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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1910)
The County in General The “Doing*-” of ur Country I rieruls unit iNcighbors. STELLA, Ylr I nisi \ -mri of Oi ihft % d ' 1 fljj roMHvc • lii. ? B*t DpJUi h, f »! of i r \:Ont w,’\ a v .if tin 1 f Of <* I- H' Mi: -, f ,?h* f U‘ M St*. .-4 of \ * id il Mi \\ ht r of Awl in ii If tU< J4„f ilv *tn. of n v. Htnk] »*, • i i sin. ! . i fit » «!if. r lii ' *« Mi '. ii a tia ' i > A d tin- li.i t pin la v., ,-U MT ; Tiu.t. a > at, . Mi rutd A (1 A ilor 11 ■ Siiiinipton and w ifi' Hrise and Miss Oiivi1 Tildon of S idom visit, d n o i <; I. Him uni and wife last »«’k Missi s Mnhie and 1 Intern o Crdp ivft 8ui day they will visit with a cousin for a r niiplo of »i » k: Mrs Wru Morris i d tlir* > child ten of lew-nil County, Ktt.- , arc vi it ng lor parents Ilarnej Hhoffetd ami wife slid other . 1m: v ■ Mrs W C Moots is turned last Krtda.v from Autitiru, whore site had iiecn for ;» rouplo of wor ks attend trig lt< r dgtiphter Mm U’iu. Mutts. Miss tUimcIn Higgins visited l'ii day night with Miss Helen Haldwllt iind Saturday morning left for min, where she will conlium hot Midler at the stale Culver: It) Ib'ii Htump and wife, who hav been V i dling their liien , Mis .1 M ttoodl'i , lift Mondav lot a t< relatives at Verdon anil Calls City After n visit of a few weeks they til t- i.,rii to their home in Harwell \ il Mi Drown ii ml daughter I'm a, returned front Heatriee lust week, where they had been to visit their daughter and sister, Mis tttl g. t ueiiualnted with the new tuihy that had just arrived tit the Me 1 totignl home Mrs l.ydi.-i i’uglt, Katlierinc Moor .1 and littb Wilma Weaver hit list week ter their new home in Mont unit. Mrs. Pugh will he greatly missed l»\ her old friends, as site has been a resident ol Stella and vicinity for thirty-five years We wish her an ahundniiec of success In her new home. “The Jolly Huron." given hy Kails City talent, at the opera house hist Saturday evening, was not so well attended as it should have been. >n account of I lie severe cold weath er. Those who did attend pronoun ced it excellent and think the most of ■he < haraeiers should not he clamed with amateurs The voting folks of the high school gave a watch party at the Masons’ hall Friday evening. There were bom twenty live in attendance and a tolly time was had until time for ringing the hells of tin New Year. Klegunl refreshment: were served. Hu young people were chaperoned by Miss Allie Davis and Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Hailey | Means Much To the level-headed young man. a bank account, added to the de termination to make it larger, means much, The names of many such arc on our books Young man. young woman if your name is not on the list would it not be wise to open an account at once and keep adding to it? It's the right thing to do. The amount may be small at first - but all things must have a be ginning I THE Falls City State Bank And commence the saxing habit now HjLiO in. . i ■ ■ I ’ . r !:• i 9 ft# I • v . I .1 I ■■ . I'll ill S *: k. • i f Mi hull ! > vi 1* • Jin fir ' 01 Hit* Week. • ' - ( l mov i il i t i .1 ; {’tty to k io oni day last w ! .1 »> :i ' 'ut. ■ i i I Hoover, Colo., i v,-'[ !. wit it i ulo liiendi litis week \ til K :. I|,||||| r mill little Hist i i inn il In !’i 'eu Sunday cv.-nhiy. ('ill BilOOit moved file first of till week ini«:i 11 , Hoi man Kloepfel tot tnfje. i lii ; 11 of (inf:, . Kansu i it* il I 'ititiv ci in this vicinity re eently. Olney (irahniu ivlurned week from a visit with relatives at I’acifii Junction. Chili in i Simons and wife of Cliil Uei it in Me. visited Itulo relatives 1 hist Wei k. Carrie and liessle Harrison h it foi Kincoln Sunday, after a visit with i home folks. Mar.v Hohme returned Sunday from a weeks visit with relatives in Atchison. Mis freeman Heater of Oklahoma nine i, ; 1 wi i k lo visit relatives in his vicinity. llennan Kloepfel of Huna Vista. Col . is In the city vlsitiim Ids old time friends. Mr Webber of St. Joseph was Iranstteting business in Uulo one day lust week. Vaughn MrVe.v of IJneolu spent a few days last week with tits moth er in lliis city. Mrs. Bessie Bolhimn of St. Joseph | visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. I.o iJlnnc last week. Mrs Charles Story and children of Wymore are visiting relatives in Hidu this work Mr. timl Mrs, Hum Halt vi at d with ti'ieuds at Craig, Mo., a few lays l a t we. l> Mr. Watts, wile and baby departed tor Hi .liisi ph last week to tnaki their ftii are hmue Blaine and itessii Anderson and Alta Gilbert were Falls City visitor.' the first of the week, Winifred lenliins of Falls City visited her grandparents. Mi and Mrs. Cronin Iasi week, Mrs Will Godfrey and daughter Hath, of Kansas City are v isiting rd at I ves in Rtdo this week John Mkman ami sister, Clara, visited their sister, Mrs. George Bohst at DnBois last week Miss Anna Marlinosky of Kfling ham. Has., visited with her grand mother in tBits city last week Mrs. Arthur Darveau and children returned the lust of the week from a visit with relatives near Salem. Mr. Ross tins disposed of his hotel to Mrs Svvi rnninii He moved his family into the Cummings house Mon day Mrs. Sherman llays and little dau ghter returned the last of the week from a visit with relatives at Forest City MB's Guggc moss returned from her heme at St. Paul, Nebr., to re ! smite her work here in the public school. Alta Gilbert returned to York on Sunday to take up her school work, after enjoying a two weeks' vacation at home. Ktiiih Hinkle returned to lier school work at Fayeitt .Mo., Monday afternoon, after a two weeks' vaca tion with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Daniels and son. Trite, returned Sunday from Qninter, Mo., where they went to attend a family reunion. D Watts of Hiawatha, who has been helping care for his siek father, returned to his home last week. His father is much better. Dei il Kaualy returned to Salem Sunday to resume her work as teach er. She Inis spun the past two weeks with her parents in this city. A little son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hob Kanaly Sunday morning. The little one only lived until mid night. Funeral and burial took place Monday afternoon. The young parents have the sympathy of a host of friends in this, their first great sorrow. Grandma True returned to her hi,mi *ii i ii.on. Neb.. Monday, aft, i a w< > < visit with her son. Will, ai this place. She was a <• i, .in la lie by li i r ai on, Floyd. I, I , .1 8 1 ha ad 1 1 i i no AT at. I nit i, i oh:, bore. When ..I I ft In aie the " c* • at n in i d top oil tile 1 tel. BAR AD A. * • : u .t this. • k 11 «l;. it.*; pi mn \. ■ n iv; : I to li" ; it ! u v,,; i 'n li r ii itoi y -i , i . for to t Sunday, Tilt! hjui'lh »|Uai 1*11. ill I 111.;* 1 'ii' i 'it i 1 clnn. h will 1> ■ li 1*1 ■ • * ; itiml at'lf rtii'oii uiul « . c*i i * id in.via i H nin : l'i n II! It*# Pillow • i l In* ... i ii > •> hut t * ■ ■ —Call on C. A, Hcck for coal and wood. SHUEEKT. Jake fUrilBli y and family visited . folk* .a u' Monday. • . id i i of I’iifftda markl'I d i .• load . . .«.• . In r» Monday. Mloii Min i. Joi,uk Ik enjoying her ■ a hi ion w ith le a . • k .0 Vergon, ill • P. M. ivintmi is now nd a week v.ltlt friend: at Barnda. 11 or. I I and wi < of near Ver j si weji .1, • hcrt t ile day last k. Cl a V;i. te ( I’ l ata la t is 1 b* !. the i its* r t il of liUit Irs !'■ j .Me. . r* i imW 1 ejoyint •t vl. it f lint It* r wii tec, Mr Q. Cat.ey > i 1 'alto'a. •1r. up l ih'ir floor • it . old: of lie nt S nd. y wi.ii r. and ! ■ llnni'ad Bat e. t. Mo., 'ill* the j • . i. iif Mr. and i. a, M, f mii< rt. : l family i i <1 here ■ , They O make ii I'li "c t'tdnro I onif. ' s i’l l; i • V» (}o I) • it pan f i:' :'I* : . ■ imar town. It.. Shook is • . j >v ini’ :• vi ii fron her . in. * i\i. i* I’.Tki : < f (Jirmfrn. and '' r. f> r. r yh oi a :r To ut> ■ h. Mist! Glad; -i Lord, who hat b ii in trb nd . lu re returned to i hcitf.” iu Lincoln I he latter part of t ho vvi - i . Mr. and Mrs. I.- wia Sbulonborg of Haradii took the train from here on Friday evening f<ir IJroMfnville.wheri they vi . • it n Sttive.. Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Kva >; <• trri;iin-j ed ■ ( inn r on Christmas Mr. and M. '. L. l e y, Mr. and M; (. liar-j ry i it'd on and -on 11 . o 11. Mr. and Mr K. J,. ICvunss. A splendid line wav ,.-i I by those present. WII L IAiVRVILI r '* Martiia Or • • i; soffi t ins from H S t tit . , M . ■ *a V. n ’• l i %i k . • •! f • a.ii.v Sntni’i. at lo i nh B"hawuiu''s. V. u. I’oiiotk nt S; .to ••• |:it is visit ill 1 ; I lu . 1. I . K fir. jjhtl ( if. U f ,.;i ; •' a ; t : i" ! in of Mr. at il : .!«-• ttk H. ii'.vai . Jacob Wr.eli ; • r v. rt to Fall:-, city \\ Mi •• M .i i i ... .i til (man i - *i - t . a'! i any i: d it . Otto it';.I IF H- iha V.'i 1; WO* III; • t a! til- Otil* Of f. A. Hun a Alia t <;• i ■ u v, it to I’alii- c;;y Wuflitt day. The Farmers Are the Monty Maker#. Them- Luo days of iihi’iiomonal i . ; \'. T 1 • \ rn'i ah i i ’i i .1 : I. • i..• of hoi. s . old for ■ It i . ■ .,.i'n and another for ?ISCO. Can (i i i mi tuber when H was that J im 11 ..Id i i almost $100 for a real fi t am? riu* farm is the place 1o rualtc money now and it is no . lint sin d land sells for * I -.0 an aero. Hiawatha World. They Came to Grief. County Attorney I.aob< rt of Nema ha County on Teurriay < ■ In t wi > k, ■ .• <1 word from Ca i ■<- rs County of: irials that t !*« two aCers Wi.O . r . . of Se n A tbui i, •‘! i tbui of thi stn e, lias come o yt*.* *tt Wahoo. They tut', their natm . as L. Hat ton and F. Heed, (h I liter b« ine t*>o .,ci,t minus 11av n.l lit*/ ,',1° wni klfiT i a. . ■ .. . i.sae , they Were re|)l i S' lit it 'A Hu Cast »' i ubll; it.. 'C 10.. and fa . , ruttft M t;ons for w I ..own I . >'•n «o ert at ly . etii f u * rs. i . .. : 11 -.te I.;, i it ■ * id •• . •« money unib fall i • . • and inured to tbiriy t..t. • .*> . • A Mniisy f*.iv . i • j , . <t * • * wool?, a iii.y min 1 11 yours amt < oatli ‘ ■<, foi i’his liiai i. in ' i • ’ w hi ■ ii i ‘1’ • Mill ;l Ida 'f . i. '• ,v lli ii * . 11 o! 1 fur . ■::I at i 1-iong X JIM. Atntln r Hiatt; .• f« 1 >■ •"* i-tgltl >i ara n;o n< oit" lit 5 20, anil -O Ml During iho iimo M; . Mot: own d tliosi inai iilii nil' of !'. • ir eo.ta a mount* il to $2,117 Tho firi t t* un i;l mullv an sold oigtil yottr* i >• Tin tali’ was a • I tin : m<' v a d amount Hi to $1 . • Stollu I• • — OF > At Fails City, Neb. I will offer for sale at Chapman’s Feed Stables, on / Sale to commence at 1:00 o’clock Sharp, the following Thoroughbred Short Horn 1 Consisting of 3 straight Scotch and 7 Scotch Topped Bulls, from one to two years old: 10 head of Cows with calves at foot; 10 head of Cows in calf: 10 head of two-year-old Heifers in caif; 10 head of yearling heifers. All CATTLE OF BREEDING AGE GUARANTEED BREEDERS WMHMK ■ ire-au — ■ ... —»—•— ■■ ■■ 111 — 1 1 " ' — " ■ iiwm« —-ri . - - - WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Cattle will be cared for a few days if bad weather interferes, but at purchaser s risk. Anv farmer wanting a young bull cannot afford to miss this offer. Some of these cows are extra heavy milkers. Terms of Sale. I Cash, or any reasonable time on a bankable note, bearing 7 per centi interest from date of sale. !§j Co!. GEO. BELLO WS Col. C. H. MARION Aucts. Col. LEONARD