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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1939)
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1939. PAGE SIX DELINQUENT TAXES IN CASS COUNTY, NEBR. (Continued from rage 5) N'4 NTUi and Lots 14 anil 15 SV NEU n S SEU 11 Lots 21 and 24 y2 NEV.12 Lot 8 SK1'; NWU .'12 Lot 4 XRV. ?W.i 12 Lot ID NEU SWH 12 Lot 1C N 10 14 SWU 12 Lot 17 NEH SVi,4 12 Lot 15 NWU SW'i 12 Lot J NWU SW'4 ami Lots 12 ami IS SW'i SWU anil Lots 11. 19 SEU SW4 J'; NEH SEU 12 Lot t NWU SE". 12 Lot 20 NWU SKU 12 si skk Lot 7 NEU NEU --vv: Lot S NKV, NK'i and Lot 9 Nwn XKV, 1J Lot 6 NWU XEU l S-' NEU " NWU " Lot 10 XK'4 SKU " Lot 11 XW'i SK'i 13 VU SEV, -14 Lot 1 XK'4 SEU and NW'i SEU J. Lot 3 SKi'. pev, .L Lot 2 SEU SEU and SWU SEU J? Wii xw'4 F.A SWU J 5 NEU M NWU i K'i SWU 17 E 42V. A. Wii SW'i ....17 W 37 w. A. AVii SWU 17 N'i XW'l 1 E. 71 A. EU SEU 1l Kli XK'4 S'A NEU 20 E."30 A. Xi4 NWU 20 EA SKU :22 Lot 11 NW'i NEU and Sub Lot 1 of 24 XWH XE14 v;;;23 Its 4, 22 and 28 NEU NW'i Lot 27 NW'i NWU 23 Lot 23 SW'i NW'i and Lot 29 SEU XW'i 23 Lot 8 NWU SWU and Lot 31 SW'i SWU " SE'i J! E4 NWU NKU 2 V& NWU NEU 24 KU" SW'm NK'i and Lot U" PKV. XK.. 24 WK SWV, XKVi and Lot 1 XK'4 NWU 24 Lot 9 NE" XW Vl .24 Lot S SW'i XW'i ami Lot 3 SEU XW'i 21 Lots 2 ami 11 SEU NWU -24 NW'i SWU ,V4 NEU SEU and N SE'i SEU SW'i ski; 24 XWV. SK'4 21 xy2 SEU Lot r. SKU SKU 2. Lot 6 SK'4 SBi 2:. S SW", 2b SEU SE,i and SW U 'SK'4 2 W'U2 SW'i - Lots 1 and 2 K. of R. 11. E, PR', 27 XE'i XK'4 ..' 2S SK'i NEU . .' 28 SEU SE'i 2S Lot 9 SK''. SW'i 29 NW'i SW'i 30 Lot 4 XK'i XK'i .32 Lot :'. SK'i XK'i S2 Lots 7 and S SEVi NEU . .32 v.:. SW'i s2 E'i SK'i 32 XVi SK'i 3 2 KU, XE'i 33 Eii WV. XE'i a NV NWU 33 Lots 9and 10 S'.fe XW'i ..33 'Lots 7 and X SVfe XW'i ..33 Kv. Lot 11 WV2 SW'i 33 Lot 11 W',i SWU and WW. SE'i 33 Ev. Lot 14 XW'i 34 NEU 3? yV','i and SW'i 3:. S'i SEU Lots 1, 2 and 9 X'4 XE'i. 36 Lot 8 XWV, XK'i 36 'Lots 5 and G SW'i NEU. 36 209 OS 35.72 14.32 25.12 5.52 2.76 3.07 3.07 13.36 37.79 12.SS 14.52 S.43 24.43 4.45 45.26 4.61 46.12 62.54 15.S 2.02 220.94 46.67 39.40 43.07 5 4.62 (13.36 6..61 37.07 33.11 6S.S6 82.94 29.47 10.46 37.56 33.06 49 28 207.38 S9.10 77.20 2.96 27.34 153.82 55.76 11.56 2S.0S 17.28 26. S2 8.08 91.10 16.22 60.12 44.84 63 21 63 22 29.57 16. SO 24.79 66.82 12R.96 5S.76 13.98 48.40 33.56 39.06 10.7S 46.64 1.40 .60 2,9.00 53.30 1S9.28 "9.20 59.70 65.10 61.70 33.20 , 19. 3D lfc0.HO 1SS.72 129.54 274.56 627.92 126.26 67.82 16.22 22.68 and SE'4 XEU and Lot 4 EV2 NEU 31 SV. NW'i 31 NV. SW'i 31 NVj XEU 32 Wi XW'i 3 2 KV. XE'i --33 F,V V4 XKVi 33 WVi WVi XEU 33 XW'i 33 NV. SE'i 33 S'i SEVt 33 X'i NW'i 34 svT NWU 34 SAV'4 34 E V XE'i 3 Lot 3 XWU NE'i 3a EVa Lot 5 SW'i XEU ....3. Lot 6 SWU XK'4 3o Lot 11 SKU NW'i and Ex. i:. K. XK'i SWU 35 Lot 2 W. of li. Ti. SWU SW'i rY3: SP:U SWU and Lot 2 L. of 11. It. SW Vj. sv V4 SK", Lot 1 SW'i NWU SW U 35 36 36 Ttvp. l.'t. Ktinirr 13 V'C sciiTition Sec. Lot 1 NK'i 35 S. 16 ft. of 2 SW'i NKU.35 Lot 3 E V XWU 3" Lot 21 EV, XWU 35 Suh Lot 1 of 21 EVj XWU 35 Kx. hipliwuv and Lot. 23 NK'i SW'i 35 Iot 23 KV. SW'i 35 Sub Lot 2 Of 11 XWU SW 14 35 Lot 11 XW of u. n. XW'i SW'i 35 Lot 12 W. of K. K. SWU SW'i 35 Lot 13 X. of H. H. Kx. Hisfhwav SE'i SWU 35 Sub Lot 1 of 13 Ex. Hifjlnvav SK'i SWU ....35 XV. SK'i 35 Lot 14 and 15 SV. SKU .-35 Lot 4 NWU 36 Lot 3 tract in Gov. Lot 7 SWU SK'i 3fi Lot 5 SK U SW v. .36 Lot 6 XK'i SWU 2'"' W'i SW'. 36 XK'4 SW'i and Lots 8 and 10 XVi SKU 36 Lot 12 XVi SK U 36 PI.VTTSMOITH PKECIXCT Tvi. Itnnurc i:t Dfscription Sec. Ex. Lot S XW'i 2 Lot S XW'i 2 F.'i SWU 2 NWU SWU 2 XW'i SKU and SW'i SE'i 2 W. 13 A. of E. 27 A. S V2 NW'i 3 NWU NE'i 11 Lot 19 SK'i NE'i 11 E'i E'i SWU PW'i 11 Lots 15 to 18 XE'i SK'4 ..11 Lot 30 and W'-i W'i of 8 XK'i SE'i and W'i 7 XK'i SK'i 11 XW'i SK'i 11 XKU NKU 12 Lot K4 NW'i NKU 12 Lot 86 XW'i XK'i 12 Lot feS SWU XE'i 12 Lots S9 and 93 SW'i xk u ; . 1 2 SKU XEU 12 WV. XE'i XW'i 12 XW'i XW'i 12 Lots- 96 and 9S SW'i XW'4 .12 Lot 52 NK'i SK':. 12 Lot 99 SWU XW'i 12 Lots 100. 101 XW'i SW'i. 12 Snh Lots 1 and 2 of 65 SW'i 12 Lot 102 VWH SWU 1'' Lot 103 NWU SW'i ...!l2 Sul Lot 1 of 36 NW'i ... .13 Sub Lot 10 of 9 NW'i NW'i 14 VEU SWU 14 RH swu u XV, SKU 14 seu se': ir, SE'i SWU 16 SE'i 16 Kv road E'.i SK'i IS NKU 21 Lots 7 and 8 SV, SW'i . "1 NKU -i SKU SW'i 22 SW'i SW'i N' SE'i '. . ' sy-' sk". " Lot 13 XWV, XEU''. .."'3 Lot 3 SWU XE'i 3 XEU XW'i .... "5 SEU NWU ""3 W NWU '"3 NKU SWU r,3 NW'i SW'i '"'3 S'i SWU 13 Lot 9 NKU SEU .. ''"'3 Lot 10 XEU SE'i "53 Lot 7 NWU SKU ...... '":! lxt 8 XW'i SKU . . . ''I SWV. SK'i Lot 11 SE'4 SE'i s I)t 3 XWU XKU 5 Lot 4 SWU XKU "5 Lot 5 XKU NWU -, Lot 8 NW'i NW'i "5 S'i NW& ; -r, SWU -s NWU SK'i !!!25 SWU SE'i 25 Lot 2 NE'i NE'i 26 Lot X NKU NE'i 26 Lot 6 NWU NE'i ''6 SEVi NKVi 26 N NWU 26 Lot 11 SE'4 SW'i and SWU SWU 2 NEU 27 EV, NWU 27 WVi NWU: 27 NV4 SWU 27 SWU SWU 27 SEU SWU 27 NV4 SEU 27 SU SEU 27 NEU 28 NV4 NWU and SW'i NWU 28 SEU NWU 28 SWU 28 SEU 28 SWU SEU 30 Ex.- Lots 4 and ' 6 NV4 NEU 31 Lot 1 SWU NEU 31 Lots 5 and 2 SWU NEU Amt. $172.40 26.04 79.1 11 31.92 20.42 15.20 25.12 3.40 36.16 25.30 12.08 60.64 . 32.39 57.15 9.9C 65.96 28.72 15.32 44.26 15.74 109.12 6S.SS 1 09. SO 23.94 2.28 21.14 4. 56 95.4R 122 0 8 12(V3S 272 96 29.48 10.21 34.02 150.58 109. 2 52.76 69.34 85 32 85.32 28.51 49.78 22.18 3.38 31.50 27.44 67.82 27.44 31.42 65.42 17.30 2.16 2S 02 4.32 31.02 15.98 5.74 31.50 8.00 6.76 75.38 123.62 31.58 35.60 4.14 11.38 21. SO 39. 6 56.58 149. S6 100.80 71.80 54.70 67.80 40.50 29.80 49.30 53.30 121.80 163.62 24.70 135.50 132.80 26.34 125.36 1.77 I.IHEHTV I'll KC'IXCT Tp. 10, ltaii(t 1 T ipscritition See. Lot 1 NEU XWU 4 Lot 2 XW'i NWU 4 Tot 3 SWU SWU 4 XK''. 5 WU. NEU 5 neu set; s Lots 3 and 4 NEU NEU and Lots 1, 2, 3, 5 NWU XKU and Lots 4 to 10 SWU NEU c SU NWU 6 T n't 12 S""U . . : 6 SWU SW'i 6 W 37.-'4 A. Of 15, IS, 19 El. SWU 6 W 8 A. of 1 A. of Lots 15 aid 18 EU. SW'i fi S NEU SEU fi XWV, SE". 6 Sob Lots 1 of 16 and 17 SW'i STTU and Lots lb "d I" 'T, SKU KU SW"" -WV4 SW'i S'-'. SEU vVu VEU and Lot 0 NK'i XEU Lot S SWU XKU Tot 4 SEU NEU VWH S'i XW'i swu swu EH SW'i 7 . . s . . 8 . . X . . s . 8 . . 8 . .17 WH SW'i ;ii S"b Lots 1 und 2 NV2 SE'i ' Sub Lots 5 and 12 of 3 VH SK'i and Lots 1 to 5 H SU 17 T-ot 8 SU SEU l Lot 9 Si, SKU 17 t ot 7 S". SE'i I7 WH NK'i 1S I 1. 9. 15 and 21 NW'i NW'i 1S r:n "0 NW'i NWU lx wu -...18 EH. NK". 1 EU SWU I9 Tot o SW'. SW', lq swu SEU 19 NH NEU 2n SU XKU 20 NW'i 2 VH SW'i 20 W.30 A. of SU- SW'i ....20 K. 50 A. of SVfe SW'.j ?0 vt;, s;p'''. 20 T.ot S XWU NWU 28 SW'i XWU ?s Tot 3 SKU NWU 28 Part in river SWU SEVi..?8 tv. NK" 20 VW". v'U "9 SWU XW'i 29 Lot 6 XK' SKU 29 Lot 19 NEU XKU rl T.ot 8 NW". NEU 31 Lots 15 and 16 SWU XEU and L'-t 6 SE'i NEU . .31 Lots 13 and 18 XK'i SW'i 31 Lot 12 NW'i SW'i 21 Lot 3 XW". SE'i 31 Lot 14 XWV, SK'i 31 Lot 1 part in river SW'i SK'4 32 Lot 2 part in river SWU SE'4 32 8 A on island SE'i SEU . 32 lot t ten A on island XW'i SW'i 33 Part in river SWU XW'i .33 lot 1 east of river SW'i SW'i Part in river 34 94.40 25.31 34.43 10S.5S 108.58 48.60 27.20 50.90 225.44 140.94 170.24 68.00 51.00 111.10 71.02 1.46 6.30 1.46 S6.14 16.06 71.34 129.72 3.30 64.92 Amt. $ 17.86 .42 45.36 4.66 1.62 4 2.52 5.94 34.50 1.62 33.18 8. IS 12.60 65.52 63.84 14.06 3.78 1.26 4.66 27.7S 3.72 5.04 Amt. ( 8.44 9.10 9.10 2S.1S 3 4 4 12.96 50.44 112.32 3S.K0 77.22 51.94 11.02 7.12 51.40 79.26 65.44 7 90 47.52 23.96 20.34 1.26 24.94 7 5.06 10.5S 75.76 16.63 Lot 12 NWU SWU 28 Lot 11 SW'i SWU and SEVi SWU 28 Lot 1 NEU SEU. Lots 2. 6 and 20 XWU SEU and SH SEU .2S Lot 13 SWU NE'i 29 EH. NW'i 29 W. vivu 29 Lot 17 WVA SWU 29 Lot 10 XE'i SEVi 29 W' SKU 29 Lot 1 SEU SE'i 29 SWU NW'i 31 NWU SWU 31 Lot 8 SWU SEVi and Lot 3 SKU SEU 31 Lots 1 and 4 KH NW'i ..32 Lot 5 SWU XW'i and Lot 8 NW'i SWU 3 2 Lot 9 WV2 SWU and SWU SW'i 32 VEU SKU 32 SKU SEU 32 NWU IV u. sV v. 23 Tbat part of Ooos island S. of N. line or Mec.- i. extended cast 2.64 20.98 59.14 10.42 35.64 3...H 36.03 13.60 34.06 22.44 111.08 08.24 14.94 25.76 9.91 11.29 4.70 20.72 84.74 29.70 .00 1.4S EAST IMIv 111,1 IKS IUF Twp. 11, Hnncp 14 Lescriotion Sec. Lot 12 NK'i NWU 4 Lot 11 SE'i NW'i 4 KU SW'i 5 T.ot 6 XW'4 SE', 5 SW'i SE'i and SV Lot 2 SK'i SEU . NH Lot 2 SK'i SE', 5 SEU NE'i 6 SW'i 6 VEU SKU 6 W'i SKU 6 Lots 3 and 4 K U SW'i 7 Lots 1 and 2 WH EVi SW'i 7 XW'i SW'i 7 SW'i SW'i 7 NEU SE'i 7 NW'i SKU 7 SWU SEU 7 Lot 3 NE'i NKU 8 Lot 8 NEU NEU 8 Lots 10 and 11 XW'i NK'i 8 Lot 12 NW'i XKU 8 Lot 5 SWVi XKU 8 Lots 6 and 9 SW'i XK'4.. 8 Lots 4 and 7 SE'i NEU.. 8 NK'i NWU S NWU SWU 8 . Lots 4 and 6 KH SW'i and Lot 12 Wi SEU 9 Lots 8- to 11 WVi SWVi Sec 9; and Lots 8, 9 N Vi NW'i 16 NU Nottleman Island hisb and low bar 1(5 SU Nottleman island high and low bar 16 Lot 9 NWU SWU 17 Ex. Lot 7 WV. NEU 18 Lot 7 SWU NE'i and Lot SEU NE'i 18 WU NW'i IS NK'i SKV4 18 KH SW'i 20 WH SWVi 20 SWU SKU X 20 Lot 28 NWU NEU 21 Lot 20 SWU NEU and HV4 Lot ?5 SWU NEU.. 21 Lot 22 SKU NKU 21 Lot 23 SEU NEU 21 Lots 7, 9 and 17 NE'i SEVi Lot 29 NWU SEU--21 SEU SEVi 21 Lot 1 NYrU Lot 2 NEU SWU Lot 13 NWU SWU and SW'i SW'i Lot 4 SEU SW'i 22 Lots 11 to 14 NWU 27 NEU NEU 28 SK NEU ...28 Lots 13 and 8 NEU NWU .28 SWU NWU 28 Lots 14 and 15 SEU NWU NEU SWU 28 69.84 9 04 11.56 3 86 68.90 6.42 4.32 13 2.20 10N.9S 144.06 4 nr. 1S6.37 88.80 40.60 62.96 63.36 12.67 19. SO 59.40 1.9S 8.44 1.72 1.3" 40 00 47.2K 07 3 o 2l!28 15 4 6.36 61.24 51. 06 16.20 35 S2 S.90 .36 .70 .70 4.21 3.02 .70 ICIXCT Amt. $ 9.52 29.04 50.38 20.38 16.48 3.54 20.28 88.40 21.36 37.46 8.90 8.90 11.55 11.88 15.68 11.55 28.72 5.08 5.31 23.32 2.01 14.74 3.54 2.75 39.10 18.0G 26.84 22.86 11.84 6.34 71.04 20.0 t 29.04 15.68 128.4 8 59.54 51.34 7.80 7.80 . .74 19.76 18.48 17.82 52.40 64.16 29.30 38.80 10.30 15.98 42.50 IM.ATTSMOI"TM PRKCIXf Ti. 12. Itansf 14 Tlop.'iption Sec. Lot 3 W. of P.. ?. NWU C Lots 5, 8, 9, 12 SW of K. I:. SW'i 6 Lot 2S N. of road NKVi NWU 7 Gov. Lot ? W. of road NWU NWU 7 Snb Lot 1 of Gov Lot 3 SW'i XW'4 7 Lot 63 XKU SWU 7 Lot 184 XWU SWU 7 Lot 2 SW'i SWU 17 Lot 178 18 Lot 179 18 Lots 1S1 and 182 18 Lot 183 NEU SK'4 Is Lot 184 NK'i SEU 1 8 T.ot "5 NEU XK'i "i Lot 125 SW'i XK'i 19 Lot 120 SKU XK'i 10 Lot 20 XWV, SE'i 10 Lot 106 XW'i SKU 19 Lor 19 SW'i SK'i 10 Lots 9, 10. 11 SH 20 Lot 12 SK'i SW'i 20 Lot 13 SKU SW'i 20 Lot 15 SH SWU 20 Lot 17 SH SEU -0 Lots IS to 20 S'2 SKU and 21 to 24 WH. SEU.. 20 Lot 27 XWU 20 Lot 29 SH SWU 20 Lot 3 5 SH SW'i 20 Lot 39 WH XW'i 20 Lot 60 N. part of Speck Island Sec. 20 and 29 NW'i SW'i -'fl Lot 2 NE'i 29 Lots 3 and 4 XKVi 29 Lot 10 XKU 29 Lots and 25 EH SWU ..29 Lots 27. 2S, 29 S k NW'i. 29 Sub Lot 1 of 21, all 32 to 3 1 EH NWU 29 t.ot N. of road NhVi NWU "? Lot 2K NEU NWU 29 Lot 37 SWU SW". 29 Lot 38 XE'i NWU and 39 and 40 X". XW'4 ....29 Lots 4 1 and 45 SH XW", screase includes Lots 56, 57 29 Lot 47 NW'i 29 'iOt 50 SWU SW'i 29 Lot 5 SWU SWU 29 Lot 10 XW", XW H 30 Lots 9 and 12 XK'i XE'i pid Lots 8 and 1 1 XW'i NE'i 32 awn NEU and WH SE'i v e ' ' 3 2 E H SE U XK U " 3 2 KH NW'i 2 2 Lots 1 and 2 WH NWU -.33 tot 2 WH VW'i 23 VV. Lot 4 SWU 23 t.ot 10 33 trin 16 f. wide off S. side of rtov. Ln 6 or Sub Lot 1 of 10 of Gov. T.ot 6 ..33 , Lot 20 XW'4 SWU 23 Lot 24 SW", NW'i 33 "ipal Island 33, T Amt. $ 10.08 100.62 - 1.24 24.54 9.42 .46 2 96 2.7 4 2 30 4.58 1 ' 28 10.08 4.58 101.62 16.68 139.29 4.24 14.16 46.24 S.lfi 4.90 2 78 1.84 .62 C.S6 .62 .9 2 .62 14.44 14.90 1.34 23.01 1.84 20.40 2.44 4.1S 1.84 1.22 9.90 2.46 21 02 .62 5.50 14 90 4.90 69. S3 28.46 S.lfi 52.12 1.22 2.16 2.44 13. S8 .56 .62 . t 62 413.3S VISITING OLD HOME Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sampson, of Tacoma, Washington, are in the city to visit for a short time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Val Eurkel, the lat ter a sister of Mr. Sampson. This is the first visit here in a number of years for the Sampson family and they have had the pleasure of meet ins many of the old friends altho there aro a great many that have moved away or passed on since they left here in 1907. They are on their way east to visit with Fred Sampson, a brother, and his family, at Marion, Ohio, and from there go to New York City to attend the world's fair. PLANNING COUNTY MEETING CEI1AU CHEEK VILLAGE Lot V.W.. Amt. 1 2 $ 1.50 0 to'V.'. 2 28.01 2 5.88 9 n'n.VYo" " 275 40 1 to 3 3 12.04 10 and 11 3 8.16 '1 a-d 12 4 R.0S an'3 2 I a'n.i'2'::::::::::::::.... 6 43.00 7 and 8 fi 'J o to ' 7 .7 2 and 7 in P.Ik 7; 1 and 2.. S 22.80 M.VMF.V Lot and VILLAGE Blk. I 1 1 1 . ... 3 ! 4 . . 5 "i to 28 5 and 26 6 and 7 11 pnd 1" r 18 and 19 j 15 to 23 s JUA'AHI) VILLAGE Lot 9 and 10 l.ons' First Addition T ot 15 to 17 Lot II. I.. Propxt Addition Amt. $ 8.88 T 5 8.19 7.9 5 'M 5.18 .3 2 14 20 1.34 14.26 Amt. $ 4.02 Amt. $ 1.12 Amt. $ .58 WAnVSII VIIXAGE r.f.ription 3 and 4 to 7 5 and 10 . . U to 20 I ; 7 ' r, , 7 II 'to 18 0 and 21 and W'i 22 "3 and 24 1 to 5 Seo. Amt. . 2 $ 29.64 30 50 . 2 17.92 . 2 26. IS 6 16 ! 7 4.62 . 7 .12 . 7 2.44 9 "22.64 . 9 1.84 9 23.96 .' 9 3.55 . 9 17. .-'5 .11 4. 62 Korton'K Artilltlon 1 to 5 1 6 to 10 1 1 and 2 6 3 to 5 6 7 and 8 : fi f, 7 7 7 and 7 10 8 to 10 in Elk. 10; 6 and 7.11 8 to 10 11 HOCK Btl'FFS VILLAGE Lot WH, 1 E EH., 1 E 1 to 12, 3 W 1 to 12. 4 to W 2 and 13 to 16, 1 N 1 to 3 and 10 to 12, 4 and 5 S 1 to 10, 6 to 12 S. and a strin of land known as Water Street between Tenth and Eifth St 1 to 10, 1 N. 1 Lots 3 and 4, 1 X". 3 W 1 to 10, 1 N. 5, 6, W. and 1 to 4 and 7 to :0, 1 N. 7 W 8. 1 N. 8 W 3 to 8, 2 N. 3 W 1 to 8. 2 X. 5 to 7 W.; 1 to 8, 3 N. 4 to 7 W.; 2 to 7. 3 N. 8 W 1 to 8. 2 N. 8 W.; 1 and 8, 3 N. 8 W 1 to 8, 4 to" 9 N. 4 to V W." '. '. 1 to 8, 10 and 11 N. 3 to 8 W.; 1 to 12, 1 S. 5, 6 W 1 to 12, 1 S. 7 W 1 to 3, 2 S. 5 W 1, 5 S. 1 W 1 to 10. 6 to 8 S. 1 to 4 W. 1 to 10, 9 to 12 S. 1 W 1 to 10, 9 to 12 S. 2 to 4 W fnd 7, t S. ? E 1 to 12, 3 and 4 S., 5 S. 1 ai.rt 2 K.; 1 to 10, 7 S. 1 and 2 E.; 1 to 10. 8 S. 1 y 3 E. : Blks. 3 to 8 S. 3 to 4 E 12.70 8.16 7.20 7.80 2". 4 3.13 3.32 20.94 21 o-25.20 Amt. $ .36 .36 2.08 2.56 33.37 .86 2.5 2.56 .yti 9.76 1.30 o.54 6.22 1.10 21.84 36.36 20.48 3.33 1.42 6. 84 5.36 .26 8.78 ATTENDS CKURCH RECEPTION Prom Tuesday's Daily Rt. Rev. Munsignor George Agius, pastor of the St. John church, return ed this morning from Julian, Ne braska, where he attended a fare well to Father Sherry, long time pnstor at Julian and who has been assigned to another parish. The oc casion was also a reception for Fath er Brukhard. who is to take the Julian parish. RETURNS TO EAST Mrs. Perry H. Murdick, II, and little son. Tad. who have been here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Wescott. parents of Mrs. Mur dick, departed Saturday evening for Chicago, where they were met by Mr. Murdick and motored on to their home at Benton Harbor, Michigan WILL MAKE HOME HERE For an indefinite period of time. Rev. Joseph R. Sinkula, pastor of the Holy Rosary church, has adopt ed a young man from the well-known Father Flanagan's "Boys Town" on vest Dodge street' The young man's name is Terrance McKenna. and nt the present time he is a Junior in the iccal high school. From Tuesday's Dally John II. EiisciK- and C. F. Wheeler who for several years were toll takers at the Louisville bridge over the Platte river, were in the city today. They turned over the books of the toll house which has been removed rlnce the bridge was made free on September 7th.- ' STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP llsmirrrifnt, Circulation. Elc Ite iiiir'Ml hy the rtn of Conarreis.H of AiiirtiRt TftIS, ami Mnrefi :t. 1923. Of THE VLATTS'.fOUTH JOURNAL. Nebraska, for October 1, 1939. NOTICE OF PROBATE Plans are being made for the fall 4 meeting of Cass county American Legion Auxiliary units to be held at Nehawka on Tuesday, October 10. The theme of the convention, in line with the major aim of the Legion and its Auxiliary throughout the nation, will be "Preserving Ameri-! can Neutrality." The meeting will open with a cov ered dish luncheon contributed to by members of the different units at tending. A varied metiu is promised. The business session will convene at 1:30. Included on the program is a report of the national Auxiliary convention in Chicago to be given by Mrs. Eugene Nutzman, president of the twelfth district, as well as a short message of greeting from the Department Commander of the Le gion, An, rtutzman. rseliawka unit will contribute two special numbers, there will be reports from all the unit presidents, and other members from each unit will have a part in the opening ceremonies as well as serving on the courtesy and resolu tion committees. The final draft of the program will be ready for publication in a few days, Mrs. Elmer Webb, the county president, states. State of Nebraska 1 County of Cass J V ss. Before me, a Notary Public, In and for the state and county aforesaid rersonallv appeared Mrs. Tlobert A. Bates, who, bavins? been duly sworn if f.o; dinar to law. deposes and says that )bo I? the TiuWisr-er and owner of The I'lattsmoufh Journal, and that the fi lluv.i'13 i.4. to the best of ber knowledge and belief, a true state ment of Hie cwnershio, management 'und if a daily paper, the circulation). tc, of the Aforesaid publication for the date shown in the atove caption, required by the Aft of A;i;rist 24. 1912. as amended bv the Act of March 3, 1933, embodied in Section 537, Postal Laws and L'egulntioiis. printed on the reverse of this form, to-wit: 1 That the names and addresses of the publisher editor managing editor and business managers are: Publisher Mrs. Robert A. Bates, Plattsmouth Nebraska. Ed li or Mr. Frank Smith, riatts rronth. Nebraska. Manaeiner Editor Mrs. Robert A. P.ates, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Business Manager Mrs. Robert A. Bates. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 2 That the owner is: (If owned by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also immediately thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders owning; or holding- one per cent or more of total amount of stock. If not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of the in dividual owners must be given. If owned by a firm, company, or other unincorporated concern, its name and address, as well as those of each in dividual member, must be griven.) There are none. Sole Owner Mrs. Robert A. Bates, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ." That the known bondholders, mortsatrees. and other security hold ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mort sjafres. )or other securities are: None. 4 That the two jaraprrapbs next above, pivln-r the names of the own ers, stockholders, and security hold ers, if any, contain not only the list of stocklioldors and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company, but also. In cases where the stockholder or securitv holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary rela tion, the name of the person or corpo ration for whom such trustee is act ing, is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements em bracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and con ditions under which stockholders and securitv holders who do not appear upon the books or the company as trustees, hold stock and securities In a capacity other than that of a bona tide owner: and this affiant has no rea son to believe that any other person, association, or corporation has any in terest direct or indirect In the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by her. S That the average number of cop ies of each Issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers dur ing the twelve months preceding the date shown above is (This in formation required for dally publica tions only). (Signed) MRS. ROBERT A. BAT12S. Publisher. VISIT RELATIVES HERE Mr. and Mrs. John Hasemeier and son. Jack, of Los Angeles, have been here to enjoy a visit at the home of ttorney W. A. Robertson, a cousin of Mr. Hasemeier. a3 well as with other members of the family. Mr. Hasemeier i3 a son of Dr. J. II. Hasemeier, for many years a resident of Louisville and a brother of Mrs. James M. Robertson. FOR SALE Fourteen-foot row boat Cheap. See Fiord Yelick or Call 137. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of J. V. Wortman. deceased. No. 3401: Take notice that the time limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said estate is January 22, 1940; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Platts mouth on January 26, 1940, at ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose of ex amining, hearing, allowing and ad justing all claims or objections duly filed. Dated September 21, 1939. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) s25-3v County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass Couv ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Marcus C. Browen, deceas ed. No. 3393:' Take notice that the Executor of said estate has filed his final report and a petition for examination and allowance of his administration ac counts, determination of heirship, as signment of residue of said estate and for his discharge: that said peti tion and report will be heard be fore said Court on October 27, 1939, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated September 29. 1939. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) o2-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Cass Coun ty. Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Sarah Elizabeth Kerr, de ceased. No. 3431: Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administra tion of said estate and appointment of Elizabeth Rishel as Administrat rix; that said petition has been set for hearing before said Court on the 27th day of October, 1939, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated September 29, 1939. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) o2-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT hi the County Court of Cass Coun ty Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Sarah M. Young, deceased. No. 3384: Take notice that the Executor of said estate has filed his final report and a petition for examination and allowance of his administration ac counts, determination of heirship, as signment of residue of said estate and for his discharge; that said peti tion and report will be heard before said Court on October 27, 1939, at ten o'clock a. ni. Dated September 30, 1939. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) o2-3w County Judge. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day of September. 1939. W. A. ROBERTSON, (Seal) Notary Public. (My commission expires Aug. 24, 1945) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of John Hirz, deceased. No. 3403: Take notice that the Administra tor with will. annexed of said estate has filed his final report and a peti tion for examination and allowance of his administration accounts, de termination of heirship, assignment of residue of said estate and for his discharge; that said petition and re port will be heard before said Court on October 27, 1939, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated September 30, 1939. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) o2-3w County Judge. In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Alletha J. Rouse, also known as Alletha Rouse, deceased. No. 3430: Take notice that a petition has been filed for the probate of an in strument purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, and for the appointment of Frank E. Linch as Executor thereof; that said petition has been set for hear ing before said Court on the 2 7th day of October, 1939, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated September 2C, 1939. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) o2-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Theodore P. Livingston, de ceased. No 3 304: Take notice that the Administra tor of said estate has filed his final report and a petition for examination and allowance of his administration accounts, determination of heirship, assignment of residue of said estate and for hia discharge; that said petition and report will be heard be fore said Court on October 20, 1939, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated September 22, 1939. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) s25-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Laura Erinkman, deceased. No. 3343: Take notice that the Administra tor of said estate has filed his final report and a petition for examina tion and allowance of his adminis tration accounts, determination of heirship, assignnjent of residue of said estate and for his discharge; that said petition and report will be heard before said Court on October 13, 1939, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated 'September IS, 1939. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) slS-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE 7n the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska C. E. Wilcox, et al. 1 Plaintiffs vs. NOTICE Clyde A. Dare, et al, Defendants Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a decree of the Dis trict Court of Cass County, Nebras ka, entered in the above entitled cause on the 17th day of July, 1939. and an order of sale entered by said court on the 22nd day of August, 1939, the undersigned sole referee will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, on the 7th day of October, 1939, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., at the south front door of the court house in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Ne braska, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lots 1 and 2, Block S, City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Abstract extended to include proceed ings to time of sale will be furnish ed, and possession of said real estate given following confirmation of sale; 10 per cent of the amount of the bid to be pail at the time of sale, and the balance on confirmation. Dated this 31st day of August, 1939. J. HOWARD DAVIS, Sole Referee. J. A. CAPWELL. Attorney. s4-5w REFEREE'S SALE In the District Court Cass County, Nebraska Alma Amelia Ileilman, Plaintiff vs. Harwood M. Penn and Stanza J. Penn, Husband and Wife, et al. Defendants Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a decree of the Dis trict Court of Cass County, Nebraska, entered in the above entitled cause on the 30th day of August, 1939, and an Order of Sale entered on the 27th day of September. 1939, the Sole Referee will on the 8th day of No vember, 1939, at 2:00 o'clock p. m., at the front door of the Farmers and Merchants Bank at Alvo, in Cass County, Nebraska, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, that is to say, 10 per cent on the day of sale, and the balance when said sale shall be confirmed by the Court, the following described real estate, to-wit: The south half of the north west quarter (S NWU) of Section eighteen (18); The north half of the north half of the southwest quarter N Ny2 SWU) of Section eighteen (18); The northwest quarter (NW ) of Section thirty-one (31); The west half of the north east quarter (V NEU) of Section thirty-one (31) All of the above described property in Township eleven (11), North. Range nine (9), East of the 6th Principal Merid ian in Cass county, Nebraska. The undersigned referee may sell the above described real estate in nnrcels or as a whole, or in such combinations or parcels as will bring the best price obtainable. Sale will be held open for one hour. Dated this 28th day of September, 1939," at Plattsmouth, Nebraska. WALTER II. SMITH, Sole Referee. G. II. RISSER, Attorney for Plaintiff. o5-4w In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nelrrcska. To the creditors of the estate of Charles E. Cook, deceased. No. 3421: Take notice that the time limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said estate is Jan uary 15th, 1940; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Pk.ttsmcuth on January 19th, 1940 it ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and adjusting all claims or objections duly filed. Dated September l.'th. 1929. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) sl8-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of Fayette Kested, deceased. No. 3420: Take notice that the time limited Cor the filing and presentation ot claims against said estate is Janu ary 15, 1940; that a hearing will be had at the County Court , room in Plattsmouth on January 19, 194 0, at ten o'clock a. in., for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and adjusting all claims or objections duly filed. Dated September 15. 1939. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) sl8-3w County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE TO: The heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all persons interested in the estate of Henry Heil. Sr., de ceased, real names unknown; All persons having or claiming any interest in and to the North half of the Northeast quarter of Section 21; and the West half of the Northwest quarter of Section 22, all in Township 12. North, Range 12, East of the 6th P. M., Cass County, Nebraska, real names unknown; George Meis nest, Fred Meisnest; Elizabeth Meisnest; Frank Meisnest; Charles Meisnest; Laura Bla zer; Etta Meisnest, adminis tratrix of the estate of John Meisnest. deceased: George Stoehr; Randolph Stoehr; Ar thur Heil; Norma Heil; Ru dolph Heil and Joy Heil: You are each hereby notified that the Federal Farm Mortgage Corpora tion, a corporation, has commenced an action in the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska, against you and others, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a mortgage dated April 18th, 1935, executed by Henry Heil, Sr., and Dora Heil, hus band and wife, on the North half of the Northeast quarter of Section 21; and the West half of the Northwest quarter of Section 22. all in Town ship 12, Range 12, East of the 6th P. M., Cass County, Nebraska, to secure a promissory note of $4,500.00 to plaintiff. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 6th day of November, 1939, or the prayer of said petition will be granted. FEDERAL FARM MORT GAGE CORPORATION, a Corporation, Plaintiff. slS-4w NOTICE OF HEARING on Petition for Determination of Heirship In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. Estate of Thomas II. Ileafey, de ceased. Estate No. 3429. The State of Nebraska: To all per sons interested in said estate, credi tors and heirs take notice, that De borah Mullis has filed her petition al leging that Thomas II. Heafey died intestate in Cass county. Nebraska, on or about November 19. 1905, be ing a resident and inhabitant of Cas3 county. Nebraska, and died seized of the following described real estate, to-wit : West half (WVi ) of the north west quarter (NWU) of Sec tion twenty-nine (29), Town ship ten (10). Range fourteen (14) east of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska, and the west half (W12) of Section twentv-two ( 22 ), Township four (4), North, Range twenty (20) west of the 6th P. M., in Har lan county, Nebraska -leaving as his sole and only heirs at law the following named persons, to-wit: Anna R. Heafey. widow; Rosemary H. Hall. Helen Mc Kee, Esther Ann Heafey, now Esther Ann Knoll, Kathryn W. Heafey, now Kathryn W. Egen berger, John C. Heafey and De borah Mullis. children. That the interest of the petitioner in the above described real estate is as daughter of said deceased and pur chaser of the southwest quarter (SWU) of the northwest quarter (NWU) Section twenty-nine (29), Township ten (10), Range fourteen (14), Cass county. Nebraska, and praying for a determination of the time of the death of said Thomas H. Heafey and of his heirs, the degree of kinship and the right of descent of the real property belonging to the said deceased, in the State of Nebraska. , It is ordered that the same stand for hearing on the 20th day of October. 1939, before the County Court of Cass County in the court house at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m. Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 22nd day of September, A. D. 1939. .,r,ttnW A. II. PUACHU, j (Span s25-3w County juage J.Howard Davis I Attorney at Law R 8 Plattsmouth f