The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 17, 1910, Image 8

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    Henry C. Smith
240 acres well improved, 1J miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Best of terms. Will take
40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest.
200 acres \% miles from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska Good buildings and land. Will
take 40 or 80 acres as part payment
160 acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. 512,000.
160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent
107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska.
80 acres &-mile from Falls City high school.
640 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 160 acres as part payment.
Fine running water. A No 1 opportunity.
Money to loan.
V-- ■ - - -J
The Power of Advertising Clearly
Shown in the Demad for
Worthless Mixtures.
According to Webster, any medi
cine is a nostrum If its composition
be a secret. That definition is too
sweeping for modern days Language
changes, *iittl this word nostrum lias
come to mean a much-lauded, secret
medicine of little merit. It can
not tx applied today to all secret com
pounds, because there are hundreds
of ethical preparations used by medi
cal met that are practically as sec
ret as any patent medicine on the
druggists' shelves. Two-thirds of
the pharmaceuticals the physicians
use are really secret preparations,
but they «an hardly bo called nos
trums. as the meaning of the word
is understood now.
In this talk 1 limit the term, right
ly or not, to unscientific prepara
tions of little or no merit, or that
make extravagant claims, palpably
untrue, or. In the vernacular. fake
This class of preparations emenate
cither from ignorant persons or else
they are deliberate swindles; more
frequently the latter. In till of
them there Is more blow and brag
in the advertisement than medicine in
the bottles. They at’o worthless pre
parations. marketed by blatant and
absolutely dishonest advertising.
They cure nothing and their owners
do not expect them to. The goods
are fraudulent, the advertising is
fraudulent, and their testimonials tot
ally worthless as testimonials. There
is little reliance to be placed upon
published testimonials even when
they are voluntary and genuine, un
less the persons are known and the
conditions are known. But the Nos
trum makers are supremely lndlffer
ent to genuineness in testimonials.
A testimonial 's a testimonial with
them, to lie worked for all it is worth
Like tile motto, ‘‘get the money.”
theirs is “get the testimonial” How
they get it is a mere detail of little
importance. They do have some
testimonials that are genuine in a
sense. That is. there is somebody
behind them who will reply to any
Inquiring letters that, the investigator
writes them, and for each reply they
make to such letters of inquiry the
maker of 'lie testimonial gets twen
ty-five cenis That arrangement was
not unusual a few years ago and 1
presume is In vogue yet When the
advertiser boldly urges the read
er to write to ihe person who's testi
monial he publishes, it is highly
probable lie knows just what kind of
an answer will be fortheoming. The
writing of testimonials therefore isn't
a hud "side line;" it would look like
v ns.v mom y to some persons. A
t ■stimonial means little unless the per
son and the facts are known. It
is hard In determine how serious
the ease was or how much the medi
cine had to do with the cure, if it
was a cure.
All tin' advertising pul out l>\ the
Nostrum makers (or fakers) is
crooked They give wrong svmp
tom; of ailments and exaxggernte min
or troubles into signs of serious dis
• ■use and their promises are still more
mendacious. One of their book
lets is like a railroad map where all
the towns on the road are moved
this way or that in order to make
tlie road straight, so these fakirs des
cribe sensations and feelings that
are of little Importance, as symptoms
that lead straight up to the disease
for which they make the only reli
able cure.
It is nice reading for the unsophis
ticated and usually makes him think
he •'has ’em bad.”
But what, help is there for it? Peo
ple will read the stuff. We might
l ) sP
y Advertising is the fer
My tilizer of dull business '
M soil. Its work is magic. Thin,
I weazened trade becomes a thing of I
■ power when its roots feci the healthy I
■ sunlight of publicity.
(Copyright, Ijitu. hy W,,V. U.)
have h Pure Food Advertising law
with Dr. Wiley as censor. Some per-1
sons argui Uiat the druggist should
not sell preparations that lie believes
to be of little value, but lie is com
pelled to stock the goods or Ids
customers will go elsewhere. lie
cannot say to ids patrons, "the pre
pat tit ion yon ask for is a Nostrum of
no value," because the patron be
hews in the advertising and regards
Ids favorite medicine as above re
proach,even when he knows there are
many preparations that are fakes.
It Is like Mob [ngersoll's definition of
Orthodoxy "Orthodoxy is my doxy,
and hetrodoxy is your doxy,” So in
lids ease, "my nostrum is a medicine;
your medicine is a nostrum.” The
druggist can only be passive and let
the advertising s<ll the goods. If
he tried any other plan the spiders
would spin a web across his front
Vinegar Milters was a notable ex
ample of the nostrum class. It is
dead and unmourned now, hut it
was very much alive twenty- five
years ago. It was made of sour beer.
Cape aloes and wafer. The whole
sale price was $S.oo per dozen, it
cost •>."> cents a dozen to manufacture
and about $1.00 per dozen to adver
tise it, the rest was "velvet.” And
the people swallowed it by car loads.
During the acute stage of tlds spasm
it would have been easy to procure
one hundred enthusiastic testimonials
in every town and hamlet, to the ef
fect that this "swill" was the most
wonderful curative medicine ever
The owners did not have to forge
testimonials, or ask for them, they
were thrust upon them beyond their
ability to publish. It was a daring
and gigantic fraud, brazenly advertis
ed to cure everything but a ham.
and It made big money for its own
Madam's Microbe Killer was an
other rank fake, without even as
much merit as Vinegar Hitters.
Iiiquizone or Kiquiekle. said to con
tain hit per cent water and one per
cent sulphurous acid*—must have cost
about ten cents per barrel with a lib
eral allowance for bottles and ud
veristng it should have boon quit*'
profit able.
Ilydro/.one, claiming to be a "scien
tific, absolutely harmless germicide,”
was quite ns cheap and just as worth
less. It was totally unscientific and
woiPdn’t kill a germ unless by drown
Ilosteiter's Hitters isn't ns good a
drink as it used to he. Since the
pure food lnw it only contains 25 per
cent of alcohol. Whiskey is cheaper
and bett * r.
Duffy's Malt claims to lie a med
icine It also claims to be a superi
or liquor. It is neither. Add
enouh water to your whiskey to bring
it down in If per cent and it will be
quite as good as Duffy's and—cheaper!
Paine's Celery Compound never had
any merit and the people have found
it out. They lmvn't found out Peru
na yet.
I have never opened a bottle of
Warner’s "Safe" Cure, but it has
the ear marks of a nostrum. Its cures
must have been faith cures. La-cu-1
pia. Foso Hark, Pushkuro, etc., ought ■
to have had tickets for their original!
names, but should not get on the!
prize list for anything else.
Piyrhine was the nerviest swindle I
of all. for they actually set the price
for the large size at $3.00 per bottle! :
Said to contain a little strychnine,
enough alcohol to keep it from spoil
ing, a pinch of beautiful ml coloring
matter (Cochineal) and the rest wat
er. That made a pretty velvety pre
paration. 1 am told the formula lias
been changed since the pure food law
Perhaps they left out the strvchj
nine. According to the label, it |
is "the greatest of tonics" and an
"infalible remedy for consumption."!
Oli! ve disciples of Aesculapius |
how insignificent is your boasted
wisdom. Here is an "infalible" cure
for consumption and ye wot it not!
Ozomulsion is put out by the same
firm. It contains Cod Liver Oil.
They couldn't make an emulsion with
out oil. I don’t see why they put
out so expensive a preparation. It
probably didn’t pay over four hun
dred per cent net, and if Psychine
is an "infallible remedy for consum
ption" why put out another that, cost I
ten times as much?
There have been many other fakes. ■
too many for an article like tills one, I
and the nostrum man isn’t dead yet. j
Morsman Drug Co.
What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing
the Past Week.
Mr. Hill of Dawson look the earlyi
train for Falls City Monday.
A nine-pound boy arrived to gladden
• he hearth and home of Mr. and Mrs.I
Clarence Schatz.
The waters in both Nemahas reach
ed the flood limit Friday night. For '
tun Holy they began to recede with
out doing much damage.
Room No. lit in the National hotel;
has unexpectedly come into the!
lime light.' There are other rooms
in that institution that will bear of
ficial scrutiny.
Governor Shellanberger issued a
belated proclamation making June
14 Flag Day in Nebraska. Here is
hoping that every day may be a flag
Two gambling joints have ‘‘fussed
tip." Several others are apt to fol
low the example set, and our alert
marshal will lose the chance of dis
tinguishing himself.
George Mauek, a brother of Mrs. S.
Marts, died unexpectedly at White
Cloud, Kas, Wednesday, June 15. Mrs.
Marts left yesterday to take charge of
the remains. Particulars will tie
made public Inter.
Judge Spraggins assessed a much
heavier fine against the last lot of
gamblers run in than against the
first lot. Presumably the judge has
regard for persons and places. He
may he right. But we take it that
gambling whether done in the Na
tional bote* or over Smith’s saloon,
and whether indulged in by respect
aide citizens of Rulo, Humboldt and
Falls City, or a few Indians and greas
ers, is gambling.
Auto Club to Meet.
The Richardson County Auto club
[ will hold a smoker at the Elk's club
rooms Saturday evening at 8:30. E\
cry auto owner in the county is' re
quested to" be present. Attend the
ball game in the afternoon and re
main for the smoker in the evening.
Important business will be transact
ed Arrangements are being madd'fcP
a short contest of some kind to take
Place immediately after supper. Come
and have a good time. Tell others
about it.
H. It. MINER, President.
Piano Bargain.
We have slightly used piano in the
vicinity of Kalis City, Neb. To save
thi> expense of boxing and shipping,
will sell very cheap for cash or pay
ments as iow as $5.00 per month.
Write Olney Music Company, St.
Joseph, Mo, 25-4t-pd.
Monday, June 27th
High-Class Dramatic Companies Playing at Popular Prices
10c and 20c--No Higher
Different Plays Every Night. Refined and Wholesome Amusement
for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children
Home Talent ===Geh!ing Theatre
THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1977)
Rebecca’s Triumph
The Christian Endeavor of the Christian Church
Under the Direction of Mrs. H. B. Glenn
Rebecca, a Foundling..... .Miss Hazel White
Mrs. Rokeman, Lady Bountiful.. ..Mrs. L. C1. Edwards
Mrs. Delaine, a Widow.. Miss Lucille Mettz
Clarissa Codman, An Old Maid.Miss Louise Rule
Katie Conner, An Irish Girl. Miss Fay DeWald
Gyp, a Colored Girl..Miss Angie Glenn
Meg, a Crazy Vagrant.Miss Dorthea White
The Cooking Club
Dora Gaines.Zetta Camblin
Sadie Morrill.Frances Ramsey
Jennie Woodman.Grace Reavis
Nellie Dunbar.. .Ruth Reavis
Emma Stevens.Helen Resterer
Grace Greenwood . ..Nellie Hossack
Marie Gray .Cinderilla Houston
Alice Leeds.Maude Davis
Gussie Green.Nellie Craiy
Dorothy Dixon.Maybelle Poteet
May Aarseth.Camille Leyda
Mayme Baldwin.Lucille Leyda
Bessie Lon"'.Lena Northdorf
Floss Warner.Ruth McMillan
Gertrude Castleton.. .Mabel Hermes
Miss Edna Vaughn, Accompanist
Musical Program
Solo, “ Babyland'’.. Maybelle Poteet
Solo .Mrs. George Wahl
Solo, “Sweetheart” ....Ruth Reavis
Violin Solo Miss Anita Wilson
Prices 50c, 35c, 25c. Seats on Sale Monday, June 20
Come, You Will Find Every Moment An Enjoyable One
~ H573
—- - — v
1st Door North City Hotel
"™ >
Lyman Millinery Stock
To be Sold at the
Cost of Materials
The Lyman Millinery Stock has been turned over to
the undersigned to be sold at most any old price. The
stock is new, very well bought and is all of the very
newest style. Every woman needs an extra hat or
so, especially since they may be had for so little.
If you need a flower to beautify an old bonnet, a
piece of velvet, or anything in the millinery line, this
Trimmed Hats will be sacrificed. Over a hundred of
Don't Overlook this Chance
to Buy Millinery at the
Bare Cost of Raw Materials
F. L. BRITTAIN, in Charge
_____ j