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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1949)
THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE EIGHT Thursday, November 17, 1949 At The Cass Couniy Court Hons c (Continued From Page Gnet an action was filed entitled Ed gar C. Kief vs The Standard Life Association. The plaintiff in his petition sets forth that cn May 1. 1923, Fern M. Kief, now de ceased, purchased from the de fendant company, an insurance poliey for $1,000, in which the plaintiff was named as the beneficiary. It also .states that Fern M. Kief died at Denver on November 20th. The plaintiff asks judgment for $1,000 and in'erest from the date of No vember 26, 19-13, against the de fendant. Attorney James F. Berk ley appears in the action for the plaintiff. Mr. and Mrs. H. U. P.oyai of I ineo'n w re hero Gun lay to fcpmd a few hours vnKiiv with JtK;;v C. L. Graves, father cf Mrs. Koyal. Local Buyer Back From the Markets C. C .Wescott. buyer for Wes cotts clothing store, has re turned home from Kansas City where he was in attendance at the "Heart of America" buyers convention held at the Hotel Muehlbaeh. Mr. Wescott found a large number attending the market, u j fine .showing of the various , lines for the spring season. The ! colors fi;r men's shirts and j clothes will be more flashy the I coming spring and summer, Mr. I Wescott states. One of the new spring innovations in shirts for ! the spring season will be zipper shitis that will eliminate th buttons that often cause trouble when missing. Another of the , new styles for men will be duo i shirt that combines the sport i shirt with a light weight jacket, ! it being arranged so that it can j be worn as either. The lower i portion is woven so that it can j form a jacket if desired. I The prices will not show any I lower levels at least earlier in i the season, owing to the mini mum 75c an hour law that has affected the clothing industry very much, all persons engaged in this line must receive this wase and making necessary the raise of the higher bracket skilled workers. THOMAS W.UMNu CO Abstracts cf Title "Title Jniuranjc" PlaMsmouth, NYhraskn L l hi Now . . . At Long Last A Good In expensive House Coat 9 Zipper closing or wrap-around styles, fast color p3 print, eve do cr broadcloth, full cut, well made, all sizes $2.95 ''Fruit of the Loom" Cotton Smocks Sizes 1 ? to 20 2.85 Square Dance Formal A very, protty cotton print, full skirted, attractively made, sizes 14 to 13 33.95 Cdect Your Christmas Cards Now! ft IS City to Make Repairs on Main Street (Continued From Tage One) llenningson Engineers regard ing complaint on sewer assess ment on Gth avenue In the south part of the city. The report of the engineer stated that the east end of the sewer on 6th avenue is too shallow to serve the house that sets on sub lot 1 of block C7, Stadelman's addition, this house is out of the sewer district however. The west forty-five feet of sublot 1, of block 67 and sub lot 1 of block 68 are in cluded in district, the west end of the two lots showed that the sewer was deep enough to sup ply the property. Police Judge Charles L. Graves pivp his reuort for the past three weeks, showing that for tin week of October 30th. there had been four arrests and fines and costs of $27.75; for the week of November 6th, two arrests and fines and cc.Us of $18.25; for the week of November 13th two ar rests and fines and costs of $16.50. Councilman Am called the at tention of the council to the fact that traffic signs were needed on Chicago avenue, as the mayor, to whom this matter had been referred, was not pres ent, it was moved by Council man Woster that the streets, al leys and bridges committee be authorized to secure signs for use on the avenue. It was sug gested that the signs on the south approaches of the avenue give warning of slacking speed, that in the vicinity of Oakmont and on north the speed be placed at 25 miles an hour as provided by the city ordinance and that the street be patrolled. Councilman Am reported that on WinCersteen hill residents had raised funds for rocking the street near the school house and that the city had placed in two intersections. Along other parts of the street on the hill the resi dents had not raised the amounts for the rock. n fi - - hp : g rL Heavy Springs -I Jar ZVC Cold cr Hit it I St1A.lf PAAttl fS Ducks and Geese v V 1 Hits the Spot! M 9IIU UICCIII g7 u. g. cood com Fed AT GA 1 Spam Can 43c 1 SHORTENING Q beef roast ib. 55c S2O0 n i I jnunitlUHU -f . f cMi, is ICI I IT H H U II 3-lb. 7Q r3 Koast. Half or Whole lb. 39c g 1(1 can fl UU Wqk FreSh Prk HCkS Ib i Pk-,. ZDC r ROYAL V) PUMPKIN I A No. 2K Q I I Can Pi 3 SOENMICHSEN'S S?J . r oexmff ftHBdK fc-aTT.H . - fv 3 Si , -4 -f? ' -.I . . t l i. -it 5 4, i' ' -If ? 1 w"' 5 ' 2 .V 9 f i r .i i "Sadie Hawkins" Draws Large Crowd Wednesday was "Sadie Haw kins" night at the club rooms of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, a capacity crowd filling the club rooms for the very en tertaining evening of fun and entertainment. There was an exceptionally large crowd of costumed guests present, in fact all "Dog Patch" was represented In the array of male and female costumes seen on the floor. The competition for the priz es was very keen and made the task of the judges difficult. In the awards the first prize was awarded to Donna Burk as the "Wolf Girl," the second prize to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bowman who were dressed as the "Sack People." Tne ladies of the Auxiliary had arranged a box supper as a part of the evening entertain ment, the bidding was quite keen as the various boxes of good eats were offered to the members of the group. Dancing was enjoyed for the remainder of the evening. Lloyd Story Very Critically 111 Ray Story of this city, Tues day evening in a telephone call to his sister-in-law, Mrs. Lloyd Story, was informed that his brother, Lloyd Story, was in c very critical condition at Bould er, Colorado, where he has been ill for the greater part of the past summer. He is not showing any improvement. Mr. Story who has been en gaged in working at the Uni versity of Colorado at Boulder lor some time, has been very ill for the past several months. Mr and Mrs. Frank Story of Du buque, Iowa, arrived Tuesdav in Plattsmouth and they are plan ning on leaving at once for Boulder to be with the brother in his illness. 2 K V $ ' ' ": - L.jr f.'-- sa". lj ... . d tee OVERALLS Lse EIDERS (jarforued Shrunk) AUTHENTIC WESTER!!' C0VBDY PANTS BIcn's $3.29 Boys' $1.79 & $1.98 Men's $3.09 Boys' $1.79 (Sanforized Shrunk) USE OUIi LAY-AWAY PLAN Visitors From The South Here Mrs. Mott Fradv and children Clifford and Delores, arrived this week from their h Jacksonville, Florida, and are visiting at the home of Mrs. Virgie Fradv and other of th i relatives and friends. They will pruuaDiy De nere until the Christmas vacation. Mr. Frady, who is in the em nlove of the fruit pany, is being transferred from jacKsonvuie to his new position at Spokane. Washineton. wh he will be joined bv his familv I io mase tneir home. I Thev are former residpnts .Plattsmouth but in late years t t i . . nave Deen located m the south Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Puis. Mr and Mrs. Glen Puis and family, were at Weeping Water Sunday Pillsbury's PIE CRUST MIX pkg.18c MORTON HOUSE DATE ROLL 2Nc25c DEL MONTE CRUSHED ' PINEAPPLE ....SS16c IGA FANCY CUT GREEN ASPARAGUS caT 25c IGA WHOLE GRAIN GOLDEN CORN.'. .....Nocr 15c EARLY JUNE VARIETY , IGA PEAS I 19c CAMPBELL'S 3 0A TOMATO SOUP ... c. 29c IGA FRUIT 0 1 COCKTAIL lc STOKELY'S STRAINED CRANBERRY SAUCE ...,,e16c IGA VACUtTM PACKED SWEET POTATOES U. S. Good Corn Fed BEEF ROAST lb. 55c Lean Boston Pork Butt Steak lb. 43c Roast, Half or Whole lb. 39c Fresh Pork Hocks lb. 25c Wilson's Certified All Meat Large Franks Ib. 39c Fresh Ground Beef and Pork Ib. 39c Special for Meat Loaf or Patties Pork Loin End Roast, 2 to 3-lb. Avg. lb. 35c Delicious Homemade Ham Salad . .lb. 39c A Quick Evening Snack 3-lb. Box IGA Self-Rising Pancake n Flour 25c LARGE EUREKA WALNUTS Lb. 39c VwT l ib. 01 Cello. &1C MOTT'S SWEET NONE-SUCH APPLE MINCE CIDER MEAT Hot. 22c , 19c Squat 97 ..Can iMJAl rtiAnKSWVMv tvlTHTHSM0$ Bcrdo Orange-Grapefruit CITRUS SALAD N ca2 23c ILL, Large, Crisp DELICIOUS APPLES U. S. No. 1 Quality JONATHAN APPLES 4 lbs. 35c Red Emperor FRESH GRAPES 2 lbs. 21c Marsh Seedless GRAPEFRUIT lb. 8c Wyman Maine Pack BLUEBERRIES No. 2 or- Can For Salads Try IGAVEG-ALL N! :.S17c Crisp Fresh Pascal CELERY lb. 9c Fresh Selected Ripe TOMATOES TOMATOES Nc2n 16c IGA Fancy Grade CUT BEETS No. 2 Cans 2 for 25c IGA Fa.ncy, Tender GREEN BEANS "ck2. 23c , . , , - ... " " IGA Fancy Northern SAUERKRAUT Nca2 12c Aunt Jemima PANCAKE FLOUR 17c Ripe 'N Ragged Homestyle , IGA APRICOTS 5S 18c Musselman's APPLESAUCE Noia3nl4c Del Monte Yellow Cling PEACHES 28c Whole Spiced . , IGA PEACHES No: 35c IGA Fancy Halves BARTLETT PEARS No 1 33c IGA Pitted RED CHERRIES 28c Per Tube 27c Fvesh Golden Acorn SQUASH lb. 5c Green Top, Lge. Bunch CARROTS 10c COMPLETE YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER WITH THESE ITEMS Cranberries, Garden Fresh Radishes, Green Onions, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Leaf Lettuce Genuine PYREX Custard Cup with each 30c Bottle AMRED FLAVORINGS. Six rtcK. delight ful flavors Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, Almond, Maple, Walnut. Stock up on these New and Better Flavorings and get a complete set f these handy cups while supplies last. Dcn't delay Act today! Ho!idpi cooKies &t&tcecC Lbs. 48c While They Last! Maw (riiirire PYRElf Cake Dish 2i&D .Mfl wilh each large bottle "? U . . a biff I A PA THer I0W09 With Amrtd" Buy 2 Bottles - Get 2 Dishes . AJ lack nd White 2 Pkgs. Assorted Puddings Kre-Mel 15c l-lb. Pkg. Fresh Nabisco Ritz Crackers 29c 2 Tall Cans IGA Brand Evaporated I Milk 23c 4-oz. Pkg. Royal Guest Black Tea . . .27c ii n i st i u i . . 46-oz. Can IGA Pure California Orange Juice . . 47c 46-oz. Can Musselman's Pure Apple Juice 28c 46-oz. Can IGA Rich, Pure Tomato Juice 25c Fresh, Crunchy Peanut Brittl e lb. 25c Lge. Pkg. IGA Li?ht 'N Fluffy Cake Flour . . . .33c 6-oz. Pkg. Park Row Pitted Dates 19c For the Turkey IGA 1- cz. Pkg. Leaf Sage 9c 2- oz. Bot. Royal Guest Pure Vanilla 25c Fancy (No Peanuts) Mixed Nuts .lb. 29c Thinshelled Almonds . . .lb. 37c i j Large Washed Brazils .... lb. 31c Large Oregon Filberts lb. 29c Large Papershell I 6 to spend the day at the home Pecans . . . .lb. 35c of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Gray and Telephone 238 family. ' Use Journal Want Ads,