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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1956)
THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FOUR Section C Thursday, June 14, 1956 Joint Luncheon By 3 Nehawka By Kay Dodson 4 II Reporter NEHAWKA Three Nehawka Clubs Modern Misses, County Homemakers and Cooks and Canners held a luncheon re cently at the home of Miss Wolf. Judy Attebery led in the American Flag salute and the 4 H pledge was led by Marlene Eaton. Bonnie Lacy played and sang "Ivory Tower." Rosie Stoll sang "Something Bigger than You and I." A demonstration "cooking Utensils" was offered by Jac queline Dodson and Cheryl Kearney. The "Clothes Line Waltz" solo was by Julia Jean Johnson. A duet "He" was sung by Gloria and Margie Miller, ac companied by Sue Johnson. A poem "Always New" was STOP THAT ITCH! IN JUST 15 MINUTES. If not pleased, your 40c back at any drug store. Try instant drying ITCH-ME-N0T for itch of eczema, ringworm, insect bites, foot itch or other surface itch. Easy to use day or night. Now at Schreiner Drug. -ill ' I s r y Shi j -uj ijLUJLUJJ Experiments prove that crops take up more phosphate from water soluble Ammo-Phos fertilizer than from common mixed fertilizer MAKE THIS EASY TEST Place one-half teaspoon ful of the fertilizer you are now using in a glass of water. Then place a similar quantity of Ammo-Phos 'm another glass of water. Stir both mixtures for several minutes. Notice how water soluble Ammo-Phos goes into .solution while the mixed fertilizer collects at the bot tom of the glass. Even if left for several days, the ordi nary mixed fertilizer will not dissolve completely. With Ammo-Phos your crop gets what you put in the ground. Ammo-Phos C. 546 Main frTATHIESON 'V. jl-.1'- ' Tr-ptimffmri (AJt-i-on the yearahead ca . . Z ' 111 TiT---;?''-li ' ' ' SC" J fzi :":J J It's all yours for the cost of a fully equipped "low-priced" small car! HANSEN MOTOR Is Enjoyed Organizations read by Betty Goodman. A duet In the Garden" was sung by Shirley Goodmanm and Margie Miller. A poem, "Trees" was read by Jacqueline Dodson. Mrs. Ranny and Mrs. Gorser gave a talk. Marilyn Briley sang "Cherry Pink and Apple Blos som White." Ann Briley, Jacqueline Dodson, Sandra Sta pert, Julia Jean Johnson and Cheryl Kearney sang "I Have Sinned." News Briefs Of Nehawka By Mrs. F. O. Sand Tel. '2708 NEHAWKA (Special) Miss Evelyn Wolph's dinner guests Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. George Olive and sons, George and Joseph of Lawrenceville, N. J.; Mrs. Emily Olive of Weeping Water, Mrs. Myrtle Wolph and Bill of Avoca, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wolph. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Giles of Plattsmouth called Friday. Mrs. Earl Horton of Elmwood spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Power. E R t-s. t-V" Ordinary Fertilizer A. RUSE Dial 263 i, in .iLi i i i iiinii ..III-' u, h n i j i ..ku.ii.i CHRYSLER WINDSOR V-8 CO. Nehawka, Returns Home Mrs. .Ona Kunkel returned home from Wichita, Kans., where she spent a month with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Trombla. The Tromblas brought her back by car. Linda Trombla will re main for a visit with her grand mother during June. Sunday, Mrs. Kunkel and Linda joined Mr. and Mrs. Howard Snod grass of Union for a picnic at Riverside Park, Nebraska City. Julie Mitchell, who spent the weekend at the Snodgrass home, also was a guest at the picnic. Mrs. Ollie Atteberry enter tained at a picnic honoring Lin da Trombla at Steinhart park Thursday evening. Present were Linda Trombla, Mrs. Ona Kun kel, Mr. and Mrs. Atterberry and Judy and David. They had a swimming party and later at tended a ball game. Larry Banks left Friday for Denver to visit his brother, Lowell. They went to Pikes Peak, Estes Park and other places of interest. Mrs. Lewis Long of Frank lin was a guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Long and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Long and family are staying at the George Sheldon home while they are making a trip to Ithaca, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hron of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs.- Ger ald Ackley and family were dinner guests Sunday of the Gilbert Edmonds. Dinner guests Thursday eve ning of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sparr were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Flanagan and children, Robert, Lloyd, Dorothy and Mike and their grandson, Dennis of St. Louis; and Mrs. Sparr 's bro ther, Bill Creel of Nebraska City. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sand of Manhatten, Kans., who were recent guests of the F. O. Sands, left for Tucson, Ariz., where Mr. Sand will work with Dr. Johu Hinds, a veterinarian, and Mrs. Sand will work at the University of Arizona. Mrs. F. O. Sand accompanied them as far as Wilcox, Ariz., to spend several says with Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Anderson. She returned home Wednesday morning accompanied by Sonja, Greg and Marcia Anderson, who will spend the summer, with relatives here. While Mrs. Sand was at the Anderson home, ' Mr. and Mrs. Bud Chriswisser of Plattsmouth were dinner and overnight 'guests. They were on their way to the Northwest. Mr. and Mrs. Oren Raymond Pollard and three daughters of Schaller, Iowa, came Saturday morning and were overnight guests of the Oren Pollards. Sunday they went to Mynard to attend the 40th wedding an niversary of Mrs. Pollard's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nolte. Barbara Sue Pollard remained to spend this week with her grandparents, at Nehawka and Mynard. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meredith and sons of Auburn . and Arley Schomaker were guests Sunday of the Fred Schomakers. Mrs. Arley Schomaker is in St. Marys Hospital at Nebraska City. Mr. and Mrs. Deane Nutzman and family have moved to their new home. " ' -"" - f - V tf J.. La Nebr. " Dial 2191 !!!- '-JW1-! i i x r i 1 i cv i r .1 j . ilviJ iii-lv-Hv li-i .i -l- ill'-'il-'fiWJ-M B OLD BARN COMES DOWN Walter Heil is watching Herb Baumgart and Walt Bryant tear down a barn on Mr. Heil's lot on Second Avenue. The building has been standing about 75 years. Mr. Heil was unable to give any information on the barn's history. He plans to build a new garage where the build ing stood. (Journal Photo). Visits Mother Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCon aha and Mike of Ontario, Ore., arrived Thursday to visit her mother, Mrs.. R. B. Stone, and other relatives at Nehawka and Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jame son met them in Omaha. The McConahas and Mrs. Stone were dinner guests Sunday of the Jamesons. Mrs. Robert Pierce, Sr., and two granddaughters, Patty and Susie Pierce, all of Los Angeles will arrive Monday for an ex tended visit with relatives at Nehawka and Nebraska City. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Pierce will meet them in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. John Petrow and son have moved into the Bated Apartments. Mr. Petrow was transferred from Biloxi, Miss., to Offutt Air Force- Base. Mrs. Fred Neumeister of Weeping Water accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Gus Neumeister to Brandon to spend the weekend and to attend the dedication Sunday of a new community church there. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Neumeister took part in the dedication. In the last few years they had assisted in a com munity project at Brandon. They were guests at Brandon of Mrs. Sal Harshman. No Surgery Needed Mr. and Airs. John Chandler and Barbara were in Lincoln for a check up for Barbara. They had good news when they were informed Barbara will need no more surgery on her feet. They visited with the R. G. Yost fam ily at Lincoln and with the Ralph Snavelys at Alvo on their way home. Air. and Airs. John Chandler and Barbara and Lois Whitting ton were among the dinner guests Saturday evening at Ul brick's Cafe at Nebraska City with the Central Appliance Bowling Team and their wives. Airs. Guy AIcGili of Yuba City, Cal., mother of John Chandler, is out of the hospital and is in a wheel chair at her home. Mrs. C. W. Alvord of Colum bia, Alo., left for her home Fri day after a visit with her sis ter, Airs. Raymond Pollard, and Air. Pollard for a week. Air. and Mrs. Alerritt Pollard, Jr., and Denise of Seymour, Iowa, were weekend guests of their parents, Alf. and Airs. Merritt Pollard, Sr., of Nehawka and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunt of Weeping Water. A dinner Saturday included the guests from Iowa and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollard and three sons. Alarlin Kime, son of Mr. and Airs. Gilbert Kirhe, played an accordion solo at a recital of Mrs. Arnold Aleisinger's pupils. The recitals were held June - 6 at the Lions Club at Platts mouth and June 8 at the high school at Louisville. There were 23 accordion numbers, seven pi ano solos and 10 numbers by the accordion band composed of 16 accordions and one bass horn. Mr. and Mrs. Don Dickson, Carol, Linda and Don Jr. of Baden, Penn., were guests Sun day and overnight of the Oren Pollards. They left Monday morning for Ogden, Utah, to visit Airs. Dickson's brother and wife, Dr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce, and Air. Dickson's fath er at San Francisco. To Start" College Robert Pollard of St. Paul was home Sunday. He has received an Ak-Sar-Ben scholarship and will attend the college at Ft. Collins, Colo., beginning June 16. Air. and Airs. Alalcolm Pol lard and, family were supper guests Sunday evening of the Oren Pollards. Air. and Airs. John Dale and family, Air. and Airs. George Kennedy and family, all of Omaha, were guests for the day Sunday of the John Eatons. "if.' 3.'. 4 Vi i i ; Visit Balfours Mrs. Martha Ruge, Mrs. Dena Ruge and Frances of Avoca were recent guests of Mrs. Amelia Balfour. Mr. and Mrs. Kent Balfour and family and Mrs. Helen Pet ersen of Nebraska City were dinner guests of Mrs. Amelia Balfour Sunday. The occasion observed the 15th wedding an niversary of the Kent Balfours. Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Andersen and Gary have returned from their vacation in Milwaukee and Detroit. Mrs. Charlotte Niday, Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Andersen attended the. Fleishman - Todd wedding Sunday evening at the First Methodist Church, Plattsmouth. Mrs. Sigvald Jensen of Weep ing Water and Mrs. Emma Nutz man attended the State Meth odist Conference at Fremont Wednesday. Injures His Spine Kent Balfour has his neck and back in a cast due to an injury to his spine. ,,He will be required to wear the ! cast for six or eight weeks. f - UB Aid met Wednesday with Mrs. Dugan Gregg. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rutledge visited their new grandson, Ned Finney,' at Manley Saturday evening. He was born June 4. Mr. Finney left for Chicago and has a new. position with the Continental Crown Can Com pany. The family, Airs. Finney and two sons, will join him in six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stoll and children observed Mrs. Stoll's birthday Sunday arid made a trip to Minden to see the Pion eer Village. They went to Kear ney to visit Mrs. Tom Hall, for mer matron of the Odd Fellows home at York, and stopped at the York home on their return trip. The Rebecca Lodge - held a memorial service following their regular meeting Thursday eve ning at the auditorium. Host esses were Mrs. John Chandler, Mrs. Martin Ross, Mrs. Henning Johnson and Airs. George Dick man. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chappell of Nebraska City were guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Trot ter. Ronnie and Roger Warden spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr.: and Mrs. Hugh Warden of Union. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ross and Debbie and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Buell of Lincoln had a picnic at Antelope Park in Lincoln Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Kuppinger and sons of Prairie Village, Kans., were weekend guests of Mr.s and Mrs. Marion Tucker. Mrs. A. B. ; Rutledge accom panied Mrs. I. A. Warlick and Floyd to Omaha to take Amy Jane Warlick back. She works for Mutual of Omaha. ; - . . , - .aaji jr. p. ,W- Today's Storz Beer is an adventure in modern living. It is the pause that adds a touch of lightness to leisure refreshing as the whole Outdoors. With smart moderns, Storz belongs brewed to the taste of the times. Here is sparkling pleasure that satisfies without filling. Yes, for light leisure living, serve Storz, the mark of gracious hospitality. Flower Prizes Mrs. Alartin Ross, Mrs. Sadie Shrader, . Airs. Floyd Joerger, Airs. Oren Pollard, Mrs. Elmer Stoll, Aliss Evelyn Wolph and Airs. Amelia Balfour attended the Goldenrod Flower Club show at Avoca Wednesday. Airs. Oren Pollard received second place on her rose and honorable mention on a large white peony. Mrs. Sadie Shrader received first on a Calla begonia. Mrs. Joerger got first for a Rochester rose, Mrs. Stoll took first and third prizes on African violets and second on a standing buttercup. Mrs. Amelia Balfour recently was a guest of Airs. Maude Giles of Nebraska City. MFA Mutual Insurance Company Wins the National Safety Council's Public Interest Award for Mb Exceptional Service to Safety in 1955 BE SAFETY MINDED PREVENT ACCIDENTS pSUREDl WITHOUT REFRESIKI0I1G' BEEK STORZ BREWING, COMPANY. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. U.S. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schafer at tended the wedding Sunday evening of Miss Jacqueline James and Mr. John Copenhav er of Lincoln at the Methodist Church. Modern Housekeeping Cabins Modern Sleeping Cabins Stop & See Tink Gr Mary Wiles So. Shore Lake AlcConaughy Blue Front Cabins and Cafe Phone 18YV1 Ogallala, Box 177, Nebr. DANIEL WOODS, Agent 1616 Valley St. Phone 6208 FILLING