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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1910)
The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Hriends and Neighbors. STELLA, A. J. Baldwin was an Omaha visit or .Monday. Mrs. Fred Stringfield of Vodron was visiting Stella friends last week. Clmrlea Ailor of Kansas City visit <?d liis parents the latter part of the vv ivk. A J. Baldwin transacted business in Lincoln the latter part of last week. Miss Lissa Colgla/.ier spent part of last week with Mrs. John Jenkins in the country. A daughter, weighing eight pounds, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cur tis, Saturday, June is. Mis, Jus. Houghton of Carneyville Wyoming is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. L. It. Chaney. Mrs. K. Wheeler spent last Week in the country with Iter parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Slocum. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes of Humboldt attended the funeral of their sister in-law at Stella Saturday. Wm. Critts and wife and Mrs. L. G.Ciphers and Toddle Bush were in Kails City Saturday on business. Jess Brown and family of Kalis City were here Saturday to attend tire funeral of Mr. Brown s sister. J. M. G iodine and family visited Sunday at Verdon with Mrs Goodloe's brothi r. Unlit Goolsby and family. Hev. Hinkle's mother, who had been visiting him for the past month, li ft Tuesday for her home at Genoa. Mis. Angoline Raper spent several days the first of the week with her son. Charles and family, at Venlon. .1. M. Goodloe was tailed to Hum boldt Tuesday to meet Ids brother-in law, Charles Sloan, of Norcatur, Has. Mrs. Win. Sloan and two ehildren of Verdon visited the first of the week with her sister, Mrs. K. Withee. Mrs. .1. R. Cain and little daughters and Mrs. Caroline Haggard returned from a three weeks' visit in Kan sas. Mrs. Kd Gebhurd of Verdon visited at tli" honie of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Helmlek the first of the week. Mis. George Mitehel and daughter, Bertha went to Barada Saturday to spend a couple of weeks with rela tives. M.H.Vandcveiitcr and wife attended the funeral of the latter’s eousln, Mr. Fisher, near Nemaha Tuesday afternoon. Miss Carnu’tta Allor returned to the home of her grandparents last Friday after a visit with her parents in Kansas City. Mrs. G. M. Andrews and two little daughters of Kansas City came up Sntmday for a visit with the doctor and Stella friends. Tombstones were placed in tin Stella cemetery to mark the graves NotKirxg Equals Old Dutch Cleanser For Cleaning Milk Pails arvd Pai\s Cream Separators, hitclien and Cooking Utensils "Wet the article, sprinkle with Old Dutch Cleanser, wash thorough ly with a cloth or brush. Rinse well in clean water and wipe or let stand to dry. This removes dis coloration, corrosian, spots and grease, such as ordinary cleansers will not remove and does it quicker and easier." Cleans,Scrubs Scours,Polishes It is the best all-’round cleanser ever discovered and is perfectly harmless. It keeps everything about the farm house spick and span and saves a lot of labor, of John Jenkins, Perry Montgomery and 'ittle Irene Keimers. Childrens’ Hay was observed at. the Lutheran church last Sunday. A j very appropriate program was well rendered by the little folks. Elmer Mason came down from ! Omaha Monday. He reports Ills son Merle as getting along nicely, but another operation for appendicitis will too u 'eessary. Miss Blanch Mom lie left Wednes day tor Trinidad, Colorado to at tend a convention, having been elect ed di legate from Midland college be fore returning home. Miss Mable Culp, who has been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Lyalina, was railed lo the coun try Monday to take care of In r aunt.. Miss Louise Lyanna. who is quite sick with kidney trouble. Jacob Swlhart and wife returned last week after a two months visit with t.lielr children in Colorado. Mrs. Swlhart had quite a severe attack of rheumatism while away and for a few days was unable to walk. Tuesday afternoon about three o'clock our quiet little town was arotisM] front Its afternoon nap by a cloud of dust from the east. It soon proved to be the approach of the Humboldt Boosters, coming to invite us over to the celebration, the I'ouiili of July. They had their band with them, and gave us some lively music that wakened us for the rest. of the day. Also left 11 few souve nirs, but had used all adver tising matter between stations. How ever they were welcome and invited to come again. Mr. Richardson, who had been visiting for several days at the home of Mis, Mattie llodge left Monday afternoon for Denver, hut not until he had induced her daughter, Miss Grace, to accompany him. They will go to the home of his parents, where on next Saturday they will be united in marriage b> the groom's father, who is a Baptist minister. This will be the fiftieth wedding anniversary of the groom's parents. They will visit in Denver a couple of weeks and then return here fo a short visit, after which they will go to Hanley, Missouri to live. The best wishes of a host of friends goes with them. Mrs, Dora McDougal died at her homo in Humboldt Friday morning, lime 17, of ptomaine poisoning. She was the wife of Win. McDougal and a daughter of Mrs. Win. Brown. The remains wore brought to Stella Sat urday afternoon and the funeral preached at the Christian church by Rev. Adams of Humboldt. The body was laid to rest in the Stella ceme tery beside her father and infant son. She leaves a husband, an infant dau ghter, mother, one sister, four broth ers and a host of friends. Site was t ,vei,tv-eight yea re old. She had been married seven years and most of liei life bad been spent in Stella. BAItADA. Jerry Richards was up from the county scat this week. Dr. S A. Van Osdel was a Sliubert visitor Sunday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Andrews entertained at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Martin. Miss Lizzie Zuhrick of Verdon vis ited this week with her aunt. Mrs. E. E. Butler. Conrad Ledn s and family were the guests of R. H. Dunn and fam ily Sunday. L. H. Morehead and wife are in Vesta this week visiting their son, 1. \V. Morehead. R X. Williamson and W ('. Bridge man and their families spent Sunday at Barbour's lake. J. A. Martin, Dr. S A Van Osdel and Harley Butler were business vis itors in Kails City Monday. Walter and Floyd Orrr have each secured lots and expect to erect dwelling houses in the near future. Miss Kit tie Butler left Monday for York where she goes ns a delegate to tlie Sunday School and Christian Endeavor convention of the Evangel ical church. Quarterly conference at the Evan gelical church next Saturday and Sunday. Presiding Elder Pillow will preach Saturday afternoon and even ing and Sunday morning. C. E. in the evening, led by Lela Butler. TRADE MORAL—Nobody would have known the uood Samar itan's kind act were it not tor Our Saviour's parable. Se the home folks' Good Samaritan, Mr. Merchant; make this pa per your commercial bible; write your own parable and put it in our advertising col 1 umns. RULO Nellie Shaffer is now assistant in the post offic e. Tom Brinegar visited with his fam ily for a few days. i Henry Smith of Wymore was a Rulo visitor Friday. Emma Grant returned from Falls I City Monday morning. F. E. Kulp of Wymore was a Rulo visitor one day last week. [,. It. Lyman of Wymore was a Rulo visitors one day hist week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthu Lytle arc* the proud parents of a little son. Dr. .1. W. Layton of Leavenworth was ti Rulo visitor Thursday. II. F. Edgecomb was a Falls City visitor the first of the week. Will Davis returned the first of the week frrotn a trip to Oklahoma. Frank Blair of Highland, Kas., vis ited relatives in Rulo last week. Mrs. Ryan came over from Kansas to meet her son, Lewis, Monday. Mrs. Will Cunningham returned on Sunday from San Jose, California. A lee Tilton c ame down from Falls City last week to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gilbert are the happy parents of a little* daughter. Alta Gilberrt is spending tiiis week in the country with her brother. Ed. Roy Williams visited with it is moth er at Fortescue the first fo the week. Mrs. (Maude Anbury came up from St,. Joe Monday night to visit her par ents. Mary Boahtne is visiting with her sisterr, Mrs. Frank Costello of Atch ison. Mr. Hetmiger of St, Joe was a business visitor in Rulo one day last week. Mrs. Moore of Lee s Summit was visiting with friends in Kulo last week. Miss Leah Poteet of Falls City vis ited with relatives in Rulo one day last week. Floyd and Vearls True came down from Salem Saturday to spend Sun day at home. Moggie Mooney returned last week from a visit from her sister at Ef fingham, Kas. School closed at the convent last Tuesday with an interesting program and a picnic. Phil Horan, wife and son spent Sunday with Mrs. Honan's parents north of town. Claude Yocum of Fairview, Kas., was in Rulo visiting relatives the first of the week. Misses Lena and Josie Murphy and .losie Mahan were Falls City visitors Friday and Saturday. Sophia Pierce, who lias been at tending school at Peru, is quite sick at h ■!• homo in this city. John Hopkins and family left on Thursday of last week for a visit to relatives at Creston, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. McNutt spent Sat urday and Sunday In Rule the guests of Jeff Gilbert and family. Clarence McWain came down from Falls City Saturday evening for a short visit with Rulo relatives. Mrs. \V. Cook and two children left Monday evening for Independence, Mo. to make their future home. Mrs. Roily Harrison and daughter, May, left Tuesday for Dufiois to Visit with her sister, Mrs. Frank. Mrs. Teft of Waterloo, Iowa is visiting frriends in Rulo Ibis week. She was formerly Mrs. Belpler of tliis place. ileasu* Anuerrson came homo from Peru and spent Sunday. Her sister. Pearl, returned with her to Peru to spend a week. Rev. A. E. Wachtel returned Tues day of last week, much improved in health but not able to yet take up all of his regular work. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brinegar at tended the funeral of Frederic Niet sohe Thursday of last. week. The de ceased was Mrs. Brinegar’s grand father. John Mooney's horse fell down the dump near the elevator Monday evening and rolled over on him caus ing some painful bruises. But on the whole it was a lucky escape for John Grrandma True returned to her home in Union. Neb., Saturday af ter a thrive months visit with her son, Will. She was accompanied by her granddaughter, who will spend her vacation with relatives here. Mrs. George Ward gave a party in the afternoon of June 16 in honor of her little daughter, Emma's fourth birhtday. The company numbered eight little folks, four boys and four girls. Every thing was done by the hostess to make the afternoon pleas ant for the little ones and her efforts were fully appreciated by the little guests. All kinds of childrens games were played. Nice refreshments were served. Emma received several nice gifts, and when the little ones left for home, thought it was very nice to have a birrthday. WILLIAMSVILLE. G. W. Duerfeldt shelled corn Mon day. Miss Katie Reinke spent Sunday at the lc me of Jacob Weissinger. Anna Ilienko spent a few days with her s'ster, Airs, Joseph Bauman. Rev. A. Essley and wife spent last Thu ■ day night at I. A. Dunn’s. Jacob W’eissinger and daughter, El la. were Falls City visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Arnold spent Sunday at the home of Jacob Arnold. Mrs. 1. A. Dunn and daughter, Carrie, were Falls City visitors last Friday. Clifford Fink, who has been very sick is improving under the care of Dr. I.eneker. it. J. Dunn and wife took a trip to Auburn one day last week with Outer Sailors in his auto. OHIO Jake Dibble and family of near Verdon spent Sunday with P. Shaf fer and family. Jim Gilmore enjoyed a visit from liis home last week. Lydia Dowty was the guest of Lola Sturms Sunday. Alien Gilmore spent last week near Preston with his aunt. A Dowty and wife visited with P. Fisher and family Sunday. Jim Hurt and children visited with Lewis Hurt and family Sunday. Elizabeth Faunn was a guest of her friend, Edna Shaffer Sunday. •loan Rains and family spent Sun day with Guss Strauss and family. Wes Nedrow and family spent Sun day with Norman Forney and family. Ed Kitnmel and family spent last Sunday with Mrs. A, Elshire and family. Stella Meyers of Morrill is visiting II. Beechy and other friends this week. S. II. Knisely, wife and daughter were gucstr, of Mrs. Noah Peck last Sundry. A. Knisely and wife visited one day lecently with the former's broth er. Lloyd Peck. •Mis. George Peck and daughters visiftd with the former's son, E. T. Peek and family. il. .1. Prichard and Fred Whitrock wen. to Omaha last week and re turned with several autos. Lola Sturms returned home Wed nesday after a few weeks spent with relatives near Omaha. Francis Stump and wife were call ed to Omaha last, week by the serious illness of their daughter-in-law. Mrs. F. S. Lichty and Mrs. Chester Stump spent a portion of last week in Kansas City the guests of Mrs. Edith Yellton. Frank Lichty and Win. Huettner of this place were Atchison visitors on Friday. They returned with a fine new auto for the Whitrock sisters. James Gilmore lias accepted a pos ition in Lie Farmers elevator at Wil bur r.nd will go there about July 1. John Dietrich will take Mr. Gilmore’s place in the Straussville elevator. There will be services at the Sil ver Creek church Thursday and Fri day i veiling of this week and on Saturday evening the Love Feast and communion will lie observed. All are cordially invited. Mrs. Bartlett was called to Omaha Thursday by the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs. Charles P. Stump, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis and other ailments. At last reports she was doing nicely. Mrs. Noah Peck and daughter spent last week near Atchison visit ing relatives. While there they at tended the golden wedding of an aunt and uncle of Mrs. Pecks'. They were accompanied by John Yocarn and daughter, Myrtle, of Falls City. HUMBOLDT. Ralph Hummel has a new touring ear. Dr. J. I.. Gandy was In Falls City Wednesday. Riley Weaver of Elk Creek was in the city Saturday. W. Bryant of Table Rock was here the last of the week. L. S. Hackett was in St. Joe the middle of the week. Rrdolph Porak was a business vis itor In St. Joe Tuesday. 1 h< mon Loennig was a passenger to Falls City Wednesday. Robert Carpenter is visiting rela tives in Auburn this week. Elmer Woods and family of Table Rock spent Sunday in this city. Little John William Waggoner is a victim of the measles this week. Miss Etta Llpp of Dawson spent a short time in Humboldt this week. J. C. Vaugbii of Pawnee City was ii business visitor in Humboldt Sat urday. Mrs. Walter Legg was hostess to the F resbyterian kensington Tues day afternoon. Miss Nellie Rist spent part of this week with her sister, Mrs. Billings in Table Rock. Mrs. Frank Mullen returned Sun day from St. Joe where she had been visiting friends. Bert Morehart and family of Red Cloud are guests of Humboldt rela tives and friends. Roy Bain and family of Table Rock spent several days with Humboldt friends this week. Misses Ftoxie Wells and Lulu Ross left Tuesday for Canada where they will spend the summer. Carrie Cooper, Guy Cooper, Am brose Buerstetta and Ralph Philpot visited Auburn Monday. Chas. Shoup of Pawnee City was 1 a guest at the home of Norris Aylor a short time this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bounds returned on Wednesday from Lincoln, where they had been visiting relatives. Mrs. Will Clift and baby of Have lock are visiting friends and rela tives in this city this week. Mies Edna Scott came to this city ! Saturday from Beatrice and is visit 1 ing her mother, Mrs. Mary Scott. Miss Anna McDonald returned to | her home in Table Rock after spend ing several weeks in this vicinity. M»-s. Faulk and daughter, Edna, re turned to this city Friday, after an extei ded visit at Washington, Kas. Mrs. Walter Legg and children re turned Saturday from Pawnee City, where they had been visiting friends. •James Hnizda and daughter, Miss Rose, accompanied by Gertie Bantz and Bessie Little drove to IJawson on Sunday. Miss Maybelle Davis,who is attend ing summer school in Lincoln, spent -' with her parents, S. E. Davis and wife. Mrs. Robert Traverse and little son. Frank, returned Saturday from Lin coln where they had been visiting relatives. Mrs. .Jule Ruegge, who has been spending several days with C. C. Unland and family, returned to her home in Falls City Sunday. W. IF. Huff, editor of the Steinauer Star, accompanied by his wife and Frank Steinauer and wife were in Humboldt Monday forenoon. Master B. Guy Wheeler is spend ing the week with friends in Table Bock and his sister, Miss Aurrey, is visiting her aunt in Lewiston. Mrs. Frink Powers and children of Rosalia, Has., who are visiting in this city, left Tuesday to spend a short time with Table Rock friends. Miss Florence Hummel, who lias been attending the University at Lincoln, returned home Saturday to spend the summer at her home in this city. John Cornelius, a prosperous farm er, who for many years has resided on his farm notheast of this city, has re tired from active farm life and is now a resident of Humboldt. Mrs. J. L. Gandy accompanied by her grandaughter. Dorothy Borland, went to Table Rock Satudray to meet the latter’s sister, Drusilla, who had been visiting in Lincoln, The marriage of Harvey Griues and Mable Barnes occured in Table Rock Wednesday. Mr. Grines will be remembered as a former operator at the meal Bullngton station. The autos of Humboldt, after meet ing the Lincoln Commercial club that visited this city Tuesday, left for a tour of the surrounding towns. Sev enteen machines were highly decorat ed in the National colors, advertising tile Humboldt Fourth of July celebra tion. Benjamen King, a retired fanner, who recently moved to this city was taken sick the latter part of the week with typhoid pneumonia, which resulted in his deatli Tuesday after noon The deceased was well known j in ‘ins community and was most highly respected. wedding! To Mark the Day you call her thine, the handsom est engagement ring you can af ford is none too good. Come here and we'll help you choose wisely and according to your means For the Eastertide Wedding it will be just as well to secure the ring now. That will give us plenty of time to attend to the en graving all wedding rings should bear. R. B. Simpson North Window Kerr s Pharmacy Landrigan, of Course For Furniture and Undertaking I will save anyone money if they purchase Fur= niture from me. Call and look our stock over, and you will find our prices are right. Don’t forget the place—west of court house. Calls answered day or night. E. LANDRIGAN N?ghf Phone^81 Falls City, Neb. We Make A Specialty of attending to business entrusted to us in such a way that our customers will appreciate the fact that we consider their interests and ours identical. Farmers State Bank PRESTON, NEBRASKA A Fading Beauty is often no more than a poor set of teeth, which renders the whole face unattractive. ATTENTION TO THE TEETH will often restore an attractiveness that was considered lost. Our den tal skill is equal to the task of re storing your teeth, no matter how defective they may be. What we cannot repair we replace and no one would know the teeth we insert were not of natural growth. DR. YUTZY Falls City, Nebraska