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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1909)
The Falls City Tribune Vol. VI N FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1909. Number 22 THE WEEK'S SOCIAL EVENTS AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Various Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals. Lodges. Clubs. Churches. Etc. Mrs. Norman Musselman en f , tertained a few friends at wliist at her home on Lane street. Fri day evening. The hostess served a delightful lunch. At the close of the regular meeting of the Daughters of Isa bella Friday night, Miss Hattie Kiting invited them to the Candy Kitchen, where all enjoyed de lightful ices and cream. itiursday evening Mrs- diaries Banks and daughter Lillian, gave a "Four Winds” reunion to the members of the Falls City chorus who returned recently from Kan sas City, where they assisted Carl Busch in presenting his com position of the "Four Winds" at Convention Hall. The evening was a pleasant one, music furn ished a part of the evenings pro gram, and a number of novel and original games furnished enter tainment for the guests. Re freshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. Banks was pre sented with a beautiful souviner spoon by the members of the chorus and Miss Lillian was the recepient of a beautiful bunch of carnations. The Christian Endeavors of the Christian church gave an ice cream and cake social at the home of W. E‘. Dorrington Mon day evening. Miss Fannie Bea er entertained the members of the senior class at her home in the east part of town Friday night. The even ing was a pleasant one and those present enjoyed a real "taffy pull.” Miss Maud Graham entertained a company of friends at som'r set Tuesday evening. Mrs. Myrtle Lange of St. Joseph, and Mrs. Pay DePutran of Lincoln, were the out of town guests. The ev ening was a pleasant one for all present and light refreshments were served. The lawn social given by the young people of the Brethren church, at the home of John Lichty, was well attended. Mrs. Ernest Bode will enter tain the Presbyterian Kensington at her home in the east part of the city, Friday afternoon. Mrs. Bode is a very hospitable woman and all wdio attend will be most royally entertained. UMisses Kate Heacock. Edna Brown and Florence Boose, ac companied by their Sunday school classes of the Presbyterian church enjoyed a picnic at the Falls mill Wednesday. Misses Bessie and Ethel Bohrer were guests at the picnic. The afternoon was certainly enjoyed by the little folks and a fine picnic dinner was served. The Degree of Honor Kensing ton will meet next Friday after noon with Mrs. Harry Wahl. The members of the Falls City chorus and a few friends, enjoyed a picnic at the city park Thurs day afternoon. The ladies of the Baptist church will give an ice cream social at the home of Mrs. Will Spragens, one block south of the Presbyter ian church, next Friday night. Price for cream and cake 15c. | Come and enjoy an evening with your friends. your Collar ] Will come back to y u if you spend It at home. It is gone forever if you send it to the Mail-Order House A glance through y our advertising columns will give you an I idea where it will buy the most. WM—B—sa=r:=. ==a—— A GOOD BALL TEAM Why Can t Falls City Support a Ball Team? Why not have a good ball team? There isn’t much doing in Falls City in the amusement line, anyway. Of course we can go fishing in the Nemaha and Muddy, but as John J- Ingals would say, fishing in the Nemaha and Muddy is an irredescent dream. The ball team as constituted isn’t the kind we should have,and we won’t get the right kind until somebody goes down in his pocket or pockets and digs. We ought to hire a good short stop, pitcher and third baseman; then put Clarence Heck on second, Cornell and Sears in the outfield with Green and go after the best of them. Humboldt supported a salaried team; Auburn is now supporting one. What’s the matter with Falls City? It takes something besides talk, however, to make such, dreams come true. The Tribune doesn’t ask to be let off with talk. LIBRARY BOARD MEETS The Annual Report was Read and Accepted The library board met at the library Tuesday evening. The librarian’s report for February, March, April and May were read and accepted. The usual bills were allowed. As this was the meeting at which the annual re ports were due, they were read and ordered published. The li brarian’s report show’s an increase of 1101 volumes in circulation oyer last pear. Twenty-nine per cent of the books loaned were non-fiction. The magazine list for the com ing year was considered and prac tically the same list as the one now' on file was re-ordered. The book committee arranged for reg ular meetings to be held on the last Tuesday of each month to consider lists of new books. The first regular meeting will be on June 28. The board adjourned to meet the first Tuesday in July. Base Ball Came The Pottawatomie Indians who are touring the state, played ball with the Falls City boys at this place Tuesday afternoon- There was a fair sixed crowd turned out and people attended from Hum boldt, Preston and Vernon- The local team was strengthened by Green of Pawnee playing left field On account of the heavy rain and hail only seven innings were played- When they were forced to stop the game, the score was (■too in favor 01 the visiting team. Friday afternoon Mound City and our boys will cross bats at Poteeis park. Fell From Fourth Story On Sunday morning .1 ac k Jellison and John Shuman were scuffling in a room in the fourth story of the Union House, and in some manner Jack fell from the window to the porch below. His injuries at first was not considered to be very alarming but I)r. Kerr examined him care fully and discovered his ankle to be dislocated and his should er blade to be fractured, beside being bruised quite badly. Jack certainly had a very nar row escape. At this writing lie is getting along nicely. Thrown By a Horse The little twelve year old son of Jerry Richards was out for a horseback ride Sunday after noon, and when just north of Mrs. T. P. Jones’ house, the horse threw the child. He fell on some glass that lay at the side of the road and cut his hand. He was also injured about the head and shoulders. CALLED TO HER REWARD ONE OF RICHARDSON COUNTYS FIRST SETTLERS GONE Mrs. Rose Allison Died at her Home Near Maple Grove Sun day Evening Mrs. Rose Allison died at her home northwest of tiffs city, Sun day evening, after a long and lingering illness covering a period of many months. She suffered from a complication of diseases, heart trouble and dropsy. She was married to David Alli son in 185'1, and to this union was born nine children, five of whom are still living. They are Mrs. Ross Goolsby of this city, and Mrs- Grant Goolsby, Miss Minnie Allison, L. A. Allison, and Ike Allison, all living near Maple Grove. The husband pre ceeded her to the grave thirty four years and she and her son, L. A. and daughter Miss Minnie, have lived on the home farm. The deceased is well known to all the early settlers of this coun ty, having made it her home for many vears. The funeral services were held from the Maple Grove church, Tuesday morning and interment was made in the cemetery at that place. Besides her children she leaves a sister, Mrs- Kate Burris of this city, and a sister in Iowa, and a number of grandchildren. Miss Clara Langhrey, a granddaugh ter, has made her home with Mrs Allison since the death of her mother, when Clara was only an infant._ _ Married at Hiawatha Karl T. Jellison from south of this city and Miss Florence Williamson of Sabetha, Kas., were married at Hiawatha last Thursday afternoon. The groom is a son of Jim Jellison and a grandson of Mrs. Wm. Kent of this city. He has a host of friends at this place who join us in extending con gratulations. He attended the business college here a f e w years ago. Miss Williamson isthedaugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Elza Wil liamson, who formerly lived in this county, near Humboldt. This worthy couple will make their home on a farm in Oklaho in a. Dogs are Turned Loose On the- front page of Tuesday’s Hiawatha Wosld. is the picture of a beautiful dog, underneath the cut are these words: “I’ve been tied up a long while, but they’ve turned me loose.’’ Sunday afternoon the fifty days dog quar antine, ordered by the county board of Brown county, Kas., ex pired, and what dogs survived the rabies campaign, have had their shackles removed, and are out of bondage. Married at Auburn Miss May Wileman and Otis Sprickler of Barada, surprised their many friends Tuesday by going to Auburn, where they were quietly married. Both are well known in this part of the county, and all join in wishing them happiness. We have not learned where tney will make their home or what their plans are for the future. New Cases Filed Two new cases are filed this week. G. W. Titus administra tor vs Charles Myer and Lena Myer, promissory note. Bettie W. Shoenheit vs Etta Schoenheit, widow o f Orville Schoenheit deceased, and Lou thair Schoenheit, a minor under the age of fourteen years. Equi ty HELD MEMORIAL SERVICES S P. DAVIDSON OF TECUMSEH GAVE THE ADDRESS The Members of the G A R. and Their Friends Decorated the Old Soldiers Graves Kit tin tr memorial service were held at this place Monday morn ing in which the people jrencrally turned out to do homage to the memory ot the departed soldiers. I he members of .the G. A. K. and \Y. R. 0., followed by a large crowd of friends, formed in line and marched to Steele cemetery at 10:30, where appropriate ser vices were held. Music was fur nished by the Methodist choir under the leadership of 1’rof- 1C. K. Hurst- Rev. Mastin offered prayer and Master David Crow delivered Lincoln’s Gettysberg address. W- A. Whitaker read an original poem on “Who’ll Strew Flower’s on our Comrads Graves.” Hon. S. 1*. Davidson of Tecumseb, then gave the Me morial address, which was one of the best ever heard here. Twenty-nine years ago the cit izens ot Falls City began the cel ebration of decoration day and since that time programs have been arranged each year and car ried out unless the weather was too stormy to permit. When they first began decorat ing the soldiers graves there were only a few, and today in Steele cemetery they number seventy. After the soldiers graves had been decorated with flowers, the members of the G. A. R. and W. R. C. returned to their hall where :.'i elegant dinner awaited them There were more than one hun dred to enjoy the dinner, among them, as guests, were Mr. and Mrs. Kdwin Falloon. On Wednesday afternoon the W. R. C. drove to the cemetery to tenderly strew flowers upon the graves of their departed mem bers. TUB IK N\MKS KNOWN “We only know they fought and died, and o'er their graves the wind has sighed, for many a long, slow-looted year; and win ter's snow has drifted here; and in the dawning warmth of spring the joyous birds came here to sing! we only know that rest is sweet to weary hearts and toiling feet, and they who sleep beneath the sod gave all they had to give to God. And in their radiance of the Throne, their names are known their names arc known! We know not from what homes they came; we cannot guess their dreams of fame; but lamps for them did vainly burn, and moth ers waited for their return, and listened at some cottage door, for steps that sounded never more; and loving eyes grew dim with tears, and hearts grew old with grief of years. And here they sleep, as they have slept, since legions o’er the country swept; where mothers wait before the Throne, their names are known their names are known.—Walt Mason. Will be Treated at Lincoln T. Mosier, who has been in very poor health for some time, and who suffers from epilepsy, was taken to Lincoln for treat ment. He returned from there a few years ago much improved in health and it was thought by taking him there again he would be much improved in a short time. Postmasters Get Good News The twenty-sixth annual re adjustment of postmasters salar ies, was announced at Washing ton, D. C. Wednesday, effective July 1. Kalis City's increase will be $200 and Humboldt and Stella I each $100. NOT SO BAD Rulo Has Many Things of Which She Can Boast To The Tribune: Rulo has ! the name of being a rather tough town. Well, in some re spects there is some truth in it. If Rulo has a bad name it is more on account of drinking to excess than on account of the crimes committed. Hut, our present town board, of whom Rulo is justly proud, seem to be resolved to move this evil from our midst and re store, in this point, the good name of the town. Hut, in spite of this one deploring evil, there is a mighty good set of people in this town near the Missouri river. The town has a good public school, an excellent stall' of teachers, both of which we are proud. Also two tine churches, a Methodist and a Catholic. The Catholics also have a school oi their own, conducted by the Sisters of the Most Precious Blood. There are three Sisters, one attends to the household duties and looks, in a motherly way after the innerman of the Sisters and boarders, and the other two teach. The two who teach the children to do won. dertul things just think of only two teachers to teach and six pupils received a diploma in the Palmer system of hand writing, and quite a number, in eluding the ones named: Leslie Cronin, Agnes Kanaly, Esther Boehme, Eliza Mahan, Frances Pierce and Anna lieinke, re Iceived a diploma from County Superintendent Oliver lor fin ishing the eighth grade. Besides this we have quite a number of girls who are musi cians. well versed in music and of the theatrical ability of the children at the Catholic school. Now, who will say that Rulo has nothing to boast of! *#* Base Ball Spirit Auburn is a great ball town. One of our local sports attend ed a game at that place last week and tells us, that on ;i large bill board at the ball ground, are signs that read like thi-: “For a home run you may have a tine suit of clothes at my store. A three base run gives you the choice af all my neck ties. A two base run and you are entitled to a line stick pin.” The board lias been placed there by one of their clothing men. Old People s Services The third annual Old People’s service, will be held at the Breth ren church next Sunday morning, j The aged are especially invited | to hear an uplifting service. The I young are invited to bring jov 1 and good cheer to those who will not be with tis long. I Children’s exercises in the ev jening. Parents come and sec the | accomplishments of your child ! ren. | ..- ■ ■ --- Return From School Misses Vesta Lively. Edith DeMers, Myrtle Yocam and Inez | Wachtel and Messrs Scholl and Will Hutchinson, all of this place returned Wednesday night from Peru where they have been at tending the state normal this j year. Misses Yocum and Lively were members of this years grad uating class. Will Play Ball Mound City, Mo., and Falls City will play a game of ball at Poteet’s park, Friday afternpon at 3:30. The boys have been furnishing treats in the way of a hot, clean game and promise you another good one at this time. Don’t fail to see this * game. ■ ■■ I —»■... .mm——a. DIED AT HIS HOME MONDAT W F. FOSTER WAS A VICTIM OF CONSUMPTION The Funeral was Held Wednesday and the Remains Taken to Barada for Burial W. P. Poster was born in Craig Mo., in 1886, ?ind was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Foster, and died at his home in the east part of Palls City, Monday morning, May .U, at the age of twenty three years. lie came to Nebraska with Ins parents eight years ago and has made his home near this city since then. In l'*07 he was mar ried to Miss Maud Walters and to them was born one child, which was taken from them making the home desolate. Mr. Foster had not been well for many months and was a vic tim of that dread disease, con sumption. All that loving hands could do was done but lie could not be relieved of his sullering. Funeral services were held from the Holiness church Wednesday afternoon and the remains taken to Barada for burial. To the young wife, when her grief seems more than she can bear, we extend sympathy. He also leaves a mother, Mrs. Lucin da Edwards, of this city, and five sisters, Mrs. -lames Haith of Barada, Mrs. Louise Schevenfert and Mrs. Jessie Burkett of Kulo, Mrs. Chas. Noyles of Barada and Miss Goldie Edwards. TO THE VOTERS A D. Sargent, Candidate for County Superintendent I wish to take this means of letting the voters of Richardson county know that I will be a can didate for county superintendent at the coming election. My only pledge shall be absolute fairness to all. Your support will be ap preciated. Ai.bkkt I). Sakgknt. 21 —ft Humboldt, Neb. Are Home on a Visit C- F. Yoder and wife and two little daughters, of Montreal, Canada, are in the city visiting at the home of his parents, Elder E. L. Yoder and wife. Mr. Yoder is a Falls City boy who has be come one of the strongest minis ters in the United Brethern church He has also become noted because of the number of religious books and stories he lias become author of. Mrs. Yoder is also a noted church worker and will be re membered as Miss l’eari Agnes Lutz. They will leave some time during the summer for South America as missionaries. Governor Talks Gov- A C. Shellenbarger gave ;the commencement address to the graduating class of the Peru Normal Tuesday. His subject was “Worth While in Education- ’ Senator Majors presented the di plomas. Besides the governor, many other prominent persons i were present at the commence ! ment. Received Apportionment Wednesday Supt T. J. Oliver received the May apportionment from the state fund for the publi: i schools of this county. The .amount was $4,524.07. Memorial Services Nemaha Valley Lodge No. 36 I. 0 O. F., will hold their annual memor ial services at the Christian church next Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p. n;. The address will be delivered by Kev. F. E. Day. After the services at the church they will go in a body tothe Steel-; cemetery and decorate the graves of the departed brothers. They will meet at their hail promptly at two o'clock and go to the church in a body. Every member is urged to be I present.