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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1910)
The Countj The “Doings” of oi and Ne VERDON. Miss Bessie Stump left Saturday tor Iowa. “frank Bennett and family were in fails City Monday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. George I’nul May 5. John Stltasor of Lincoln was t ailing on relatives here recently. Mrs Snell anti daughter. M:h. Dlllo w» re Shiite rt visitors Monday Miss Myrtle Bowers of fells City visited relatives here over Sunday. 1). M. Davies of falls City was the guest til l. D. Griffiths and family Sunday. Frank Sanford and lady I lend of (his place drove to Dawson Wednes day evening Miss Madge Homin' of Omaha spoil a few days here last week with Miss Edith Cullen. Miss Lena Shuhcrt of Dii'ihar was the guest of Miss Xelda Waggoner a few days ago. Will Mathenia. wife and UU|c, son were Falls City visitors the latter part of the wei k. Miss Anna Frauenfelder left Sun da. afternoon for a short stay with rel atives in Falls City. toe Smith entertained his daughter and her children from Nemaha City the first of the week Arthur Chase returned Saturday to liis home in Table Knrk after a visit to liis father in this city. Mrs. Ed Kuker visited tier parent . Mr. and Mrs. Mi Manus, at F ills City the latti r part of the week. Charles lluldrnnun has been v* ry ill file past week, but is reported a little belter at this writing. Mr. and Mrs C. <1 Humphrey spen Sunday In Falls City the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Abbot* Mr. and Mrs. Mallard returned to their home in western Nebraska last week after a visit with relatives here Mrs. Frank c Waggoner and two children returned Friday aft* r spend lug a lew days with relative- in Mis souri. Mis. Eliza Cmolsby and Mrs. M. A Clark hit Thursday lor a visit to Mrs. Charles I'eckhain and family al Horton. Has. Members of the Christian eliueeh purchased new suits last week j. It is a great improvement to die ii" r ** lor of the i hureli. Mrs Dr. Phillips and chlld'i.n l* ft Thursday for Onagu, Kas , to v isit the former's sist< r. They will also visit relatives in Missouri bi fore re turning to theii homo at Mtetoetse Wyoming. I Jus^ r in General ir Country Friends ghbors. RULO. Miss Clark spent last week In Kan sas City Si May was in Kails City on buai ness Monday. Grant Oeatnb was a Kalis City vis itor litis week. Henry Bryant of Missouri was a business visitor Kriday. Miss inn Nerlter spent Sunday tit iter home in ilumboldt. George Carpenter of Missouri was a llulo visitor Saturday. Hod Anderson visited relatives in Kansas one day last week. Mrs. Georgia Swelnfurth was a visitor in Kails City Monday. J. A. Osborne was a St. Joseph visitor a few days Iasi week !■'. 10. Kulp of Wytnore was a busi re-nil visitor In Hulo last week Hlanche Anderson was a business vi it or in Kansas one day lust week. John Gosseinan of St Joseph visit ed his mother several days Ibis week. John llepager of St. Joseph was looking after business here Saturday. Mrs. Hatekin spent several days last week with relatives in the coun try. Jake Fickle eatne down from Daw son Saturday for a short visit with home folks. Jess Ziegler came in from the west Saturday and spent a few days with home folks. Frank Graves came down from Humboldt Sunday for a visit with Itulo relatives. Klla Carpenter left for St. Joe this week, where she expects to remain for some i imo. 10van Dunn came down from Daw son Saturday to visit a few days with home folks. Mrs. Joe lirazzo and children of Fort (•sene visited with her parents at this* place hist week. Cecil Kunnly of Salem eatne down last week to attend the golden wed ding of Mr. and Mrs. Mooney. Margery Coupe and brother left for lii ir home in lOffinghaui, Kus,. Mon day, after a visit with relatives here. Mr. Will Cunningham's Sunday School class and a nuinhei of her fri lids r< ineinbcred her at San .lose Cal . with a po I card shower Wed nesday. Mr Phil lloiail and son. Philip are spending (lie week in the coun try, when* Mrs. Horan will remain for a while in the hope of improving tier health. On Wednesdiij evening of last week a < rovvd of relatives met at the beautiful home of James Mooney and wife, to help celebrate their golden wedding Mr. and Mrs. Mooney were married in Hulo and have spent al most till of their married life near here, their residence being only u short distance from town. A nice dinner was served at noon. The day passed only too quickly with conver sation. games and music. In the evening a picture was taken of the entire company. A number of nice presents were received. Their many friends wish them many mole years of happy wedded life. Never hesitate about giving Cham herlain’s Cough Remedy for children II contains no opium or other narcot ics and can he taken witli implicit confidence. As a quick cure for eoggha and colds to which children are susceptible, it is unsurpassed. Sold h.v all druggists. NEMAHA TOWNSHIP. Ml' Schmid lias purchased a piano I. O StaldiT was in Kalis (’it) on Monday. Henry Lay son's new barn is all finished and occupied. Mrs. George Schneider Is recuper ■Ring slowl) but steadily. Sun Kami has been taking treat ;l|,nii vor heumatism at tin- springs | Gy ChildrenV Hay will be celebrated v t. " Zion Sunday School with ap h'riatc exercise*, Sunday .lune 12 Stanley 'Took', n brother i ' Winery Crook of flock Creek began clerking in 11. A Dlttinar's store in Kalis City Monday <>. Ayers the census enumerator for Nemaha Township has about com pleted his mini of men and “things In the township. Hie Rattlesnake school closed for the season, last week with appropri ate exercises. This finishes Miss Bessie Guinn’s second term at that place The farmers of Nemaha Township are not ye taking as freely to drag ging the roads as some other sections The general condition of the roads, especially after season of rains, show the neglect. Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets will clear the sour stomach, sweeten the breath and create a healthy appetite. They promote the flow of the gastric juice, thereby in ducing good digestion. Sold bv all druggists. STELLA. K A (Mark has been In Vandalia the past week on business John L. Cleaver of Falls City was a btisint ss visitor in Stella Monday. S. It. Freed spent a couple of days ; in Auburn last week transacting busi i ness. Miss Bertha Wagner visited Thurs day night and Friday witli Miss Helen ! Baldwin Mrs. Fay Hewitt of Kitzville.Wash., j is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. j A. 'Tynan. John Cupp Lowe of Minot, Dakota Is visiting his father, X H. Lowe at this place. Mrs. Robert Wood is visiting this week with her sister, Mrs. L. Qergens near Dawson. Hnele Pete Reine rs of Long Beach, Cal., is here visiting his children anil old friends. Charles Ailor of Kansas City vis ited Sunday with his parents, O. F Ailor and wife. R. A. Kroh left Sunday for South Dakota where he will file on a homestead the 24th. Mr Angelin** Raper was called to Louisville, Neb., Sunday by the ill ness of tier daughter, Mrs. K. Monod. John Arnold and wfie of Salem vis ited their daughter, Mrs. X. Hodge, and other Stella relatives last week. Rimer Marts and wife from near Auburn visited several days last week with tin* latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. J. (Mirtis. Stella friends received announce ments of the visit of the stork at the home of John Ryan ani wife in Seattle. Wash., last week. Mrs. Anna Shellenberger, who lias spent the past two months witli her daughter, Mrs. Earl Swan at Malcolm returned home Wednesday. Mrs. W in Moore visited her daugh ter, Mrs. Win. Marts at Auburn last week. Mr. Moore went up Saturday and they tamo home Sunday, Mr. ami Mrs. S. R Freed were mar rietl fifty-five years last Saturday. Friends celebrated tlie occasion by making short calls during the day. "Showman" lloltel and daughter left Sunday for their home in Kansas City, after having been laid up here ten days on account of a gas explo sion. Mrs. W II. liogrefe and daughter, Miss Itn/.cl came down from Lincoln and visited the home folks a few days last week. They returned to Lincoln Sunday. Mrs. Charles Wood and two little otis el ft Tuesday for Elk City. Okla., when' they were calh d by tlu- illness of Mr. Wood, wiio had gone ^iIitc '-'■ml we ks ago for his lealtli. \ Mrs. E. A.'Kroh gave a dinner paitv a .1 surprise .for Miss Neva Cow el Thursday evening. The affair was in honor of her eighteenth birth day. The guests wt re girl school mates. Stella friends were pleased to learn of the birth of a little daughter to Mrs. Effie Ham llourke of Shu bert tm Monday, May !V May the lit tie one bo a great comfort to the young mother. A very pretty wedding was solemn i/.ed at the Lutheran parsonage Tues day 1 veiling when Lawrence Curtis and Miss Mae Mill ware united in marriage by Rev. Fn d Kos“ Shirk. Only the groom's brother and his vvif and their little sister were present. A wedding supper was served by tlie bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. IV Bryant. This young couple will go to housekeeping in a new house about four miles north of Stella, where tlie groom already lias his crop in. They have the best wishes of a host of Stella friends for a prosperous fu ture WILLIAMSVILLE. Grandma Ege was on the sick list last week. Joseph Bauman called at the home of Henry Reinke Sunday. Jesse Dunn spent Sunday with Ids parents, Mr and Mrs. 1. A. Dunn. Messrs Henry and Ralph Duller spent Sunday with their uncle. Mr. M. M. Hendricks. Rev. (Hough of th“ Brethren church near Falls City, spent Sundry after noon at the home of I. A. Dunn. \V. A. Gieenwald and wif > of Falls City were guests at the heme of Jacob Wisshiger one day last week. Mrs. E. E. Butler, accompanied by Mrs. lissely are in Kearney. Neb., at tending a convention that is in ses sion there. Miss Anna R 'like is spending a few days with her sister. Mrs. Joseph Bauman, who has been quite sick tile past few days. Amanda Ducrie’dt took the train at i Vails City Friday for Omaha where she will visit relatives for awhile. Her father, u. C. Duerfeldt was forced I to remain in Falls City over night on account of the heavy rain. —The splendid work of Chamber : Iain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets is daily coming to light. No such grand remedy for liver atul bowel troubles were ever known before. Thousands bless them for curing con stipation, sick headache, biliousness, jaundice and indigestion. Sold by all druggists. I SHEEP AND Tht KttJ PLUTE Herder* of P£iesti..e have Accu* tomed Their Ai .r. ala tc. tne Sound of Vveiru Music. The pastoiui iite of the i'alettUie peasant has always been a subject of liiteiest anil a pleasant study. The shepherd Is seen at his best iu the spring when he has the cure of both sneep aim lambs auu When ait his luoughts are cenlei'eu on U:s seeming ly muoleiil occupation. Worn lor the tuiepnerii begins in euinest with the minhing seusuu, which commences tariy m January ami continues lor two or iniee mouths; uuring that time it is no un usual sight to tee tne slicpnerii with several newly uoru minus or luUs stoiou away in the capacious luidt or ills bosom auu tne niolhois in ciose attendance. "When heavy storms of snow or rain come on the shelter or tome cave has to be sought and a caroiul watch against tne attacks of wad animals kept. This watchfulness is not relaxed on a line day, and the long ..ours on the hillsides or plains are whiled away In making music on the reed liute, or which every shepherd is the maker and player. The music is an assurance to the sheep that the shepherd is oil the alen; let tile music cease for any length of time and the flock will stop grazing and look around lor their care taker and leader. At night the sheep are folded around the* village or camp in which they belong. The fold is a large inclosure, the wall of which is made up of good sized stones piled one on another. There is only one entrance, which is narrow, for the sheep as they enter have to "pass under the rod" so that the owner may count them and see that none are missing. To find good pasture and a quiet resting place is tlie daily duty of the shepherd, and in tlie long suninier days Hie (lock rests during the heat by some stream or under the shadow of a great rock. Each sheep has its name, !u which it will respond on be ing called hy its keeper. In southern Palestine the Hocks are tended by girls and women, hut in other parts hy youths and men. Sunday at Home. Sirius the Master Sun? Astronomers once believed that the entire starry universe revolved around a renter of attraction and thq star named Alcyone, in the group of (lie Pleiades, was selected hy Maedler as marking that great (Miter. It has long been known, however, that Maed ler's conclusion, which was based on (lie apparent motions of tlie stars, was incorrect and if any universal center exists it lias not yet been discovered. In fact, many of (lie stars seem to be moving in straight lines, some in one direction and some in another; and among these is our own sun. But it is possible that further observations will show that all (lie stars are really moving in curved lines. In the mean time it lias been found that there are certain groups or sets of stars which appear to travel together. To what set. if any, the sun belongs, we do not yet know, hut Delauney has presented reasons for thinking that those stars whose distances have been measured l that is to say, those which are near est to usi, group themselves around Sirius, the dog star, in a manner simi lar to that in which the inner planets are grouped around the sun. If ihis be correct, Sirius may possibly lie (tie master sun of which our orb of day is a distant satellite. Harper's Weekly. Microbe Causes Lockjaw. Lockjaw, known to medical men as tetanus, is one of those terrible mal adies which occasion great suffering and baffle the best attempts of the profession to successfully treat them. Commencing with stiffness of the jaw muscles, tetanus quickly goes on to produce violent convulsions, which utterly exhaust Its victim’s strength, while preventing him from taking food, owing to his being unable to open liis mouth; hence its more popu lar designation of "lockjaw.” investi gations have shown that this dreadful disease is due to a microbe which commonly exists In ordinary soil and the surface mud of tlie streets, which habitat explains the reason why tet anus frequently attacks persons who have been injured in street accidents and had their wounds contaminated with refuse and dust from the road way. Although no certain cure for tetanus is yet known, progress is be ing made with injections of “anti tetanic serum." The Father of Waters. It was In the year 1519- 120 years before the Mayflower reached Plym outh rock that the Mississippi was first seen by the eyes of a white man. Proof was already at hand that Flor ida was not an island, for in 1519 Al varez de Pineda had followed that coast as fnr as the site of Tampico in Mexico, where he found Cortez and his men. Pineda then turned back and after a while entered the mouth of the Mississippi, which he called Kio de Santa Espiritu. lie seems to have been the first European to sail upon this great river. How far lie ascended it is not clear, but he spent six weeks upon its banks trading with the Indian*.— .lolm Fiske. Breaking the News. The widow—Wouldn't you like me to read your palm? The Man—Delighted! Now, tell me something of my future. The Widow—Your future is to be a very happy one. - , The Man—How do you know? The Widow—I nm going to marry vou.-—Houston Post. • WARREN TOPPAN, Lynn, Mass. Cured ot severe compound cold and cough by ytnbl * “From Dec. 20, ’08, to March I, ’09, 1 had three had colds, one on top of the other. I got so weak ! could hardly get around. Nothing seemed to help me until I began to take Vinol. The change was magic. Three bottles com pletely fixed that compound cold and stopped the terrible cough—and what surprises ine most, at the same time It cured me of a severe stomach trouble that has bothered me for 20 years. Vlnol is certainly a wonderful medicine. Mr.Toppan is one of Lynn’s most prominent and highly respected merchants, whose word is as good as his bond. * The reason Yinol is so successful in such cases is because it contains the two most world-famed tonics—the medicinal, strength ening, body-building elements of Cod Liver Oil and Tonic Iron. Your Money Back You Arc Not Sa'IsMed. A. G. WANNER, Druggist, 1. 11 City. A Young Man * May Have Friends I * # Hut lie will find none so steadfast, jjo ready to re- «« spond to his wants; so capable of pushing him * ahead, as a little leather covered book, with the name of a bank od its caver. * Patronize Your Home Bank * 0 Farmers State Bank * PRESlON. NEBRASKA 4* Are You One? I lave you so marked the resting place of our dead that the following generation will be able to read their inscription. If not, it is well to attend to that now, as next year may be too late, since no man knows his time. If you want work of quality at a reasonable price, consult us NOW. Falls Citv Marble Works Established 1881. R. A. ® F. A. NEITZEL, Mgrs. TAKE YOUR HOME PAPER FIRST THEN SUBSCRIBE FOR The Kansas City Star and Times The Star and Times, reporting the full twenty-four hours’ news each day in thirteen issues of the paper each week, are furnished to regular subscribers at the rate of 10 cents per week. As new spapers, The Star and The'Times have no rivals No other publisher furnishes his readers with the full day and night Associated Press reports, as does the Star and Times. This should recommend the papers especially to the progressive merchant and farmer- \ I deliver both the Star and Times to the subscriber s door promptly on arrival of trains. v Give me a trial. CLIFFORD AGEE. Distributor Should you wan! Tho Star by mail send lOc per week. $5.20 a year. Address The Kansas City Star. pEfifja/ m \ WORrL YOU WILL SHARE OUR PRIDE in dental work if you have need of our services and avail yourself of our skill, experience and facilities. We don't do \ half way work—it’s all or nothing with us, as many people know to their own great gratification. Note, please, fhat we make no charge for expert examin ation. YUTZY f-'alls City, Nebraska