrs. John Woodward Mrs. Charles Pearson and Mrs. and Emily left Monday to visit ; Fred Saatkoff . Rev. Spatzek is for three weeks in Calif ornis. On Wednesday Miss Evelyn Wolph entertained in honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Olive and supervisor of the whole group. arrival, Cheryl Jean, weighed boys at her home in Nehawka. in at 6 Dounds 15 ounces. I Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Rhodes and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gibson and great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. C. Water. H. Gibson of Weeping Henry Knaups Host to Club ' WEEPING WATER (Special) William Tennant, all of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. August Piatt visited at the Lestor Wagoner home Saturday evening. afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lyons and Dean Lyons of Nebraska City, Susan Stone, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gib son and Mr. and Mrs. Vergil Rhodes. f tirewotKs They will also go to Switzer land before returning home in ucioDer. H Mrs. A. B. Lentz and daugh ter, Mrs. Shoulding, called at the Elmer and George Stoehr home Wednesday. Mrs. M. K. Schroeder. of Syracuse and Mrs. Tom Ten nant spent Friday afternoon in Omaha. Carol and Ronald' stayed at the Tennant home until 'Wednesday. SWAN EE'S Walk tn Pick Your 1 Own Second Stand Across Iowa-Missouri Border 2V2 Miles South of Hamburg, Iowa Hi-way 275 rdSri5ZSrI5r2Sr!5HZ5Z5rl5Z5rI5ESZn pSflri your deserves ' FSEi&L BEJYYER! I Daughters Born To Two Families WEEPING WATER (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thom sen are the parents of a seven ! pound, four ounce baby daugh ter, Mary Jo, born June l, at St. Joseph Hospital in Omaha. Mr. Thomsen is superinten- The June meeting of Weeping Thomsen's have two other water uaraen iud was xieiu in the Methodist Church base-j ment with Mr. and Mrs. Henry j Knaup as hosts. j Guests for the evening were ' Mrs. Emma Olsen, Mrs. C. E. ! Tefft and Miss Ester Tefft. Mrs. B. A. Olive, president, presided; over the business meeting, Sig-I children, Susan and Johnny. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Fred T. Thomsen of Wakefield. Danish Ladies Aid eet With Mrs. riolt WEEPING WATER (Special) Thp Danish Ladies Aid met vald Jensen had charge of the ; Thursday afternoon with Mrs. program and his topic was ; rhri H'lt American Dairy Association of Nebraska ! "Shrubs." j A card was sent to Mrs. Les ! ter Parson, who is in Lincoln j General Hospital. 1 The next meeting will be iwith Mr. and Mrs. Sigvald Jen 1 sen. j w U v2 L--o L& . - The afternoon was spent quil ting and visiting. Lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. Gibson and Cheryl re turned home on Sunday to the H. A. Gibson residence and . .... uwlfaoir dio joonf lit 9 "88" HOLIDAY COUPE Oldsmobile's Rocket delivers high torque at low RPMs , . . plus high horsepower in every driving range ! The famous Rocket delivers its high 3 10 ft.-lbs. of torque and high, 9.23-to-1 coni)re3pion horsepower at nor mal cruising speeds the kind you use for nearly all of your daily driving. At a safe and moderate highway sjeed of 50 miles per hour, the Rocket's ready with more than 175 horsepower in reserie jor instant action! It 6 this ready reserve of Rocket power that puts vou ou the safe tide of any situation gives you a new power control that's every hit as important as 250ft.4bs. of torque, t0 h.p. in Super SS and Sinety .Lighi teries.' vour hrakes. But in ordinarv cruising the Rocket loafs along using onlv a fraction of its potential horsepower. That means winning economv demonstrated hv a tw in victory in the , . . Mohilgas Economy Run. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! I ou 11 find Olds prices start far lower than you've been led to believe. The value of your trade-in is high right now. And whafs more, Oldsmobile's exceptional re sale value protects your investment. Come in todav! v. Q) IL- 0 S ; Get out of the ordinary this summer.. Get into an AIR-CONDITIONED A QUALITY PRODUCT brwght to yoo AN 0LDSM0BIU QUALITY DEALER! - OLDSMOBILE! Cass County Motor Co. Come in for details and a demonstration! 607 1st Ave. Plattsmouth Dial 3210 COME IN TODAY . . . LEARN WHY NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO BUY AN OLDSMOBILE! j OFF MAIN STREET By JOE DENNETT . . "T l h' HUMPH I VOU A BPIGHT WHAT GUS SAID TO WE THIS A FINEST OACDV A KID hp?? THAT 'CAUSE 1 I BOV I W VOUR DA- Too.--BOT WRNIN--c5-Sli? 1 COULD HAVE JLW HES A REAL K?1 SEV v. . yryJSJ' ?r M brishtbov- ff ME to clem iC SVgriii.ifggyg ! iJS P V -frS - rSvOUR yard' Sfl ! ' mhi fe xHr' mWP ' I - .Mill i mA HOSSFACE HANK BY FRANK THOMAS rSHE RAISED HER VEIL H ( SHE STEPPED INTo fsAV, COVNBOVf XfC OUTl STAT I O N 0, SLIGHTLY AND BART U THE BUCKBOARD, - COULD VOL) M l Vv'T VAAGON KONKEDf, CAUGHT A GLIMPSE W B SHE REVEALED A DIRECT US JXyh IHS OUT OTf OF RED LIPS AND p f TRIM ANKLE. BART J5 TO THE r A IVi VS - )M 1 A DELICATELY fp-f- HEArT LEAPED LOCAL F M "yMJ RURAL DELIVERY Bv AL SMITH I V.'OULDNT Glut A DIME FCR IT I'M SURPRISED IT EVEN GOES; i' " v " 1 PULL J- WHAT NERVE HE SAID I HAD A GOOD HORN ALL r HAD TO D01SJA2HC ur K j-ki-s. ry jm under it trrT . .. I - i . ...- ' W mm lmm BOUGHT AND SOLD . VOU WERE Y GOSH I DOING WAS T? SIXTV FOLLOW !v -AND TELL THAT TO THE GUV I WAS JUST TRVIN' TO SELL THIS CAR " r-i v i --:- THOSE WERE THE DAYS By ART BEEMAN THOSE YfERS t DAYS- T ISN'T IT WONDERFUL THAT WE CAN BE TOGTHR AS A Bl3 HAPPY PAWILV EACH OTHERS CO.WPANY, FATHER I s. ? TO BE A 65 AT rH ? TO BE A 65 SOLE.WN EV EN. i t F 1 WONDER who's PncH:!s:G TODAY FOR Philadelphia? Nl 3CTy- , TmESE A5.E KS COVMCSi Iff, cXACTv vvhOS V-V5 vf?---;: SONNY SOUTH By AL SONDERS fjjTt I iirny LBt I it! LJi ''SONMY, WHY ARE VO' I 1 "1 1 -HL'S CHIN' ML. ARMI J ! CHASIN'BULLVOANNSON ) ( JUS' KEEPlH' THIS FAR I ) AROUND TH' BLOCK ' ' ' V AHEAD O' HIM 1 DEEMS I .i XM RHt" t Ssurh Service BY TOM OKA PAIMT r