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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1910)
The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. OHIO. It, A. Burk is visiting relatives in Hulo. George Prichard spent Sunday in Humboldt. N'ellie Fisher spent Sunday with Li'.rie Strauss. Bdna Caris o w a.; a guest of Lola Sturms Pridur. Will Me Wain and family moved to Hulo la.-d week. Robot ea Strauss was a e.a- . r oi Lydia Dowty Sunday. Clara I .auehrej of Brook Is spend in' It • a at ion e home. Ch'.y Peck and family spirit Sun day v, : !i the l,.i iti • parents. Allen Gilmore visited with his father P ei sville Sunday. 11. Beachy and wife were gm.its of Gu; l.iolil;-' and wife Sunday. Mrs. Kishii e andi family spent Sun-j day with He Kiimn 1 and family. Chester Stump and family spent Sunday with I . S. Liohty and family. Anson Knisely and wife were I lie guests at the home of Cleon Per k on Sunday. Perry Sliafftr and family spent last Tuesday sit the home of Wes Nodrow. Henry Zorn and family spent. Sun day in Palls City with Jacob Hunker and family. John Yoca'-n of Palls City spent several days last week with his dau ghter, Mrs. N. Peck. Mrs. E. Lutz returned home from Beatrice Saturday after a week spoilt visiting a, sister there. Myrtle Yocum and her friend were guests of tli ■ former’s Bister. Mrs. N. Peck, la t Tuesday. Dallas Yoder and family of Palls City were uesta of the former': parents New Years day. Stella El.-diire tame down from Oiiiah, last w..«k to .• ml a f v weeks with her mother. Mrs. Cleon Peek returned home on Monday from Carlton, after a week’s visit with her parents. Misses Edna Carico, Lena Kamel and Ruth lleineman spent Thursday at the1 home of Herman Beaejiy. Earl Shaffer and family returned home from Manley, Neb., after a visit with Mrs. Shaffer’s parents. Lloyd Meyers came up from Mor rill, Kas., Pruiay and made a short visit with his sister, Mrs. Ivan Kel ler. Mrs. Ephraim Peck slipped and fell on the iey walk one day iast. week and tore two of her ribs loose. She is getting along all right now. Edison Harkins and his cousin, Miss Brown went to Auburn last Sunday to visit a week with the for mer’s brolh"rs near that place. H. Ruck and wife moved to a farm east of Barada, and Mrs. N. Peek moved to Hie farm recently va cated by them, known as the Dr. \Y. S. Past farm. Earl Ankney anil family of Penn sylvania spent Sunday with Frank Shaffer and family. They were | accompanied from Falls City by the former's parents. About forty guests gathered at the home of G orge Slums to surpris Miss Lola. The surprise was a fail ure, as she had heard of their com ing, but nevertheless, a good time was enjoyed by those present at playing various games. Nice, refresh ments were served. A. M. Dodson, a former Tecum-1 sell, Neb., druggist, discouraged and dispondcnt on account of being out of work and money, shot and killed himself in a P. Street rooming house at Lincoln, Neb., last. Thursday even ing. Dodson was once a respected, citzen of Tecumseh, but. the "dope” habit got the better of him. Notice. To Whom It. May Concern: All per son. knowing themselves indebted to me please call and settle, either by cash or note. Respectfully, J. C. TANNER. WE HAVE Sweet Oranges Nice Dananas Fancy Crapes Fine Lemons Table Raisins Imported Figs California Figs Fresh Dates Seeded Raisins All Kinds New Nuts Come in and See D. W. SOWLES VERDON. Kt?v, Hatdlff is on tile sick list. U ill Hstas vs as a county scat visit ■ c>r last week. Walter Wadi made r business trip to Omaha last week. L. A. Allison, of near Slraussvllle, vv:rs In t.,ovvn Wednesday. Mrs. Ode Sailors spent New Years with relatives in Falls City. Fred Heim man and sou, Gorman, were Falls City visitors last. week. (lay Chamberlain of Nelson is vis iiiaa I,; Ki-andmotln i\ A; rs \ Zenit rah. 1 Sailors returned to her sdiocl near Peru Sunday afternoon. 'l'om Fall replied ii Lin-oia ; in day. after a short stay with home folks. .'.ii i id Mrs. Bert Swise .ut .. i n ■in fl (i il West n Kan.:.; on a \ » i < to relativi i. Miss Eunice Cornell eame down from ( tin to spend a few days with Jeimi ■ Btump. ■Mibs Alla Sartors returned home from Falls City wh re she visited a few days last week. Mrs. Sti wart, wiio was hurt in a runaway a short, time ago, is still unable to bo out of doors Wilbur Henderson t amo up front Kansas Wednesday afternoon for a, short, visit with relatives. Grandma Ramel and Miss Cora Ffillings took dinner will' Mrs. Dave Griffith one day last week. ■Jess Harris a. d Ills brother, Kay. were down from McCnndlass swit ii, the lnttor part of the week. Chest r Hippold came up from Falls City Friday afternoon for a visit with Mr. ami Mrs. George Fogol. Mr. Wing and lady friend eame up from Falls City Wedne May to attend the Brenner Wing wedding. Mrs. Bell Cornell eame down from Peru last week to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Will Katas left on Thursday for Stella, where they will visit relatives for a few days. There will services at the Evan gelical church, commencing Monday evening and continuing all week. Isbam Hull and family eame down from Howe Saturday for a short visit with the former’s mother and sister. A large crowd of young people spent a very enjoyable evening witli Mr. ami /Mrs. Charles Weaver Thurs day. Her: Ralph Miller came in from York to visit with relatives and re new acquaintance with his many old friends. A crowd of young folks from here spent New Years eve at the home of Reese Williams. An enjoyable tinu was reported. Mrs. Clara Coleman ■ ave a sup per to her friends N< w Years even ing. Various games v ■ enjoyed un til a late hour. Rev. Gearries, wife and son, Russel, went to Hurnbbldt Thursday morning to be present at, the Bronnor-YVing wedding dinner. Grandma Seldon had the misfortune to fall Saturday morning and break her arm. Dr. Thomas was immedi ately called and soon had the patient resting (asy. Mrs. Emerson Bowers and Mrs. YV. C. Sloan spent the latter part of last week in Omaha. They went to see Mrs. Fay Simmons, who is in a hos pital at that place. A crowd of young people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .Mc Henry in the east part of town on Tuesday evening as a surprise on Miss Irene, 'the evening was spent, in playing games and other amuse ments. At a late hour refreshments were served. Ode Sailors, manager of the pool hall lighted tile gas lights Thursday evening, and everything seemed to he burning alright. Hater the light grew dim and gas commenced to es cape and in a few moments flamed leaped to the ceiling. They were extinguished before any great dam age was done. Miss Ethel Keller gave a party at her home in the north part of town Thursday evening to the members of the Christian Endeavorers of the Christian church. The evening was spent in playing games and other amusements. Elegant refreshments were served, and the guests remain ed until a late hour. All enjoyed a | very pleasant evening. Dave Griffith and wife gave a dinner Friday in honor of their (lau ghter, Florence and family. It was a family dinner, all being present, ex cept Dr. Griffith and wife, who were visiting relatives in VVymoro. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and children left on the early train Saturday morn ing for their home in Kansas, after a i most enjoyable visit with relatives. Mr. Henderson and family expect to move back here in the spring. See Clarence Heck for your coal I this fall. Phone 101 HUMBOLDT. Ol .1 Hoi .lick "as in Tabic llo.k Wednesday. Dick Turner was In Dawson tli' iast of the week. 1. N. Moore was translating tausi u » in Omaha this w< i k. Frank Do.laml and family of Peru spent Sunday in lltimbolu' Frank Hull r of Pawnee City was a Humboldt visitor Monday lames llnirtin and daughter, Hose, wi it* in lable Ruck 1 rlday. I. 1C. Smith and family visited rul it t vi e itt Fails City this week. Miss Kmmu Zelinka was mi passim g"r to Table Rock Wednesday. Neil Skil1 t and wife were cm t • i f Table Hock friends the latter part of the w ek. Mrs. Will l'avis visited dut lag the week with her si. t t . Mrs. A. Gantt in Falls City. Mable Smith loft Thursday for 'a j visit with Tet anus ]i a:.J 1‘nw no City 11 lativux. W! Mo of Omaha visited dur it- i Wee'; will; In d.ltlg |!i , MtS. Will .ftilutt on. 11, F. Mart’i , after a two weeks' vi it with lies family, left Sat T.lny for Manoy, Neb. 0 oir-i Clift and wife spent New fears day 'v itli their daughter, Mrs. ’dants in Salem. Miss Nellie His! returned Friday after a visit of a few days with Table Uiok ftit-nds Harry Gravatte of Sabetha, Ktis . | spent ;i„iiua> whii his* brother, lien Cravat to and family. Oakley .lames commenced his duties tiiis week iu superintendent of the SprillRview schools. Moril Cowman went to Omaha lit' la: i of the week, where h<* visit led hie father, Will Cowman. Wnji'c Coons came from Odell the, la i of tiie wet k to spend a few days wiih O. I. Cants and family. (J.'orgo Stanford and wife of Omaha are visiting the latter's par ents, Mont Williamson and wife. Iti'v. t'ardj commenced his work as pastor of the Presbyterian church the first Sunday in the new year. Miss V,os Mints returned to Lin coln the first of the week to re .dime her w; rk in the University, Harry lie I and Ualv< rt Rd wards left Mots’s • 1 la di'i e . where they will ., :asi up their i oil. •• work ,Vt. Mil. '.1 Brtgg.t rt turned Hat in -ht s’i : sninerfiehl, lets., whore i ■ W it .! a i parent: . .1. K.Briggs and wife. Ait'iitr Warner and wife, who came i f • ,v s. < tits ago to visit Riley Wli on and family, have decided to lo cate here. .M,i- I • lie Davie re med to l.iaeoln til” first of the Week after spending her vacation with her parents, H. K. Da via and wife. V ■ Mlnni. I'l'ttashek left the last of S' week for Missouri Salley, la., •. I. e she holds a position as princi nel of the s« liool. A play was rondorcfl by the mem In rs of the Bohemian Club ! ilda> evening. Tile remainder of the ev ening was spent in dancing. Mr. and Mrs. ii. I.. Hackett i .t• r lalaed a company of friends New Years Rve. Trail furnished the en tertainment of the evening. Mrs. Linnii' Suetiicn. after a week's visit with her parents, II. L. Heim nt and wife, resumed hoe stud s in the Peru Normal Monday. Clarence McCulloch returned to bis home in Lincoln Sunday having | (* i1 ( his lild ilut 1 V a tilt* i Wo t til . grandparents, M. C Davis and wife. Mcsdaoies Lute 8katak and Will l.ydiek after a pleasant lisil with Mrs. Baity and dinghC r of Kansu City, returned to then- homes in this city Monday, Prod Cullen and Una McDuugal ar rived til this city the he I of • tin week fiuio Canada, and will spend i ■ i ui Hull r (if tin W'i: t( I Nebraska friends. Mrs. S -lena Sanroo of this 111\ and .luhn 'V. Lee of liaia la, who were married in Palls City. Dec miter :.".!d. Iiavo located In the houio of the bride in Hi is city. The firm formerly known us Phil pot it 'famier is no v knmvii ns Phil* pot & Son, Mr, Tanner withdrew from this firm to toko charge ol th<> l^incoln lumber yard. All in I’orr, (icorgo Petrnshok and Lloyd Staid r, after spending their holiday vacation iiilli tlieir parents, left the first of the week for Lim oln | i whore they will cuntiiwn their s hoc! work. The (Illlai Sisters out- rlniiied a company of friends on Niw Year* eve. The affair r wav » omplimenUir. to Calvert I'M wards and llarry lioye. students of llfislitias euil A sensation wa ciont- t Saturday ! afternoon, when two of ! i iiboMC* young p oph attempt-d dop' Hut. “pai a was warned a 1 frir trated the plat ■ of -*<• would t ' elopers. Th<» tea (i ,-I I; ■ i, ihli( school were all in th ir places Mo slay morn lug and work was begun after Ih holiday vacation. During the re Miss MeCrendy spent the time i.. Pawnee City, Miss Y.umr in Ster Ing, Urns Hard well In Lincoln, and Miss lined ill York, Tfii* mimin is nf tli* Hol t kali lodg * took advantage ot if* .-.’ood .'•leinh il** i mu tiny .n il . * i ll well i r * party to the l o |ii:a’ile hem of Win Shaiubivv and wife, where an o;nlni .nipper wap nerved, and a -iplentHd lime wan had by till who vv n u foi tumitc as to be in tin1 tomininy. Friday evening (In- Hpworth Font u. of 11 ■ > Al -thoihs t church watched till' old .VI a" ou( and 111 - Now You in \n i iit 'riaiitiiiy program win rendered, nftnt which a *o ml. tine was enjoyed by all. At (bo Htrok** of twelve (In* church bell was runy,. (In* young p t111b* left Veelit they had done their part in aim ' teing tin i d veilt of 1910. '...T------'-- --- , Slaving decided to quit fanning 1 will sell at the C. A. Chesley farm, 1 mile southwest of Preston, 7 miles southeast of Falls City 5 miles northeast of' Reserve, on Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, the following property:__ One team black mules, coming 6 and 7 years old, wt. 2200; one brown mule coming 7 years old, wt. 1150; one brown mule coming 7 years old, wt. 1050; one black mare coming 7 years old, wt. 1100 (in foal); one bay mare 8 years old, wt. 1300 (in foal); one bay colt coming 2 years old. r rwo MILCH COWS AND TWO CALVES ONE.BROOD SOW AND TWENTY-SIX FALL PIGS FARM MACHINERY One Farm Wagon, one flcCormick Binder, 8-ft.; one Superior Disc Grain Drill, one J. L Case Sulky Plow, 16-in.; one Canton Double-row Stalk Cut= ter, one John Deere Corn Planter, one Moline Disc Harrow; one Peru Walking Lister Combined, one 3-Section Harrow, one Runabout, one Double-row Kirlin Go-Devil, one Keystone Hand Corn Sheller, three Walking Cultivators, one Walking Stubble Plow. MISCELLANEOUS Three sets of Double Work Harness, two almost new; one single harness, one hay rack, one bugg\ tongue, 180 rods 26-in. American Woven Wire, 40 rods 46-in. American Woven Wire, one Rolling Colter, and many other things too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE All sums of $10 and under, cash; on sums over that amount a credit of 10 months will he given on bankable note, without interest if paid when due. If not paid when due 10 per cent from date of sale. Three per cent off for cash. ED. YOEZEL JC fork A“' FRANK SCHNEIDER