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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1911)
The County in General The “Doings” of Our Country Friends and Neighbors. BARADA The Christian Endeavor entertained their friends at a social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Martin on Saturda) evening. More than forty guests were in attendance. The en tertainment. provided was an indoor field meet. Six colleges were repre sented and took part in the contest The college yells given by the sev eral colleges in the confines of a private home were quite thrilling. Light refreshments were served. The jolly good time enjoyed by all reflects credit on the social com mittee who directed affairs. it is planned to make these social func tions of tin- I n «• tvc• i a i i i Jar pait of ihe work of the society. Miss Hattie Lilly came down from Pern and spent the week end wTi Mrs. J. A. Martin m d other frie ids Mrs. I S Prosser \ sited this we k in St. Joseph with her son. Jesse. F\ Hendricks and wife came down from Nebraska City and are visiting with the former’s mother, Mrs. Jas. Stephenson. Harry Hendricks returned last week from his visit with relatives at Gil lian, Mo. Mrs. Harry Bridgeman is quite ill with pneumonia. Walter Hoss of Garden, who is vis iting Rudolph Fuller and other friends is just convalescing from pneumonia. Ed l.tihn of Grand Island is visiting friends hereabout. Wilson Wamsley and Jacob Peters were in Shubert one day last week. Alice Sailors ran into a brabed wire fence and cut a deep gash in her throat. Dr. Andrews was called and stopped the flow of blood and stitch ed up the wound, site is doing nicely. Mrs. Olive Kuker and children re turned last week from an extended visit with relatives and friends at Versaillse, 111. ‘Harley and Kittie Buttler were in the city on Saturday. Jesse Buchholz is confined at home with ia grippe. Messrs Martin and Wixon of Stel la were in town one day last week. Mrs. M. M. Hendricks and son, Ned 0 die were on tile sick list this week. Harley and Kittie Butler attended services at Maple Grove Sunday. William Mount’s babies are just a spell of fever. Bernice Bridgeman is having a fever the result of a bad cold. STELLA M. 11. Vandeventer and wife were called to Aspinwall Friday to at tend the funeral of an old friend. W. K. Pritts is seriously ill with an abscess on his tongue. Gene Plasters visited with his sis ter and brother at the state univer sity at. Lincoln Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Scoville of Nemaha have decided to locate in Stella and will occupy the Frank Hinkle resi dence in the east part of town. James Farmer and wife of Peru visited over Sunday with the former's parent,s Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Farmer. Mrs. Joshua Curtis and little dau ghter went to Humboldt Sunday for a few days visit with her parents. Mrs. F. K. Fankell has been quite sick the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Young and two little sons of Auburn visited Mrs. Young’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Curtis last Saturday. Dean Culp, who has been attending a business college at Omaha, came home last Friday quite sick, it after wards developed lhat he had the measles. Mrs. E. A. Kroli is quite sick this week, her sister, Miss Neva Cow ell came down from Howe Monday to care for her. Milton Hinkle of Pawhatan, Kansas visited his parents the first of last week. J. M. Goodloe was in Kansas City the first of the w< ok. Win. StulU shipped three car load of stock to Kansas City Monday ev ening. Miss Ona Hill lias been dangerous ly sick with measles, the past week, hut is now improving. There are five children sick with measles at the Hill home. D. H. Hull accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. E. Malone and her son, Darwin Malone of Oklahoma City arrived last Wednesday to at tend the funeral of Dr. J. A. W. Hull. They remained and visited old Stel la friends until Monday. Mart Hill and wife of Shubert were in Stella Thusday to attend the fu neral of Dr. Hull. John Evans of Shubert assisted the Masons with their ceremonies at the burial of Dr. Hull last Fri day. Mrs. Fred Gilbert and baby, Lyle, have been quite sick with catarrhal fever but are better at this writing. J. G. McBride returned to Verdon Monday after visiting his family a few days. Elder Sapp was called to Nemaha Friday and Aspinwall Saturday to j officiate at a funeral at each place. CHANGES AT STATE BANK BOARD OF DIRECTORS MET MON DAY EVENING T. J. Gist Resigns As Vice Presi dent and L. P. Wirth Takes His Place At a meeting of the board of direct ors of the Falls City Slate Hank last evening in the bank rooms, Mr. T. J. Gist tendered his resignation as vice-president to take effect March 1st, His resignation was accepted and Mr. I.. 1‘. Wirth was elected to that position. After March 1st, Mr. Wirth will devote his entire time to the banking business. Mr. Gist retains his interest in the bank and remains on the board of dir ectors. In the future he expects to devote most of his time and atten tion to the interests of The Leo Cider & Vinegar Co., as the busi ness has assumed such proportions that one man can. no longer look af ter its many details. SURVEYORS AT WORK ACTIVE WORK BEGUN EARLY THIS MORNING City Realizes There Must Be Slight Changes In The Grade Before Paving Is Commenced Last week a representative of the firm of Grant & Lutton, expert sur veyors of Lincoln was here at the re quest of the city officials to consult with them regarding the grade level I of Stone Street. This morning Mr. ' Grant, senior member of the firm, and I). P. Weeks appeared on the street and began the active work of surveying. The city realizes that there must be a slight change in the grade be fore the paving is commenced and it lias been decided that the work must be pushed. The city will control ail paving contracts, giving the property holders the opportunity of paying out j on easy payments. The original plan • of allowing each property owner to | contract with the paving contractor I for his own holdings, lias proven ! unsatisfactory and tile city will j contract all paving and assume all | responsibility, making the payments from the property holders on ns easy annual payments as possible. It is hoped that just as soon as the unsettled spring weather is passed the work can be pushed rapidly. There is hardly a citizen in the town, unless he be an old fogy or a tight wad but what is anxious to see the work finished and will stand by the city and see it through. The time is passed when a public iinprov ment or benefit can be controlled or held up by a few for their own spec ial interests. There has been aroused a strong public senti ment for a general good and the city officials will work to that end. The right spirit is in the air and if we strive for harmony and work together you will see Falls City grow and prosper as never before. We will DO tilings. --- Killed Near Alliance, Neb. Robert ration, a former citizen of | Humboldt., who for several years has resided near Alliance, Xeb, was killed the last of the week by being kicked by a horse. The remains were taken to Humboldt yesterday and interment made in the city cemetery. Ladies’Suede and Velvet Shoes H. M. Jenne Shoe Store v+'M^t+vT Z- rv’H**M'■>"!' | A Newspaperj •5* o j 4 I Sena! i ♦> * It Was Written l or One Purpose, J 1 But Accomplished Two Purposes J | j; t By F. A. MITCHEL I % Copyright, 1011, hy American Press *{• •§* Association *$• •f* ♦> A A A A A A A *- A- »JA A* A A. A A A- A. .A A- * ♦. A. A “Wbnt wo want.” said the manag ing editor, “in our serials is plot. We must have our diameters or some one of them at the end of an Installment hanging over a precipice a thousand feet deep, to he rescued in the next, tumbled overboard in niidoioan. left to drown, rescued again, etc. And yon needn't bring it all out happily iu the end. Kill the hero it you like. There's Teas of the IVUrborvilles, who was strung up at the end of the story, and the whole world read it and wept over it. Big sales, large profits." "You want It true to life, don't you?" "Truth is stranger than fiction. If you'll strike a plot that every one says couldn’t possibly have happened you'll get a selling story. The critics will call it ‘rot,’ but the people will want to read it. Try to do something startling. My object is to put the paper on its feet. Many a newspaper lias been made by an ingenious serial.” I had no confidence in the paper's being established by any serial I could write, however improbable’ I should make it, and 1 told Heaton si>, but lie told me to get out and do ns lie had instructed. He had no more time to talk about the matter. “You know what we want,” he said; "go and do It.” I puzzled for a considerable time over a plot, but could invent nothing original. Then it occurred to me tIni 1 there is nothing original except In real incidents that occur from time to time and even these repeat themselves After all, the novel Heaton hail quoted had nothing startling in the plot. II was the writing of It and the tragedy at the end. I determined to he con tent with a commonplace plan and roly on hanging somebody to do tin rest. 1 would drag in all the horrid details of an execution, and I hoped in this way to serve the managing edi tor’s purpose to a limited extent. In order to make the story more harrow ing t determined that the man who dangled at the end of a rope should he the innocent victim of circuni stances. llayeroft was my hero, Gwendolin Montelaveries my heroine. They loved. llayeroft was a distant con nection to a millionaire who was a bachelor, and, since llayeroft was tin, only child of several generations oi older children descending from th millionaire’s only brother (or sister, for that matter), in case ttic* million aire died without will llayeroft would inherit all his property. L’ithlndo, the viilian of the story, also loves Gwen doliu, and I must invent some plan foi him to get llayeroft out of the way. It was very easy for me to kill the rich man under suspicious circum stances—at least I had IMtblado manu facture the circumstances—whicli went to show that llayeroft had poisoned the old gentleman to get his money. The ingenuity’ required was to weave a lot of circumstances that would con vict llayeroft and yet he must lie in nocent. Nothing very original about that, you say. Well, if there is any originality in the matter at ail I didn't supply it. Fate lays all the plots for stories, and all we scribblers do is to write them up. Nevertheless, though I didn't know it. I was doing the biggest Job of my life. And do you know while 1 thought I was writing a blood and thunder love tragedy I was turning bitterness and gall in a real household into a great happiness. The story was coming out, the in stallments appearing once a week. 1 had convicted the hero, and he was waiting the result of an appeal which 1 intended to have denied by a mer ciless fudge. I was writing the de scription of the hanging and intended ns soon ns it was over to drive the heroine insane and conclude with her shrieks dying away gradually ns doors were closing behind her in a mad house. The issue of the paper hod ap pea red containing an explanation of that chain of circumstances which had convicted the murderer. Though they were not to save him. 1 felt hound to show m.v skill in finding-a key to them which if brought to light would save the victim. But, relying as 1 did on a 1 double tragedy at the end. I proposed 1 to bring out the key wli'n it was too late to do any good. Von see, 1 didn't intend to spoil the tragic effect by be ! ing chicken hearted, especially ns the people involved were merely creatures of my own brain. Besides. I remem bered the instructions of the manag ing editor, and I was to attract the attention of the reading public, which increases the circulation of the paper and brings in the advertisements, the ultimate object of the whole thing. About a week after the appearance of the issue containing the explana tion of the incidents that had proved Ilaycroft guilty, while I was engaged writing the removal of Gwendoliu to a madhouse, a servant knocked at my door to say thnt a tnnn was downstairs who wished to see me. “(Jet out of here." I cried, “and tell the man to get out too! I’m doing work that must not be interrupted." The maid went away and returned to say that she thought the man was having a fit. It required something of the sort to cause me to break off from lay w Tk, and. throwing down my pen, 1 hastened nway The man Imd hurled Ids face in the lounge pillows and was giving way to violent spnsmodie eon tortious. Hearing me enter, he arose and fined tue. I never saw greater agony on ant face He looked from me lo tin* maid and pointed to the door. 1 told her to leave us and dosed the door behind her. Then I turned to my visitor. “How did yon get on to it';" he asked. Ids eyes starting out of his head "(Jet on to what'?' "My making up that prescription wrong." “What presi riptlon'?" "That killed the man in your story." “Killed the man In my story!" 1 re pealed, my eyes bulging with astonish meat. 1 had been writing of an imng inary luuaiie, and my llrs! impression was that 1 had a real one before me. "You ended him Chesterton," "Well'?" “Oh. my.Cod! lie was Middleton. You might ns well hate given the real name ?ts one so like it." 1 stood staring at the man for nwhile, then said to him: "My friend, you must pardon mo tor excusing myself, lull I have no time to devote to cranks. I am putting tho iinisiiing touches to the serial you speak of, and 11m copy must lie ready tills afternoon. The hero lias been ex ecuted. the girl who loved him has gone mad, and"— I didn't llnisli the sentence, for the fellow fell in a tit true enough. I pick ed him up and laid him on the lounge. As Soon as lie quieted down a bit tie started up and began to talk in a hoarse whisper just as people on the dramatic stage do when they have something harrowing to communicate. ‘•I’m a drug clerk. One day a pre scription came in and 1 put it up. Hours after II had gone out 1 found a small vial of deadly poison standing on tin1 hoard where I had mixed tho medicine, 1 had taken it up by mis take and put enough to kill any one into the mixture. I darted out to stop the patient from taking if. A boy rushed past me selling newspapers and crying, ‘Sudden death of Hanker Middleton!' That was the name giv en when the medicine was called for. “I went buck to tlic store, told my employer that my mother was dying and left town within an hour. My secret has preyed on me, but I never dreamed it would involve another life.” The man had given the key to the circumstances that laid convicted an Innocent man as I had concocted it for my novel. I saw at once that It was fate and not I who had been writ ing a detective story, the parts of which fate had evolved in its way. not mine. In a distant town tho drug clerk had picked up a copy of our paper containing that installment of my sto ry which gave my concocted key, it being identical with liis own act. Later his eye met a newspaper item that the man who had poisoned Mid dleton for 11is money would lie exe cuted in three weeks. He had come to me as the author of the story, sup posing that I hail his secret. In this sequel to the product of my brain I saw what the story itself would not produce. I am a newspaper mnu. and my newspaper instincts came to the front. “You come with me.” I said. “I’ut yourself in the hands of our paper, and we'll give you the best outcome to your fatal mistake one can secure for you.” Ho assented, and. taking him to the office. I told the story to Heaton. “Shake!” lie said, thrusting out ills hand and grasping mine in an iron grip. "The paper’s made!” Then I called the drug clerk in and introduced him to (lie managing editor. Heaton gave him what money he wanted and iold him to go where he liked -leaving Ids address, of course— and keep Ids mouth shut. The next morning out came scare heads an nouncing that a remarkable combina tion detective-fiction exploit had led to the discovery that George Burton, the man who had been convicted of the murder of Banker Middleton, was in nocent. This set everybody agog for the next issue. In tile morning we announced that tlie paper had produced a drug clerk whose mistake had caused the poison ing of Middleton A hint was thrown I out that an author-detective who wrote exclusively for the paper had built a theory of ids own as to the cause of Middleton’s deatli and had written the story witli the intent of bringing out the real culprit. And so it came about that an iuno e< man was saved from a hanging because people like to read about midi I tragedies and because I was instruc t'd to bang au imaginary character. But, after all, did it not come about on tlie principal of an ad.7 We got the drug clerk off with light | punishment and had Barton up in our 1 editorial rooms, when* I was Intro duced to hi in as the man who had saved him from a felon's deatli He Asked me if I had really written the story on the (henry that Middleton had I teen poisoned by the mistake of a 1 drug clerk. The look of noncommittal I wisdom I put on was a stroke of genius. It claimed nothing for me. but helped the paper. There was another coincidence which I have left to the last, for it is tho touching part. Barton was engaged to a very lovely girl. She had stood by him during ids trial, confident in liis innocence. Barton asked me to go to see her, and I did so. The Interview was very affecting. She told me that if her fiance had been executed she be lieved she would have gone tnad. ns did tiie heroine of my story. Then 1 realized that better things had been accomplished by my serial thnn the building up of a newspaper. f T ' i Yovi may not ^ have time to read ^ about the excel . lencies of , OLD GOLDEN 1 ! GOFFEE J but you’ve got time \ to drink it — you’ll a take time to linger ' t over an extra cup j after y o u're a c - * quamted with the joy i 3 it brings your palate. f at Grocers—30c a pound. A Tone Bros., Dos Molnot, Iowa ] Millers of the famous Tone Bros. Slices . HowTo Stop -A Stubborn Cough We don't mean just stop the irri tation in your throat—but cure the underlying cause. Cough syrups cannot do this. It takes a constitutional tonic body builder to do the work properly and cure you to stay cured. Vinol is the remedy you need. is viinnr Mm. Minnie Otgimil, of CIodn Full*, N. V., write*:- “ A fter t rylng mo vent 1 rem edies for n bad nmgli android without hrnefU, I wan asked t«» try Vinol. It worked like inagle. It rured my eohl and cough and I trained in lioalth and strength. I consider Vinol the most wonderful toule and luvigorator I ever saw.** it we cannot stop that cough with VINOL—our delicious cod liver and iron tonic—which is made without oil—we will not charge you a cent for the medicine you I buy. This seems like a pretty fair proposition—and ought to be ac cepted. Don’t you think so? With this understanding we ask you to try a bottle of VINOL. H hen given ns soon us the croupy rough appears Chamberlain'^ Cough Remedy will ward off an attack of croup and prevent all dang r ami cause of anxiety. Thousands of moth era use it successfully. Sold by aitt dealers. I Old Dutch Cleanser IrxTkeFamKitcKeiv is the greatest help and convenience. It Cleans, Scrubs, Scours, Polishes. rots, kettles, pans, boilers, sinks and flat-irons; milk pails and separators; wood \ floors, etc., easier, quicker and better. Some cleaners are harmful. A void caustic and acid. Use this One handy, all-’round cleanser for all your cleaning —a time and labor saver throughout the house. TO CLEAN FLOORS Wood, Linoleum or Stone Wet—sprinkle with Old Dutch Cleanser and rub with mop or scrubbing brush; then mop with clean water. This will give you quick, unusual and most satis factory results. LARGE 4AA SIFTER CAN Wt TAKE YOUR HOME PAPER FIRST THEN SUBSCRIBE FOR The Kansas City Star and Times The Star ai d Times, reporting the full twei ty-four hours’ news each day in thirteen issues of the paper each week, are furnished to regular subscribers at the rati of 10 cents per week. As ncwspapt rs. The Star and The Times have no rivals No other publisher furnishes his readers with the full day and night Associated l’ress reports, as <bv- the star and Times. This should recommend the papers tspeciallv to the pregressive merehant and farmer. I deliver both the Star and Times to the subscriber’s door promptly on arrival of trains. Give me a trial. RICHARD WYLER, Distributor Should you want Tho Star by mail send 10c per week. $5.20 a year. I Address The Kansas City Star. Itil BP A T Fresh meat of all kinds may be *** * had of Mack & Nixon, either at the Market in Barada or at the Mack farm. Good Beef, He and 9c per pound. Pork dressed I Ic. Will deliver if not too far out. Mack & Nixon, Barada, Nebr. C. A. Heck Buy Watertown, Wisconsin Rye Flour, Gold Coin Flour. Get some Tankage for your hogs. I also have Oil Meal, Rock Salt, Barrel and Sack Salt. Give me your order for Coal and Wood I also handle Feed, Baled Hay and Straw and all kinds of Grain. Give me a trial. C. A. Heck