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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1949)
u PK iwsime RATES Two tents per word for First Insertion; One Cent for each additional insertion. NOTICE We have a complete line of Dresden-Craft Paints and Figurenes Classes being formed on in struction of Dresden craft painting. Call 3003 for Details Biles Paint Store NOTICE SCHOOL program and plate supper by Kenosha School District 8, Nov. 18 at 8 p. m. Lewiston Community Center. Public invited. 100-2tp FOOD AND GIFT SALE: Held at Stander's Implement Store, Saturday, Nov. 19th. begin ning at 11:30 a. m. Given by the Guild of the First Luth eran Church. 100-2tc SAKE SALE: Saturday, Nov. 19 at Swatek's Hardware. Given by Riverview Club. Sale starts at 11 a. m. 101-ltc NOTICE Chicken pie supper and bazaar Fridav evening. Nov. 18th. Serving starts at 5:30 p. m. Mrrdv TTnltoH Prochvtprian i Church. 98-4tp I NOTICE PROGRAM and plate supper Friday, Nov. 18th at 8 p. m. Public invited. Mrs. O n a Thimgan, teacher, Dist 41. 100-21C NOTICE PROGRAM and plate supper at the Horning School, Friday, Nov. 25th at 7:30 p. m. Public Invited. Mrs. Mildred Newton, Teacher. 101 -2tc NOTICE THE Jean School District 3 will hold a Christmas program on Dec. 16th at 8 p. m. at the Community Hall at Mynard. , i 101-ltc I . Lost and Found - -LOST- Latter Part September Between Plattsmouth and Nebraska City One box of work clothing, weight 67 pounds, which would be marked from Smith Bros. Mfg., St. Joseph, Mo., to Fergu son's, Sturgis, South, Dakota Two used tires, size 11-24 and 10-20, make Goodyear Four used tires marked from Pohlman Motor. Auburn, to U. S. Rubber Co., Omaha Two boxes of tinware marked Plymouth Lumber, Plymouth, Nebraska Notify Darling Transfer Auburn, Nebraska 101-4tc FOUND: A Rosary. May have if paying for this ad. Phone 3122. 101-ltc Wanted WORK WANTED: Hauling, odd jobs and general clean-up. Phone 4027. 101-2tp WANTED TO RENT: 2 or 3 bed room home or apartment, un furnished. Prefer place at edge of town with garden plot. Will furnish references. tNeeded by permanent resident holding responsible, steady position with local, old estab lished firm. Needed by Janu ary 1st. or sooner. Please write Box LS, co Journal. 101-tp WORK WANTED: Corn shelling and trucking. Have sheller and two trucks. Tele. 8233. 100-2tp Uelp Wanted WANTED: A girl with at least one year of shorthand and typewriting. Call at the office of A. L. Tidd. 100-2tp GIRLS WANTED: To train for sewing positions. Earn while you learn, $26 to $43 per week, based on ability. Excellent working conditions. Music while you work. Graymoor Robes Inc., Plattsmouth, Neb. 86-tfc -2L Salesmen Wanted MAN WANTED for Rawleigh business in City of Platts mouth. Sell to 1500 families. Write today, Rawleigh's Dept. NBK-673-SA, Freeport. 111. 97-104-p A classified Ad in The Journal costs as little as 35c. m -e idr' ' it m m m m m m km m mm - a r r -w w Dial Wanted to Bay WANTED TO BUY: Gas cooking range, in good condition. Dial 3238. 101-2tc WE want to buy your poultry and we want you to get the highest prices. Dial 6203 youH be glad you did. Barta Poultry Service Plattsmouth Nebraska City 96-tfc Services Offered CARPENTER AND REPAIR WORK. D. R. Perry. Phone 4236. 101-tfc CALL Jim Wondra for electrical ! work cf all kinds. Dial 3233 ! 44-tfc PHOTOGRAPHIC Xmas cards from your negatives or mine. Phcne Frank Gaines, 6964. 101-tfc WHEN in Nebraska City stop at Garden Cafe for lunches and meals. Good food and service, reasonable prices. Garden Cafe, West Central Avenue, Nebraska City, Neb. 93-3tc HAULING WANTED: Trash wood, small articles. Harry Plybon. Phone 6119. 97-5tp Trash Hauling Garbage Pickup and Odd Jobs - Phone 3124 -E. A. Rozell WHEN wanting to sell Real Es tate or needing Insurance, see or call Wm. S. Wetenkamp, office on south 6th St. Resi dence, dial 5176. 50-tfc Furnace Cleaning and Repairing Phone 8151 Dingman Heating & Appliances " 66-tfc. ELECTRICIAN HOUSE WIRING GENERAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR W. R. HERRING Phone 3020 See Me for Wiring 97-tfc Articles for Sale SEEDS: We buy and sell farm seeds of all kinds and want red clover, alfalfa, soybeans and forage crop seed. Bartling Seed Company, West Central Ave., Nebraska City, Neb. 98-3tc FOR SALE: 2-Registered Red Bone Coon Hounds. Phone 389J. Woodie Pulsifer, Glen wood, Iowa. 101-2tp DOUD'S SAUSAGE ALL MEAT Fresh Every Wednesday Afternoon at 1:30 At Wilson's Bakery Main Street Home Rendered Lard 17c lb. 22 to 32 Pound Cans Call Phone 8351 98-tfc SOMETHING NEW Tli world's most sensational Liniment. Try a liotte fr your rheumatism, arthritis, stiff tieck or joints, oltJ or nw sores that won't heal, sore let, bunions, corns, burns or any kind, of iain that can be reuthed externally. Call lor L,al Liniment at Ni-lirtim-i's lru fcUure. or write Leaf Oil Laboratories, Sutton. Nebr. Si-lOtp "Vee and Flat Belts Pulleys- Sheller and Hammermill drives, all kinds bearings, wide conveyor belting supply New Address: 202G St. Murys Avenue Omaha. Neb. Harney 2776 BUY 241 FOR SALE: Alsco Aluminum combination screens and storm windows; porcH enclo sures. Free estimates. H. C, & C. E. Tiekotter. Phone 4159 or 4055. 68-tfc FOR SALE: Cobs, $6 large truck load, delivered. Call 4027. Ray Simons. 99-3tp FOR SALE: Black dirt and filler dirt. Crushed rock $2.85 a ton delivered within 5 miles of Plattsmouth, sand and gravil. Dial 6135. 81-tlc FOR SALE: One small girls' bicycle, like new. Also one maie Cocker Spaniel, 8 months old. Phone 6907. - 100-2tp FOR SALE: Good car radio. Only $10. Phone 4055. 101-2tc FOR SALE: Small table model radio and clock combination; also girls large sled. Phone 3253. 101-2tc FOR CrALE: Young, fat juicy geese for your Thanksgiving dinner. Mary E. Jobe, one mile east of La Platte. 101-2tp iousehold Goods BARGAINS: In new and used furniture. Gas or electric stoves, ltmps and refrigera tors. Dial 5157. 58-tfc FOR SALE: Nearly new gas stove. Phone 5176. 101-2tp FOR SALE: 8-ft. 1936 Fridigaire. Reasonable. P.O. Box 54. 101-ltp FOR SALE: Used oil heater, cheap. Phone 3060. 94-tfc A classified Ad in The Journal costs as little as 35c. FOR SALE Good John Deere "A" with al most new 101 picker. New L.H. C. Refrigerators and Home Freezers. Be prepared for safe food storage. Your old refrigerator could be worth $75.00 to $100.00. Let us bid on it toward a new I. H. C. Refrigerator. STITES Farm Equipment & Truck Co. Chicago Ave. Phone 257 tor Sale 1947 Aeronca Chief Aero plane. Starter Low hours. R. V. BRYANT MOTOR CO. 125 No. 5th Phone 233 ?a Estate for Sale BUY YOUR HOME NOW Be the first to live in this new, all-modern, insulated home, consisting of living room, kitchen and dinette, tiled bathroom, two bedrooms, full basement with automatic gas furnace and automatic gas hot water heater, floor drain and hot and cold water for laundry. Beautiful hardwood floors, attractive plastered walls in soft tints, five large closets, Youngstown steel kitchen sink and cupboards, situated on level corner lot on paving near school. PHA ap proved. $1550 down, with small monthly payments buys this house. For information concerning other desirable new and older homes call or see: LORIS B. LONG LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER Office at 126 N. 4th Street Tel. 5239 or 4250 100-tfc FOR SALE: 52 acres on gravel for $8,000. A nice house and barn, electric high line. imi. from school. 3 mi. northwest of Nebraska City, Neb. Can have possession right away. See or write Medford James, Rfd 4. 100-3tp TRAOl t0fH CLASSIFIED advertising will be accepted up to 11:00 A. M. on day ef Publication. FOR SALE OR LEASE: With option to buy. New brick 4 rooms, bath, automatic gas heat, garage. Call at 816 So. 9th, or phone 6021. 89-tfc Real Estate for Sale Modern 3-bedroom home 11th and Second Ave. Good home at 14th and Ave. E A home for a handy man to make himself a well located home worth the money New 5 room modern brick house well located Two nicely located acreages, one 18 acres, the other 5 acres A 240-acre farm An island acreage river farm I need listings, those above will be sold Lumber and coal yard in east ern Nebraska county seat town Siemers Real Estate and Insurance 1115 Ave. D Phone 5265 100-tfc Real Estate for Rent FOR RENT: 4-room house on Wintersteen Hill. Partly furn ished. Phone 3221. 101-2tp FOR RENT: Gas heated 2-room furnished apartment. Laund ry privileges. Elmer F. Bald win, 714 So. Second St. Phone 4292. 101-ltc FOR RENT: One and two room modern apartments now available. Children accepted. Also trailer space. Reasonable rates. Plattsmouth Tourist Court. 91-tfc FOR RENT: Modern apartment. Call Phil's Tavern, 205. 100-2tc FOR RENT: 3-room furnished apt. Close in. Adults. Phone between 5:30 and 7:00. 6113. 99-tfc FOR RENT: 2-room unfurn ished apartment. 117 No. 3rd. 100-2tp FOR RENT: 2-room modern furnished apartment. Phone 6988. 100-2tp Livestock For Sale FOR SALE: Good white face bull, 16 months old. Also 75 Leghorn pullets, $1 each. Dial 8398. 100-2tp Poultry Service WE are at your service. Let us worry about your poultry troubles. Expert care in hand ling your flock for culling, vaccinating, worming, health. Free service. Barta Poultry Service Plattsmouth Nebraska City 95-tfc Automobiles for Sale '49 Buick Sedanet. loaded with extras, $700 under list price. '49 Ford Custom Sedan. 7, 000 actual miles. Radio and heater . . . $1,495.00 '43 Ford Sedan Super De j luxe $1,075.00 '47 Ford convertible, radio, heater, very nice. $1,295.00 '47 Frazcr with overdrive. $975.00 '42 Oldsmobile 68 4 door, ra dio, heater and seat cov ers $695.00 '38 Buick Four Door Special. Radio and heater, new tires $325.00 ' '36 Ford 2door $125.00 '33 Chevrolet Sedan . $40.00 J '30 Chevrolet coupe. Runs good $50.00 HERB MINOR USED CARS Phone 6249 404 Main St. Plattsmouth BUICK Super Station Wagon, 1948. Excellent condition. Ful ly equipped. See at 1115-4th Ave. 100-4tp FOR SALE: 1938 Chevrolet 4- j door. Good condition. Roland i Pruess. Call 284. 101-ltp Plattsmouth Motors The Ford center of Cass county invites you to come over and inspect their good selection of dependable transportation. Bring your title along and we will trade on the spot. 1949 Ford demonstrator 1948 Ford super deluxe tu dor. Radio, heater, plastic seat covers. One of those "good as new" - cars. Completely guar anteed. 1948 Plymouth special de luxe convertible club coupe. Radio, heater, spotlight, 5 brand new General squeege tires. This is an exceptionally fine "one owner" car driven by a prominent young citizen of Cass county. This car is like new but you can save approximately one third of the original cost on this fine car. Come over right now to see this one if you are interested because it won't be here long. Look at This Fine Selection of Cars for the Thrifty Buyer 1942 8 Cyl. Ford coupe. Spe cial this week end $595 1941 Ford super deluxe tu dor, radio and heater. 1940 Olds 6 Coach. Special this week end . . . $495 1S40 Ford tudor. 1939 Mercury fordor. Radio and heater. Just a dandy fine car for the family. Good motor. Good glass. Good paint. Special this week end $445.00 1939 "120" series Packard 4 door. Good tires, good motor. Radio and heat er. Overdrive. This is the little 8. A small lux urious family car. Special this week end $445.00 Here Are Some Low Priced Specials ";1938Pontiac coach ' 1937 Ford coupe . 1QT7 Vnrrt tnrlnr $175.00 $165.00 ruru iuuui . . vva.vv 4SOa. Plymouth coach $89.00 1934 Buick Victoria. Perfect tires, good motor $79.00 Terms to Suit Your Income TRUCKS 1949 Chevrolet 1H ton, 134" with Omaha Standard fold down, driven only 3,500 miles. 100 per cent guarantee. Save many $ $ $. 1948 GMC H ton pickup. Very low mileage. Ex cellent condition. Will give 100 per cent guar antee. 1S48 Ford H ten with stock and grain, runs and looks like new. Very low mileage. 1947 Ford H ton pickup. 1946 Ford tonner 1942 Dodge 4 wheel drive. Carry all. Fine for an auxiliary school bus. 1936 Ford 12 C. & C. ton LWB Plattsmouth Motors Our Used Cars Make Good or We Do PHONE 287 FOR SALE: 1936 Chevrolet. New motor, 23,500 miles. Paint and tires, body A-l condition. Must sacrifice. See at Chev rolet Garage. . 101-3tc '49 Ford custom 4-door, radio and heater, white wall tires, fog lights and many other extras '49 Ford custom 4-door de luxe, radio, automatic air heater, very low mileage and low price FINK PONTIAC CO. 625 Ave. A Phone 6262 FOR SALE: Good 19S2 Cfcevro let, 4-door, engine in good shape. 1938 Chevrolet cheap Royer Garage, Murray, Phone 1411. 100-2tc FOR SALE: Two tone 42' Chev rolet 4-door sedan. New mo tor, good heater. Call 5169 after 6 p. m. " 101-2tp Sell It Thru Journal Want Ads. ggt New Dodge Convertible Roadster 1,795.00 1941 Oldsmobile 4 -door 1939 Plymouth 2-loor 1939 Chevrolet 4-door 1939 Oldsmobile 2-door 1936 Plymouth 2-door 1935 Ford 2-door 1937 Nash 4-door 1938 Plymouth 2-door R. V. BRYANT MOTOR CO. 125 No. 5th Phone 2i3 LEGAL NOTICES Fouchek & Garnett. Attorneys. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CASS COUNTY. NEBRASKA IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF WILLIAM A. WHEELER, also known as W. A. WHEELER, DECEASED. NOTICE To all persons interested in the Estate of William A. Wheeler, also known as W. A. Wheeler, Deceased, Heirs and Credit ors: You are hereby notified that Marie Wheeler filed a petition on the 29th day of October, 1949 alleging that the said deceased died intestate on August 22, 1949, a resident of Cass County, Nebraska, and praying for a de termination' of heirship and order of distribution of his es tate and for settlement of said estate under the "Small Estates Act," and dispensing with furth er administration and that said petition will be for hearing on the 22nd day of November 1949 at 11:00 A. M., in this court. RICHARD C. PECK, County Judge. No. 1133 Nov. 3. 10, 17, 1949. Francis M. Casey, Attorney. NOTICE OF PROBATE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA To all persons interested in the estate of Jennie E. Jenkins deceased. No. 4185. Take notice that a petition has been filed for-the probate of an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, and for the appointment of James E. Jen kins as executor thereof; that said petition has been set for hearing before said Court on the 21st day of November 1949, at 10 A. M. Dated November 2nd, 1949. RICHARD C. PECK. (Seal) County Judge. No. 1133 Nov. 3, 10, 17, 1949. LEGAL NOTICE FRANCIS M. CASEY, ATTORNEY IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. TO: The heirs, devisees, leg atees, personal representatives and all other persons interest ed in the estate of Orin A. Davis, deceased, real names un known, and all persons having or claiming any interest in and to The Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SWU of the SWU) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Thirteen (13) East, Cass County, Nebraska, and the Southeast Quarter (SEU) of Section Seventeen (17 Township Eleven (11) North, Range Thirteen (13) East, Cass County, Nebraska, and the Northeast Quarter (NE'i ) of Section Twenty-one (21), Township Eleven (11) North. Range Thirteen (13) East, Cass County, Nebraska, and the East Half (EH) of the ast Half (E') of the North west Quarter (NWVi) of Sec tion Twenty-one, Township Eleven (11), Range Thirteen (13) East, Cass County, Nebras ka, and the East Half (EV2) of the Southwest Quarter (SWU) of Section Twenty-one (21), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Thirteen (13) East, all in Cass County, Nebraska, and the West (Vz) of Lot (13) and all of Lot (14) in Block four teen in Latta's Second addition and Lot's (15) and (16) in Pitt aiau's Sub-additicn all in the Village of Murray, Cass County, Nebraska, real names unknown; Robert Leroy Davis, and Mrs. Robert Leroy Davis, whose true and real name is unknown, and to the heirs, devisees, legatees and personal representatives of Effie Davis Johnson and Dor othy Fay Davis, deceased, also known as Dorothy Fay Davis Kendall, deceased. You are hereby notified that the undersigned Rose Jeanette Davis, plaintiff, has filed in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, her Petition against you as defendants ; impleaded with others, ' the object and prayer of which is to obtain a judgment for the partition of he aforesaid real estate and further to obtain a decree of the Court barring- and exclud ing each and all other defend ants designated as "the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal re presentatives and all other per THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Thursday, November 17, 1949 PAGE SEVEN sons interested in the Estate of names unknown" and all de fendants designated as "all per sons having or claiming any in terest in or to The Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quar ter (SWVi of the SWVk ) of Sec tion Fifteen (15. Township (11) North, Range Thirteen (13 1 East, Cass County, Nebraska, and the Southeast Quarter (SEU) of Section Seventeen (17), Township Eleven (11 North, Range Thirteen (13) East, Cass County, Nebraska, and the Northeast Quarter (NE'4) of Section Twenty-one (21), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Thirteen (13) East, Cass County, Nebraska, and the East Half (EH) of the East Half (EH) of the North west Quarter (NW'-i ) of Sec tion Twenty-one (21), Town ship Eleven (11), Range Thir teen (13) East, Cass County, Nebraska, and the East Half (EH) of the Southwest Quarter (SWU) of Section Twenty-one (21) Township Eleven (11) North. Range Thirteen (13) East, Cass County, Nebraska, and the West ( H ) cf Lot (13) and all of Lot (14) in block Fourteen in Latta's Second Ad dition and Lot's (15) and (16) in Pittman's Sub-addition all in the Village of Murray, Cass County, Nebraska, real names unknown" forever from assert ing any interest, claim or title to said real estate and quieting: title thereto in the plaintiff and certain of the defendants and for equitable relief. You are required to answer said Petition in this Court on or before the 12th day of De cember, 1949. ROSE JEANETTE DAVIS. Flaintiff. No. 1134 Nov. 3, 10, 17, 24, '49. NOTICE OF MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL AS A BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that at 7:30 o'clock P. M., on the Dth day of December, 1943, in the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, the City Council will meet in spec ial session as a Board of Equali zation for the purpose of equal izing and adjusting the special assessments for benefits on ac count of the construction of street improvements and work incidental thereto in Street Im provement Districts Nos. 82, 85. 87, 89, 90, SI, 4, 95, 9S, and P3. of the City of Plattsmouth, Ne braska, and for the levying of such assessments. . The real estate included in the above districts is as fol lows: Street Improvement District No. 82 All of Lots 5 to 8, both in clusive, Block 44. All of Lots 1 to 4, both in clusive, Block 49. All in Young and Kays Addition to the Original Town now City of Plattsmouth. Nebraska. All of Lots 1 and 2, Block 5, All in Hays Addition to the Original Town now City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. All cf Lots 3 to 31, both in clusive. All in Hillcrest Sub division of Hays Addition to the Original Town new City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Also all vacated streets and alleys lying and being within the boundaries cf Street Im provement District No. 2. Street Improvement District No. 85 All of Lots 1 to 4, both in clusive, Block 3. All of lots lto 4, both in clusive, Block 4. All in White's Addition to the Ori ginal Town now City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. All of Lot 2, Block 3. All cf Lot 1, Block 9. All in Town send's Addition to the Ori ginal Town new City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Also all vacated streets and alleys lying and being within the boundaries' of Street Im provement District No. 85; Street Improvement District No. 87 All of lots 5 to 8, both in clusive, Block 22. All of lots 5 to 8, both in clusive, Block 23. All of lots 1 to 4, both in clusive, Block 28. All of lots 1 to 4, both in clusive, Block 29. All in Young and Hays Ad dition to the Original Town now City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Also all vacated streets and alleys lying and being within the boundaries of Street Im provement District No. 87. Street Improvement District No. 89 All of lots 7 to 12, both in clusive, Block 164, Original Town. All of lots 1 to 3, both in clusive, and all of lots 14 to 16, both inclusive, Block 3. All in Stadelman's Addition to the Original Town now City of Plattsmouth, Ne braska. Also all vacated streets and alleys lying and being within the boundaries of Street Im provement District No. 89. Street Improvement District No. SO All of Lots 9 to 12, both in- . elusive, Block 134. All ot lots 1 to 4. both inclusive, Elock 138. All in the Origin al Tcwn now City of Platts mouth, Nebraska. All of lots 3 and 4, Elock 31. All of Lots 5 to 8. both in clusive, Block 32. All of loti 5 to 8. both inclusive, Block 33. All of lots 1 to 4. both inclusive, Block 38. All oi Lots 1 to 4. both inclusive. Block 39. All of Lots 1 and 2, Block 40. All in Young and Hays Addition to the Ori ginal Town now City cf Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Also all vacated streets arj alleys lying and being within the boundaries of Street Im provement District No. 90. Street Improvement District No. 91 All of Lots 4 and 9. Block 134. all in the Original Town now City of Platts mouth, Nebraska. All of Lots 1 to 4, both in clusive, Block 31. All of lots 1, 2, 7, and 8, Block 32. All in Young and Hays Addition to the Original Town now City o f Plattsmouth, Ne braska. Also all vacated streets and alleys lying and being within - the boundaries cf Street Im provement District No. 9!. the boundaries of Street Im- - Street Improvement District No. 9i All of lots 7 to 9, both in clusive, Block 165, Original Town. All of Lots 19 to 21, both in clusive, Block 2. All in Gta- delman's Addition to the Original Town, new City cf Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Also all vacated streets ar.d . , alleys lying and being within the boundaries of Street In-: provement District No. 1. Street Improvement District No. 95 All of Lots 7 to 12, both in clusive. Block 36. All cf Lots 1 to 6, both inclusive, Block 43. All in the Original Town now City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Also all vacated streets and alleys lying and being within provement District No. 05. Street Improvement District No. S6 All of lots 7 to 12, both in clusive, Block 20. Ail of lots 1 to 6, both in clusive, Block 27. All in the Originrd Town now City cf Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Also all vacated streets and alleys lying and being within the boundaries of Street Im provement District No. 96. Street Improvement District No. 93 Ail of lots 7 to 11, both in clusive, Block 21, lying south of Washington Ave nue. All of lots 1 to 6. both in clusive, Block 26. All in the Original Town new City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Also all vacated streets and alleys lying and being within the boundaries of Street Im provement District No. 98. At said time and place the Mayor and City Council cf said City will grant a hearing to all persons interested, and will pass a resolution cr resolutions mak ing such special assessments as provided by law. A. B. ROGERS, Mayor. Attest: ALBEIIT OLSON, City Clerk. (SEAL) No. 1133 Nov. 10, 17, 24. Dec. 1. 8, 1S49. Smith & Lebens, Attorneys," NOTICE TO CREDITORS -IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA To the creditors of the estate ; of Henry A. Guthmann deceas- ed. No. 4180: ! Take notice that the tim : limited for the filing and pre I sentation of claims against said estate is March 6th, JS50; that a hearing will be had at tUe County Court room in Platts mouth on March 10th, 1950 at ten o'clock a. m. for the pur- J pose of examing, hearing, al lowing and adjusting all claims or objections duly filed. Dated November 7th. 1949. RICHARD C. FECK. (Seal) County Jude. No. 1144 Nov. 10, 17, 24, 1943. i California Folks Enjoy the Journal Mr. and Mrs. Rae F. Patter son, former residents, write to the folks "back home" that they I are enjoying very much read ing the news of Plattsmouth and vicinity through receipt of The Plattsmouth Journal a gift from T. II. Pollock. " The Pattersons reside in Sax Francisco and report the health of Rea as being improved at this time, although he is con fined to his ncme most of the time so he especially looks for ward to arrival twice a week cf the old home town paper. A classified Ad in the Joiirr-ar costs as little as 35c.