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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1910)
*T F T O (at: . PhiCEcr FPOm «> BEFORE BUYING YOUR NEXT BILL OF The South Side Sunday School By W. H. Wyler. The G. A. 11 hull, northwest of the Central School building lias been en gaged for the Christman exercises of the South Side Sunday School. It was necessary to hold the mooting in a larger room Is'cause of the impos-, sibllity of accommodating even a part of those desiring to attend in the South Side Chapel. There will be a tree with the usual ^ accessories and a program in keep-1 ing witli the sac ml occasion. There will also be the usual distribution of the good tilings that delight the hearts of children. The exercises will begin on time at 7 on sharp! and everybody entitled to come should be on hand promptly. Outsiders and friends who wish to see the display are requested to come before seven, nt which time all not belonging to the Mission will be requested to leave, to make room for those in whose in terest. the service lias been provided. Those who have the work in charge During the past half dozen Sun days in which I have boon actively identified with the school, the at tendance has averaged seventy five Seventy-five of the scholars luivt signed the Temperance pledge and forty are pledged to give some tlnu to Bible study daily. Such record compares xfavorably with any of the up-town schools. Ami yet It has all been accomplished by a few consecrated ladies working amoni the entirely unchurched, and in a tiny little room Itlx20 feet. Kighty-fivc boys and girls crowded in so small ii room and belne taught hy different teachers. Think of it, here in Calif City. Is it necessary? Is It right’ Workers who can accomplish sucli re: ihs with such meager helps, whttl would they not do if given the < 11itil> enjoyed hy the up-towu schools. Is it really wise ami equit. •’.bio arrangement that provides com roodiow:. rooms and elaborate equip wish to most heartily thank the many friends of the school for gift;-, of mon ey and other tilings, which hate madi it possible to continue this good woi k from year to year, and especially, on this occasion, to give every scholar a treat that is most highly apprc dated. Since the property lias recently changed hands, it will he of interest to the public generally to know some thing about our plans and purposes for the future. When the brethren of the Presbyterian church first in vested in this property, they gave a practical demonstration of their faith in the future of the South Side. Since the beginning tin Misses Flor ence and Nellie Cleaver have had the work in charge. Others have helped carry it along. The present success •f the work demonstrates the fore sight and wisdom of those who found ed it, and is a grand testimony to the efficiency and untiring zeal of those who have mothered it the past years. During 19)0, ICO scholars have been enrolled, besides a cradle roll of fifteen and a home department. men! for those who need it least an ! the meagerest facilities possible lor those who need it most? I think not While Falls City is wap i ig a vigorous campaign and invest jins; thousands of dollars to provide physic al arc onunodattions and home e uniiorts lev its people, Falls City I should not forget to provide for the i culture of the souls of those at 1 least who desire it, and especially I for t a ditng the growing hoys and girls of tlu' New South Side' the deep or truths of life. The richest asse t Falls City pos sesses is its boys and girls. The fu ture' of tlie> city is tlieirs. And they will he largely what we make> them. How important then that they early receive careful training in reverence, [self-control and respect for rights and privileges of others. It is the business of the Sunday School to te'acdi these fundamental virtues in human character. No other institu tion makes even a pretense of teach ing them largely and finallv. There fore children grown without Sunday School training almost invariably show a lamentable lack ol' moral bal ance, They want that poise which gives stability and permanency to human character. The children of the South Side have a right to a good Sunday School because they need one and have al ready demonstrated that they appre ciate it and will take advantage of it. Falls City has a duty to the South Side, and especially to the children of the South Side. The little 10x20 chapel is hopelessly inadequate for the present needs. A good sized ad dition to the present building must be built at once. $500 will amply' pro vide for the cost of such a building. , The amount required is so small and j the good it will be the means of ac I compllshing is so great that I have fully decided in tny own mind to see it through. No, I do not for a mo ment believe that the people of Falls City lack Interest in this noble Work. Neither do I question their willing ness to contribute toward it, provid ed it is so represented that they feel that what they contribute will be put to proper use. 1 am also convinced that they will not permit ! a comparative stranger to carry the burden of this work and not rally freely and liberally to his support. 1 believe this is one of the things that needs to be done. And a thing that needs to be done one need not feel ashamed to be found doing. I candidly' expect to have the money in hand, to begin to build l>y the first of the year. Whore it will come from I know not. The Lord knows how ever. Ilis will be done. Last Saturday two small boys went out in tire snow and cold and shuck t d corn and brought rne the proceeds of their work, $1,50. These boys, never saw the South Side Sunday School, and probably never were in CHRISTMAS CANDIES Call and look over our stock. We have a fine Home made Mix at 10c per pound. Fancy box goods from 20c up. Fruit, Nuts and Cigars. We invite churches, committees an teachers to call and let us figure with them. We have the best and that only is good enough for our pa trons. The Candy Kitchen P. G. Bacakos, Proprietor. Falls City half a dozen times in their lives, but their hearts were right. When tin- Clod of Heaven and earth slirs up children to answer his needs, will men deny Him? Friends, why should we not make the South Side a fitting Christmas gift by pledging the money needed for a suitable addition to the present building? Candies and trinkets are good in their way, but they cannot satisfy heart hunger. There are those of us who are willing to carry the message of “Peace on Earth, and Good will to Men,” to these people, hut we lack room. Wont you help us and do it. now? Hlessed is the man who has the gif of making friends, lor it is one of God’s best gifts, it Involves many things, but above all is the power of going out of one’s self and seeing and appreciating whatever is noble and loving in another man.—Thomas Hughes. The Youth’s Companion Larger and ‘Better forIQ 11 _ gjj The Contents of the New Departments of The Companion include Cnr Expert Advice on Foot **** ball and Baseball; Hunt DOVS ing and Fishing ; Handy Contrivances for tlie Young Mechanic. Suggestions for the Girl * Who Must Make Her Girls Own Way; Hints for ^ Young Housekeepers; The Girl’s Wardrobe. Ffll* Practical Short Articles * _ about the Kitchen, the Family Parlor, the Garden, the ^m Hennery — everything that can be of help in making home more com fortable, more beautiful. GLORIOUS STORIES Inspiring Articles Current Events, Nature and Science, The Doctor’s Weekly Counsel. Send for Announcement for 1911 and Sam fie \ Copies of the Lamer Companion Free. FREE To Jan. 1911 Every New Subscriber who cuts out and tends this slip (or mentions this paper) with $1.75 for the 52 issues of The Companion for 1911 will receive All the remaining issues for 1910, including the beautiful Holiday Num bers for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The Companion’s Art Calendar for 1911, lithographed in thirteen colors and gold. SN Then The Companion for the 52 weeks of 1911—a library of reading that would cost $40 in book form. THE YOUTH’S COMPANION BOSTON, MASS. New Subscriptions Received it This Office. L. P. WIRTH Steam, Water and Hot Air HEATING 'Plumbing Metal Wor?{_ Hardware Manufacturers ojf Steel Tanias, all sizes Falls Cily, - - Nebraska A. DIESNER Practical Watchmaker Nothing inure acceptable than a tine watch, clock or table silver lor a [Christmas Gift Call anil let me show you what will please you in these lines: Clocks, Watches, Jewelery and Silverware.