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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1909)
lltMolict ■ ty The Falls City Tribune Vol. VI FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1909. Number 21 THE WEEK’S SOCIAL EVENTS AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Various Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals, Lodges, Clubs, Churches, Etc. Tuesday afternoon Misses Hose and Emma Schaible entertained the cradle roll of the Methodist church and their mothers at their beautiful home in the north part of town- A pleasant afternoon was spent and the little ones seemed to enjoy it. Nineteen babies were present. The K- K. club were entertain ed at Jenne’s opera house Tues day afternoon. Mrs. Charles Loree will enter tain tonight (Thursday) at her home in honor of her two nieces, Mrs. John Smith of Texas and Miss Elizabeth Miller of Lincoln. Mrs- I. C.Maust planned a very clever surprise for Leon Norris at her home Tuesday evening. The evening was spent in music and games and “fortune telling.” A delicious lunch was served and all enjoyed the evening. Leon will leave in a few days for Montana to spend his summer vacation with his grandparents, B. F. Norris and wife. Tonight, Miss Fanny Beaver will entertain the senior class at an old fashioned tatfy pull at her home in Evergreen Heights. About 75 friends gathered at the home of Elmer Else Thurs day evening and helped celebrate the 21st birthday anniversary of Wijse Else. Elegant refresh ments were served and all enjoy ed the evening. Mr. and Mrs. S A. Little. Misses Marv Murphy and Aggie McKiever from this city were among the guests. Miss Pearl Fields entertained the members of the senior class at her country home Thursday night- Ihey met at the home ot RiH Houston and went in hacks to the country. The evening was a pleasant one for all present. The hostess served a delightful lunch. On Saturday evening Nellie Hossack entertained the members • of the class of 1 TO of the Falls City high school and Prof- Hurst at her home on South Harlan street. The evening was spent in playing games and music. A lunch was served and the young people enjoyed themselves until a late hour. ?»Iiss Crete Stewart entertained with a card party Saturday even ing in honor of Miss Ruth Reavis ani Miss Hazel White of Falls City. The guests were: Misses Lvle Schilling, Velma Roscoe, Laveta Brokaw.Eva Bechtei,Lois Voneida, Mary Means and Ada Bowron and Gus Steele, Kalph Sinclair, Samuel Bierer, Ralph Dilley, Ray Zimmerman, Flake Smith, dames Sterns, Allan Ger rnann, Caleb Bowron and Robert Herman. The evening was spent playing cards. Miss Layeta Brokaw won the prize, a box of candy.—Hiawatha World. Mrs. Emma H. Fuller of Te cnmseh. grand conductress of the order of Eastern Star acting in the capacity of grand matron in stalled Falls City Chapter No.225 last evening. The following officers were installed: Mrs-E-G. VYhitford; worthy matron; E. G. Wbitford, worthy patron; Mrs Zola Davies, associate matron; Miss Helen Gilman, secretary; Ralph Roberts, treasurer: Mrs. All’reda Wilson, conductoress; Miss Lizette Patzman, associate conductoress. The chapter starts out with a membership of 23. After installation the grand con ductoress gave a very interesting lecture exemplifying the work. The Friends in Council held the | last meeting of their club year at the home of the Gehling girls on Friday night. Miss Keim read an excellent paper. The next j year’s work was discussed at' length and committees were ap-j pointed to arrange a program for the coming club year. Delightful refreshments were served. The guests then had the pleasure of inspecting the beautiful new home the girls have just had completed. They were ushered from garret to basement. It is one of the finest homes in our city. Misses Susan Gehling and Ruth McMillan accompanied the kin dergarten and first grade from Harlan school to the city park Saturday where they spent a pleasant day. The teachers fur nished a nice treat for the little ones. The Shakespeare club held its annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Hargrave Saturday last. The members told of the pleasant features of the years work. The club decided to take up a Win ter’s Tale with questions from “What is Shakespeare’’ after con cluding King Sear- Election of officers then followed,resulting as follows. Mrs. John Gilligan, president; Mrs. George Holland, vice-president; Mrs- W.W.Abbey, secretary and treasurer. Mrs. I Keavis then gave a delightful farewell talk in which she thank ed the ladies tor their co-opera tion with her during her two years as president of the club. This meeting closed a very suc cessful and instructive club year. The M. E Kensington met Wednesday afternoon with Misses Rose and Emma Schaible. A business meeting was held which proved to be a very profitable one. This was the guesday of the club and although the weath er was bad about 30 were present MEMORIAL SERVICES Rev. F. Ellsworth Day Delivered a Patriotic Address Sunday morning at 11 o’clock the members of the G. A- R. and W. R. C. marched from their hall to the Christian church where Rev. F. lv Ray delivered an able address and paid tribute to the old soldiers. Special music was rendered by the Christian choir The duet by Mrs. Rieger and Miss Prater “Cover them over with beautiful flowers” was well received. The text taken for the sermon was “No greater love hath a man than to lay down his life for a friend.” The church was beautifully decorated with the national colors, potted plants and cut flowers which added much to the appearace of the scene. ATCHISON VS FALLS CITY A Large Crowd Witnessed The Ball Came at Poteet's Park The tirst ball game of the sea son was played at Poteet’s park Wednesday afternoon. A good crowd was present, but owing to the rain during the afternoon many were forced to remain at home, who had intended to at tend, Atchison and Falls City played a good game, as both teams were good ones and those who attend ed were well pleased. The game was a ten inning one and the score 6 to 7 in favor of Falls City. Next Tuesday our boys will play a game with the Pottawa tomie Indians at this place and promise our people one of the best games of the season. Card of Thanks I take this means of thanking m}’ many kind friends and neigh bors, who so thoughtfully and willingly assisted me during the sickness and death of my wife. Henky J. Keoepfee. SPENT MONDAY NIGHT HERE THEY WILL MEET COMPANIES A I AND E AT LEAVENWORTH Company D Signal Corps of Fort Omaha in the city Enroute to Leavenworth Capt. W. H Oury, with SO men representing Company I), signal corps, of Fort Omaha, arrived here Monday morning at 10 o’clock. The city park was turn ed over to them for a camping ground anil the auditorium was also thrown open and they were made welcome by our city officials. Company D is on its way to Fort Leavenworth. Kan., a t which place it will meet the other three companies, A, I and K, and there try out the different meth ods and standardize a signal method. Captain Oury and his company were in good spirits and say they have been receiving the most courteous treatment o n their march so far. They lett here at 7 a. m- Tuesday and expect to reach Ft. Leavenworth about June 1. HELD BLUE ROCK SHOOT W VEACH AND O BRIEN WERE HIGH MEN AT THE SHOOT A Large Crowd Attended the Blue Rock Shoot at the Park Friday. Saturday A blue rock shoot held at the city park Friday and Saturday proved to be a grand success. There were not as 'many profes sionals here as was hoped for owing to the fact that the Iowa state shoot was held on the same dates, although there* were a goodly number present to take an active part. O'Brien won high place with the professional men, and Will Veach of this citv was the high amateur as he broke 140 straight, second l'k> out of 200, missing only 10 in 400. Meisenheimer of Hiawatha lost 44 blue rocks out of 400, and his score on the last 200 was ISO. Hurst of Iowa is another expert who got in on the money. • The Hiawatha World says: “Men like Veach, though they do not make their living shooting, ' • / THE NEW IMPROVED TWO LETTER JUNIOR LINOTYPE RECENTLY INSTALLED IN THE TRIBUNE OFFICE DID NOT REACH HUMBOLDT Forced to Return Home, Arriving Here About Seven O'clock Sunday afternoon If e v. If. Cooper Hailey, wife and daugh ter Miss Elsie, Miss Agnew and Tom Poteet, started in Pcteet’s touring car for Humboldt where the former was to deliver the memorial address to the (1. A.If. at that place and Miss Agnew was to sing. When they were a few miles west of Verdon a tire on the car went to the bad and a new one was immediately put on, but before going any distance it to bursted. A heavy rain came up at that time and thej' tried to hire a team to make the trip but could not and were forced to wrap the wheel with rope and return to this citv, arriving here about 7:30. This was very much regretted as it is the first engagement lfev. Bailey has broken in more than twenty years. Some times things seemed dark and the road was a hard one, but he always managed to arrive on schedule time. are as good a s professionals. Veach is a Falls City farmer and is the best dense powder shot in the world." Died Tuesday Night Mrs- Susan Haeffele died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Albert Hartman, north of this city Tues day night. She had reached the ripe old age of 75 years. She was born in Baden, Germany, and came to America in 1854 and was married that year to Fred Haeffele- Fight children, all of whom are still living were born I to them. The funeral services I will be held from the home of I Mrs. Hartman Friday afternoon i at 1 o’clock and the remains laid to rest in the Bowan cemetery, ; northeast of Falls City. Wrestling Match The wrestling match at the |Gehlingwras well attended. It ' was between Burns of Iowa and ! McDonald of Denver- Burns 1 threw McDonald twice in straight I falls, the lirst was in 20 minutes j and the second in ten minutes. James Whitney of Salem acted as i referee. HIGH SCHOL CLOSES Bid Farewell to Teachers and Pupils On Friday morning when all the scholars gathered at the high school building, the meeting proved to be a sad one. The time had arrived for the teach ers and pupils to say good bye until the opening of another school year. It was also the time for the senior class to bid farewell to the old high school and the teachers and pupils, whom they had learned to love so well. The tinal roll call was heard, and speaches were made by the presidents of the differ ent classes,also by the members of the basket ball and track teams, manager and assistant manager ol the < )range a n d Black. Prof. E. K. Hurst gave an exceedingly nice talk and Prof. Wood, who will have charge of the school next year was present and addressed the school. At II o’clock the mem bers of high school went to the city park and en joyed a picnic dinner, and this was the closing of year’s work at the Falls City High school. TO THE VOTERS A. D. Sargent. Candidate for County Superintendent 1 wish to take this means of letting the voters of Richardson county know that I wiil be a can didate for county superintendent at the coming election. My only pledge shall be absolute fairness to all. Your support will be ap preciated. Ai.iskkt 1). Sakc.knt. 21-4t Humboldt, Neb. Story Hour at the Library To all discerning minds, one of the most important branches of education is the primary de partment. Not all ot this is in school. The Library also has its primary department. Here the Librarian gathers the cliil dren and tells them stories, se lected from the best literature, history, folk lore and myths. These are told not merely to give the children pleasure, but also to help them in their selec tion of books. Last Saturday Miss Spencer had her first “Story Hour”. Twenty eight little people came to the Library and listened to two or three old stories. Dur ing the summer, the hour from one to two on Wednesday’s will oe the children's. Miss Spencer wants to have all the boys and girls under ten who care to come, to belong to her Story Hour. Broken Bones While playing base ball with the team from the St. Louis medi cal college a short time ago, Mark Ryan, son Lary Ryan, was unfortunate enough to fall and break both bones in the limb, fie is a student in one of the leading medical colleges in St. Louis and is a member of the junior class. He has many friends here who will regret to learn of his acci dent. Ball Came Tuesday The Pottawatomie Indians, wtio are touring the state will visit this city Tuesday. June 1. They have a strong base ball team and will play the Falls City boys that afternoon at 51:510. A good game is guaranteed. Come out and show the boys your heart is in the right place. Fncourage them and we will have a ball team this season. Idaho Bill Here The Idaho Hill show played at this place Saturday afternoon. A large crowd attended. It like most shows of its kind pleased some, while others were disap pointed. A good display of rope throwing was seen on Stone street before the performance at I'oteets I ball park. DEATHS IN THIS COUNTY SEVERAL DEATHS REPORTED TO US THIS WEEK Well Known Richardson Count/ People Have Been Called to Their Reward KLOKI'FKl, Mrs* Katherine Kloepfel, wife of Henry J. Kloepfel, died at their home nine miles northeast of this place Thursday,May 20. This couple were married on the 22d of last November, 1908. She was in poor health at that time but her condition was not con sidered to be serious, but a short time alter their marriage she took cold and it settled on tier lungs and developed into consumption. She was ever pa tient and hopeful that she would be restored to health and bore all her trials and suffering as only a true Christian could. To the young husband who has been so patient and faithful we extend our deepest sympa thy in so dark an hour. Funer al services were held from the home May 22 and the remains were taken to her old home at Springfield. 111., for burial. Mr. Kloepfel accompanied them to that place. nAUKAL The many friends of George Harral were shocked on Sunday morning to learn of his death. Mr. Harral, has traveled as ad juster for the Continental Insur ance Co. and returned home the last of the week complaining of feeling poorly. A physician was called and did all he could for him,but his condition grew so dangerous that a specialist from Omaha was telegraphed for. Upon the latter's arrival Sunday morning at 7 o’clock, he pro nounced the patient in a dying condition,beyond reach of medi cal aid. His death occurred 3 hours later. Mr. Harral w a s about iiO years of age and leaves a wife. His parents reside in Colorado being quite aged, and a brother lives at Norton, Kansas. He was a wealthy man and had ex tensive land interests in Rich ardson county. The deceased was well known here and our people regret very much t o learn of his death. The funeral services were held from the Catholic church at Dawson Tuesday. V AN V Al'LKI NBl'Kl • Ethel Fee was born June »ith, 1 KHb, was married to Frank Van vaulkinburg in April, lbUb, died at the home ol her father-in-law, D. Vanvaulkinburg, in Rulo, on Monday evening, May 24th, ’09. A few months ago they went to Denver, hoping that the change of climate would be beneficial. She seemed to gain lor a while, but in a short time began to de cline and was brought back to Kulo several days ago to await the summons which she knew would soon come. The funeral took place from the M. E. church conducted by Rev. Bennet Maze. She leaves a husband and little daughter, mother and sister, and numerous other relatives to mourn her early departure. The sorrowing relatives have the profound sympathy of a host of friends. During her stay here Ethel made many friends, and it seems sad for her to be taken ' from home and loved ones so young, but if she lias missed some happiness here, she has al so missed many sorrows, and she went with hopes of a resi dence in a brighter home. Beau tiful flowers covered the loved form, which was tenderly borne to its last resting place. *