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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1910)
<,ca'soC,ety /^y 1 he Falls City Tribune FIVE CONSOLIDATIONS: FALLS CITY TRIBUNE, HUMBOLDT ENTERPRISE, FIULO RECORD, CROCKER'S EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL AND DAWSON OUTLOOK. Vol. VII FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1910. Number 49 JOSEPH MCMAHAN. Died Sunday Morning After a Long Siege of Typhoid Fever. Joseph McMahan «ii<• d at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Malian near Preston, Sunday, Dec enber 3, after an illness of several weeks. He had so far recovered tram typhoid as to come to town early in November. Soon after lie suffered a relapse and later pneu monia developed. Although lie has keen quite ill his death was not expected and came suddenly Sunday wfirnin}'. The deceased is the sec ant son of Mr. and Mrs. Mc\J,|vJian at>o was born July 5, 1882 on the koine farm and has continued to re side with his part nts. He lias al ways been an industrious young tv..n and by his industry and stori ng worth has made hosts of friends wko will miss him gp ally. Fhe funeral servlet s were held Tuesday morning at ten o’clock from Catholic church in this city and the burial was made in the Homan Cath •>>e cemetery. Me leaves besides his parents sev eral sisters and brothers and to all Hit sympathy of many friends is ex lev tied. The Climax. The attraction offered at the Gehl ing Monday evening made a splendid impression upon the large audience "The Climax" by Edward Locke, was full of music, fun and pathos, as well Clyde Benson as the music teacher, Luigi Golfanii was fine and kept the audience in continual laughter. .Miss Slater, as Adeline Von Hagen , the pu pil. possessed a voice of fine quality and range and the audience was al most made to feci her misery and gr:« f when she supposed her voice was lost to. her for all time. Eu gene i’ryartd and Charles Darrah were good at all times. Taking the play throughout, it was one of the b<stt seen at the Gehling for some risne. Knights of Columbus Elect Officers. the regular meeting of the Knights of Columbus last Friday nigh tli* following officers were elected fs? the ensuing year: K. A. Coupe—Grand Knight. ludge Gagnon—Dep. Grand Knight. Patrick Walsh—Chancelor. John Hickman—Ward man. Maurice Sheehan—Inside guard. W. Thornton—Outside guard. James Coupe—('or. secretary. h. FT Wirth—Financial sec. Martin Kanaly—Treasurer. W. T. Fenton—Advocate. Trustees—Mike Murphy, Dan Kelly, Dennis McCarthy. A Grand Success. The bazar and exchange held last Friday and Saturday by the ladles of tee Christian church, was one of the most successful affairs of the kind ever held in this city. They seemed ;® have everything on sale from pa per flowers 10 hard coal. Their con >*ibutions from various manufacturing i oncerns and wholesale houses were »<ry extensive and almost the entire 'lock was sold out. The merchants »f our city were most liberal in their nnations. Their collection of need ' work, in both useful and fancy articles would be hard to excell. It will be impossible to give a state ment as to the financial results as ihe three working divisions are in a contest and at the beginning of the year a report of their earnings for (Bis year will be made. Until that t me the result of this sale will not »< known, suffice it to say it ran up Bto several hundred dollars. The ladies deeply appreciate the patronage accorded them. We are piad to bo able to state the re markable success which crowned 7heir efforts. ME WEEK'S SOCIAL EVENTS AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Various Kinds of Entertainment by Individ jais. Lodges. Clubs, Churches, Etc. .Mrs. T. L. Hummolreich entretained the Thursday Bridge Club, this Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Steele and Mrs. Jennings give a progressive whist at the home of Mrs. Wilson Friday afternoon. Mrs. Hargrave and Miss Oddie La,p entertained the first kensington giv en by the ladies of the Episcopal church of Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Hargrave. Two ver interesting guessing contests occu pied the ladies time and promoted the mingling of the guests which con tributed to the pleasure of all and made the afternoon a social success. Ice cream, cake and coffee were serv ed by the ladies at five o’clock. The IL G’S. met last Saturday af ternoon with Miss Edna DeWald. All were supplied with needle-work and though they chatted freely the fin gers were no less busy and the two combined made up a most enjoy able afternoon. Dainty refreshments were served at five after which the Club adjourned to meet in two weeks. Miss Helen Jackson of St. Joe was present. Miss Martha Werner and Miss Lou ise Moaiman entertained last Thurs day evening at Miss Werner's home complimentary to Miss Lillian Mosi man of Superior. About twenty five young people were present and enjoyed the evening with various games that were prepared for their amusement: Music by some of the guests contributed to the evenings pleasures. Splendid refreshments were served at eleven o’clock. The young ladies are royal entertainers and made the evening exceptionally pleasant for their guests. Sorosis met with Mrs. George .len nings November 30th. After busi ness the club was both pleased and instructed by two papers: “The rela tion of the Child to the Community” by Mrs. Banks and “Success of Wom tn in Agriculture” by Mrs. Steele. A discussion followed, "Do Women lack Business Methods,” which was enterer into with interest by all. The club adjourned to meet December 14 with Mrs. Morehead. Mrs. Herber Bailey was a guest of the club. Re freshments were served by the host ess assisted by Mrs. Bailey. The Woman’s club held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. .T. C. Tanner with a good attendance. Mrs. William Wilson presiding as presi dent pro tern. During the business session, the need of a heating plant at the poor farm was brought up and discussed, and a committee of eight ladies appointed to petition tlie coun ty board to install a furnace. The club also voted to send a Christmas box to the inmates. Mrs. Dr. Kline felter. Miss Norris and Mrs. Keim were guests. The program consisted of two most interesting and instruct ive papers on “Parsifal.” The Le gend on which Parsifal is based—by Miss Anita Wilson and the History and Poet of Parsifal—by Miss Maine Hutchings. Owing to the absence of some, and illness of others, the musical numbers could not lie cra l'ied out. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Ralph Simpson Her. 20, when the same subject will be con tinued. The home of Mrs. Frank Schaible was the scene of one of the largest parties of the week, when on Tues day afternoon she entertained at whist complimentary to Mrs. E. H. Kennedy of Okmulgee, Okla., and Mrs Marlon Gray of Eos Angeles. The house was beautified by the liberal use of cut flowers and potted plants. Guests for seven tables were present and enjoyed this favorite game until late in the afternoon. Hearts were trumps and the heart shaped score cards were decorated in water colors. A delicious dinner was served in four courses at five o’clock at small tables. 1 iere the heart idea was again carried out in sandwiches, moulded salads and deserts. The ladies lingered until a late hour so pleasantly were they entertained. Mrs. Schaible is a charming hostess and those are fortunate who have the pleasure of enjoying her hos pitality. A very pleasant and profitable af ternoon was spent at the home of -Mrs. Maines Wednesday, November 30. Those present were Mesdames. Geo. Coon, W. Boyd, R. P. Will, E. Kuhn, 11. E. Hill, W. Bahr and Miss Bahr and Mary and Daisy Stewart. The ladies busied themselves with needlework and old fashioned quilt ing. Music by Mrs. E. Kuhn proved very entertaining and in harmony with the afternoon’s work and pleas ure. Nice refreshments were then served by the Misses Maines. A business session was held after the lunch hour to plan a union family supper to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Will, December 14. A committee was appointed to get up a program. It was moved t hat the club send tin* new member. Miss Kelly flowers. T he lady and mother accepted them and thanked the mem bers for so kindly remembering the absent ones. Nettie Boyd was a guest of the club. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. .1. N. Deaton, December 21. What a Pity. It is hard to be compelled to be lieve that there are so many in the world who will try to profit by an others misfortune. At the fire Mon day night hundreds of dollars worth of goods were stolen, sometimes in the guise of carrying goods to safety, sometimes in taking what had already been taken to safety (?) What sort of heart, what kind of character is in tin- makeup of people who will deliberately steal during the excite ment of disaster or misfortune. Many do it who are not known (?) to fol low such a course or perhaps even suspected. ft. is surely a low, des picable person who, no matter how oppressed with poverty, can be guilty of such a monstrous crime. It is monstorous when you further injure one who is already undergoing mis fortune. Base Ball. lias the committee solicited you for your contribution to the support of the ball team next year? We will not realize what a good thing we have missed until too late if we let this go by. We cannot afford to be quitters. We must keep up to our reputation and keep in touch with progress. There is too much coming to us this year—to retire organized base ball would be to say we lack back bone. Remember the heaviest expense was met last year, hence the shortage. This year that expense is eliminated. Now by all means have base ball. Mrs. W. H. Kerr III. Mrs. W. It. Kerr was taken serious ly ill Wednesday night. She is suf fering from a nervous break down the result of the doctor’s long Illness. Diphtheria. Miss Rill Houston Is seriously ill at the home of her parents, Dr, and Mrs. 1. M. Houston, on North Stone street. She has been ill for several weeks but Saturday it was learned that she Is also suffering with diph theria. Al this writing it Is thought she is some better. Death of Martha Herbster. Special from Harada. Ojt last Friday death came to claim t.hivH wo year old daughter of Uinhart Herbster and wife. Little Martha has been ill but a few days with lung fever, when on Friday morning at seven o'clock she passed away. Rev. Zeike conducted the funeral services from the Lutheran church I last Sunday at twelve o’clock. A largo number of sorrowing friends and relatives gathered to show their last act of kindness to the dead and extend sympathy to the sorrowing parents, brothers and sisters. Odd Fellows Entertain. Tl'r Odd Fellows Hall was the cen ter of attraction last Thursday night for all Odd Fellows and Rebeccas when they entertained for Mr. and Mrs. Al Hurchard who left enarly in the week for their new home in Leb anon, Mo. There was a good pro gram and various games followed for amusement. There were a number of short speeches, all expressing regret at. losing Mr. and Mrs. Hurchard. A fine supper was served at eleven o'clock. The occasion will long be remembered for its many pleasures. Addresses Elks at Nebraska City. The Nebraska City papers devote several coumns to the address deliv ered by Frank Reavis at the Elks Me morial s< rvice held in the Overland opera house in Nebraska City last Sunday. The Daily News pronounced it the ablest speech ever delivered in Nebraska City. The Daily Press says: “Mr Reavis dwelt particularly on “Immortality" and ils relation to the prcrent world. Ilis address was one which will not be forgotten for many days 'o come. He is a true orator, i forceful speaker and a man who pu his whole soul into what he says." Firemen’s Relief Fund. This fund was solicited for tlu* use of the Volunteer Fire Go., and those actively assisting at the Wahl iiuild ing Fire, December 5, 1910. Amount paid in, $295.50. Subscribed but not collected, I *101.00 j Whole amount subscribed $290.50. This amount has been deposited in the Richardson County bank under the name of the Firemen's Fund, and is subject to check by the committee appointed by the council at the meet ing, December 7th. Each person receiving of this fund will be paid by check. When the I entire amount subscribed is paid in j the names of the individual subscrib | ers will be published. , Committee—D. D. Reavis, John I Mosiman, Jr., fire chief; Harry Pence, Sam Marts, city marshal; Will flold ner. *■’*••* •' -f. . $25,000 DAMAGE BY FIRE SAMUEL WAHL S STORE BURN ED MONDAY NIGHT The Large Stock Is Almost a Total Loss And His Building Is Badly Damaged Samuel Wahl's big store was dis covered to he on firi' at about 8:ltd o’clock Monday night by some of the night students of the Business Col lege. They could not at. first locate the fire and there was a little delay In turning In a fire alarm. When the fireman arrived and Chief John Mosinian cut a hole into the third floor colling he found fire raging all around under the slate roof. It had undoubtedly been burning several hours before discovered. Water pres sure was low and until the stand pipe was cut off and the dlrectpres sure turned Into the mains there was not sufficient force to make much headway. The volunteer fire men worked like deamons and kept time streams of water playing upon the flames. Their work could not Imt win the admiration of tlie public but it is to be regretted that, more men were not ready to assist them when, almost frozen from exposure, wet to the skin, the enll was sent down for more volunteers, They kept ui> the fight until almost three a. m. when all danger was passed. The fire in itself was confined to the third floor; the roof fell In, and the plaster was soaked and several feet, of water stood for a time upon tno first and second floors so that, fire falling from above was quickly c •.• ngulshed. The fire wall undoubt edly saved the lleavis & Abbey build ing on the south. Mr. Wahl says lie carride $14,200 insurance upon the building but tliis will no more than cover the loss— if k covers It. Floors and shelving are already warping, plaster falling, the entire third floor a loss. As yet it is impossible to say what damage may have been done to the main walls. On a $50,000 stock only $12,000 In surance was carried. A month ago that figure would not begin to cover in stock. The ladles coats and suits were in the west end in the omt 'tory portion of the building, .'er.ind the fire and only slight dam age w'as done. The shoes, under the suit department would have es caped entirely but for some one throwing a portion out of the win dow into tlie snow. That was the only damage. Of the rest of the stock fully seventy-five per cent is either a total loss or badly damaged. Kven tlie clothing and dress goods | carried out are damaged. The loss is a very heavy one. nisi as soon as tin* insurance men have adjusted the insurance Mr. Wahl will begin 'preparations to open up again and if these man ar rive on time and are reasonable in the length of time they consume, it is believed the store will he opened again in two weeks so that the trade can he carried on during the busy season. The greatest damage to Keavis <Sc Abbey was from water and where their roof was cut with ladders, etc., necessarily used by the fire fighters. Their stock on the first floor was not removed. The damage to the second floor stock came from water through the wall and ceiling and to carpets, etc., carried out into the snow. The business college sustained no loss as their valable furniture was covered. I)r. Mathers and l5r. Wilson will each sustain several hun dred dollars loss through damaged instruments and supplies to say noth of delay in business. Such a misfortune could not come at a worse season of the year for Mr. Wahl but he has a stout heart and will at oi.ce proceed, as far as possible to retrieve his losses. The Wahl building was less than nine years old, and was one of Zb« best and handsomest business blocks in our city. The real cause of the fire Is unknown. Tho flue isfully three brick thickness, though by some the cause Is attributed to the flue because the fire was first, dis covered on tho north near it. There Is Just as much reason to believe It was from defective concealed elec ti ic wires. After tlie fire had been extinguish ed George Wahl and a force of twelve men remained on guard during the night. The interior of the building was condemned Tuesday morning. There Is general regret among the citizens for Mr. Wahl’s loss and all sympathize with him in his misfor tune. Watch For Them. There are many very bright Intel ligent ladies In our city, all of whs» are good writers, whose articles ara Interesling and wortli while. They nlways please. A few of these ladles have consented to write articles for the Christmas edition. Wro are very happy to offer them to you. Waleh for them. A Baby Girl. A very fine little girl arrivid at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Baker Friday morning, December 2, 19li. The. little Indy brings Joy to many hearts, and as for Bert, he cannot be seen for the great big smile he wears. He lias a large supply or now socks to bang up Christmas and hopes Santa will fill them with books containing the newest lullabys, rattles to amuse the baby and the best colic receipts. Both Mrs. Bak er and baby Virginia Elizabeth are in the best of health. For The Typewriter. The Tribune Typewriter contest has • notbeen withdrawn. There were several Individuals who wisiieil to enter and quite a few societies, hut as Christmas is so close at. hand and many have pledged their help to the church bazars, etc, and tho wisli was expressed that the contest lie extended to sonic time after instead of before January 1, 1911. Realizing the rush of Holiday work ia our own office we decided to let tho matter rest until after Christmas. Those paying their subscription be fore the regular contest begins have the privilege of voting later upon a favorite contestant. Those wishing to become contestants should send us their names. This is open to '■very school, church, lodge or socletr in the county. Our Volunteer Firemen. Can enough be said In heartfelt praise of the Falls City firemen, wh* without a cent in compensation, go out and face the danger, cold, and all other discomforts in cases of fire in our town. They take the time from their labor, the rest they need, if the alarm is sounded at night and, as was the case Monday night, fight unflinchingly against great odd for there surely is little in the way of apparratas, to aid them. It is so easy to stand around and tell what should he done—when you can’t even see the desperate fight these brave men are making. Do you know there were men who refused to even help pull up the heavy hose off the ground last Monday night when one of the handicaps of the fire men was from their elevated posi tions to get that long, heavy liose up where they could make it most ef fective. It was a shame, but it happened, never-the-less. We do not realize what we owe our volunteer firemen. We ean contribute to the fund be ing made up to reimburse them for their lossts in clothing but money cannot pay all tilings. We can, with all prosperity, doif our hats to the Falls City fireme*.