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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1956)
; T T'7--- - , -, .,, ... ... CASS COUNTY'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER VOLUME 75 There She Goes - : w ; A.. -' - L 3: ' PLATTS. MOUTH'S Tallest structure in s2iown this past Friday as it fell to the ground after it was purposely under mined by a Chicago demolition crew. The smokestack, high est in the city, crumbled to dust after its fall. Way Out City Council Votes To Restore Two Way Traffic On Seventh Piattsmcuth's first and only cne way street will soon be a thing of the past. The city council voted unanimously Man cay to return Seventh Street between Avenue A and First Avenue to a two way roadway. Prior to the official vote cn the question, two council men F.ay Wiysel and James F. McMillian said they personally were closed to changing the cne way street, but they voted with the proponents when City Clerk Albert Olson called the roll. The cne way street was in force fcr more than two months. It was set up under the ad ministration cf former Mayor Leo Meisinger. The cne way street was put into effect as a safety measure. It" was under constant fire since its inception, but sufficient sup port was always on hand pre viously to insure its remaining. Th one way street was sup ported bv Police Chief John J. Hcbscheidt. Sr. The street issue was brought up at the most recent council session when Dick Gerbeling tcld the councilmen the cne way : traffic was interfering with the ' sale cf the Standard Service : Station, cwned by his late ' father, Floyd Gerbeling. ! The station is located at ; Avenue A and Seventh Street. Mr. Gerbeling said the cne way i street factor had lessened the ; value cf the station. He re-; requested the street be made a! (Continued cn Page Six i Rosenda Williams Joins The Journal Mrs. Rosenda E. Williams joined the Plattsmouth Journal staff as teletypesetter operator, it was announced today by Ronald R. Furs?, publisher. Mrs. Williams previously was employed as a secretary at the E and" F Electric Company cf Omaha. Her husband. Harcid, is em ployed as a tracker. They moved LrV from Benninctcn in 1950. Mr. and Mrs. Wilhams own their own heme at 1301 Rock Eiuff Road. j rfl Consolidated With the Nehawka Enterprise TWELVE PACES Cifys Toll est Story And Pictures By Butch Furse Piatts: icuth s tallest struct: tpW;eH ta -n ri tQ SC" r 1 mem: tv. t.,- t va r: IZrTV Chicago, Burimgicn and Qumcy Railroad, was th hisrht h;tha ctv t T vu, ' ; ' x "- j-t v-iuj,. x. A;ieet oi wnere me workers pre- feet high and 24 feet in diameter I dieted it would fall. - - , TT- l. built in 1S22, was constructed cf concrete lined with brick. The stack was used for letting steam out cf the shop's boiler room until 1935. The boiler room still stands. Two Ashland Men Fined on Drunk Counts Two Ashland men were in Cass County Court this week due to an over-consumption cf intoxicants. William D. Norris pleaded guilty to drunken driving and was fined $100, paid costs cf S4 and his driver's license was suspended for six months. His companion, James W. Roberts, was fined $10 after pleading guilty to a charge cf intoxication. He also paid court costs cf 54. Other cases: Jack D. Welsh of Midweso City, Oklar.. speed" g, SIS fine, $4 costs. Chester L. Chea: cf Terre Haute, Ind., speech.. ,;, S35 fine 54 costs. Frank B. Tulles cf Kansas City, Mo., speeding, 515 fine, $4 costs. Arthur L. Edminster cf Grand Rapids. Minn., speeding 525 fine j Oscar H. Berghel told Sheriff 54 costs. jTcm Solomon he was robbed Lester J. Kinney cf Omaha, land his car looted by hoodlums overload cn axle, 550 fine, 54 j after he joined them for re costs. Sfreshments. Donald E. Petersen cf Omaha drinking cn a public hishway, forfeit cf S24 bond. Ralph E. Water, spee costs. JJl He;?4if : D;.,,. d ; four beers with the youths before IVOrCC Petition .they robbed him. He told the A petition for divorce wss j sheriff he knew none cf the gang filed recently in district court land he failed to report the in by Leslie H. Nolle. i cident until the following dav. He seeks separarion from Sheriff Solomon said he c Cora L. Nolte cn grounds obtained the names cf three cf extreme cruelty and asks the youths and they will be custody of the minor children. questioned Union Girl, 4, Takes Auto For Drive: Loss Is Heavy UNION A four-year-old passing car cf Ardith ErvinJ TTTTTfiTi cir! tnrsar h f-jo'i Qrri.Tv. . 2 1 4 ! for a short, but disastrous ride : e -. u..t uuw along Main Street cf this vil lage Tuesday. Little Linda Sue G anna way. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. G anna way, managed to hit three ether cars and a cafe in her less than. 2CG foot drive. Deputy Sheriff Shrader Rhode n said the girl's father left her in the car while he ran an errand. He tock the ignition keys from the vehicle, but did not leave the initicn switch locked. Somehow I.irda got the car started in reverse and it bolted into the street and struck the P0OT the stack was pilshed by the Hirmie i Chimney Company of Chicago, -".- yu.flc tiic reinforcing steel reds with cut - Company wor sinforciug steel !: ET ting torches and placed wooden me leumg acccm 1f . --"Mat the scene to set "action ; Then burds? ant th rrihhir. . T, .... - . .. to side for a moment and then' fell to the ground with a crash int snatterec wmaows in some nearby shop buildings. a large cioua o: dust rose ai - most 100 feet in the air after Fire Equipment Shortage is Critical, Chief Says Fire Chief Joseph Kruntorad termed Plattsmouth's conditior relative to fire protection as -'critical" Monday night as he addressed the city council. The fire chief described the department's equipment as "old and "ancient" as he asked coim-1 cilmen to consider the purchase ox 2 new pumper trucK. tie, estimated its cost at about $12,- cco. The city purchased its present equipment 20 years a;o when the population "Free" Beer Costs Omaha Man $22, Auto Tire at Beach An Omaha man found an invitation for a "free" beer cost him considerably Monday night at Holman's Beach. He said some cf the gang j nein mm ana ethers went calk and belongings from his auto, m eluding a spare tire Berghel said he drank about A. .. LPf LWfl TT 1 sengers. Nola Keene and M-r-s i Wolf, were uninjured. ifn!' Tors ,...4 j ' Then the auto with Linda at the wheel sped backwards and rammed the parked car cf Dr. : R. R. Anderson, It pushed the j Tuesday'-: 'metin in the hotel Doctor's car into another parked i The hdel ere snowrf bv' fiH.0"11 c; wLich 15 3ii: Burton. Plattsmouth Journal i nes eii:cr rerors-d from Linda's ride did not stop then.! the territory several months ago owever. She kept cn going and after employment with the Anch rammed into the door cf John- orage Daily Times ny's Cafe. This proved a double Fred Lugsch was program loss for the Doctor as he owns chairman Vi Pmmc The Doctor said his car was a total loss. The Gannaway car was badly damaged. Linda Sue got cut unhurt. and Elm wood Leader-Echo- Read Twice Weekly by PLAITS M OUTH , CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1955 rocs ore Years ; the smoke stack had tit the , ground. When the dust cleared, j people rushed from their sarejtery 'the annual tribute i vantage points to view me ores. - , en stack. Many cameramen were also; : sncis 01 tne ran Many 01 tne i -"!"shutterbug5" had waited more va m, v-,-,.- , ri tour t get pIC tLLi The Cass County Courthouse riow reigns as the highest : building in Plattsmouth. It huhp .;n 'l ; IXlTi feet tigh. according to the j official measuring of Surveyor Bill Coakley. uieasurg o. uou.y j -T j f jHere She Lays was less than 4,000. Today we have more than 6. (MX) residents and the same equipment, he added. Chief Kruntorad suggested the sinking fund tax be raised , to enable the city to obtain the necessary funds fcr purchase of 1 the track. 0 f;.-i tt--n -.t.wrrn the chief to the council cham bers told councilmen he was "embarrassed" at a recent fire when he couldnt get cne of the outdated trucks to go more than "10 miles an hour" when an swering a calL The firefighter, Winfred Dasher, said he became so disgusted he shut off the siren. On the way back he said he stopped the. truck and it wouldn't start a?ain. It had to be pushed, he add ed. Mr. Dasher and Chief Krunto rad blamed a portion of their troubles on the' difficulty cf ob taining parts for the equipment. Ray Wiysel said it was discovered the truck had a broken crankshaft. Repair parts are enroute, he added. He blamed a portion of the department's difficulties on driving 'too fast" at times when it wasn't neces sary. The truck was built for speeds cf 55 to 65 at the most he said, but 'there has been lots cf times when it was driven 70 miles an hour." Councilmen referred the ques tion to the committee cn fire, water and lighting. Fireman Louis Swcioda also accompanied the chief to the council chambers. SIfdes of Alaska Shown Rotarians 1 ... Af I llPCnnu c Moor J Members cf Plattsmouth Rotary Club saw colored slides cf Alaska fish and game and vr cf tne Yukon at were Burfcrd Holland of Omaha and Bert Caldwell cf Gienwcod. President Steve Davis an nounced the local club is ICth in. district attendance. MOT "01-0 Crowd of 500 Pays Tribute To War Dead 1 Amid the beautifullv deco f ated graves of Oak Kill Ceme was : paia. me war oeac. A crowd of about 5Q0 wit- messed yestercay's impressive, yt simple. Memorial Day serv me program was begun at the Legion plot as the Platts mouth High School Band played "The Battle Hymn of the Re public," after which a com memorative prayer was given by I " 1 pw XT;5T HanT,.OTOr, tv,fl '.main address wherein he em - phasized the importance of car- rying on cur sacred heritage of freedom. "Blood shed for this cause cf f rt ecom." he said, -makes mere worcs superficial." Tne band then played "God; Bless America"' and wreaths ; were placed at the memorial: stone by presidents cf the Amer-1 ican Legion and Veterans of ; mately SSGG it receives from th Foreign Wars. i amusement tax nvPr tn t The VFW Firing Squad hen - r ored the war dead with a vol ;iey. ; The program at the Legion plot was ended as Legion and VFW Commanders raided the colors and the band piayed the Na- ; tionai Anthem. Following these services, a ceremony was held at the VFW plot. The cetail then proceeded to uic AUisoun raver tsncge wnere, a wreath was cast into the wa ter, in memory cf Navy vet erans. Mrs. Kerns Will Receive Union Award Special To The Journal Mrs. Eva Kerns of 315 Main Street, Plattsmouth, will beor:ths program for this sum- awarded a union welfare conn- seHor certificate in Omaha tonight. A member of Local 3C92, Steel - workers Union, she is cne cf J 14 completing an eight-week ' course cn community welfare ; resources. The graduate coun- seiiors will advise fellow employ- ees where to seek welfare aid when in need. The welfare training course is the first joint program locally cf the new AFL-CIO. It was sponsored by Omaha Federation of Labor and Omaha-Council Bluffs Industrial Union Council in cocpe ration with the labor participation department cf United Community Services. The curriculum included lec tures cn health services, finan cial assistance, social security, veterans benefits, family coun selling, child welfare, workmen and unemployment compen sation, recreation and senior citizens. VISITS IN IOWA Merlin Jochimsen was in Den nison, la., Monday where he spent the day at the home of his father, Herb Jochimsen. A Tough School Assignment! lh!l By Jerry Sharpnack Journal Staff Writer When Gus Cloidi discovered recently the Buck School house near Murray was no longer being used, he decided, with proper remodelling, it cculd be made into a residence. But the location was not too good. This was cf little importance, he surmised, and bought the school planning to move it to Plattsmouth. However, Gus found a few more difficulties than he bar gained for. The school, constructed more than 50 years ago (when "they really knew how to build houses"), has eight by eisht inch! sills, 10 inch walls, a frame cf two inch by six inch studs and rafters, and weighs 35 tons. This was obviously a job for professionals, so Gus contracted the Sutton Brothers Company cf St. Joseph, Mo., to do the moving. Veteran house mover Lawrence Iske cf La Platte was t ; i . . ... i-.-t:u to supervise tne wcrs. , Everything went smoothly the rst few miles cf the 15-mile : trip, then certain obstacles were n Thrum More Than 3500 Cass County Famili WW 1jo' S mi rod Legal Snafu Blocks Plan For Children Legal technicalities thwarted the efforts of the Chamber cf 1 Commerce Monday ni-ht as it Msousht financial aid from th city ior the canned summer 'youth activities program. j After hearing Manager Dale : Bowman and President Ernie ISchultz request S1,CC0 from the city amusement fund, city coun- : cumen ru masted through law leek the le-aliv cf i books to check the legality any grant for the project. After discussing their finding the council said i" felt it was oblisated to turn the nmyi. 1 Plattsmouth High School Band as it has done in past years. f;JfedtlP,aapr- tion of the salary of Music Di- : reCLr M" Penney. Mr. Bowman told the council- men previously he felt the band ; covered only a small portion of , the area's youth, but the Cham- ! ber's planned program would: ! mun as per T " T , - However, Mr. Bowman and Mr. Schultz said they were agam tasung the money from to accomodate' all boating en the city if it were to mean cur- ! thusiasts in the area. tanment of tne band program. The Chamber representatives said they did want to make cer- : tain provisions were made in j the forthcoming budse: to al low for youth activities next VPS T The cEamSeTlaid It needs 51 - mer. A portion of the money is expected to be raised from "the ; parents of youngsters participat- ! ing through the sale of T-shirts. ?Ir- Bowman said. Donation boxes are being dis played in local stores and the chamber and American Legion plan to contribute to the pro gram. The council referred the chamber representatives to the Park Board. It is hoped a plan can be worked out whereby park funds can be used for a recrea tionai program. Marriage Licenses To Three Couples Marriage licenses were issued in Cass County Court this week to the following: Gary L. Williams. 19, cf Pacific Junction, Iowa, and Phyllis M. Martin, IE, cf Platts mouth. Jon M. Schuetz. 20, cf Platts mouth and Deloris P. Beins. 19, cf Plattsmouth. Waiter R. Luhring. 19, Weep- ing Water and Beverly M. Sjcrgen. 19, of Louisville. T t Gas Cloidt poses proudly encountered, such as telegraph! lines and railroad tracks. r- - ' , " -" . - ' - .: I -. - i es TEN CENTS PER 1 I n t7 The Lpert-Woiever Po?t, Veterans of Foreism War ; went before the Plattsmouth City Council Mondav to de ! termme whether or not the clubrooms could operate Sun- days and holidavs. Tne FV clubroocis, located at South Sixth Street, sell to its members beer and liquor under the terms of a Class C license granted by the city. Boating Site Will Be Done Next Sunday Within the next 10 i days Plnttsmouth- boaters will have; ! fire fc - harboring and ' -ching their craft, according 10 ciem v, ocster, member cf the Plattsmouth Wildlife and Rec - reation Association Boat Ccm- xzree X" . v.-.. Aw., coat launching site. Bulldozers are sloping the muddy banks reck which will be applied to j lhe caved banks After they are slopped and COTfrd :h' Tnr, tCl PrCvide an cutstandi locafc-r for acaters to launch thv- c-ft committee members said - v T,. 1 AJ.T LiUJ LlLIT I li 1 r I - I ( hcpes fcr the s.JC?es5 of ; croiect as the h-hn- 5 1 formed bv th? riWr" itif ( appears to be of sufficient sire Mr. Wooster tcld the Journal workers plan to complete the site by next Sunday. The harbor is located south cf River Road. ! MISS MPndnhn LOfTY rerShinCJ tO ! ; KeDrGSent COLinfV r ; J Special To The Journal LINCOLN Larry Pershing cf Greenwood and Marilyn Men deuhali of Elmwood will repre sent Cass County in the District 4 H Club speaking contest in the Capital City tomorrow. To date six 4 H members from Cass County have enrolled in the Junior Leadership Con- Terence which will also cpen to- ! rncrrow at the University cf Ne braska. The session win rxm Saturday. ; Those f-nm r, m--tr tJ ing part will be Larry Pershing, Gail Otto ar.d JnHv TH,h,-H ail of Greenwood. Weidon stophr 5n nr.-COr. tx?a c.v ' and Tom Kraeger cf Plattsmouth ! and Jim Ulrich cf Louisville. Nehawka Lady Gives To Nebraska Museum LINCOLN Mrs. Marlon Tuck er of Nehawka has presented to the Nebraska State Historical r,ieum tne iouowmg: Discipline cf the EUB Church, ; 1333; Capitol Guide, 1STS; Cass; ; County bar docket. 1911. j lecoae -r.'.--. f before his 35 ton ex-problem But through the wel"cm as-: sistance cf employees from the! PUBLISHED SEMI - WEEKLY Monday - Thursday COPY NUMBER 55 91L0GD Ml rs The council batted the is sue back and forth with club members for more than a half hour before voting to turn it over to the judiciary and license committee for further study. The councilmen said it was their opinion present citv laws ; make the Sunday opening cf the club illegal. However, LeRoy Wilson, com mander cf the VFW, said - hi i T . f . City private i clues were allowed to remain '' open. Wilson also said his club was advised by a state liquor representative to the effect the club could sell beverages to its members on holidays. It would be much better to tave the money "cur own club -ers spend rather than let thern across the river U Iova' o s?e " he said, Dale Bowmar.. a nast fn-r.m. L " jder of the VFW. also spoke on .iDenaii ot holiday hours fcr pri- 'vate club. ! The VFW representatives argued the club members were not actually buyinr their beverages retaiL but instead were drinkinr their own property as they were the club members. However, councilmen said they , believed the members were still ; in violation of the retail sales i law because the members must I pay for their drinks even i though they own the club. Clubs and regular Class C li cense holders are in the-same : category under the law, th Continued cn Page Six 4 Are Unhurt As Cars Crash In Plattsmouth Four persons escaped serious injury last night when their 2.ntomobiles collided cn Chicago Avenue. "te accident occured as a car i iTen b D- Wolee c; Gienwood. Iowa. slowed down i -or a left turn. A car driven by Laurenc? Haiiow cf South Dakota stopped to wait fcr the Wclee car to turn. A car driven by Alan T. Wiles cf Plattsmouth rammed i!r:";ar of HailG aut- The' Wiles car was then hit by a car driven by Grover L. Cundali, Jr., cf Plattsmouth . Damase to the Wiles and ! Cundall vehicles was hm Little damage was den- to tr." Haiiow car. Homme Syracuse, Plattsmouth and Weeping Water Telephone Com panies, the Plattsmouth Con sumers, the Omaha Western Union and the Missouri Pacific Railroad,, the school is new rest ing cn its intenaed foundation in Plattsmouth. The school, in which Mrs. Robert Fitch once taught, came through the ordeal with scarce ly a scratch and is now situated at North Tenth .Street. But what about Gus? When approached for.- com ment this week, Gus summed it up in cne word, "Whew!" THE WEATHER Compiled for the Plattsmotith Journal at the Masonic Hem Weather Station, Plattsmouth Nebraska. May 23. 23, 30, 1935. High Lew Free, : Monday S3 63 Tuesday 83 Wednesday 5 63 66 .50 t Forecast: Mostly sunny tcdav, ; little cooler, high in uppr TC'V Fair tonight and Friday. Lews tonight in 50' s. I Sun sets today at 7:50 p. m CO (