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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1909)
IE COMERS AND GOERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing tht Past Week. — Eat Sowles Candy Dr. Wilson, Wahl's building. Green Russian seed oats at Heck's feed store. George Gilligan was a Hiawa tha visitor Sunday. Dr. W. E. Lyons. Osteopath, office Wahl building, 'phone 4-M>. Gih'i. Wanted—To do general housework. Good wages. Inquire of S. I!. Miles. The Missouri drag would place our streets in fine condition after these splendid rains. J. M. Williams of Aubu n at tended the meeting of the High landers at this place Tuesday eve ning. The late rains were general and the threatened drought is broken. Vegitation never looked better. Will Davis was down from Humboldt Friday and visited at the home of his brother-in-law, Amos Gantt. Will Resterer who has been visiting at the home of his par ents at this place, left Friday for Muskogee, Oklahoma. Misses Florence Judd and Kii ma returned to this city Monday morning after spending Sunday with their parents at Dawson. Sig Spaeth has treated his tonsorial parlor to a coat of paint and bright new paper which gives it a very attractive appearance Ernest Bode has been quite sick for several davs the past week, but is again able to take up his work at the Matthew Little department store. Mrs. Clern Firebaugh left Tuesday for Seneca. Kas.. where she was called by the serious ill ness of her brother. Pat Casey. He is suffering from a siege of typhoid fever. Mrs. M. C. Conover and Mrs Chas, Weaver of Verdon, spent Thursday in this city. They were guests of the latter's sister in-law. Mrs, Jake Bloom. Mrs. Conover was a pleasant caller at this office. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bracelin and daughter Ellen, of St. Paul. Minn., arrived in the city Satur day on a visit to Mr. Bracelin’s mother. Mrs. Nellie King. They will also visit the former's home in Lincoln before returning to St. Paul. Miss Ethel Shields and nephew little Floyd Shields, left venter day for Fairbury, to spend a few days with her brother, Milo Shields and wire. They will al so attend the Campbell Bros-, circus at that place the latter part of the week. Mrs. Jennie Darner and little son arrived in this city from Ohio and will spend some time at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. C. Leister. Mr. Darner will arrive in this city in about six weeks t o remain permanently, identifying himself w i t h the Falls City Business college. , lufel ^uariint♦'*■**• full viiJut and all new feature* in yuici\ ijRir ulutu Tin: ^ii \r» o i ace. no HI liOlM> CATCHERS' MITTS Till MW SHORTSTOP’S GLOVE-M ITTS 1 OR CLEAN WORK Sc/>rmtotS OFFICIAL LEACUE BALL Guaranteed In every way. BASE BALL SUITS 12 Grades, All C olors. Cut to Measure. A compuribon is convincing. Bee for yourself. FOR BALE BY [ A. G. WANNER Notice to Property Owners All parties who need n e w walks should >ee (.'has. Heine man. he guarantees them and builds them at reasonable prices. A good concrete walk is a thing of beauty and a ;ov forever. Tel ephone lll-ll‘K'77 or drop a pos tal to Heineman and he will do the rest. t; Congressman K. M 1‘ 'Hard and wife were in the city a ^hort time Wednesday. Thev were on their way from Salem r.» their home in Nehawka. Mr. Pollard addressed the commencement class at Salem Tuesday evening. While at that place he and his wife were guests of his cousin, Dr. Pollard. Mr. Pollard made this office a verv pleasant call. Mrs. Etta Schoenheit and son, Lothair, returned Sunday night from Summet, Pa-, where she was called last week by the ill ness of her brother. Donnie Mc Connell. He is suffering from brain fever and when Mrs. Scho enheit left, he was no better and the attending physicians give them no hope. Mose Paxton came up from Kansas City to attend commence ment exercises, but unfortunately made a mistake in the date of the exercises and was compelled to return home Wednesday morning. He was of the impression they were to be held Tuesday instead of Wednesday night. Misses May Maddox and Clara Tanner and Mrs. J. R. Wilhite left Monday for Omaha to attend the annual meeting of the Wo man's Auxiliary of the Episcopal church. They were delegates from the local church and the meeting was in session two days. John Maddox and wife of Au burn spent Tuesday at this place visiting at the home of the form er's aunt, Mrs. Margaret Maddox. They also attended the Highland* er entertainment in the evening. The city council met in an ad journed session Friday evening. G- A. Alexander, who purchased the Schoenheit saloon stock, was granted a saloon license and the water question was discussed. George Grinstead accompanied Prof. T. J. Oliver to Salem Tues day. He visited his brother, R. E. Grinstead and attended the commencement exercises in the evening. Rev- and Mrs. G. L. Xeide were Omaha visitors this week. They attended the annual meeting of the Episcopal church held at that place. Miss Francis Ramsey left Mon day for Omaha to visit with friends a few days. She will al so see “Saluation Nellie’’ at that place. This is tine growing weather and the fanner who had hi-- corn planted before the late rains, is among the fortunate ones. Miss Lottie Putnam will 'eave Mondav for Madison. Wisconsin, where she will spend the summer with her brother. W. Prichard cai fr . Pawnee City Friday, and spent a few days in the cov-try with his brothers. Charles Ileck came up from. St Joseph and spent Sunday with his parents, (). P. Heck and wife. Miss Bessie Hoover of Stella was in the city Monday visiting her friend. Mrs. Ham Willard. The G. A. K. memorial service will be held at the Christian church Sunday morning. Elva, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cox, has been very sick for the past few days. Will Zoeller and family of Pres ton, were shopping at th:« place Saturday. For Sale:—My farm home ad* joinging Falls City. George A. ABhott E. O- Buehler of Hiawatha was a business visitor at this place Monday. — Dr. W. E. Lyons, Osteopath, office Wahl building, 'phone 44f>. Carl Frederick of Kulo. was a Sunday visitor at this place. Frank Sneathen came down from Humboldt Saturday. Seed oats at Heck's teed store. Hr- Halm is suffering from blood poison on his hand. Prof. K. K- Hurst spent Sun day in Auburn visiting Prof. Stouder. Louise Rule attended the corn* meneement exercises at Salem Tuesday evening. Wantiui To rent a five or six room house by June 1st Inquire at this office. tt c’. A. Heck has a nice lot of extra fine seed corn. Don’t forget to see him before you buy. Miss Kdna Crook returned this week from Texas, where she has been attending school the past year. George Wahl and wife are the proud parents o! a baby boy that arrived at their home Tuesday* May IS. Harvey Thompson who has been very ill for several weeks is much improved and was able to walk up town Wednesday Mrs. Frank Camblin ami child ren will leave Sunday lor Ohio, to visit friends and relatives. She expects to be gone several weeks. James Bascom of this office, who spent the past two weeks with relatives and friends at Pawnee, returned to this city Saturday. Rev. Feeney of Auburn, had charge of the services at the Catholic church at this place last Sunday, and Rev. II. Hex took charge of his work at Auburn. Henry Hausenvager of Tecum seh spent a few days in the city with his mother, Mrs. Hausen yager and his two sisters, Mrs. Fred HarkendortT and Mrs. Win, Oswald. R. B. Moody and daughter Ida, came over from Mound City, the first of the week to visit the form er’s daughter, Mrs. Jesse Nichol son and son. Albert Moody, and their families Judge J. B. Raper of Pawnee and Judge W. H. Kelligarof Au burn, were in the city the first of the week. They spent a few hours with Judge Francis Martin who is very ill at his home in this city. Lice soon eat up vour profits! Kill of this pest quickly and sure ly with Conkev’s preparations: Lice Powder for setting hens; Lice Liquid for ridding the house of mites; Head Lice Ointment for the baby chick. All guaranteed and for sale by C. A. II eck. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gussett rf Horton. Kansas, spent a few days in the city visiting their parents, Mr- and Mrs. Win. Gos sett and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Snyder. They came to attend commencement exercises, the former's sister, Miss Gertrude, being a member of the class. During the past week George Reichers purchased the Gus Net tlebeck property and will dispose of the house to make room for an up-to-date cottage which Mr. Reichers will erect this summer. Tnis is a very pretty part of town just north of where Albert Maust and Mr. Redwood are building fine large homes. The “America Alarms They’re particularly good ior railroad men, car conductors, and all people who have to get up in time and live on time. R. B. Simpson, The Jeweler. ! North Window of Kerr * Pharmacy t Joe Graves came down from Humboldt Friday and transacted business at this place- Mr Graves contracted for a brick building at Verdon, which Scott Saylor is planning to build. This makes three new bricks that Mr. Graves will erect at that p!a<v, which will greatly improve Main street, and replace those destroy ed by tire a few months ago. Matthew Moore catnedown from Humboldt Saturday morning and spent short time with friends in this city. He yvason his way to Hiawatha for a short visit. While here he made us a pleasant call and renewed his subscription to the Tribune. Charles Bracelin, who arrived in the city last week on a visit to relatives, left the first of the week for his home in St- I'aul, Minn. Mrs. Bracelin and daughter KUen will remain in the city for some time with Mrs. Bracelin's mother, Mrs. KUen King. Mrs. Ephraim Withee and son Gene and Miss Jesse Withee of Stella and Mrs. W. C. Sloan and two sons of Verdon spent a few days this week at the home of John Ilossack. They came Wed nesday to attend commencement. Ouimby Hossack came down from Omaha Monday night and remained in the city a few days, attending the commencment ex ercises Wednesday evening. M. C. Walters who has been managing t h e Heiser-Walters pool hall, this week purchased Mr- Heiser’s interest and is now sole owner and proprietor. Mrs- Josephine Stains, who closed her school at Salem this week is spending a few days in this city at the home of Mrs. Su san Judy and other friends. M r s. Pearl Vaniandingham who has spent some time at Howe returned to this city to visit her mother, Mrs. David Ransom. Will Hershy and wife came down from Lincoln and spent a part of the week with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Eva Davison. Clark Hedges came up from Kansas City and spent Sunday in the city the guest of his brother. Herbert Hedges and family. Sam Stewart and wife, Roy and Rob Hart and Thomas Jones all af Reserve spent Wednesday eve ning at this place. Miss Helen Burchard returned Sunday from Reserve, where she attended a party at the home of Miss Nellie Hart. The brick building of John Powell’s is going up rapidly and it will be only a few weeks until it is completed. Mrs Myrtle Holland of Wichi ta, Kansas, is in the city visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Eva Davison. The Baptist Boys’ Brigade will j meet as usual next Friday night1 at 7:15. Every boy is requested to be present. Rev. G. F. Reichel returned from Kansas City Wednesday af ternoon. He reports a very pleas ant visit. Miss Millicent Bower assisted in John Powell's office last week, while Nellie Downs was in Kan sas City. J. O'Keefe, the court reporter, of Beatrice, is in the city this week attending tne district court. Mrs- Thomas McLane came up from Kansas City to attend dis trict court and visit relatives. Joe Forney, wife and baby are in the city visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Thomas Daily. Grace Harlan of Salem, was in this city Saturday shopping. She also visited Mrs. I- L. Mead. Mrs I. L. Mead went to Salem yesterday to spend a few days with Mrs.W.W. Spurlock •Jeff Jobe came down from Ta ble Rock Monday and transacted business in this city. Will Nedrowof Verdon, was in the city Saturday looking after business matters. Elmer Hoselfon of Preston was a business visitor at this place Saturday. A yearling shorthorn bull for sale. See John Rieschick. tl Baking ^Powder ^/Ibjoltxicly Turc The Only Raking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar —made from Grapes— Royal Baking Powder has not its counterpart at home or abroad. Its qualities, which make the food nutritious and healthful, are peculiar to itself and are not constituent m other leavening agents. 1C. L. Bowers of Verdon was on our streets Friday. George E. Turnci of Salem was a visitor here Monday, E, !>. King and son of Shubert were visitors at this place Sunday. Frank Simons of Kulo was in the city Tuesday attending the district court. I. W. Harris came down from Stella Tuesday and was looking after business matters. Miss Wright came down from Salem Monday and did some shop ping and visited friends. Win. Leslie and J. F. Shubert of Shubert were here Monday looking alter legal matters at tne court house. I>r. and Mrs. h\ P. Roberts re turned home this week from Oma ha. where they were called a few days ago bv the serious illness of a relative at that place. Rev. R. Cooper Bailey will de liver the memorial address at. Humboldt Sunday afternoon. The G. A. R. have invited all the fra ternal societies tomect with them and it wall be a union service. Key. R. R. Teeter gave the ad dress at the commencement exer cises of the Rulo High School on Thursday evening- This is the second call Prof. Voegelein has made upon Mr- Tetter for com mencement addresses in two years. I Prof S- II. Wood of Parkers burg. Iowa, who has been hired for superintendent of our public schools for the coming year, spent a few days in the city this week. He came to attend the closing ex ercises of our schools Wednesday night. Jos. (Passer, assessor of Hum boldt township was a business visitor at this place Wednesday. He brought the assessor’s returns to this city and tiled them with N. ]J. Judd. Miss Maud Maddox spent a lew days in Lincoln this week, the guest of her sister, Miss May. She also visited her numerous friends at that place. The Naylor property in the east part of town is being wired for electric light and piped for water. They expect to move into it in a few days. Conkev’s Lice Powder, going fast at C. A. Heck’s. Poultry men, take advantage of free offer. Won’t taint eggs. It Mrs. Fred Heineman of Verdott was in the city Wednesday visit* ing her sister, Miss Myrtle How ers, Levi K. Chaney of Stella made a business trip to this place Mon day. C-K.Ferrow of Humboldt trans acted business at this place Mon day. I Wanted!! I I i; Horse and Cow Hides, £ Wool and Pelts X X X ;i; Highest Market Price £ f | Porter Randolph 1 Ij! Falls City, Nebraska lj! Every Day—All Day Those are the two times you need a reliable watch. You can find such here and ONLY such, too We don t buy the otner kind Watches are oar specially, not only in re pairing but in buying and selling to the best advantage to our customers A. E. JAOUET -The Old Reliable” Chas. M. Wilson offers you a line of German China Salad Bowls ^Cp nicely decorated at, your choice Also a lot of (ilass Vases, the tall kind for stem flowers, at i1 ic per inch, or your choice for.25 cents See the above in the south window, at Chas. M. Wilson’s